The Impact of Internet Access on Household Expenditure using the
Matching Method
Herfita Rizki Hasanah Gurning
and Muhammad Khaliqi
Department of Development Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T.M Hanafiah, SH,
Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. A. Sofian No.3, Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Propensity Score Matching, Impact, Internet Access, Household Expenditure.
Abstract: Consumer education magazine published by OJK OJK (2017) informed that InterMedia in its report stated
that 40% of the population in the very poor category have the mobile phone and even 0.1% of them have
mobile money accounts. Moreover, it also reported that Indonesia was ranked first as the fastest growth in
internet connection in the world. This study aims to evaluate the impact of internet access on household
expenditure in Indonesia by using cross-section data sourced from the 5th wave of the Indonesian family life
survey (IFLS). This study uses a Propensity Score Matching method. Estimated by using STATA 15, the
result confirms that internet access has a significant impact in determining household expenditure in
Indonesia. Households having internet access have about 29% higher expenditure than other households.
Consumer education magazine published by OJK
(2017) informed that InterMedia in its report stated
that 40% of the population in the very poor category
have the mobile phone and even 0.1% of them have
mobile money accounts. Moreover, it also reported
that Indonesia was ranked first as the fastest growth
in internet connection in the world, ranked third in the
fastest growth in internet usage in the world, ranked
fourth in Facebook usage, and ranked fifth in Twitter
Since 2011, increasing connectivity and
interaction between humans, machines, and other
resources that are increasingly converging through
information and communication technology is a sign
of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 beginning.
Nowadays, the internet is almost being the primary
need of the community. In almost everything people
do, they use the Internet. People use it for getting the
up-to-date information, for working, for social life,
for education, for entertainment, and also for using e-
The rapid development of e-commerce is also
allowed to affect the consumption patterns of all
people without recognizing the age level, the income
level, and the level of education (Hermawan, 2017).
E-commerce helps in facilitating buy-sell
transactions so that customers feel comfortable, can
save their time, and sometimes pay less for certain
products than if customers buy them offline
(Irmawati, 2011).
Moreover, the use of the Internet has an impact on
increasing electricity use because it requires
supporting devices to use it. While the supporting
devices require electricity to be used for a certain
time. Generally, power usage on digital devices
including television, audio/visual equipment, and
broadcasting infrastructure, consumes about 5% of
global electricity use in 2012 (Van Heddeghem et al.,
2014). In other words, the Internet can affect the
amount of household expenditure both food
expenditure and non-food expenditure.
For international literature, this paper contributes
in several aspects. First, compared to other literature
such as Hong (2007); Colley & Maltby (2008);
Khanal & Mishra (2013); Van Heddeghem et al
(2014); Renteria, (2015); and Zhang et al (2017) this
study uses a survey of data with self-reported
information by households in Indonesia about
internet use and total household expenditure. So, this
allows us to get a real impact calculation. Second, this
study examines generally the impact of internet use
(internet usage for communication, transportation,
online shopping, etc.) on total household expenditure.
While some earlier studies looked only at the impact
Hasanah Gur ning, H. and Khaliqi, M.
The Impact of Internet Access on Household Expenditure using the Matching Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0009314305420548
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 542-548
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of using mobile banking. In addition, most of the
earlier studies looked only at the impact of the
internet on household expenditure partially and the
social impact of internet use. Third, by using the
Propensity Score Matching method, this study is able
to obtain a value of the impact of internet access, not
just to see the correlation of internet access to
household expenditure.
2.1 Household Expenditure
Keynes Income Theory of Money says the most
profitable output and employment level depends on
aggregate demand or total expenditure on goods and
services. Total spending is made on consumer goods
and investment goods.
Consumer household expenditures generally
divided into two form, food expenditure and non-food
expenditure. It also commonly termed as household
spending. Household spending is the amount of final
consumption expenditure made by resident
households to meet their everyday needs, such as
food, clothing, housing (rent), energy, transport,
durable goods (notably cars), health costs, leisure,
and miscellaneous services (OECD, 2019).
This study uses variable household expenditure as
an outcome variable, that is affected by internet
access. The variable is total household expenditure
(food and non-food) per amount of household
member. It can be termed as household expenditure
per capita.
2.2 Internet Access and Household
Zhang et al (2017) made research in China. One of
the goals of it was to study the effects of the Internet
and cellular services on the expenditure of urban
households. According to this study, it can be
concluded that although China's telecommunications
industry has promoted price reductions and increased
speed, public demand for goods and services is not
only satisfied with basic needs, but more emphasis on
improving quality of life. The demand for
information consumption of consumer will be more
Whereas, similar study was conducted in Mexico.
It is a case study from rural communities in Mexico
about impact of mobile banking and mobile telephone
on household expenditures Renteria, (2015). By using
propensity score matching methodology, it inferred
that mobile banking can reduce spending on
communications and public transport, and reduction
of people's local commuting expenses is the main
benefits in terms of spending come from.
Moreover, internet access can increase the
electricity expenditure of household, because internet
access requires supporting devices which use
electricity to use it (Van Heddeghem et al., 2014).
Hong (2007) found varying degrees of potential
substitutability between internet growth and
consumer expenditures across different entertainment
goods (recorded music, newspapers, magazines,
books, video rental, video purchase, admission,
games, and toys). Hong conclude that many
households may have reduced total expenditures on
entertainment over time. A proportional decline in
expenditure on different entertainment items is a
reflection of the negative impact of the growth of the
Colley & Maltby (2008) conducted a study about
gender differences in Internet access and usage. The
results of the study found that the internet affected
women in terms of accessing information, learning
online, including shopping and booking trips online.
While men mention that the Internet has helped or
given them careers, positive socio-political effects,
and negative aspects of technology.
In addition, Khanal & Mishra (2013) assess the
impact of internet use on household income. It
confirmed that small farm households with access to
the Internet are better off in terms of total household
income and off-farm income. Small farms with access
to the Internet earn $24,000 to $27,000 more in total
household income and $26,000 to $29,000 more in
off-farm income. An increase in household income
will encourage an increase in household expenditure.
In line with Hong (2007); Colley & Maltby
(2008); Khanal & Mishra (2013); Van Heddeghem et
al (2014); and Zhang et al (2017), this paper analyse
the impact of internet access household expenditure.
Because in almost everything people do, they use the
Internet, so this paper assess on total household
expenditure (food and non-food expenditure) per
The data type used in this study is secondary data
from Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). This
study uses cross-section data from IFLS 5. IFLS5 was
fielded in late 2014 and early 2015 on the same set of
IFLS households and splitoffs: 16,204 households
The Impact of Internet Access on Household Expenditure using the Matching Method
and 50,148 individuals were interviewed (Strauss et
al, 2016).
3.1 Impact Evaluation
Impact evaluation is interested only in the impact of
the intervention (internet access) that is the effect on
outcomes (household expenditure) that the internet
access directly cause (Gertler et al, 2011). To evaluate
the impact can use quasi experiment.
The quasi experiment generates an untreated
group that resembles the treated group at least in the
characteristics observed by econometric
methodologies. Matching method is generally
considered the best alternative after randomized
3.2 Propensity Score Matching
Propensity score matching (PSM) is the matching
method commonly used. It can minimize bias by
adjusting the propensity score based on the same
covariates between the household having internet
access (treatment group) and the household having no
internet access (control group) (Rosenbaum & Rubin,
According to Caliendo & Kopeinig (2008) the
main PSM model will consist of treatment outcome
and control outcome of individual. In this study the
individual is household (i). An observed outcome
(household expenditure) can be expressed as:
= D
) Y
є {0,1} is treatment indicator. D
is equal to one
if the household i have internet access as a treatment
and 0 otherwise. Yi is the household expenditure, Y
is the household expenditure i when the household
have internet access as the treatment outcome or
when D
=1. Y
is the household expenditure of
household i when the household does not have
internet access as control outcome, or when D
Thus, the treatment effect for a household can be
written as the following equation:
This study estimates the average treatment effect
on the treated (ATET), the average among those who
have the internet access. ATET can be formulated as:
| D
=1] (3)
τATET = E(τ|D
=1) = E[Y
=1] - E[Y
=1] (4)
=1] is the household expenditure of the
household that have internet access, it is potentially
observable. E[Y
=1] is household expenditure of
the household that have internet access when they did
not have internet access and cannot be observed
because it is the missing counterfactual.
To calculate ATET, it is essential to find a
substitute for E[Y
=1]. One possible way is by
using the household expenditure of non-having
internet access E[Y
=0]. Because E[Y
=1] is
not observed at the same time when those household
have internet access, So, ATET can be estimated by
=1] - E[Y
=0] = τATET (5)
According to Sianesi in (Sulistyaningrum, 2016),
there are two assumptions to be applied in order to get
a comparison group similar to the treatment group in
observable characteristics in matching methods. First,
the model qualifies the CIA, the outcomes which is
given by the treatment group are not influenced by
other variables besides treatment variables. Second,
the model qualifies common support, a condition
when the scores density between the treatment group
and the control group is overlapped which represents
the similarity of characteristics between the two
Propensity Score Matching (PSM) estimated by
using five steps as follows.
1. Estimating propensity score, by choosing the
model and selecting the variables that should be
included in the model. This study uses logit model.
2. Choosing matching algorithm, there is no
superior method among all matching methods
(Nearest Neighbours; Caliper and Radius;
Stratification and Interval; Kernel and Local Linear;
and Weighting). This is due to the trade-off between
bias and variance that will affect the estimated ATT
value (Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008)
3. Checking the common support, this is very
important step in matching estimation because one of
the assumptions that should be fulfilled in the PSM.
4. Assessing the match quality, by testing
standardized bias test, test for equality of the mean
before and after matching (t-test), and test of joint
equality of means in the matched sample (hotelling-
test). If there is no difference means that the sample
used has good matching quality.
5. Estimating standard error and sensitivity
analysis. This step want to see sensitivity of findings
to hidden bias when the treated and untreated
households may differ in ways that have not been
measured. Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test is one method
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
of sensitivity analysis that was developed
(Rosenbaum, 2005)
4.1 Estimating Internet Access
Propensity Score
To estimate propensity score, this study uses logit
model. The probability of household to get the
internet Access is determined by the characteristics of
non-poor households. The characteristics are chosen
based on the characteristics that is determined by
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Indonesia.
Variable interest (treatment) used in the study
(variable internet access) which is the variable of
household have access to the Internet. It is a dummy
variable, which is 1 is for household have access to
the Internet and 0 otherwise.
Table 1: Internet Access Logit Model.
Parameter estimates
Coefficient SE
HH Job -0.334 0.045
Java 0.199 0.025
Wall Material -0.666 0.096
Floor Material -0.964 0.095
Roof T
e -0.783 0.232
0.545 0.187
Water source for drinkin
0.798 0.026
Constant -1.157 0.191
Note: dependent variable is internet access where 1 is
for recipient and 0 otherwise. All of independent are
significant at 1%.
Based on the estimation of internet access Logit
model (Table 1), it can be determined that all
variables significant in affecting a household to get
the internet access. The more poor a household, the
smaller the probability of a household to have the
internet access.
This characteristics are used as a control variable
to identify the impact of internet access. Of the many
dimensions and indicators determined, the researcher
identifying several variables of the IFLS data as
1. HH job is a dummy variable. It is job status
where 1 is worker and 0 otherwise.
2. Java is a dummy variable, where 1 is the
household is in Java and 0 otherwise.
3. Wall material is a dummy variable, where 1 is
Bamboo/ Woven/ Mat as the main material used in
the outer wall of the house and 0 otherwise.
4. Floor material is a dummy variable, where 1 is
dirt as main flooring type used in the house and 0
5. Roof type is a dummy variable, where 1 is
Foliage/ Palm Leaves/ Grass/ Bamboo as main
roofing type used in the house and 0 otherwise.
6. Electricity is a dummy variable, where 1 is if
household utilize electricity and 0 otherwise.
7. Water source for drinking is a dummy variable,
where 1 is aqua/ mineral water as the main water
source for drinking.
4.2 Choosing Matching Algorithm
This study uses Nearest Neighbour without
replacement algorithm because based on available
data, this study has a large amount of observation. So,
once the untreated household ( household with no
internet access) had been matched to the treated
household (household with internet access), that
untreated household is no longer eligible for
consideration as a match for a subsequent treated
household. Hence, we could include each untreated
household in at most one matched pair in the final
matched sample.
Figure 1 shows that there is a different in the
distribution of propensity values before matching
between the two groups.
Figure 1: The comparison of propensity score distribution
before matching.
4.3 Checking Common Support
Figure 4 shows that the model used in this study has
fulfilled the common support assumption. The
intersection of the curve between the group having
internet access (treatment group) and the group
having no internet access (control group) represents
the same propensity value between the treatment
group and the control group.
0 10 20 30
0 .2 .4 .6 0 .2 .4 .6
Untreated Treated
psmatch2: Propensity Score
Graphs by psmatch2: Treatment assignment
The Impact of Internet Access on Household Expenditure using the Matching Method
Figure 4: Propensity score distribution and common
support for propensity score estimation.
4.4 Assessing Matching Quality
Table 2 shows that all of the variables have a smaller
bias after matching. It is one of the characteristics of
matching quality. But, there is no clear standard for
determining success in bias standard reduction in the
matching method(Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008).
Table 2: Standardised Bias from NN Without Replacement
HH Job -11.30 -6.50
Java 10.80 2.70
Wall Material -14.50 -0.30
Floor Material -17.90 0.20
Roof T
e -7.70 0.00
7.20 0.00
Water source for
drinking 41.00 0.30
Table 3 presents the p-value of t-test for before
and after matching equations. Before matching all of
control variables (covariates) had a different mean
between the treated household and the untreated
household. After the matching, only two covariates
have an average that does not differ between the two
groups (HH job and Roof type). It indicates that the
model already has a good matching quality.
A joint test for equality of means in all control
variables can be conducted after testing the difference
of control variables means individually. By testing
the Hotelling-test using STATA 15, the result (table
4) shows that the p-value of the F test is smaller than
5%, which is 0.000. It indicates the means of the two
group is not equal. But it shows that there is no large
different between the two group, hence the
conditioning variables are well jointly.
Table 3: Test for Equality of The Mean Before and After
Matching (t-test).
P-value of t-test
HH Job 0.000 0.000
Java 0.000 0.054
Wall Material 0.000 0.767
Floor Material 0.000 0.855
Roof Type 0.000 0.000
0.000 1.000
Water source for
drinking 0.000 0.856
Table 4: Hotelling-test After Matching.
Mean Fo
HH Job 0.900 0.932
Java 0.583 0.529
Wall Material 0.014 0.037
Floor Material 0.014 0.043
Roof Type 0.002 0.008
0.996 0.990
Water source for drinkin
0.483 0.287
Hotelling p-value 0.000
4.5 Sensitivity Analysis
In this study, the point estimation of Rosenbaum’s
bounds for the p-values with Γ=1 is very close to the
estimation in the propensity score matching analysis.
The estimation effect of NN matching is 0.289 which
is significant at the 1% and the Hodges-Lehman point
estimate is 0.285 significant at the 1%. Table 5 shows
the results of this sensitivity analysis for the impact of
internet access on household expenditure using
Wilcoxon's signed rank test.
Table 5 also shows that for an increase of Γ=0.9,
p-value increases to 0.086 in the upper bound (greater
than 0.05). In this study, a hidden bias or selection
bias of size Γ=1.9 is sufficient to explain the observed
difference in test scores between the treated
household and the control household. Therefore, two
households that have the same covariates and appear
similar could differ in their odds of having the internet
access by as much as a factor of 1.9. Because 1.9 is a
small value, it shows that this study is sensitive to
hidden bias.
0 2 4 6 8
0 .2 .4 .6
psmatch2: Propensity Score
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0133
Kernel density estimate
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
Table 5: The Rosenbaum Sensitivity Analysis.
p-value of Wilcoxon’s
signed-rank test
point estimate
1 0.000 0.000 0.285 0.285
1.3 0.000 0.000 0.173 0.397
1.6 0.000 0.000 0.085 0.485
1.8 0.000 0.000 0.036 0.535
1.9 0.086 0.000 0.014 0.558
2 0.776 0.000 -0.008 0.579
4.6 The Impact of Internet Access
If the quality of matching is satisfied, then it is
possible to estimate the Average Treatment Effect on
the Treated (ATET) because the control group now
has similar characteristics to the treated group. Table
6 shows an estimate of the impact of internet access
on household expenditure. It shows that there is a
significant impact at 1% by using all of the matching
methods, exclude NN with Replacement.
Table 6: The Impact of Internet Access on Household
Matching metho
Effect SE t-stat
NN with replacement -0.013 0.393 -0.04
NN without re
lacement 0.289 0.009 29.08
Kernel 0.297 0.009 32.34
Radius Cali
0.295 0.009 31.97
Based on the data distribution, this study
determines the Impact of internet access by using
matching NN without replacement method. The
upper-bound value of Hodges-Lehman Point on the
sensitivity analysis when Γ=1 and the ATT value is
0.28. It indicates that households having internet
access have about 29% higher expenditure than other
households. This is in line with research conducted by
Hong (2007); Colley & Maltby (2008); Khanal &
Mishra (2013); Van Heddeghem et al (2014); and
Zhang et al (2017).
Based on those analyses and results that have been
explained, then the conclusions obtained from this
study are as follows. First, internet access have a
significant impact on increasing household
expenditure. Households having internet access have
about 29% higher expenditure than other households.
Second, this paper can prove that The more poor a
household, the smaller the probability of a household
to have the internet access.
As a result, The government needs to equalize
access to information technology, especially the
internet access. However, the government also needs
to control the freedom of use of information
technology. In addition, households should also use
internet access not only for consumption, but for
investment or for entrepreneurship. Because, this can
encourage an increase in household income and will
further increase economic growth in Indonesia.
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EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019