Physical Education Program in Elementary School: Motivation
Comparison to Learn Table Tennis using Mini-pong based on Gender
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi
, Indra Safari
, Muhammad Nur Alif
, and Entan Saptani
Primary School Teacher Education Physical Education,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung,Indonesia
Keywords: Modification (Mini-pong), Learning Motivation, and Table Tennis
Abstract: This research was conducted based on the problems in table tennis learning in elementary school. The
problem is lack of motivation to learn table tennis, especially for female students. The purpose of this
research is to examine the difference in students’ motivation in table tennis learning between male and
female students. In this research, 10 treatments were given. The participants were grade 5 students of
elementary school, consisting of 20 males and 15 females. Before and after receiving the treatment, the
participants had motivation tests and were scored using a motivation scale developed by Marten &
Weiber on the pretest and posttest. It is revealed that p-sign value was 0.015 < 0.05, meaning that there
was a significant difference between the motivation in learning table tennis for male and female
This research was initiated from problems in table
tennis in elementary school. Some of the apparent
problems were: (1) the standard table was
considered too large for elementary school students
(especially in West Java region), although it had
changed in several regions, which was observed
from the progress of table tennis learning on the
intra curricular level or on the extracurricular level;
(2) the lack of students’ motivation in learning table
tennis games especially for the female students
which was due to the difficulty of table tennis
learning by using standard tables. The female
students were less interested in learning table tennis.
Furthermore, the level of participation seemed
lower; (3) there was not any table tennis learning in
most elementary schools in Indonesia. This was
because table tennis was considered not practical for
learning. In contrast to other materials—such as
soccer which only requires a ball and a field,
volleyball which only requires a net and a ball, and
basketball which only requires a ball and basketball
hoop—table tennis requires a table, a net, a bat and a
ball. In this case, the table can only be used by 8
students. If a class consists of 32 students, there is a
need for at least 4 table tennis tables. These are the
reason why table tennis is not intracurricular.
Table tennis is a sport that has a lot of fans
among the people of Indonesia (Asri, Soegiyanto, &
Mukarromah, 2017); (Safari, 2016; Pujianto, 2015);
(Nuansari, Purnomo, & Yunitaningrum, 2016);
(Jumadi, Simanjutak, & Hidasari, 2017); (Helmi,
2016; Hirdausa, Atiq, & Supriatna, 2014). Table
tennis is the most frequent game played among
children, and it loses its popularity among adults. In
general, the tennis table is visibly more popular
among men, but there is a clear age-related pattern
for this gender gap (Biernat E, Sonia Buchholtz &
Justyna Krzepota, 2018). In the case of children,
increasing the popularity of tennis tables should start
from teacher-led training” (Herrero, R., Pradas, F.,
Castellar, C.; Díaz, A, 2016).
However, table tennis games were still
unfamiliar for elementary school students in several
regions in Indonesia, especially in West Java
Province. This occurred because the game was not
taught in the elementary school level. Hence, the
game was only known by students of adolescence as
they increase their knowledge and level of
education. One of the classic reasons why table
tennis was not included in curriculum was because
the available facilities and infrastructure were quite
minimal and inadequate (Pairin, 2013). This was
very unfortunate because there were many benefits
from the game including that the table tennis had a
Fauzi, R., Safari, I., Alif, M. and Saptani, E.
Physical Education Program in Elementary School: Motivation Comparison to Learn Table Tennis using Mini-pong based on Gender.
DOI: 10.5220/0009307602030210
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 203-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
greater influence on cognitive functions than that of
other exercise types. (Jeoung, B.J., 2014).
In Sumedang, one of cities in Indonesia, the
elementary schools generally had one table for
tennis table and some had two tables. However,
table tennis material had never been taught to the
students. The reason was that the students' interest in
playing table tennis was considered low, unlike in
other materials such as soccer, volleyball, and other
game materials. The lack of interest (motivation) in
students towards table tennis games was due to the
difficulty of students in learning table tennis games.
Another reason was because the students
experienced difficulties when they learned to play
table tennis with a standard table. Thus, the students
judged that table tennis was difficult to learn.
Another problem was that the female students
seemed to be less interested in learning table tennis,
unlike the male students. In previous research, it was
found that the college students’ exercise motivation
was different acording to the gender, revealing that
that the male students had a tendency to be more
motivated by intrinsic factors, whereas the female
students were more motivated by extrinsic factors”
(Egli et al., 2011; Gao & Xiang, 2008; Gillison,
Standage, & Skevington, 2006).
A table tennis game is played by two or four players
by hitting a ball over the net using a bat. Table
tennis is a game that uses a table as a field bounded
by a net that uses a small ball made of celluloid and
the game uses a bat or a bet (Sudrajat, Nasuka &
Irawan, 2019).
Table tennis game skills include: (a) grip, (b)
stance, (c) types of strokes, and (d) footwork”
(Utama, 2004).” There are four types of strokes,
including: (1) drive, (2) push, (3) chop, and (4)
block (Sutarmin, 2007).
Modifications in general is defined as changing
or adjusting certain tools to make them easier to use
and cheaper to make. Modification can be
interpreted as an effort to make changes with
adjustments both in terms of physical material
(facilities and equipment), as well as in purpose and
manner (methods, styles, approaches, rules and
judgments) (Bahagia, 2010).
Mini-pong is a name of a modified tool from a
standard table tennis game tool. It is made by
reducing the size of the table as the playing medium.
Therefore, it is possible to be used by elementary
school children because of the mini size, with the
length of 100-140 cm, width of 65-76 cm, and height
of 50-66 cm, or they can be adjusted with the player.
This means that it does not have a standard size.
These measurements were obtained from several
sources including
Motivation is a change in energy within oneself
as a strength and drive to meet individual needs
(specified goals). Motivation is a process to increase
a motif or motives into actions or behaviors to
satisfy or fulfill needs or to achieve goals (Nursalim,
et al, 2007). Motivation is divided into two types,
intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is a form of encouragement to
learn that comes from within a person and does not
need external stimulation. While extrinsic
motivation is the encouragement to learn that comes
from outside of one’s self (Hapsari, 2005).
Figure 1: Mini-pong Table
This research involved fifth grade elementary school
students, having 20 male students and 15 female
students in total. All the research subjects had
approval from their parents and the school where
they studied. This research was conducted by giving
10 treatments. Before and after the treatments, the
subjects were given an instrument.
The motivation scale developed by Marten and
Weiber (Hidayat, 2010) was built by three
dimensions of motivational constructs, namely 1)
intrinsic motivation, 2) extrinsic motivation, and 3)
amotivation. These three dimensions were then
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
developed into seven indicators, namely 1) intrinsic
motivation to know, 2) intrinsic motivation toward,
3) intrinsic motivation to experience simulation, 4)
external regulation, 5) introjection regulation, 6)
identified regulation, and 7) amotivation.
Table 1: Predictors (Constant), Posttests female students
(Decy and Ryan in Duda and Treasure, 2001)
Regulatory Type of
Amotivation Nonregulasi
There is not
any internal
or external
no perceived
reason for
Non- self-
An athlete/
student is
driven by a
desire to
reason for
are tied to
is self-
but that
activity is
is self-
and is
inspired by
the inherent
pleasure of
the activit
Based on the calculation results using the SPSS
program, the following results were obtained:
a R Square Test (Simple Regression) in
the Male Students
Table 2: Predictors (Constant), Posttest male student
Model Summary
R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Ml .651a .424 .392 3.38825
From the data, it can be seen that the value of the
determination coefficient (R Square) in the
experimental class is 0.424. This means that male
students’ motivation increased by 42.4%.
b R Square Test (Simple Regression) in
the Female Students
Table 3: Predictors (Constant), Posttests female students
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Fml .607a .368 .319 1.94420
From the data above, it can be seen that the
coefficient of determination (R Square) in the
experimental class is 0.368, which means that the
motivation of female students is 36.8%).
Physical Education Program in Elementary School: Motivation Comparison to Learn Table Tennis using Mini-pong based on Gender
c Difference Test of the Two Average
Values at P-Value ≤ 0.05
Table 4:Difference test of Female and Male
Variable T
Male >< Female
2,55 0,015
P 0.05; there were significant differences before
and after the treatment (there was a significant
P > 0.05: there was no significant difference before
and after the treatment (there was no significant
Based on the calculations, the motivation
variable to learn table tennis games between male
and female students obtained p-sign value 0.015 <
0.05, meaning that there was a significant difference
between the motivation to learn table tennis for male
students and female students.
At the beginning of learning, most students
refused to use mini-pong because they thought that it
was difficult in using the mini pong. In addition, the
skills they had were still inadequate. In order to
make the learning process of table tennis enjoyable,
the teachers must try to stimulate the students to be
motivated because “motivating students is one of the
essential tasks physical education (PE) teachers have
to face in regular PE classes (Rolf Kretschmann,
2014). Therefore, PE teachers had to apply
motivational strategies to engage unmotivated
students and to sustain motivation in the engaged
students (Rolf Kretschmann, 2014).
This situation did not last long; the learning
process gradually gained student responses because
the students were provided with simple games in
learning table tennis games using a mini table.
The motivation to learn table tennis games began
to appear at the 4th meeting. This could be seen
from their involvement in the activity of table tennis.
Some students, especially the boys, competed to do
more and longer drills. This motivation increased
along with their ability which continued to improve.
Student’s motivation affects every aspect of school
life, attendance, academic performance, to extra-
curricular activities (Baranek, 1996).
Student's learning motivation is a form of
encouragement under student psychology and the
level of motivation cannot be observed directly
without using certain tools. However, the impact of
motivation can be observed through behavior. In the
learning process, the researchers could see the
students’ enthusiasm in learning the game of table
tennis. It was indicated by the students that eagerly
wanted to get another turn. For example, when the
students stood in line to take turns to practice with
the specified number of rallies, a student who had
taken his or her turn cuts the line when he or she
should have moved to the back of the line to get
another turn as soon as possible. This is a behavior
of motivation that was shown by students when
learning to play table tennis.
The motivation aspect plays a very important
role in one’s mentality because motivation is one of
the determining factors that affect human behavior.
Having the motivation, one can push himself to
practice more actively and achieve maximum
results. Motivation will encourage someone to
practice, work hard, and endure longer in
participating in a sport or learning activity.
“Motivation is a mental impulse that exists in a
person to drive behavior, to determine the level of
activity, intensity, and consistency to achieve certain
goals." (Hamzah, 2006; Dimyati & Mudjiono,
2002). From a psychological perspective, motivation
is an innate and autonomous mental process (Reeve
J, 1996). In this perspective, motivation depends on
the internal mental processes including needs,
emotions, and cognition. Particularly, the process of
cognition is driven by aspects such as thoughts,
beliefs, and expectations (Chen, A. 2015).
Learning that uses a peer teaching model and a
playful approach encourages students to compete to
be the best. Moreover, giving rewards that stimulate
extrinsic motivation plays a role in these activities or
external factors. External factors include
environmental situational variables (e.g.
motivational climate of the class, teacher’s expertise,
school characteristics, social environment, parents'
involvement, providing choice), and contextual
variables (e.g. curriculum, comprehensive
intervention or PE programs, organized sports
programs, and PE teachers (Blanchard et al., 2007;
Cloes, 2005; Xu F & Liu, 2013). However, this
provoked intrinsic motivation to further strengthen
the motivation in students to do their best in the
activity of table tennis. First, intrinsic motivation
occurs when the students participated in class
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
because they enjoyed learning and experiencing the
different practices, which is the most self-
determined form of motivation (González-Cutre,
Sicilia, & Moreno, 2011). Intrinsic motivation
occurs when students participate in class because
they enjoyed learning and experiencing the different
practices, which is the most self-determined form of
motivation (Rolf Kretschmann, 2014).
The motivation that the students had was the
impact of the use of learning tools that could
accommodate student learning. Several
investigations showed that self-determined positive
motivation relates to greater commitment and
adherence to the practice of sport (Standage, Duda,
& Ntoumanis, 2003); (Moreno et al., 2007). The use
of learning aids in the teaching and learning process
can generate new desires and interests, generate
motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and
even bring psychological influence to students
(Hamalik in Arsyad, 2005).
Figure 2: Students Activity with Use Mini-pong
Learning will attract students' attention so that it
can foster learning motivation (Sudjana & Rivai in
Arsyad, 2005). The male students’ motivation was
higher than that of female students, as seen from the
male students’ enthusiasm in taking turns in the
learning process. They wanted to repeat the table
tennis movement more than the female students did.
The male students were more likely to mention
enjoyment, challenge, social recognition, affiliation,
competition, and strength and endurance as
motivating factors for exercise, whereas females
were more likely to state ill-health avoidance, to
maintain positive health, weight management, and
appearance (Lauderdale
et al., 2015). Studies in the
field of motivation and gender show that boys and
girls have different motivations and needs for sports
(Azzarito & Solmon, 2009); (Crosnoe, 2001);
(Daley and O'Gara, 1998); (Meece, Lienke and
Burg, 2006). The two opinions above are in line with
the results of the research. The female students were
more motivated to play with friends compared to
competing with friends, so that they avoided
competition between friends. The boys gave more
importance to the ‘status’, to ‘show that I am better
than others,’ or to ‘win or defeat the other.’ The girls
had higher scores related to the competence, the fair
play and sociability (Gonçalves, Silva and Cruz,
In addition to motivation, gender roles also
influenced student motivation in learning table
tennis. This was because male and female students
were raised differently in the same environment. As
a result, the male and female students had different
perspectives in participating the table tennis
In a study on more than 100 students, it was
found that the male students were involved in more
interactions than female students. Likewise, in a
research conducted by 24 professors from Harvard
University found that male students dominated
discussion classes (Santrock, 2003). This was
because male students were better at physical and
verbal skills. Meanwhile, female students preferred
private conversations and intimate conversations that
were oriented towards relationships.
The male students play in large, hierarchically
structured groups, and their groups often regard
someone who is more respected as a leader. This
leader usually tells the other students what to do and
how to do it. Another way for male students to get
attention is by performing physical skills that they
master. In games played by male students, winners
and losers are often used as the topic of debate
(Santrock, 2003). On the other hand, female students
often play in small groups or pairs and the center of
social attention is a close friend of the girls. In the
friendship between female students and their peers,
intimacy is preferred (Santrock, 2003).
The female students were not very fond of
competition, in contrast to the male students who
competed to acquire recognition from friends and
teachers. The female students preferred collaborative
learning with friends and carried out learning
activities together without the desire to be more
powerful in learning table tennis. Hence, their
motivation depends on that of the other friends. The
female students would help each other to achieve
mutual success, but this was rarely seen because
they were not too motivated to do strenuous physical
Several researches support the situation in which
male students are more interested in doing sports
Physical Education Program in Elementary School: Motivation Comparison to Learn Table Tennis using Mini-pong based on Gender
activities such as table tennis compared to women.
"Regarding the importance and usefulness of PE,
male students show a higher value than girls,
(Moreno et al. 2006). The male students perceived
that table tennis was more important to them. This is
because table tennis is a physical activity. Thus,
male students preferred physical activity than the
activities dominated by small muscles. On the other
hand, female students were more interested in doing
activities dominated by small muscles compared to
activities dominated by large muscles such as
sewing, weaving, painting, and painting.
Regarding the motivational types, the data from
this study support that the more self-determined
motivational profile fits for students who consider
that PE is more important (Baena-Extremera et al.,
2012); (Gómez-López et al., 2013); (Granero-
Gallegos et al., 2012); (Moreno et al, 2006).
In this regard, Ennis (1996) says that female
students tend to have more negative experiences
about PE and are less interested in participating in
this field and doing physical activities in their free
time. For example, physical activities will have an
impact on the body, such as sweating and discomfort
when doing sports. This perception is a reason why
some female students do not want to be involved too
much in PE activities.
The motivation shown by male students was
rather extrinsic compared to that of the female
students which was rather intrinsic. The desire of the
male students to look better in front of their friends
made their motivation greater than of the female
students. Even though the motivation shown by
female students was intrinsic, they did not care for
their learning ability and they were just
participating. Therefore, it did not encourage greater
learning motivation.
Based on the results of the calculation and
discussion, it was found that the motivation to learn
table tennis by using tool modification (mini-pong)
was greater in male students compared to that of the
female students. This was due to the different
motivations that male and female students had when
learning. The male students emphasized respect and
status from friends and teachers resulting in
competition, while female students were more
concerned with participating with friends in learning
and not care for status.
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Education (pp. 284-295). Burlington, MA: Jones
& Bartlett Learning.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)