Developing Learning Media Software for the Stop Motion Technique
in Floor Gymnastics using Android-based Smart Phones
Ratna Budiarti
, Agus Prestianto
Sport Coaching Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Media, Android Software, Floor Gymnastic
Abstract: This study aimed to yield a product in the form of learning media software for floor gymnastics that could
be used as a new method in technique learning in the sports branch of floor gymnastics for athletes. The
research method was Research and Development. The data collecting instruments were an evaluation sheet
and an assessment scale questionnaire. The data of the evaluation results were qualitative and quantitative
descriptive data. The quantitative data were collected through the expert validation and the tryout
activities in the form of inputs, responses, criticisms, and suggestions. The quantitative data were in
the form of assessment, collected by a questionnaire for the product tryout in the tryout activity and
analyzed using the quantitative descriptive technique. Based on the results of the data analysis in this
research and development, it can be concluded that the product of learning media software for the stop
motion technique in floor gymnastics using android-based smart phones can be used as learning media for
floor gymnastics, indicated by the fact that 97.67% of the respondents state that the learning media are very
appropriate/very adequate and 8.33% state that the learning media are appropriate/ adequate. On the whole,
the aspects of the materials and design product attain a mean of 4.875 with the very appropriate category
and 97.5% of the respondent’s state that the media are very appropriate.
Floor gymnastics is a sport that combines aspects of
acrobatics, tumbling and beauty (Margono, 2009).
Floor gymnastics is in demand by all age levels
ranging from children to adults so that the floor
gymnastics club is spread in every region throughout
Indonesia. “Theory and Methodology of Training”
the nursery for floor gymnastics athletes is carried
out since children aged 6-7 (Bompa, 1983). Children
at this range of age still have more flexible muscle
and joint structures.
(Arsyad, 2010) Argued that the use of
instructional media in the teaching and learning
process can arouse new desires and interests, arouse
motivation and stimulation of learning, and even
bring psychological effects on students. The
creativity of the trainer is indispensable for the
process of training the athletes. Therefore, coaches
need to know the right learning media given to
athletes. The importance of learning media for
athletes in order to create a pleasant training
atmosphere, facilitate the trainer to convey basic
motion techniques trained, so that athletes are
interested in and love the branches of floor
gymnastics, creates motivation for athletes to be able
to master basic motion techniques and advanced
movement techniques well.
In the learning process the presence of
instructional media has quite an important meaning.
It is due to in these activities the obscurity of the
material presented can be assisted by presenting the
media as an intermediary. Based on observations
made by researchers on the internet, there are many
media learning applications for floor gymnastics but
the majority is in English and use human videos as
learning. The motion technique and the whole series
in floor gymnastics are assessed using the Code of
Point as a standard of evaluation in a race. Code of
Point is a rule book created by the FIG as a reference
assessment system for each level of technique in
floor gymnastics branch
tic_gymnastics)). Floor gymnastics learning software
that already exists in the Play Store such as
Gymnastics, Gymnastics Artistic App, Artistic
Gymnastics applications using human videos as an
object are considered less optimal in describing the
Budiarti, R. and Prestianto, A.
Developing Learning Media Software for the Stop Motion Technique in Floor Gymnastics using Android-based Smart Phones.
DOI: 10.5220/0009304201830186
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 183-186
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
details of gymnastic movement techniques. And the
material in the application is in the form of a link to
YouTube, so the explanation of the material is less
effective. In order to deliver the material more
optimally, material in accordance with the technique
in the Code of Point is needed in the form of
animation so that it is able to display the correct and
easier way understand the stages of the movement.
Based on the above background, the research
entitled the development of learning media software
"stop motion floor gymnastics techniques on
android-based smartphones" needs to be done
2.1 Type of Research
This research applied a Research and Development
method. Research and development is a process or
steps to develop a new product or improve existing
products, which can be accounted for (Sukmadinata,
2011). Research and development is product-
oriented research. States that research and
development is research method employed to
produce certain products, and test the effectiveness
of these products (Sugiyono, 2011).
2.2 Research Place
Data collected at Selabora Floor Gymnastics FIK
UNY and Yogyakarta City Floor Gymnastics Club.
Data collection carried out during training hours and
training grounds of each club.
2.3 Testing Subject
There are two test subjects in this research and
2.3.1 Expert Trial Subject
(a) Media Expert: The referred media expert is the
expert who is used to dealing with learning media.
(b) Material Expert: The material expert is
lecturer/teaching staff, trainer or floor gymnastics
expert whose role is to determine whether the floor
gymnastic material packaged in the learning media
"stop motion floor gymnastics techniques on
android-based smartphones" is in accordance with
the level of material depth and authenticity of the
material used or not yet.
2.3.2 User Trial Subject
The trial subjects in the use of this product are
athletes who practice at a gym club in Sleman
Regency. The trial was carried out through several
stages. The first stage was one by one trial with the
number of research subjects as many as 3 athletes
and the next stage was a field trial with a total of 10
research subjects.
The technique of determining the subjects of
trials in this research development is the simple
random sampling method. Simple random sampling
is a sampling technique or subject that provides
equal opportunities for each element (member) of
the population to be elected as a sample or subject
member (Sugiyono, 2011).
2.4 Data Collection Instrument
An instrument is a tool used to measure observed
natural or social phenomena (Sugiyono, 2011). The
instrument for collecting data in this research
development applying a questionnaire, namely open
questionnaire and closed questionnaire. Open
questionnaire is used to find out the advice of the
sample given, and a closed questionnaire containing
the statements chosen by the trial subjects and
material experts.
2.5 Instrument Validation
Validity in this instrument is content validity. The
instruments that have been made are tested by
material and media experts by comparing material or
product plans to be developed.
Technically testing the content validity can be
supported by using the instrument reference, or the
instrument development matrix (Sugiyono, 2010).
2.6 Data Analysis Technique
After the data is collected, the data is classified into
two data groups, namely qualitative data and
quantitative data (Arikunto, 1996). Qualitative data
obtained through expert validation and trial activities
in the form of opinions, responses, criticism and
suggestions. Quantitative data in the form of
assessment, collected through questionnaires or
product trial questionnaires, at the time of the trial
activities, analyzed with descriptive quantitative
analysis. Percentage is intended to find out the status
of the entity presented as a percentage. After
reaching the percentage later be interpreted with a
sentence qualitatively.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Then for the quality assessment category of
learning media in the form of floor gymnastics
learning media can be seen in the table.
Table 1: Quality assessment criteria for development of
floor gymnastics learning media.
Level Assessment Categor
0%-20% STS (Very Relevant)
21%-40% TS (Irrelevant)
41%-60% KS
Less Relevant
61%-80% S
81%-100% SS
This research and development resulted in the
product "Learning Media Software for The Stop
Motion Technique in Floor Gymnastics Using
Android-Based Smartphones" can be used as
learning media in floor gymnastics with a percentage
of 91.67% of respondents state that the learning
media is Very Relevant/Very Feasible and 8.33% of
respondents state the learning media is
Relevant/Feasible. Overall regarding material
aspects and product design obtained an average of
4,875 with the category of Very Relevant or the
percentage of 97.5% of respondents state Very
The developed learning media product can be used
as an innovative step in learning by utilizing the
product at the floor gymnastics club. The eminence
of this learning media software stand on its more
optimality and interesting in the delivery of material
compared to existing softwares because the video on
the Artistic Gymnastic software uses stop motion
animation so the details of the motion exercises on
the floor gymnastics are easier to learn. This
learning media is also more effective than the
existing gymnastic learning media softwares because
Artistic Gymnastic software contains material
directly, meanwhile the existing softwares that use
the YouTube links so it requires an internet
connection. The developed learning media can be
used as a source of learning for athletes, so that
athletes can more easily learn floor gymnastics
techniques and thus it is expected that floor
gymnastics learning becomes more interesting.
After being validated by material and media
experts as well as small group and field trials, it is
concluded that the "Learning Media Software for
The Stop Motion Technique in Floor Gymnastics
Using Android-Based Smartphones" is a Very
Relevant learning media.
The results of data analysis in this research
development, it can be concluded that the result of
the product assessment "Learning Media Software
for The Stop Motion Technique in Floor Gymnastics
Using Android-Based Smartphones" can be used as
learning media in floor gymnastics with a percentage
of 91.67% of respondents stating that learning media
is Very Relevant/Very Feasible and 8.33% of
respondents state the learning media is
Relevant/Feasible. Overall regarding material
aspects and product design it is obtained an average
of 4,875 with the category Very Relevant or the
percentage of 97.5% of respondents stated Very
Based on the results of the research stated that
this research development is appropriate and
validated by media experts and gymnastic material
experts, then there are some suggestions as follows:
(1) For trainers who need variations in learning the
floor gymnastics technique, it is suggested to use the
Artistic Gymnastic application since it is proven to
be effective in learning the floor gymnastics
technique. (2) This learning media product should be
utilized by club coaches and athletes with the
guidance of a coach, so that the use of this media
can be an alternative learning material for floor
gymnastics enjoyably. This learning media opens
possibility to use personally in a club or public. (3)
Researchers realize that the developed learning
media products still have shortcomings and are not
perfect, it is expected that it can be improved to be
better and more interactive.
Arsyad. A., 2010. Media Pembelajaran. PT Raja Grafindo
Persada. Jakarta.
Bompa, T. O., 1994. Theory and Methodology of Training.
Dubuque, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Iowa.
Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif
dan R&D. CV Alfa Beta. Bandung.
Developing Learning Media Software for the Stop Motion Technique in Floor Gymnastics using Android-based Smart Phones
Wikipedia, 2016. Code of Point. Diunduh pada tanggal 19
Oktober 2016 pukul 15.20 WIB dari
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)