The Analysis of Futsal Extracurricular Development in Public Senior
High Schools in Bengkulu (City)
Faisal Mandala Siregar
, Sumaryanto
Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Extracurricular, Futsal, Senior High School
Abstract: This research aimed to identify the development of futsal extracurricular and how to improve the
achievements. This research used descriptive method. The subjects of the research were all Public Senior
High Schools in Bengkulu (city). The instruments which were used in this research were observations,
questionnares, and documentations. The result showed that the percentages of futsal extracurricular
development in each school were different. Five schools were considered to have better development or
‘developed’, and the rests were considered as ‘not developed’. Based on the result, it is expected that this
study is able to improve the achievements in order to compete at a higher level. There are several indicators
that should be considered such as competent coaches, good management, appropriate training methods, and
other supporting elements in order to improve the achievement. Hence, it can be concluded that the
development of futsal extracurrciular is needed to keep the competitiveness in order to support higher
performance in national and international championships. Without good indicators of competent training
such as designing and evaluating the process of on-going training, the encouragement from the school, and
adequate training facilities, the training methods require more attention and more systematic management.
In Bengkulu (city), futsal has become one of the
most favorite sports for the young, especially Senior
High School Students. However, it is undeniable that
this also affects either the improvement or the
decrease of the futsal team achievements at school.
The most dominant problems are the lack of student
motivation, ineffective training system, and the lack
of support from the school. Appropriate training
should be considered in order to achieve the goals. It
is necessary to have good management, since
management plays a very important role in
achieving successful training (Harsuki, 2012).
Hence, in order to enrich and improve students'
knowledge and skills, sports extracurricular are
According to Yanti dan Tanturo, (2012),
extracurricular are learning activities which have
been included in the curriculum in order to improve
students' abilities, and have been learned from
various subjects. Hence, as one of the
extracuriculars, sports aims at improving the
students’ achievement, especially in national level.
There are still many obstacles in improving the
futsal achievements, especially in Bengkulu (city),
such as the lack of development in futsal
extracurricular at Senior High School level. The
problems have been increased, but there were no
previous researches which examined how to develop
the futsal extracurricular in a certain scope.
Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the
development of futsal extracurricular in order to
make futsal extracurricular activities better, and
encourage the students to compete in the national
This also be explained in the government policy
as one of the potential media for character building.
Based on the attachment of Kemendikbud No 060 /
U / 1993, No 061 / U / 1993 and No 080 / U / 1993,
it was explained that extracurricular activities are
activities which are conducted outside of the
learning hours, and have been included in the
program according to the conditions and needs of the
school. In order to support the development of futsal
extracurricular activities in one area, many
references are required. Students’ awareness is also
important to improve their achievements. In
Siregar, F. and Sumaryanto, .
The Analysis of Futsal Extracurricular Development in Public Senior High Schools in Bengkulu (City).
DOI: 10.5220/0009215301430150
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Undang-undang No. 3 tahun 2005 about the
National Sports System, it has regulated the system
of sports development, which are conducted through
three aspects, such as educational sports, recreational
sports, and sports achievements.
Also, in Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia
nomor 3 tahun 2005 about National Sports System,
it is stated that the government, regional
government, and the community should conduct a
continous development of science and technology as
the basis to develop the national sports. The policy is
implemented in order to strengthen the schools’
attention, regarding to the SK Mendikbud no 413 / U
/ 1987 which states that physical education is an
integral part of education through physical activities
which aims to improve the humans’ organics,
neuromusculars, intellectuals, and emotionals (Main,
2011). A way to improve students awareness is by
conducting the routine training to improve the
achievements. According to Bompa and Buzzichelli
(2009), training is a systematic process that is
programmed in preparing the athletes at the highest
level, and done repeatedly by increasing the training
load. Method is considered as the procedure in
achieving the successful learning process or as a
more effective tool. The implementation of training
and methods are necessary to achieve the stated
goals (Siregar, 2010).
Futsal was invented in Montevideo, Uruguay in
1930, by Juan Carlos Ceriani. The uniqueness of
futsal successfully got attention throughout South
America, especially in Brazil. The skills which were
developed in this game can be seen in the world-
famous style which was shown by Brazilian players
outdoors, on a regular sized field. While Brazil
continued to be the center of futsal, this game is now
played under the protection of the International de
Football Association Federation throughout the
world, from Europe to Central and North America
and Africa, Asia and Oceania. According to
Yudianto (in Halim and Indriarsa, 2013) the notion
of the futsal itself is soccer in the indoor”. Futsal
game is not much different from football. According
to Susanto (2016), what makes the game look more
different is the duration and the dynamic of the game
(Justinus Lhaksana, 2011). The rules of the futsal
game is played by two teams, as well as football
(Rahmani, 2014), and the rules are included in Laws
of the Futsal Game (2015) which consist of 18
Futsal is one of types of sports that have strict
rules about physical conditions. Sliding tackles,
body charges, and other aspects of violence, such as
in soccer games are not permitted in futsal.
Lhaksana and Pardosi (2008) state that the futsal
players should understand the basic techniques, such
techniques for sending balls (kicking, heading,
throwing, passing, chipping, shooting, and clearing),
dribbling, and receiving ball (controlling and
intercep) (Halim, 2009; Mulyono, 2014; Lhaksana,
2011). Hence, it can be concluded that a player must
pay attention to the timing, speed, and the accuracy
of passing, in order to maximize the good passing
(Mulyono, 2014). Also, there are ten physical
components that must be mastered by the athletes,
such as endurance, strength, speed, agility, power,
flexibility, accuracy, coordination, balance and
reaction (Lhaksana, 2011). The futsal team should
have good cohesiveness. Therefore, teamwork is
needed to achieve the highest achievement in a futsal
team. As explained by Lhaksana (2011), "winning
and losing occurs throughout the sport, but if you
die, you die with honor. There is no player who
plays the roles in one team, there is a good team that
will make someone a star.
The development of futsal extracurricular
activities at public Senior High School in Bengkulu
(city) needs special attention, such as coaching the
extracurricular appropriately. The existence of a
good coaching futsal extracurricular in SHS in
Bengkulu should be improved, in order to create a
qualified team which can compete with. Futsal
extracurricular development is inseparable from the
role of a coach, since it is still lack of knowledge
from the trainers in Bengkulu. The trainer should
provide indicators in improving skills and improving
futsal achievements such as basic training, ball
possession, and increasing agility. In mastering the
theory of coaching, the coach can apply strategy
training using 1-2-1, 2-2, 4-0 and power play
patterns (Lhaksana, 2011). Improving the quality of
individual players can be conducted by conducting
the trainings which consist of 3 to improve agility,
such as shuttlerun (running back and forth),
zigzagrun (running back and forth), dan running
hurdles (Apriyadi, 2014). Improving futsal games
requires zigzag run training is a sport that requires
agility, limb muscle strength, especially muscle
endurance which is influenced by exercises of high
intensity and has the certain characteristics in
choosing the form of training used (Wora, Dionisius,
et al. 2017). Providing a variety of zig-zag run
agility exercises is a method of running by using
obstacles or obstacles that must be passed by
running away from obstacles or running in turns
(Andi, 2015). The researcher prefers zig-zag run
training since according to Wora, Donisisus (2017)
Zig-Zag Run exercises are more effective to improve
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
agility than Shuttle Run training in futsal games.
Hence, the indicators of improving achievement and
the development of futsal extracurricular in
Bengkulu still need this kind of knowledge. The
observations result reveal that during futsal matches,
there are still unquail quality of the skills from each
futsal team. It happens in every futsal tournament
between students in public senior high schools that
are caused by the terms of coaching, management,
and school support. The good coaching, the equality
of the team can improve the quality of futsal
extracurricular at the level of Senior High School
capable to compete at the national level.
2.1 Research Method
This research employed descriptive-qualitative
method. The data were obtained from 10 trainers and
50 students whom joined futsal extracurricular in
Bengkulu (city). Descriptive research describes the
situation that is going on, without the hypothesis
tester. The researchers did a survey that is directly
from the field. The data was obtained from certain
natural places (not artificial), and the researcher used
other supporting instruments for collecting data
collection, such as distributing questionnaires, and
doing interviews. The setting of the research was in
public senior high school in Bengkulu (city).
2.2 Research Subjects
This study implemented purposive sampling
technique to select the samples, and combined with
the snowball sampling technique, which asked the
informant to show people who can be used as the
informants (Sugiyono, 2006).
Table 1: Population and sample.
SMA N 10
The research instrument in this study was the
researcher himself. According to Sugiyono (2006) in
qualitative research, the research instrument is the
researcher himself. The research instrument was an
open questionnaire. Observations that would be
made directly, data collection instruments in this
study were carried out with a combination of various
techniques, namely: Observation Guidelines,
Questionnaire Guidelines, and Documentation
2.3 Research Objects
The object of this study took the entire research
object which is related to the development of futsal
extracurricular activities at the senior high school
level in Bengkulu. According to Sanafiah Faisal in
Sugiyono (2006), in taking subjects and research
objects, they must be those who understand and is
involved in the activities which are examined. The
research instrument in this study was the
questionnaires and documentation. The validity of
research used triangulation techniques that are
testing the credibility of data by checking data to the
same source with different techniques (Sugiyono,
2011). Then, the steps were data obtained from
observations, then checked with questionnaires, and
documentation. Data analysis techniques are very
important in research because data analysis can
provide meaning that is useful in solving research
problems Activities in data analysis are: data
reduction, data display, and conclusion.
This study employed data collection techniques
in the form of written or oral words, pictures,
photographs or actions obtained from data sources,
namely: people, writing, and places,
2.2.1 Observation
Observation is a data collection technique that is
conducted through direct observation of the research
object by sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.
Based on these explanations, the actual observation
implemented is direct observation, in order to find
out the factual conditions of futsal extracurricular
activities at Bengkulu N Senior High School level.
2.2.2 Questionnaire
Questionnaires are a number of written questions
that are used to obtain information from respondents
about something being investigated. The
questionnaire consisted of several questions that
were submitted to respondents in writing. The use of
this questionnaire was used because it was
considered to be more effective and efficient while
facilitating data analysis. In this case, it aims to find
The Analysis of Futsal Extracurricular Development in Public Senior High Schools in Bengkulu (City)
out perceptions or opinions about futsal
extracurricular development of SMAN in Bengkulu
2.2.3 Documentations
Documentations were conducted with the aim of
obtaining data in the form of written data,
photographs, and images for the validity of research
data. Data and facts were stored in the form of
documentation, the main nature of this data is not
limited to space and time in order to give the
opportunity for researchers to find out things that
happened a long time ago. Documentations aim to
strengthen data obtained by questionnaires, and
direct observation (observation), researchers also use
documentations in data collection.
The validity of research data according to
Sugiyono (2006) uses technical triangulation that is
testing the credibility of the data by checking the
data to the same source with different techniques. As
the data obtained from observations, then checked
with a questionnaire, documentation.
Table 2: The indikator of the questionnaire.
3.1 Results
This research was conducted in public Senior High
Schools in Bengkulu by conducting research using
observations, questionnaires to respondents who
were associated with the development of futsal
extracurricular activities at Bengkulu State High
School level. In this study, the questionnaire data
obtained in the field is quite large, so it needs to be
carefully recorded and detailed, and focusing on the
important things. Based on the results of the
questionnaire that has been summarized, choosing
the main things, focusing on the important things,
looking for themes and patterns and discarding
unnecessary, it can be concluded that the percentage
of the development of futsal extracurriculars at the
level of City Public High School from 5 schools was
55.55%, and the rest 4 schools was 44.44%. After
getting the data percentage, the comparison of futsal
extracurricular level at Bengkulu City Senior High
School 5: 4 is as follows:
Table 3: The research results.
SMA N 10
After getting a percentage of the data, it can be
compared to futsal extracurricular development at
Bengkulu City High School 5: 4, is developing.
Display of the obtained data results, futsal
extracurricular development at Bengkulu City Public
High School level has 5 Bengkulu City High
Schools having school support, extracurricular
coaching, equipment facilities, competent and
structured futsal trainers. Meanwhile, 4 other
Bengkulu City High Schools have not met the
criteria of a structured and competent school in the
field of futsal extracurricular activities. There are
still Bengkulu City High Schools who have not been
able to meet the criteria of a structured and
competent school in the futsal extracurricular field.
Conclusion drawing / verification of conclusions
from the display data back with research back to the
field collecting data, meeting data sources and
clarifying conclusions to data sources that have
provided information. Conclusions in qualitative
research may be able to answer the problem
formulation that was formulated from the beginning,
but maybe not, because the problems and problem
formulations in qualitative research are still
temporary and will develop after the research is in
the field.
To find out the percentage of futsal
extracurricular development at Bengkulu City's
SMA N level, the statistical formula is used as
𝑃 =
𝑥 100%
of futsal
in Bengkulu
A competent
Has license
Able to apply the
The coach
The total number of
the balls
The field
The training and
practice schedule
The stretching (yes
or no)
The goals of the
futsal extracurricular.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
P = presentation
F = frequency
N = number of samples
Figure 1: Components in data analysis.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the research procedures which were
designed and implemented systematically and well
planned, the researcher could collect research data
which is important information from the research
results as presented in the description of the research
above. The study aims to determine the development
of futsal extracurricular activities, and implemented
descriptive qualitative research method. In the
description of the data, obtained from 9 schools,
there are 5 schools that can be declared by schools
that have a futsal extracurricular that have better
development or were developed, such as SMA N 1,
SMA N 2, SMA N 4, SMA N 5, SMA N 6. Four
schools are declared still undeveloped including
SMA N 3, SMA N 7 SMA N 8 SMA N 10. Based on
the results of these studies, it can be concluded that
schools which were developed reached 55.55%, and
4 schools that had not developed reached 44%.
Many factors that support the development were
good coaching, support from the school, having
competent trainers, having adequate facilities, and
having clear targets. Therefore, only 5 schools which
considered to have better development in futsal
extracurricular. Meanwhile, the rests were cannot be
said as ‘developed since its failure to fulfil these
factors. The competent trainer provides the benefits
of all the progress of futsal extracurricular activities
in each school. Discussion of how the development
of futsal extracurricular level at Bengkulu City
Public High School has been very good from the
focus of the problem of indicators of coaches,
management, achievements, facilities and
infrastructure and methods of training. Then, it can
be made in the form of a percentage by calculating
the frequency average. The results of these studies
can be interpreted that there were several factors that
can influence the development of futsal
extracurricular activities at the public Senior High
School in Bengkulu, such as lack of support from the
school, and the facilities for the needs of trainers
train are inefficient, the pitch is hollow, and the lack
of balls which made the training program become
not optimal. Trainers who do not have a training
license, have differences in the performance with
coaches who have a training license. Hence, in order
to make the training program that is implemented
less well for improving student achievement. There
are those who apply routine training programs,
extensive training, and practice every theory that had
been given. These components greatly affect the
development of futsal in senior high school in
Bengkulu. Therefore only five schools declared to be
developed, while the rests cannot be said as
developed due to the non-fulfillment of these factors.
Comparing with relevant studies, the first is the
conclusion of the basic technical skill in futsal
extracurricular participants in high school and
vocational high schools in Yogyakarta academic
year 2013. This study discussed that research on the
level of basic technical skills in futsal extracurricular
participants with 52 participants, including 19 high
school students, 15 students of Yogyakarta PIRI
Vocational School and 18 students of Sleman PIRI
Vocational School. It can be seen below that it is
included in the category enough since the average is
76.96. Based on the calculation above the level of
basic technical skill in futsal extracurricular
members of the High School and Vocational High
School Foundation PIRI Special Region of
Yogyakarta, showed that the players who entered the
category were very good 0 players or equal to (0%),
good categories 15 players or equal to (28.8% ), the
category is enough with 26 players or equal to
(50.0%), the category of lacking 5 players or equal
to (9.6%), the category of very few players or equal
to (11.5%).
Comparing to the two relevant studies of futsal
extracurricular management of SMA N 4
Yogyakarta in 2015 concluded that the
implementation of futsal extracurricular
management of SMA N 4 Yogyakarta consisted of
planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising has
been conducted well by the futsal extracurricular
head coach of SMA N 4 Yogyakarta well. The
results of the study concluded that the
implementation of futsal extracurricular
management functions in SMA N 4 Yogyakarta was
planning to go according to the expectations of the
head coach, organizing there was no overlap in the
process of conducting the tasks, moving according to
the head coach's instructions, monitoring training
standards and the results of the training were
From the two research results that have been
done, the results of the research that the author did
The Analysis of Futsal Extracurricular Development in Public Senior High Schools in Bengkulu (City)
can provide a comparison of the development of
futsal from coaching, management, facilities and
infrastructure, training methods, achievements, and
trainers. Research on the level of basic technical
skills in playing futsal, futsal extracurricular high
school participants and the Piri Foundation
Yogyakarta Special Vocational School have
similarities in the trainers in providing knowledge,
experience, while doing futsal extracurricular
exercises. In futsal extracurricular research
management in SMA N 4 Yogyakarta in 2015 had a
well-planned management. Competent trainers give
a squeeze of all the progress of a futsal
extracurricular activity in every school. Discussion
about how futsal extracurricular development at
Bengkulu City High School level has been very
good from the focus of the problem indicators of
trainers, management, achievement, facilities and
infrastructure and training methods. Then, it can be
made in the form of a percentage through the
calculation of the average frequency. The results of
the average percentage data are categorized as
developing according to the results of nine Senior
High Schools in Bengkulu categorized as developing
4 categorized as not developing.
The results of this study can be interpreted that
there are several factors that can influence the
development or non-development of futsal
extracurricular activities at the Bengkulu City High
School level, namely:
1. Lack of support from the school, so that the
equipment facilities for the needs of trainers are
not efficient, the pitch is hollow, and the ball
when less training makes the training program
not optimal.
2. Trainers who do not have a training license, and
have differences in terms of achievement and
training experience with trainers who have a
training license. So, that makes the implemented
training program not good enough to increase
students’ achievement. Some implement routine
training programs, broad theoretical training
knowledge, and can practice every theory they
provide. If these components are met, it greatly
affects the development of futsal in High School
in Bengkulu city.
Based on the acquisition of data on the development
of futsal governors at the level of the Senior High
School in Bengkulu, the trainer indicators,
management, facilities, training methods and
achievements must be considered. Without a
competent trainer such as, designing, compiling,
implementing, and evaluating the process of
progression, the development would not occur. The
role of management is to have full support and to
provide facilities to create students’ activity and
discipline in conducting futsal extracurricular
exercises. Based on the results of data obtained from
nine schools, there are 5 schools that have good
indicators. Meanwhile, 4 schools were stated that
there had been no development which was seen from
indicators that had not fulfilled the process of
supporting the development of futsal extracurricular
activities. Based on the results of these studies, it can
be concluded that the development of the 5 schools
is due to many indicators, such as good coaching,
support from the school, having competent trainers,
having adequate equipment facilities, and clear
Therefore, only 5 Bengkulu State High schools
were declared as developed. Meanwhile, the rests
cannot be said to have developed because the
indicators that support the development process have
not yet been fulfilled. After conducting research on
"Analysis of the Futsal Extracurricular Development
at Public Senior High School in Bengkulu", the
researchers provide the following suggestions: The
futsal extracurricular need more supports from the
school such as adequate facilities. It is recommended
that each coach from high schools have a licensed
coach certificate, because it affects the quality of the
training given to students.
After conducting research on "Analysis of Futsal
Extracurricular Development at Bengkulu City High
Schools", the authors provide the following
suggestions: supports from the school are needed in
order to make the training equipment facilities at
futsal extracurricular at High School level are
adequate. It is recommended that every trainer from
all Bengkulu City High Schools have a licensed
trainer certificate, because it affects the quality of
the training given to students.
The researchers would like to thank the committee
of this event for providing the chance for the
researchers to submit the article and for providing
the template.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
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Angket Tentang Perkembangan Futsal
Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Ditingkat
SMA N Kota Bengkulu
Angket yang kami sampaikan pada saudara, kami
harap di isi dengan jujur. Karena jawaban saudara,
akan kami pakai untuk penelitian “Analisis
Perkembangan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Ditingkat
SMA N Kota Bengkulu.
Nama :
Sekolah :
Ttl :
Alamat :
1. Apakah anda pernah mengikuti kepelatihan
futsal/coaching clinik futsal?
2. Proses latihan yang bagaimana menurut
anda yang paling produktif yaitu saat
latihan cukup dengan pemberian teori tanpa
praktek atau kita juga (anda sebagai pelatih)
bisa memperaktekkan setiap teori yang
3. Prestasi apa saja yang pernah anda raih saat
melatih di sekolah anda latih sekarang
maupun di luar sekolah yang pernah anda
4. Apakah jumlah bola yang ada mencukupi
untuk melakukan latihan? dan berapa
5. Apakah lapangan yang dipakai saat latihan
sudah cukup memadai sebagai sarana
latihan yang efektif (kondisi lapangan baik
atau tidak)?
6. Apakah anda membuat program latihan
ekstrakurikuler futsal? seperti apa?
The Analysis of Futsal Extracurricular Development in Public Senior High Schools in Bengkulu (City)
7. Sebelum latihan apakah melakukan
pemanasan terlebih dahulu? Seperti apa?
8. Anda sebagai pelatih adakah target yang
diberikan pada ekstrakurikuler futsal di
sekolah anda latih kini?
Angket Tentang Perkembangan Futsal
Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Ditingkat
SMA N Kota Bengkulu
Angket yang kami sampaikan pada saudara,
bapak/ibu kami harap di isi dengan jujur.
Karena jawaban saudara, bapak/ibu akan
kami pakai untuk penelitian “Analisis
Perkembangan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal
Ditingkat SMA N Kota Bengkulu.
Nama :
Sekolah :
Ttl :
Alamat :
1. Ekstrakurikuler futsal di sekolah
bapak, apakah pelatihnya sudah memiliki
pelatih yang berlisensi?
2. Menurut pengamatan bapak dalam sesi
latihan, apakah pelatih di sekolah bapak
saat memberikan latihan hanya bisa
memberi teori atau bisa juga langsung
3. Sebagai pembina ekstrakurikuler
futsal, apakah bapak mengetahui prestasi
apa saja yang pernah didapatkan pelatih
futsal di sekolah yang bapak bina (saat
4. Apakah pelatih atau pemain pernah
mengeluhkan tentang kurangnya bola untuk
5. Apakah lapangan yang dipakai untuk
ekstrakurikuler futsal kondisinya baik atau
tidak berbahaya (semen pecah-pecah, dan
6. Melihat kinerja pelatih futsal sejauh
ini, bapak sebagai pembina apakah pelatih
ekstrakurikuler futsal di sekolah bapak
pernah membuat program latihan tertulis?
7. Menurut pengamatan bapak latihan
futsal di ekstrakurikuler apakah terlihat
sudah terstruktur mulai dari melakukan
pemanasan dan sampai akhir latihan
melakukan pendinginan?
8. Sebagai pembina (wakil kesiswaan)
adakah target yang diberikan pada masing-
masing ekstrakurikuler terkhusus futsal?
Angket Tentang Perkembangan Futsal
Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Ditingkat
SMA N Kota Bengkulu
Angket yang kami sampaikan pada saudara, kami
harap di isi dengan jujur. Karena jawaban saudara,
akan kami pakai untuk penelitian “Analisis
Perkembangan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Ditingkat
SMA N Kota Bengkulu.
Nama :
Kelas :
Ttl :
Alamat :
1. Pelatih ekstrakurikuler futsal anda mempunyai
lisensi kepelatihan atau tidak?
2. Apakah pelatih anda selalu memperaktekkan
teori (memberi contoh) latihan yang diterapkan saat
3. Selama anda mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
futsal apakah anda mengetahui prestasi apa saja
yang sudah diraih pelatih futsal anda sampai saat ini
4. Menurut pendapat anda selama latihan apakah
selalu terkendala kurangnya bola? Tolong jelaskan
jika iya atau tidak!
5. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kelayakan
lapangan selama ini anda mengikuti ekstrakurikuler
futsal di sekolah yang anda tempati kini?
6. Sejauh ini latihan menurut anda apakah pelatih
anda memiliki program latihan yang jelas terlihat
dari prestasi yang pernah diraih team futsal di SMA
anda? Seperti apa bentuk program latihannya?
7. Sebelum latihan apakah melakukan pemanasan
terlebih dahulu? Seperti apa?
8. Apakah anda mengetahui sejauh ini mengikuti
ekstrakurikuler futsal memiliki target? Berikan
salah satu contoh dari target tersebut?
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)