Performance of Student Sports Organizers
Victor Simanjuntak
Physical Education Study Program, Department of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Tanjungpura University, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Bansir Laut, Kec. Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak,
Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 78124
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Management, Performance of Student Sports Organizers
Abstract: This research aims to find out the correlation between job satisfaction, management knowledge and the
performance of the student sports organizers in higher educational institutions. Furthermore, this study is
expected to give consideration as the basis for policy makers in universities to take steps in order to manage
sports students properly and systematically. This research used a correlational method with a survey
approach. The results showed that there was a positive correlation (1) between job satisfaction and
performance; (2) between management knowledge and performance; and simultaneously (3) between job
satisfaction, management knowledge and the performance of the student sports organizers.
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education as a government institution, that is in line
with its duties and functions in managing sports,
works to integrate various parts in a single unit,
since sport has a large contribution in fostering
students and ultimately can support and develop
sports education. Therefore, sports organizers have a
strategic position in supporting the life of an
institution in building a healthy organizational life.
On the contrary, if the organization's management is
not good, it will result in an obstacle to the coaching
process. In fact, the progress of an organization is
determined by the performance of its organizers.
The description above shows that the factor that
play an important role in the advancement of student
sports organizations is the performance of the
organizers. Therefore, organizers as managers of
organizational life must be able to guarantee and
carry out tasks and activities, and be responsible for
deviations from activities carried out in their fields.
Also, they must be able to utilize all human and non-
human resources optimally by carrying out various
approaches to avoid and prevent irregularities, as
well as to take responsibility for the performance of
their colleagues. The quality of the performance of
sports organizers depends on various supporting
factors. These factors certainly must be identified in
real terms to be considered and improved to ensure
that an organizational life runs well. There are so
many variables that affect the performance of
organizers in an organization. There are two aspects
that are the most dominant variables in supporting
performance, namely job satisfaction and
management knowledge.
Job satisfaction is an individual's attitude
towards their work. The attitude depends on the
compensation that is adjusted to the level of work. It
is also possible that job satisfaction depends on the
conducive working atmosphere. If someone who
works in an organization has a meaningful level of
satisfaction, he or she will have a tendency to work
more productively. In other words, the higher the
level of individual job satisfaction, the better the
performance will be. Therefore, the position of job
satisfaction in an organization is able to greatly
affect one's performance.
Knowledge of management is a provision for
managers of an organization to run the organization.
Managers who have sufficient knowledge of
management will (1) be aware of their duties and
responsibilities as well as their position, (2) know
what they will and should do, (3) work more
professionally, and (4) provide excellent services
since they know how management works. Therefore,
the management knowledge variable is very
influential on the performance of the management of
student sports organizations. An organization will
run well if the quality of services provided to
Simanjuntak, V.
Performance of Student Sports Organizers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009214301210127
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 121-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
students reflects good performance. The description
above proves that the role of the managers of
organization can be seen through their performance
which has a very significant influence on the
development of student sports organizations in
higher education. Based on the description, the
researcher is interested in conducting research on the
factors above as esearch questions. Therefore, it is
necessary to conduct research on job satisfaction and
management knowledge to find out what factors
determine the performance of student sports
organizers in higher education.
In light of the above explanation, various
problems can be identified, namely (1) what factors
affect the performance of the management of student
sports organizations? (2) Does cooperation affect
performance? (3) Does the level of management
knowledge affect performance? (4) Does the
commitment affect its performance? (5) Does
motivation affect performance? (6) Does leadership
affect someone's performance? (7) Does job
satisfaction affect someone's performance?
Based on the results of observations and
information from some student sports organizers,
several problems were identified, namely (1) what is
the correlation between job satisfaction and the
performance of student sports organizers in higher
educational institutions? (2) Is there a correlation
between management knowledge and performance?
(3) How significant is the correlation between job
satisfaction and management knowledge together
with the performance of student sports organizers?
2.1 Management Performance
Terminologically, performance means the
willingness and ability to do a job in a certain period
of time. Performance as a productive activity in a
certain period of time of someone who contributes to
the achievement of management system goals
(Setro,2007). Performance as a result of work and
behavior. It can be seen that performance is an
important factor in determining success (Armstrong
and Barron, 2008). Therefore, with regard to success
in organizing, it needs to get attention for the
organization managers to get optimal results in
carrying out their daily duties and responsibilities.
Performance is very important in organizational
life. In this case, it is related to the achievement of a
person's work performance on the duties and
responsibilities given to the management of an
organization. This is in accordance with what was
revealed by (Liana, 2012) that performance is a
measure of success in doing a job.
If performance is associated with someone's role
in the organization (Riansari, et al., 2012) interpret
performance as an actor or individual activity that is
in accordance with the expectations or goals of the
organization. This shows that someone as a member
of the organization carries out certain duties as part
of the responsibilities set out by the organization.
The responsibility of each individual must be clear,
because a person's performance cannot be accurately
measured if the responsibilities of each member are
not clear,. Duties and responsibilities that become a
reference in assessing one's work results are in line
with the results of his or her responsibilities that
indicate his or her performance in the organization.
The definitions described above show performance
is a person's ability to carry out daily work in
accordance with the tasks and functions that have
been determined through a performance plan or the
determination of the performance of a certain period
of time with full responsibility to achieve an
accountable outcome.
Person's performance is affected by four factors,
namely (1) personal factors, including individual
skills, competence, motivation and recruitment,
quality leadership factors, motivation, guidance and
encouragement, (2) work system factors, (3)
situational factors which include changes and
emphasis, and (4) internal and external factors.
(Armstrong and Baron, 2008)
Furthermore, the decline in one's performance
(Haryono, 2002) is affected by (1) a lack of
knowledge and skills, (2) a lack of incentives
provided, and (3) a less supportive work
environment, such as leadership style and individual
internal factors. As top leaders, managers must be
able to manage all activities properly, so that all
planned activities can be carried out properly. A
manager will work optimally if he applies
management functions as an important part in
making a policy.
2.2 Job Satisfaction
One of the forms of response related to work, in
terms of psychological aspects, is feeling satisfied or
dissatisfied. Satisfaction will lead to an urge to do
the same job again, while those that cause
dissatisfaction tend to be avoided. When working,
individuals always involve personal aspects, namely
physical and psychological points of view. This
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
applies also to how to respond to the results of the
Job satisfaction is an emotional state that is
pleasant or unpleasant for employees to view their
work (Handoko, 2006). Job satisfaction reflects a
person's feelings for his job. The principle of job
satisfaction is personal or individual. Each person
will have a different level of satisfaction according
to his value system. Job satisfaction is usually
known based on the results of an investigation on
workers. One can be asked whether they are satisfied
with their work (Wibowo, 2014). Individuals tend to
prefer jobs that provide opportunities to use skills
and abilities, and offer a variety of tasks, freedom
and feedback on how well the work can be done.
The behavior of one’s employer is also a major
determinant of satisfaction (Cahyanto and
Mudiartha, 2016). This means that job satisfaction
can be increased if the supervisor or direct leader is
friendly and able to understand; offers praise for
good performance; listens to opinions; and shows a
personal interest in them.
Job satisfaction depends on the level of intrinsic
results, extrinsic results, and the perceptions of the
employees (Koesmono, 2005). Intrinsic results
manifest internal responses, while the extrinsic
results of one's job satisfaction are also affected by
external factors such as colleagues, the environment,
etc. All of these results have different values for
different people. For some people, responsibilities
and challenging jobs may have neutral, negative, or
even positive values. Human beings are different in
terms of their interests related to work. The
difference itself will basically explain the different
levels of job satisfaction for the same work
assignments (Riansari, et al., 2012).
From some of the definitions stated above, there
are similarities in explaining job satisfaction.
Emphasis on job satisfaction lies in the individual
and the manifestation of satisfaction which can be
seen in his attitude towards the work being done as
well as in the work experience he has gained.
Enjoyable conditions can be achieved if the nature
and type of work are in accordance with the needs
and values that one has. Job satisfaction as being
pleasant or unpleasant is shown by an employee on
his work (Wether and Davis, 1996). Thus,
employees will exhibit an attitude that a sense of
pleasure and satisfaction or displeasure.
Everyone has a different level of satisfaction in
accordance with his or her value system. The
difference is determined by the perceived needs and
values of the individual in relation to the experience
gained in the work since the desire for good working
conditions is also based on various needs.
2.3 Knowledge of Management
Knowledge is basically all that is known about an
object and mental state that directly or indirectly
contribute to enriching human life. The main is
because humans naturally have curiosity about their
environment. The level of human curiosity is
determined by the will that comes from within each
individual and the interpretation of the environment
they are in. Human knowledge is obtained through
(1) knowledge sources in their life, (2) various
interactions with each other and the symptoms that
arise, and finally (3) changes that occur in the
surrounding environment. Implicitly, the beginning
of human knowledge is based on the ability to think.
Then, facts are the focus of the discussion about
knowledge. To earn it, a conclusion should be made,
so facts and conclusions are closely related in
achieving knowledge. (Suriasumantri, 2010)
Knowledge is arranged in hierarchical order,
from the most specific level to the universal and
complex level. There are several aspects of
knowledge, namely (1) specific knowledge which
consists of terminological knowledge and specific
knowledge of specific facts; (2) knowledge that
involves specific ways and meanings, which
includes knowledge of conventions / agreements,
knowledge of trends and sequences, knowledge of
classification and category, knowledge of criteria
and knowledge of methodology; (3) universal and
abstract knowledge as knowledge of criteria and
knowledge of methodology; (4) universal
knowledge in a particular field, including knowledge
of principles and generalizations, and knowledge of
theory and structure (Rusuli and Daud, 2015). From
these opinions, it can be concluded that knowledge
is the result of human thought processes obtained by
humans through the five senses and come up with
definite ideas or facts which further underlie the
formation of attitudes and actions. Knowledge is
required by humans to meet needs, overcome
problems that exist in everyday life with an
orientation to improve the welfare of life. This will
continue to grow, due to increasing needs.
Meanwhile, management is a process carried out
to get results through other people. This is consistent
with the opinion (Robbin, 2007) that management is
the process of achieving results efficiently and
through other people. Management is the art of
completing work through other people (Handoko,
2006). This shows that the managers of an
Performance of Student Sports Organizers
organization can achieve organizational goals
through the arrangement of others to carry out
various jobs needed, or in other words by not doing
the work by themselves.
As a social process, management places its
function on interaction between people, both
horizontally and vertically in one's operational
position in the organization. This illustrates that
management has elements of cooperation and leads
to the goals to be achieved and only applied to
groups of people who have clear objectives. To
produce these goals, it must be supported by
management as a function.
Divides management functions into planning,
organizing, actuating, and controling. The functions
of management proposed by the experts on
management show that management is a process
directed at achieving goals in certain ways
(Hasibuan, 2011). Based on some understanding of
management above, it can be concluded that
management is an activity of utilizing existing
resources in the organization in order to achieve
organizational goals. Utilization of these resources
can be done by utilizing management functions as
the process of organizing an activity.
This research used a correlational method with a
survey approach. The populations were the student
sports organizers of STKIP Melawi in Melawi
District and the student sports organizers of STKIP
Pamane Talino Ngabang in Landak District. The
samples used were a total sampling of 40 people.
Questionnaires were used to collect the data.
Each item contains the scores of 5 (five) choices
(Likert scale). For answering positive statements,
following scores were given, namely A = 5, B = 4, C
= 3, D = 2, E = 1. Meanwhile, for negative
statements, the opposite score is given.
4.1 Results
The results of the research were presented as
Related to the performance of student sports
organizers, from 40 respondents, the following result
were obtained. The lowest range was 146. The
highest range was 186. The average was 166.825.
The standard deviation was 12.51. The frequency
distribution can be seen in table 1 as follows.
Table 1: Performance frequency distribution of student
sports organizers
Interval Class
Frequency (f)
145 151,5
151 157,5
157 163,5
163 169,5
169 175,5
175 181,5
181 187,5
Table 1 shows that the group average was 4
(10%). Below the group average, the frequency was
18 (45%), and above the group average, the
frequency was 18 (45%). Thus the organizers’
performance was quite varied.
In relation to job satisfaction, the lowest was 131
and the highest was 147. The average was 166,825.
Standard deviation was 12.51. Frequency
distribution can be seen in table 2 below.
Table 2: Frequency distribution of job satisfaction scores
Interval Class
Frequency (f)
128,5 -131
131,5 - 134
134,5 -137
137,5 - 140
140,5 - 143
143,5 - 146
146,5 - 149
Table 2 shows that the group average was 6
(15%), Below the group average, the frequency was
22 (55%), and above the group average, the
frequency was 12 (30%). Thus the organizers’
performance was quite varied.
In terms of management knowledge, the lowest
score was 11, and the highest was 28. The average
was 19.55. The standard deviation was 5.34. The
frequency distribution can be seen in table 3 below.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 3: Frequency distribution of management
knowledge scores
Frequency (f)
Table 3 shows that the group average was 6
(15%). Below the group average, the frequency was
15 (37.5%) and above the group average, the
frequency was 19 (47.5%). Thus the score of
management knowledge was also varied.
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Correlation between Job Satisfaction
and Performance of Student Sports
The calculation results of the hypothesis, which
states that there is a significant correlation between
job satisfaction (X
) and the performance of the
student sports organizers (Y), showed a simple
regression equation model Ŷ =-226.47 + 2,85X
Through analysis of variance for significance, it
= 585.0966 > F
= 4.10, while for
linearity, it obtained F
=-1.25468 < F
= 3.03. The
simple regression equation is Ŷ =-226.47 + 2,85X
which indicated high significance and linearity. This
meant that if job satisfaction increased, then the
performance of student sports organizers increased
at a score of 2.85 in the constant -226.47.
Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between
job satisfaction (X
) and the performance of the
student sports organizers was at 0.97. Through the t-
test obtained t
79.30 > t
1.81, the correlation
coefficient (r
) was declared significant at the level
of 0.05, which meant that the higher the job
satisfaction, the higher the performance of the
student sports organizers and vice versa.
Based on the correlation coefficient (r
), the
value of determination also obtained 0.94. This
meant that variations in the performance of student
sports organizers could be explained by variations in
job satisfaction by 94%.
The findings in this research are in line with the
theoretical study discussed earlier that student sports
organizers who have good job satisfaction will be
able to perform optimally. Thus, the performance of
the student sports organizers is related to their job
satisfaction. In addition, the results of this research
also showed that job satisfaction is important and
should be increased by each organizer to improve
Partially, the correlation between job satisfaction
and the performance of student sports organizers, by
controlling the variable job satisfaction, obtained a
partial correlation coefficient (ry12) of 0.26. This
meant that this correlation had limited the
involvement of correlation of other independent
variables. Furthermore, controlling these variables
showed an increase in closeness between the
correlation between job satisfaction and
performance, so that the partial correlation
coefficient was significant: t
(4.19) t
4.2.2 Corelation between Management
Knowledge and Performance of
Student Sports Organizers
The results of calculations of the hypothesis, which
states that there is a significant correlation between
management knowledge (X2) and the performance
of student sports organizers (Y), showed a simple
regression equation model of Ŷ =66,99 + 2,55X
Through analysis of variance for significance, it
= 1971,32 > F
= 4.10. Meanwhile for
linearity, obtained F
= -1,34 < F
= 3.03. Therefore,
the simple regression equation is Ŷ =66,99 + 2,55X
which was declared as being very significant and
linear. This meant that if management knowledge
was improved, then the performance of the student
sports organizers increased at a score of 2.55 on the
constant of 66.99.
Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between
management knowledge X
and the performance of
the student sports organizers was at 0.98. The t-test
obtained t
43,28 > t
1.81, so the correlation
coefficient (r
) was declared as being significant at
the level of 0.05 which meant that the higher the
knowledge of management, the higher the
performance of the student sports organizers. On the
contrary, low management knowledge will bring the
consequences of low performance. Based on the
correlation coefficient (r
) it also obtained a
determination value of 0.98. This meant that
variations in the performance of student sports
organizers could be explained by variations in
management knowledge by 98%.
The findings in this research are in line with the
theoretical study discussed earlier that student sports
organizers who have good management knowledge
Performance of Student Sports Organizers
will be able to perform optimally. Thus, it can be
concluded that the performance of the student sports
organizers is related to the management knowledge
possessed by the organizers concerned. In addition,
the results of this research also showed that
management knowledge is important and should be
improved by each organizer to improve their
Partially, the correlation between job satisfaction
and the performance of student sports organizers, by
controlling the variable of job satisfaction, obtained
a partial correlation coefficient (r
) amounting to
0.31. This meant that this correlation had limited the
involvement of correlation of other independent
variables. Furthermore, controlling these variables
showed the increasing closeness of the correlation
between management knowledge and performance,
so that the partial correlation coefficient was
significant because t
4.94 t
4.2.3 Correlation between Job Satisfaction
along with Management Knowledge
and the Performance of Student Sports
The results of the research on the hypothesis, which
states that there is a positive correlation between job
satisfaction along with management knowledge with
the performance of student sports organizers,
showed a multiple regression equation mode Ŷ =
121.14 + -0.03X
+ 2.58X
. Through analysis of
variance to significance, it obtained F
8.94 > F
4.10, thus the multiple equation was Ŷ = 121.14
+ -0.03X
+ 2.58X
which was declared as being
very significant and linear. It meant that if job
satisfaction and knowledge of management were
simultaneously improved, the performance of
student sports organizers increased by 0.89 (-0.03X
+ 2.58X
) score on the constant of 121.14.
Based on the multiple regression equation above,
it showed that among the two independent variables,
the highest gave an increase in the performance of
student sports organizers; if the two independent
variables were raised by one unit, variable of job
satisfaction was 0.03 and management knowledge
was 2.58.
Furthermore, multiple correlation coefficients
between job satisfaction and management
knowledge and organizer performance
simultaneously obtained (R
) 0.32. Significance
testing through the F test obtained F
8.94 > F
4.10, so the multiple correlation coefficient (R
was declared significant which meant that the higher
job satisfaction and knowledge of management
simultaneously, the higher the performance of the
student sports organizers. On the other hand, the
lower the job satisfaction and management
knowledge, the lower the performance of student
sports organizers.
Based on multiple correlation coefficients (R
the coefficient of determination obtained 0.32, so
that the findings in this research indicated the
importance of variable job satisfaction and
management knowledge to improve the performance
of student sports organizers because simultaneously
these two variables explained variations in
organizers’ performance at 32%. This is in line with
the theory of each independent variable described in
the previous section. Overall it can be concluded that
the two independent variables, namely the variable
of job satisfaction and management knowledge, have
a positive significant correlation with the
performance of student sports organizers.
5.1 Conclusion
In light of the description of the data and discussion
described above, conclusions can be drawn as
follows. There was a positive correlation between
job satisfaction and performance. This meant that
the better the job satisfaction, the better the
performance, and conversely the lower the job
satisfaction, the lower the performance of the
student sports organizers. Thus, job satisfaction was
one of the variables that was strongly associated
with the performance of the organizers.
Also, there was a positive correlation
between management knowledge and performance.
This meant that the better the management
knowledge, the better the performance, and
conversely the lower the management knowledge,
the lower the organizers' performance. Thus,
management knowledge was one of the variables
that is closely related to the performance of student
sports organizers.
Finally, there was a positive correlation
between job satisfaction along with management
knowledge and organizers’ performance
simultaneously. This meant that the better the level
of job satisfaction and management knowledge, the
better the performance, and conversely the lower the
job satisfaction and management knowledge, the
lower the performance of student sports organizers.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
5.2 Suggestion
To optimize good performance, student sports
organizers should have good job satisfaction and
knowledge management because the existence of
these two variables has a close correlation. For other
organizers who have low job satisfaction and low
management knowledge, training should be
immediately conducted as an effort to increase both
of these variables, or other variables related to
performance. Since this research is limited, it is
recommended for other researchers to develop
similar research with other variables related to
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Performance of Student Sports Organizers