Business Clinic Program Analysis on Increasing the Income of Small
Entrepreneurs in Tebing Tinggi
M. Umar Maya Putra and Windy Aginta
Department of Management, Universitas Al Azhar, Jl. Pintu Air IV No. 214, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, 20142
Keywords: Business, Income, Innovation, Tebing Tinggi
Abstract: The research originated from the concept of innovation carried out by MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) which was determined by the quality of human capital and the relationship between the
government and the world of education in the business world. Quality Human Resources (HR) can be the best
solution for managing a business through a business plan fostered by the government in Tebing Tinggi City.
It aims to analyze the opportunities of the programs that have been implemented in the form of
entrepreneurship training, business capital assistance, roadshow study tours and marketing through business
exhibitions as the dependent variables in increasing the income guided by the Business Clinic (KLIBI) Tebing
Tinggi. The method used is Descriptive and quantitative one used to analyze and describe the data that has
been collected. Probit Model gives the result in the opportunities of training and marketing through exhibition
as the significant factors as well as capital and tour study for the insignificant factors. Its journey can give the
high impact in the business factor and location empowerment for its MSMEs in Tebing Tinggi.
Tebing Tinggi is dominated as majority by
settlements (53.32%) followed by agriculture
(29.66%). This condition provides a potential for
housing development. However, this area has also
considerable for other sectors such as small industry
(, 2017). The
progess of small industry can be the alternative to
make the best business factor in making the best local
If we study the MSMEs movement in making the
improvement in the local area, the entrepreneurship
training is to set to make the empowerment, then the
skillful attitudes can create the dependence in absorb
the job seeker in private sector as the government
program for citizen, especially in terms of financial
ability to get the victory movement in the sustainable
business (Syarifah & Putra, 2017).
Tebing Tinggi had the business clinic called
Klinik Bisnis (KLIBI) Tebing Tinggi, which had been
made by the government program as well as the
university research for business. It had the best
program from 2013 to 2015 to make the business
breakthrough in making the best result for Asean Free
Trade Are that combined the business actors around
Tebing Tinggi to make the good mentality business.
Business education can make the good mentality
and local wisdom culture. It has the research
performance in improving the MSMEs to make the
best result in social economic strength and get many
absorbtion for the job seekers. The area community
will be got into the qualified product with
comprehensive research (Bati,et al, 2018).
As the Good mentality in the business area, it
make the local landscape. The citizens will be created
not only to consume but also produce the product
based on the talent ability. They will get the best
performace in making the best abilty in technology in
getting the mileneal consumers.
A good approachment in empowering them will
get the young generation need. They presented with
innovative products with social media such as
youtube, instragram, facebook and etc that can get
them in a whole day selling with the efficient cash out
(Malawat & Putra, 2019).
Based on data explained with rapid development
of the trade sector in Tebing Tinggi City, researchers
are interested in taking some indicators to consider
the income of MSMEs in Tebing Tinggi City from the
Program implemented the Business Clinic Tebing
Tinggi so the we take the title "Business Clinic
Program Analysis On Increasing The Income Of
Small Entrepreneurs In Tebing Tinggi ". The main
Maya Putra, M. and Aginta, W.
Business Clinic Program Analysis on Increasing the Income of Small Entrepreneurs in Tebing Tinggi.
DOI: 10.5220/0009202802960300
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 296-300
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
issues that will be analyzed are the extent to which the
KLIBI Tebing Tinggi Program is developing to create
the high income probablity for MSMEs.
2.1 Business Factor
The level of risk of work in the MSMEs is greater
than other industries which require employees to have
a high focus of their safety and need to make their
own stategy in business (Siagian & Putra, 2019).
The growth of MSMEs in the past monetary
crisis, has no effect of large ones especially about
exports focus. They get difficulty in competing in
reasonable economic conditions. It can be seen from
2007 to 2011 although there is an increase of export
amount is less result, They are important to face the
business level of the development in facing the
globalization era (Dilham & Putra, 2017).
Business ethics is necessary in getting many
customers. They will give the business result to as the
need for a best based on Research and Development
(R & D) program continuously so that it can develop
well in running the community ( Wahyuni & Putra,
There is a probabilty for human capital has a
significant factor the make the best target in
corporation. It is important to map the feasibility
study in order to be suitable in making their business
impact (Malawat & Putra, 2018).
2.2 Location Empowerment
Realizing the best target of the company that can be
connected with the local people who later also
improved to the location prosperity. The main focus
is to make the MSMEs elements to improve the
process of community approachment (Putra & Ami,
The role of university approachment in
community, it can improve a social economic
condition that can empower the region strength. With
the information obtained programmatically, that
some things for socioeconomic mapping has
decision- programmed with the structure of society
(Dilham & Putra, 2016).
The creative business start ups are necessary in
making the best capacity in making the economic
growth. The action in mapping the research and
development (R&D) about creating the new product,
will improve the employment productivity during the
best movement the newest firms in the local area
(Stam & Wennberg, 2009).
A strategy for making the best workforce to drive
best target for the corporates has become a best
activity. Firms will make the breakthrough
approachment. Human capital feasibilty mapping
programmes not only getting the best business targets
but the best result for the sustainable action (Maran,
et al, 2009).
The population was taken for KLIBI-assisted
MSMEs in Tebing Tinggi as many as 221 assisted
MSMEs began from 2012 to 2017. For the sample,
the researchers selected MSMEs samples based on
considerations believed in purpusive ones to
represent all units analysis of their activities in
conducting business supervision/mentoring in
improving entrepreneurship education, borrowing
funds by getting closer to the state-owned enterprises
as well as directed entrepreneurial exhibitions so that
the researchers set 100 MSMEs.
The data used is primary one from the results of
questionnaires and interviews related to all variables
of MSMEs in Tebing Tinggi, while the secondary one
is obtained from the general description of the results
of library studies used as supporting theories relevant
to the research. Descriptive analysis method is used
by analyzing what has been collected to be able to be
described to to see the truth as general generalization.
The quantitave analysis is used with the probit
model based on the assumption that the dependent
variable studied follows the normal cumulative
distribution of the normal cumulative distribution
function. It is a probability unit make the normal
probability distribution. The form of the probit model
Y = βj
+ βj
+ βj
+ βj
+ βj
+ e
The parameter estimation method used for its
regression analysis is the same as that used by logistic
regression analysis using e-views 4 which can be
translated: increased msmes income
MSMEs Income = βj
+ βj
Training +
Capital + βj
Tour Roadshow Study +
Marketing + e
The hypotesis test that can be explained such as:
1. The Goodness Of Fit test used the likelihood Ratio
(LR) statistics test, which is a statistical test that
tested the combined hypothesis of all slopes that
Business Clinic Program Analysis on Increasing the Income of Small Entrepreneurs in Tebing Tinggi
the magnitude is all zero except for the constant
of the results.
2. The Z test to test partially with alpha 5% (005)
where the probability. (Z Statistic) < alpha, there
are significant results but probability (Z Statistic)
> from alpha level, then there are no significant
result of the independent variable on the
dependent variable.
3. McFadden Determination Coefficient (R
) is to
measure how far the ability of the model can
explain the dependent variable by calculating the
coefficient with a value of 0 <R
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
KLIBI Tebing Tinggi is an entrepreneurship coaching
clinic as a solution for all MSMEs in Tebing City that
have problems in increasing it. A union among
MSMEs, the government and other external parties is
needed to be able to increase the market share to lead
the competition. It was a formation initiated by the
Mayor of Tebing Tinggi Bpk. Mr. Ir. Umar Zein
Hasibuan with the collaboration was formed between
Trade Service Officer in Tebing Tinggi as well as the
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of
Sumatra in 2013. It is expected to be able to provide
a new repertoire in the quality of product, packaging,
and marketing until the concept of online trading is
made which presents the superior product of Tebing
Its Journey is effectively run from 2013 to 2015
with collaboration with Faculty of Economics and
Business, University of Sumatra. In 2016 until 2017,
It is run autonomously by the trade service of Tebing
4.2 Quantitative Analysis through
Probit Model
The programs are carried out by KLIBI to develop its
members through training on MSMEs incorporated
such as Business Training in all modern aspects until
later they will visit culinary tours in other cities to see,
feel and assess, how all marketing concepts are made
in the city so that it can provide inspiration to improve
business innovation. The partnership pattern will be
formed through collaborative activities between
entrepreneurs who have been successful in doing
business and also other entrepreneurs who want to
collaborate with entrepreneurs in Tebing Tinggi as
many as 100 assisted focus and give the probit result
is :
MSMEs Income = -13,5961 + 0,901843Training +
0,139481Capital + 0,172254Tour Roadshow Study
+ 1,069491βj
Marketing + e
Table 1. Probit Model Analysis Results From E Views 10
The model estimation results in the table obtained
LR Statistic of 30.46220 with the goodness of fit or
probability (LR Statistic) of 0.000004. It infomed that
that the independent variables are among training,
capital, tourstudy and marketing affected the
dependent one that is MSMEs income.
From the results of Partial Z test explained that
independent ones on the dependent one that :
1. Training has both value and regression coefficient
of z statistic : 0,901843 with probability: 0.0441
which gives significant value at the level of α =
5% or 0,05.
2. Capital has value and regression coefficient of z
statistic: 0.139481 with probability: 0.3476 is not
significant at the level of α = 5%
3. The tour study has value as well as regression
coefficient : 0.172255 with probability: 0.3607
which results no significant on the level of α = 5%.
4. Marketing has both value and regression
coefficient of z statistic: 1.069491 with with
probability 0.0054 which gives significant effect
on the level of α = 5%.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
The coefficient of mc fadden determination (R
is used in the rate of 0.930000 or 93 % to analyze how
many contributions of independent variable such as
training, capital, tour study and marketing can
simultaneously explain dependent variable that is
MSMEs then 7 % is explained other variable which
can be added later.
4.3 Discussion
According to the descriptive and quantitative result in
the year 2013 until 2017, it can be said that there are
two variables that give the significant factors for
increasing the MSMEs Income such as :
1. Training. The average of the KLIBI MSMEs
income is giving the duration from 8 until 10
times as the education target for entrepreneurs for
getting the soft as well as hard skill to make them
high focus of their safety and need to compete
each other. As the business factor, The R&D must
be the real target to improve the business etichs in
getting the market share and feasibility target. The
contidition of this variable is similar to the
empirical theory of (Siagian & Putra, 2019),
(Dilham & Putra, 2017), (Dilham & Putra, 2017),
(Malawat & Putra, 2018).
2. Marketing. The best target of the company that
can be joined with location empowerment. In
getting the mind of market in community must be
related to the good marketing strategy. Social
economic condition can increase in the
employment productivity during the penetration
its capacity. The strength in human capital in
getting the market knowledge can be gained with
the duration of 4 until 7 times as the marketing
strategy in exibition around inner or outer Tebing
Tinggi with the best innovative product. The idea
of reasearch is the same as (Putra & Ami, 2017),
(Dilham & Putra, 2016), (Stam & Wennberg,
2009), (Maran, et al, 2009).
However, in the research, there are two
insignificant variables that must be improve as the
business and location factor, such as:
1. Capital. It is one of the insignicant one that must
be focused in getting in the level industries so that
it requires employees in Tebing Tinggi. The
donation got from the Trade Service Officer In
Tebing Tinggi. It can give around 8 until 10
Millions Rupiahs. The entrepreneurs don’t need it
anymore because they can manage their company
professionally. It is one of their strategy to get the
high penetration of business, but they can allocate
it well because they need the coaching as business
education. It can make the good character of their
location empowerment. A good approachment in
coaching them will make the area contribution for
economic development. The analysis is similar to
the idea of (Siagian & Putra, 2019), (Syarifah &
Putra, 2017), (Bati,et al, 2018), (Malawat & Putra,
2. Tour Study. Realizing for the best community in
one of the area must be done the inspiration
business for the best one to arrange it. As the The
role of academic role to run it, it can offer the
company to give the education directly through
road show in all over areas. the Faculty of
Economics and Business, University of Sumatra
in 2013 gives the business connection tour
duration from 2 until 8 times to visit some
innovative home industry in Medan. The random
frequency must be improved for the next program
so that it can give the best effect in market
contribution. The concept of research is the same
as (Putra & Ami, 2017), (Dilham & Putra, 2016),
(Stam & Wennberg, 2009), (Maran, et al, 2009).
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that :
1. KLIBI Tebing Tinggi is an entrepreneurship
coaching clinic as a solution for the problem for
getting the income probability for its member as
many as 100 for the assiting focus.
2. There are two significant factors that can improve
the income probability for its member such as
training and marketing throuh exhibition.
3. For the insignificant factors for increasing the
income probability such as capital and tour study.
4. The probit model shows that the goodness of fit
gives the high probability for all varibles such as
training, marketing, capital and tour study.
5. The contribution of independent ones can
influence dependent one with the highest range
untul 93%.
6. Its progress from 2013 to 2017 can increase high
income probablity for MSMEs as the focus in
business factor and location empowerment.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the research
is a Beginner Lecturer Research scheme funded by
the Directorate of Research and Community Service,
Directorate General of Strengthening Research and
Development of the Ministry of Research,
Business Clinic Program Analysis on Increasing the Income of Small Entrepreneurs in Tebing Tinggi
Technology and Education in 2018 in accordance
with the Research Contract Number :
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