The Effect of Investment, Financing, Dividend Decisions, Firm
Growth, and Agency Costs on Firm Value
R. Meutia
, Erlina
, R. Bukit
, and K. A. Fachrudin
Student of Accounting Doctoral Program Universitas Sumatera Utara
Lecturers at Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Investment Decision, Financing Decision, Dividend Decision, Firm Growth, Agency Costs, Firm Value.
Abstract: The main objective achieved through financial management is to increase the firm value in a sustainable
manner. Several factors that are considered to give effect on the achievement of value including investment
decisions, financing decisions, dividend decisions, firm growth, and agency costs. This study empirically
analyzes the effects of these factors on the firm value. 108 manufacturing companies listing at IDX were
selected purposively as research objects periode 2008-2017. Secondary data in the form of financial
statements were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The research findings prove that the five
independent factors analyzed have a positive and significant effect on firm value. Furthermore, dividend
decisions are a factor that has the greatest influence on the value compared to other factors. The findings state
that the achievement of higher firm value is relatively more determined by how the management makes
policies related to composition between the portion of profit that is distributed as dividends to shareholders to
the portion of profits reinvested or kept as a reserve in the firm as retained earning.
The firm value illustrates the level of public trust in a
company based on its achievements in contributing to
society and other stakeholders (Pandey, 2014:
Syardina et al., 2015). High corporate value also
shows the higher level of prosperity felt by the
company's shareholders, so that achieving high
corporate values is a priority for them.
(Hermunimgsih,2013:Arfan& Rozifar,2013)
This study focuses on manufacturing sector
companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
The main phenomenon is because the manufacturing
industry sector is the sector that contributes most to
Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
compared to several other sectors. The phenomenon
related to the large contribution of the manufacturing
sector to national economic growth is also indicated
by the results of the BAPPENAS study, which was
quoted by the April 17, 2018 edition of SindoNews
media that in 2018 Indonesia's economic growth has
the potential to increase by only 5.5% (Endarwati,
2018). Based on the results of the study, as stated by
the Minister of National Development Planning /
Head of the National Development Planning Agency
(BAPPENAS) Bambang Brodjonegoro in Jakarta
dated April 17, 2018, Indonesia's economic growth of
only 5.5% was due to the lack of a breakthrough in
the manufacturing sector the sector has not shown its
role to bring the Indonesian economy even higher
(Endarwati, 2018).
Some of the variables analyzed in this study relate
to investment decisions (investment dicision),
funding decisions (financing decision), dividend
decisions (dividend disicion), company growth (firm
growth) and agency costs (agency cost) as variables
that are considered to affect firm value . Some
theoretical frameworks used in this study include
pecking order theory, which explains that funding is
based on the order of funding preferences that have
the smallest risk, namely retained earnings, debt and
equity issuance (Myers, 1984). This theory also states
that companies tend to be ekternanl financing (Atiyet,
2012). Regarding dividends in Bird in the Hand
Theory, investors want high dividend payments,
because dividends are considered to have more
certain opportunities and smaller risks compared to
those seeking capital gains. Through this thought,
dividend payments are considered to indicate that
management's ability to manage dividend decisions
well can be a positive signal for the high quality of
the company to experience sustainability, as well as
Meutia, R., Erlina, ., Bukit, R. and Fachrudin, K.
The Effect of Investment, Financing, Dividend Decisions, Firm Growth, and Agency Costs on Firm Value.
DOI: 10.5220/0009201502040208
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 204-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for investors to reinvest or for the community or other
stakeholders to be willing to invest in in the company
(Bhattacharya, 1979; Black, 1976; Prasentyana,
2014; Connelly et al., 2011; Fenandar & Raharja,
2012). Another theory related to the problem of this
research is agency theory, how individuals or groups
are involved in managing an organization behave in
achieving goals (maximizing values) intersect with
interests that give rise to organizational conflicts
(Abdullah et al., 2012; Bosse & Phillips, 2016).
Agency costs can be a negative signal for potential
conflicts that occur within the company, where the
greater the value of agency costs can indicate the
greater the likelihood of a conflict between the owner
/ shareholder, management and / or creditors within
the company. . If the potential for conflict within the
company is assessed to be relatively large, it can
disrupt or even threaten the smoothness or continuity
of the company's business activities, so that it can
reduce corporate value in the eyes of investors
(Lachbeb & Slim, 2017; Muntahanah, 2012; Manalu
& Natalia, 2015).
Some of the results of previous studies found that
investment decisions have a positive and significant
effect on firm value (Gustiandika & Hadiprayitno,
2014; Fernandar & Raharja, 2012; Hasnawati, 2005
and Rizqia et al., 2013). Funding decisions have a
positive and significant effect on firm value
(Hermaningsih, 2011; Gustiandika & Hadiprayitno,
2014; Rizqia et al., 2013 and Dewi, 2014).
Decision on dividends has a positive and significant
effect on firm value (Fernandar & Raharja, 2012;
Rizqia et al., 2013; and Sofyaningsih & Hardiningsih,
2011). The company's growth has a positive and
significant effect on firm value (Syardina et al., 2015;
Dewi et al., 2014; Hermaningsih, 2011 and Paminto, 2016). Agency costs have a negative and
significant effect on firm value (Fauver & Naranjo,
2010; Layyinaturrobaniyah et al., 2014; Abdullah, et
al., 2012 and Xiao & Zhao, 2014)
Based on the results of previous studies, in this
study it was hypothesized that investment decisions,
funding decisions and dividend decisions and
company growth had a positive and significant effect
on firm value while agency costs were hypothesized
to have a negative and significant effect on firm
This explanatory research analyzes the influence of
investment decisions, funding decisions, dividend
decisions, and company growth and agency costs that
have an impact on firm value. The object is
manufacturing companies that continue to be listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period
2008-2017. A total of 108 companies were selected
using a purposive sampling technique (Wilson, 2010;
Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The basis of selection uses
criteria, namely (a) always listed on the IDX from
2008 to the present, (b) Companies that carry out
relisting during the study period.
Secondary data as the main data of the study were
obtained from the financial statements of each sample
company, using documentation data (Sugiono, 2014;
Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Secondary data is obtained
from the IDX web, namely
Investment decisions are measured using the
Capital Addition to Asset Book Value Ratio (CAP /
BVA) ratio. The CAP / BVA ratio shows an
additional flow of productive assets and at the same
time shows the potential for growth of the company
(Kallapur & Trombley, 1999). Funding decisions are
proxied using Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), which is a
ratio that shows a balance or comparison of the
proportion of total debt to total equity or own capital
owned or managed by the company (Fachrudin, 2011;
Dewi et al., 2014; Syardiana et al. , 2015). Decisions
Dividends are measured using the Dividend Payout
Ratio (DPR), namely the ratio or ratio between the
value of dividends distributed to shareholders and the
value of net income per share. (Fenandar & Raharja,
2012; Rizqia et al., 2013; Sofyaningsih &
Hardiningsih, 2011). The company's growth in this
study was measured using Growth in Total Assets
which showed the realization of changes in total
assets owned this year compared to the total assets
held in the previous year (Syardiana et al., 2015;
Dewi at al., 2014; Paminto et al., 2016; Safrida,
2008). Agency Costs give rise to expenditures that are
actually not necessary for the owner of the company
or by management, or called free cash flows. Thus,
FCF is considered suitable to be used as a proxy for
agency costs or as a measure of the degree of
manipulation carried out by management (Lachheb &
Slim, 2017). FCF is more cash flow that can be used
to be reinvested or can be distributed as dividends to
shareholders. Apart from being a measure of the
degree of manipulation carried out by management,
FCF also illustrates the growth of corporate cash
creation in the future (Arieska & Gunawan, 2011).
The value of the company in this study was measured
The Effect of Investment, Financing, Dividend Decisions, Firm Growth, and Agency Costs on Firm Value
using the Tobin’s Q ratio, Tobin’s Q ratio is a ratio
that shows companies have investment opportunities
(Skinner, 1993).
Data were analyzed using multiple regression
with the following equations:
Y=b0 + b1CAPBVA + b2DER+ b3DPR +
b4GTA + b5FCF+ e
Where investment decisions are in the form of
CAP / BVA, funding decisions in the form of DER,
dividend decisions in the form of DPR, company
growth in the form of GTA and agency costs in the
form of FCF as well as business value in the form of
Tobin’s Q.
Hypothesis testing is done to determine the
influence of the five variables on the value of the
company. The results obtained are said to be
significant if the value of sig.t or sig F is smaller than
0.05. If the results show a significant effect, it means
that the five variables that are measured have a
significant effect on firm value.
Tests related to the influence of investment decisions,
funding decisions, dividend decisions and company
growth as well as agency costs on firm value are
carried out through multiple regeresi using SPSS for
windows version 20. The test results are summarized
in Table 1.
Table 1 Regression Coefficient Test Results Against
Company Values
ote: Dependent Variable: Tobin' s Q; R = 0.483; R2 = 0.234;
R2Adj = 0.230.
The highest value coefficient of 3.423 is the large
influence of Corporate Growth (GTA) on Corporate
Value (Tobin’s Q). Meanwhile, the other four lines
have regression coefficients that are of lower value to
Company Value, namely Investment Decisions (CAP
/ BVA = 3.096), Funding Decisions (DER = 0.264),
Decision on Dividends (DPR = 1.691), and Agency
Costs (FCF = 0.448). All regression coefficients show
significant test results (p <0.05), this means that
investment decisions, funding decisions, dividend
decisions, company growth and agency costs have a
positive and significant effect on firm value which
means that the four hypothetical researches are
accepted. Only the final hypothesis is related to the
agency cost of the hypothesis is not acceptable. It
turns out that agency costs actually have a positive
and significant effect on company value (Lacheb,
Slim 2017; Wardani, siregar 2009) which contradicts
the hypothesis proposed. They found that agency
costs were expenses related to oversight of
manipulative actions that might be carried out by
management in financial management. Thus, the
higher value of agency costs shows the commitment
of the company to minimize the manipulation so that
it is expected to create a conducive atmosphere in
business management and in the future it will be able
to generate greater profits, which means there is a
greater chance of dividend distribution for
shareholders (or, there is an increase in wealth or
wealth from the company's shareholders. Another
argument that the FCF (free cash flow) ratio as a
proxy for Agency Costs illustrates the growth rate of
future cash creation. The increase in FCF value as a
representative of Agency Costs shows the growth
prospects of creation cash that can be achieved by the
company in the future.Thus, if the Agency Costs
increase, it means there is an increase in the
company's cash flow value compared to the previous
period, and this condition shows the greater business
profits that can be get company. If the achievement of
the operating profit increases, it increases the chances
of distributing a larger amount of dividends to the
owner / shareholder of the company. This encourages
the creation of positive market sentiment because the
company concerned has good performance and has
high growth and sustainability potential.
The R
(R-Squared) value of 0.234 states that the
contribution of the Investment Decision variables,
Funding Decisions, Dividend Decisions, Company
Growth and Agency Costs contributed 23.4% in
explaining the diversity of Corporate Values. While
the remaining 76.6% states that the diversity of
Corporate Values is influenced by other variables not
included in this research model.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be
concluded that investment decisions, funding
decisions, dividend decisions, company growth and
agency costs have a positive and significant effect on
the value of IDX manufacturing sector companies.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
This study is considered showing some
weaknesses that require further revision efforts from
the next researchers. The first weakness is that this
study only uses independent variables that are internal
in the company, thus the next researchers can expand
these results by involving external factors that are
thought to influence company values such as
inflation, exchange rates or domestic exchange rates
or interest rates so that a better understanding of the
behavior of company values is obtained. Another
disadvantage is that this study only focuses on
manufacturing companies, the next researcher is
advised to expand the sample to other industry
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