Bringing Collaborative Problem Based Learning (CPBL) into a Flipped
Classroom: A New Strategy for Teaching Writing
M. Aries Taufiq
, Marhamah
and Rahmi Eka Putri
Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Collaborative Learning, Problem Based Learning, Flipped Classroom.
This study is conceptual research. It designs the integration of Collaborative Problem Based Learning model
with collaborative learning model implemented in flipped classroom for teaching writing at university. The
strength of this model lies on the fact that it is the student-centered approach. Enriching the learning envi-
ronment with the use of technologies can also offer students better learning opportunities. One method for
incorporating technology like videos is the flipped classroom, which brings an innovative perspective to tra-
ditional lectures. This study discusses about the model of Collaborative Problem Based Learning which is
implemented into a flipped classroom. The flipped classroom involves blended learning - a combination of
face-to-face in-class learning and distance learning. It is a perfect choice as the model encourages students’
active participation, promotes support from teacher and peers to handle homework and allows more free time
in class. The flipped classroom model seems to be more favorable in higher education than in K-12 education.
This is because the model lends itself to active learning.
Writing is found to be difficult skill by students. It is
due to the fact that the process of writing covers many
aspects such as content, organization,vocabulary, lan-
guage use, and mechanics. According to National
Writing Project (2003), the complexity of writing
causes teaching writing is very challenging task for
English teachers in education field. Besides, this com-
plexity may affect the students’ attitude on writing.
Considering the problems encountered by students,
Harmer (Duch et al., 2001) states that teachers should
find the appropriate methods and methodological be-
liefs to lead the teaching practice.
For this reason, it is suggested for teachers to find
other methods to teach writing. The use of problem
based learning (PBL) can be a solution to stimulate
students to develop their writing skill. By utilizing
this strategy, the students should be active to manage
their own way to learn. The instructor will be the fa-
cilitator for giving problems to be solved and possible
learning sources to be used. Gallagher and Reynolds
(Gallagher, 1997) assert that one of the characteristics
of PBL is the use of student-centered approach and
teachers are facilitators who serve as the initial stimu-
lus and framework for learning. In addition, enriching
the learning environment with the use of technologies
can also offer students better learning opportunities.
Video is one of effective technological tools for teach-
ing when used properly (Hartsell and Yuen, 2006).
This model attempts to utilize the use of Problem
Based Learning which is combined with collabora-
tive learning for teaching writing at university. The
strength of this model lies on the fact that it is the
student-centered approach. Since the students are the
center of learning, they feel free to study the top-
ics they are interested in and manage the way how
to study including identifying their learning needs,
planning classes, leading class discussions, and as-
sessing their own work and their classmates’ work.
In addition, students become more effective problem-
solvers and self-directed learners while the lecturers
become a tutor or cognitive coach who models in-
quiry strategies, guides exploration and help students
clarify and pursue their research questions. This arti-
cle discusses about the model of Collaborative Prob-
lem Based Learning which is implemented into a
flipped classroom. The flipped classroom involves
blended learning - a combination of face-to-face in-
class learning and distance learning. It is a perfect
choice as the model encourages students’ active par-
ticipation, promotes support from teacher and peers to
Taufiq, M., Marhamah, . and Putri, R.
Bringing Collaborative Problem Based Learning (CPBL) into a Flipped Classroom: A New Strategy for Teaching Writing.
DOI: 10.5220/0009159403790384
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 379-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
handle homework and allows more free time in class.
The flipped classroom model seems to be more favor-
able in higher education than in K-12 education. This
is because the model lends itself to active learning.
2.1 Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a total approach to
education that challenges students to learn through an
active engagement in real life problems. Today, PBL
is used extensively in elementary, secondary and ter-
tiary education institutions worldwide, and has also
been adopted in various fields of professional train-
ing, such as nursing, engineering and architecture,
among many others (Ioa, ). The key characteristics
of PBL are that it involves team work and commu-
nication skills, a problem-solving, critical, analytical
and creative capacity, as well as individual research.
As (Duch et al., 2001) declare, problem-based
learning is one educational strategy that helps stu-
dents build the reasoning and communication skills
necessary for success today. Actually PBL derives
from a theory which suggests that for effective acqui-
sition of knowledge, learners need to be stimulated
to restructure information they already know within a
realistic context, to gain new knowledge, and to then
elaborate on the new information they have learned
(Kilroy, 2004). Therefore, problem-based learning
can be implemented to assist the students to increase
their understanding or cognitive competence toward
content subjects written in English. By applying this
strategy, both students’ understanding and communi-
cation skills can be constructed.
In brief, the PBL strategy starts the session with
the students’ activities by giving problems/questions
related to the topics that should be discussed in
groups. Students classify the questions that they can
answer and they cannot answer at that time. The
teacher facilitates the students with content materials
to help them answer the questions. Then the students
share the tasks that will be done individually or in
groups. They discuss all the problems together un-
til the tasks are completed. If they get problems they
can ask the teacher to verify their answers. Then the
teacher invites each group to report their answers to
the other groups. The other groups can give comment,
questions, or any other addition toward the report of
the presenting group.
2.2 Collaborative Learning
Collaborative can be interpreted as collaboration or
collaboration. (Laal and Laal, 2012) define collabo-
rative learning as a teaching and learning approach
that involves a group of students to work together
to solve problems, completing tasks, and creating a
product. Meanwhile, Smith and MacGregor (Laal and
Laal, 2012) define collaborative learning as a term
that incorporates various educational approaches that
involve intellectual relations between students, or be-
tween students and teachers together. Generally stu-
dents work in groups of two or more members, seek
for comprehension, solutions, understanding, or cre-
ating a product. Whereas, according to (Dillenbourg,
1999), Collaborative Problem Based Learning is a
collaboration performed by two or more people who
have the same goal, to solve a particular problem.
This learning involves the cooperation process among
students to solve problems as the main process to con-
struct their own knowledge, supported by the initial
knowledge the students possess.
(Gunawan, 2006) Classifies five important ele-
ments in the process of collaborative learning. They
A sense of togetherness.
There are mutually supportive interactions among
group members.
There is a sense of responsibility individually and
in groups for the success of the learning process.
Good interpersonal communication skills in a
small group.
There is a process of reflection on their functions
and abilities to work together as a group.
2.3 Flipped Classroom
The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction
to a learner-centered model in which time in the class-
room is used to explore topics in greater depth and
create meaningful learning opportunities while stu-
dents are initially introduced to new topics outside
of the classroom. The flipped classroom involves
blended learning, a combination of face-to-face in-
class learning and distance learning. Students will
benefit from participating in class group discussion
and engaging in online video lessons and assignment
that must be completed additionally outside of the
class time. Comment that the flipped classroom ap-
proach “is an integration of face-to-face and online
learning experiences—not a layering of one on top of
the other”. The flipped classroom approach shifts the
responsibility from teacher to the students.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
According to (Bergmann and Sams, 2012), a
flipped classroom can be described as a setting where
that “which is traditionally done in class is now done
at home, and that which is traditionally done as home-
work is now completed in class” (p.13). In other
words, the sequence is inverted. Meanwhile, accord-
ing to Lage, Platt, and Treglia (Lage et al., 2000), “In-
verting the classroom means that events that have tra-
ditionally taken place inside the classroom now take
place outside the classroom and vice versa” (p. 32).
The flipped classroom helps foster learner autonomy
through online video lessons and class activities at
campus. Reynard suggests that classroom lessons be
used as scaffolding rather than using it as the core
instruction as in traditional classes (Reynard, 2007).
Teacher should spend class time, a very significant
part of learning process focusing on dialog practice,
working in groups or demonstrations.
A flipped classroom frees up class time for teach-
ers and presents learning choices to students rather
than just informing them in a sit-and-listen format.
With this model, teachers “. . . can deliver this instruc-
tion by recording and narrating screencasts of work
they do on their computers, creating videos of them-
selves teaching, or curating video lessons from trusted
Internet sites”
2.4 The Learning Model
The learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used
as a guide in planning classroom learning. The model
is a general pattern of learning behavior applied to
achieve the expected competencies/learning objec-
tives. Learning model is a pattern of interaction be-
tween students and teachers in the classroom that in-
volves approaches, strategies, methods, learning tech-
niques applied in the implementation of teaching and
learning activities. A learning model not only deter-
mines what the teacher must do, but it also involves
the stages, the principles of the reaction of the teacher
and students and the supporting system required.
Arends (Agus, 2009) states that a learning model
refers to the approach including the learning objec-
tives, the stages in learning activities, the learning en-
vironment and classroom management applied in the
classroom. Meanwhile, according to Joice & Weil
(Isjoni, 2013), a learning model is a pattern or plan
planned in such a way and used to compile the cur-
riculum, organize the subject materials, and give in-
structions to the instructor in his class. Whereas (Is-
tarani, 50) asserts that learning model is the entire se-
ries of presentation of teaching material covering all
aspects before, while and after the learning performed
by the teacher and all related facilities that are used
directly or indirectly in the learning process.
Students are actively involved in an effective and
meaningful learning they are the center of learning ac-
tivities and the formation of competencies and charac-
ters. The learning model is very closely related to the
learning style of students and the teacher’s teaching
style. The teacher’s efforts in teaching students are
very crucial to achieve the success of planned learn-
ing goals. Therefore, the selection of various meth-
ods, strategies, techniques and learning models is the
main thing.
Related to this, (Rusman and Pd, 2012) suggests
six characteristics of the learning model. First, the
learning model is based on educational and learning
theory proposed by experts. After that, the learning
model has a specific educational mission or purpose.
Then, a learning model can be applied as a guide for
improving learning activities in the classroom; for ex-
ample, the synectic model is designed to improve cre-
ativity in language learning. Next, the fourth char-
acteristic is that the learning model has parts of the
model called sequences of learning steps (syntax),
reaction principles, social systems, and support sys-
tems. Furthermore, the learning model has an impact
as a result of the application of the model. Finally, the
teacher can make teaching preparations based on the
learning model used. Moreover, Joyce et al. (2015)
state that a model has at least (a) the sequence of steps
of learning (syntax), (b) the principles of reaction that
explain how the teacher evaluates students and how to
respond to what students do in the learning process,
(c) a social system that describes the collaboration
form between teachers and students in learning or the
role of teachers and students and their relationships
and the types of rules that must be established/ im-
plemented, (d) support systems that refer to the con-
ditions needed to support the implementation of the
learning model, including facilities and infrastructure
such as tools and materials, learning environment, as
well as teacher and student readiness, (e) effects of
the model (instructional and accompaniment effect).
Based on the literature review and preliminary re-
search, the researchers design a teaching model that
suitable for teaching writing which integrate collabo-
rative and problem based learning. This model will
be applied in flipped classroom.
Collaborative problem based learning model is a
learning model beginning with a problem that can be
solved in groups. The guidelines for applying collab-
orative problem based learning are divided into three
Bringing Collaborative Problem Based Learning (CPBL) into a Flipped Classroom: A New Strategy for Teaching Writing
categories: guidelines for teachers, students and guid-
ance for both teachers and students.
a. Guidelines for teachers
The teacher as a facilitator.
Create a collaborative learning environment.
Formulate the focus of the problem.
Give an explanation when asked by students.
b. Guidelines for students
Determine how to use information and various
sources obtained to solve problems.
Determine and take into account the time alloca-
tion for individuals and groups.
Formulate the focus of the problem.
Give an explanation when asked by students.
c. Guidelines for both teachers and students
Teachers and students collaborate to determine
learning issues and objects.
Teachers and students gather the necessary learn-
ing resources.
The teacher evaluates students, both individually
and in groups.
In this model, the steps of collaborative problem
based learning are as follows:
Learning begins with giving challenging prob-
Students are given the opportunity to identify and
design solutions to these problems individually
before they learn in groups.
Students learn in small groups of 4-6 people to
clarify their understanding, criticize friends’ ideas
in their groups, make conjectures, choose reso-
lution strategies, and solve problems given, by
clashing arguments.
Students solve the problem given by the teacher
Students present the results of solving the prob-
lems obtained
Collaborative Problem Based Learning settings
are performed in small study groups, in which each
group consists of 3-5 students. Before assigning the
students to work in group, the teacher first gives the
problem to be solved. Then, the teacher asks stu-
dents to work in group to solve problems given by
the teacher. In this model, the intended collaborative
problem based learning is a small group based learn-
ing model by providing small group problems to be
solved and revealing the results of their work to other.
The steps applied are:
Each student is given individual problems.
The teacher makes a small group of 2-5 students.
After individual problems are given, students can
work in groups with the knowledge gained from
individual problems.
Students solve the problems in groups
The results of group work are submitted to other
Other groups give responses.
Based on the description above, the steps taken are
students completing the problem individually,after
students finish the problem in groups, then one of
the group representatives presents the results of the
group’s work in front of the class to another group.
3.1 Model of Teaching
The model of teaching is described below:
3.1.1 Syntax
Planning stage is the first activity. In this stage,
the lecturer prepares online materials such as video
and asks students to watch the video and do the tasks
that follow. After that, in the classroom, 3 to 5 stu-
dents work in a group and start planning their writ-
ing by discussing the problem given by the lecturer.
At this stage, the students discuss the problem, then,
generate the solution of the problem. After that, the
possible solutions are listed and constructed into sin-
gle sentences. In short, at planning stage, the learning
starts with constructing ideas from the problems pro-
vided. After that, the students work collaboratively
to discuss the possible solutions for the problem. In
this process, the students might work individually first
before coming to the discussion to seek the possible
At drafting stage, the students write their first draft
of writing in a group. They generate the listed pos-
sible solutions they have discussed at the previous
stage. At this stage, students work together to con-
struct their writing. They might discuss how to ar-
range the sentences they have constructed to make
it united and discuss the appropriate conjunctions to
complete the writing product.
Revising and Editing
After the drafting stage, the next stages are revis-
ing and editing stages. At revising stage, the students
check the other group’s writing and give feedback. It
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
is done by managing the students to do peer correc-
tion. The writer and the corrector check the writing
product, then, the corrector gives feedback. This is
the activities done for revising stage. After that, edit-
ing stage begins after the writer gets some feedback
from the corrector. The writers go back to their ini-
tial group and they write the second draft based on
feedback given by other group’s members. Next, they
do the second peer correction with different group.
The activities are performed like the previous revising
stage. In short, the two stages,revising and editing, are
done simultaneously. These stages end when the lec-
turer check the students’ writing product and give fi-
nal feedback related to the structure of the text to each
group before they present their writing in front of the
class. However, the lecturer needs to observe the stu-
dents during the activities and give assistance when
possible. At last, the students present their writing
and stick their final draft in front of the class.
The last stage is evaluation. In evaluating stage,
the lecturer gives final correction and revises students’
writing. After that, the lecturer concludes the lesson
they discuss that day.
3.1.2 Social System
The social system describes the role and the relation-
ship between the lecturer and the students. The fig-
ure the represents the model shows the relationship
between the lecturer and the students. Before the
planning stage, the lecturer prepares some topics or
problems to be discussed by the students. It is the
stage when the lecturer makes sure that the students
are ready to involve in learning activities by activat-
ing students’ schemata, developing it, and makes sure
that the students know the purpose of the learning that
day. The next stage is the time for students to be more
active by discussing the problems and planning their
writing from the problems they discuss. The lecturer’s
responsibility is only to monitor students’ activity and
make sure that the students know what they are do-
ing. The lecturer might give assistance when needed.
Since the students are already starting to plan their
writing, the role of the students emerges at this stage.
After the planning stage, the students’ responsibil-
ity is increasing but the lecturer’s is decreasing. This
is because students are expected to write their first
draft of writing by generating the solution of the prob-
lem they have discussed at the previous stage. More-
over, at this stage, the lecturer should minimize assist-
ing help for the students. This happens until the last
editing stage. Finally, at the last stage which is evalu-
ation, the lecturer becomes the center of the learning
process since it the lecturer’s responsibility to correct
and students’ writing product. In addition, the lecturer
will also conclude the topic discussed on that day.
3.1.3 Principles of Reaction
The principles of reaction tell the lecturer how to in-
volve students and how to respond to what the stu-
dents do. It is described in almost all of the stages of
teaching. At the planning stage, the lecturer involves
the students by discussing the problem and the solu-
tions that they are going to write about. It aims to ac-
tivate students’ background knowledge related to the
topic for the lesson. During other stages, the lecturer
is expected to respond to the students when they have
difficulties in understanding and generating the ideas
for their writing.
3.1.4 Support System
Support system describes the supporting conditions
required to implement the model. In this model, the
students need support system like various books and
reference materials to help them find the solutions of
the problem given by the lecturer. If it is possible, the
lecturer might allow the students to use the internet
service to find related sources to the topic.
3.1.5 Effects of the Model
As seen in the figure previously, this model, like other
models, result in two types of effects: instructional
and subsidiary. Instructional effects are the direct
effects of the model resulted from the contents and
skills on which the activities are based. Since the
model provides problem based learning with the fo-
cus of teaching writing collaboratively, it is expected
that the students are able to understand the stages in
writing, to produce a good writing product, and in the
end, eventually to have better language proficiency es-
pecially in writing. After that, the subsidiary effects
are the indirect effects of the model. Since this model
applies collaborative learning in which the students
are expected to work collaboratively, there is a possi-
bility that the students will be able to build their com-
munication and critical thinking skills.
The problem based learning approach with col-
laborative learning strategies is actually a model that
combines problem based learning with collaborative
learning. Group discussion and brainstorming be-
come the focus to be taught in this model. The distinct
Bringing Collaborative Problem Based Learning (CPBL) into a Flipped Classroom: A New Strategy for Teaching Writing
feature of this model is that at the end of the process,
there is evaluating stage for the lecturer to correct stu-
dents writing and conclude the points of the topic of
the lesson discussed in the classroom. Hence, it is ex-
pected that when the lecturer implements this model,
which combined two kinds of learning approaches
and strategies, in the writing class, the students will
be able to write with better comprehension and com-
petence since they are taught how to write systemat-
ically and they are provided with several activities to
practice how to write.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity