Combination Playfair Cipher Algorithm and LSB Steganography for
Data Text Protection
Apri Siswanto, Sri Wahyuni and Yudhi Arta
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Cryptography, Steganography, Playfair Cipher, Grayscale, Least Significant Bit (LSB).
Encryption and steganography are needed to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data in the process of
sending data on the internet. In this paper, there are two stages to securing the message. The first step is
to randomize messages to be sent with Polygram cipher substitution. The second step is to avoid messages
from third party suspicions that can be done with the steganography process. The message used in this study
is text. In the cryptographic process, the message in the form of text will be encrypted with the Playfair
Cipher method, and then the encrypted message will be carried out in the LSB steganography process on
a gray scale 8-bit digital image on a scale of 0-255. This study shows that by using Playfair Cipher and
cryptographic Steganography in insertion, encrypted messages will be difficult to return to original messages
by unauthorized parties. The result of this application is that you can insert hidden messages in text form into
PNG format digital image files and can extract hidden messages from the image (stego-image).
Encryption is one way to secure data, namely by en-
coding the original message (plaintext) into a secret
message (ciphertext). This security process involves
algorithms and keys. The encryption key can easily
restore the plaintext from the ciphertext. Therefore,
we need a strong encryption algorithm. With the de-
velopment of encoding, people can easily obtain en-
cryption keys in various ways (Schneier, 1996).
Therefore the development of cryptographic
methods needs to be extended to use which is not
only limited to encoding in the form of text but also
in the type of images, audio and video (Soplanit
and Bandaria, 2007). There are two techniques used
for encoding data/images i.e., classical cryptography
and modern cryptography. Encryption using classi-
cal cryptography is a method for converting original
data (plain text) to a secret message (ciphertext) us-
ing the same key. While modern cryptography used
two keys, one key called a public key that can be pub-
lished, while another key called the private key must
be kept secret (Stinson, 2005).
Playfair Cipher is one of the methods classified
in classic cryptography. The encryption process used
processing in the form of very large blocks. Play-
fair treats diagrams in the plaintext as single units and
translates these units into ciphertext diagrams. The
Playfair algorithm is based on the use of a 5x5 matrix
of letters constructed using a keyword. The rules for
filling in this 5x5 matrix are: L to R, top to bottom,
first with keyword after duplicate letters have been re-
moved, and then with the remain letters, with I/J used
as a single letter (Desai and Rathod, ).
This method is one way to overcome the weak-
nesses of other classic cryptographic methods that are
easily guessed because there is a one-on-one corre-
spondence between plaintext and ciphertext. Like text
messages in maintaining confidentiality, text mes-
sages also require encryption techniques that are as
simple as possible but difficult to solve. The pro-
cess of securing messages can be done by encrypting
messages into images with certain algorithms. This
is possible considering a message can be represented
in a matrix containing integers (Rahim and Ikhwan,
Furthermore, steganography is the science and art
of hiding secret messages in a way so that no one sus-
pects the existence of the message. The aim is how
to hide the message so that the presence not detected
by third parties to avoid conspicuous suspicions (Mu-
nir, 2016). The development of computer capabili-
ties, the internet is accompanied by the development
of digital signal processing, information theory, cryp-
tography and steganography has transformed digital
media (Siswanto et al., 2018). In this realm digi-
Siswanto, A., Wahyuni, S. and Arta, Y.
Combination Playfair Cipher Algorithm and LSB Steganography for Data Text Protection.
DOI: 10.5220/0009144501250129
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 125-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
tal steganography has created an atmosphere where
companies develop attractive applications, so the evo-
lution of this field is guaranteed. One of the early
methods of discussing digital steganography was put
forward (Kurak and McHugh, 1992). They proposed
a method which breaks down and adds information at
least significant bits (LSB). They study images at the
lower level and insert new information now known as
image-based steganography.
LSB is a technique commonly used in encryp-
tion and decryption of confidential information. LSB
works by changing the redundant bits of the cover im-
age that have no significant effect on the bits of the
secret message (Pelosi et al., 2018). Figure 1 below
shows the mechanism of the LSB method in 8-bit im-
ages by utilizing 4 bits LSB.
Figure 1: LSB Mechanism
In this paper, the Playfair Cipher method imple-
mented to encode a text message into a form of an
image to maintain secrecy with the increasingly broad
composition of cybercrime. Then the ciphertext will
be processed with LSB Steganography.
Hatta, Ardi, and Maharani (2017) researched how
to maintain message security when sent via an SMS
(Short Message Service) network. The problem in
this study is that someone who carries a message to
the other person wants it can be read-only by the legal
person. Encryption is needed to solve this problem
to maintain message confidentiality. The researcher
proposed an SMS cryptographic application on an
Android-based Smart Phone using the Playfair cipher
method. It can be sent cipher SMS messages and re-
ceive encrypted text messages then also can be de-
crypted in the receiver side. This application performs
cryptography in the form of text letters. The key used
is in the way of letters. The results of this study is
an Android-based application that can send encrypted
SMS messages using the Playfair cipher method so
that the confidentiality of the message can be pro-
tected .
Then MU’MI (2017) proposed a cryptographic
application to counteract the dangers of theft and mes-
sage manipulation. The method used is hybrid Play-
fair cipher and caesar cipher method and steganogra-
phy on message insertion. The Playfair cipher method
is used in the encryption process, followed by the
Caesar cipher method. The results of encryption
from a combination of the two ways are inserted into
the image (embedding process). Insertion Simulation
The encrypted message is simulated with MATLAB
as a computing aid. The simulated image is saved in
the bitmap (.bmp) format. The results of this study
indicate that by using a combination of Playfair ci-
pher and Caesar cipher in encryption, encrypted mes-
sages are increasingly difficult to return to original
messages by unauthorized parties. Inserting it into the
image makes the observer not aware of the informa-
tion embedded in the image that acts as a message.
Furthermore, Simbolon (2016) discussed how to
keep the secret of the student academic transcript.
The problem in this study is that someone who sends
a message wants the message to be secure and reaches
the right person. To solve this problem, an encryption
system is needed that can maintain the confidentiality
of the message by using Playfair cipher cryptography
and LSB steganography technique. A combination
of cryptography and steganography can enhance the
message security. In this study, Playfair ciphers are
included in the Polygram Cipher. This algorithm en-
crypts the alphabet pair (bigram) in the plaintext. In
their research, they proposed the Playfair matrix table
used is a 6x6 matrix. Steganography used is a spatial
domain method with the Least Significant Bit (LSB)
technique which consists of 2 parts, namely LSB Em-
bedding Process and LSB Extracting Process. This
research used a quantitative research method. The re-
sults obtained from this study are in the form of 8-bit
grayscale bitmap image files per pixel with a scale of
0 to 255, or with the binary format. The successful se-
cret message is fully returned to the original message
with the decryption process.
Playfair Cipher, and LSB Steganography algorithms
are implemented using the PHP programming lan-
guage. The encryption process is done step by step
for each message that will be embedded in various
media. The first step is the text message will be en-
crypted with the Playfair Cipher method, and then the
text cipher will be steganography on 8-bit grayscale
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
digital images on a scale of 0-255, with the Least Sig-
nificant Bit (LSB) method. The encryption process is
as shown Figure 2.
Figure 2: Encryption and decryption process
The Playfair cipher pseudo-code algorithm is as
follows :
1. A plaintext message is split into pairs of two let-
ters (digraphs). If there is an odd number of let-
ters, a Z is added to the last letter
2. The rules of encryption are
3. If both the letters are in the same column, take the
letter below each one (going back to the top if at
the bottom)
4. If both letters are in the same row, take the letter
to the right of each one (going back to the left if
at the farthest right)
5. If neither of the preceding two rules is true, form
a rectangle with the two letters and take the letters
on the horizontal opposite corner of the rectangle
The results obtained after the coding implementation
with php like Figure 3. The first process that is done
is the message input, key and original image.
Figure 3: Embedding process
After inputting the message and key, the system
will proceed with the encryption process. Ciphertext
encryption results later Inserted in the image. The last
step is saving the stego image in the database. The
system showed the MSE (Mean Square Error) and
PNSR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) normal results.
MSE valued between the original image and the ma-
nipulated image. In the case of steganography; MSE
is the mean square error value between the original
image (plain image) with the cipher image. PSNR
is usually measured in decibels (dB) (Mohsin et al.,
2018). PSNR is used to find out the comparison of the
quality of the plain image and cipher image (Challita
and Farhat, 2011). PSNR is defined as:
PSNR = 10 log
To determine the PSNR, the MSE (Mean Square
Error) value must first be determined. MSE is defined
as (Joshi et al., 2016):
Extraction Menu System Testing The first step is
to select the image that was processed previously.
Then input the same key during the encryption pro-
cess. Can be seen in Figure 4.
After embedding and extraction the next step is
the result of the embedding and extraction process
contained in the data menu can be seen in table 1.
Based on the results from table 1, it shows that
there is no significant change in the stego image from
plain image that has been inserted a secret message.
Combination Playfair Cipher Algorithm and LSB Steganography for Data Text Protection
Figure 4: Extraction process
Table 1: MSE and PSNR result
Based on the results of analysis and testing, a
combination of Playfair Cipher Cryptography and
Steganography with LSB for Text Data Security, sev-
eral conclusions can be drawn, i.e.:
1. Combination system Cryptography and Steganog-
raphy can help users maintain the confidentiality
of a message so that it reaches the rightful person.
2. Can block attacks carried out by cryptanalysts by
using Cryptography and Steganography
3. The results of the program simulation, namely the
initial image before the message is inserted and
after the message is inserted in plain view is diffi-
cult to distinguish.
For future research is expected to develop this system
for mobile devices. Review further about the combi-
nation of cryptographic algorithms with methods and
data other than text, such as images, videos or audio.
Challita, K. and Farhat, H. (2011). Combining steganogra-
phy and cryptography: new directions. International
Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their
Applications (IJNCAA), 1(1):199–208.
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the 2016 International Conference on Computational
Techniques in Information and Communication Tech-
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image downgrading. Paper presented at the 1992 Pro-
ceedings Eighth Annual Computer Security Applica-
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Mohsin, A., Zaidan, A., Zaidan, B., bin Ariffin, S. A., Al-
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ric steganography: A systematic review. Journal of
medical systems, 42(12):245.
MUMI, N. F. A. (2017). Steganografi citra menggunakan
kriptografi hybrid playfair cipher dan caesar cipher.
Munir, R. (2016). Application of the modified ezstego al-
gorithm for hiding secret messages in the animated
gif images. Paper presented at the 2016 2nd Inter-
national Conference on Science in Information Tech-
nology (ICSITech).
Pelosi, M., Poudel, N., Lamichhane, P., Lam, D., Kessler,
G., and MacMonagle, J. (2018). Positive identification
of lsb image steganography using cover image com-
Rahim, R. and Ikhwan, A. (2016). Cryptography technique
with modular multiplication block cipher and playfair
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Schneier, B. (1996). Protocol Building Blocks. Applied
Cryptography, Second Edition, 20th Anniversary Edi-
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Siswanto, A., Syukur, A., and Husna, I. (2018). Perbandin-
gan metode data encryption standard (des) dan ad-
vanced encryption standard (aes) pada steganografi
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Soplanit, S. and Bandaria, C. (2007). Steganografi den-
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Combination Playfair Cipher Algorithm and LSB Steganography for Data Text Protection