The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in
Kecamatan Siak
Nurhayati, Rona Muliana, Febby Asteriani, Dinda Ratu
Departement Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Tourism , Social Impacts, Economic Impacts, Cultural Impacts
This study aimed to identify the impact of tourism on social, economic and cultural conditions in Kecamatan
Siak. The research method was quantitative deductive by using the Likert scale. Population in this research
was Kecamatan Siak residents. The number of samples were 382 families with stratified sampling method.
The results showed that tourism had positive and negative impacts on development in Kecamatan Siak. (1)
The positive impact on the social sector with the highest value was to strongly agree on the increase of the
relations and good communication techniques. The negative impact with the highest value was to agree on an
increase in social deviations such as commercial sex, drug use and destruction of tourist attractions (2) The
positive impact on the economic sector with the highest value was to strongly agree on the increase in of local
businesses. The negative impact with the highest value was that there would be an increase in prices of local
goods and basic goods. (3) The positive impact on the cultural sector with the highest value was to strongly
agree on the increase in tourism human resources. The negative impact with the highest value was agreeing
on the occurrence of consumptive lifestyle.
Today, tourism is an alternative sector in the develop-
ment in Riau. This is due to the decline in the prices
of oil palm which has caused a reduction in the con-
tribution of the oil mining sector and palm plantations
in the development of Riau. Tourism has an important
role, along with the shifting of economic structure to
the service sector.
Siak district is a district that intensively promotes
its region as a tourist destination. This is accordance
with the vision of kabupaten Siak in years 2016-2021.
The Kabupaten Siak vision is “Creating the devel-
oped and prosperous district of Siak in a religious and
malay cultured society and creating Kabupaten Siak
as a tourism destination in Sumatra”(Heriawan, 2004;
Irianto, 2011; Kurniawan, 2015). From this vision,
Kabupaten Siak established itself as a tourism desti-
nation in Sumatra. Through the tourism sector, it will
certainly has an impact on regional development in
Kabupaten Siak, such as economic growth, increased
employment, increased community income, changes
in social life(Akil, 2002; Cohen, ; Foster, 2000).
After 1 year of establishing the vision of Kabu-
paten Siak, it is interesting to identify the performance
of the tourism sector in Kecamatan Siak. Therefore,
the objectives in this study were: (1) to identify the
impact of tourism on the social conditions of the peo-
ple in Kecamatan Siak: (2) to identify the impact of
tourism on the economic conditions of the people in
Kecamatan Siak; (3) identify the impact of tourism
on the cultural conditions of the people in Kecamatan
Siak(Mill, 2009; Pitana and Gede, 2009; ?).
The various impacts of tourism on the social, eco-
nomic and cultural sectors have been examined by the
following authors.
The research paradigm pointed in this study was the
rationalistic paradigm. Rationalistic paradigm be-
lieves that a reliable source of knowledge is the mind,
in which empirical functions only to confirm knowl-
edge obtained from the mind ((WTO), 1980; Geriya,
2004; Kodhyat, 1982).
The method of this study was a quantitative de-
Nurhayati, ., Muliana, R., Asteriani, F. and Ratu, D.
The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in Kecamatan Siak.
DOI: 10.5220/0009143703070311
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 307-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Impact of tourism on social, economic and cultural.
No Objectives of re-
Authors Impacts of tourism
Impacts Positive Impacts -The emergence of new values ??and norms
on Social Tourism (Mill, 2009) -The existence of new social structures and relationships
(Yoeti, 1982) -There is an interpersonal relationship between community members
(Foster, 2000) -Family modernization
(WTO, 1980) -Broaden people’s insights and perspectives on the outside world
(Pitana et al, 2005)
Negative Impacts -Increased crime, local consumerism and prostitution
(Mill, 2009) -Increased social deviations
(Richardson et al, 2004) -Emerging consumptive-oriented mental attitudes giving rise to pathology
social like prostitution, using drug and drug trafficking
(Foster, 2000) (Yoeti, 1982)
(Pitana et al, 2005)
Impacts on Positive Impacts -Open new jobs
tourism economy (Mill, 2009) -Improve the standard of living and income of the community
(Cohen, 1984) -Assist the existence of local businesses
(Leiper, 1990) -Improve managerial skills and community skills that spur other economic
(WTO, 1980) -Encourage someone to be an entrepreneur, for example:
(Pitana et al, 2005) -craft traders, surfboard rentals, food suppliers.
-Increase community income and government revenue
-Providing economic benefits to the community through
-Restaurant / tourist market
Negative Impacts -Increase the price of goods local and basic ingredients
(Mill, 2009) -Increase in people’s income goes up and down
(Manthieson et al, 1982) -There is regional imbalance and the income gap between several groups in
the community
(Pitana et al, 2005) -Loss of control of the local community over economic resources
Impacts Positive Impacts -Preservation of culture local
on tourism culture (Sihite, 2000) -The development of local culture
(Smith, 1977) -The recognition of local culture by tourists
(Butcher, 2003) -The emergence of cultural creativity and innovation
(Geriya, 1996). (Subadra,2006)
(Pitana et al, 2005)
Negative Impacts -Additional stresses occur residents due to new arrivals from outside the area
(Sihite, 2000) -The emergence of commercialization
(Richardson et al,2004)
-The development of consumptive lifestyle
(Pitana et al, 2005) -Disruption of the environment
-Cultural pollution
ductive research method. The quantitative approach
was conducted through questionnaires.
The study area in this study was Kecamatan Siak
and the population was the residents in Kecamatan
Siak (Subadra, 2006; Yoeti, 2006). The number of
samples were determined by the Slovin formula with
a percentage of inaccuracy of 5%. The sample se-
lection was performed by stratified sampling method.
The number of samples were 382 families with the
following details.
Table 2: The number of samples in Kecamatan Siak.
No Kelurahan Number of Respondents
1 Kampung Dalam 134
2 Kampung Rempak 86
3 Langkai 28
4 Merempan Hulu 23
5 Rawang Air Putih 15
6 Suak Lanjut 33
7 Buantan Besar 28
8 Tumang 35
The method of this study was a quantitative de-
ductive research method. The quantitative approach
used was Likert scale. The collected data was cat-
egorized with Likert scale, namely Strongly Agree,
Agree, Quite Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree.
Each category from strongly agree to strongly dis-
agree was given score of 5,4,3,2,1.
After being given score, then from the results of
the questionnaire, the total score was searched by the
Totalscore = T xPn (1)
Where, T = Total number of respondents who
voted Pn = Likert score choice. After getting the total
score, then the total score was percentaged with the
%Index =
× 100 (2)
Where, Y = highest likert score multiplied by total
respondents. After getting the percentage index, then
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Table 3: Impact of tourism in Kecamatan Siak on social.
Indicators Total Score Percentage Category
Positive Impacts
1. There has been a change in the positive value of society
such as an increase in the application of religious values
due to tourism activities in the Kecamatan Siak.
1321 69,1% Agree
2. There has been changing in behavior to a positive norm
in better ways, habits, and behavior of the people due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1547 81% Strongly Agree
3. There was a change in employment opportunities from
the agricultural sector to the service sector due to tourism
activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1321 69% Agree
4. There has been an increase in relations or communica-
tion and good communication techniques for community
members due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1702 89% Strongly Agree
5. There has been an increase in solidarity / sense of kin-
ship towards the community due to tourism activities in
Kecamatan Siak.
1633 87% Strongly Agree
6. There has been a modernization of agricultural meth-
ods and the sale of community crops due to tourism ac-
tivities in Kecamatan Siak.
1389 73% Agree
7. There has been an increase in community insight due
to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1563 82% Strongly Agree
8. There is tolerance towards other ethnics / ethnic groups
due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1479 77% Agree
9. There has been a looseness of parental treatment for
children (discipline) due to tourism activities in Keca-
matan Siak.
1288 67% Agree
10. There is an increase in interpersonal relations or mu-
tual help to the community due to tourism activities in
Kecamatan Siak.
1598 83% Strongly Agree
11. There has been an increase in organization / social
institutions such as activities, community regularity due
to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1598 83% Strongly Agree
12. There was an increase in public awareness of
the cleanliness and comfort of the environment due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1577 82% Strongly Agree
Negative Impacts
1. There has been an increase in crime due to tourism
activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1078 53% Quite Agree
2. There has been an increase in social deviations such
as juvenile delinquency, destruction of tourist attractions
due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1302 68% Agree
they are grouped into intervals, as shown in Table 4.
Table 4: The percentage index category.
Likert Scale Percentage
Strongly Agree 0-19,9%
Agree 20-39,99%
Quite Agree 40-59,99%
Disagree 60-79,99%
Strongly Disagree 80-100%
From the results of the study, tourism had positive and
negative impacts on the development in Kecamatan
4.1 Impacts on Social Tourism
Tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak have a very pos-
itive impact or have enormous benefits in the social
field for the community. The highest value of ben-
efits was strongly agreeing to increase relations or
communication and good communication techniques
The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in Kecamatan Siak
Table 5: Impact of tourism in Kecamatan Siak on economy.
Indicators Total Score Percentage Category
Positive Impacts
1. There has been an increase in employment due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1561 82% Agree
2. There was an increase in income and living standards
of the people due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1515 79% Strongly Agree
3. There has been an increase of local businesses due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1564 89% Agree
4. There has been an increase in community’s economic
activities (community skills products) due to tourism ac-
tivities in Kecamatan Siak.
1576 82% Strongly Agree
5. There was an increase in self-employed people as a
result of tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1495 78% Strongly Agree
6. There was an increase in regional income (PAD) due
to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1477 77% Agree
7. There is an increase in the incomes of hotels and
restaurants or tourist markets due to tourism activities in
Kecamatan Siak.
1545 81% Strongly Agree
Negative Impacts
1. There has been an increase in the cost of building fa-
cilities and infrastructure due to tourism activities in Ke-
camatan Siak.
1230 64% Agree
2. 2. There is an increase in prices of local goods and
basic goods due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1285 67% Agree
3. There is a gap of income due to tourism activities in
Kecamatan Siak..
1180 62% Agree
4. There has been unontrolled economic resources due to
tourism activities in Controlled Siak.
1214 63% Agree
for the community members. Meanwhile, the nega-
tive impact of tourism activities on the social sector
with the highest value was to agree on an increase
in social deviations such as promiscuity (commercial
sex), drug use and destruction of tourist attractions
due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak. Table 3
shows the total score, percentage and social impact
categories of tourism in Kecamatan Siak.
4.2 Impacts on Tourism Economy
The tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak have a very
positive impact or have many benefits in the economic
field for the community. The benefits that have the
highest value was strongly agreeing to increase the
existence of local businesses due to tourism activities
in Kecamatan Siak. The negative impact of tourism
activities on the economic sector with the highest
value was that there would be an increase in prices
of local goods and basic goods due to tourism activ-
ities in Kecamatan Siak. The Table 5 shows the total
score, percentage and economic impact categories of
tourism in Kecamatan Siak.
4.3 Impacts on Tourism Culture
Tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak have a very pos-
itive impact or have many benefits in the cultural field
for the community. The highest value of benefits
was strongly agreeing to increase tourism HR due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak as shown in Ta-
ble 6.
The negative impact of tourism activities on the cul-
tural field with the highest value was agreeing on the
occurrence of consumptive lifestyle due to tourism ac-
tivities in Kecamatan Siak. The table 6 shows the to-
tal score, percentage and cultural impact categories of
tourism in Kecamatan Siak. Employment, increase
in Tourism Human Resources, increase in encourage-
ment to preserve the environment, increase in encour-
agement to preserve traditional culture, etc. The nega-
tive impacts such as increase in social deviations such
as promiscuity (commercial sex), drug use and de-
struction of tourist attractions, increase in prices of lo-
cal goods and basic goods, consumptive life patterns.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Table 6: Impact of tourism in Kecamatan Siak on culture.
Indicators Total Score Percentage Category
Positive Impacts
1. There has been an increase in the maintenance of cul-
tural monuments due to tourism activities in Kecamatan
1473 77% Agree
2. There has been an increase in encouragement to pre-
serve traditional culture due to tourism activities in Keca-
matan Siak.
1599 84% Strongly Agree
3. There has been an increase in encouragement to pre-
serve the environment due to tourism activities in Keca-
matan Siak.
1633 85% Strongly Agree
4. Cultural exchanges occur due to tourism activities in
Kecamatan Siak.
1424 74% Agree
5. There has been an increase in cultural creativities and
innovations due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1587 83% Strongly Agree
6. There has been an increase in Tourism Human Re-
sources due to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1683 86% Strongly Agree
Negative Impacts
1. There has been a disturbance of the Culture and Re-
ligious System due to tourism activities in Kecamatan
887 46% Quite Agree
2. There has been commercialization due to tourism ac-
tivities in Kecamatan Siak.
1044 54% Quite Agree
3. There has been consumptive life patterns due to
tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1285 67% Agree
4. There has been the disruption of the environment due
to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
1128 59% Quite Agree
5. There has been an occurrence of cultural pollution due
to tourism activities in Kecamatan Siak.
989 52% Quite Agree
The authors wish to thank Universitas Islam Riau for
funding this publication.
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The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in Kecamatan Siak