Analysis of Economy in the Improvement of Oil Production using
Hydraulic Pumping Unit in X Field
Muhammad Ariyon, Novia Rita and Tribowo Setiawan
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Hydraulic Pumping Unit, Efisiensi Volumetris NPV, IRR, POT, DPI.
The wells of X fields are vertical wells with installed pumps being the Hydraulic Pumping Unit. The wells can
still be optimized by improving the performance of N and SL by trial and error method. Based on optimation
analysis result at well BM 1 by changing SPM and SL parameters on pump which installed with N 6 SPM and
SL 100 inch got Qt equal to 144 bfpd, then converted to N 7 SPM and SL 100 inch so that there increase of
Qt become equal to 199 bfpd And pump efficiency from 67% to 80%. While in the well BM 2 by changing
the parameters of SPM and SL on pumps installed with N 8 SPM and SL 100 inch obtained Qt of 284 bfpd,
then converted to N 10 SPM and SL 110 inch so that there is an increase of Qt to equal to 583 bfpd pump
efficiency of 65% to 90%. In the economic analysis with Production Sharing Contract system can be known
with non-capital investment of MMUS $ 0.150, obtained NPV contractor MUS $ 451.07, IRR> MARR,POT
< 1 year and DPI 4.00.
The oil production process by using the Hydraulic
Pumping Unit (HPU) on the X field does not always
work optimally so that the oil flow rate cannot be fully
produced optimally and makes the economic results
of the production not obtained. According to the
discussion of (Brown, 1984), the ability of a well to
produce can be known by calculating the productivity
of wells using IPR curves based on actual data in the
field. Optimization of the production rate can be done
by conducting a trial and error method for changes in
Stroke Per Minute (SPM) and Stroke Length (SL) of
the pump.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
production performance of the installed hydraulic
pumping unit, to optimize the HPU to increase the
rate of production (Babbitt and Vincent, 2012; Beard,
2013; Pickford and Morris, 1989). Analyze the
economy of the HPU after obtaining a new production
This research was conducted at X Field.
Administratively, X Field is located in Siak Sri
Indrapura Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia.
Geologically, the X field is located in the Central
Sumatra Basin. X Field has a very large oil content
and shallow well depth where Original Oil In Place
is 101.4 MMSTB with Recovery Factor 47.48%.The
well type on X Field is vertical well and directional
well. The wells to be examined in this research are
BM # 1 and BM # 2 Wells.
Figure 1: Research sites
The research method used is field research or
this research use data from oil field. The data
Ariyon, M., Rita, N. and Setiawan, T.
Analysis of Economy in the Improvement of Oil Production using Hydraulic Pumping Unit in X Field.
DOI: 10.5220/0009129401020108
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 102-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
used are secondary data provided by field guides,
expert opinions, principles and theories of guaranteed
Figure 2: Research flowchart.
3.1 Determination of Well Performance
and Maximum Flow Rate (Qmax)
with Vogel Method
In knowing whether 4 wells in the X field can be
optimized, it is necessary to know the maximum
flow rate (Qmax) in 4 wells with the HPU installed.
The method used in determining Qmax is the Vogel
method because the reservoir fluid flowing in the well
is 2 phase and 50-80% water cut (WC) (Chase and
Shaver, 2009; Ogunleye, 2012).
Table 1: The calculation results determine Sg Fluid,
Gradient Fluid, Pr and Pwf.
WELL Specific
gravity fluid
fluid (Gf)
Bottom well
flow pressure
BM 1 0.92 0.400 146 78
BM 2 0.97 0.420 55 41
BM 3 0.977 0.423 84 33
BM 4 0.94 0.407 50.8 5.6
After obtaining Sg fluid, Gradient fluid, Pr and
Pwf in table 1, the calculation of the vogel method is
carried out to obtain the maximum flow rate (Qmax),
the following results are obtained.
Table 2: Maximum flow rate in the well on the use of the
installed HPU.
WELL Fluid
Rate (Qt)
Rate of
oil (Qo)
Max Flow
Rate (Qmax)
BM 1 144 65 216 50 2.10
BM 2 284 57 696 80 1.94
BM 3 55 8 69 85 1.07
BM 4 88 30 90 69 1.80
Based on production table 2, it can be seen that
from the 4 wells it has a fluid flow rate (Qt) which has
approached Qmax, that is BM3 and BM5 wells while
BM4 wells have reached the economic limit. For this
reason, only 2 wells can be researched to optimize and
analyze the economics of BM1 and BM2 wells.
After finding out which wells to be optimized,
the BM1 and BM2 wells then need to use the Inflow
Performance Relationship curve to describe changes
in the price of the well bottom flow pressure (Pwf)
versus the flow rate (Q) produced. Then the results
of changes in the bottom well pressure are obtained
from the flow rate in table 3.
Table 3: Results of changes in bottom well flow pressure to
flow rate.
Well Pwf (psi)
Pwf Q
(Bfpd) (psi) (bfpd)
146 0
BM 2
55 0
125 52 50 109
105 95 45 209
95 114 40 300
85 132 35 381
75 148 30 454
BM 1 65 162 25 517
55 175 20 571
45 186 15 616
30 199 10 651
15 209 8 663
10 212 5 678
0 216 0 696
HPU performance known by making IPR curves
using the vogel method which aims to determine the
maximum pump flow rate, because in field X has a
two-phase flow, where (Wiggins et al., 1996) states
the vogel method is usually used to determine the
maximum flow rate of two fluid phases.
After obtaining Pwf against Q by assuming Pwf
in table 3, the IPR curve (Inflow Performance
Relationship) plot can be performed on BM1 and BM
2 wells.
After knowing the Qmax and Pwf assumptions
towards each Q, then the next step is to know the
volumetric efficiency of the HPU installed in wells
BM1 and BM2.
Analysis of Economy in the Improvement of Oil Production using Hydraulic Pumping Unit in X Field
Figure 3: Pwf vs Q IPR curve in BM 1 well.
Figure 4: Pwf vs Q IPR curve in BM 2 well.
3.2 Volumetric Efficiency of HPU
Installed in BM1 and BM2 Wells
The procedure in determining the design of the HPU
pump uses the (Jennings et al., 1989) procedure where
the author determines the Pump Depth (L) price of
Plunger area (Ap), rod area (Ar), tubing area (Ar),
plunger constant (K) and rod weight (Wr) and the
price of the pump speed (N). In BM1 and BM2 wells,
the fluid flow lane (Qt) is obtained, namely BM1 wells
with 144 BFPD and BM2 with 284 BFPD.
Pump efficiency is performed to determine the
optimal pump performance in BM1 and BM2 wells
or not by looking at parameters such as Pump Size /
Plunger diameter (Dp), Pump speed (N, SPM), Pump
step length (SL, In), Acceleration factor (a), Plunger
over travel (ep), Tubing (et) extension, Rod string (er),
Effective plunger stroke (Sp), Pump constant (K),
Pump capacity (V) and Pump volumetric efficiency
(Ev) (Cui et al., 2014; Wang et al., 1995; Ye et al.,
2017), then the results in Table 4 are obtained.
Based on Table 4, it can be analyzed that BM1
wells with the use of 6 SPM (Stroke per minute) and
100 SL (Stroke length) and the use of 1.75 in. Plunger
diameter obtained 213 bfpd pump capacity, while Qt
in BM1 wells was 144 bfpd, volumetric efficiency
was obtained the pump is 67.40% While for BM2
wells with the use of 8 SPM (Stroke per minute)
Table 4: Results of pump volumetric efficiency installed in
BM 1 and BM 2 wells.
Size /
Size /
(dp, In) (dp, In)
(N, SPM) (N, SPM)
(SL, In) (SL, In)
n factor
n factor
(a) (a)
(ep, In)
0.02 Plunger
(ep, In)
of Tubing
(et, In)
0.04 Extention
of Tubing
(et, In)
(er, In) (er, In)
Stroke Stroke
(Sp, In) (Sp, In)
(K) (K)
(V, Bfpd) (V, Bfpd)
(Ev, %)
67.40 Volumetric
(Ev, %)
and 100 SL (Stroke length) and the use of plunger
diameter of 2.25 in, the pump capacity of 469 bfpd
was obtained, while Qt in BM2 wells was 284 bfpd,
the pump obtained a volumetric efficiency of 60%.
Based on the parameters in Table 4 and the
Qmax in 2 wells is quite large, the researcher tried
to do optimization by changing the SPM and SL
parameters in the hope of increasing Qt and the
volumetric efficiency of the installed pump becoming
more optimal than previously installed.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
3.3 Optimization of BM1 and BM 2
Optimization was carried out to increase the
production flow rate in both wells using the trial
and error method. the concept of trial and error
is to change the parameters of SPM and SL on
the installed pump in the hope of increasing the
volumetric efficiency of the pump as well as the
fluid flow rate in wells BM1 and BM2. Next is the
efficiency of the pump installed before optimization.
Table 5: The results of pump efficiency are installed before
Well N (SPM)
(in) (%) (%)
6 100 144 67.4 50
8 100 284 60.4 80
After that, optimization is done by changing the
parameters of SPM and SL using the trial and error
method. Then, it is obtained in table 6 below
Table 6: The results of installed pump efficiency after
Well N (SPM)
(in) (%) (%)
7 100 199 80 50
10 110 583 90.4 80
Based on the results of the optimization in Table
6 in BM1 wells by changing the SPM and SL
parameters on the installed pumps with N 6 SPM and
SL 100 in, Qt is 144 bfpd, then converted to N 7 SPM
and SL 100, in this case, there is an increase in Qt
to 199 bfpd and pump efficiency from 67% to 80%,
While the results of the optimization in table 6 in the
BM2 well by changing the SPM and SL parameters
on the installed pump with N 8 SPM and SL 100 in, Qt
is 284 bfpd, then converted to N 10 SPM and SL 110,
there is an increase in Qt to 583 bfpd pump efficiency
from 65% to 90%.
After obtaining the optimum production flow rate,
to determine the bottom well flow pressure (Pwf) in
BM1 and BM2 wells is by plotting the production
flow rate on the IPR curve in each well, the results
are shown in the figures 5 and 6.
Based on the results of plotting the IPR curves in
Figures 3 and 4 to determine the bottom well flow
pressure (Pwf) with the optimal production flow (Qt)
the results in table 7 on well BM1 with Qt 182 bfpd
Figure 5: IPR curve determination of Pwf against Qt before
and after optimization in BM 1 wells.
Figure 6: IPR curve determination of Pwf against Qt before
and after optimization in BM 2 wells.
obtained pwf 30 psi while the BM2 wells with Qt
583 bfpd obtained pwf 19 psi. Based on the results
of increasing production flow rates in BM1 and BM2
wells, the next step is to forecast with Decline Curve
to find out when the production performance will be
in the future.
3.4 Decline Curve Analysis (DCA)
After optimizing and obtaining a new oil production
flow rate. Then it is necessary to do economic
calculations at the new flow rate to find out what the
profits are (Hong et al., 2018; John, 1996).
At the new production flow rate, it is predicted
that the production rate will decline in the future.
Decreasing the rate of production is seen by using
Table 7: Results of PWF by plotting the optimal IPR curve
against Qt.
Qt Pwf Qt Pwf
Qmax, Bfpd
tion bfpd
tion psi
tion bfpd
tion psi
BM1 144 78 199 30 216
BM2 284 41 583 19 696
Analysis of Economy in the Improvement of Oil Production using Hydraulic Pumping Unit in X Field
Fekete software. Production history data on BM1
and BM2 wells are input to Fekete and exponential
decline types are chosen. The selection of exponential
types is seen from the production history in the last 4
years. Decline obtained on BM1 wells is 11% / year
and BM2 is 17% / year. Then assuming the water
cut does not change and decreasing the production
rate of each well can be known. After that, economic
calculations were carried out on two wells after being
optimized for BM1 and BM2 wells.
Declining forecasting for production is carried out
for the next 2 years, from March 2017 to March 2019.
The reason why the next 2 years are adjusted to the
rental period of the pump from the company with
the contractor, which is per 2 years leasing. Based
on the results total production for the next 2 years
increased after the optimization of pumps in BM1
wells in the first year of 31121.2 bbl and the second
year 29663.4 bbl for 2 years and in the first year BM2
wells 42418.35 bbl and the second year 35501.7 bbl
for 2 years. Optimization is needed to get greater
Table 8: The results of total production forecasting in the
next 2 years.
March 2017 March
31121.2 42418.3
April 2018 March
29663.4 35501.7
Total Production 138.704 BBL
3.5 Economic Analysis
Some economic indicators used to analyze the
production results of the flow rates for the next 2 years
on the BM1 and BM2 wells in the 6th generation PSC
(Production sharing contract) system are: Net Present
Value (NPV); Pay Out Time (POT); Rate of Return
(ROR); Discounted Profit to Investment Ratio (DPIR)
and Economic sensitivity.
According to (Lubiantara, 2012) FTP or first
tranche petroleum is the Government and the
contractor is entitled to first take 20% of production
before deducting returns or recovery of operational
costs (cost recovery). The DMO is basically the
contractor’s obligation to supply a certain volume
of domestic needs. For the first five years (more
precisely the first 60 months when production begins,
the volume for this DMO is valued at the market
price of the crude oil, known as the DMO holiday.
After the DMO holiday period, the price of the DMO
oil will be discounted as stated in the contract , 10%,
15% or 25% of the crude oil market price.
Parameters and Assumptions Used
Based on the contract model between the
Contractor and the Government assumptions are
used in calculating the production flow rate for
the next 2 years in wells BM1 and BM2Price of
1 BBL of US $ 52 / Bbl.
The Contractor’s portion is 26.7857% (after tax).
Government portion is 73.2143% (after tax).
Government tax is determined at 44%.
FTP = 20%.
Cost recovery = 100%.
DMO = 25%.
DMO fee = 15%.
Operating costs are considered fixed at US $ 20 /
Pump rental costs = US $ 103 / d
Based on Production sharing contract model,
investment parameters, calculation assumptions, and
incremental production Scenarios, the economic
evaluation of the use of the HPU on the BM1 and
BM2 wells in the X field was conducted. Complete
results of economic calculations are presented in
Table 9.
Based on the calculation and results of table 9,
it can be seen that the production for the next 2
years on BM 1 and BM 2 wells in accordance with
the HPU rental time is 0.136 MMBBL multiplied
by the oil price of US $ 50 / Bbl MMUS $ 7,213.
The PSC system can be identified by non-capital
investment amounting to MMUS $ 0.150, obtained
NPV contractor MUS $ 451.07, IRR¿ MARR, POT
<1 year and DPI 4.00. Based on these results, the
optimization results of production in BM 1 and BM 2
wells for the next 2 years are still very economical to
3.6 Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis on the NPV of the contractor
is used to see what parameters affect NPV. The
parameters used are: a) Oil prices; b) Production cost
and c) Production results.
Based on the Tables 10, 11, 12 above, a plot is
carried out on the curve to see which parameters affect
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Table 9: Summary of Calculation Results The Economics of BM1 and BM2 wells.
No. Parameter Satuan Jumlah
1 Oil Production MMBBL 0.139
2 Time oil production Year 2
3 Price (Bbl) US$/Bbl 52
4 Gross Revenue MMUS$ 7.213
FTP MMUS$ 1.443
Contractor FTP MMUS$ 0.386
Government FTP MMUS$ 1.056
Investment MMUS$ 0.150
Tangible MMUS$ 0.000
Intangible MMUS$ 0.150
Operating cost Operation MMUS$ 2.774
Abandonment MMUS$ -
Cost Recovery MMUS$ 2.924
(% Gross Revenue) % 41%
Unrecovered Cost -
(% Gross Revenue) % 0%
9 Investment Credit (IC) 10% MMUS$ -
Equity to be Split MMUS$ 2.846
Contractor Equity MMUS$ 0.762
MMUS$ 2.083
Contractor Take
Net Cash Flow MMUS$ 0.553
(% Gross Revenue) % 8%
NPV @15% MUS$ 451.07
POT Year ¡ 1
DPI Fraksi 4.00
Government Take
FTP + Equity MMUS$ 3.140
Tax MMUS$ 0.434
Net Cash Flow MMUS$ 3.736
(% Gross Revenue) % 52%
NPV @10% MUS$ 3,05
Table 10: Sensitivity analysis to oil prices
NPV at
factor 15%
80 41 296.01
90 46 380.59
100 52 451.07
110 57 521.55
120 62 592.03
Optimization of installed pumps by changing SL and
SPM on BM1 wells from N = 6 and SL = 100 to
Table 11: Sensitivity analysis to operational costs.
NPV at
factor 15%
80 16 504.57
90 18 477.82
100 20 451.07
110 22 424.32
120 24 397.97
N = 7 and SL 100 production rates increased from
144 BFPD to 199 BFPD with EV = 80% while in
well BM2 from N = 8 and SL = 100 to N = 10
Analysis of Economy in the Improvement of Oil Production using Hydraulic Pumping Unit in X Field
Table 12: Sensitivity analysis to production.
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
(Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y)
2017 58830 66190 73540 80890 88250
2018 52130 58650 65170 71680 78200
357.97 404.52 451.07 497.62 544.17
Figure 7: Sensitivity analysis.
and SL = 110 the production rate increased from
284 BFPD to 583 BFPD with EV = 90%. Based
on the results of production optimization for the next
2 years according to the time of HPU leasing, oil
production is 0.139 MMBBL, if it is assumed that
oil prices of US 52/BblareMMUS 7,213. Based
on the revenue sharing using the PSC system with
non-capital investments of MUS $ 0.150, the NPV
contractor MUS $ 451.07, IRR¿ MARR, POT <1
year and DPI 4.00 are obtained. From these results,
it can be seen for the next 2 years BM 1 and BM 2
wells are still economical to produce.
Thank you very much for supported by Universitas
Islam Riau and BOB PT. BSP Pertamina Hulu.
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology