Effectiveness of the Ankle Weight Exercise to Increase Football
Player's Agility, Speed and Long Passing Power
Ali Multazam*, Sita Nur Annisa Merindayanti, Aqidatul Izza Aisyah, Fajar Dwika Primadana Ajie,
and Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jalan Bandung Nomor 1, Malang 65113, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Ankle weight exercise, agility, speed, long passing, football
Abstract: Football is a very popular sport at this time, where agility, speed, and long passing are the most important
components in football. Agility is a person's ability to change direction quickly and precisely without losing
balance. Running speed in football serves to support the performance of football players while dribbling into
the opponent's area and is used to chase the ball. Agility, speed, long passing is influenced by the strength of
the muscles of the lower limbs. Ankle Weight Exercise is weight training on the feet that aims to improve the
strength of leg muscle strength performance. The aim is to identify the effect of ankle weight exercise to
increase football player’s agility, speed, and long passing power. Research design is one group pre-test post-
test design. The population in this study were football players. A total of 34 respondents met with the inclusion
criteria. This research was conducted three times a week for six weeks. Measurements using the Illinois agility
run test, 100 meters sprint test, and long pass test. The results of the study using the Wilcoxon test were set
to 0.00 (p <0.05) for each variable. Ankle weight exercises effective in increasing the football player’s agility,
speed, and long passing power.
Several kinds of basic techniques needed in football,
such as: stop the ball, shooting, dribbling, and passing
(Aquino et al., 2016; Surohudin, 2013). There are
important components in the game of football such as
endurance, speed, strength, reaction, and agility
(Sheppard & Young, 2007).
Agility is an ability to change direction with speed
and on time to move without losing balance. An agile
player is a player who moves without losing balance
and awareness of his body position. Agility can occur
because of the movement of explosive energy, and the
strength of muscle contraction determines the amount
of energy and muscle speed depends on the strength
of muscle contraction. So that muscle contraction will
depend on the adhesive power of muscle fibers and the
speed of nerve impulse transmission (Mappaompo,
Running speed is important to be used to support
the performance of football players when dribbling
into the opponent's area or to catch the ball. Running
speed can be developed through basic components of
motion (body control), strength (muscle strength),
power (muscle power), coordination, muscle
endurance (Widodo, 2010). Slow running speed can
affect the athlete's performance. The running speed of
an athlete is influenced by the length of steps and the
frequency of running steps (Sidik & Giriwijoyo,
2014). The reason for the slow running speed is due to
the wrong training program, and athletes usually train
when there will be only a football match.
A weak long passing kick affects an athlete's
achievement, and an athlete's long passing kick is
influenced by the strength of the muscle mass (Sidik
& Giriwijoyo, 2014). The cause of the long passing
kick is weak due to the wrong training program and
athletes usually practice intensively when there will
be a football match alone
Weight training is a type of exercise that is
commonly used to develop strengths using gravity
(Riyadi, 2008). This form of exercise causes the
body's muscles to contract using bodyweight or other
devices to stimulate muscle growth or work, strength,
and endurance by targeting certain muscle groups and
types of movements. There are several methods of
Multazam, A., Merindayanti, S., Aisyah, A., Primadana Ajie, F. and Yuliadarwati, N.
Effectivity of the Ankle Weight Exercise to Increasing Football Player’s Agility, Speed and Long Passing Power.
DOI: 10.5220/0009127502050208
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 205-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
weight training to improve the ability of endurance
muscles, one of the methods used is the ankle weight
exercise method impacts of the poor agility of football
players (Riyadi, 2008).
This research is a quasi-experimental with pretest and
posttest approach design to compare the results of the
pretest and posttest to determine the effect of giving
ankle weight with a load of 1.5 kg, 2.25 kg, and three
kg for six weeks with treatment three times a week.
The number of respondents was 30 people who fit the
inclusion criteria.
Respondents were measured agility using Illinois
agility run tests using a 10 x 5-meter field area and
using eight cones on the sides of the field, respondents
measured their running speed using a 100-meter sprint
test, and respondents measured their long passes using
a long passing test. Analysis of the data used to test
the hypothesis in this study is to use the Shapiro Wilk
test and then proceed with the Wilcoxon test. This
research was conducted in December 2018 until
February 2019.
Data analysis from 30 respondents obtained the mean
before intervention is 20.15 and after intervention
changed to 17.59. Results of the Wilcoxon test
concluded sig 2 tailed value of p-value 0,000 <0.05,
which is the effect of giving ankle weight exercise to
increase agility in football players (see Table 1).
The running speed category before the
intervention is 11 respondents, and at least in the good
category is four respondents. The running speed
category after the interventions is ten respondents, and
at least in less category is one respondent. Wilcoxon
test results obtained an increase in running speed
before and after the intervention of ankle weight
exercise had a significant difference. Of the 30
respondents, there was a mean value before the
intervention that was 19.77 and after the intervention
was given a mean value of 18.18. The difference from
Wilcoxon test results after being given intervention
can be p-value 0.00 <0.05, i.e., there is an effect of
giving ankle weight exercise to increase running
speed in football players (see Table.2)
The long pass category before the intervention in
enough category was 27 respondents, and at least in
the good category was three respondents. The long
pass category after the intervention in a good category
was 19 respondents, and at least in the very good
category were two respondents. The Wilcoxon test
results obtained an increase in long passing before and
after the intervention of ankle weight exercise. There
was a mean value before the intervention, which was
29.08 and after the intervention was given mean value
of 33.50. The Wilcoxon test results in the sig 2 tailed
value obtained 0,000 <0.05, i.e., there is the effect of
giving ankle weight exercise to increase long passing
in football players (see Table 3).
Table 1. Results of the Wilcoxon test effect of ankle weight
exercise on increasing agility in football players
Mean N Sig.
20,15 30 0,000<0,05
Post-test 17,59 30 0,000<0,05
Table 2. Results of the Wilcoxon test effect of ankle weight
exercise on increasing speed in football players
Mean N Sig.
Pre-test 19,77 30 0,000<0,05
Post-test 18,18 30 0,000<0,05
Table 3. Results of the Wilcoxon test effect of ankle weight
exercise on increasing long passing in football players
Mean N Sig.
Pre-test 29,08
30 0,000<0,05
Post-test 33,50 30 0,000<0,05
Exercise will make the body experience a
physiological response. Exercise will cause the
neuromuscular, hormonal, cardiovascular,
respiratory, and metabolic systems in the body. The
hormonal system has an increase in the hormone
adrenaline (the process of liver glycogenesis,
secretion of cortisol by adrenals, increased contraction
of the heart muscle and striated muscle), glucagon
hormone (breaking down fat deposits into the
bloodstream and preventing blood sugar from falling).
In the cardiovascular system and increase in atrial and
ventricular volume, the number of capillaries
increases and the amount of Hb increases. In the
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
respiratory system increase in tidal volume, vital lung
capacity, and diffusion ability (Sebastianus, 2011)
When a soccer player runs dribbling, the leg
muscles must be able to withstand the weight of the
body and protect the ball from the opponent's
interference. Systematic training is training that is
repeated and planned carefully and carried out
according to the schedule applied. Athletes' muscle
strength and agility can be increase using weight
training. Various opinions say that leg muscle strength
to running speed is one of the physical components
used when playing football, especially in dribbling
(Patraserasah, 2017).
Ankle weight can increase agility in football
players. Weight training in the ankle weight is one of
the methods to improve physical condition, and the
muscles will contract and become stronger.
Neurotransmitters release acetylcholine and then
delivered to the muscle membrane and stimulate the
sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium and then
binds troponin, causing ductal actin and myosin to
pull, resulting in muscle contraction. Weight training
will be added with the aim that muscle strength will
be more effective if given a slight load above its
ability, it aims to adapt the functional body so that
there is an increase in muscle strength and indirectly
power and flexibility will also increase, where power
and flexibility are combined in agility (Hudriah, 2018)
One of the supporting factors to Dribbling is leg
muscle strength when players run by dribbling, and
leg muscles can hold the load and balance the body for
better movement (Lutan, 2006). Ankle weight
exercise is used to increase the strength of leg
muscles. Weight training with ankle weight exercise
is included in isotonic movements because, during
contractions, there is a constant tension with changes
in muscle length (Riyadi, 2008). Isotonic movements
contract with the same tension or weight constantly
with changes in muscle length (Sidik & Giriwijoyo,
Weight training causes muscles to become
hypertrophy, thereby increasing volume in each
muscle fiber, increasing the number of blood vessels
in muscle fibers and cell organelles in muscles
(Kalangi, 2014; Sidik & Giriwijoyo, 2014). This
enlargement occurs because of the increase in
contractile elements in the fibers, causing increased
strength of muscle contraction or active strength of
muscles, thickened sarcolemma, increased connective
tissue between muscle fibers, which can increase
muscle strength and increase running speed (Sidik &
Giriwijoyo, 2014). The hypertrophy in the muscles
causes the formation of new muscle fibers, and
mitochondria have increased (Colson & Collison,
1983). Mitochondria play a role in the formation of
ATP for the action of actin and myosin faster, so that
muscle contraction is faster. Mitochondria also play a
role in providing energy for the process of muscle
contraction and increased muscular endurance (Birch
K., McLaren D., 2005; Guyton & Hall, 2006)
This ankle weight exercise causes hypertrophy in
muscle cells, which can increase muscle strength and
power. Running speed has elements of good muscular
strength and leg power. This ankle weight exercise
uses the De Lorme method with a load of 10 RM with
eight sets (Lesmana, 2005)
Long passing to be effective in their movements
because one of the supporting factors is leg muscle
strength when the player passes the ball the leg
muscles can hold the load and balance the fulcrum of
the body to be more precise when kicking the ball over
long distances (Lutan, 2006). Ankle weight exercise
is used to increase leg muscle strength used for
running, namely m. Quadriceps femoris, m. Gluteus
maximus, m. Iliopsoas, m. Hamstring, m. Triceps
The research of Radjiku et al. (2013) is a relevant
study to this research, and there is the effect of ankle
weight training on increasing the power of long
passing kicks in the soccer game of male students in
class VII.
Ankle weight exercise effective to increase football
player's agility, speed, and long passing power
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference