Effectiveness of Malang Apple Cider (Malus sylvestris) against the
Decreased Number of Mast Cells in Allergy-induced Rat (Rattus
novergicus) Lung
Dian Yuliartha Lestari
and Faiq Shabri Maulana
Department of Pathology Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan Sutami
No. 188A, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Malang apple cider, Mast Cell, Ovalbumin, Allergic Reaction
Abstract: Allergy is a state of hypersensitivity induced by exposure to certain antigens that cause reactions immunology.
Mast cells have a role in triggering allergies. There is a new innovation as an anti-allergy, one of them is apple
because it contains quercetin. Quercetin are believed to have an influential effect on human health, that of
anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory activity. This study to determine the effectiveness of Malang Apple Cider
(Malus sylvestris) on decreasing the number of mast cells in the lung of an allergic induced rat (Rattus
novergicus). This study was experimental research using Post Test Control Group Design. Samples were
white male Wistar Strain Rats which were divided into 5 groups, each group contains 5 rats. The positive
control group was induced with ovalbumin through intraperitoneal and inhalation. Besides ovalbumin
induction, treatment groups were also given apple cider with doses of 15%, 20%, and 25%. Lung tissue was
taken and then paraffin blocks were created and stained using Methylene blue staining and evaluated with the
microscope in 40 x magnification. Data analyzed using One Way ANOVA. Statistical results showed there
was no significant (p = 0,079 > or p 0.05). This decline is due to the levels of Quercetin in apple cider can
prevent mast cell degranulation. However, the decrease was not significant occurs due to several factors,
including the strength of apple cider, the absorption in the intestine, stress factors, and environmental
Every year, the prevalence of allergies shows a
significant increase in almost all countries. It began to
become a serious health problem. In recent years, the
incidence of allergies has continued to increase
significantly both domestically and abroad. The
World Allergy Organization (WAO) said that 22% of
the world’s population suffer from allergies and
continues to increase every year (Candra et al, 2011).
Allergy is a complex chronic inflammatory
process that is influenced by genetic, environmental
and internal control factors. Activation of CD4 T cells
with predominance of T helper 2 (Th2) will induce an
inflammatory process, with one of the cytokines
involved is interleukin-4 (IL-4). Interleukin 4 plays a
role in the differentiation of CD4 T cells into Th2
cells, switching B-lymphocytes to produce
immunoglobulin (Ig) E and increasing the production
of eosinophils. IgE produced will be attached to the
surface of mast cells and will bind to allergens. The
bonds between mast cell, IgE and allergen can cause
mast cell rupture, and secrete chemical mediators.
The effect of this chemical mediators cause
vasodilatation, edema, and spasm of smooth muscle
(Abbas et al, 2016).
Mast cells is one part of connective tissue that has
pseudopodia for mobilization. Basically, mast cells
are found in all organs, especially in the lung mucosal
tissue. Based on Merijanti research (2011), quercetin
can inhibit histamine production and release from
mast cells and basophil cells. This is because
quercetin has a strong affinity for mast cells and
basophils. Quercentin is one of the flavonoids that has
an antioxidant effect. That is why these antioxidants
can reduce the chance of someone infected with
various allergens and also help cure allergies
(Merijanti, 2011).
Quercetin can be found in apples. The quercetin
content in 100-gram apples is 4.4 mg. Malang and
Lestari, D. and Maulana, F.
Effectiveness of Malang Apple Cider (Malus sylvestris) against the Decreased Number of Mast Cells in Allergy-induced Rat (Rattus novergicus) Lung.
DOI: 10.5220/0009124401240128
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 124-128
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Batu are the main apple producing regions in
Indonesia (Yuwono, 2015). About 80% of apple
production in East Java is concentrated in Malang and
Batu. Therefore, author want to prove the efficacy of
Malang apple juice (Malus sylvestris) ad an anti-
allergic, especially to mast cell responses.
This research is an experimental study using posttest
control group design approach. The samples used
were male Rattus novergicus strain wistar aged 2-3-
month, body weight 150-250 grams, in good
condition, characterized by active movements, thick
fur, and clear eyes. The sampling technique used
simple random sampling. In this study, there were 25
samples of rats divided into 5 groups namely positive
control group, negative control group, and 3 treatment
group with different dosage.
2.1 Preparation Ovalbumin Solution
Preparation of ovalbumin solution as an allergen can
be done by using 50 ml of purebred chicken egg
whites then stirred until there are no lumps (Barlianto,
2.2 Cider Apple Preparation
Apple cider has been made through a juicing process.
The apple juice than dissolved in distilled water. The
apple cider dose used in this study was: 15% (15 ml
apple juice and 85 ml distilled water), 20% (20 ml
apple juice and 80 ml distilled water), and 25% (25
ml apple juice and 75 ml distilled water)
(Widyaningtyas, 2014).
2.3 Administration of Ovalbumin and
Apple Cider
Rats used as many as 25, were divided into 5 groups
and each group consisted of 5 rats. The negative
control group was given standard BR-1 feed of 40
gr/day/rat and drinking distilled water for 30 days.
The positive control group and treatment group
besides being given standard food, it given the
administration of 70 mg ovalbumin and 14 mg
Al(OH) 3 in 1.4 cc of normal saline intraperitoneally
on the first day, 7
day and 14
day. Then it given 7%
ovalbumin in 10 ml of normal saline by inhalation
using nebulizer for 30 minutes in the 19
day and 22
day (Laesa, 2010). The treatment group was also
given apple cider orally based on the dose determined
(15%, 20% and 25%) on days 15
– 22
. At the end
of the treatment, all rats were killed to observe its
mast cell in the lungs.
2.4 Mast Cell Observation
Rats that have been killed, pulmonary organs were
taken and made paraffin block preparation. To
observe mast cell, methylene blue has been stained.
Observation were made by counting mast cells using
a microscope with 400x magnification in 5 visual
2.5 Data Analysis
The data obtained in this study were analyzed using
the normality test, homogeneity test, and One-Way
ANOVA test that processing using SPSS 23 for
windows with 95% confidence level.
Table 1 shows the number of mast cells in male white
rats in the negative control (C-), positive control (C+)
and treatment groups (T1, T2, T3) using methylene
blue staining. During the study, 3 rats were dropped
out for various reasons, so the data used only 3
samples per group.
Histopathology examination in each study group
can be seen in Figure 1 - 5. Mast cells were identified
as dark blue using methylene blue staining.
Homogeneity test was performed with p > 0.05
and ANOVA test with p = 0.079. Based on the One-
Way ANOVA result, there was no significant
difference between each group.
Effectiveness of Malang Apple Cider (Malus sylvestris) against the Decreased Number of Mast Cells in Allergy-induced Rat (Rattus
novergicus) Lung
Table 1: The Number of Mast Cells in Each Group.
Group The Number of Mast Cell in Rats Average Saphiro-
1 2 3 4 5
C- 23 22 21 17 Drop out 20.91 -
C+ 31 33 45 35 29 34.80 0.346
T1 30 22 30 27 Drop out 27.58 0.147
T2 22 36 27 24 Drop out 27.66 0.283
T3 26 30 22 25 29 26.80 0.833
Note :
C- : negative control group
C+ : Positive control group
T1 : 1
Treatment group, with 15% apple squeeze
T2 : 2
Treatment group, with 20% apple squeeze
T3 : 3
Treatment group, with 25% apple squeeze
*Significant if >0.005
Figure 1: Mast cell in negative control group.
Figure 2: Mast cell in positive control group.
This study uses ovabulmin as an allergen. The
results showed that exposure to ovalbumin for 29
days could increase the average mast cell count in
rats. This increase occurs because ovalbumin which
acts as an allergen will spread to the digestive tract,
skin and respiratory tract through the blood
circulation. When allergens enter, they will be
processed by Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) in
endosomes. Then APC will present Class II Major
Histocompability Complex (MHC) to T helper (Th0)
lymphocyte cells. Th0 cells will release Interleukin
(IL-4) which converts Th into Th2. So Th2 cells
induce B lymphocytes to produce immunoglobulin E
(IgE). This causes an increase in production of IgE.
IgE in the circulation will be attached to receptors
with high affinity on the surface of mast cells. The
bond between IgE and allergens will reduce the
stability of mast cell membranes, resulting in mast
cell degranulation. Degranulation of these mast cells
results in the release of chemical mediators into the
circulation, and gives rise to clastic manifestation of
allergies (Busse and Lemanske, 2001).
Figure 3: Mast cell in treatment group 1 (15%).
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
Figure 4: Mast cell in treatment group 2 (20%).
Figure 5: Mast cell in treatment group 3 (25%).
Ovalbumin will also activate mast cells and
CD4+Th2 cells in reaction to allergies. Activated
CD+Th2 cells will produce inflammatory mediators
such as histamine, leukotriene, and cytokines such as
IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13 (Abbas et al, 2016). IL-4
and IL-10 can stimulate mast cell growth. Cytokines
produced by CD4+Th2 cells play a rle in mast cell
hyperplation and are very influential in allergic
responses (Li Weber and Krammer, 2003).
The result of the study between the positive
control group and treatment group showed a decrease
in the number of mast cells in the treatment group
(Table 1). This is caused by the treatment group that
is given apple cider which contain flavonoids,
especially quercetin, has an anti-inflammatory effect
by affecting Th2 production and by maintain stability
of the mast cell wall membrane thereby inhibiting
mast cell degranulation and inhibiting the release of
inflammatory of mediators like histamine
(Chirumbolo, 2010).
Statistical test results using One Way Anova
obtained p=0.079, which means there is no significant
difference between the control group and the
treatment group. Many factors can influence this,
including the duration of poor apple cider which is
only 1 week, so that the flavonoid effect is optimal.
Another thing that can be a factor also is the extract
content and the cider content, will have more effect
when using extracts because the extract compound
content is strengthened so that the effects that arise
will be more optimal (Rachmadian, 2011).
Genetic factors can affect the genetic
predisposition to hypersensitivity reactions (atopic).
Atopic individuals have an innate tendency to
produce IgE antibodies to specific allergens and
excessive allergen responses (Ningrum et al, 2016).
In this study, suggest that there are several factors
that influence insignificant results where quercetin
which is given orally is not absorbed optimally in the
intestine because quercetin contained in apple cider
will bind cholesterol carriers when it passes through
the brush border membrane. It will reduce the effect
of quercetin as an anti-inflammation (Witosari,
Other studies said that quercetin is an aglycone
where the bind is very weak by sugar. However, this
study did not examine how much sugar levels in the
sample (Kelly, 2011).
Another factor that can influence in this study but
not examined in this study is the rat’s level stress
during the research process. Stress experienced by
rats can cause increases suppressive effects on
eosinophils and other pro-inflammatory cytikines
(Chang, 2010).
There was a mast cell levels decrease in the treatment
group given apple cider (Malus sylvestris) in
ovalbumin-induced wistar male rats. However,
statistically the result of the reduction was not
The research authors would like to thank the medical
students as well as research assistant. The researcher
also wishes to thank the Public Health Faculty,
University of Muhammadiyah Malang and the HSIC
committee for giving authors the opportunity to write
this article.
Effectiveness of Malang Apple Cider (Malus sylvestris) against the Decreased Number of Mast Cells in Allergy-induced Rat (Rattus
novergicus) Lung
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference