Lavender Aromatherapy on Alleviating Menstrual Pain in Female
Teenagers: A Case Study on Polanharjo Klaten
Sri Sat Titi Hamranani and Devi Permata Sari*
Nursing Departement, College of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah Klaten, Jalan Ir Soekarno Km 1 Buntalan 57419,
Keywords: Aromatherapy, menstrual pain, teenagers, lavender.
Abstract: Menstrual pain is lower abdominal pain originating from uterine cramps and occurs during menstruation.
Menstrual pain occurs due to an increase of progesterone hormone. Menstrual pain is often experienced by
teenagers and is very disturbing daily activities, thus requiring handling to reduce menstrual pain.
Aromatherapy lavender is one of the treatments to reduce menstrual pain. This study aims to determine the
influence of lavender aromatherapy on alleviating of menstrual pain in teenagers in Polanharjo. The method
used in this research was Pre-Experimental with One Group Pre-test Post-test design on the 16 female
teenagers who experience menstrual pain. NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) was utilized to assess the scale of
pain. The results shown that the mean before lavender aromatherapy was given 3.69 and the mean after given
lavender aromatherapy 2.06. Once given lavender aromatherapy there was a decrease in pain 1.63. Result of
data analysis got P = 0,000, α = 0,05. The conclusions of this study indicate that lavender Aromatherapy
affected to alleviate of menstrual pain.
Reproductive health is a state of physical, mental and
social well-being as a whole, not merely free from
illness or disability in all matters relating to the
reproductive system, as well as its functions and
processes. The aim of adolescent reproductive health
is to help adolescents to understand and realize such
knowledge, so that it has healthy and responsible
attitudes and behaviors with reproductive life
problems (Widyastuti, 2012).
Adolescent reproductive development takes place
at the age of 11-16 years in men and 10-15 years in
women. In this development rapid physical growth
occurs accompanied by changes and growth of
mature reproductive organs. Changes that occur in the
growth are followed by the appearance of the primary
sign. The primary sex signs in men are wet dreams.
While the primary signs in women are menstruation
(Proverati, 2010).
Menstruation is the release of blood and body
cells from the vagina that come from the uterine wall
of the woman periodically. The average menstrual
period is between 3-8 days with an average menstrual
cycle of 28 days (Wulandari, 2011). Menstrual cycle
involves several stages that are controlled by the
interaction of hormones released by the
hypothalamus. At the beginning of the cycle, the
lining of the uterus will thicken, then the egg will be
released from the ovary to the fallopian tube and
continue to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized by
the sperm the uterine lining will decay in the form of
menstrual blood. During menstruation many women
experience physical discomfort and discomfort
starting before and during menstrual flow and
continue for 48 hours to 72 hours. Women can have
various problems with menstruation. The problem is
in the form of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), does
not experience menstruation at all (amenorrhea) to
menorgia or prolonged heavy menstruation, and
menstrual pain (disminorea) (PIlliteri, 2015).
Disminorea is painful during menstruation,
usually with a cramping feeling and is concentrated
in the lower abdomen. The nature and degree of pain
varies. Ranging from mild to severe. Great conditions
can disrupt daily activities, forcing sufferers to rest
and leave work or daily ways of life for several hours
or several days. Almost all women experience a
feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen during
menstruation. The uterus or uterus consists of
muscles that also contract and relax. Generally,
uterine muscle contractions are not felt, but severe
Hamranani, S. and Sari, D.
Lavender Aromatherapy on Alleviating Menstrual Pain in Female Teenagers: A Case Study on Polanharjo Klaten.
DOI: 10.5220/0009123301040109
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 104-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
contractions and often cause blood flow to the uterus
to be disrupted resulting in pain (Nikjou et al., 2016).
It has been estimated that 715% of women suffer
from severe pain which causes disturbances in their
performance for 13 days in a month, and 1452% of
female students miss school because of complaining
dysmenorrhea. This issue is associated with decline
in career and educational function and results in
disturbed quality of life and emerging economic
problems (Nikjou et al., 2016) Whereas in In
Indonesia the numbers of prevalence menstrual pain
or dysmenorrhea by 64.25% were of 54.89% and
9.36% of primary dysmenorrhoea a secondary
dysmenorrhea (Oktri, Hakim, & Juaeriah, 2018) In
2014 PKBI Central Java data, there were 56 young
women who consulted about the highest menstruation
and numbers. They were consultations about
disminorea, the majority of whom lived in Semarang
and the age range consulted was 15 years 19 years
(Central Java Provincial Health Office, 2014). The
research conducted by Haryanti (Haryanti, 2014) in
Karangdowo N 1 High School was 78% experiencing
mild pain, 22% experiencing moderate pain.
Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea can be overcome
by pharmacological and non-pharmacological
therapy. Pharmacological therapies include analgesic
drugs, hormonal therapy, nonsteroidal prostaglandin
drugs, and dilatation of the cervical canal. (PIlliteri,
2015) Non-pharmacological therapies include warm
compresses, exercise, aromatherapy, Mozart therapy,
and relaxation. Lakhan (Lakhan, Sheafer, & Tepper,
2016) said that aromatherapy directly affects the brain
as an analgesic drug.
Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy in
nursing practice and uses essential oils from the
fragrant smell of plants to reduce health problems and
improve quality of life. Smell directly affects the
brain like an analgesic drug. For example, kissing
lavender will increase alpha waves in the brain and
help to relax (Lakhan et al., 2016) Research results
the aroma of roses has the greatest effect, then
lavender. Lavender as an analgesic, antiseptic,
antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiviral, antideuritic,
and hypotensive (Dwijayanti, 2014).
Research results according (Nikjou et al., 2016)
Lavender Aromatherapy is effective to reduce pain in
dysminore. They were use a lavender on adulthood
who severe from dysminorea. Ou et al. in a research
in 2012 reported aromatherapy with lavender, clary
sage, and marjoram oils in a 2:1:1 ratio reduced pain
intensity of dysmenorrhea, which was statistically
significant (P < 0.001) (Ou, Hsu, Lai, Lin, & Lin,
2012) whereas aromatherapy with lavender did not
decreased the pain of intrauterine device (IUD)
placement in the study of Shahnazi (Shahnazi,
Nikjoo, Yavarikia, & Mohammad-Alizadeh-
Charandabi, 2012). It was a difference finding of
lavender aromatherapy effectiveness. So it could be
interesting to finding the effectiveness of lavender
aromatherapy toward the menstrual pain.
Research of to Dewi (Dewi & Prima, 2013)
Lavender aromatherapy is a therapeutic action that is
beneficial to improve physical and psychological
conditions. Physically both are used to reduce pain,
while psychologically can relax the mind, reduce
tension and anxiety and provide calm. A pleasant
odor will stimulate the thalamus to expel enchefalin
which functions as a natural pain reliever and
produces a feeling of well-being. Enkefalin is similar
to endorphin, an endogenous chemical (produced by
the body) that has a structure similar to opioids.
Enkefalin is thought to cause presynaptic barriers
(neurons that secrete transmitter material) and post
synaptic barriers (where the transmitter works) in
dorsal horn. The process achieves inhibition by
encephalalin, which is the inhibition of substance P
so that reduced pain is transmitted to the brain.
About the prevalence of the menstrual pain and
the side effects of the current treatments and because
of lack of similar studies in this field, we decided to
perform a study on the teenegers in Klaten with the
aim of determining the effect of lavender
aromatherapy on the alleviating the menstrual pain.
This research is a quantitative research with Pre-
Experiment method with the design of One Group
Pretest-Posttest, that is, the respondents carried out an
intervention, after being given an intervention, then
the second observation (posttest) was conducted
(Sugiyono, 2017). This research was conducted at
SMA N 1 Polanharjo on May 29 to June 15, 2018.
Samples in this study were 16 respondents. The
consideration in selecting samples conducted by
researchers is to determine criteria which consist of
inclusion and exclusion criteria
Lavender aromatherapy is a therapy by using
lavender essential oil given by inhalation by dripping
3-5 drops of aromatherapy into the tissue which is
done for 5 minutes.
Menstrual pain is an uncomfortable feeling felt by
adolescents during the second day of menstruation
due to uterine contractions in the lower abdomen.
Menstrual pain is measured using the NRS (Numeric
Rating Scale).
Lavender Aromatherapy on Alleviating Menstrual Pain in Female Teenagers: A Case Study on Polanharjo Klaten
Table 1: Average of age, menarche, duration of
menstruation and menstrual cycle.
Duration of
Based on table 1 the average age of the youngest
respondents is 16 years, at most 17 years with an
average of 16.69 ± 0.479 years. Based on the average
age of the youngest respondents, they were 12 years
old, at most 16 years with an average of 13.50 ± 0.966
years. Based on the shortest average length of
menstruation for respondents, which is 5 days, the
maximum is 8 days with an average of 6.31 ± 1.014
days. Based on the average respondents' shortest
menstrual cycle, which is 25 days, the longest is 35
days with an average of 28.88 ± 2.473 days.
Table 2: The average of reduction in menstrual pain.
Pre test
Post test
Based on table 2 shows the scale of menstrual pain
before being given lavender aromatherapy has an
average value of 3.69 ± 1.195. After being given
lavender aromatherapy, the average value was 2.06 ±
1.237. After being given lavender aromatherapy there
was a decrease with an average of 1.63.
Table 3: Analysis of the effect of lavender aromatherapy
on respondents.
Median (Min
P Value
Pre test
3,00 (2-6)
2,00 (1-5)
Based on Table 3 shows that the results of the
Wilcoxon test analysis obtained p-value = 0,000; α =
0.05 which means lavender aromatherapy has an
effect on decreasing menstrual pain.
Age is one factor in the occurrence of menstrual
pain because menstrual pain usually occurs in
adolescence, and in 2-5 years after menarche.
Menstrual pain often occurs in young women because
it has not reached biological maturity (especially
reproductive organs, which is still imperfect
endometrial growth). So that menstruation at a very
early age can cause menstrual pain (Ali, 2010).
Research of Yulanda (Yulanda, 2013) states that
primary dysmenorrhea generally occurs at the age of
15-30 years and often occurs at the age of 15-25 years
which then disappears in the late 20s or early 30s. The
incidence of primary dysmenorrhea is strongly
influenced by the age of the woman. The pain that is
felt a few days before menstruation and during
menstruation is usually due to an increase in
prostaglandin hormone. The older a person is, the
more frequent menstruation and the wider the cervix,
the secretion of prostaglandin hormones will
decrease. Primary dysmenorrhea will eventually
disappear with the decrease in uterine nerve function
due to aging.
Based on table 1 shows that the duration of
menstruation is at least 5 days, a maximum of 8 days,
with an average of 6.31 ± 1.014. Menstruation is the
release of blood and body cells from the vagina that
come from the uterine wall of the woman
periodically. Menstruation usually begins at the age
of 9-12 years. The average period of menstruation is
between 3-8 days with an average menstrual cycle of
28 days. Duration of menstruation can be influenced
by psychological and physiological factors.
Psychologically it is usually related to the emotional
level of adolescents who are unstable when they
experience menstruation. While physiologically more
than the occurrence of excessive uterine muscle
contractions due to the endometrium in the secretion
phase produce the hormone prostaglandin
(Wulandari, 2011).
Based on table 1 shows that the menstrual cycle is
the shortest 25 days, the longest is 35 days with an
average of 28.88 ± 2.473. Factors that affect the
menstrual cycle include weight, physical activity,
environmental exposure and working conditions,
hormones and psychology. Normal menstrual cycle
22-35 days, irregular menstrual cycles occur due to
abnormalities. Irregular menstrual cycles can be
caused by disturbances in the metabolic system and
hormones or psychological factors, which can affect
the workings of hormones. (Proverati, 2010). Women
can have various problems with menstruation. The
problem is in the form of hypermenorrhoea,
hypomenorrhoea, polymenorrhagia, oligomenorrhea
and dysmenorrhea or menstruation (Mochamad
Anwar, Ali Baziad, 2011).
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
Based on table 4.2 shows menstrual pain before
being given lavender aromatherapy has an average
value of 3.69 ± 1.195. After being given lavender
aromatherapy, the average value was 2.06 ± 1.237.
After being given lavender aromatherapy there was a
decrease with an average of 1.63. Menstrual pain is
pain during menstruation, usually with a feeling of
cramps and is concentrated in the lower abdomen.
Complaints of menstrual pain can vary from mild to
severe (Mochamad Anwar, Ali Baziad, 2011). Until
now menstrual pain has not known the cause, but in
research shows that menstrual pain is influenced by
prostaglandins. Prostaglandin stimulates the uterine
muscles and affects blood vessels which causes a
decrease in blood supply to the uterus through
contraction of the myometrium and narrowing of the
arteries in the endometrium. Increased levels of
prostaglandin occur during the first two days and a
decrease in progesterone at the end of the luteal phase
results in an increase in myometrial tone and
excessive uterine contractions, causing pain in uterine
fibers (Wulandari, 2011).
Factors that affect menstrual pain include age,
nutritional status, work / schoolwork, parity and
constitutional. Menstrual pain can be overcome by
pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.
Pharmacological therapy, among others,
administration of analgesic drugs, hormonal therapy,
nonsteroidal prostaglandin drugs, and dilatation of the
cervical canal (PIlliteri, 2015). Non-pharmacological
therapies include warm compresses, exercise,
aromatherapy, Mozart therapy, and relaxation.
Aromatherapy can be used to relieve pain during
menstruation, because aromatherapy is able to
provide a sensation that soothes the self and the brain,
and the stress that is felt. If the mind is calm and
relaxed, it will create a comfortable atmosphere, and
menstrual pain can be reduced (Laila, 2011).
Based on table 4.3 The results of the analysis of
the influence of lavender aromatherapy on decreasing
menstrual pain in adolescents using the Wilcoxon test
obtained a value of p = 0,000 (p <0.05), indicating
that there was a decrease in menstrual pain in
Menstruation is periodic and cyclic bleeding from
the uterus, accompanied by desquamation of the
endometrium. In adolescence it is not uncommon to
experience menstrual disorders such as
dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain is a
symptom that most often causes young women to go
to the doctor for consultation and treatment
(Wiknjosastro., 2009).
Menstrual pain is abdominal pain that comes from
uterine cramps that occur during menstruation. Pain
arises along with the onset of menstruation and lasts
several hours to several days until it reaches peak
pain. Primary dysmenorrhea usually occurs within 6
to 12 months after menarche with a duration of pain
generally 8 to 72 hours. Primary dysmenorrhea is
related to uterine muscle contraction (myometrium)
and prostaglandin secretion. Primary dysmenorrhea
occurs because of an increase in prostaglandin (PG)
F2-alpha which is a cyclooxygenase (COX-2) which
results in hyper tonus and vasoconstriction in the
myometrium resulting in ischemia and pain in the
lower abdomen. The existence of strong and long
contractions in the uterine wall, high prostaglandin
hormone and widening of the uterine wall when
menstruating blood so that pain occurs during
menstruation (Larasati, 2016).
Nutritional problems in adolescents arise because
the habit of eating fast food (junk food) has an
unbalanced nutrient content that is high in calories,
high fat, high sugar, and low in fiber. The fatty acid
content contained in fast food can disrupt
progesterone metabolism in the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle. As a result, there is an increase in
levels of prostaglandin which will cause pain during
menstruation. Prostaglandin is formed from fatty
acids in the body. After ovulation there is a build-up
of fatty acids in the phospholipid portion of the cell
membrane. When progesterone levels decrease
before menstruation, fatty acids, namely arachidonic
acid are released and experience a chain reaction to
prostaglandins which can cause pain during
menstruation (Larasati, 2016).
Work / school assignments in this factor also
affect the condition of dysmenorrhea, if the work /
schoolwork is very stressful so that it adds to the pain
during menstruation. With its relationship with parity,
it turns out nulliparous women suffer from menstrual
pain more often, then diminish as soon as giving birth,
especially with vaginal delivery. Allegedly this is
because the uterus is still small or the uterus is still
tense and the uterine is still narrow.
Constitutional influences consist of hyperactivity
or excessive responsiveness to pain stimuli and not a
low pain threshold. This relates to a person's
perception or sensitivity to pain itself (Setiabudi,
Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea can be overcome
by pharmacological and non-pharmacological
therapy. Pharmacological therapies include analgesic
drugs, hormonal therapy, nonsteroidal prostaglandin
drugs, and dilatation of the cervical canal. Non-
pharmacological therapies include warm compresses,
exercise, aromatherapy, Mozart therapy, and
relaxation (Wiknjosastro., 2009).
Lavender Aromatherapy on Alleviating Menstrual Pain in Female Teenagers: A Case Study on Polanharjo Klaten
Aromatherapy is a therapy using essential oils
from plants called essential oils to help improve
health, arouse enthusiasm, arouse, refresh, soothe the
soul, and stimulate the healing process. Lavender
essential oil becomes an adrenocortical stimulant that
stimulates menstrual circulation and 3 has
anticonvulsive properties. Lavender is also useful as
a sedative, relieves pain and changes the perception
of pain (Bangun & Nur’aeni, 2013).
Aromatherapy works by affecting the work of the
brain, olfactory nerves that are directly related to the
hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls the
gland system that regulates hormones that affect body
activity, and affects the work of the limbic system
associated with blood circulation (Bangun &
Nur’aeni, 2013).
Research results of Dewi (Dewi & Prima, 2013)
Lavender aromatherapy is a therapeutic action that is
useful to improve physical and psychological
conditions. Physically it is well used to reduce pain,
while psychologically can relax the mind, reduce
tension and anxiety and provide calm. A pleasant
odour will stimulate the thalamus to expel encephalin
which functions as a natural pain reliever and
produces a feeling of well-being. Enkephalin is
similar to endorphin, an endogenous chemical
(produced by the body) that has a structure similar to
opioids. Enkephalin is thought to cause presynaptic
barriers (neurons that secrete transmitter material)
and post synaptic barriers (where the transmitter
works) in dorsal horn. The process achieves
inhibition by encephalin, which is the inhibition of
substance P so that reduced pain is transmitted to the
The results of this study prove that the provision
of lavender aromatherapy given for 5 minutes when
menstrual pain on the second day has significant
results to reduce menstrual pain in adolescents.
Evident from the analysis using the Wilcoxon test
obtained p = 0,000 (α <0.05). This study resulted in a
scale of menstrual pain in adolescents before being
given aromatherapy with an average of 3.69 and after
being given aromatherapy with an average of 2.06.
After being given lavender aromatherapy there was a
decrease with an average of 1.63. The results of the
analysis by Pustikawaty (Pustikawati, 2016) "The
Effect of Lavender Aromatherapy on the Scale of
Menstrual Pain Class X of Senior High School 1 of
Ambawang River in Kubu Raya Regency" showed
that lavender aromatherapy had an effect on
decreasing menstrual pain with (p <0.05).
The average age of the youngest respondents was 16
years, at most 17 years with an average of 16.69 ±
0.479 years. Based on the average age of the youngest
respondents, they were 12 years old, at most 16 years
with an average of 13.50 ± 0.966 years. The scale of
pain before being given aromatherapy with an
average of 3.69 and after being given aromatherapy
with an average of 2.06. After being given lavender
aromatherapy there was a decrease with an average of
1.63. The results showed that lavender aromatherapy
had an effect on reducing menstrual pain with a
significant value of P = 0,000; α = 0.05
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Lavender Aromatherapy on Alleviating Menstrual Pain in Female Teenagers: A Case Study on Polanharjo Klaten