Risk Factors Associated Hypertension of Employees
Risa Herlianita
and Novika Reza Ajeng Issa Putri
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan Sutami No.
188A, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Hypertension risk factors, hypertension, employees.
Abstract: Hypertension is called the silent killer because this disease is a deadly disease, this disease can give up
anyone, both young and old. Risk factors for hypertension include age, gender, family history, obesity, diet,
smoking habits, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine risk
factors related to hypertension to employees in private university located in urban area. This study used a
descriptive research design. The sample amount to 93 respondents was taken by the purposive sampling
technique. The results of the study Showed that risk factors for hypertension include age 18-29 years
(46.2%), female sex (52.7%), family history (52.7%), body mass index in the normal category (54.8%), fruit
diet and vegetables 1-2 servings (83.9%, 78.5%), smoking in the category of never smoking (64.5%),
consuming alcohol in the category of never consuming alcohol (93.5%), physical activity in the category
High Level (63.4%). Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that the risk
factors of family history, gender and consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables have the highest
percentage in the incidence of hypertension.
Hypertension is a disorder of blood vessels and the
heart which causes the supply of oxygen and
nutrients carried by the blood to be blocked to the
tissues. Hypertension is defined as an increase in
systolic blood pressure at levels> 140 mmHg and
diastolic blood pressure at levels> 90 mmHg (Black
& Hawks, 2014). Hypertension is also known as a
silent killer because this disease is a deadly disease,
this disease can affect anyone both young and old
(Pudiastuti, 2013).
Based on the World Health Organization (WHO)
in 2013, the prevalence of hypertension in the adult
population was 35% in developed countries while in
developing countries it was 40%. It is predicted that
the prevalence of hypertension in the next 2025 will
increase by 80% from 639 million cases in 2000 to
1.15 billion cases. This prediction is based on the
incidence of hypertension and the increasing
population at this time. Based on the Indonesian
Ministry of Health in 2013, the prevalence of
hypertension in Indonesia reached 31.7% suffered
starting from the age of 18 years and over.
The increasing prevalence of hypertension in
society is epidemiologically influenced by several
factors, namely increasing age and obesity, other
risk factors for hypertension are smoking, alcohol
use, and lack of physical activity (WHO, 2016).
According to the research of Rysz, Michalska,
Pencina, et al (2014) the level of knowledge and
awareness of hypertension sufferers in carrying out a
healthy lifestyle is still lacking. One effort to
overcome the high prevalence of hypertension can
be done by increasing patient awareness to identify
risk factors and preventive management (Pradono,
2013). According to Darmadi's (2013) research,
explaining that an employee spends time in the
office for about eight hours a day for one week,
many do not engage in regular physical activity on
the grounds there is no time to do it. Someone who
is not active in physical activity has a 30-50%
greater risk of experiencing hypertension.
The results of interviews from several employees
found that the average employee has a smoking
habit. Based on the above background, the
researcher is interested in identifying risk factors
associated with hypertension in employees in an
urban area.
Herlianita, R. and Putri, N.
Risk Factors Associated Hypertension of Employees.
DOI: 10.5220/0009121000480052
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 48-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a descriptive correlational study
aimed to reveal the correlation between variables
(Nursalam, 2008). This study uses a cross sectional
approach which is a study that studies the dynamics
of the correlation between risk factors and the
effects that occur, using the observation approach or
data collection with a point time approach, meaning
that each research subject is only observed once
(Notoatmodjo, 2012).
This research was conducted in one of the private
University located in Malang in January 2019 using
a purposive sampling technique. The number of
samples in this study was 3 respondents, with
inclusion criteria: (1) Muhammadiyah University of
Malang employees with increased blood pressure,
(2) Willing to be a research respondent. Exclusion
Criteria: (1) Not willing to be research respondents.
The research instrument was a questionnaire in
the form of questions. The awareness questionnaire
consisted of 13 hypertension awareness questions to
find out someone's awareness about hypertension.
Measurement of awareness uses the Guttman scale
with answers to questions YES and NO (Kumar et
al, 2016). While the hypertension risk factor
questionnaire uses a questionnaire based on the
World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014.
The results of the data collection obtained
through the questionnaire. Then, Coding is an
activity of giving numeric codes (numbers) to data
consisting of several categories. Then Enter the data
that has been collected into the table.
A description of the results of research on risk
factors associated with hypertension in private
university in an urban area located in Malang.
Characteristics of respondents based on hypertension
risk factors are presented in table 1.
From table 1 shows that from the results of data
collection frequency distribution based on age it can
be seen that the age of respondents is mostly in the
age category 18-29 years as many as 43 (46.2%)
respondents. The frequency distribution of sex can
be seen that respondents with male sex are 44
(47.3%), while respondents with female sex are 49
(52.7%). Based on the fruit diet it can be seen that
the respondents consume fruit in one day are mostly
in the 1-2 portion category as many as 78 (83.9%)
respondents. Based on the vegetable diet, it can be
seen that the respondents consume vegetables in 1
day mostly in the 1-2 portion category as many as 73
(78.5%) respondents. Based on smoking habits it can
be seen that the majority of respondents in the
category of never smoked as many as 60 (64.5%)
respondents. Based on alcohol consumption it can be
seen that the majority of respondents have never
consumed alcohol as many as 87 (93.5%)
respondents. Based on Physical Activity it can be
seen that most of the physical activities in the high-
level category are 59 (63.4%) respondents.
Based on the results of research conducted by the
majority of respondents aged 18-29 years. The age
factor is one of the factors that influence
hypertension because the more you age, the higher
the risk of hypertension. This is caused by natural
changes in the body that affect blood vessels,
hormones and the heart (Triyanto, 2014). The study
of Sartik et al. (2017) explained that the majority of
respondents aged 40 years and those with
hypertension were 82 (31.5%). Based on statistical
tests between age and the incidence of hypertension,
it was found that 31.5% of those aged 40 years
who had hypertension and as many as 6.6% of
respondents aged <40 years suffering from
hypertension. From this it can be seen that the
incidence of hypertension at age 40 years is higher
than the incidence of hypertension at age <40 years.
This means that as we get older the more the risk of
suffering from hypertension.
Based on research that has been done, it is found
that the majority of respondents are female
calamine. Sex is also one of the factors that
influence blood pressure.
Men and women have
different risks for the incidence of hypertension.
Men are more at risk than women. But at a certain
age, both have a risk that is almost the same as when
the age above 45 years, even women can be more at
risk (Tilong, 2014).
Based on the research that has been done, the results
show that most respondents have a history of
hypertension. The results showed that 52.7% of
respondents had the risk of hypertension. Supported
by other studies explaining that from statistical tests
with odds ratios indicate that history of hypertension
is a significant risk factor for hypertension with an
OR = 6.13. That is, respondents who have a history
of hypertension have a 6.13 times greater risk of
developing hypertension than respondents who do
not have a history of hypertension (Arda et al, 2018).
Risk Factors Associated Hypertension of Employees
Table 1: Description of hypertension risk factors based on age, gender, family history, obesity, diet, smoking habits, alcohol
consumption, physical activity.
No Risk Factor N (%)
1 Age (year):
- 18-29
- 30-44
- 45-59
- 60-69
43 (46,2)
32 (34,4)
18 (19,4)
0 (0)
2 Gender
- Male
- Female
44 (47,3)
49 (52,7)
3 Family history
- History of hypertension
- No history of hypertension
49 (52,7)
44 (47,3)
4 Body mass index
- Under
- Normal
- Overweight
- Obese
13 (14,0)
51 (54,8)
7 (7,5)
22 (23,7)
5 Fruit diet
- 5 servings
- 3-4 servings
- 1-2 servings
- Do not consume
2 (2,2)
11 (11,8)
78 (83,9)
2 (2,2)
6 Vegetable diet
- 5 servings
- 3-4 servings
- 1-2 servings
- Do not consume
0 (0)
20 (21,5)
73 (78,5)
0 (0)
7 Smoking habits
- Daily smoker
- Non-Daily Smoker
- Former Smoker
- Never smoked
20 (21,5)
2 (2,2)
11 (11,8)
60 (64,5)
8 Alcohol consumption
- Consuming the last 30 days
- Did not consume 12 months
- Consuming the last 12 months
- Never consumed
3 (3,2)
1 (1,1)
2 (2,2)
87 (93,5)
9 Physical Activity
- High Level
- Moderate Level
- Low Level
59 (63,4)
18 (19,4)
16 (17,2)
Based on research that has been done, the results
show that the body mass index mostly has a Body
Mass Index in the normal category. However, there
are some respondents who have a body mass index
in the obesity category. The study showed that as
many as 23.7% of respondents had the risk of
hypertension. The results of other studies explain
that there is a statistically significant relationship
between obesity and the incidence of hypertension.
Based on statistical tests, the value of OR = 6.47 is
obtained. That is, people who are obese have a risk
of developing hypertension by 6.47 times compared
to people who are not obese. So it can be concluded
that obesity is one of the risk factors for
hypertension (Sapitri & Suyanto, 2016).
Based on research that has been done, the results
show that for the most fruit diet in the category of
consuming fruit 1-2 servings. Study Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet
showed that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can
lower the systolic blood pressure of 6-11 mmHg and
3-6 mmHg diastolic blood pressure (Rahadiyanti et
al, 2015). In the study of Hardati & Ahmad (2017)
explained that respondents who consumed fruit <2
servings/day were at risk of hypertension 1.01 times
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
compared to those who consumed fruit 2
While the results for the vegetable diet most
respondents in the category of consuming 1-2
servings of vegetables. The study showed that as
many as 78.5% of respondents had the risk of
hypertension. In the study of Hardati & Ahmad
(2017) explained that respondents who consumed
vegetables <3 servings/day were at risk 1.04 times
suffering from hypertension compared to consuming
vegetables 3 servings/day.
Based on research that has been done, the results
show that from the number of male respondents
some respondents have smoking habits. This study
shows that as many as 22.7% of respondents have a
risk of hypertension. This is supported by the
research of Sartik et al (2017) explaining that the
results of the study showed a statistically significant
relationship between smoking habits and the
incidence of hypertension. In this study explained
that smoking behavior will increase the risk of
hypertension up to 6.9 times higher than those who
do not smoke.
Based on research that has been done, it is found
that the result of alcohol consumption is that most
respondents do not consume alcohol. Alcohol
consumption will have a bad impact on health for
the long term. One result of excessive alcohol
consumption will result in increased blood pressure.
Alcohol is one of the causes of hypertension because
alcohol has the same effect as carbon dioxide which
can increase blood acidity, so the blood becomes
thick and the heart is forced to pump, besides that
excessive alcohol consumption, in the long run, will
affect the cortisol levels in the blood thereby
resulting in the activity of rennin-angiotensin
aldosterone system (RAAS) increases (Komaling,
Based on the research that has been done, it is
obtained that the physical activity of the respondents
is mostly in the high-level category. The study
showed that as many as 17.2% of respondents had a
risk of hypertension. Supported by the results of
research Sapitri & Suyanto (2016) explains that
there is a statistically significant relationship
between physical activity and the incidence of
hypertension. Based on statistical tests, the value of
OR = 13.47 is obtained. That is, people who do not
do regular physical activity have a risk of
developing hypertension by 13.47 times compared
with people who do regular physical activity.
In this study, the authors found several research
limitations. As for some of these limitations are the
blood pressure is only measured one time.
Based on the results of research that has been done,
it can be concluded that the risk factors of family
history, gender and consumption patterns of fruits
and vegetables have the highest percentage in the
incidence of hypertension. Adds an overview and
knowledge of hypertension risk factors. For those
who have a history of hypertension to be able to
control blood pressure by increasing healthy
lifestyles, one of which is by consuming fruits and
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