Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke
Exposure: A Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-five
Year-old Children
Nur Lailatul Masruroh
, St. Annisa Al Kamilah and Indah Dwi Pratiwi
Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,
alan Bendungan Sutami 188A
Malang, Indonesia 65145
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Avoidance Behavior, Cigarette Smoke Exposure, Mother, Toddler.
Abstract: A mother play important role to protect her children from any dangerous substances. This includes protecting
her child from cigarette smoke exposure that contribute to the series of health problem. Self-efficacy of a
mother allows her to take a particular action needed in the difficult situation, one of which is avoidance
behavior of cigarette smoke exposure around her and her children. The aim of this study was to explore the
relationship between self-efficacy with avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure among mothers with
toddlers. This was a cross sectional study of 73 mothers with toddlers who live in a house together with active
smoker, it selected using purposive sampling. Spearman rank analysis were perform to explore the
relationship between variables. Results off the 73 mothers, 90.4% had a high self-efficacy and 82.2% had
high levels of avoidance behavior. Spearman rank test showed sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.005. Correlation
Coefficient obtained was 0.324, it means that there were a positive relationship between self-efficacy and
avoidance behavior, with the strength of the relationship is in the moderate level. The more higher the level
of self-efficacy is accordance with the level of avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure.
Exposure to the environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
in a household causes many health problems for the
member of family as the second hand smoker (SHS)
(Gavarkovs et al., 2018). As a source of pollution in
the indoor home environment, it contributes to the
several health problems, such as respiratory
infections, ischemic heart disease, lung cancer, and
asthma. It is predicted that more than 600,000 deaths
per year worldwide are caused by SHS which is more
than 1% of all deaths. Women and children are mostly
affected by exposure to SHS (WHO, 2014). The data
from United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in
2015, showed that 5,9 millions children under 5 years
old has been die and 15% of it or around 920.000
children were died because of pneumonia, otherwise
stated that more than 2.500 of children under five
years old who die everyday because of pneumonia
that can be caused by environmental tobacco smoke
exposure (Karami and Kadarisman, 2017).
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a complex
and reactive blend between the main smoke exhaled
by smokers and the smoke emitted from the burning
tobacco and then this reacts with the surrounding air.
This blend contains over 4700 chemicals including
hazardous amines, carbonyls, hydrocarbons or metals
among others. SHS exposure can cause several
illnesses in nonsmokers including ischaemic heart
diseases in adults and lower respiratory infections and
asthma in adults and children, among other adverse
health effects (Torres et al., 2018).
A mother is both naturally and culturally plays
important role to take care the health of their children.
It includes protecting her self and children from any
hazardous exposure, such as cigarrete or tobacco
smoke exposure. A study showed that a mother who
did not take any action to avoid the cigarrete or
tobacco smoke exposure were significanly contribute
to the health problem of the children, for example like
bronchitis and asthma (Yilmazel, 2014). Therefore, it
is required self-efficacy especially for a mother in
facing every difficult situation, because the function
of self-efficacy is to ensure that she can solve every
problem and the more higher self efficacy, so the
more belief that she can be able to complete every
challenge (Hidayat, 2011). The research conducted
Masruroh, N., Al Kamilah, S. and Pratiwi, I.
Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke Exposure: A Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-five Year-old Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0009120800410047
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 41-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by (Golestan and Abdullah, 2015) showed that self-
efficacy has a moderating effect on the relationship
between smoking behavior, pressure by peers and
also family members who smoke.
Parents have an obligation to keep family
members especially children, from the dangers of
exposure to cigarette smoke. Parents should provide
a smoke-free environment for themselves and family
members to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Families who have family members who smoke are
considered difficult to avoid exposure to cigarette
smoke because of the interaction between each other
at all times (Perdana, Dhewangga Adi, Waspada,
2015). Behavior to avoid exposure of cigarette smoke
is very important to do in preventing the negative
effects of it. Families who do not take precautions to
avoid exposure to cigarette smoke are very vulnerable
to a series of health problems from cigarette smoke
exposure (Lin et al., 2010).
Avoidance behavior from exposure to cigarette
smoke in the family is considered to be still in a low
level, this is confirmed by research conducted by (Lin
et al., 2010) only found 6.2% which shows the
behavior of avoiding cigarette smoke exposure.
Avoidance behavior is a stimulus for avoidance that
is associated with unpleasant experiences to maintain
security (Pittig et al., 2014). Research conducted by
(Xu et al., 2017) explained that prevention measures
against cigarette smoke exposure by women vary
greatly. Some women more often to avoid and open
the window when the smoker is a friend or stranger,
and less often when the smoker is a mother or
husband. This study aims to determine the
relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance
behavior among mothers with toddlers to prevent the
effects of cigarette smoke exposure.
This study used a correlative descriptive non-
experimental research design with a cross sectional
approach. The population used in this study was 218
mothers of under five years old children in
Sumbersari Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang
City. Purposive sampling technique was used in this
study with the sample criteria: Mothers who has
under five years old children and lived at home with
family members who are active smokers, and there
were 73 respondents who met the criteria. The self-
efficacy instrument was created by (Schwarzer and
Fuchs, 2016) which consisted of 10 questions on a
Likert scale. This model consists of positive
(favorable) and negative (unfavorable) statements.
Reliability on the General Self-Efficacy
questionnaire is between 0.76 and 0.90. The validity
of The General Self-Efficacy Scale correlates with
emotions, optimism, work, and satisfaction. Negative
coefficients were found for depression, stress, health
complaints, fatigue, and anxiety (Schwarzer and
Fuchs, 2016; Choudhury, Gopalan and Thukral,
2017). In this study researcher modified the general
self questionnaire -efficacy, so that it can be adjusted
to passive smokers.Validity test results obtained 7
statements declared valid.First-efficacy categorized
into the category of low = <17.5 and high category =
Avoidance behavior scale from cigarette smoke
exposure used in this study was developed by
Martinelli in (Lin et al., 2010). This scale includes 19
items that assess respondents' efforts to prevent
exposure to cigarette smoke. The sub-scale is in the
form of a 4-point Likert scale (1 = always true; 2 =
usually true, 3 = usually incorrect; and 4 = almost
never true). Higher results will indicate avoidance
behavior from exposure to high cigarette smoke. The
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient on this scale is 0.82.
This study uses a questionnaire that has been
translated and validated by (Gharaibeh et al., 2011),
but in this study the researcher modified the
questionnaire into 9 statements. The researcher used
a 3-point Likert subscale (1 = never, 2 = sometimes,
3 = always). Avoidance behavior is stated to be low
if the result is <18 and high if the result is 18. Both
of self-efficacy and also avoidance behavior from
cigarette smoke exposure instruments, have met the
standard of validity and reliability test.
Moreover, bivariate analysis in this study aims to
determine the relationship between self-efficacy and
avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure in
mothers with children under five, using the Spearman
Rank (Rho) correlation test used to measure the level
or close relationship between the two variables with
an ordinal scale.
The majority of 73 enrolled subjects were classified
into middle adulthood which number is 48
respondents or 65,8 %. Furthermore, the highest
percentage of subjects with an education level of
senior high school was 59%. Out of all 73 women in
this study, 57,29 % of their husbands smoked. The
characteristics of respondents were shown in table 1.
The result of univariate data analysis shown that
the majority of respondents who showed a high level
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
of self-efficacy was 66 of 73 or 90,4%, as described
in the following table 2:
Next, for the more detail information about the
self-efficacy questionnaire, it can be looked through
the table 3. Majority of Respondents self-efficacy
revealed that mother has belief in the dimension of
generality, this is as stated in the first statement which
is: "If someone prevents me from avoiding exposure
to cigarette smoke, then I will try to find ways to get
rid of these obstacles" ( Table 3 ).
The results showed that the majority of
respondents had a high level of self-efficacy. The
majority of respondents used in this study are in the
middle adulthood age category and most of them have
senior high school education. Self-efficacy can be
influenced by several things, such as
sociodemographic (sex, age, location), life
experience and academic experience (de Fátima
Goulão, 2014; Alwisol, 2016; Ajayi and Olamijuwon,
2019). In addition, Badura's theory of self-efficacy
asserts that self-efficacy is developed through
personal experience, social learning and social
persuasion (Bandura et al., 1996; Schwarzer and
Fuchs, 2016). Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., an award-
winning educator and expert on human development,
argued that the middle adulthood is the contemplation
phase, which someone in this period will take a break
from worldly responsibilities to reflect the deeper
meaning of their lives, the better to forge ahead with
new understanding, as a consequence she / he
becomes better and more mature in taking a stand.
Moreover, during this period individuals will evaluate
life experiences and redefine themselves in their roles
and values (Anas, 2013). In addition, a study
conducted by (de Fátima Goulão, 2014) using adult
respondents, showed the results that the average
respondent had high self-efficacy, as well as showing
a significant relationship between self-efficacy and
academic achievement.
Respondents with high self-efficacy will be sure
to be able to do something that has the potential to be
able to change events around their environment, and
will be more likely to take an action (Bandura et al.,
1996; Feist and Feist, 2010). Self-efficacy of mothers
with toddlers who live at home with active smokers
can influence the attitudes and behavior of mothers.
This is supported by (Bandura et al., 1996; Kurose,
2013) who explains that individuals with high self-
efficacy tend to set higher goals and achieve
challenging opportunities, while those who have low
levels of self-efficacy, seeing things become difficult
, and tend to do the opposite.
In addition to its role in goal setting and
opportunity selection, self-efficacy continues to
influence the behavior of individuals who are actively
pursuing their goals. Self-efficacy influences
behavior with resilience which leads to greater ability
and perseverance in facing challenges. Simply put,
self-efficacy is contained in a process that connects
human motivation, behavior, and performance
(Kurose, 2013).
Table 4 above describes the majority of
respondents had high level of avoidance behavior of
cigarette smoke exposure, it was 60 of 73 or 82,2%.
Furthermore, it can be seen in the table 5 that the
majority of mothers implement avoidance behavior
by making attempts to minimize exposure when they
are in a situation that is not possible to withdraw from
cigarette smoke exposure as stated in the statement 7,
that is : "if my husband or my family smokes around
me and my child then they don't want to stop smoking,
then I will turn on the fan or open the window so that
exposure to cigarette smoke can be reduced”.
The results of the study reports that the majority
of respondents have a high level of avoidance
behavior from exposure to cigarette smoke.
Respondents in this study are mothers who have
children under five years old. The majority of
respondents age in this study are middle adulthood
category. Another additional information from the
study is that all respondents live in the same house
with smoker, where the majority of smokers are
A person's age can affect their behavior, in this
case it is related to avoidance behavior from exposure
to cigarette smoke. As explained above that the
mature age will strengthen one's behavior, especially
to maintain their health (Armstrong.T, 2019). The
status of family members as the highest active
smokers is a husband is a phenomenon that often
occurs in families, as research (Gharaibeh et al.,
2011), which stated that more than half of the
participants (55%) reported living with a husband
who smoked. More than one third (367%) of
respondents' husbands smoke in the house, and as
many as 24.9% of the study respondents report that
other family members also smoke at home. In total,
almost two-thirds (59.6%) of subjects reported that
their husband or other family members smoked in the
house. Traditionally, the husband is the head of the
family and holds the highest authority in the family,
so it is not easy for a wife to make strict rules about
prohibiting smoking at home. For this reason
avoidance behavior is one of the most frequent
attempts by women whose partners are smokers.
Private homes are the enclosed area where people
mostly spend the daily time, and only voluntary rules
are possible, have become a main source of exposure
Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke Exposure: A Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-five Year-old
to SHS among children and nonsmoking adults
(Zheng et al., 2014), and will have a negative impact
on health if the mother does not do limiting or
practicing avoidance behavior (Lin et al., 2010).
Other results from this study found that the
majority of mothers implement efforts to minimize
exposure when unable to withdraw from exposure to
cigarette smoke. This result is supported by research
conducted by (Zheng et al., 2014) that the most
common step to reduce exposure to cigarette smoke
is to make a smoke-free policy in the house and take
actions such as opening a window so that cigarette
smoke can be reduced and not settled in the room.
Table 6 describes the results of crosstabulation
between self-efficacy and avoidance behavior from
exposure to cigarette smoke. From this table, it can be
seen that there are 66 respondents or 90.4% who have
high self-efficacy, from that number 54 (74%) of
respondents have high avoidance behavior from
cigarette smoke exposure and only 7 (9.6%)
respondents who have low self-efficacy, and there is
1 respondent (1.4%) who has low self efficacy as well
as avoidance behavior from cigarette smoke exposure
which is also low. In general, this shows that the
majority of respondents in this study had high levels
of self-efficacy and high avoidance behavior from
exposure to cigarette smoke.
Next, by using the Spearman Rank test, it
conducted an analysis of the relationship between
self-efficacy and avoidance behavior from cigarette
smoke exposure among mothers of under five years
old children in the Sumbersari village of Malang City,
the results are presented in table 7 below:
Based on table 7, it is known that Spearman's rho
correlation test results obtained p value = 0.005, this
is less than alpha (0.05), then H0 is rejected and H1 is
accepted, this means that there is a relationship
between self-efficacy and avoidance behavior of
cigarette smoke exposure among mothers. The
correlation coefficient (0.324) shows the level of
relationship between the variables of self-efficacy
and avoidance behavior from exposure to cigarette
smoke among mothers of under five years old
children is included in the category of sufficient
correlation. High self-efficacy will increase
avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure. It
can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance
behavior of cigarette smoke exposure among mothers
of under five years old children.
The Spearman Rank test results obtained a P-
value of 0.005, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected.
The results of this study can be concluded that there
is a relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance
behavior to prevent cigarette smoke exposure among
mothers who have children under five years old and
the test results of correlation strength was 0.324, it
indicate that the strength of the relationship between
self-efficacy and avoidance behavior to prevent
cigarette smoke exposure is moderate.
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents.
No Characteristics F (%)
1 Age (Years)
- 20–35 (Early
- 36 - 65 (Middle
- > 65
34,2 %
65,8 %
2 Level of Education
- Elementary School
- Junior High School
- Senior High School
- Diploma
- Bachelor Degree
3 Total Number and The
Relationship the member
family who are smoker :
Father in law
Brother in law
Grand Father
4 Duration ( year ) to be
No explanation/ forget
Table 2: Self-Efficacy of Mother who has under Five Years
old Children.
Number of
High Low
90,4% 9,6% 100%
66 7 73
Test results that have been done can be concluded that
the higher the self-efficacy, so the avoidance behavior of
cigarette smoke exposure will be higher. This result is
supported by (Friedman and Schustack, 2008), that self-
efficacy can determine whether someone will show a
certain behavior, how the strength of an individual to be
able to survive when facing difficulties or even failures, and
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
how success or failure in a particular task or problem affects
individual behavior in the future.
Table 3: Frequency of Self-Efficacy Questionnaire.
No Questionnaire Statements Mean Rank
1 If someone prevents me from
avoiding cigarette smoke, then I
will try to find a way to get rid
of these obstacles
3.2603 1
2 I have no difficulty in carrying
out my goal to avoid exposure
to cigarette smoke
2.8493 7
3 I always know how to avoid
unexpected exposure to
cigarette smoke, such as by
asking smokers not to smoke or
by staying away from smokers
3.1233 3
4 I have a way to overcome the
incidence of cigarette smoke
exposure, such as refusing to
enter the environment where
there is cigarette smoke,
controlling and minimizing
cigarette smoke exposure
3.2192 2
5 I can avoid exposure to cigarette
smoke well because I always
rely on the ability that I have
3.0959 5
6 I can handle cigarette smoke
incidents such as by avoiding,
turning on fans, asking smokers
to stop smoking when facing
unexpected cigarette smoke
events that occur unexpectedly.
3.0274 6
7 I am ready to handle the
incident of cigarette smoke
3.1233 4
Table 4: Avoidance Behavior of Cigarette Smoke
Behavior of
Cigarette Smoke
(%) Total
High 60 82,2%
Low 13 17,8%
High avoidance behavior will have a positive impact on
mothers and toddlers, because it can reduce the chance of
exposure to cigarette smoke which causes health problems
especially in vulnerable children. In practicing avoidance
behavior, a mother needs a strong belief that is self efficacy.
Mothers with toddlers who have high self-efficacy will take
the actions needed to maintain the health of themselves and
their children. This is in line with research which states that
the factors related to higher second-hand smoke avoidance
behavior were higher self-efficacy (Lee, Ahn and Lee,
Table 4: Frequency Avoidance Behavior of Cigarette
Smoke Exposure Questionnaire.
No Questionnaire Statements Mean Rank
1 When I see someone who is
smoking, I will keep my
distance to ensure that my child
and I are not exposed to
cigarette smoke
2.5890 3
2 If my child and I are gathering
with family members or other
people, then someone starts
smoking, then my child and I
will keep a distance or move
away from that place
2.6164 2
3 When my child and I are in
public places like restaurants,
offices, or clinics, I will leave if
I don't get a seat in the non-
smoking section
2.4110 4
4 I do not allow family members /
other people to smoke when
they are carrying my child
2.2192 7
5 When I travel together with my
child using public
transportation, then I will ask
the driver not to smoke for a
1.9041 9
6 I do not allow my husband or
other people to smoke while
riding a motorcycle or other
means of transportation when
there is my child in the vehicle
2.3973 6
7 If my husband or other family
members are smoking around
me and my child, then they don't
want to stop smoking, then I
will turn on the fan or open the
window so that exposure to
cigarette smoke can be reduced
2.6986 1
8 When I and other family
members are exposed to
cigarette smoke, then I will
wash the clothes that me and my
family member wear to
eliminate the smell of cigarette
smoke even though the clothes
are clean
1.9452 8
9 When my child and I travel by
motorcycle or public
transportation, I will use a nose
covering or ask for a seat that is
free of cigarette smoke and open
the window if someone starts
2.4110 5
Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke Exposure: A Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-five Year-old
Table 5: Crosstabulation Self-Efficacy and Avoidance
Behavior of Cigarette Smoke Exposure.
Avoidance Behavior of
Cigarette Smoke
Low High
Low 1 (1,4%) 6 (8,2%)
High 12 (16,4%) 54 (74%)
Total 13 (17,8%)
Table 6: Correlation between Self-Efficacy and Avoidance
Behavior of Cigarette Smoke Exposure Among Mothers of
Under Five Years Old Children.
an’s rho
Sig. (2-
r from
Sig. (2-
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
The majority respondents have a high level of self-
efficacy and also high avoidance behavior from
cigarette smoke exposure. There is a significant
relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance
behavior from cigarette smoke exposure. The higher
self-efficacy among mothers who have under-five-
years-old children, the higher the behavior to avoid
exposure to cigarette smoke.
My greatest gratitude for Allah S.W.T, the God who
blesses me great life. My thankfull also for my family,
the Dean of Health Science Faculty and all of the
University Leaders of University of Muhammadiyah
Malang for the great supports
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Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke Exposure: A Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-five Year-old