Behavioural E-Learning Adoption among Higher Education Institution
Students: A Possibility for Mentawaian Students Living in
Contemporary Culture
, Yetty Morelent
, Desi Ilona
, and Zaitul
Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia
UPI YPTK Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Personalization, Responsiveness, Controllability, Two-Way Communication, Perceived Ease Of Use,
Perceived Usefulness And Intention To Participate In E-Learning.
This study aims to investigate the influence of personalization, responsiveness, controllability, and two-way
communication on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. besides, this study also determines the
influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on students’ intention to participate in e-learning.
Besides that the study also glances at a possibility of development of e-learning for Mentawaian students living
in contemporary culture. Forty-four students were participating in this study and SEM-PLS is used to analyse
the primary data collected through on-line survey. Ten hypotheses were developed. The study results in
five hypotheses are supported and the rest rejected. The result show that personalization significantly effects
on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. In addition, the controllability is positively related to
perceived usefulness. Further, two-way communication is also positively associated with perceived ease of
use. Finally, the perceived ease of use positively determines the students’ intention to participate in e-learning.
This study provide contribution to Technology acceptance model by extending this theory. Practically, this
study highlights some findings which are contribute to the university management and they discuss in detail.
World is currently marked by new economy. (Cidral
et al. 2018) argue that the new economy
is characterised by the revolution of information
technology (IT), reinventing of the classroom and etc.
In fact, the great availability of devices to access
the internet (e.g. computers, tablets, laptop and
smartphones) and the population and access to the
World Wide Web (www) learning utilizing e-learning
practices has broadened quickly (Cidral et al. 2018).
In addition, (Al-gahtani 2014) add that technology
(the internet and network) transformed our world into
ubiquitous connectivity. Thus, development on IT has
brought about e-applications. (Alsabawy et al., 2016).
System of E-learning is a system which enables the
21st-century education and it has a big effect on
the educational environment (Aparicio et al., 2016).
There is increasing dependents on e-learning usage to
accommodate the knowledge transfer and generation
in workplace (Fleming, Becker, and Newton 2017).
An e-learning can be defined as an information
system in which various teaching-materials like text,
video and audio media can be integrated are delivered
in online learning (discussion, email and assignment
(Lee et al., 2011). In addition, (Y. Cheng 2011)
also defines that e-learning is a device employing the
computer and instrument network such as extranets,
internets and internet to convey the learning materials
to learners. Such learning may return to the beginning
of 1980’s in which subjects on television were
offered. The online learnings so-called virtual or
distance learning were developed because technology
and information develop fast. (Fleming, Becker, and
Newton 2017). E-learning systems give chance to
students to study regardless of place and time, and
support them with new teaching methods (Alhabeeb
and Rowley, 2018). Through E-learning, students
also gain new techniques of learning, and lecturers
can convey a learning guidance using audio, video,
animation, text, and pictures, and can give online
feedback and spaces on learning. (Abdullah and
Ward, 2016). (Clay et al., 2008) argue that in
order to be successful applying the devices and
procesures, it depends on intention of students to
Elfiondri, ., Morelent, Y., Ilona, D. and Zaitul, .
Behavioural E-Learning Adoption among Higher Education Institution Students: A Possibility for Mentawaian Students Living in Contemporary Culture.
DOI: 10.5220/0009100001570164
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
receive or refuse the tool and systems. There have
been many universities in the world implementing
e-learning (Garrison, 2011), one of which is Bung
Hatta University, Indonesia (Khairuddin et al. 2018).
Unfortunately, even though e-learning gives benefits,
the students and lecturers still use it in low level
(Bhuasiri et al., 2012) included its use at Bung Hatta
University (Khairuddin et al., 2018).
There are bundle of studies investigating the
behavioural intention of using the e-learning (Cheng,
2014; Zhang et al., 2012; Roca et al., 2006;
Rui-Hsin and Lin, 2018; Cheung and Vogel, 2013;
Timothy, 2011; Khairuddin et al., 2018; S
et al., 2013; Fleming et al., 2017; Abdullah and
Ward, 2016; Al-Gahtani, 2016; Alhabeeb and
Rowley, 2018; Alsabawy et al., 2016; Aparicio
et al., 2016; Ching-Ter et al., 2017; Cidral et al.,
2018; Hubalovsky et al., 2019; Khasawneh, 2015;
Kimiloglu et al., 2017; Cheng, 2011; Bhuasiri
et al., 2012). Based on previous studies, there
is very limited studies investigating in Indonesia’s
environment. In addition, most of studies used the
teachers, instructors and lecturers as research object
and there is lack of studies using the students as
object of research (Abdullah et al., 2016; Cheng,
2014; Rui-Hsin and Lin, 2018; Cheung and Vogel,
2013; S
anchez et al., 2013; Ali et al., 2018).
Besides, studies which employ the external factors
to technology acceptance model (TAM) variables are
also lack. In addition, studies using an Indonesia’s
environment have seldom used the students as
research object. Therefore, there is gap in literature.
It needs further investigation in this field.
E-learning system participation is considered as
adoption of technology. Several theories discuss
adoption of the technology in organization and
individual level, such as innovation diffusion theory
(Rogers, 1962), and reason action theory (Fishbein
and Ajzen, 1977), theory of plan behaviour (Ajzen,
1991), task-technology fit (Goodhue and Thompson,
1995). This research applies the model of technology
acceptance (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) and plan
behaviour theory (Ajzen 1991). Theory of plan
behaviour (Ajzen 1991) predicts that intention
determines behaviour to behave. Additionally,
determinants of intention to behave involves attitude
on technology, subjective norm and control of
perceived behaviour (Ajzen 1991). Based on model of
technology acceptance (Venkatesh and Davis 2000),
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness
determine acceptance of technology. (Abdullah
and Ward 2016) and (Ching-ter, Su, and Hajiyev
2017) conclude that there are external variables
influencing the variables of TAM. Experience,
subjective norm, enjoyment, computer anxiety and
self-efficacy are used as antecedents of perceived
ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU)
variable. (Y. Cheng 2011) classified the antecedents
of PEU and PU into social, factors, and individual
factors. (Al-Gahtani, 2016) involve the variables
of subjective norm, image, job relevance, output
quality, result demonstrability as determinants of
PU. PEU determinants are computer self-efficacy,
perception of external control, computer anxiety, and
computer playfulness (Al-gahtani 2014). Only (Y.
M. Cheng 2014) proposed a different external factors
to PEU and PU: personality, controllability, two-way
communication and responsiveness as antecedents
of PEU and PU. This model is not yet applied in
Indonesia’s education environment and therefore, this
study’s objectives are to investigate the effect of these
four external factors (personality, controllability,
two-way communication and responsiveness) on PEU
and PU. In addition, this research also determines the
influence of PEU and PU on students’ intention to
participate in the system of e-learning. This paper
is organised as follow (i) background, (ii) method
and material, (iii) result and discussion, and (iv)
conclusion and recommendation.
In the learning context, personalization deals with
transmitting the learning contents that suit particular
individual through the electronic learning system (Y.
M. Cheng 2014). Therefore, personalised e-learning
system is perceived as more useful (Baylari and
Montazer 2009) and provides student with robust
guidance mechanism, such as adaptive navigation
support, curriculum ordering, tailored presentation
and etc. (Papanikolaou et al. 2002). In addition,
Controllability, in the context of learning, refers to
students’ capability to manage time, content and
communication stream by means of e-learning system
(Y. M. Cheng 2014). If the students think that they
can manage the e-learning system, they believe that
the e-learning is more useful and easy to use (Pituch
and Lee 2006). Further, responsiveness refers to the
extent to which students discern that the reaction from
the learning system is consistent, fast and reasonable
(Pituch and Lee 2006). If the students notice that
the system is so, they are aware of system response
useful and easy to use (Pituch and Lee 2006).
Moreover, the ability of reciprocal communication
between lecturer and students are suggested definition
of two-way communication in the learning context
(Pituch and Lee 2006) and they add that if this type
of communication occurs, student will feel that the
e-learning is useful and easily used. If it is usefully
perceived and easily used, the students will create an
intention to participate in the system of e-learning
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
(Abdullah and Ward 2016; Cheng 2011; Ching-ter,
Su, and Hajiyev 2017; Al-gahtani 2014). Based
on explanation above, we proposed the research
framework as follow.
Figure 1: Research Framework
This research uses the students in the semester six
and above who are registered in faculty of business
and economics and education as research object.
Data in this research is primary data that gathered
through online survey. The research uses intention
to participate in e-learning as dependent variable
and personalization, controllability, responsiveness,
two-way communication, perceived ease of use, and
perceived usefulness as independent latent variables.
Intention to participate in e-learning has three items
which developed by (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Roca
et al., 2006). PEU and PU consist of three
items each (Davis, 1989; Ngai et al., 2007). In
addition, personalization has four items which was
developed by (Papanikolaou et al., 2002; Wu and
Guohua, 2006). Further, controllability has three
items (Liu, 2003; Wu and Guohua, 2006). Thus,
responsiveness also has three items (Liu, 2003;
Pituch and kuei Lee, 2006; Song and Zinkhan,
2008). Finally, two-way communication employ
four items (Liu 2003; Song and Zinkhan 2008).
Five-scale Likert is used to measure all constructs.
Structural Equation Modeling is used to run data.
Smart-pls is employed due to benefit of smart-pls
(Chin et al., 1998). It has two assessments:
measurement model and structural model assessments
(Hair Jr et al., 2017). Measurement model
assessment has two criteria’s: convergent validity
and discriminant validity. Convergent validity is
assessed using four properties (Hair et al., 19).
In addition, Fornell-Lacker criterion (Fornell and
Larcker, 1981)(Fornell and Larcker 1981) and
cross-loading (Hair et al. 2017) are applied as base
for discriminant validity evaluation. Further, value of
Q square and R square is used to assess the structural
model. Acceptance or rejection of The hypotheses is
based on the value of path coefficient and p-value.
At last, the hypotheses are connected qualitatively
with learning-culture of Mentawaian students to see a
possibility for developing the e-learning in Mentawai.
This session would be discussed about result and
discussion: demographic data, measurement model
assessement, and structral model assessment. The
result begins with demographic data. Table 1
provide us with data of gender, age, semester, CGPA
and department of respondents. Based on gender,
respondents are dominated by female respondents
(86.36%). With regard to age, most of respondents
is age of 21 to 22 years old (65.91%). Further,
respondents are dominated by students in fourth and
sixth semester. Based on CGPA, most of students
is with CGPA of 3.00-3.50 (45.45%). Finally,
respondents mostly are from accounting department,
faculty of economic and business.
Table 1: Demographic Variables
Dem var Category Count %
Female 38 86.36
Male 6 13.64
not answer 0 0
19 to 20 years old 9 20.45
21 to 22 years old 29 65.91
23 to 24 years old 3 6.82
¿ 24 years old 2 4.55
not answer 1 2.27
4th to 6th 40 90.91
7th to 9th 3 6.82
¿ 9th 1 2.27
not answer 0 0
2.50 to 3.00 6 13.64
3.01 to 3.50 20 45.45
3.51 to 4.00 15 34.09
not answer 3 6.82
Accounting 38 86.36
Elementary school teacher training 1 2.27
Management 2 4.55
English training 2 4.55
not answer 1 2.27
Table 2 demonstrates the assessment result gained
from measurement model (convergent validity).
Based on outer loading, all items from all constructs
have outer loading value which is bigger than
0.700. and it can be concluded that these value
support the convergent validity (Hulland, 1999).
Internal consistency of indicator is second criteria
of convergent validity (CV). The consistency is
determined by using Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) and
composite reliability (CR). Thus, the result show
that value of CA and CR for all constructs is
above 0.700 and it support the convergent validity
(Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). Dealing with the average
variance extracted (AVE), the result indicates that
all constructs have the value of AVE exceed the
Behavioural E-Learning Adoption among Higher Education Institution Students: A Possibility for Mentawaian Students Living in
Contemporary Culture
cut-off value, 0.500 (Bagozzi and Yi 1988). Based on
four SEM properties above, it can be concluded that
convergent validity requirement has been reached.
Table 2: Convergent Validity
Construct items outer loading CA CR AVE
Intention to itp1 0.935
0.899 0.936 0.831participate in itp2 0.923
e-learning itp3 0.875
con1 0.835
0.772 0.866 0.683con2 0.779
con3 0.863
per1 0.818
0.852 0.9 0.693
per2 0.82
per3 0.887
per4 0.803
perceived ease of use
peu1 0.86
0.875 0.923 0.801peu2 0.926
peu3 0.898
perceived usefulness
pu1 0.898
0.873 0.922 0.798pu2 0.893
pu3 0.888
res1 0.862
0.882 0.927 0.81res2 0.896
res3 0.941
twc1 0.827
0.861 0.905 0.704
two way twc2 0.909
communication twc3 0.777
twc4 0.838
The result of second assessment (discriminant
validity) of measurement model is presented in
Table 3. In this case, we use the Fornell-Lacker
criterion. Fornell-Lacker criterion must be reached
by comparing the square root of a construct (Fornell
and Larcker 1981). For example, the square root
of controllability is 0.826 (bold) and this value is
greater than correlation between controllability with
other construct, such as intention to participate in
e-learning (0.800), perceived ease of use (0.671) and
so on. Thus, it can be concluded that the discriminant
validity requirement is reached.
Table 3: Fornell-Lacker Criterion
Const 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CON(1) 0.83
ITP (2) 0.8 0.91
PEU (3) 0.67 0.78 0.9
PU (4) 0.79 0.73 0.84 0.89
PER(5) 0.79 0.78 0.85 0.92 0.83
RES (6) 0.82 0.74 0.68 0.82 0.86 0.9
TWC(7) 0.79 0.82 0.81 0.76 0.84 0.78 0.84
Second criteria for discriminant validity is
cross-loading. Table 4 provide us with result
of discriminant validity assessment (cross-loading).
Cross-loading is assessed by determining the loading
of an indicator (item) to its assigned construct is
higher compared to its loading to other construct (
Hair et al., 2017). For example, loading of item of
itp1, itp2, and itp 3 (ITP is its assigned construct)
are higher to ITP (bold, 0.935, 0.923, and 0.875)
compared to other constructs, such as PEU (0.627,
0.637, and 0.839). These values show that the
discriminant validity is reached.
Second smart-pls assessment is structural model
evaluation. It is to test hypothesis and about the
Table 4: Cross Loading
itp1 0.779 0.935 0.627 0.622 0.683 0.695 0.687
itp2 0.74 0.923 0.637 0.643 0.706 0.698 0.741
itp3 0.674 0.875 0.839 0.713 0.738 0.64 0.791
con1 0.835 0.722 0.606 0.68 0.628 0.563 0.658
con2 0.779 0.618 0.405 0.464 0.513 0.685 0.559
con3 0.863 0.643 0.611 0.75 0.773 0.784 0.716
per1 0.668 0.687 0.609 0.738 0.818 0.816 0.694
per2 0.678 0.721 0.795 0.76 0.82 0.679 0.767
per3 0.717 0.644 0.773 0.845 0.887 0.692 0.698
per4 0.553 0.555 0.648 0.699 0.803 0.691 0.625
peu1 0.524 0.695 0.86 0.613 0.695 0.516 0.788
peu2 0.596 0.666 0.926 0.826 0.813 0.675 0.651
peu3 0.678 0.739 0.898 0.82 0.778 0.625 0.73
pu1 0.763 0.705 0.664 0.898 0.864 0.866 0.673
pu2 0.69 0.597 0.7 0.893 0.73 0.652 0.591
pu3 0.647 0.647 0.89 0.888 0.851 0.665 0.775
res1 0.675 0.612 0.575 0.647 0.731 0.862 0.604
res2 0.719 0.635 0.58 0.805 0.808 0.896 0.725
res3 0.804 0.753 0.666 0.756 0.785 0.941 0.767
twc1 0.579 0.587 0.79 0.655 0.718 0.572 0.827
twc2 0.65 0.724 0.823 0.66 0.759 0.604 0.909
twc3 0.663 0.675 0.485 0.558 0.636 0.691 0.777
twc4 0.786 0.786 0.561 0.683 0.682 0.795 0.838
relationship among latent variables as indicated by
Table 5. Before presenting the hypotheses result,
the Q square and R square should be interpreted
firstly. Q square shows the predictive relevance of
the model. In this study, the value of Q square
is ranging from 0.460 to 0.590 and they fall into
large predictive relevance categories (Henseler et al.,
2009). It means that the structural model is very
much relevance. In addition, R square is predictive
power of structural model. Maximising of R square
of endogenous variables is objective of the SEM-PLS
(Chin 1998). R square of intention to join e-learning
and perceived ease of use endogenous constructs is
0.633 and 0.663 respectively, and they are classified
into moderate predictive power of structural model
(Hair et al., 2014). R square of other endogenous
construct (perceived usefulness) is 0.854 and it fall
into substantial predictive power (J. Hair et al. 2014).
Table 5 presents hypotheses testing result..
P-value and path coefficient is used to see whether
the hypothesis is supported or not supported. The
significant level (1%, 5%, or 10%) or two tail
of t-statistic (2.58, 1.96 or 1.645 respectively)
(J. Hair et al. 2014). Relationship; positive
or negative relationship is known through path
coefficient. The result indicates that five hypotheses
are supported. First, the personalization has
significantly effect on PEU (β=0.811, p-value=0.000)
as well and it can be concluded that H1 is supported.
Second, the association between personalization
and perceived usefulness is positively significant
(β=0.813, p-value=0.000) and H2, therefore, is
supported. Third, the effect of controllability on
PU (β=0.180, p-value=0.036) is positively significant
(H4 supported). Fourth, two-way communication
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Table 5: Assessment of Structural Model
Endogenous construct Q2 Dec. R2 Dec.
intention to participate in
0.46 large 0.633 moderate
perceived ease of use 0.468 large 0.663 moderate
perceived usefulness 0.59 large 0.854 substantial
relationship path coef t stat p value concl
controllability > perceived
ease of use
-0.031 0.184 0.854 not supported
controllability > perceived
0.18 2.107 0.036** supported
perceived ease of use >
intention to participate in
0.577 2.332 0.020** supported
perceived usefulness >
intention to participate in
0.245 0.836 0.404 not supported
personalization > perceived
ease of use
0.811 4.422 0.000*** supported
personalization > perceived
0.813 3.58 0.000*** supported
responsiveness > perceived
ease of use
-0.295 1.322 0.187 not supported
responsiveness > perceived
0.056 0.264 0.792 not supported
two-way communication >
perceived ease of use
0.385 2.683 0.008*** supported
two-way communication >
perceived usefulness
-0.103 0.665 0.507 not supported
Note: ***, ** and * (significant level at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively)
and perceived ease of use is positively significant
(β=0.385, p-value=0.008) and H7 is supported.
Finally, PEU and intention to participate in e-learning
have positive related (β=0.577, p-value=0.020) and
the ninth hypothesis is supported. Structural model
is indicated in the following Figure 2.
Figure 2: Structural Model
The positively significant effect of personalization
on PEU and PU is consistent with finding of (Y.
M. Cheng 2014). PEU and PE are achieved if the
content of learning-system content being conveyed to
the student is customised with the students’ tastes.
Such system would provide students with strong
guidance mechanisms (Papanikolaou et al., 2002),
such as adaptive navigations support, good material
presentation, and curriculum sequencing. Therefore,
the students feel the system useful and easy to use
(Baylari and Montazer, 2009). (Y. M. Cheng 2014)
also supports that controllability has positive effect
on PU. The e-learning system has been perceived by
student as useful due to the system is manageable,
suitable and interesting content, and facilitating the
stream of communication (Pituch and kuei Lee, 2006)
because the student is able to do so. Therefore,
the e-learning system of Bung Hatta University is
perceived as useful (Pituch and Lee 2006; Y. M.
Cheng 2014). Further, the significant association
between two-way communication and perceived ease
of use is also in line with (Y. M. Cheng 2014). Bung
Behavioural E-Learning Adoption among Higher Education Institution Students: A Possibility for Mentawaian Students Living in
Contemporary Culture
Hatta university’s e-learning has facilitated reciprocal
communication between lecturers and students and
this type of communication has been happening in the
system. Some students are derived from Mentawai.
Observations qualitatively show that there is no any
complaint with the system. They follow and enjoy
the system which makes them easier to understand
lectures. Even though they are stereotyped as students
from underdeveloped region, they can follow the
higher education system. They have got used to
“playing” with internet in their home region before
they are sent to higher education. Therefore, the
students feel that it is easy to use the e-learning
system easy to use (Pituch and Lee 2006). Finally, the
significant effect of perceived ease of use on intention
to participate in e-learning is supported by (Abdullah
and Ward 2016; Al-gahtani 2014; Y. M. Cheng 2014;
Ching-ter, Su, and Hajiyev 2017). Students’ intention
to participate the e-learning class will increase if the
system is easy to use.
The industry revolution has changed the way
things done, including teaching (e-learning). The
important of learning has been raised by many
experts. The intention to participate in e-learning
very much depends on lecturers, students and
support by prior-to-higher education environment of
internet-development. There are few perspectives
why an intention to use or participate in e-learning
are varying from one lecture or student to another,
such as technology acceptance model. In addition,
technology acceptance model variables is influenced
by external variables, such as personalization.
However, there is lack of studies in Indonesia’s
learning environment investigating the effect of
external factors on TAM’s variables (perceived ease
of use and perceived usefulness) and their impact on
student’s intention to participate in e-learning. we
find that personalization has a positive relationship
with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness.
In addition, we also documented the significant effect
of controllability and perceived usefulness. Further,
two-way communication also has a significant
association with perceived ease of use. Finally, the
perceived of ease of use positively determine an
intention of student to participate in e-learning. This
result has practical and theoretical implications.
Theoretically, this study presents the
overwhelming subscription toward the existing
state of the art in e-learning literature, especially
students’ intention to participate in e-learning. This
paper provides with high point of the existing effect
of personalization, controllability and two-way
communication on TAM’s variables. in addition,
this paper also spotlights the relationship between
perceived ease of use and students’ intention to
participate in e-learning. In addition, the implication
of the positively significant relationship between
controllability and perceived usefulness is that to
increase the perceived usefulness of e-learning
among students, the university management can
improve the manageability, suitability, interested
e-learning system, and the system provide the
stream communication. Third, the positive effect of
two-way communication and perceived ease of use of
e-learning system implies that to improve perceived
ease of use of the e-learning system by designing
the system with reciprocal communication. Finally,
University management can escalate the students’
intention to participate in e-learning by improve the
perceives ease of use: taking care of the personalized
and two-way communication equipped e-learning
A number of caveats need to be noted regarding
the present study. First, this study uses a limited
sample size and it might not be gaining the rigorous
result. Second, this study sees the students’ intention
to participate in e-learning from external factors of
TAM’s variables. Finally, this study did not test the
mediating role of TAM’s variables between external
factors and the students’ intention to participate in
e-learning. Therefore, it is recommended that further
research be undertaken in the following areas. First,
future study can increase the number of students
involving Mentawaian students in this study. Second,
the students’ intention to participate in e-learning also
can be investigated using other perspective or theory,
such as social cognitive theory. Finally, other future
study also can investigate the role of perceived ease
of use and perceived usefulness as mediator between
external factors and TAM’s variables.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity