Application of Mirror Neuron System in Post Stroke Rehabilitation
Vitriana Biben, Jihan Alifa Syahida
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Mirror Neuron System, Motor Imagery, Virtual Reality
Abstract: Skill development by enhancing experience-dependent plasticity using mirror neuron system through
motor imagery and or virtual reality approach has been increasing nowadays. Mirror neuron as a
visuomotor neuron will activated in relation to movement of body parts or in observation of the actions.
Several studies have examined this network and properties in humans and prove the mechanisms in
enhancing neuroplasticity. Although there are many studies for on the mirror neuron system, several
questions remain unanswered. The motor imagery and virtual reality as the practical approach studies in
post stroke rehabilitation also showed none of this approach was absolutely superior to each other. To
increase the comprehension of mirror neuron system involvement in post stroke rehabilitation, this article
is try to focusing on the review of motor imagery and virtual reality approach that use the principle.
Stroke is the most common acquired neurological
disease in the adult population and a leading cause
of disabilities worldwide (Aqueveque et al.,
2017),(García-Rudolph et al., 2019). The prevalence
of stroke in Indonesia reaches 10.9% in population
according to the Indonesia basic health research in
2018 (Riskesdas, 2018). Increasing the number of
stroke survivors make more survivors live with long-
term disability. To manage the impact,
interdisciplinary complex rehabilitation
interventions were required and assumed to
represent the mainstay of post-stroke care.
Optimal functional recovery of stroke is the
ultimate goal of neurorehabilitation after acute
brain injury. Optimizing sensorimotor performance
in functional action is the main goal of
rehabilitation. New brain imaging techniques are
making it clear that the neurological system is
continually remodeling throughout life and after
damage through experience and learning in
response to activity and behavior (Aqueveque et al.,
2017). The potential ability of the brain to readapt
after an injury is known as neuroplasticity, which is
the basic mechanism underlying improvement in
functional outcome after stroke. Therefore, one
important goal of rehabilitation of stroke patients is
the effective use of neuroplasticity for functional
recovery (Winstein CJ et al., 2016).
The type and extent of neural plasticity are task-
specific, highly time-sensitive and strongly
influenced by environmental factors as well as
motivation and attention. The recovery of function
has been shown to depend on the intensity of therapy,
repetition of specified-skilled movement directed
toward the motor deficits and rewarded with
performance-dependent feedback. Specifically, the
exercise should be repetitive, task-specific,
motivating, salient and intensive for neuroplasticity
to occur (Aqueveque et al., 2017),(van Dokkum et
al., 2015).
Evidence accumulated during the past 2 decades
together with recent advances in the field of stroke
recovery clearly shows that the effects of
neurorehabilitation can be enhanced by behavioral
manipulations. Recently, many training-oriented
rehabilitation techniques have been developed,
which allows the increase of independence and
quality of life of the patients and their family
(Aqueveque et al., 2017).
Biben, V. and Syahida, J.
Application of Mirror Neuron System in Post Stroke Rehabilitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009064100880094
In Proceedings of the 11th National Congress and the 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association (KONAS XI and PIT XVIII PERDOSRI
2019), pages 88-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-409-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Classification according to ICF Model (Kwakkel, 2014).
Body Structure
(i.e., the brain)
Body Function
(i.e., upper limb)
(a person)
Any change in the
structure that leads to
improved function
(includes restitution and
Improvement of the
ability to perform a
movement (includes
compensation and
Improvement of the
ability to perform a
functional task
(includes compensation
and restitution)
Repair: changes toward
the original state
Identical employment of
body components* as
before the injury
Identical task
performance as before
the injury
Alternative employment
of body structures
Alternative employment
of the same body
components as before
Task performance
using alternative limbs
and/or environmental
* A body component is defined as a collection of body structures that contribute to a specific body function
Current resources today are unable to fulfill the
intensity requirement for optimizing post-injury
neuroplasticity, although standard rehabilitation
helps improve motor function after stroke, only
modest benefits have been shown. Limitation of
conventional rehabilitation was including time-
consuming, labor and resource-intensive, dependent
on patient compliance, limited availability
depending on geography, modest and delayed effects
in some patients, requires transportation to special
facilities, initially underappreciated benefits by
stroke survivors and requires costs/insurance
coverage after the initial phase of treatment
(Saposnik et al., 2011).
As a result of the limitations of conventional
rehabilitation, novel strategies targeting motor skill
development and taking advantage of the elements
enhancing experience-dependent plasticity have
recently emerged. In the last 20 years, neuroimaging
techniques and the discovery of mirror neurons
system have brought about a deeper understanding
of brain function, that turn has led to the design of
new treatment approaches such as mirror-symmetric
bimanual movement priming (motor imagery/MI)
and virtual reality (VR) technology (Saposnik et al.,
2011),(García Carrasco and Aboitiz Cantalapiedra,
2016). This article focuses on the review of both
techniques in post-stroke rehabilitation.
Application of Mirror Neuron System in Post Stroke Rehabilitation
the functional and structural motor cortex can be
modified by utilization. The principle of use-
dependent plasticity occurs not only in the brains of
healthy individuals to learn new motor skills but also
in injured brains in re-learning motor skills. To
understand the mechanism of plasticity (the brain's
ability to reorganize by making new neural
connections) post-injury, it is necessary to study the
normal structure and function of the motor cortex
area that functions to control movement.
Rehabilitation approach using either MI or VR
technology was intended to prevent the condition
through a focused and repetitive exercise.
2.2 Mirror Neuron System
Mirror neurons system is a group of specialized
neurons that “mirrors” the actions and behavior of
others. It will discharge both when individuals
perform a given motor act and when they observe
others perform the same motor act (a movement that
has a specific goal). The involvement of MNS is
implicated in neurocognitive functions (social
cognition, language, empathy, the theory of mind)
and neuropsychiatric disorders (Rajmohan and
Mohandas, 2007).
Figure 1: Mirror neuron regions in humans (Rajmohan and
Mohandas, 2007).
Neuroimaging demonstrated the existence of 2
main networks with mirror properties: one residing
in the parietal lobe and the premotor cortex plus the
caudal part of the inferior frontal gyrus
(parietofrontal mirror system), and the other formed
by the insula and the anterior mesial frontal cortex
(limbic mirror system)(figure 1). The parietofrontal
mirror system is involved in the recognition of
voluntary behavior, while the limbic mirror system
KONAS XI and PIT XVIII PERDOSRI 2019 - The 11th National Congress and The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation Association
imagery activates the cortical motor better than
visual imagery (Ruffino, et al, 2017).
Figure 2: The specificity of corticospinal excitability in
motor imagery. Increased MEP occurs in the flexor carpi
radialis muscle (FCR) and not in the extensor carpi
radialis (ECR) when imagining flexion movements of the
hand (Ruffino et al, 2017).
The observation of other individuals performing
skilled movements, as well as MI was proved
effective for motor training. Neuroimaging studies
have shown that the primary motor cortex (M1) and
secondary motor areas, including the premotor
cortex, supplementary motor area, and the parietal
cortices, are activated during M1 tasks and motor
execution (Lotze et al., 1999). Functional imaging is
used to find out the involvement of primary cortex
motor in motor imagery and compare it with real
movements. Based on several previous studies, there
are different conclusions regarding the involvement
of the motor cortex, especially Broadmann area 4
(BA 4) in motor imagery. In primates and humans,
BA 4 cam be divided into two, BA 4 anterior (BA 4a)
and BA 4 posterior (BA 4p). BA 4a is thought to
have more role in the execution of movements than
produce a real movement. Whereas BA 4b is more
involves in cognitive tasks and non-execution
functions. Besides, BA 4b is also activated by
sensory input and can be modulated by attention.
Because motor imagery does not principally involve
motor execution, it is suspected that activation of
BA 4 when imagery is carried out is more inclined
to BA 4p. However, Sharma's study shows that
activation occurs in both BA 4p and BA 4a when
performing motor imagery with B4p activation
which tends to be stronger when compared to BA 4a.
When compared to the execution of real movements,
these two parts of the BA 4 area are relatively
weaker when doing the motor imagery. Meanwhile,
when viewed from its distribution, the activation of
BA 4 between motor imagery and movement
execution has a similar pattern. Cortex activation
when motor imagery still adheres to the principle of
Application of Mirror Neuron System in Post Stroke Rehabilitation
Figure 3: Neural Adaptation Model After Motor Imagery Exercise (Ruffino C, et al, 2017).
2.4 Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-based technology
that allows users to interact with the multisensory
simulated environment and receive “real-time”
feedback on performance by computer software and
experienced by the user through a human-machine
interface (Calabrò et al., 2017a). VR is the
stimulation of a real-time environment, scenario or
activity that generated. VR is made using hardware
and software that allows users to interact with
objects and events that appear and sound, and in
some cases can be felt, like those in the real world.
These two environments communicate and exchange
information through a barrier called interface. The
interface can be considered as a translator between
the user and the VR system. The user performs an
action (e.g. movement, speaking) as input, this
interface will translate this action into a digital
signal that can be processed and interpreted by the
system. The system will do a reaction that will be
translated by the interface into something that users
can feel physically (e.g. pictures, sounds, touching
KONAS XI and PIT XVIII PERDOSRI 2019 - The 11th National Congress and The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation Association
magnitude at the electroencephalography (EEG)
across the brain areas putatively belonging to the
MNS (including the inferior frontal gyrus, the lower
part of the precentral gyrus, the rostral part of the
inferior parietal lobule and the temporal, occipital
and parietal visual areas). (Laver et al., 2015)
Broadband involvement may be due to the
recruitment of multiple brain pathways expressing
both bottom-up (automatic recruitment of movement
simulation) and top-down (task-driven) neural
processes within the MNS implicated in locomotion
recognition. Recent work has shown that observed,
executed, and imagined action representations are
decoded from putative mirror neuron areas,
including Broca’s area and ventral premotor cortex,
which have a complex interplay with the traditional
MNS area generating the rhythm (Filimon et al.,
Training in VR is beneficial for restoring neural
function through several neurophysiological
processes that enhanced the potential for
neuroplastic changes early in the recovery phase and
stimulation of sensorimotor areas that may otherwise
undergo deterioration due to disuse. Many of motor
learning principles that become part of VR in
successfully motor skill development such as
massed repetition practice, task-specific practice,
goal-directed task, and meaningful practice. This
principle boosts the motivation of patients and
serves as a pleasurable experience during treatment
by controlling the level of difficulty and the
variability of the task (Brunner et al., 2014). With
VR, there also a potential mechanism of action that
works in enhancing skill motoric development, such
as augmented feedback that importance in motor
learning. At the behavioral level, movement errors in
the visual domain can influence motor cortical areas
during moor learning and active/rewarded practice.
Feedback can be used to reduce movement errors
and can shape neural activity in motor and premotor
areas. Even observation of actions was done in VR,
if performed repetitiously an intentionally, it can
facilitate the magnitude of motor evoked potential
(MEPs) and influence corticocortical interactions
(both intracortical facilitation and inhibition) in the
motor and premotor areas (Fu et al., 2015).
2.5 Implications For Practice Of VR
Virtual reality-based interventions have been used
for almost 2 decades, but there is still controversy
regarding the efficacy of using virtual reality in
stroke rehabilitation. Cochrane review conducted in
2017 concludes that the use of virtual reality and
Application of Mirror Neuron System in Post Stroke Rehabilitation
MI technique or VR systems can be applied as a
single technique or combination for driving
neuroplasticity and lead to benefits in motor function
improvement after stroke. The use of MI or VR in
post-stroke proved that it can facilitate cortical
reorganization. Future studies need to be done to
determine whether the combination of MI and VR
with also conventional therapy will enhance stroke
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KONAS XI and PIT XVIII PERDOSRI 2019 - The 11th National Congress and The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation Association