Analysis of E-Commerce Online Purchase Decisions: Case Study on the
Implementation of E-Commerce in Online Shop
Susie Suryani
, Rizky Amelia
and Yul Efnita
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Japan
Ease, E-commerce, Purchase Decision, Trust.
The purpose of this research is to know consumer purchasing decisions on online products viewed from the
dimensions of ease and trust in the online shop Data analysis used in this research is descriptive
and quantitative analysis, data collection is done by purposive sampling method with total sample counted
100 respondent. The data used in this research is the primary data in the form of spreading the questionnaires
online and global data about the online shop company The analytical tool used in this research
is multiple linear regression. Based on hypothesis testing by partial can be concluded belief significantly
influence to purchase decision with t-count value amount to 3,518 and ease no significant effect on purchasing
decision with t-count value amount 1,592, while simultaneously ease and trust variable have significant effect
to purchasing decision.
The development of an increasingly modern era
encourages a variety of system changes, either
directly or indirectly either directly or indirectly
such as trading systems, transactions and marketing
systems. But with the advancement of the times and
technology, especially the Internet, all the limitations
of distance, time and cost can be solved easily.
Increasing number of internet users has attracted
a wide range of businesses to promote some products
on the internet to conduct trade transactions. One type
of technology implementation in terms of improving
the business, sales and purchases of products is to
use electronic commerce (e-commerce) to market and
buy various kinds of products and services, whether in
physical or digital form (Almilia, 2007: 4).
Number of e-commerce users in Indonesia in 2016
reached 25.1 million and predicted up to 39.3 million
in 2020. Online shopping is the activity of buying and
selling or electronic commerce that allows consumers
to be able to directly buy products or services from the
seller through internet media using a web browser.
Ease is the first thing that consumers consider in
making purchasing decisions via the Internet. Davis
(1989) in (Adityo and Khasanah, 2011) defines ease
as a level where one believes that a technology can
be easily used. Ease in terms of operating the
site, how to transact until delivery of goods, is an
important thing in buying and selling online. The
second factor is the trust, When someone takes a
decision they would prefer a decision based on the
choice of the people that they can trust more than the
lack of trusted (Moorman, 2009: 8) quoted by Deni
Pranoto (2014: 14). Trust is one of the important
factors that should be considered if want to trade
online. The confidence factor becomes a key factor
in every sale and purchase online. Only customers
who have confidence and brave that will make
transactions through the internet media. In online
purchasing via e-commerce, consumers can not see
the product directly therefore the characteristics and
specifications of the product must be clear and correct
therefore that consumers have confidence in the
ecommerce site which ultimately affects consumer
interest using the site to make a purchase transaction.
In early 2016 there are many Marketplace sites in
Indonesia there are at least 18 Marketplace which is
generally already known to some people of Indonesia.
One of the Marketplaces is This buying
and selling site is the result of a joint venture between
a large Indonesian company is Telkom Indonesia and
E-Commerce website from America is eBay. Until
now Blanja.Com has more than 1 million products
that more than 90% is a local product provided
by sellers consisting of individual businesses, small
Suryani, S., Amelia, R. and Efnita, Y.
Analysis of E-Commerce Online Purchase Decisions: Case Study on the Implementation of E-Commerce in Online Shop
DOI: 10.5220/0009059500570062
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 57-62
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
medium enterprises (UKM) and renowned retail
Although it is under the same holding company, does not have an auction feature like
eBay. Users who want to be registered as a seller must
have a business license from the government, and they
can only sell new things. In theory these conditions
can complicate in embracing sellers and
competing with competitors. However
implement these rules on security grounds. Although
the trust in e-commerce continues to grow, there are
sellers who have intention to deceive buyers in the
online marketplace. filter system can
provide a sense of security to buyers, and can help
this site to attract the attention of buyers who want to
be more careful in transacting in the online shop.
The results of research (Ardyanto, 2015), (Naomi,
2015), (SARI, ) shows that ease and ease of using
e-commerce have a significant effect on online
purchasing decisions.
The purpose of this research is to examine and
analyze the effect of the ease and confidence using
the e-commerce on purchasing decisions online in the
online shop
2.1 Definition of Purchase Decision
According to (Philip and Amstrong, 2008) purchasing
decisions are the stage in the buyer’s decision-making
process where the consumer will actually buy.
2.2 Purchase Decision Making Process
Problem Recognition, is a process where
consumers will buy a product as a solution to the
problems that are facing.
Information Search, is an advanced process of
the introduction the problem, where the consumer
will be motivated to find information to solve
problems that are facing him. The information
search process can be derived from the memory
(internal) and based on the experience of others
Alternative Evaluation, is a continuation of
the information search process, after which
the consumers get a wide range of consumer
information will evaluate the alternatives- any
strategic alternative will be selected to address the
problems it faces.
Purchase Decision, is an advanced process of
evaluating alternatives, where the consumers will
make the purchase decision of a desired product.
Post-Purchase Evaluation, is a process after a
consumer to buy a product, where consumers will
evaluate whether the product is in accordance
with her wishes. In this process, there can be
customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The
stages of decision-making above can be described
as follows:
2.3 Factors Affecting Purchasing
There are five internal factors relevant to the
purchasing decision process, are:
Product Motivation. Is an encouragement
contained in a person in order to achieve a certain
Perception. Is the result of the interpretation or
perceptions of an event that it faces based on the
information and experience to those events.
Attitude Formation. Is an assessment in a person,
which reflects a person’s likes or dislikes for a
Integration. Is a combination of attitude and
action. Integration is a response to the position
taken. Feelings like to encourage someone to buy
a product, otherwise feelings of dislike will make
a person not to buy a product.
According to Engel (2000: 285) “needs
activated eventually be expressed in purchasing
and consumption behavior and in the form of two
types of benefits are1) utilitarian benefits and, 2)
hedonic benefits/experience”.
According to Kotler (2000: 157) “confidence
is a descriptive thought that someone has about
something. This confidence may be based on true
knowledge, opinion or trust and may raise emotions
and may not”.
2.4 Purchase Decision Online
Meanwhile, according to Turban et al. (2004) “online
consumer behavior model based on the factors that
influence and the process of attitude and behavior” are
described as follows:
The model above can be explained as follows:
Buying consumer decisions include: purpose,
purchase and repurchase.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Figure 1: Purchase decision process
(Philip and Amstrong, 2008)
Figure 2: Models of consumer behavior online
Source : Rifqi Nugroho Adi (2013)
Consumer characteristics include: age, gender,
ethnicity, education, psychological issues,
knowledge, values, satisfaction, prior experience,
preferences, habits, beliefs, attitudes, innovations
and personalities.
Environmental characteristics include: culture,
normative social influences, informational social,
legal, institutional, governmental, regulatory and
Characteristics of sellers and intermediaries:
brand reputation, trustworthiness of policies and
procedures, compensation and apology.
The characteristics of a product or service include:
knowledge of a product or service, type of
product or service, availability of product or
service, product or service adjustment, product or
service quality, product or service variety, product
or service differentiation, purchase frequency,
Systems in E-Commerce are: 1) Payment and
logistic support include: payment options, freight
forwarding options, accuracy and delivery speed
of orders, condition of goods upon receipt,
security and privacy; 2) Website features:
accuracy, novelty, information presentation,
completeness, simple design, navigation,
consistency, easy to use and easy access; 3)
Customer service: there is FAQ, email and
2.5 E-Commerce
According to Laudon & Laudon (1998), E-Commerce
is a process of buying and selling electronic products
by consumers and from company to company with
computer as an intermediary of business transactions.
According to (Philip and Amstrong, 2008;
Hardiawan and SUGIONO, 2013; Hermawan, 2012),
e-commerce is a description of the company’s efforts
to inform, communicate, promote, and sell products
and services through the Internet. It can be concluded
that the definition of e-commerce is any form of trade
transactions / trade goods or services (trade of goods
and services) by using electronic media.
2.6 E-Commerce Concepts
According to Kalakota and Whinston (1997)
e-commerce can be reviewed in the following four
From a communication perspective, e-commerce
is the delivery of goods, services, information, or
payments through computer networks or through
other electronic equipment.
Analysis of E-Commerce Online Purchase Decisions: Case Study on the Implementation of E-Commerce in Online Shop
From a business process perspective, e-commerce
is an application of technology that leads
to automation of business transactions and
From a service perspective, e-commerce is a tool
that meets corporate, consumer, and management
desires to cut service costs when improving the
quality of goods and improve the speed of delivery
From an online perspective, e-commerce provides
the ability to buy and sell goods or information via
the internet and other online means.
E-commerce in general can be classified based on
the transaction. The types of e-commerce can be
described as follows Turban et al., 2004:
Business to Business (B2B). Almost all
e-commerce is now a B2B type. This is
because this type of transaction is already
included iOS and electronic market transactions
between organizations.
Business to Customer (B2C). In general, retail
transaction involves the shopper individuals and
companies that provide e-commerce applications,
in this case, online shopping.
Consumer to Consumer (C2C). In this category,
consumers selling products or services directly to
other consumers.
Consumer to Business (C2B). This category
includes individuals who sell products or services
to the organization.
Non business E-commerce. This type of
e-commerce includes non-business institutions
such as academic institutions, non-profit
organizations, religious organizations and
government agencies that use e-commerce to
reduce their spending.
Intra Business (organizational). E-commerce
category includes all internal activity, usually
done in the form of the Internet that involves the
exchange of products and services or information.
According to Turban et. al (2004), activities
in e-commerce transactions involving parties who
transact can be summarized in the picture below:
2.7 The Relationship Between Ease,
Trust and Online Purchase Decision
Based on previous research conducted by Deavaj et al.
(2003), declare that the decision of buying online is
influenced by several factors, including the efficiency
of the search, value, and interaction.
3.1 Population and Sample
The population in this study are all people who have
been shopping at online shop Sampling
technique in this research using purposive sampling
technique. Thus, the sample was not taken at random
but is determined solely by the researchers based on
certain considerations.
From the criteria set and the character of the
population is not limited then taken a sample of 100
3.2 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis in this research using descriptive and
quantitative analysis method. The size level used
in the measurement of variables is by Likert scale
with five choices of answer categories. Before the
data analysis continued, first performed by using
the testing construct validity and reliability test. To
see the effect between the two variables, then the
data processing using the program SPSS (Statistica
Product and Service Solution) by using multiple
linear regression method.
4.1 Multiple Linear Regression Test
Based on Table 1, can be composed of multiple
regression equation as follows:
Y = 26.399 + 0.162X
+ 0.338X
The value a = 26.399 indicates that the purchase
decision will be constant at 26,399 if any
(influenced) variable Ease (X
), Trust (X
). It
means that purchasing decisions are fixed at
26.399 before or without variables Facility (X
Confidence (X
β1 = 0.162 shows that if the value of the
convenience variable increases by 1%, the
purchasing decision variable at online
shop will increase by 0.162% assuming the
variable X
, is constant.
β2 = 0.338 indicates that if the value of confidence
variable rose 1% then the purchase decision
variables on the online shop will
rise by 0.338% assuming variable X
, fixed or
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Figure 3: Models of consumer behavior online
Source : Rifqi Nugroho Adi (2013)
Table 1: Multiple regression coefficients
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 26.399 3.619 7.295 .000
Easiness .162 .102 .156 1.592 .115
Trust .338 .096 .345 3.518 .001
Source: Data processed by SPSS (2018)
Based on the above explanation, it can be
concluded that the results of multiple regression for
all independent variables have a positive relationship
direction, ie if the independent variable (X
, X
) rises
then the dependent variable (Y) will increase.
4.2 Simultaneous Test (Test f)
Based on the above explanation, it can be concluded
that the results of multiple regression for all
independent variables have a positive relationship
direction, ie if the independent variable (X
, X
) rises
then the dependent variable (Y) will increase.
Based on Table 3 above obtained Adjusted R
Square value of 0.164 meaning that the level of
influence or contribution given by the Ease variable
), Trust (X
) to the Purchase Decision (Y) at the
online shop of 0.164 X 100 = 16.4%.
While the remaining 83.6% is influenced by other
factors that are not included in the study, such
as security factor, promotion, price, brand, service
quality and others.
4.3 Discussion
Prior to data analysis and data experience using
multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS v17
program, first research in trials using validity and
reliability test with 100 respondents and this is done
on the consumer of online shop with valid
and reliable results are 15 statements on the variables
ease and trust (X), 10 statement on the purchase
decision variable (Y). The calculated f count in
Anova table is 10.698 and the value of f tabel is 3,940
at 5% significant level. Based on result of f test
obtained f hitung equal to 10698. When compared
to the f-table is 3,940 at significant level of 5%,
then f hitung greater than f tabel. This shows that
there is a positive relationship between Ease (X
Trust (X
) to Purchase Decision (Y), the results of
this study are in line with the research of (Naomi,
2015; Sugiarto, 2013; Setiawan and Fauziah, 2017)
which shows that Trust and Ease Positive Influence
on Purchase Decision. And a significant relationship
to Trust (X
) on Purchase Decision (Y), the results of
this study are in line with the research of Cicilia Desy
Widya Permatasari (2015) and Denni Ardyanto, et al
(2015) which shows that trust has a significant effect
on Purchase Decision.
Many factors that can improve purchasing
decisions such as ease / trust can be said as a form of
encouragement, the impetus aims to provide a spirit
that can improve a consumer satisfaction, so for the
future can improve product quality and can bring the
company to a good purpose.
Thus, E-commerce becomes one of the important
criteria in determining the growth and success of the
company. Therefore the results of the analysis in
the study states that the hypothesis of E-commerce
influence on the purchase decision on online shop acceptable truth, which means the better
E-commerce provided to consumers, then higher to
the purchasing decision.
Analysis of E-Commerce Online Purchase Decisions: Case Study on the Implementation of E-Commerce in Online Shop
Table 2: ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 55.406 2 27.703 10.698 .000
Residual 251.184 97 2.590
Total 306.590 99
Source: Data processed by SPSS (2018)
Table 3: Coefficient of Determination
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
.425a .181 .164 1.609 .977
Source: Data processed by SPSS (2018)
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion in
the previous chapter, it can be concluded:
Partial hypothesis testing (t test) of the two
independent variables there is 1 significant
variable that is, trust (X
). The results showed that
the independent variables consist of convenience
), trust (X
) simultaneously has a significant
influence on the purchase decision variable (Y).
While the amount of contribution variable ease,
confidence in the purchase decision variable (Y)
indicated by the coefficient of determination for
0164, or 16.4% while the remaining 83.6% is
influenced by other variables outside the research
From the results of this descriptive can be
concluded that the value of the lowest score in the
respondent of variable ease (X1) amount 4.22 (Goods
purchased will be delivered directly to the consumer
address), on trust (X2) amount 4.22 (Seller is able
to create a sense of security in transactions without
interference from othersViewing still the lowest score
on the respondents’ answers, the company can
increase the E-commerce on purchasing decisions on
the online shop, because E-commerce
variables have a dominant influence in influencing
purchasing decisions, So the purchase decision will
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity