The Effect of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership,
Vertical Communication toward Lecturers’ Organizational
Commitment at Serambi Mekah University of Banda Aceh
Biner Ambarita, Abdul Muin Sibuea
State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Vertical Communication, Organizational
Abstract: This study aims to find out and examine the influence of organizational culture, transformational leadership,
and vertical communication on the lectures’ organizational commitment in Teacher Training and Education
Faculty, Mekah University Banda Aceh that consist of to 110 lecturers. The samples are 60 lecturers. The
data are collected using a questionnaire filled out by respondents, and then the data are processed using
regression analysis. The results show that: independent variable partially has a significant effect on the
dependent variable, it is known that the organizational culture variable is 6.903> t table is 2,000. Ho is
rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be stated partially that organizational culture has a significant effect on
organizational commitment; whereas for transformational leadership variables the value of tcount is 5.406>
t table is 2,000. Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that transformational leadership has a significant
effect on organizational commitment; and vertical communication variable tcount is 2.668> t table is 2,000.
Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that vertical communication has a significant effect on
organizational commitment. Simultaneous contribution of variable organizational culture, transformational
leadership, and vertical communication to organizational commitment is obtained by the value of Fcount =
81.403, and Ftable = 2.77. Because Fcount > Ftable means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can
be concluded that there is a significant effect simultaneously between X1, X2, and X3 towards Y.
Qualified lecturers have a high commitment to the
university so that it can develop various plans more
steadily and sustainably. However, it seems that
most universities in Indonesia have not seen the
importance of the role of lecturers' commitment to
improve the quality and development of universities.
On the other hand, mostly universities are unable to
take decisive action against lecturers who are not too
much involved in activities on campus, including in
education and teaching activities. In fact, it is
something important to take seriously.
High organizational commitment is important so that
lecturers are passionate in building scientific insights
and competencies in students. However, the problem
that arises is how far the organization's commitment
to education level, gender, age, years of service, and
employment status is at Serambi Mekah University,
Banda Aceh. As an organization, university is living
organisms that consist of academic activities that
interact with each other. Traditionally, university is
defined as the self governing corporation of
scholars. It means that it is a community of self-
regulating educated people. The university is one of
the most dominant social organizations in the world
because it has an important role in preparing
someone to occupy positions and join certain
professions, transmit culture to the next generation,
give criticism to the community, and produce and
apply science.
Based on the results of interview with the dean
of teacher training and education faculty Serambi
Mekah University, Abu Bakar, on April 22, 2018,
the quality of the achievement of the objectives of
each study program is low, which leads to the low
quality of education. Factors causing low quality of
education, especially in Banda Aceh, are
management problems that are closely related to
improve the quality of education. In general, the
education management in Banda Aceh, especially at
Sariakin, ., Ambarita, B. and Sibuea, A.
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Vertical Communication toward Lecturers’ Organizational Commitment at Serambi Mekah University of Banda Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0009037606440650
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 644-650
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Serambi Mekah University, has not been able to
explore the full potential to work together in
supporting the process of optimal learning activities.
To highlight the quality of higher education in Aceh
Province, the Coordinator of Kopertis Region XIII
calls on conducting research with competing sources
of grant funds. He appeals an effort to improve
education to conduct research that focuses on
mapping education staff.
Based on the results of preliminary observations
carried out, there are still indications of the
ineffectiveness of the existing work in higher
education institutions in Aceh, especially in at
Serambi Mekah University such as: the number of
lecturers for several work units is very small and this
is not in accordance with the volume of activities in
the work unit that causes overloading of lecturers'
conditions and the expected targets cannot be
achieved, the condition of employees who are
stressed because they have to complete deadline
work, work that emphasizes the final results so that
group dynamics through communication and
coordination are very few that cause interpersonal
relationships to be low, lack of rest time because it is
used to complete work, the conflict among of the
lecturers in the organization is due to each of them
pursues the target of completing the work, lack of
trust between lecturers in the organization.
Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2009: 8) it is
found that empirically several variables that
influence organizational commitment and job
performance, they are: (1) job satisfaction; (2) stress;
(3) motivation; (4) trust, justice and ethics; and (5)
learning and decision making. While the variables
that go through the five variables above affect
organizational commitment are (1) organizational
culture; (2) organizational structure; (3) leadership
style and behavior; (4) leadership power and
influence; (5) process; (6) characteristics; (7)
cultural values and personality; and (8) ability.
Newstrom's organizational behavior system
(2000: 26), motivational variables directly influence
(1) performance, (2) job satisfaction, and (3)
personal growth and development. While variables
(1) leadership, (2) communication, and (3) group
dynamics, through variables (1) quality of work and
(2) motivation, affecting variables (1) performance,
(2) job satisfaction, and (3) personal growth and
development, as output variables. While
organizational culture variables directly influence
variables (1) leadership, (2) communication, and (3)
group dynamics; and then through variables (1)
quality of work atmosphere and (2) motivation,
influencing variable (1) performance, (2) job
satisfaction, and (3) personal growth and
development as output variables. While philosophy,
values, vision, mission, organizational goals,
informal organizations, formal organizations, and
social environments directly affect organizational
Based on the description above, this study is
conducted on the influence of organizational culture,
transformational leadership, and vertical
communication on organizational commitment in
Serambi Mekkah University, Banda Aceh.
Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors that
influence the organizational commitment at the
university, in order to find a model that effectively
enhances the organizational commitment.
2.1 Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is a condition in which
a person sits with a particular organization and its
goals and desires to maintain membership in the
organization. It is classified as a person's attitude,
which means at the extent to which someone relates
himself to a particular organization and its goals and
hopes to maintain membership in the organization.
Robbin and Judge (2007) state that organizational
commitment is a situation where an employee
accord with the organizational goal to maintain
membership in the organization.
Mathis and Jackson (2006) organizational
commitment is the level up to where employees are
confident and accept organizational goals, and
willing to live with the organization. According to
Kreitner and Kinicki (2007) that organizational
commitment is a reflection where an employee
recognizes the organization and is bound to goals
this is an important work attitude because people
have a commitment that is expected to be able to
show its availability to work harder to achieve
organizational goals and have a greater desire to
continue working in a company. It is a situation
where an employee sits with a certain organization
and its objectives and intends to maintain its
membership in the organization.
Sopiah (2008) states that organizational
commitment is a psychological bond on employees
that is characterized by the existence of trust and
strong acceptance of organizational goals and
values, the willingness to strive for achieving
organizational interests and the desire to maintain
position as members of the organization.
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Vertical Communication toward Lecturers’ Organizational Commitment
at Serambi Mekah University of Banda Aceh
Based on the description related to the
explanation of various experts, organizational
commitment is continuous involvement and
cohesiveness and control, being positive and
decisive in behaving, having accountability and
being consistent in carrying out their decisions and
always proactive towards their duties and work for
leaders of the organization. The indicators are:
Feelings proud to have been part of the organization,
strong desire to remain as a member of the
organization, obedience to organizational policy
even without a boss, willing to sacrifice personal
goals or interests to achieve organizational goals,
desire to strive and enthusiasm in work, trust in
strong acceptance of values and goals organization.
2.2 Vertical Communication
Communication in Organizations is a process of
delivering information, ideas, among members of
the organization reciprocally in order to achieve the
stated goals. According to Eugene (1995: 224),
communication is a process in organizing to
maintain that management and employees remain
aware of various relevant matters. Haryani (2001:5)
communication is a process by which someone
(communicator) sends stimuli (usually with verbal
symbols) to change behavior from other people
(communicants). The principle of two-way
communication and reciprocity (paradigmatic) is the
process of delivering a message from a person or
group (communicator) to tell orchange attitudes,
opinions, behavior to individuals or groups
(communicants), both directly and indirectly,
through mass media as a tool to achieve the target in
the two-way communication process.
Muhammad (2007: 5) states that communication
is the exchange of verbal and non verbal messages
between the sender and the recipient of the message
to change behavior. According to Robbins (2007),
there are 4 functions of communication, as follows:
1) Control behavior of members in several ways, so
that instructions are adhered to by subordinates. 2)
Motivation, fostering motivation by explaining to
employees what to do, how well they work, and
what must be done to improve performance. 3)
Means of expressing emotions (satisfaction,
frustration, etc). 4) providing information that makes
decision making easier.
Based on the explanation above, the vertical
communication indicators in this study are: Positive
attitude that refers to at least two aspects of
interpersonal communication. It builds up if people
have a positive attitude towards themselves. Positive
feelings for communication situations are generally
very important for effective interaction, equality
with indicators. Keep respecting themselves and
others, so that satisfying interactions are achieved.
2.3 Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership is the last approach that
is warmly discussed during the last two decades.
Yukl (2010) describes that leaders will change and
motivate followers with a tendency to do ways such
as: (1) make followers more aware of the importance
of task results from work done, (2) educating
participants to prioritize the interests of the team or
organization rather than individual interests, (3)
activating higher followers' needs. Transformational
leaderships increase motivation and performance of
followers compared to transactional leadership,
which emphasizes reciprocal exchange processes
with an emphasis on individual interests. Therefore,
transformational leaderships have behaviors
including: having an ideal influence, paying
attention to individual considerations, providing
inspirational motivation, and making intellectual
Antonakis et al. (2003) define transformational
leadership as a behavior that is proactive, increases
attention to shared interests to followers, and helps
followers achieve goals at the highest level. In
transformational leadership, leaders change the
beliefs, values, and behavior of followers so that
they are consistent with the vision of the
organization. Khuntia and Suar (2004) assert that
leaders who apply transformational leadership have
an influence on followers by involving followers
participating in goal setting, problem solving,
decision making, and providing feedback through
training, direction, consultation, guidance, and
monitoring of tasks that given.
Transformational leaders make followers become
more aware of the interests and values of work and
persuade followers not to prioritize self-interest for
the organization. After paying attention to the
description and explanation of transformational
leadership, the characters that can be used as
indicators in transformational leadership are as
follows: leadership function; have integrity (the
leader has the desire to build mutual trust by setting
an example and showing high consistency between
words and deeds); have self-confidence (followers
see their leaders do not hesitate in acting, leaders
need to show their confidence to convince their
followers about the truth of the goals and decisions);
being a good role model (as a leader must be
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
characterized so that it can be used as a role model
by the leader).
2.4 Organizational culture
Organizational culture is a norm, values,
assumptions, beliefs, philosophy, organizational
habits, and so on (the contents of organizational
culture) that are developed for a long time by
founders, leaders, and members of organizations that
are socialized and taught to new members and
applied in activities organization so it influences the
mindset, attitudes, and behavior of organizational
members in producing products, serving consumers,
and achieving organizational goals. Robbin and
Judge (2007) also explain that organizational culture
concerns how members see the organization, not
whether members of the organization like it or not,
because members absorb organizational culture
based on what they see or hear in the organization.
Members of the organization tend to perceive the
same about the culture in the organization even
though they come from different backgrounds or
work at different levels of expertise within the
organization. According to Sutrisno (2009),
organizational culture is a pattern of shared
assumptions learned by a group in solving problems
through external adaptation and internal integration.
Internal integration includes vision, mission,
technology, and organizational structure. In this
case, the lecturers develop a collective identity and
know how to work together effectively. This is a
culture that guides daily work relationships and
determines how employees are encouraged to work
in a structured way in terms of delivering
information from subordinates to superiors and vice
Based on the explanation of attitude theory and
organizational culture, a basic understanding of
organizational culture can be drawn as a positive
infection or negative affection towards
organizational culture (in the form of shared values,
beliefs and habits in organizations that interact with
formal structures to produce norms). Organizational
culture variables are used to be carried out in this
study then several indicators, namely: establishing
cooperation, process oriented, employee oriented,
open system, tolerance to conflict, and
communication patterns.
This research is conducted in the University of
Serambi Mekkah in Banda Aceh at the Teacher
Training and Education Faculty. The population in
this study is the permanent lecturer which amounts
to 110 lecturers, while a sample consisted of 60
3.1 Data analysis technique
Analysis of the data used in this study includes
descriptive analysis, analysis requirements test, and
hypothesis testing. In accordance with the research
instruments used to capture data are questionnaires
of each variable. To identify the tendency of each
research variable the average ideal score and
standard deviation are used and ideal for each
variable by referring to the normal curve.
3.2 Test the Research Hypothesis
This research is carried out to examine events that
have occurred and then trace back to find out the
factors that cause the occurrence of an event. To test
the hypothesis used regression analysis with the help
of SPSS for Windows version 25.0 computer
program. In hypothesis testing, a significance level
of α of 0.05 is used.
Based on the hypothesis tested, data analysis
requirements need to be carried out. Requirements
for the data needed to test hypotheses are data that
are normally distributed and linear so that the results
of research can be accounted for if the sample is
taken randomly. Research problems are formulated.
Computational regression coefficients and their
summaries are summarized. Multiple linear
regression equations are shown in the following
Table 1: Regression Coefficients
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Vertical Communication toward Lecturers’ Organizational Commitment
at Serambi Mekah University of Banda Aceh
a. Dependent Variable: Y
X1 = Organizational Culture
X2 = Transformational Leadership
X3 = Vertical Communication
Y = Organizational Commitment
The output of the regression analysis above, the
constant value (a) is obtained at -34,664, the
regression slope value (a
) is obtained by 0.549 with
the value of nig. 0,000, the regression slope value
) is 0.476 with the value of nig. 0,000, and the
regression slope value (a
) is obtained 0.217 with the
value of nig. 0.010. Thus the regression equation can
be written as follows:
Y = a + a
+ a
+ a
Y = -34,664 + 0,549X
+ 0,476X
+ 0,217X
The results of testing the hypothesis as presented
in Table 1, to find out whether in the independent
variable regression model (free) partially has a
significant effect on the dependent variable (bound),
it can be seen by comparing with the nig values
found in table 1 above or t table by making a
decision: If t-table > tcount then Ho is accepted, if t
table < t count then Ho is rejected. Based on Table 1
above, it can be seen that the tcount of the
organizational culture variable is 6.903 > t table,
namely 2,000. Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, it
can be stated partially that organizational culture has
a significant effect on organizational commitment.
Whereas for transformational leadership
variables, the decision making method is as follows:
If t table > t count then Ho is accepted, if t table < t
count then Ho is rejected. Based on Table 1 above, it
can be seen that the tcount of transformational
leadership variables is 5.406 > t table, namely 2,000.
Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that
transformational leadership has a significant effect
on organizational commitment.
Furthermore, for vertical communication
variables, the way of decision making is as follows:
If t table > t count then Ho is accepted, if t table < t
count then Ho is rejected. Based on Table 1 above, it
can be seen that the tcount of the vertical
communication variable is 2.668 > t , which is
2,000. Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that
vertical communication has a significant effect on
organizational commitment.
The regression equation needs to be tested
significantly by looking at the F value and the sig
value. Simultaneous hypothesis testing is needed to
find out whether the regression model is correct or
incorrect. Hypothesis testing uses the number F,
which is obtained from the following ANOVAs
Table 2. F-Test Results
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
Hypothesis testing is done by comparing the
magnitude of the F number of research with F table,
with the following criteria:
If F count > F table, then Ho is rejected and Ha is
If F count < F table, then Ho is accepted and Ha is
Based on table 2 above, the research obtained
from the calculation results is 81.403, while the
number F table is calculated with provisions, namely
the significance level of 95% and alpha 5% and
degrees of freedom with the provisions n - 3 - 1 = 56
this is obtained by lifting F table = 2.77. Thus the
value of F count = 81.403, and F table = 2.77 is
obtained. Because F count > F table means that Ho
is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded
that there is a significant effect simultaneously
between X
, X
, and X
towards Y.
Determinants are used to find out how much the
independent variable is able to explain the influence
of independent variables as seen in the following
Table 3. F-Test Results
Model Summary
R Square
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
From the table above, it can be seen the number
of R
is 0.813. It means the variables X
, and X
explain the effect on variable Y of 81.3% (R
100%; 0.813 x 100% = 81.3%) while the remaining
8.7% (100% - R
) is explained by other variables
outside the research model.
To find out whether in the independent variable
regression model partially has a significant effect on
the dependent variable, it can be seen by comparing
with the nig value by making a decision: If t table > t
count then Ho is accepted, if t table < t count then
Ho rejected. Based on Table 1 above, it can be seen
that the t count of the organizational culture variable
is 6.903 > t table 2,000. Ho is rejected and H1 is
accepted, it can be stated partially that
organizational culture has a significant effect on
organizational commitment.
A strong culture must be balanced with the
ability to adapt to the outside environment. An
organization is an open system that can influence,
but can also be influenced by the environment which
is a dynamic system. To be successful in an ever-
changing environment, organizations must be
responsive to the possibilities that are likely to
occur, be able to read important trends, and be able
to make adjustments quickly. At present, there is a
tendency towards globalization, the business world
is experiencing increasingly strong competition and
the source of organizational strength will be more
focused on human resources and information
technology. The culture of the Serambi Mekah
University organization in Banda Aceh is built by
collaborative, process-oriented, employeeoriented,
open systems, tolerance to conflict, and
communication patterns. It will be able to increase
the commitment of the lecturers in Banda Aceh. The
findings of this study support the theory proposed by
Baron and Greenberg (2000: 173) which is used as
the basis for submitting theoretical models of
research variables; organizational culture influences
Whereas for transformational leadership
variables, the decision making method is as follows:
If t table > t count then Ho is accepted, if t table < t
count then Ho is rejected. Based on Table 1 above, it
can be seen that the t count of transformational
leadership variables is 5.406 > t table, namely 2,000.
Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that
transformational leadership has a significant effect
on organizational commitment. Leadership plays a
dominant, crucial, and critical role in the overall
effort to increase the commitment of lecturers, both
at the individual level, at the group level, and at the
organizational level. The lecturer in Serambi Mekah
University has a good ability to mobilize, direct,
coordinate, optimize the resources of the school
Hamzah (2008: 69) explains that there are several
traits that can be observed from someone who has
good transformational leadership, among others: (1)
performance depends on the effort and ability it has
compared to the organizational commitment of
lecturers through groups; (2) have the ability to
complete difficult tasks; and (3) there is often
concrete feedback about how he should carry out his
duties optimally, effectively, and efficiently.
Transformational leadershi provides a
perspective to enlighten its ideas. Transformational
in its implications will generate new ideas and
different ways of bringing challenges together as
entangling problems. Transformational leadership of
lecturers in Serambi Mekah University is expected
to have honesty in carrying out its leadership
functions; leaders have the desire to build mutual
trust by setting an example and showing high
consistency between words and deeds. The leaders
must be characterized so that they can be used as
role models by those who are led. They can increase
the lecturers’ organizational commitment.
Furthermore, for vertical communication
variables, the way of decision making is as follows:
If t table > t count then Ho is accepted, if t table < t
count then Ho is rejected. Based on Table 1 above, it
can be seen that the tcount of the vertical
communication variable is 2.668 > t table, which is
2,000. Ho is rejected, so it can be stated partially that
vertical communication has a significant effect on
organizational commitment. Lecturers
communication in the university is built if people
have a positive attitude towards themselves, positive
feelings for communication situations are generally
very important for effective interactions, similarities
where Such communication will increase the
commitment of the lecturer organization in Serambi
Mekah University.
Organizational commitment is an important
behavioral dimension that can be used to assess
employee tendencies, identify and engage someone
who is relatively strong towards the organization.
Moreover, to know the desire of organizational
member, to maintain their membership in the
organization is willing to strive for achieving
organizational goals and accepting norms in the
company. Organizational commitment defines
feeling of trust in organizational values, willingness
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Vertical Communication toward Lecturers’ Organizational Commitment
at Serambi Mekah University of Banda Aceh
to try as well as possible for the benefit of the
organization and loyalty and the desire to remain a
member of the organization declared by an
employee to his organization.
Simultaneous contribution of variable organizational
culture, transformational leadership, and vertical
communication to organizational commitment can
be done by proving through a comparison of the
value of F count with Ftable. By obtaining the value
of F count = 81.403, and F table = 2.77. Because F
count > Ftable means that Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted, so it can be concluded that there is a
simultaneous significant effect between X
, and
on Y. Someone who gets organizational
commitment from lecturers usually has a record of
attendance and usually performs better than in
people who do not get organizational commitment.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion in
this study, several conclusions are presented as
follows: organizational culture, transformational
leadership, vertical communication, influence the
lecturers’ organizational commitment at Serambi
Mekah University, Banda Aceh. Organizational
culture has a positive direct effect on the
organizational commitment of the lecturers.
Transformational leadership has a positive direct
effect on the Lecturers’ organizational commitment
in Serambi Mekah University. Vertical
communication has a positive direct effect on the
commitment of lecturers. In other words, the better
the organizational culture is, the higher the lecturers’
organizational commitment. The better the
transformational leadership is, the higher the
lecturers’ organizational commitment. And the
better the vertical communication is, the higher the
lecturer’ organizational commitment in Serambi
Mekah University, Banda Aceh.
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