Descriptive Analysis of Syllabus and Rejang
Language Teaching Materials: Preliminary Study Development of
Local Language Teaching
Maria Botifar, Endry Boeriswati, Ilza Mayuni
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Descriptive, Syllabus, Teaching Material, Local Content, Rejang Language
Abstract: This article discusses a number of concepts relating to Rejang language teaching which is started from the
design of syllabus and implementation of teaching materials. The research is based on empirical studies of
syllabus and teaching materials used today in the classroom. There is a crucial problem between the
curriculum and its application because all this time the school uses teaching materials irrelevant to the
curriculum and syllabus that are designed and determined by the local Education Authorities. The logical
consequence of this problem is the teachers have difficulty to teach Rejang language learning in the
classroom. This study uses the development approach of the Borg and Gall model, with steps: reviewing
literatures, field observations, documentation studies, and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed into
consideration in designing the syllabus and teaching materials of Rejang language. The findings of the
study describe the syllabus, namely aspects of learning objectives, material focus, methods and evaluation.
Meanwhile, the findings of teaching material include: interest in teaching materials, the validity and
reliability of the materials, the ability to attract, the value of the material and students' perceptions of
teaching materials. The implication of this research is the design of syllabus and teaching materials referring
to the needs of teachers and students as stakeholders of education. For this reason, it is important to capture
needs that are synergy with the curriculum and teaching materials.
The development of local language or region
teaching is now an important part of regional
language planning. For this reason, the results of the
Indonesian Congress XI provide 22
recommendations, one of which relates to regional
language planning must be carried out appropriately
by the central and regional governments. One that
must be planned is education with local content for
low-class students and communities with local
content is expected to increase student’s
literacy. Especially for areas prone to extinction
such as Papua (Cahyu, 2018).
Local content in Bengkulu Province has been
carried out at schools, especially elementary
schools. As stated by Muktadir learning the local
content of Rejang language divided into 4 districts
and 6 districts that make English, regional singing,
agriculture and woven as local contents in Bengkulu
Province (Muktadir & Agustrianto, 2014).
Table 1: Local Content Learning in Bengkulu Province
Local Content Learning
City of
1. English
2. Regional Singing
1. English
2. Rejang Language (Ka
Ga Nga)
Rejang Lebong
1. Rejang Language (Ka
Ga Nga)
2. Regional Singing
1. English
2. Rejang Language (Ka
Ga Nga)
Middle of
1. English
2. Agriculture
1. Rejang Language (Ka
Ga Nga)
2. Regional Singing
Muko Muko
1. English
Botifar, M., Boeriswati, E. and Mayuni, I.
Descriptive Analysis of Syllabus and Rejang Language Teaching Materials: Preliminary Study Development of Local Language Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0009034506040612
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 604-612
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. Agriculture
3. Woven
1. English
2. Woven
1. English
2. Woven
1. English
2. Regional Singing
In Rejang Lebong district, Rejang language was
taught as a local content lesson since 2003. Based on
the Regent's Instruction on 26 July 2003 about:
Primary and Secondary Education curriculum
arrange an education curriculum, from elementary to
secondary education to subjects (a) Rejang language
or language of Rejang Lembak, (b) Ka Ga Nga leters
or Rikung script, (c) the art of Rejang Lebong, (d)
the introduction of Rejang musical instruments, and
(e) customs, curriculum, customs, and others that
living in the community. Based on the Regent's
Instruction, schools at Rejang Lebong District,
especially elementary schools, began to apply local
content lessons that Ka Ga Nga changed into Rejang
language and script. Meanwhile for junior and senior
high schools have not implemented local content
learning yet.
The Regent's Instruction provided the legal
strength for schools to concentrate on developing the
local content of Rejang language as a form of
regional language retention in Rejang Lebong
District. But in reality, local content lessons at
schools are only complementary subjects. It was not
programmed to become the school's flagship
program, so the learning process was more
noticeable. New local content was limited to the
introduction of Ka Ga Nga script at elementary
school. Rejang Language learning taught with Ka
Ga Nga script is based on the Ka Ga Nga script
book published by the Regional Government, with
very minimal teaching material. This learning does
not include language learning in general. Further
improvement is needed to improve Rejang language
Various problems related to the local content of
the Rejang language globally are illustrated by the
condition that local content learning at schools is
only a complementary subject. It is not programmed
to become a superior school program, so the learning
process is more noticeable. New local content was
limited to the introduction of Ka Ga Nga script at
elementary school. Rejang language teaching is
limited to write the letters in Rejang Script (Ka Ga
Nga script). The letters are taught using Indonesian
and Rejang language as words or sentences.
However, the use of the Rejang language is not
maximized as a language for communication so that
Rejang language learning is not applied in four
language skills..
Eventhough Rejang language as a mother
tongue has a positive influence on the development
of child literacy from an early age, this is shown in
the research. is a relationship between informal
activities at the beginning of children's literacy at
home about language and the ability to read is
mostly recorded by mother tongue skill and may
reflect genetic influence.It means that mother tongue
skill is the first language mastered by children at
home have an influence on the development of
children's informal literacy.(Puglisi, Hulme,
Hamilton, & Snowling, 2017).
The issue of teaching material is also reflected in
the use of Baso Jang Te 's books which are less
detailed in teaching the use of the letters Ka Ga Nga
in their writing. Students are taught in the aspect of
writing the letters instead of arranging them into
words or sentences. The writing of Ka Ga Nga
letters is not integrated in the context of Rejang
language, so the writing does not focus on the use of
Rejang language, but the writing of Ka Ga Nga
letters. Although in the book it was mentioned using
the PAKEM approach, but in the composition of the
book application was still visible use of the drill or
assignment method, so the compilation of the book
looked rigid and monotonous.
The local content and scripts of Rejang language
is accomplished by general study teachers who do
not have adequate scientific competence, which is
generally transferred to Art and Culture subject
teachers. In some elementary schools in Rejang
Lebong district this local content is taught by
teachers who specifically hold these subjects. The
teacher is specifically a local content teacher which
teaching hours are recognized in Dapodik, so that
they can be counted as hours for professional
allowances. However, for some other schools that
have the local content of Rejang language that are
held by the homeroom teacher themselves as the
From the results of observations and interviews
with three elementary schools in Rejang Lebong
District, namely SD Negeri 3 Rejang Lebong, SD
Negeri 134 Rejang Lebong and SD Muh 5 Rejang
Lebong on 28 December 2018, 4 January 2019 and 6
February 2019 it was known that Rejang language
learning curriculum (Ka Ga Nga) is still based on
the curriculum compiled by the Education and
Culture Service of Rejang Lebong Regency. In fact,
Descriptive Analysis of Syllabus and Rejang Language Teaching Materials: Preliminary Study Development of Local Language Teaching
the problems of the Implementation of the
curriculum related to:
First, a curriculum that did not synergize with
syllabus and teaching materials. This was revealed
in an in-depth interview to the local content of
Rejang Language teacher who mentioned:
"For the curriculum, it is not appropriate. For
example, in the curriculum it explains about telling
about everyday events. Whereas none in this
book. So, we make it ourselves. "(EE )
Second, teaching materials that were difficult to
be understood by the students. Existing teaching
materials did not facilitate the needs of different
students. Students with a cultural background in
Rejang and non Rejang experienced different
difficulties in understanding teaching materials. As
stated by the following respondent:
"students are difficult to understand the material"
(EE )
"There are some children who understand easily
because they are from Rejang tribe, but some
children find it difficult to understand because of the
different cultures." (SY)
From the explanation above, it is very clear that
the focuss is the most basic local content of Rejang
language related to curriculum planning, syllabus to
teaching materials. This certainly has an impact to
the success of the teaching. While the teaching of
Rejang language as a local content has not been well
integrated, it requires policies from the local
government to prepare the equipment.
Research on the development of local content in
Indonesia has been carried out since almost every
region in Indonesia has its regional
language. Among them: research the local content of
the Makassar language , in research that developed
Makassar language teaching material based on
character formation. The teaching material was
developed based on the Bugis-Makassar regional
language curriculum in 2006 which emphasized
aspects of planting moral values based on local
wisdom (Robiah Sitti, 2016). Furthermore, the
Javanese script based on learning system is
multimedia. This study aims to increase the interest
of elementary school students in Javanese language
which is considered difficult in terms of learning the
characters. For this reason, a Javanese script learning
system is developed for elementary students based
on multimedia (Hakim, A.O.Al Aziz Purnama,
2012). While also Rejang language research as a
local content has been carried out research for junior
high school students. In this study, designing Rejang
language curriculum based on a communicative
approach. The results of the study obtained the
Rejang language curriculum design based on the
Communicative approach with 8 competency
standards and 24 basic competencies with each
grade level numbering eight basic competencies
(Botifar, 2013).
The development of learning local language as
local content cannot escape the needs of teachers
and students. Efforts to meet these needs are carried
out description of the current situation, such as how
the curriculum, syllabus and teaching materials are
available at the moment. The result of the
description analysis activities obtain initial
information as to what needs to be designed for the
development of further learning. For
example, research on Madura language as a local
content based on empirical studies obtained data: 1)
the need for renewal of the old curriculum into a
new curriculum, i.g curriculum 2013, 2) the need for
renewal of textbooks, procurement of dictionaries,
grammar in the education field in madrasas, 3) the
renewal and standardization of Madura language
spelling called 2011 spelling results from
the convergence of the East Java Provincial
Language Hall, 4) the need to optimize the
procurement of Madura language teachers at all
levels in the school. (Effendy, 2016).
From this empirical results, Rejang language can
be developed in accordance with needs that are
problem, expectations and teachers and students
needs as stakeholders from the world of
education. Based on this, this article will map the
conditions of the syllabus and teaching materials of
Rejang language used today.
The research approach used development
stages (Borg & Gall, 2003). The stages began
with reviewing literature, field observations,
documentation studies, and interviews. The step of
this research was limited to the initial step, namely
literature review, empirical studies and document
studies. Empirical study and documents were done
to describe comprehensively the facts of the field
that could support problems that would be discussed
in the syllabus and teaching materials of Rejang
Language. Empirical studies and documents
are intended to explore the conditions of the syllabus
and teaching materials used today. This empirical
data collection used data collection techniques in the
form of interviews with 3 teacher respondents about
teaching materials using indicators developed
by Tomlinson (Tomlinson, 2007) and classroom
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
observations using indicators by Dick dan Carey
((Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2005) , and using
documentation studies in the form of syllabus
analysis by Nation dan Maclister (Nation &
Maclister, 2010). Data analysis used qualitative data
analysis and quantitative data analysis. Quantitative
data analysis step was in the form of 1) coding for
closed questions, 2) presenting the results of
answers, 3) presenting in table form (Nazir,
2013) . The steps of qualitative analysis were: 1)
data reduction, namely choosing and focusing
attention on information or transforming rough data
obtained from data collection. 2) Presentation of
data is to present a collection of information on data
reduction that might be a way to draw conclusions.
3) Draw conclusions and verification, namely
activities to conclude and verify information
continuously until it becomes detailed and
robust.(Miles & Huberman, 1992).
Analysis Result of Current Syllabus
The analyzed document was syllabus and learning
implementation plan that used by teachers in Rejang
language learning in Rejang Lebong district. The
syllabus and lesson plan are the implementation of
the local content curriculum compiled by the
2015/2016 Rejang Lebong Education
Authorities. The results show below:
Aspects of Learning Objectives
a) Learning objectives are enough to describe
what will be done by students, but do not
describe the operational verbs appropriate to the
realm of cognitive, affective and psychomotor
b) Learning objectives that are described have
mentioned the goals, provide conditions that are
present term when students do.
c) The purpose outlined does not mention the
criteria used to assess the performance of
students intended at the destination
Aspects of Focusing Material
a) The material developed in Rejang language
learning is sufficient to adjust the level of
physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and
spiritual development of students, so the material
only focuses on the realm of knowledge which
results in the level of development not being
b) The material developed is not based on scientific
structure, because the material is lack.
c) The material developed in learning has less
benefits for students, because the material is still
d) The material developed in learning does not
consider the depth and breadth of material,
because the material is lack.
e) The material developed in learning has enough
relevance to needs of students and demands of
the environment, because material describes the
things that are close to students.
f) The material developed has considered the time
Aspects of Learning Methods
a) The method developed is not appropriate to the
learning objectives, because the method
developed is teacher-centered.
b) The method developed is not appropriate to the
learning material set, because the method
developed is based on the teacher while the
material demands active students.
c) The method developed considers the ability of
the teacher, because it is only based on the
d) The method developed does not consider the
condition of students, because students are not
given the opportunity to be active.
e) The method developed is appropriate to the
situation of the source and facilities at school,
because of the lack of facilities determine the
selection of lecture methods.
f) The method developed has been adapted to the
situation and time.
Evaluation Aspect
a) The evaluation tool does not assess student
achievement, because between indicators and
evaluations are irrelevant.
b) Evaluation tools are not designed to improve
the learning process, because between the
learning and evaluation are not relevant.
c) The evaluation results have been used as
material for preparing student learning progress
d) Evaluation tools have been used to determine
the progress and student learning outcomes.
e) Evaluation tools are not used to diagnose
learning difficulties.
Descriptive Analysis of Syllabus and Rejang Language Teaching Materials: Preliminary Study Development of Local Language Teaching
f) The evaluation results have provided feedback /
improvement in the learning process.
g) Evaluation results are not the basis for
determining class increases.
h) The evaluation results have motivated students
to learn by knowing and understanding
themselves and stimulating them to make
From the results of the document analysis, an
overview of Rejang language syllabus used today
Table 2: Data Analysis of Current Syllabus Documents
2., 00
Total score
The data above explains that Rejang language
syllabus currently used is at a sufficient level with a
total score of 2.25. This shows that Rejang language
syllabus needs to be revised starting from learning
objectives, material focus, methods and approaches
and evaluations.
The condition of the teaching materials used today is
obtained by data collection techniques in the form of
in-depth interviews with two local content teachers,
namely EE and SY. Interviews were conducted to
strengthen the observations made in the learning
process. Interviews are conducted on December 28,
2018 and January 4, 2019 at their house. Interview
questions include the attractiveness of teaching
materials for students, the credibility of teaching
materials for students and teachers, the validity of
material, reliability of material, the ability of
students to attract students and teachers, the ability
of material to motivate students, material values in
short-term assessment, material value in the term of
length, student perceptions of the material, teacher
perceptions of the material, give it easy for teachers
and material flexibility.
The teaching materials analyzed were books held
by the local content teacher, namely the book "Baso
Jang Te" Language and Rejang Script, author Indah
Sari Kencanawati, publisher of PT. Tiga Serangkai
Pustaka Mandiri Solo. Analysis of teaching
materials is carried out in several aspects, namely:
First, according to the respondents, the
attractiveness of teaching materials for students
needs to be improved because teaching materials
that are from the sides of the cover, images,
language and colors and content have not varied, so
there is no interest for students to read it.
"It hasn't varied yet. It is still black and
white. So, children are lack of interest in exploring
Ka Ga Nga's books. The book is not accepted by
children. Not so enthusiastic to know the character
of Ka Ga Nga. "(SY)
Second, the credibility of teaching materials for
students and teachers. This credibility includes
teaching materials that are prepared by experts,
appropriate to the curriculum and syllabus,
developed according to students and teachers, and
appropriate to the cultural context of Rejang. The
findings in the field illustrate that teaching materials
have not credible to be analyzed from the content of
teaching materials that have not appropriate to the
curriculum and syllabus and have not appropriate to
the teacher and students. Respondents explained for
the curriculum as follows:
"For the curriculum, it has not appropriate. For
example, in the curriculum it explains about telling
about everyday events. Whereas none in this
book. So, we make it by ourselves. While it has
contained Rejang's cultural content, as explained by
the respondents, namely: "Yes, here is about "adat
bekulo" for proposing or customary events. It's here.
Third, the validity of the material is reviewed
from conformity with the level of students’
development, students’ need, considering cognitive,
psychomotor and affective aspects, students' moral
development and four language skills. From the five
indicators asked by respondents, it was reflected that
the validity of the material was only lack in aspects
of cognitive, psychomotor and affective
development which was seen in the respondent's
answers, that is:
"In my opinion, not yet ... It is more in cognitive,
knowledge is just in general.". (SY)
Fourth, the reliability of material indicators can
be learned by each student, evaluated with different
levels of ability, and suitable material content for
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
different levels of ability.The results of the analysis
on teaching materials indicate that teaching
materials do not have material content because they
do not facilitate the abilities of different students
even though the material content is suitable for
different abilities. This is reflected in the
respondent's answer which is explaining it
"If one class is generalized. Just look at the
child's ability. Maybe it is repeated over and over ...
(EE )
Fifth, the ability of the material is to attract
students and teachers. The above will be related to
the following indicators: interesting material for
students, for teachers, broadening student awareness
and experience, improving language skills, and
making students interested in learning
languages. From the indicators obtained the results
of the analysis, namely the material has not been
able to attract the interest of students and
teachers. This is supported by the statement of
respondents who stated
" If it's from the book, it hasn't been able to make
children interested in learning Rejang language
because it's still too high to understand it. Children's
IQ is different, children's culture also varies. So, it's
rather difficult for them to be interested. "(SY)
Sixth, the material ability to motivate students is
related to the material that stimulates students to
learn Rejang language, material is able to make
students currious Rejang language, material is able
to make students easy to learn Rejang language and
material is able to make students excited to learn
Rejang language. The results of the analysis describe
that the material is not able to motivate students to
learn Rejang language. This happens because the
material that is difficult for students to understand
with different cultural backgrounds affects the desire
of students to learn Rejang language. This is also
supported by the statement of respondents who
"If those are, those are not able. Because it's
based on culture. For those who are native Rejang,
are rather capable. For other cultured people, it is
rather difficult ".. (EE)
Seventh, the value of material in the short-term
assessment . The value of material in this short-term
assessment involves two things, namely the material
is developed according to the assessment needs and
the material developed can be measured and
assessed in the assessment of learning. The results
based on the respondent's statement state that not all
of them cover the assessment needs, but the material
developed can be measured and assessed in learning
assessment. The respondent gave an example in the
following sentence:
"For example, when children is working on
some evaluations and making sentence exercises, it
can be seen that the structure makes the sentence
correct or not. The true value is higher ". (SY)
Eighth, the value of material in the long term is
related to the material developed for philosophical
and strategic needs, the material is developed for
communication needs in the community, and the
material is developed to be applied in four language
skills. The results of the analysis show that it has not
fulfilled the material value in the long term. The
material is only focused on practical content at the
momentary stage of knowledge. This means that for
the long term it has not been described in the
material. Likewise, for communication needs in the
community, the material has not fulfilled this, only
limited to the development of four language skills.
Ninth, students' perceptions of the
material . Students' perceptions of the material are
related to three things, namely students understand
easily the material developed, students consider the
important material developed, and students consider
the material developed to be able to develop Rejang
language skills. The findings in this study illustrate
students' perceptions of the material based on
interviews with respondents is not good because
students consider the material is difficult,
insignificant and unable to develop students’ Rejang
language skills.
Tenth, teacher's perception of material . Teacher
perceptions of the material based on interviews with
respondents indicate that the teacher considers the
material developed is difficult for students to
understand, while for teachers it is easy to teach
because it is a native speaker of Rejang
language. While the material developed in teaching
materials is not appropriate to students’
development and needs.
Eleventh, providing convenience for
teachers. Rejang language teaching materials based
on interviews with respondents explained that it does
not make it easy for teachers to develop learning
with reason:
" Because in this book only a handful of
knowledge supports to teach children. For children's
interest, I'm looking for another sources. "(SY)
Twelfth, material flexibility is related to the
ability of teaching materials to be wider developed.
"Baso Jang Te" teaching material is based on
interviews with respondents explain that it can be
developed in another context, so it has flexibility. As
expressed in the following quote:
Descriptive Analysis of Syllabus and Rejang Language Teaching Materials: Preliminary Study Development of Local Language Teaching
"Yes, it can be developed again. For example, in
composing Rejang language sentences there are
active ones. So how do we compile it to passive
sentences (EE ).
From the explanation above, a complete
description of the condition of the Baso Jang Te
teaching material used today are obtained as in table
1.3 below:
Table 3: Current data Analysis of “Baso Jang Te”
Teaching Materials Condition
of teaching
materials for
Students are
not interested
materials do
not vary
Need to be
Credibility of
materials do
not have
with the
Need to be
Validity of
Have not
and affective
abilities yet
Need to be
Does not
facilitate the
abilities of
Need to be
ability to
attract the
interest of
teachers and
Have not able
to attract
interest yet
materials are
difficult for
students to
Need to be
ability to
materials are
difficult to
understand for
students with
Need to be
value in the
short term
materials do
not all cover
needs, but can
Need to be
be measured
and assessed
value in the
long term
The material
in teaching
materials is
only focused
on practical
Need to be
perceptions of
The material
in teaching
materials is
difficult by
Need to be
perception of
For teachers
the material
developed is
relative easy
because the
teacher is a
native speaker
of Rejang
Easy material
Material has
The findings of the conditions ofBaso Jang Te”
that are currently used are also supported by
observations made on February 8, 2019 at
Elementary School Number 3 Rejang Lebong. This
observation was conducted to compare interview
data as a triangulation test. The results of the
observations are illustrated in table 1.4 below:
Table 4: Observation Data To Rejang Language Teaching
stage of
A brief
explanation of
the contents of
the lesson
A relevance
explanation of
the new lesson
Examples and
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The results of the observation explain the
learning process of the local content of Rejang
language are starting from the initial stage of
learning, the presentation stage of the content and
the closing stages showed sufficient and less
criteria. This illustrates that there is a relationship
between the findings of the syllabus and teaching
materials that have been described above with the
implementation of classroom learning. The planning
for the imperfect will also result in learning
implementation are not optimal.
From the results of the explanation above, an
illustration of the syllabus and instructional material
that must be developed as a local content of the
Rejang language is:
1. The learning objectives in the syllabus are
explained in a straightforward manner using
the operational cognitive, affective and
psychomotor words.
2. The learning objectives in the syllabus outline
the criteria used to assess student performance.
3. Learning material in the syllabus adapts to the
level of physical, intellectual, emotional,
social, and spiritual development of students.
4. Learning material in the syllabus is developed
based on scientific structure.
5. Learning material in the syllabus is developed
considering the depth and breadth of the
6. Learning methods in the syllabus are developed
based on student-centered.
7. Learning methods in the syllabus consider the
condition of students.
8. Evaluation in the syllabus assesses the
achievement of students’ competency.
9. The attractiveness of teaching materials is
enhanced by paying attention to the cover,
color, image and writing.
10. Relevance between the syllabus curriculum and
teaching materials.
11. Teaching materials facilitate students' different
12. Material ability attract the interest of teachers
and students.
13. Material value for short and long term.
The findings of the study concluded that the current
syllabus and teaching materials must consider
several things, including syllabus: 1) learning
objectives that are clear , specific, straightforward
and measurable, 2) learning materials that focus on
students and consider the level of physical,
intellectual, emotional, social , and spiritual learners,
3) Learning methods must focus on the condition
and development of students, 4) evaluation must be
able to assess student achievement. For teaching
materials must consider the following: 1) teaching
materials must generate interest for students and
teachers, 2) the validity and reliability of the
material, 3) the ability to attract interest, 4)
have material values both short and long-
term, and 5) improve students' perceptions of
teaching materials.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society