Reading and Analyzing Short Stories as Appreciation of Language
and Literature in Humanizing Students in Understanding Cultural
, Meli Afrodita
Doctoral Program of Languange Education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Magister Program of Language Education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Language and Literary Learning, Humanizing Students, Cultural Diversity
Abstract: In the literary genre there are various teaching materials that can be filled, interpreted, and inserted cultural
diversity that is implemented in attitudes and teachings that can reveal messages that humanize humans. So,
cultural diversity not only as art in literature in the form of just material having no empty soul is worthless.
Language and literature as a tool to humanize its meaning is that students have a position as honorable human
beings as human beings who are fully human beings. This modern era education is not only about printing
students like a machine so that teachers, students, and teaching materials must be creative in order to realize
the attitude of loving literature as an appreciation of cultural diversity. Teaching languages can be done
through literature, as well as cultural learning that encourages the desire to express these things in the form of
literary writing. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods whose results focus on
educators and students who are educated more sensitive and creative towards literature as cultural diversity so
that students are able to appreciate literary works and can even write a simple literary work on their own. In
addition, it will develop a positive response in people's thoughts and feelings, develop and foster positive
values in accordance with the implications of learning literature.
The modern era is called the global era or the era of
high technology and all digitals, which is
characterized by the development of science, people
are treated like machines that have no heart, no sense
of humanity, and do not care about the surrounding
environment. Therefore, education must be packaged
with content with a perspective on humanism.
Education should not be interpreted as an activity or
teaching-learning activity in the classroom.
Education must refer to various processes and
activities that must be productive, creative, skill
developers, personality, integrity, to moral and
spiritual reinforcement. Education must be directed
and managed with clear objectives, namely being
able to develop positive values in students. Through
education, it must be able to bring forth figures who
have strong and tested character and personality, both
in the scientific field and in the field of humanity.
Humanizing education means being able to
produce students in the modern era who are able to
have a sense of "humanity", for example helping
others, empathizing, upholding honesty, sharing,
being loyal, taking valuable, persistent and tenacious
jobs, respecting others, tolerance, respecting others,
have patience, repay evil with kindness, always put
forward goodness rather than evil, always trying to
improve the quality of good deeds, inferiority, and
sincerity. Language diplomacy or language practice
can be used as a tool to dignify and humanize
Hasanuddin (2012: 28) explained that in essence,
to obtain literary experience students must be familiar
with literary works and performances or literary
performances (short poetry reading instructions,
drama shows, both modern and traditional
performances). The teacher conducts activities that
take place using literary works as the object of his
activities, in the form of tales, legends, fables, saga,
short stories, novels, and drama texts. The main
Zulfitriyani, . and Afrodita, M.
Reading and Analyzing Short Stories as Appreciation of Language and Literature in Humanizing Students in Understanding Cultural Diversity.
DOI: 10.5220/0009003005390544
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 539-544
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
activities are involving students reading and listening
/ watching, then directing students to analyze the
form and content of literature guiding students to be
able to verbalize the results of the analysis verbally
(speaking: in the form of discussion, debate, peer
tutoring, simulation, role playing, etc.), in writing
(comments, reviews, features, articles, etc.), and
reminds students to be able to connect the literary
problem with real-life everyday life.
Learning which is language and practicing mean
to educate attitudes morals adolescents at junior and
senior level. Learning baout literature dose
experience portraits human. Behind the pleasure
gained after reading and studying the womb and
developing human potential. Literary learning if
managed properly is very potential to develop
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of
students. Cognitive aspects focused on the use of
literary texts to practice learning using language in
accordance with the rules of language. The affective
aspects of students are stimulated by the effect of
responding to literary works that are full of the values
of life and humanity. Therefore, literary learning is
learning that has an emphasis on increasing the nature
of humanity, the dimension of humanity, and
pancadaya which must be developed for each young
generation in literary appreciation learning they will
In the view of literary sociology, literary works
were created by the author to be read, understood,
internalized, and utilized by the reader because
literary works reveal values that contain teachings,
demands, and example, and education. Literary
abilities include passive and productive activities.
Passivity here does not mean there is no meaningful
and measurable activity, passive is meant to be
conveyed by reading as it takes place in reading
ability. Productive is producing one's own work in the
form of poetry, short stories or drama scripts as a
result of active activities in producing literary works
in writing skills
The formulations in this paper are as follows.
a) What is the Learning Objective of Appreciating
b) What are the levels of appreciation of literature?
c) What is the Focus of Learning Appreciating
Literature in KTSP?
d) How to Design Learning so Students Get Literary
Knowledge and Experience.
This research is a qualitative research with
descriptive analytical method. The qualitative
approach is used for information relating to the
improvement or improvement of the learning
The provision of language teaching material
about dignity and humanity of students can use a
model that connects teachers, students, and the
environment so that mutual understanding and
agreement is built on something, for example
students must make interviews with teachers, friends,
and communities around the school about
"enthusiasm togetherness". With the theme "the spirit
of togetherness" can foster a sense of interethnic
unity, concern, and love for the motherland. Students
can be encouraged to develop their humanity.
The assignment of analyzing and appreciating
local literature containing cultural diversity can be
used as a strategy of negotiation or language
diplomacy to honor and humanize students, for
example the collapse of our Surau by A.A. Navis who
pointed out the background and richness of
Mingkabau culture, the Priyayi katya Umar who
expressed the nuances and ideology of Java, the
Anthology of Poetry written by D. Zawawi Imron
which highlighted Madura culture, Ceremony by
Korrie Latun which revealed the existence of Dayak
tribes, When the Night Increased by Putu Wijaya
which exposes the richness of Balinese culture, and
the Last Dim Sum by Clara Ng which describes life
on the surface of ethnic Chinese. Disclosure and
description of the richness of local culture that has
become a strand of Indonesian cultural wealth is the
capital to conduct language diplomacy that shows the
dignity of the nation. In language learning in the
classroom, to train students to convey messages and
thoughts with a humanistic perspective, it must be an
interaction between teacher and students. Interaction
is competitiveness in action, there is a reciprocal
relationship, there is two-way communication.
Interaction is of course dynamic, not static. In
language learning, verbal interaction is indeed the
most prominent and dominant. Disclosure of
thoughts and messages correctly and precisely,
according to the situation is a real example of the
practice of language diplomacy. Learners will be
humanized and dignified in interaction and
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
negotiation activities if the teacher designs tasks that
empower character and humanism to students. For
example, giving group assignments in the form of
interview analysis reports to small traders selling near
the campus. With a humanistic approach, teachers as
educators can design rules in class. For example,
rules should not be crossed, rules may not be late,
neat dress codes, rules for wearing shoes, or may not
activate cellphones, do not eat and drink in class, pray
before and after learning, and other rules that can
empower national character skills. In language
learning, we can apply the rules for "raw, good, and
right use zone" in the classroom if someone violates
them. It may be fine (for example IDR 1,000.00 per
violation and the results will be donated to foster
sister programs). The form of teaching the language
is the practice of language diplomacy that produces
students as a generation that is responsible, consistent,
and upholds the rules.
Students can also develop themselves in an
attempt to practice language by actively participating
in theater activities, arts units, sports, study groups,
and research groups to enhance the character of
nationalism and a sense of humanity. In addition, to
study the language, inter-class debating activities
were held, achievements of research findings by
participants in public, musical poetry reading
competition, use of computer technology in making
posters about jargon / political expressions that build
and educate nation, and so on. As a form of language
learning, it takes a humanistic benchmark in each
parallel class once a week to teach in elementary
schools, where the majority of students are children
from parents who are weak in economies. Students
are trained to be volunteers to help their younger
siblings learn good and correct Indonesian, learn to
write, and learn to read. The sensitivity of students to
empathize, feel apprehensive conditions, witness
firsthand the suffering of life, and find out that around
them there are economically disadvantaged
communities or groups that ultimately make students
want to respect life and life. Training to volunteer can
develop the character of nationality and multicultural
understanding of students. With the practice of
language or language diplomacy like that, students
are formed and grown to become human beings who
have a high degree of concern for humanitarian issues
so that in the future our nation will be known as a
nation that is virtuous, empathetic, and contributes to
the handling and handling of problems humanity both
locally and globally.
The dignity of the nation is also measured by
language as the saying goes, "Language shows the
nation." However, at this time, the younger
generation is not at all confident in using Indonesian.
It is fitting, as educators it must indeed be able to
master the language of business and science in an
international environment, such as English. However,
pride in using Indonesian in one's own country cannot
1. Purpose of Literature Appreciation Learning
The purpose of literary appreciation learning is
in line with literary functions that are entertaining and
educational. The entertaining function provides
pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction is the aim of
learning literary appreciation as well. Many
educational functions provide information about one
thing. Giving a lot of knowledge, giving skills and
creativity, and providing moral education are also the
goals of literary learning.
In more detail, Gani (1988: 50) details the
purpose of literary appreciation learning, namely (1)
focuses students on the ownership of ideas and
greater attention to humanity in the form of
expressions that reflect human behavior; (2) bringing
students to patience and affirming a more open
attitude towards morals, beliefs, values of ownership
of guilt, and adultery from the public or students'
personalities; (3) inviting students to question issues
that are closely related to personal behavior; (4)
provide opportunities for students to clarify and
deepen the notions of beliefs, human relations and
human behavior (5) help students to know themselves
that enable them to be more intelligent towards
themselves and others in a smarter, more considerate
and proud manner who is full of sympathy.
2. Literary Appreciation Levels
Literary appreciation takes place at various
levels, from the low level to the highest level in
accordance with the essence of appreciation itself.
There are 3 levels of literary appreciation (Rusyana,
in Santosa, 2003: 8.25). the first level is that students
experience what is in literature. He was involved
emotionally, intellectually and intellectually. The
second step is that students try to explore the field of
meaning through the elements of the intrinsic
elements of karyasastra which are realities that occur
in real life and take advantage of what sasra's work
3. Focus on Learning Appreciation of Literature in
If examined carefully and based on the theory of
literary appreciation learning, the focus of Sasra
appreciation learning in the content standards (SK /
KD) of Indonesian language subjects is three. The
first lesson in literary appreciation focused on the use
of literary texts as suggestions for practicing magical
Reading and Analyzing Short Stories as Appreciation of Language and Literature in Humanizing Students in Understanding Cultural
The second focus is literary learning aimed at
measuring the ability of literature. The ability to write
to produce one's own work is the focus of third
literary learning.
a. Language Skills Write the Main Means of Literary
As previously stated the ability of written
language consisted of the ability to read and write.
The ability to read is the ability to recognize and
convey the symbol of language used by the author to
convey his ideas. While the ability to write is the
ability to use written language symbols to express
ideas that are in the head of the author.
1) Literature Reading Ability
The ability to gain literature is synonymous with
the ability to appreciate literature. The type of reading
in accordance with literary appreciation learning is to
read beautifully, read understanding, and read
literature. Reading the writing of literature is reading
to appreciate the contents of the literary work based
on intrinsic and extrinsic structures.
2) Literary Writing Ability
The ability to write literature is the ability to
produce literary writing, prose, poetry, and drama.
The ability of meunis prose in the class is aimed at
writing short stories because it is not possible to
condition students to write novels. Novel material can
only be written a synopsis of a novel that you want to
4. Designing Learning So Students Get Literary
Knowledge and Experience
Based on basic competencies (and already)
mastered, now the teacher can design a teaching and
learning activity, where the results of the activity
students also gain experience and knowledge of
literature. In this way, the nature of the purpose of
literary appreciation learning remains within the
focus of teaching and learning activities.
In order for students to take part in literary
appreciation learning to gain literary experience,
teachers can design a learning activity by directly
using literary works as objects of their activities, in
the form of poetry, fairy tales, short stories, novels,
saga, poetry, and drama. The activities carried out in
the teaching and learning process are watching,
listening, reading, retelling, discussing (with
directional questions), explaining and writing down
the results of analysis (opinion, opinion, conclusions),
and connecting and utilizing the results of
understanding literature with and in everyday life
5. Designing Reading Learning and Analyzing
Reading fiction activities (short stories and or
novels) is a primary activity. If the material is short
and or novels do not allow reading in the classroom,
the material should be given some time in advance so
students read it outside the classroom (at home, in the
library, etc.). examples of short stories and / or novels
that will be discussed are short stories and or novels
prepared by the teacher based on the signal as those
that have been "hinted" by the curriculum (especially
in KD) or which have already been read in the
textbook (really good) by teachers and students). It
would be better if the short stories and novels used
were more than those mentioned in the curriculum.
This will help the activity of assessing the work of
fiction (the issue of whether the short story language
is easy to understand or not, whether the characters
are easily identifiable, etc.) because we (teachers and
students) have a comparison by reading many short
stories and or novels.
In class, at the reading stage, the teacher can
together with students read short stories and or
fragments of novels. If the teacher is able to read
short stories and / or novels well as a performing art
in front of his students it is a very positive thing.
Students can also take turns reading stories and or
novels. Maybe before appearing reading and or the
novel, students are trained first so that the reading
results are able to involve students' emotions towards
the contents of the short story and / or the novel he
reads it.
After the reading process, the teacher can invite
students to explore the contents of fiction by asking
directed questions with discussion techniques. Guide
questions are prepared in advance by the teacher.
There are at least three types of questions that are able
to direct students to explore and understand the
contents of the literary works, namely (1) the types of
questions about the material created by literary works;
(2) the type of question menggalli knowledge and
experience of students about problems related to
material produced by literature (comparison); and (3)
types of analysis questions to invite students'
opinions about issues related to material produced by
analytical literature. Guide questions should be
developed contextually in the classroom. Don't get
hung up on the guide question. Questions must be
asked in a "conversation" situation and not in a "test"
For this, please read the following "Lautan Susu
Coklat" short story by Renny Yaniar and note the
types of guiding questions from the three types of
questions at the end of the short story.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Short Story: Renny Yaniar
Tio is one of the residents of the Kasih
Orphanage. Like other children who live in the
orphanage, Tio does not know family affection. He
doesn't know who and where his parents are.
There was a lot that Tio didn't know, but there were
many that she wanted to know. What he wants to
know the most now is the taste of chocolate milk.
Until he was eight years old, Tio had never tasted
chocolate milk.
"Mother, how do you taste chocolate milk?" Tio
asked Mrs. Swasti, the old mother of the orphanage
owner. Mrs. Swasti smiled even though her heart was
"If I had money, surely I could buy chocolate
milk for children," he thought.
"Chocolate milk tastes sweet and delicious. It smells
good. Ah, how do you explain it? "Said Mrs. Swasti
Ah, it's okay, ma'am. Hopefully we can taste
chocolate milk later, "said Tio.
He did not want to see a kind mother who was
Mrs. Swasti was moved. He swept Tio's hair.
Tio wanted to know the taste of chocolate milk.
Warm chocolate milk in a big glass. Hmm ... Tio's
saliva almost fell. He had seen a child drink chocolate
milk in a restaurant. Tio saw it from behind the
"Nana, please tell me how chocolate milk feels"
whispered Tio to his peers.
At that time Tio was in the classroom. The teacher is
teaching arts.
"What? You never drink chocolate milk? 'Asked
Tio nodded earnestly.
"Hua ... ha ... very funny!" Nana muttered. The whole
class looked at him.
"What's wrong, Nana?" Asked the teacher
Nana kept laughing loudly. His tears almost dripped.
Suddenly Nana stopped her laughter and shouted,
"Tio wants to know how chocolate milk tastes!"
"Ha ... ha ... ha ...!" The other children laughed too.
Laughter filled the whole class.
Tio lowered his head. His face turned red with
embarrassment. He wondered, was it strange that he
asked about the taste of chocolate milk?
Tio didn't know that all of her friends often even had
chocolate milk every day.
When going home from school, Tio looked sad.
However, he returned cheerfully when Mrs. Swasti
provided a special meal. Hot rice and omelet! Wow,
apparently there was a day that donated a basket of
eggs to the orphanage.
When night fell, Tio prayed, "Lord, help me, I want to
know the taste of chocolate milk"
He fell asleep smiling.
A few moments later Tio felt he was on the boat.
He is in a sea of chocolate milk that is very broad.
Smoke billowed from the sea. It is obvious that
chocolate milk is warm enough.
On the boat was a female ship captain. He is
very gagh and beautiful. The captain of the ship
ordered his ship's men to lower the roped bucket.
Then they raise a bucket of chocolate milk.
The boat captain took a cup of chocolate milk from
the bucket. "Try. You have wanted it for a long time,
"said the beautiful boat captain.
"Thank you, Captain," said Tio.
He looked at the warm chocolate. He smelled the
aroma of chocolate milk. Hmm ... very good. Tio got
ready to drink it.
Suddenly a sea of chocolate milk roared and the
ship shook. The cup of chocolate milk in Tio's hand
spilled. He panicked. In that panic, he was
disappointed because he had not had time to drink
chocolate milk.
"Tio ... Tio ... wake up!" Said Rido, his friend at the
"Oops ... what's wrong?" Asked Tio.
"You're called Bu Swasti," said Rido.
"Uuuhh ... Rido. You bother me. I was just about to
drink chocolate milk, "complained Rido.
Tio immediately washed his face and brushed his
teeth. He immediately approached Mrs. Swasti.
"Tio, there are gifts for you and also for your friends
at this orphanage," said Mrs. Swasti.
"Prize?" Tio asked. He has never received a prize.
Mrs. Swasti pointed to the table. At the table
there were a few glasses of chocolate milk still hot.
Tio smiled broadly. Slowly he approached the table.
Then, he lifted the glass carefully, he did not want the
drink to spill. Tio tasted it. Ahhh ... Chocolate milk
turned out to be very delicious. Tio drank it little by
little. He wants to enjoy a very valuable drink.
Clap ... clap ... clap! Suddenly applause filled the
room. Tio stopped drinking.
"How does Tio feel?" Asked Mrs. Swasti.
"I wonder how? It's hard to explain, but it's delicious.
Thank you ma'am, said Tio happily.
Thank Nana and her mother. They sent for us, "said
Mrs. Swasti. Nana then appears from behind the door.
"Hi Tio!" Nana said with a shy smile.
Tio was still angry at Nana. However, he
remembered Mrs. Swasti saying that chocolate milk
was from Nana. Tio was rather disappointed.
Reading and Analyzing Short Stories as Appreciation of Language and Literature in Humanizing Students in Understanding Cultural
"Thank you Nana. Why are you giving me chocolate
milk? "Tio asked.
"Tio, I'm sorry. I was really naughty yesterday. I
feel funny that you ask about the taste of chocolate
milk. I drink it every day and I just found out that
someone has never drunk it. I'm sorry? "Begged Nana.
Tio paused for a while.
"Of course. You gave me chocolate milk. thanks.
Now I know what it feels like, "said Tio in the end.
Nana felt relieved. Nana and her mother gave several
large cans of chocolate milk so that the orphanage
children could feel it.
No wonder how happy Mrs. Swasti saw Tio and
the other foster children happily enjoying chocolate
That day and the next day they will still enjoy the
delicious drink.
Table 1: Format for the Assessment of Ocean Milk
Chocolate Short Fiction
ge style
Point of
1. Rights and Obligations a. enough
2. Freedom and Responsibility b. well
3. Conscience c. very good
4. Values and Norms
6. Implications of linguistic practices that honor the
Implications as linguistic practices that honor
the nation are goals in learning which will later be
useful with matters relating to the following matters.
1. Develop a positive response in human thoughts and
feelings, develop and develop positive human values,
such as helping, doing good, believing and observing
2. Teach moral messages to humans in order to act in
accordance with the expectations of society,
empathizing, honest, and responsible
3. Encourage people to build interactions not solely
for their own sake, but for the sake of mutual interests
4. Strengthening and fostering personal character,
identity, and national endurance that are positive,
resilient, and strong, in order to achieve the ideals of
the nation and state.
Teaching languages and literature can be used as a
tool to develop national character. Cultural diversity
which is the wealth of a nation are things that can be
used as examples in learning the language and
literature. For this reason, students must be offered a
reading of language and literature from the outset
which contains a plot and positive character that can
show the diversity of cultural values accompanied by
interesting illustrations of the local cultural treasures
that characterize Indonesia so that they can become
human beings who have character and become fully
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society