Arabic Listening Skills Syllabus for Scientific Learning: Research
and Development
Yumna Rasyid
and Puti Zulharby
Postgraduate Language Education Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Doctoral Student, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: syllabus design, Istima, scientific learning, research and development
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop Arabic listening skills syllabus for scientific learning at Arabic
Language Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The syllabus currently in use does not reflect the current
curriculum and is not in line with the development of science and technology. The syllabus was developed
based on the results of document analysis that are currently used, and the results of the needs analysis of 40
students who have been attending Arabic listening skills (Istima) course. This research conducted by
Research and Development methods with Analysis, Design, and Development model. Based on the results of
the needs analysis, students were found to have difficulty pronouncing sentences quickly if spoken by native
speakers. The need for students is to be able to find keywords in the text that is being listened to. Based on
the results of document analysis and needs analysis, researchers designed scientific learning syllabus in order
to develop student’s skills in seeking information from the materials being studied and guide them to be able
to solve problems in the learning process. The output of the study contributes to the development of the latest
learning models or teaching materials.
Need analysis becomes an integral part of developing
the syllabus. The syllabus is detailed information
about curriculum content and philosophy. The
curriculum is still general, and the syllabus is a
translation of the curriculum in the form of activities
in the classroom, so that the specified goals can be
easily achieved.
The development of science to create learning in
higher education helps to innovate to adjust the
development of needs at that time. With this
curriculum change, the lecturer has the duty to
translate it into the learning syllabus that is suitable
with the curriculum objectives and according to the
needs of students.
The first step to develop the syllabus was to
identify the goals that learners would like to achieve
while taking this course. To do that, the needs and
document analysis approach must be implemented
(Ismagilovaa & Polyakova, 2014). The results of the
analysis of the syllabus document on the basic
listening skills course (Istima) used in the Arabic
Language Education of the State University of Jakarta
state that the purpose of learning is the students can
understand spoken language, whether in daily
conversation, Arabic dialogue and dialogue narrative,
lectures, tapes, and videos. The application of
learning objectives is carried out with topic-based
learning. The principle of preparing the syllabus is
done by sorting material by topic. Then equating the
competencies that will be obtained by students at each
meeting, namely being able to listen carefully to the
contents of the conversation or story, emulate
examples of pronunciation, do questions and answers
with fellow friends, answer questions from lecturers
verbally, and answer written exercises.
Technological developments and the
development of the needs of students in this era have
led to the way in which the syllabus and learning
processes that have been implemented in the Arabic
Language Study Program have not maximally met the
needs of students who have taken this course.
In the Arabic Language Education Study
Program, Jakarta State University, the teaching of
language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading
and writing is taught separately so as to produce
complete competence in each of these skills. One
function of learning languages is as a means of logical
thinking. In logical thinking, language is often present
Rasyid, Y. and Zulharby, P.
Arabic Listening Skills Syllabus for Scientific Learning: Research and Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0009002805240528
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 524-528
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to express a concept, a theory or an analysis of a
phenomenon. The better the language mastery of a
person, the better the ability to think, and the more
organized the language of a person, the more regular
the person's thinking patterns.
People cannot understand the thoughts, feelings,
ideas, and facts conveyed by other people without any
language skills, which in this case is called language
receptive skills. Receptive skills are the process of
receiving language codes. This reception process is
also called decoding. The decoding process begins
with the reception of sound elements at the receiver
(decode phonology), then the process of
understanding sound as a grammatical unit
(grammatical decode), and ends with an
understanding of the concept carried by the code
(decode semantics) between the processes there is a
transmission process, which has the task of changing
the code becomes the language code.
In Arabic, listening skills are called Istima
(). Listening in Arabic is difficult because
Arabic is a foreign language in Indonesia, so this
activity requires perseverance in learning it. Listening
is the main thing in communication, through listening
someone will recognize mufrodat (vocabulary),
jumlah (sentence form) and tarakib (word structure).
Tarigan stated that listening is the process of listening
to oral symbols with attention, understanding,
appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information,
capture content, and understand the meaning of
communication conveyed by the speaker through
speech or spoken language (1985).
Arabic is a diglosis language, where there are 2
variations of language used side by side based on
communication situations, namely Standard Arabic
(Fusha), used for academic and official forums, and
Arabic Market (Ammiyah), used for every day. For
students who are studying Standard Arabic, it will be
difficult if they want to listen to the conversations of
native speakers, because generally, they will use
Market Arabic (Ammiyah). For this reason, audio and
video texts are needed using official Arabic
(Elkhafifi, n.d.)
Based on the above view, in developing listening
skills for students of the Arabic Language Study
Program, several attempts were made, such as
analyzing the extent of the skills and learning models
desired by students. Needs analysis is used to
determine the needs of students at the end of the
course, so that the Study Program can adjust the
syllabus to the needs of students. Needs analysis is
expected to match student needs and institutional
One of the appropriate learning models for this
term is the scientific learning model. Scientific
learning models involve observation or observation
for the formulation of hypotheses, so that
experimental activity can be replaced with activities
to obtain information from various sources. This
learning is the integration between scientific activities
and the submission of questions (Sani, 2014).
The scientific learning model guides students to
solve problems through careful planning, careful
collection of data and careful analysis of data to
produce conclusions. In carrying out this activity,
students are guided by their sensitivity to see a
phenomenon, dare to ask questions, be careful in
collecting data, be able to make conclusions as
answers to the questions they ask (Abidin, 2014).
The method used in this study is research and
development. Gay, Mills, & Airasian, (2012), state
that research and development is the process of
examining consumer needs by developing a product
to meet those needs. Gall, Gall, & Borg, (2003) state
that research and development in the field of
education is a research design that aims to design new
products or procedures to improve the quality of
education. The product developed in this study is an
effective syllabus that can be used in the learning
This research adopts the procedures and steps of
the ADDIE Model which consists of five steps,
namely Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation (Dick, Carey, &
Carey, 2015). This study follows only 3 (three) main
steps, namely 1) Analysis, during this phase
researchers, examine and analyze documents and
student needs to see gaps and constraints that occur in
achieving learning objectives, 2) Design, at this phase
researchers begin designing a syllabus based on the
results of document analysis and needs analysis, 3)
Development, the syllabus designed then developed
using a scientific learning model.
3.1 Results of Document Analysis and
Needs Analysis
The results of the Istima syllabus document analysis
found that the purpose of learning was so that students
Arabic Listening Skills Syllabus for Scientific Learning: Research and Development
could understand spoken language, in the form of
daily conversations, Arabic dialogues, and videos in
Arabic. Learning objectives are applied using theme-
based learning. The predetermined theme at each
meeting, students are asked to listen, then imitate the
example of pronunciation, do question and answer
and answer oral and written exercises.
Based on the analysis of the syllabus document, it
appears that the competencies achieved are the same
at each meeting, students can listen and understand
according to the theme.
The results of the needs analysis carried out on 40
students of the Arabic Language Education Jakarta
State University are shown below:
3.1.1 Results of Analysis of Difficulty
Needs analysis of the difficulties criteria was carried
out to determine the extent of the difficulties faced by
students after following the Istima. course. The
researcher gives a statement, the results obtained are
as follows:
Indicator of Difficulty
Difficulty in understanding fast
Difficulty in understanding speech
from native speakers
Difficulty in understanding Arabic
Difficulty in reasoning/guessing the
meaning of vocabulary on the material
Difficulty in understanding the
contents of the text in detail
3.1.2 Results of Analysis of Necessary
The needs analysis of the necessary criteria is done to
determine the extent to which competencies should be
mastered by students after following the Istima. The
researcher gives a statement, the results obtained are
as follows:
Indicator of Necessary
Determine the meaning of the text that
is played
Carefully select the main parts of the
material that is listened to
Determine keywords to find the subject
matter of the text being played
Reasoning / guessing the meaning of
words on the material being played
Quickly search for the main topics of
the text being played
3.1.3 Results of Analysis of Wants Criteria
Analysis of the needs of the wants criteria is used to
find out material that is of interest to students. The
researcher gives a statement, the results obtained are
as follows:
Indicator of Wants
Audio material
Music and lyrics of Arabic songs
Audio-visual material
3.2 Syllabus Design
The results of document analysis and needs analysis
are used as the basis for compiling the syllabus as
needed. According to Harmer (2001), there are
several criteria that must be considered in preparing
syllabus, or others: 1) Learnability, related to the
level of difficulty students will learn, 2) Frequency,
related to the items of language that are most often or
rarely used in language activities, 3 ) Coverage,
related to several words or structures including other
words or structures, 4) Usefulness, related to the
closeness of lexical items to the daily lives of
students so that it is useful if discussed in class.
Richards & Lacorte, (2007) gives consideration that
in compiling the syllabus, it is necessary to sequence
and scope. The scope of this teaching relates to the
breadth and depth of coverage of things in teaching.
Developing a syllabus that fits your needs begins
with determining the goals and achievements of
learning. Learning outcomes in the design of the
scientific-based syllabus launched Bloom's Learning
Theory Cognitive Domain. In this study, researchers
focused on the cognitive dimensions of C1
(Assuming), C2 (Understanding), C3 (Applying),
because my Istima course was a tiered course,
lectures were conducted with assistance in several
semesters. Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical
structure that identifies skills ranging from low to
high levels. In Istima learning identification of tiered
learning will be made, ranging from very basic
knowledge and skills to fairly complex knowledge
and skills. Nunan (1988) in his work “Syllabus
design” stated, “We saw that product syllabuses are
those in which the focus is on the knowledge and
skills which learners should gain as a result of
instruction, while process syllabuses are those which
focus on the learning experiences themselves”.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Hermawan (2011) claimed that listening skills
can be achieved by continuous training in listening to
the differences in the sound of words (phonemes)
with other elements according to the correct letters,
either directly from the native speakers (al-nathiq al-
ashli) or through recording. The planned Course
Learning Outcomes (CLO) are: 1) able to link
linguistic signs with paralinguistic signs (intonation,
pause, and pressure); 2) able to identify sounds, and;
3) able to connect the listening conversation with
knowledge and experience.
Based on the Course Learning Outcomes, the
learning outcomes in terms of knowledge include: 1)
know articulation/letter sounds in Arabic; 2) know the
length of the letter sounds in Arabic; 3) understand
intonation, pause, and pressure in Arabic; 4)
understand the order of information, imagine the
situation (place & time) and the situation in the
material; 5) understand the purpose and direction of
conversation. Learning outcomes in terms of skills
include: 1) able to imitate with clear articulation; 2)
able to connect linguistic signs with paralinguistic
signs (intonation, pause, and pressure); 3) able to
practice communication with friends.
3.3 Development of the Learning
The scientific model has several characteristics: 1)
Objectives, learning is always carried out on certain
objects; 2) Factual, learning based on facts and real
phenomena and can be justified; 3) Systematic,
learning according to the learning phase; 4) Method,
learning is carried out with methods that have been
tested for effectiveness; 5) Be careful; 6) Logical,
meaning learning is done by raising things that make
sense; 7) Actually, learning always involves the
context of today's life as a source of meaningful
learning; 8) interested, learning is done without
partiality of students; 9) argues, learning is not done
by growing opinions accompanied by evidence; and
10) Verification, student learning outcomes can be
verified and confirmed (Abidin, 2014).
The scientific learning model starts with student
observation on the material being listened to.
followed by the process of reasoning, asking
questions, conducting experiments by following
examples of how native speakers communicate, and
concluding subjects. In the implementation of
scientific learning, there are several components of
the learning process, including 1) observing; 2)
asking questions; 3) reasoning; 4) do experiments; 5)
connect/conclude; 6) communicate. The stages of
learning activities carried out in scientific learning do
not have to follow rigid procedures, but can be
adapted to the knowledge they want to learn (Sani,
The Istima learning process is based on the
syllabus developed, the material used is varied, not
just audial material. Each material can be tailored to
the needs of students, for example, to present native
speakers or use audiovisual material. With this
material students not only listen to the ways of
communicating but also see the elements outside of
language and cultural elements at once.
Learning with the integration of scientific
activities is an activity of inquiry, the process of
thinking to understand something is done by asking
questions. In applying scientific learning, in addition
to inquiry-based activities, it can also be done with
discovery learning, which is skill-based learning that
emphasizes the ability of students to find knowledge.
for example students are welcome to listen to Arabic
from whatever source they want to listen. The
discovery of this knowledge is based on learning
experience, everyday experience, applicable laws, the
principles used, so as to provide an opportunity for
the development of learners’ thinking skills.
Scientific learning models guide students in solving
problems through careful planning, defining learning
resources, observing, analyzing to produce inferences
about what they are listening to. In carrying out this
activity, students are built on their sensitivity to a
phenomenon, dare to ask questions, are careful in
collecting data, are able to draw conclusions in
response to the questions they ask (Abidin, 2014). In
Barringer's view, it is argued that scientific learning
is a study that guides students to think systematically,
critically and creatively. Students are guided to
conduct research activities and develop knowledge
concepts (Sani, 2014).
Based on some of the above points, it can be
concluded that scientific learning not only views
learning as a final step, but that learning is viewed as
very important. in the process of finding knowledge
rather than transferring knowledge, students are
viewed as subjects of learning that need to be actively
involved in the learning process, the teacher is merely
a facilitator who guides and coordinates the learning
activities. In this model, students are encouraged to
undertake the process of seeking knowledge of the
subject through a variety of scientific process
activities as scientists conduct scientific research, and
Arabic Listening Skills Syllabus for Scientific Learning: Research and Development
thus students are directed to discover new facts,
develop concepts, and new values needed for his life.
Scientific learning emphasizes that learning material
is based on facts or phenomena that can be explained
by specific logic or reasoning; not about as much.
This scientific learning invites students to discover
something independently, making it appear that
learning is not just about learning as the last
destination, but the learning process is very
This study aims to develop a syllabus based on
curriculum and students' needs using a scientific
approach. This scientific model, students are asked to
carry out the process of finding knowledge through
various activities to discover for themselves the facts,
and new values needed for their lives. in the process
of finding knowledge, students are seen as subjects of
study who need to be actively involved in the learning
process, lecturers are only facilitators who guide and
coordinate learning activities.
Responding to the difficulties faced by students in
Istima, then learning areas of knowledge that need to
be developed include understanding the point of
articulation in Arabic, understanding paralinguistic
elements, understanding how to predict the meaning
of terms that are difficult to understand by relating
them to context. While learning skills in terms of
skills that need to be developed are able to connect
linguistic signs with paralinguistic marks, they are
able to connect memorized texts with personal
knowledge and experience, able to reason and guess
the vocabulary or meaning conveyed, able to identify
keywords, are able to visualize memorized material
into memory, able to interpret the meaning and
purpose of the conversation.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society