Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays:
Hermeneutic Perspective
Trie Utari Dewi, Rr. Sulistyawati
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jl. Tanah
Merdeka No. 20 Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Ghulam Hicays, Religious Aspects, Hermeneutic, Literature.
Abstract: The main problem addressed in this study is the large number of ancient manuscripta that have not been
revealed in the content and only limited to the study of the textual criticism. One of them the results of the
research conducted by H. Sanwani Sanusi, who only converted and edit the words of the Hikayat Ghulam
manuscript. This text, however, has many values in it if studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
reveal the religious contents of Hikayat Ghulam text and to pass the nation's culture on to the next
generation. A descriptive qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach was used in this research. The
design included an initial stage where several literature studies were searched and data collected by a careful
reading of the text and transfer of the script. This was followed by the identification and classification of the
data according to the problems highlighted in the study. Furthermore, a validity test was conducted through
the use of triangulation techniques. The results showed there are religious contents in the text of Hikayat
Ghulam indicated by faith, Islam, ihsan, science, and charity. The faith aspect found include faith in God,
the Prophet, and destiny while the Islam aspect involved implementation of worship such as prayer, fasting,
almsgiving, and alms. Furthermore, the Ihsan had to do with the feelings about the presence of God through
repentance, following His commands and avoiding His prohibitions. The science was found to include the
knowledge of the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet as suggested in Q.S. Ali-Imran: 159 and
the prohibition on following passions in Q.S. Al-Jasiyah: 23. The charity was centered around community
life, including helping people who are weak and distressed, doing charitable deeds, being fair, forgiving
each other, and working to fulfill life. The result of this study can be applied in literary learning in schools
related to understanding the content of the hicays.
This study examined aspects of religion in the
Ghulam tale manuscript. The Ghulam tale
manuscript is a script using Jawi and Malay
language in which there are many quotes from the
verses of the Qur'an. The Ghulam tale manuscript
had been examined from the aspect of philology by
H. Sanwani Sanusi through switching the script and
editing the text. However, the text of Ghulam tale
has not been reviewed by the researchers before. The
reason researchers were examining religious aspects
in Ghulam tale was due to the condition of today's
society which has begun to move away from the
Qur'an and much influenced by western thoughts.
The finding of the research done by Koenig &
Larson (2001 in Fridayanti, 2016) which conducted
a study of the concept of religiosity showed within
80% of studies results that had been examined, the
religious beliefs and practices (religiosity) associated
with greater life satisfaction, happiness, positive
affect and increased morality. Whereas Wong-
McDonald and Gorsuch (2000 in Utami, 2012)
stated that religious coping is a way for individuals
to use their beliefs in managing stress and problems
in life. In addition, many philologists who examined
the text only arrived at the text critics without
reviewing the contents. This research is also one of
the researchers' efforts in preserving national culture.
That way, people can find out that many benefits
and knowledge will be obtained by studying ancient
The main difference between this research and
the previous one was related to the values or
Dewi, T. and Sulistyawati, R.
Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays: Hermeneutic Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0009001704740481
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 474-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
religious aspects analyzed in this study. Several
previous studies had examined the religious values
contained in Indra Budiman tale, where the religious
values studied are the values of unity, academic
values, and muamalah values (Khadijah, 2013).
Other research was related to religious values in Ali
Kawin tale which consists of the values of aqeedah,
sharia, and morality (Rozanah, 2017). The striking
difference with previous research was related to the
approach used in the study of Ali Kawin tale,
philology approach. Through that approach, the text
was edited first then expressed the value of the
religions content.
Earlier research related to the content value of
the tale only discussed religious values generally
such as divinity, worship, and human behavior. It
did not discussed other aspects in more detail and
more complete.
Hence in this research a study of religious
aspects in Ghulam tale was conducted which
consisted of aspects of faith, Islam, ihsan, science,
and charity using the hermeneutic perspective.
Within this study there was no need to translate the
text content as a whole and prioritize interpretation.
That way, people can more easily understand the
religious aspects contained in the Ghulam tale
manuscript without the need to translate it.
Moreover, the community can both instill religious
aspects in Ghulam tale as a guideline for life and be
applied in literary learning in schools to make it
easier for students to understand the text content of
the tale especially the religious aspects.
In this section the literature review is a theoretical
foundation which relevant to the research problem.
Therefore, the opinions and views that are
appropriate in supporting the research will be
described. The literature review includes definitions
of manuscripts and tale, religious aspects, and
hermeneutic approaches.
2.1 Manuscript
Manuscript is one of the most authentic primary
sources that can bring the distance between the past
and the present. The promising manuscript is a
special "Way of Shortcut" to find out the intellectual
treasures and social history of people's lives
(Faturahman in Rozanah, 2017). In line with that,
Dewi (2016) reveals that the manuscript is the
gateway to the treasures of the past. Through the
script can be revealed the thoughts of previous
people, it also can be used as learning for life today.
In addition, the text is not only a reading material
that can add knowledge, but also becomes an
entertainer and learning for the reading community.
Furthermore, Barried (in Rozanah, 2017) also
reveals that the manuscript is a handwriting that
holds various thoughts and feelings as a result of the
culture of the past.
According to Suryani (2012) the manuscript is
also seen as a cultural result in the form of literary
creativity because the text contained in the
manuscript is a wholeness that expresses the
message. Messages that are read in the text are
functionally closely related to the philosophy of life
and with other forms of art. When viewed from the
content of its meaning, the discourse in the form of
classical text carries certain functions, namely
imagining the mind and forming the norms that
apply, both for contemporaries and future
generations. Based on these opinions, it can be
concluded that the text is the intellectual treasure of
the past in the form of the previous ancestral
handwriting that can be used by the community as
learning for the present and future.
2.2 Definition of Tale or Saga
According to Khadijah (2013) tale is a type of old
Indonesian literature written by a poet to express
his/her thoughts poured in prose by using Malay,
containing fictional stories rather than real events
functioning as solace. Whereas according to
Wahyuni, (2014: 95 in Saputra et al: 3) tale is an old
prose that contains stories or saga about the
greatness and heroism of a person, complete with
oddities, powers, and the miracle of the main
character that makes no sense, for the purpose of
solace, heal sadness, and arouse fighting spirit.
Widjojoko (in Rozanah, 2017) revealed the basic
characteristics of a universal tale structure. First,
there is a central principal surrounded by side
figures that all represent a number of certain groups.
Second, central figures in all situations always stand
out in terms of goodness and excellence. Third one
is continuous resistance between two parties namely
the good parties who want to reassert the harmony of
universe law and the parties who threatened by evil
parties. Finally, resistance between good and evil is
unrelenting. The values contained in the tale are
basically spiritual. Therefore, tale is often referred to
as a form of spiritual culture. The spiritual culture by
Baker (1988: 24-37 in Khadijah, 2013) is referred to
as subjective culture.
Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays: Hermeneutic Perspective
2.3 Religious Aspects
Religiosity is closely related to religion. According
to Nurgiyantoro (in Rozanah, 2017) that religiosity
and religion are indeed closely related, side by side
can even merge into one unit. But actually both lead
to different meanings. Religious is a wider range
compared to religion which looks formal and
official. The basic word of religious is religion that
comes from the English as a form of a noun which
means faith or belief in the existence of something
greater power above humanity. Religious originates
from the word religious which means the inherent
religious nature of a person ( Slim; Ahmad
Thontowi, 2005 in Utami, 2014). Whereas
Mangunwijaya (in Rozanah, 2017) revealed that the
word religious sees an inner aspect of the heart, du
Coeur in the sense of Pascal, namely a taste that
includes totality (including ratios and human
feelings) the depth of the human person. Studies of
religious aspects are very broad and cover various
levels in human life such as faith, worship, social
relations, rituals, and media used in worship
(Jirásek, 2015). Abdullah et al. (in Zurqoni, 2018)
divides Islam tenet into 3 parts, those are belief
(aqeeda), prayer (shari’a) and morals
The Ministry of Environment explains five
religious aspects in Islam (Ahmad Thontowi, 2005
in Utami, 2014), namely:
a. Faith aspect, which concerns the beliefs and
relationships of humans with God, angels,
prophets and so on.
b. Islamic aspects, namely concerning the
frequency and intensity of the
implementation of established worship, such
as prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
c. Ihsan aspect, which involves experience and
feelings about the presence of Allah SWT by
carrying out His commands and avoiding His
d. Science aspect, that is concerning one's
knowledge about religious teachings for
example by comprehending The Quran
e. Charity aspects, concerning behavior in
social life, for example helping others,
defending weak people, working and so on.
One of the old literary works that had the
influence of Islam and had a dominance of Islamic
themes appeared in the tale or saga. This can be seen
from the many stories that tell the stories of the
Apostles and the heroism of the friends. In addition,
many stories contain quotes from the verses of the
Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet. This shows
that the saga and old literature contain religious
2.4 Hermeneutic Approach
Etymologically, the hermeneutic word comes from
the Greek hermeneutin which means to interpret
hermenia nouns, literally can be interpreted as
exegesis or interpretation (Sumaryono in Anshari,
2009). Literary work is the result of the creation of
an author's imagination in the form of text. In
reading literary texts, a reader must try to interpret
the meaning contained within.
Hermeneutics is a theory of interpretation and
understanding (Palmer in Hodge, 2018).
Hermeneutics has a literal meaning to interpret,
construe, read or translate. At first hermeneutics
contained rules about how to interpret ancient texts,
then it is used to understand literary texts, culture,
art, psychology, religion, cultural symbols and
concrete community structures or actions (Baker in
Khadijah, 2013).
Sumaryono (in Anshari, 2009) asserted that all
works which are divine inspirations, such as the
Quran, the Torah, the Gospels, the Vedas, and the
Upanishads in order to be understood and
comprehend require interpretation or hermeneutics.
The main task of hermeneutics is to understand
the text. Therefore, the notion of the text becomes
very central in hermeneutics (Khadijah, 2013). That
is way that the real goal of hermeneutics according
to Suyitno (2015) is to give a way to understanding a
text. So when this method of interpretation is applied
to the analysis of literary works or texts by an
interpreter, the interpreter in his/her interpretation
acts as hermes which is to become a bridge or link of
understanding the meaning of a literary work or text
both implicitly and explicitly as intended by the
creator of the text.
Schleiermacher found the basic characteristics of
exegesis/interpretation process involve the
interaction between taste and complete meaning and
also understanding certain aspects or expressions in
a text. This process is called the hermeneutic circle
which shows the absence of methodological
separations between the observer and the object of
study within.
Experts have concluded six boundaries or
definitions surrounding hermeneutics as the science
of interpretation, namely (1) hermeneutics as a
theory of biblical interpretation or exegesis bible; (2)
hermeneutics as a philology methodology; (3)
hermeneutics as a science of linguistic
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
understanding; (4) hermeneutics as the basis or
methodological foundation for historical sciences -
Palmer termed the geisteswissenschaften, namely all
disciplines that focus on understanding art, action,
and human writing-; (5) hermeneutics as design
recommendations and existential understanding; and
(6) hermeneutics as a system of interpretation
(Palmer, 2003: 38-47, and Atho and Arif Fahruddin,
2002: 18-21 in Anshari, 2009).
The method used in this study was qualitative
descriptive method, namely research produced data
in the form of a description of the religious aspects
contained in Ghulam tale. Descriptive also aims to
make a systematic, factual, and accurate description
of the facts and characteristics of a population or
specific object to describe the reality that is
happening without explaining the relationship
between variables (Kriyantono, 2008 in Hasanudin,
2017). Whereas the approach used was a
hermeneutic approach. It was used to construe or
interpret the meaning of the language used in
Ghulam tale.
The subject of this research is the Hikayat
Ghulam Manuscript with the collection number W
132 found in the National Library of the Republic of
Indonesia (PNRI) and the book converted and
editing of Hikayat Ghulam by H. Sanwani Sanusi,
published by PNRI. The initial stage is the
preparation phase to identify problems and search
for literature studies, especially with reference to
previous research journals. This is useful to know
the problems to be studied. The next step was to start
collecting data by carefully reading the script of
Hikayat Ghulam with collection number W 132 and
transferring letters and edits by H. Sanwani Sanusi.
Furthermore, identifying data to answer the research
problem and collecting data needed for further
analysis with the hermeneutic approach. The next
step is to classify and describe data based on
problems in the study. The final step is to test the
validity of the data in order to get objective results
with triangulation techniques, namely by checking
based on available sources and comparing them with
the data itself.
Based on the research that has been done on Ghulam
tale, there are some religious aspects contained
within the tale including the aspects of faith, Islam,
ihsan, science, and charity. Aspects of faith found
are in the form of faith in God, the Prophet, and
destiny. While the aspects of Islam contained in the
text are in the form of the implementation of
worship such as prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and
alms. Furthermore, the aspect of ihsan obtained in
the text takes the form of feelings about the presence
of God by repentance and carrying out His
commands and avoiding His prohibitions such as
trusting God and carrying out the laws of God. The
aspects of science found are knowledge of the verses
of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet as they
suggest deliberating as in Q.S. Ali-Imran: 159 and
the prohibition on following passions as in Q.S. Al-
Jasiyah: 23. The last aspect is charity in community
life, including helping people who are weak and
distressed, doing charitable deeds, being fair,
forgiving each other, and working to fulfill life.
4.1 Aspects of Faith
The aspect of faith in the form of faith in God can be
seen in the quote below:
“Allah Ta’ala mentakdirkan dengan hidupnya,
niscaya disuruhkannya akan seorang daripada
hambaNya mengambil akan dianya, kelak
dipertemukan Allah Ta’ala juga kita dengan
dia, jikalau tiada di alam dunia ini pada akhir
kesudahan dalam akherat esok kelak bertemu
kita dengan dia” p. 9
"Allah Ta'ala has predestined his life,
undoubtedly he will be commanded by Him, a
servant of Him who will take him, later Allah
will meet us with him, if not in this world, later
in the hereafter we will meet him".
Based on the data above, it is illustrated that a
father surrenders to the fate of his child and is sure
of God's help to the child he is forced to leave
behind. Verily, Allah is the best helper and will
surely take care of His servants. He is sure to be
reunited with his child by God in the world and in
the hereafter.
The aspect of faith in the form of faith in God
and His Messenger can be seen in the following
“Maka dengan tolong Allah Subhanahu
Wata’ala serta syafa’at segala Rasulullah dan
Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays: Hermeneutic Perspective
segala anbiya dan segala auliya yang
karomah...” p. 13
"So with the help of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala
and syafa’at the Apostles and Prophets and the
noble scholars ..."
In the data above illustrated about a person's
beliefs about help and guidance given by Allah and
the apostles and the Prophet and the noble cleric for
his fate. As in Q.S. Al-An'am: 51 "Warn with him
(the Qur'an) those who fear that they will be
gathered before their Lord (on the Day of
Resurrection), there is no one for them to protect and
give syafa'at (help) other than Allah, so that they
The aspect of faith in the form of belief in
destiny or qada and qadar can be seen in the
following quote:
“Maka mengetahuilah Abu Sabr itu akan
sekalian ini daripada perbuatan Allah
Subhanahu Wata’ala itu juga atas hamba-
Nya...” p. 62
"So Abu Sabr learned that all of this was the
work of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala towards His
servants ..."
Based on the data it can be illustrated that an
Abu Sabr knew that all the events that had befallen
him were the destiny and the will of God given to
him. He is sure of the qada and qadar that Allah has
set for him. As in Q.S. At-Taubah: 51 "Say: Nothing
will happen to us but what God has decreed for us.
He is our protector, and only to God the believers
must put their trust in".
4.2 Aspects of Islam
Islamic aspects in the form of worship such as
performing prayers, fasting, and zakat can be seen in
the quotations below:
2a “...dan tiada terlebih ta’at amal
daripadanya, dan tiada yang terlebih beragama
daripadanya, dan tiada yang terlebih takut akan
Allah Ta’ala daripadanya, adalah ia
mengejakan sembahyang lima waktu, fardu dan
sunnah, dan puasa fardu dan sunnah, lagi zahid
yang bertapa, tiada suka akan dunia,...” p. 90
"... and no one is more obedient to his deeds
than him, and no one is more religious than
him, and no one is more afraid of Allah than he
is, he is doing five times of prayer, fardhu and
Sunnah, and fasting fardhu and Sunnah, again
zuhud, don't like the world, ... "
2b “...dan hamba suruhkanlah mereka itu
mengerjakan sembahyang lima waktu dan
sembahyang berjamaah-jamaah dan puasa pada
bulan Ramadan dan mengeluarkan zakat harta
mereka itu daripada emas dan perak, dan zakat
perniagaan dan zakat perladangan...”. p. 124
"... and the servants ordered them to do the
five-day prayers and prayers together and fast
during the month of Ramadan and issue their
alms from gold and silver, and commercial
zakat and zakat on cultivation ..."
Based on data 2a and 2b above, it can be
depicted about the success of someone who is so
afraid of Allah that he never leaves all of his
commands such as carrying out five times of prayer,
fasting, and more love for the Hereafter than the
world. Every Muslim who has faith is instructed to
do five times of prayer, Ramadan fasting, and giving
alms. As in the Muslim hadith that "Islam is you
testify that there is no worship that has the right to
be properly worshiped except Allah and Muhammad
is His messenger, you establish prayer, perform
zakat, fast Ramadan and Hajj to Baitullah or Mecca
if you are able to travel there".
The implementation of alms worship can be
seen in the following quote:
“Maka bersedekahlah raja itu dengan
beberapa banyak sedekah itu” p. 5
"So give alms to the king with a lot of
The data above illustrates the generous nature of
a king with a lot of charity as his gratitude for the
happiness he gets.
4.3 Aspects of Ihsan
The ihsan aspect of carrying out commands and
following God's rules can be seen in the following
“Maka tatkala sudah masuk raja ke dalam
istananya dan menyuruhlah raja memanggil
qadi dan segala saksi minta nikahkan raja itu
kepada datuk maulana qadi” p. 4
"Then when the king entered his palace and
ordered to summon judges and witnesses to be
able to be married by datuk maulana qadi".
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The data above described a king who has
feelings for women, so he wants to marry her and is
soon able to marry a woman he loves as long as he is
able to carry out a marriage. As in Bukhari's hadith,
"O young men, those of you who are able to get
married, then marry. Marriage is more able to
withstand views and more caring for genitals. And
whoever is not able then let him fast; because fasting
can suppress lust. "
The ihsan aspect of avoiding God's
prohibitions can be seen in the quote below:
“...maka tiadalah ia mau berbuat segala yang
jahat kepada syara’ dan kepada adat, karena ia
sangat ‘alimnya tuanku” p. 208
"... so he does not want to do anything evil in
Shari'a and tradition because he is the godly
Based on the above data, it described a person
who does not want to commit a crime until he
violates religious law because he is a very pious
person. So that he is afraid to do an act that is a
prohibition of God. Allah commands His servants to
do good deeds and stay away from moorings. As the
word of God is Q.S. An-Nahl: 90 which reads:
"Verily Allah commands (you) to be fair and do
good, give to the relatives, and Allah forbids evil,
evil and hostility. He gives teaching to you so that
you can take lessons”.
Further aspects of the ihsan obtained in the text
containing feelings about God's visit can be
seen in the quote below:
3a. " Dengan Dia juga aku minta tolong " p. 1
"With God also I ask for help"
3b. " Dan Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala juga yang
membalaskan kasih paduka Syah ‘Alam
kepada patik sekalian ini "p. 6
"And Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala who will
repay the kindness of His Majesty SyahAlam
for patik all of this ".
Based on data 3a and 3b at the top about one's
closeness with God, where he enjoys meeting his
god who is very close to His request for help in any
circumstances also believe God will accept everyone
who does His servants. Change in Q.S. Qaff: 16
which reads: "And We are closer to the veins of his
4.4 Aspects of Science
The scientific aspect of the knowledge of the verses
of the Qur'an can be seen in the following quote:
“Maka titah raja! Bahwasanya membunuh
dianya itu pekerjaan yang mudah, tiada faedah
mengerjakan dia, dan orang yang hidup itu
mumkin juga membunuh dia, dan orang yang
mati itu tiada mumkin me(ng)hidupkan dia.
Orang mati seperti bertanyaan nabi Allah
Ibrahim ‘alaihi as-salaam yang dikabarkan
Allah Ta’ala dengan firmannya dalam al-
Quran:... artinya: Ya Tuhanku! Betapakah
Tuhanku yang menghidupkan orang yang mati
itu (Q.S. al-Baqarah: 260)”. p. 50
"Then command the king! That killing him is
an easy job, it is not useful to do it, and the one
who lives may also kill him, and the dead will
not be able to revive him. Dead people like the
question of the prophet Ibrahim ‘alaihi as-
salaam which is reported by Allah Ta'ala in his
word in the Quran: ... meaning: My Lord! How
my Lord brings to life the dead (Q.S. al-
Baqarah: 260) ".
Based on the data above, someone who has the
desire to kill other people should think again. This is
because the act of killing other people will not
benefit themselves or others. Moreover, if the person
finally dies, it is impossible to turn it on again, and
what remains is meaningless remorse. There is in
Quran when Prophet Ibrahim asked Allah about how
to revive those who have died.
The scientific aspects of the knowledge of the
apostle hadith can be seen in the following quote:
“...jikalau sebelum sampai datang ajal patik
belumlah patik mati tuanku. Karena sabda nabi
shallallaah ‘alaihi wasallam: laa yamuutu
ahadun illa ba’da istiqaa’I rizqihi. Artinya:
Tiada mati seseorang juga melainkan kemudian
daripada sudah habis rezkinya”. p. 130
"... if before the death of the dead, my master
has not died. Because of the Prophet's words:
Shalallaah ‘alaihi wasallam: laa yamuutu
ahadun illa ba'da istiqaa'I rizqihi. Meaning: Not
even someone dies but has already finished his
sustenance. "
Based on the data above described a person's
knowledge that he could not die if it was not time for
him to die. As in the hadith that he conveyed that
someone would die if his age provision had indeed
been exhausted.
Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays: Hermeneutic Perspective
4.5 Aspects of Charity
Charity aspects in community life in the form of
helping the weak and giving love can be seen in the
quotes below:
5a “Maka mengambillah akan anak raja itu
penghulu perang penyamun yang amat besar
sekali itu dibuatnya anak angkat,
diminumkannyalah air susu kambing daripada
sangat kasihannya, dipeliharanyalah anak raja
itu, air susu kambing diperahkannya, diberinya
minum kepada anak raja itu”. p. 10
"So he took the king's son by the great ruler of
the warfare, and made him the adopted son. He
drew the milk of the goat with his affection. He
kept the king's child, and the goat's milk was
poured for him. He gave the king's son a
5b “Maka kasihanilah Syekh itu akan dia
karena barang yang didengarnya perkabaran
saudagar itu, dan dihadirkannyalah akan
makanan, diberinyalah makan saudagar
itu...Engkau diamlah padaku di sini, supaya
aku tolong akan dikau,...”. p. 25
"So pity the Sheikh for him because of the
news he heard from the merchant, and
presented the food, he gave the merchant food
... you stay here with me, so that I can help you
Based on the data 5a and 5b obtained, the data
described the nature of someone's compassion for
others who are weaker than him. In data 5a the head
of the robber finally cared for the baby king's child.
Thus the head of the robber indirectly helped the
king's children who were displaced in the forest to
stay alive and be cared for by the chief of thieves. In
data 5b it described the help given by a Sheikh to the
merchant who is being hit by a disaster.
Charity aspects in community life in the form of
doing work to fulfill living needs can be seen in the
following quote:
5c “Maka diamlah saudagar tajir itu pada
tempat yang tuan Syekh suruh diam ia di sana
itu hingga sampai kepada musim tuan Syekh
itu berbuat kebun ladang dan hingga sampai
kepada mengetam padi dan memungut buah
anggur, dan jadilah menjemur khurma dan
anggur dan padi,...” p. 26
"So the silent merchant dwelled in the place
where the Sheikh told him to stay there until
the season the Lord Sheikh planted the fields
and until he reaped the rice and took the sump
of wine, and dried the dates, wine, and rice, ..."
5d “Maka berjalanlah ia mencari upahan orang
bekerja serta segala orang yang berbuat
pekerjaan”. p. 60
"Then he goes to find wages as workers and
everyone who does work".
Based on data 5c and 5d described someone who
tries to fulfill his life by working in the fields and
other jobs.
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understanding saga is able to help students find
religious aspects including aspects of faith, Islam,
ihsan, science, and charity which ultimately can be
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Study of Religious Aspect in Ghulam Hicays: Hermeneutic Perspective