Character Building of Integrity in Arabic Language Instruction at
Islamic Senior High School 20 Jakarta
Syamsi Setiadi
Department of Arabic Language Education, Jakarta State University, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Development, Integrity values, Arabic language instruction, Sincerity, Religious, Discipline, Honest,
Abstract: Islamic school is a place of education that is expected by many people to produce students who behave in
accordance with Islamic teachings. Thus, this study investigated the character building of integrity at Islamic
Senior High School in accordance with the 2013 curriculum and the obstacles faced in learning process. By
using qualitative descriptive methods, this paper discusses about character building of integrity in learning
Arabic at Islamic Senior High School (MAN) 20 Jakarta. The study focused on the character building of value
of integrity in the curriculum, its application during the learning process, and its application outside the
classroom after the learning process. Integrity data investigation in March-May 2018 edition showed that
character building that are in accordance with Arabic subjects, namely sincerity, religious, discipline, honesty,
responsibility, environmental and social care. Application of the value of integrity in curriculum design,
learning plans and textbooks that are in accordance with the 2013 curriculum includes the appropriate
character values. The integration of character values into learning activities by integrating, incorporating, and
applying values is considered to be good and right in order to form, develop, and foster the character or
personality of students. Application of character values outside the class which programmed activities consists
of counselling and extracurricular activities that train students to develop their talents and intentions.
Character building has become a big concern of
national education to return the real essence of
education. National Education Act number 20/2003
clause 3 states that the purpose of national education
is to develop ability and build characters and a
dignified civilized nation. The Presidential
Regulation Article 18 No. 87 Year 2017 explains that
implementation of strengthening character education
at the formal level of the education unit must be
carried out in an integrated manner through intra-
curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities both within and outside the scope of formal
education. The statement implies that every school
must have a plan to implement strengthening
character building. The plan must be carried out by
defining the programs related to character values
(Nez, 2014).
The character building in education is an effort to
improve certain good or useful traits in students’
character. It is also known as character education in a
defition that it is a movement encouraging schools to
create environment fostering and caring students by
modelling and teaching good characters through
emphasising the universal values.
It is believed that good characters are reflected by
good achievements at school (Suherdi, 2016).
Schools today face enormous challenges in playing a
primary role to help society various social problems
among students. The responsibilty of both academic
and character development are to be addressed in the
curriculum. The Character Education Strengthening
has five priority values in national character
(Hendarman, 2017) namely: (1) Religious; (2)
Nationalist; (3) Independent; (4) Mutual
Cooperation; and (5) Integrity.
The problems of the character education of
students faced by the school, including Islamic
schools, are experiencing various obstacles. Such
barriers arise from the lack of control capabilities of
students outside the classroom, the participation of
parents who are still low, and strong environmental
influences that damage the character of students
(Danu Eko Agustinova, 2015).
Setiadi, S.
Character Building of Integrity in Arabic Language Instruction at Islamic Senior High School 20 Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009001404560459
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 456-459
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The question of the current character is a growing
issue throughout the world amid advances in
technology that slowly erode the value of humanity.
A school characterized by Islam or any religion in the
view of society, is a school filled with good religious
teachings, with a universal humanitarian character
and based on a superior national value. However,
measuring the success rate of character education in
schools is often forgotten by both teachers and
parents. The development of children's character
often escapes the detailed observation and tends to be
The issue of integrity becomes very important for
Indonesian people in the midst of preaching about the
rise of corruption cases, violations of law and human
rights, and various horizontal conflicts that occur in
society. In this context then the role of the school as a
center of good value education community since early
becomes very relevant to the evaluation of the process
that took place there.
Planting integrity value in schools integrated in
the learning process then raises its own difficulties for
the teacher, although it is technically given in the
description of the core competency of attitude. For
this reason, this research is to photograph how to form
the character education integrity in Arabic language
learning in MAN 20, which is one of high school of
Islam nuances.
This study wanted to reveal "how the character's
development of integrity in Arabic language learning
in MAN 20 includes sincerity, religious, discipline,
honest, responsible, and what obstacles exist in
implementing this character education”.
The study was conducted by following the working
principles of descriptive qualitative research design.
The study employs content analysis to frame the
character building of integrity in academic document
of Islamic high school. The data of character building
of integrity in Arabic language instruction were taken
from academic documents, interview, and
observation of instructional process and activities
outside classes in the period of March-May 2018. The
technique of data collection used was the
documentation. Content analysis is utilized to analyze
the documents, starts with a sample of texts, the unit
of analysis, and the categories. Qualitative analysis
was used in order to analyzed data qualitative and
interpreting its meaning.
The analysis of the document, observation and
interview results between March and May 2018
showed the development of the integrity character of
MAN 20 Jakarta students. The integrity value
includes five values, namely religious, discipline,
honest, responsible.
Realizing that the child is not born with the value
of integrity, teachers are trying to create a condition
that is able to foster that integrity in class learning.
The development of the value of integrity is
characterized by a statement that shows explicitly to
practice, internalize the teachings of Islam, discipline
behavior in attendance, dress, and duties, academic
honesty, and responsibility.
Here is an example of a description of the integrity
character development integrated in Arabic learning
at MAN 20 Jakarta:
1. Set the integrity value in a learning plan document
2. Enter the Qur'an verses options in each subject
matter according to the theme
3. Add Arabic poetry or mahfuzhat at any end of the
material that contains the values of the character
of the example, such as "Who really is, he will
get", "you wish success but not you traveled,
(know) really ark Does not sail on land ",
4. Associate the Professional (reading) material with
values both in Islam and the divine value.
5. Adding material explanation with Hadith of
Prophet Muhammad SAW, as an example of
6. Teach the value of honesty in exams and
7. Giving sanctions or penalties for any breach of
honesty and order in class
8. Cultivate the attitude of mutual respect and
respect for others, as in the Mahfuzhat "thou shalt
not despised others, indeed every man has merits
and privileges".
In addition to findings in classroom learning,
character coaching integrity is also found in other
activities. Such activities are as follows:
3.1 The Development of Religious Values
1. Say greetings when you meet, enter classes,
and each start the lesson
2. Read the Bismillah every time of starting any
3. Handshake and greet between teachers and
4. Offer a prayer at the beginning and end of any
lesson or activity
Character Building of Integrity in Arabic Language Instruction at Islamic Senior High School 20 Jakarta
5. Teachers and students pray Dhuha before the
first lesson.
6. Teachers and students conduct prayers of
Dhuhr and Ashar in congregation
7. Muslim dress according to Islamic teaching
8. Maintain Islamic ethics in communicating
with fellow teachers and learners
9. Always advise to remain consistent in
interacting with good sexual care in school or
outside school.
10. Familiarize students with praying at the
beginning of any learning activity or other
outside class activities
11. Students must bring and read the Qur'an
before prayer Dhuha
12. Thanking God and thanks to others
3.2 The Development of Disciplinary
1. Being obliged to arrive at least 15 minutes
before class begins
2. Taking and disposing of garbage in place
3. Using hoods for the students
4. Commitment to start and end the lesson
5. Prohibition of carrying a mobile phone in a
school environment
6. Smoking ban
7. Granting of sanctions and penalties for any
breach of school rules
3.3 The Development of Honesty Values
1. Teach the importance of honesty in life
2. Provide a fair assessment of students ' work
3. Provide strikes and sanctions for students who
cheat on tasks and questions,
4. Teach and model the importance of keeping
5. Teach to acknowledge mistakes
6. Teach the importance of self-confidence in
every task.
3.4 Development of the Values of Social
Care and Responsibility
1. Being respect to friends and other classes by
not making noise
2. Cultivating habits of helping friends or
3. Collecting donations for any calamity, natural
disasters, and other social activities.
4. Visiting friends and teachers who are sick or
have a misfortune.
These findings were in line with previous related
theories and research findings (e.g. Pane & Patriana,
2016; Islami, 2016; Setiadi, 2019). This study has
revealed that teachers participated in this study have
inserted character building of integrity in their
teaching and learning process with various
frequencies. The integrity value includes five values,
namely religious, discipline, honest, responsible.
Character is not formed automatically, but it needs to
be cultivated overtime, and it could be promoted in
the teaching learning process at school through
character building (Aynur Pala, 2011). Realizing that
the child is not born with the value of integrity,
teachers are trying to create a condition that is able to
foster that integrity in class learning. The
development of the value of integrity is characterized
by a statement that shows explicitly to practice,
internalize the teachings of Islam, discipline behavior
in attendance, dress, and duties, academic honesty,
and responsibility.
The explicit method used by teachers include:
incorporating integrity values in learning plan and
learning materials; lecture on the value of integrity
and other good character; give advice to have a good
character; give brief examples of good character
values; and discuss with teacher-students on the
character values in the class. This requires a sincere
teacher commitment to these ideals, because students
can detect mock or insincere attitudes. One of the
most important factors is respect for students which
can be implemented by making learning and teaching
assignments together (Nillsen, 2016).
In addition to the findings in class learning, the
integrity of character building is also found in other
activities related to the inculcation of Islamic values
in the daily activities of students in school, both
worshiping God and also in association with school
members. However, there are several obstacles in the
process of instilling the value of integrity in schools.
Therefore, teachers need to try to find solutions to
overcome the obstacles encountered and work
collaboratively with all elements involved in student
character development becomes successful in
implementing character education program
(Kaimuddin, 2014; Özen, 2011; Pantu & Luneto,
2014; Nova, 2017).
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The integrity value includes five values, namely
religious, discipline, honest, responsible. Realizing
that the child is not born with the value of integrity,
teachers are trying to create a condition that is able to
foster that integrity in class learning. The
development of the value of integrity is characterized
by a statement that shows explicitly to practice,
internalize the teachings of Islam, discipline behavior
in attendance, dress, and duties, academic honesty,
and responsibility.
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Character Building of Integrity in Arabic Language Instruction at Islamic Senior High School 20 Jakarta