Writing Scientific Work for Indonesia Language and Literature
Education Study Program Students at University
Ninit Alfianika, Dadang Sunendar, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Vismaia S. Damaianti
Study Program of Indonesian Language, School of Postgraduate Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Writing Scientific Work, University, Language
Abstract: Writing thesis and papers published in scientific journals is one of the graduation requirements for
undergraduate students, (Permen No. 49 of 2014 and orbit letter Dirjen Dikti No. 152 / E / T / 2012 date 27
Januari 2012). Writing scientific papers is also one of the manifestation of the implementation of the rule
from Indonesia republic government No 57 year 2014 about the development, guidance, and the protection
of language and literature their self the improvement of Indonesia language function also, law 11 verse 2,
namely the development of Indonesia language through linguistic research and publication of Indonesia
language development. The purpose of this study is to explain the problems and solutions in writing
scientific papers in universities. This type of research is quantitative research using descriptive methods.
The data in this study are scientific works in the form of scientific articles for Indonesia language and
literature students in universities. Data collection instruments namely the documentation that is written
scientific papers. This research is conducted in two universities in Indonesia. The results of the study stated
that the ability to write scientific papers in the form of scientific articles of Indonesia language and literature
education students, namely 73.84 in qualifications were more than enough. So, the problem of Indonesian
language and literature students in writing scientific papers is the form of scientific articles, namely the
writing of titles, keywords, methodology, results, conclusions, and reference lists.
Writing scientific work is one form of promotion of
knowledge that is owned, (Sher and Tarika, 2014).
Therefore, one way to promote the scientific field of
students in the world of education is by producing
scientific papers. In addition, scientific papers are
also a requirement for graduating SI students,
especially writing theses and papers that should be
published in scientific journals (Permen No. 49 of
2014 and Circular of the Director General of Higher
Education No. 152 / E / T / 2012 date January 27,
2012). Thus, it can be concluded that scientific
papers take an important role in the student study
period. Therefore, students are highly required to be
able to write scientific works.
Scientific papers are formal documents that are
arranged logically, systematically, methodologically,
and convey knowledge. Scientific writings can be in
the form of writing that presents the writing related
to knowledge that had been obtained from the results
of research, (Syaefullah, 2015 and Jauhari 2018). So,
scientific writing is writing that expresses an idea or
the writing that is arranged logically and
systematically and it should be obtained in a
scientific way also it should presents about the truth.
By writing scientific papers there are much new
knowledge that will be obtained, especially related
to the development of Indonesia language. In the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 year
2009, specifically article 42 paragraph 1 concerning
Development, Guidance and Protection of Regional
Languages and Literature and Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 57
of 2014 concerning Development, Guidance and
Protection of Languages and Literature, and
Enhancing Functions Indonesia language, especially
article 11 paragraph 2, which contains the
Alfianika, N., Sunendar, D., Sastromiharjo, A. and Damaianti, V.
Writing Scientific Work for Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program Students at University.
DOI: 10.5220/0008998803490358
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 349-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
development of Indonesia language is carried out
through linguistic research and publication of the
results of Indonesia language development.
Therefore, the more indonesian produced scientific
work, the more Indonesia language and literature
will be developed.
It could be found from the reality, that there are
still several problems in writing scientific papers.
The results of research conducted from 2014 and
2016 showed the weakness of students in writing
scientific works, (Firmansyah, 2014; Persadha,
2016). For example, the cause of the weakness of the
Da'wah and Communication Faculty of IAIN
Walisongo Semarang students writing scientific
work is the difficulty in formulating the problem
formulation, title, developing content, writing
techniques, research methods, finding sources of
data, and present the idea in writing (Firmansyah,
2014). Nurhadi (2017) explains that the title of the
scientific paper should describe the main problem
that will be delivered in the study. The range of title
is from 5-15 words.
The results showed that the students ablity to
write scientific papers was seen from the aspect of
the ability to develop content; aspects of organizing
ability; aspects of the ability to use vocabulary;
ability to develop language; the application of
spelling and scientific paper writing techniques is
still quite sufficient, (Persadha, 2016). The language
used in writing scientific work must be clear,
logical, and standard. Language in scientific articles
should be systematic; logical; short, clear, precise,
and justifiable, (Wibowo 2015 and Wibowo 2018).
Based on the results of previous studies, it shows
that the ability to write scientific work for students
in higher education is still low. whereas, writing
scientific papers is not only studied in the course of
writing scientific papers. However, also in research
methodology courses, both teaching, language, and
Indonesia is literature research. Despite there are
already supporting subjects, students’ ability to write
scientific work is still low, especially in the form of
scientific theses and articles. Supposedly with the
existence of supporting subjects and ministerial
regulations and DIKTI circulars, students can be
better in writing scientific papers.
Previous research is conducted in several
universities in Indonesia. Therefore, to strengthen
the results of the research, the most accurate
research was carried out with the ability to write
students’ scientific word. However, this research is
devoted to writing scientific papers in the form of
research articles. This research was conducted in
several universities in West Sumatra. Scientific
articles are writing that contains a collection of
ideas, ideas, and results of thoughts obtained from
research processes, observations, and studies so that
they can be scientifically accountable and can be
tested for truth and published in national and
international scientific journals. Before writing an
article, do research first. The knowledge in the
articles must be based on research findings, (Jauhari,
2018 and Wibowo, 2018).
Before writing a scientific article, it must be
known related to the systematical of writing
scientific article. Usually the systematical writing of
scientific article is adjusted to the templates of each
institution. In addition, the general system of writing
scientific article is namely the title, author's identity,
abstracts, keywords, introduction, research
methodology, results and discussion, conclusions
and suggestions, and a list of references. Nurhadi
(2017) explains that the article sections are the
results of the research, as follows. (1) Title, article
title describes the main problem. The range of title is
from 5-15 words. (2) The name of the author after
the title must be written the name of the author. The
name of the author of the article is written without
an academic degree or other degree. The name of the
place of employment is written under the name of
the author. (3) Sponsors, sponsor names are written
as footnotes on the first page. (4) Abstracts and
keywords, abstracts contain problems, research
objectives, research procedures, and summaries of
research and the results are explained in a concise
and concise manner. Keywords are main words or
terms that are the basis of the author's thinking, in
the form of a single word or combination of words.
The number of keywords is about 3-5 words. (5)
Introduction, the introduction presents a research
background or rationale; problem; research
purposes. (6) Method, this section contains
information on how data is collected, who is the data
source, population and sample, data collection,
instruments, research design, and techniques of data
analysis. (7) Results of the study, the results of the
study are the main parts of scientific articles. (8)
Discussion, discussion is the main part of scientific
article. The purpose of the discussion is to answer
the problem statement, interpret the research
findings. (9) Conclusions and suggestions,
conclusions present a summary of the descriptions
presented in the results section and discussion.
Suggestions are written based on conclusions with
practical actions, theoretical development, and
further research. (10) Reference, reference contains
the sources cited in the study.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
In addition, the system of scientific articles
writing of ACTIVE format is namely introduction,
methods, results, and discussion. The system of
writing scientific articles in the IMRAD format is
namely the introduction, the method section, the
results section, and the discussion. The introduction
contains reasons for research and is justified by
science and appropriate references, (Ecarnot, et al.,
2015; Supatranonta, 2012; and Mateuarrom, 2018).
Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is
to describe the ability to write scientific papers in the
form of scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs in West Sumatra
This type of research is quantitative research.
Quantitative research is research that uses numbers,
starting from data collection, interpretation of the
data, and the appearance of the results, (Arikunto,
2006). This research uses a descriptive method.
Descriptive methods are carried out with the aim of
describing systematically facts and characteristics of
objects / subjects that are precisely examined,
(Sukardi, 2003). The population in this study was
two universities in West Sumatra, namely public and
private universities. The population in this study
were Indonesia language and literature education
study program students who studied at different
universities that were made into the population. The
sampling technique used is a random system or
simple random sampling. The data in this study are
scores that is written scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles from Indonesia language and
literature education study program students. Data
collection techniques that had been used in the
research are documentation techniques, namely by
taking documentation of scientific work of students
from Indonesia language and literature education
study program. Data is analyzed in a way, namely as
follows. (1) Assessing the students’ writing of
scientific paper by giving scores. Score 1 for the
lowest score and score 3 for the highest score. (2)
Processing scores into values. (3) Grouping the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles based on scale conversion 10 as
follow. (4) Finding the average value of the ability
to write scientific papers in the form of student
scientific articles. (5) Interpreting the ability to write
scientific work in the form of scientific articles for
students of Indonesia language and literature
education study programs. (6) Making conclusions
in the form of research reports.
Very good
More than enough
Almost enough
Very less
Very bad
This study explains the results and discussion of the
ability to write scientific papers in Indonesian
language and literature education study programs.
Data analysis is seen from the aspect of the title,
author's identity, abstract, keywords, introduction,
methodology, results, conclusions, and reference list.
More complete results and discussion are seen
3.1 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, the value of writing scientific papers in the
form of scientific articles of Indonesian language
and literature education study program students can
be grouped into 7 parts, as follows. (1) Students who
get a score of 62.96 are qualified enough with a
percentage (12.50%). (2) Students who get a value
of 66.67 are in qualifications more than enough with
a percentage (6.25%). (3) Students who get a score
of 70.37 are in qualifications more than enough with
a percentage (25%). (4) Students who get a score of
74.07 are in qualifications more than enough with a
percentage (18.75%). (5) Students who obtain a
score of 77.78 are in good qualification with a
percentage (18.75%). (6) Students who get a score
of 81.48 are in good qualification with a percentage
(12.50%). (7) Students who obtain a score of 85.19
are in excellent qualifications with a percentage
(6.25%). Based on this explanation, it can be sum up
that the ability to write scientific papers in the form
of scientific articles of Indonesia language and
Writing Scientific Work for Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program Students at University
literature education program students obtains an
average score of 73.84 in qualifications more than
enough. The clearer assessment can be seen in the
following table.
Table 1: The value of students’ ability to write scientific
papers in the form of scientific articles for students of
Indonesia language and literature education study
More than Enough
More than Enough
More than Enough
Very Good
More than Enough
The explanation of the results of writing
scientific papers in the form of scientific articles for
students of Indonesia language and literature
education study programs for each indicator is seen
below. The indicators used in writing scientific
papers in the form of scientific articles is namely the
title, author's identity, abstracts, keywords,
introduction, methodology, results, conclusions, and
reference lists. The analysis of the results of the nine
aspects of the indicator, will be explained as clear as
possible below.
3.1.1 The Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Students’ Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language and
Literature Education Study Program
Viewed from Title Aspects
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of the title can
be grouped into 2 parts, namely as follows. (1)
Students who get 66.67 are more than enough in
qualifications with a percentage (93.75%). (2)
Students who get a score of 100 are perfectly
qualified with a percentage (6.25%). Based on this
explanation, it can be concluded that students’
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the aspect of the title has an average score of 67.75
which is more than qualified. The clearer assessment
can be seen in the following table.
Table 2: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of students of Indonesia
language and literature education study programs viewed
from the aspect of the title
More than Enough
More than Enough
3.1.2 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from the Aspect
of Author Identity
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of the author's
identity can be grouped into 1 part, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a score of 100 are
perfectly qualified with a percentage (100%). Based
on these explanations, it can be concluded that the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs seen from the
aspect of the author's identity has gotten 100 score, it
could be stated as perfect qualification. The clearer
assessment can be seen in the following table.
Table 3: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of students from Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the aspect of the identity of the author.
Percentage (%)
3.1.3 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from Abstract
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of abstract
writing can be grouped into 2 parts, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a value of 66.67 are in
a qualification more than enough with a percentage
(37.50%). (2) Students who get a score of 100 are
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
perfectly qualified with a percentage (62.50%).
Based on these explanations, it can be concluded
that students’ ability to write scientific papers in the
form of scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs viewed from the
abstract aspect has an average score of 87.50 which
is very good qualification. The clearer assessment
can be seen in the following table.
Table 4: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of students from Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the abstract aspect.
More than Enough
Very good
3.1.4 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from Keyword
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it is found that the acquisition value of writing
scientific papers in the form of scientific articles that
has been seen from the aspect of keyword writing
can be grouped into 3 parts, as follows. (1) Students
who get a score of 33.33 are less qualified with a
percentage (12.50%). (2) Students who get 66.67 in
qualifications are more than enough with a
percentage (56.25%). (3) Students who get a score
of 100 are perfectly qualified with a percentage
(31.25%). Based on this explanation, it can be
concluded that the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles from Indonesia
language and literature education study programs
that is seen from the aspect of keyword writing has
an average score of 72.92 which is more than
qualified. The clearer assessment can be seen in the
following table.
Table 5: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles for students of Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the aspect of keywords.
More than Enough
More than Enough
3.1.5 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from the
Introduction Aspect
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles viewed from the aspect of preliminary
writing can be grouped into 2 parts, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a value of 66.67 are in
a qualification more than enough with a percentage
(37.50%). (2) Students who get a score of 100 are
perfectly qualified with a percentage (62.50%).
Based on these explanations, it can be concluded
that the ability to write scientific papers in the form
of scientific articles for Indonesia language and
literature education study programs students that is
seen from the preliminary writing aspect has an
average score of 87.50 which is very well qualified.
The clearer assessment can be seen in the following
Table 6: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of students from Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the preliminary aspects
More than Enough
Very good
3.1.6 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of writing
methodology can be grouped into 3 parts, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a score of 33.33 are
less qualified with a percentage (37.50%). (2)
Students who get a value of 66.67 are in a
qualification more than enough with a percentage
(31.25%). (3) Students who get a score of 100 are
perfectly qualified with a percentage (31.25%).
Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that
Writing Scientific Work for Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program Students at University
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles in Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the writing aspect of the methodology obtains an
average score 64.58 in sufficient qualification. The
clearer assessment can be seen in the following
Table 7: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of students from
Indonesia language and literature education study
programs that is viewed from the aspect of Methodology.
More than Enough
3.1.7 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from Results
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of writing
results can be grouped into 3 parts, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a score of 33.33 are
less qualified with a percentage (37.50%). (2)
Students who get a value of 66.67 are in a
qualification more than enough with a percentage
(37.50%). (3) Students who get a score of 100 are
perfectly qualified with a percentage (25%). Based
on this explanation, it can be concluded that the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles in Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the aspect of writing results obtained an average
score of 62.50 in sufficient qualification. The clearer
assessment can be seen in the following table.
Table 8: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles from students of Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the aspect of results.
More than Enough
3.1.8 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from Conclusion
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of writing
conclusions can be grouped into 2 parts, namely as
follows. (1) Students who get a score of 33.33 are in
less qualification with a percentage (47.35%). (2)
Students who get a score of 100 are perfectly
qualified with a percentage (56.25%). Based on the
previous explanation, it can be concluded that the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the writing of the conclusion aspect obtained an
average score of 70.83 in qualifications more than
enough. The clearer assessment can be seen in the
following table.
Table 9: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles from students of Indonesia
language and literature education study programs that is
viewed from the conclusion’s aspect
More than
3.1.9 Results of Writing Scientific Work
in the Form of Student’s Scientific
Articles from Indonesia Language
and Literature Education Study
Program Viewed from the
Reference List Aspect
Based on the results of data analysis that has been
done, it was found that the acquisition value of
writing scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles that is viewed from the aspect of writing a
reference list can be grouped into 3 parts, as follows.
(1) Students who get a value of 33.33 are less
qualified in the percentage (56.25%). (2) Students
who get a value of 66.67 are in a qualification more
than enough with a percentage (37.50%). (3)
Students who get a score of 100 are perfectly
qualified with a percentage (6.25%). Based on the
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
explanation, it can be concluded that the ability to
write scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles of Indonesia language and literature
education study programs that is seen from the
aspect of writing the reference list has an average
score of 50 in almost enough qualifications. The
clearer assessment can be seen in the following
Table 10: The value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles from Indonesia language
and literature education study program students that is
viewed from the reference list aspect.
More than Enough
Almost Enough
3.2 Discussion of Writing Scientific
Work in the Form of Student’s
Scientific Articles from Indonesia
Language and Literature
Education Study Program
Based on some crucial results that had been obtained
above, it was found that the ability of Indonesia
language and literature education study program
students in writing scientific papers in the form of
articles namely 73.84 is more than enough in
qualifications. Thus, it can be concluded that
students of Indonesia language and literature
education study programs have not been very good
at writing scientific papers, especially in the form of
scientific articles. From the results, it could be
obtained students of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs are still less able
to make titles, keywords, methodologies, results,
conclusions, and reference lists. The problems will
be explained as detail as possible below.
When it is viewed from the title aspect, it can be
concluded that the average value of the ability to
write scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles in Indonesia language and literature
education study program namely 68.75 is more than
enough in qualification. Based on scientific articles
that had been written by students, it was found that
in writing the title of the article, students had written
the title according to the content of the article.
But,students can not determine their tone in writing,
so the title is too long and less interesting. The title
average that has been written by students from more
than 20 words. Despite, the ideal title is no more
than 15 words. So, according to the theory presented
by Nurhadi (2017) with the title of the article
describes the main problem of the study. Titles
should be in range from 5-15 words. So, it can be
concluded that in the writing of the title, Indonesia
language and literature education study programs
students are still relatively weak.
When it is viewed from the author's identity
aspect, it can be concluded that the average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study program students is 100
perfectly qualified. Based on scientific articles that
has been written by students, it was found that in
writing the author's identity, students had written
correctly. Students have written fully all the authors
name who had participated in the research. Writing
the name of the author is done without writing the
title toward authors’ name. In addition, students
have also listed the student's workplace or study
program. This is in accordance with the theory of
Nurhadi (2017) which explains that after the title is
written, it should be followed by writing the name of
the author. The name of the author of the article is
written without an academic degree or other degrees.
The name of the place of employment is written
under the name of the author. But, the main problem
here was Students do not give a boundary between
authors 1 and 2 while the two authors come from
different workplaces. It must be given a footnote
between each writer, so the reader can distinguish
the institutions where each of the writer works.
When it is viewed from the writing of abstract
aspect, it can be concluded that the average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the writing of abstract aspect which is 87.50 is in
very good qualification. Based on scientific articles
that had been written by students before, it was
found that in abstract writing, students had written it
correctly. In abstracts that had been written by
students, they have explained the research problems,
objectives of writing, methodology, and results of
research. The main problem that occurs here
students are less able to determine which
methodology that must be included in the abstract.
Nurhadi (2017), states that abstracts contain
problems, research objectives, research procedures,
and summaries of research results that are explained
in a concise and manner. In addition, students pay
less attention to the number of words in the abstract.
The average number of words in the student-written
text is more than 120 words. In contrast, Jauhari
Writing Scientific Work for Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program Students at University
(2018) has explained that the length of the article
abstract is not more than 120 words.
When it is viewed from the writing of keyword
aspect, it can be concluded that the average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study program students is seen
from writing of keyword aspect, it has been gotten a
number 72.92 in qualifications more than enough.
Based on scientific articles that had been written by
students before, it was found that in writing the
keyword, a number of keywords that are written by
students do not exceed 5 words. This is in
accordance with the theory presented by Nurhadi
(2017) that the number of keywords is about 3-5
words. But, the main problem in this part is
students are less able to determine the main words or
core words that must be stated in the keywords. So
that the keywords that have been written by the
students do not give the reflection or description
toward the students’ scientific work. Despite,
Nurhadi (2017) has explained that keywords are the
main words or terms that are the basis of the author.
If it is viewed from the writing of preliminary
aspect, it can be concluded that the average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs which belongs
to 87.50 is a very good qualification. Based on
scientific articles that had been written by students,
it was found that in preliminary writing, students had
written down the problems and the importance of
conducting research, theories that support research,
and research objectives. Although there are still
some who do not lists it, but on average, students
already understand in making the introduction. But,
the big problems that occur here the students are less
able to match the sentences in the paragraph and
there is less cohesion and coherence between the
paragraphs that had been written. In making the
introduction, it seems that there is no connection
between the problem and the theory that has been
stated before. Also, in the introduction that is written
by students there is a boundary between problems
and theories. Appropriately, in writing the
introduction, the problem must be collaborated with
the theory. It means that, the problem should be
solved based on the existing theory. Besides, in the
introduction not all students explained the purpose
of the study. Supposedly, the introduction was
closed with the aim of the study. This is in
accordance with the theory presented by Nurhadi
(2017) that the introduction presents a research
background or rationale; problem; research
That is assessed from the methodological aspect,
it can be concluded that the average value of the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the writing of methodology aspect which is 64.58 is
in sufficient qualification. Based on scientific
articles that had been written by students before, it
was found that the students’ methodology was still
lacking. Most students only list types, methods,
samples and research data. In addition, the
methodology that had been written is too long.
Actually, the methodology should be written as brief
as possible. Nurhadi (2017) explains the
methodology contains information on how data is
collected, who is the data source, population and
sample, data collection, instruments, research
design, and techniques of data analysis.
When it is viewed from the writing of results
aspect, it can be concluded that the average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study programs students is
namely 62.50 is in sufficient qualification. Based on
scientific articles that had been written by students,
it was found that, in writing the results students had
explained the results and discussion. The matter that
occurs here in writing the results is students only
write data in the numbers form, without giving the
deep discussion of data that had been presented for
each number. In addition, there were also several
students who did not make discussions, the students
just presented the result that had been gotten before,
without giving further discussion of these results.
However, the results that have been described have
answered the formulation and objectives of the
When it is viewed from the writing of
conclusions aspect, it can be concluded that the
average value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of Indonesia
language and literature education study programs
students namely is 70.83 in qualifications more than
enough. Based on scientific articles that are written
by students, it was found that in writing conclusions,
students have answered the formulation and
objectives of the study. However, not all students
include suggestions in conclusions. Despite, the
conclusions part do not only state fully about
conclusion but also should state about some
suggestions regarding the results of the study.
According to Nurhadi's theory (2017) conclusions
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
present a summary of the descriptions presented in
the results section and discussion. Suggestions are
written based on conclusions with practical actions,
theoretical development, and further research.
When it is viewed from the writing of the
reference list aspect, it can be concluded that the
average value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles in Indonesia
language and literature education study programs
namely is 50 students almost enough in
qualifications. Based on scientific articles that had
been written by students, it was found that in writing
the reference list not all the names in the citation
were written in the reference list and vice versa, not
all the names in the reference were included in the
quotation. Despite Nurhadi (2018) explained that the
reference contained the sources cited in the study.
Based on the results of the research and some
discussions above, it can be concluded that the
ability to write scientific work in the form of
scientific articles for Indonesia language and
literature education study program students namely
73.84 is more than enough in qualifications. In
general, it can be concluded that the students of
Indonesia language and literature education study
programs are still less able to make titles, keywords,
methodologies, results, conclusions, and reference
lists. The complete explanation of those indicators
will be stated as follows. (1) The average value of
the ability to write scientific work in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study program students belongs
to 68.75 in qualifications more than enough. (2) The
average value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of Indonesia
language and literature education study program
students that is seen from the identity of the author
aspect namely 100 is in perfect qualification. (3) The
average value of the ability to write scientific papers
in the form of scientific articles of Indonesia
language and literature education study program
students that is seen from the writing of abstract
aspect belongs to 87.50 which very good in
qualification. (4) The average value of the ability to
write scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles of Indonesia language and literature
education study programs students that is seen from
the writing of keyword aspect namely 72.92 is more
than enough in qualifications. (5) The average value
of the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles in Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is viewed
from the writing of preliminary aspect namely 87.50
is very well qualified. (6) The average value of the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles for Indonesia language and
literature education study programs that is seen from
the writing of methodology aspect namely 64.58 is
in sufficient qualification. (7) The average value of
the ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education students that is viewed from the
writing of results aspect namely 62.50 is sufficient
qualification. (8) The average value of the ability to
write scientific papers in the form of scientific
articles of Indonesia language and literature
education students that is seen from the writing of
conclusion aspect namely 70.83 is in qualifications
more than enough. (9) The average value of the
ability to write scientific papers in the form of
scientific articles of Indonesia language and
literature education study program students that is
seen from the writing of a reference list aspect
namely 50 is almost enough qualifications.
Based on the results that have been obtained, it is
very much needed further research related to efforts
that can be made to improve the ability to write
scientific papers, especially in the form of scientific
articles of Indonesia language and literature
education students.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society