The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in
Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
Makmum Raharjo
, Diana Nomida Musnir
, Suriani
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Design, Graphic, Visual, Learning Media, Cloud Computing, Moodle CMS
Abstract: The main objective of this research is to develop the model and implement and determine the role of graphic
design and cloud computing in planning online learning media based on Moodle CSM. This collaboration
produced an application that allowed students and instructors to have a "digital classroom" in the form of a
learning web. The methodology used in this study is a development model that is equipped with product
testing and verification that is appropriate to the problem and learning objectives. The results of the Feasibility
Evaluation of the Final Model from the Intensive Design Expert obtained a percentage of 84% while the
Results of the Feasibility Assessment Final Model Graphic Media Experts obtained a percentage of 80% so
that the assessment of experts on the feasibility of the model was 80%. While the assessment of the
effectiveness of the model when applied to the System in General is 82.88%. for Learning Content at 85.06%.
Learning Channel is 83.24%. Learning Place is 82.79%. Learning Time is 85.29%. Learning Stage is 84.82%.
And Teacher Role is 83.68%. So that the overall recapitulation of the effectiveness of this model is 84% and
is declared very effective.
Graphic design is an art form with the aim of solving
communication problems through a combination of
graphic elements such as shapes, lines, colors, and so
on. The visuals that are created are expected to be a
means of delivering information or messages clearly
and effectively, even being able to shape human
perceptions of things. The scope of graphic design is
all communication media that requires the translation
of verbal language into visual design through text,
images and symbols (Anita Woolfolk,2004).
Design makes the process and communicates
ideas or collaborations in visual form. Basic
principles such as contrast (contrast), grouping,
closeness, control (similarity), continuity
(continuation), and unity (unity), provide the
arrangement of elements for elements such as lines
and fields, colors, textures, and spaces. The main
objective is to combine all components in harmony to
achieve a unity.
Design elements are objects such as logos, icons,
text blocks, and photos that are included in a web
page with a certain composition. These elements must
be grouped and arranged to create a meaning in two-
dimensional space. Most designers classify or
compile these elements based on a set of guidelines
for designing two-dimensional fields called design
principles. This design principle is used to be able to
design interesting online learning media so that
understanding of teaching materials can increase.
Understanding in learning can vary the level of
success based on the media used to deliver related
learning. Delivering learning through verbal symbols
will provide low absorption compared to delivering
through visual symbols, radio / recording, pictures /
photos, films, and so on. Anderson and Smith as
quoted by Woolfolk stated that only 20% of the
ability to absorb information delivered to students
was acceptable when the information was presented
in verbal form. When the information is conveyed
through media / images in visual form or other types,
then students will have the ability to receive about
80%. This opinion is strengthened by what Wright
argues that visual displays in the learning process will
greatly help and motivate students in the learning
process, with an understanding that what is seen by
the eyes will have a stronger memory if only heard by
the ears (I hear I forget, but I see I will remember)
(Andrew Wright, 1999).
Raharjo, M., Musnir, D. and Suriani, .
The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM.
DOI: 10.5220/0008997902890298
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 289-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As information technology develops rapidly, the
need for an effective concept and mechanism of
learning and teaching is increasingly needed. So, the
concept of technology and information-based
learning and teaching also has an impact on the
transformation of conventional education to digital-
based education. The rapid development of
information and communication technology (ICT)
stimulates educational institutions to use it, especially
in the use of ICT-based learning media for improving
the effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility of
learning. So that it can create quality human resources
in the 4.0 industrial revolution.
The development of electronic learning also
becomes inseparable from the role of the internet as a
popular media for delivering information. The
internet gave birth to various types of multimedia
learning, not only as a medium of communication, but
also developing its function for managing content and
evaluating learning through a web. The web is a site
that can be accessed and viewed quickly by internet
This is where the internet becomes very
important. The internet is a computer network that is
interconnected throughout the world without
recognizing territorial, legal, and cultural boundaries.
The internet opens up human horizons, as a means of
being able to connect humans with various
information from other places, even from different
parts of the world.
Cloud computing is a technology that makes the
internet the center of data management and
applications, where computer users are given access
rights (login). The application of cloud computing has
now been carried out by a number of leading IT
companies in the world. Just mention, among others,
is Google (google drive) and IBM (blue cord
initiative). While in Indonesia, one of the companies
that has implemented cloud computing is Telkom
With the use of this system, the computer no
longer needs to use a certain operating system, such
as Windows, Linux, and so on. With this system, no
hard drive is needed anymore, also no need to install
software on the computer. Everything is on the Cloud
Computing service.
The term Cloud Computing or cloud computing is
indeed not yet familiar, but actually the existence of
this system has been widely used by the wider
community, such as the use of e-mail and various
other social media. This cloud-based technology
makes the internet the central server for managing
data and user applications.
With cloud computing technology, users can run
programs without installation, because this system
allows users to access their personal data through
computers with internet access. Because it works by
using the internet as a server in processing data, the
use of this cloud computing system allows users to
log into the internet connected to the program and run
the applications that are needed without having to do
the installation first.
The way it works is more or less like this, the user
stores data in a data storage medium virtually via the
internet network with a command. Then the
command continues to the application server. After
the command is received by the application server,
then the data is processed. In the final process, users
will get a page that has been updated according to the
instructions given.
Examples of how cloud computing works can be
seen in the use of electronic mail, such as Gmail and
Yahoo. Data from users stored on the server will be
integrated globally without having to use software.
Users only need to connect to the internet, then all
data will be managed by Google or Yahoo. In other
words, user data and software are not on the
computer, but are integrated directly through the
cloud computing system by using computers
connected to the internet. Some examples of these
system-based applications include, Google Docs or
Google Drive from Google, Microsoft Azure from
Microsoft Corporation, iCloud from Apple, and many
other cloud applications.
With this cloud system, students can collaborate
by creating groups to do tasks, especially group
assignments. Students can create and edit office
documents online on the internet, and can share files
with other users. This cloud computing system also
allows students and instructors to study and teach
remotely without having to attend a particular
location or class. For teaching materials, you can use
an e-book that can be downloaded by each student.
Not only the world of education can take
advantage of this cloud computing-based application,
the business world can benefit. Many companies have
benefited from the existence of this system, especially
in terms of saving funds, because with this system,
companies do not need to upgrade their computers
regularly at no small cost.
However, the world of education in Indonesia will
continue to grow. Conventional learning and teaching
systems will be developed with a more modern
learning and teaching system. There is a very
effective application to support modern learning and
teaching systems, namely Moodle (Modular Object-
Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). With this
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
technology, learning and teaching systems become
unlimited in space and time. Teachers can teach from
anywhere and easily make teaching material or
quizzes for exams online. Likewise students, can
learn from anywhere and anytime online.
Moodle CMS (Course Management System) is an
application that can transform a learning media into a
web form. This application allows students and
instructors to enter into a "digital classroom". In
digital classrooms, learning materials can be
accessed, because with this Moodle CMS, learning
materials, such as electronic journals, or quizzes are
made. Various learning resources, such as
manuscripts written in Microsoft Words, presentation
material from Microsoft Power Point, Flash
Animation, Photoshop, even material in the format of
photos, audio and video can be attached to this
application. This Moodle application was first
developed by Martin Dougiamas in August 2002 with
Moodle version 1.0. currently Moodle can be used by
anyone in open source (Indonesian Moodle,
1. This study aims to design and develop online
learning models based on web cloud computing
and Moodle CMS (Course Management
System). With this learning design, it is
expected that students can be more motivated to
learn, thereby increasing the level of
understanding of students and increasing the
ability of learning outcomes.
2. This study aims to find out what graphic design
elements influence the design and development
of learning models through the assessment of
graphic media design experts and the
application of the feasibility of learning models
to students.
3. This study aims to evaluate the extent of the role
of cloud computing in the delivery of learning
models through online learning.
The learning model is a teaching strategy prepared to
achieve specific learning objectives. Learning
models are intended for learners to be able to
increase the effectiveness of learning through
interactive learning methods. To find out the quality
of the learning model must be seen from the process
and product. The process aspect refers to the ability
to create pleasant learning situations and encourage
students to be active and think creatively. The
learning model is basically a form of learning that is
illustrated from beginning to end which is presented
specifically by educators. In other words, the
learning model is a wrapper or frame from the
application of an approach, method, and learning
The term learning model has a broader meaning
than strategy, method or procedure. In general the
model is interpreted as an object or concept used to
represent something (Trianto, 2009: 21). A model is
something that describes a pattern of thinking. A
model usually describes the whole concept that is
interrelated. In other words the model can also be
seen as an effort and to concretize a theory as well as
an analogy and representation of the variables
contained in the theory (Pribadi, 2010: 86)
According to Richey, research models should be
more emphasized in the design and development of
the research itself (Richey & Klein, 2007: 11). This
definition gives an emphasis that research related to
the model should be more focused on comparison
with existing models. In the design of learning
systems, models usually describe the steps or
procedures that need to be taken to create effective,
efficient and interesting learning activities. So a
model in the development of learning is a systematic
process in the design, construction, utilization,
management, and evaluation of learning systems.
Learning development consists of at least five
main activities, namely: (1) analyzing the conditions
of learning and the needs of students; (2) designing a
series of specifications that are effective, efficient,
and relevant to the student environment; (3) develop
all materials for all students and material
management; (4) implementation of the results of
learning design; (5) formative and summative
evaluation of the results of development (Gustafon &
Maribe, 2002: 12-13)
Based on the understanding of the learning model
above, it requires at least five criteria that must be met
in the learning model, namely: (1) having a goal; (2)
harmony with purpose; (3) systematic; (4) have
evaluation activities; and (5) fun. Therefore, the
learning system can be likened to a production
process consisting of parts of the input-process-
output, which are mutually integrated. So that the
learning model which is basically a conceptual
framework can describe systematic procedures in
organizing learning experiences to achieve learning
goals. The function of the learning model is as a guide
for learners in carrying out learning. The selection of
The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
learning models is strongly influenced by the subjects
or material to be taught, the objectives to be achieved
in learning and the level of ability of students.
Graphic art is a branch of art that provides a lot of
exploratory space that artists can use so they can
achieve a certain aesthetic and have a distinctive
character. The maturity of a graphic art work can be
assessed from the quality of the artist's technical
exploration and the ideas that are revealed. Graphic
art, like all branches of art, is consciously using
creative skills and imagination to create aesthetic
objects (Supriyanto, 2005: 4).
Design is the process of making and
communicating ideas or ideas in visual form. Basic
principles such as contrast, grouping, proximity,
similarity, continuation, and unity, provide
arrangements for elements such as points, lines and
fields, colors, textures and space. The main purpose
of design is to combine all these components into a
harmony to achieve a unity.
Design elements are objects such as logos, icons,
text blocks, and photos that are included in a web
page with a certain composition. These elements must
be grouped and arranged to create a meaning in two-
dimensional space. Most designers classify or
compile these elements based on a set of guidelines
for designing two-dimensional fields called design
principles. So, elements are objects and design
principles are guidelines for placing objects in a
layout known as composition. These principles are
referred to as "tools" from visual designers. However,
as in every discipline, it's not enough to just follow
the rules. A designer needs to know how to make
meaningful compositions. Understanding design
principles is only the first step in developing and
creating a design.
In addition to the previously reviewed studies
there are several relevant studies the authors can
summarize in the following publications:
P. Kavitha. The results of the study show that
web-based online learning innovations are
indispensable in the field of online education
(international research in innovative computer and
communication engineering: India, 2007).
Wen-ling shin. The results showed that online
learning online learning can improve the
effectiveness of student learning, motivation to learn,
and interest in learning, and encourage self-
development and teamwork (National Sun Yat-sen
University, Kaohsiung City: Taiwan, 2017).
Atiya Khan. The results of the study show that
using ICT can develop professional English language
teachers in Mumbai (RMIT University: Australia,
Renee Crowford, Louise Jenkins, The results of
the study show that online learning can create flexible
learning and reduce faculty budgets, and create the
effectiveness of teaching and learning (Australasia
journal of educational technology: Australia, 2017).
Kwok-wing Lai, Lee A. Smith. The results
showed that about 90% of students at Smith
University of Otago in New Zealand conducted
informal learning to support formal learning, digital
technology used in formal learning, namely lap-top,
computers, and cell phones, while informal learning
was used to access the internet and use tools. online
tools such as Google and Wikipedia (Australasian
journal of educational technology: New Zealand,
Ching Sing Chai, et al. The results of the study
showed that from 223 teachers in Singapore, TPAK's
(pedagogical abilities and technological abilities)
were related to the belief and distinctive design skills
of teachers, this study showed that teachers' beliefs
about learning and their design capacity would
change with the success of their TPACK
(Australasian journal of teacher education:
Singapore, 2017).
The research method used is development research,
also known as R & D (Research and Development).
In the field of education, R & D is directed at
developing products that are effective for school
needs, and are applied research. This research
emphasizes change and improvement (what works
better), rather than why, and emphasizes its
usefulness in education. (Gall et al, 2007: 186-187).
Borg & Gall stated that research and development
procedures basically consisted of two main
objectives, namely developing products and testing
the effectiveness of products in achieving goals. The
first goal leads to development and the second goal as
a validation function (Gall et al, 2007: 589-590).
To get the data needed in this study, data
collection techniques are used in the form of
interviews, questionnaires, observations, and tests or
testing of student learning outcomes. Whereas to
analyze data used qualitative data analysis.
Analysis of qualitative data is presented by using
words in the form of narrative texts, graphs and
charts. While the process is based on three lines of
activities that are intertwined in an integrated manner,
namely; data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion or verification.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The results of analysis of all student work will be
used as the basis for revising the product model of
online learning web-based cloud computing and
Moodle CMS. Then the results of this analysis are
consulted by the expert review, so that the resulting
product is truly valid. The product produced is
considered practical and effective if it has a positive
effect on student learning outcomes.
This study used a limited population of 37
respondents consisting of 9 male respondents and 28
female respondents to explore the depth of the
research results. The study was conducted at the
PGSD FKIP UNSRI which had adequate computer
facilities and infrastructure with an internet / LAN
network to implement lessons. web-based online
learning cloud computing and Moodle.
5.1 One-to-one with Experts
5.1.1 Validity of Instructional Design
Based on the results of questionnaires that have been
distributed for expert validation, it was found that
according to the validation of instructional design
experts stated that in the opening activity on the
development of web-based cloud computing online
learning model and CMS moodel in art courses it was
good. Whereas the presentation activities are also
considered good. This is because in the web display
lecturers and students can interact with each other on
the internet lecturers can upload materials related to
lectures, both lecture assignments and lecture
activities. While students can access the web to get
information that is given by the lecturer.
Furthermore, the validity of instructional design
experts on the closing activities of web-based cloud
computing online learning models on art education
courses is still considered to be lacking because web-
based learning is unique but serious. A serious word
is used to express that designing up to implementing
web-based learning is not as easy as imagined. This
web-based learning requires an instructional model
that is specifically designed for that purpose.
Next, the validity of instructional design experts
also states that the procedural sequence in the online
learning model is still lacking, this is because the
content in the web is not regularly organized which
causes students to be confused to get and access
lecture material. This can be seen from the
preparation of content in navigation that is still
randomly arranged and placed.
Based on the validity of instructional design
experts, it was stated that the suitability of learning
objectives with examples of questions, assignments,
exercises and evaluations was also considered to be
lacking, this is because giving material is not the
ultimate goal of web-based learning. In developing an
online learning system it is necessary to pay attention
to two things, namely students who are targeted and
expected learning outcomes. Understanding of
students is very important, namely, among others,
their hopes and goals in participating in online
learning. One thing that should be remembered is how
this web technology can help students learn in
mastering their lecture materials. So the need for
instructional design in this online learning model so
that the learning process can be effective.
Table 1: Results of Feasibility Assessment of Final Models
of Instructional Design Experts
Rated aspect
Opening activity
Presentation activities
Closing activity
Sequence of procedural
Suitability of purpose
The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
Chart 1: Results of Feasibility Assessment of Final Models
of Instructional Design Experts
The total score obtained by the score is 21 points
from the total score maximum of 25 points, then the
score obtained is divided into 100 so that the
percentage number is 84% so it is feasible to be
5.1.2 Validation of Graphic Media Experts
Based on the validity of graphic media experts, it was
found that the suitability of the image with the
material content of the online learning model in art
education subjects was good, this was due to the
compatibility of the background in the web of
education as well as the background of a painting.
With this background students can immediately
understand that this is content for art education
material. This will make it easier for students,
especially art students, to access and download
assignment materials provided by art lecturers. The
material provided by the lecturer is the first key for
students to do the assignments given by the lecturer.
An important moment occurs when the lecturer gives
an explanation of the assignment given. At this time
students must be able to dig up as much information
as possible related to the assignment given so that
they know the core of the problem and have an idea
to find a way to solve the problem.
Whereas for the accuracy of letters or typography
in the online learning model is also good, this is
because online learning subject matter can be
packaged in a text-based form, the material is
packaged in written form and accompanied by a few
pictures, just like in the book .
As for the clarity of images, graphics and photos
in the online learning model it is considered good.
This is because in the web display above it has tried
to include images and photos that can facilitate
students and lecturers to interact with each other on
the internet.
Whereas regarding the background color in the
online learning model mentioned above it is
considered still lacking. This is because the
background color in the web is still dominated by
white, so that students tend to be bored to use online
learning media because it is considered monotonous.
There are some people who prefer to learn by making
pictures or colors, seeing pictures, slides, videos or
films. People who have this hobby, usually have a
certain sensitivity in capturing images or colors, are
sensitive in making changes, arranging and reading
cards (Uno, 2006: 183-184).
While the animation and consistency of web
slides is considered still lacking. This is because the
web elerning above is still lacking in the use of
animations and web slides so that it is less attractive
and tends to be boring. This has an effect on the
interest of students' interest in interacting on the web
Multimedia learning is one form of computer-
based learning aids that are supported by various
multimedia components such as text, sound, images,
and videos. The program supports individual
learning. Multimedia learning programs can be
implemented with various instructional strategies
such as: tutorials, drill and practice, simulations,
instructional games, and problem solving.
Multimedia is a new technique in the development of
applications that aims to attract user interest through
its elements (text, images, sounds, videos and
animations) that are presented interactively. A
multimedia application consists of text, images,
sounds, videos and animations that are combined and
presented interactively using programming.
While the web menu in the model according to
gisraf media experts is considered good because the
preparation of online learning materials should use a
learner-centric method or based on the students' own
mindset. At learner-centric, material is structured in
such a way as to be able to provoke curiosity of
students to want to learn more. The order of the
subject topics or the basic concepts of the lesson itself
need not be overlooked.
While the navigation buttons in the web according
to the validation of graphic media experts are still
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Opening activity
Presentation activities
Closing activity
Sequence of procedural
Suitability of purpose
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
insufficient because there is still no compatibility of
the contents of the navigation buttons with the
contents of the material displayed besides the
navigation buttons are still rigid so it is less attractive
for students all of whom are still teenagers, there are
even students who don't know the meaning of the
language because the navigation buttons are still in
Furthermore, graphic media experts validate the
updates of the web learning model which is
considered good because in the creation of the web
above, Moodle CMS is a CMS used to create online
learning applications. In the Moodle CMS, online
learning features are very complete, starting from
online tests, forums and others. This CMS
management is a bit complicated, and an
understanding of how to use it must be needed.
After being evaluated and corrected based on the
assessment and input of the instructional design
experts, the feasibility assessment of the final model
was obtained from the instructional design experts as
Table 2: Results of Feasibility Assessment of Final Models
of Graphic Media Experts
Rated aspect
Suitability of the image
with the contents of the
The accuracy of the
selection of letters
Clarity of images,
graphics and photos
Background color
Animation used
Consistent web slides
Web menu in the
Navigation key
Web update
Total Score 36
Chart 2: Results of Feasibility Assessment of Final Models
of Graphic Media Experts
The total score obtained by the score is 36 points
from the total score of a maximum of 45 points, then
the score obtained is divided into 100 so that the
percentage number is 80% so it is worth testing.
5.2 Field Trial
To find out the effectiveness of the online learning
model in art education courses at the FKIP UNSRI
PGSD, it is necessary to first conduct a trial in the
field with 37 respondents consisting of 9 male
respondents and 28 female respondents.
The results of testing the overall effectiveness of
the model consisted of 7 groups namely the general
system (6 questionnaires), learning content (8
questionnaires), learning channels (4 questionnaires),
learning place (6 questionnaires), learning time (5
questionnaires), learning stage (7 questionnaires),
and teacher roles (11 questionnaires). All of which
include 47 instruments / questionnaires can explain
the overall evaluation process and results based on
data at the time of implementation of the
effectiveness of this online learning model as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Suitability of the image
with the contents of the
The accuracy of the selection of
Clarity of images, graphics and
Background color
Animation used
Consistent web slides
Web menu in the model
Navigation key
Web update
The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
Teacher Role
Table 3: Recapitulation of Overall Final Model Effectiveness Test Results
Assessment by Respondents
Max score
General System Assessment Results
Very effective
Learning Content assessment results
Very effective
Learning Channel Assessment Results
Very effective
Learning Place Assessment Results
Very effective
Learning Time Assessment Results
Very effective
Learning Stage Assessment Results
Very effective
Teacher Role Assessment Results
Very effective
84 %
Very effective
Chart 2: Recapitulation of Overall Final Model Effectiveness Test Results
For the overall total score in the General System
assessment, a total score of 82.88% is obtained, this
means that the display of the system in online learning
models is very effective to be implemented for
students of the PGSD FKIP UNSRI subject.
While the Learning Content assessment based on
the results of the questionnaire found a total score of
85.06%, this means that learning content in the
display of online learning methods in the PGSD FKIP
UNSRI fine arts education subject was declared very
Overall based on the questionnaire obtained a
total score of 83.24%, this means that the Learning
Channel display on the display of online learning
methods in the subjects of art education at UNSRI
was declared very effective.
While overall according to the results of the
Learning Place assessment questionnaire it was
obtained as much as 82.79%, this means that the
appearance of learning place on the display of online
learning methods in the PGSD FKIP UNSRI fine arts
education subject was declared very effective.
Meanwhile, according to the results of the
Learning Time assessment questionnaire, the total
score was 85.29%. This states that the online learning
method in the subject of art education PGSD FKIP
UNSRI according to the results of the questionnaire
was stated to be very effective.
While the Learning Stage assessment score from
the results of the questionnaire was obtained at
84.82%, this means that the use of learning stages in
online learning methods in the PGSD FKIP UNSRI
art education subject according to the results of the
questionnaire was declared very effective and the
results of the questionnaire were obtained
Teacher Role's assessment found a total score of
83.68%, this means that the teacher role in online
learning methods in the PGSD FKIP UNSRI fine arts
education course was declared very effective.
So from the recapitulation of the results of testing
the overall model effectiveness of all the above data
obtained 84% results so it can be concluded that the
overall effectiveness testing of Web-based Online
learning Model Development with Cloud Computing
Applications and Moodle CMS (Course Management
System) in Artic Education Courses in the FKIP
PGSD UNSRI was declared very effective.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The implementation of the online learning model is
for students to find out the assignments given by the
lecturer, and can download lecture materials. As for
lecturers, lecturers can upload materials and study
assignments on the screen of art and craft education.
Besides that, the screen is also equipped with audio-
video media which can create a more interesting
online learning atmosphere. In this implementation it
has been proven effective because students have
started to get used to this learning model, and student
participation also continues to increase with the
existence of this online learning model. This is proven
to be able to help lecturers in compiling their learning
schedule because all of their learning is documented
in this web.
In additions students can download material and
assignments through online learning methods,
students can also see the results of their studies. This
can be seen from the results of formative tests that can
be seen on the web too. With the results of this value
students become more motivated to be able to cover
their shortcomings if they get a less than perfect
score. And for parent students can also see the results
of their children in learning. In addition, lecturers can
see reports on how many students are active in online
learning. From here the lecturer can monitor how the
development of the materials and assignments
uploaded to the online learning web so that it can be
evaluated on what material is in accordance with the
interests of the students and this can also be the
foundation for the university in compiling future
curriculum program. All report reports formative test
results, tasks are all stored in Google Drives. So that
it is more effective, no need to move and can be
printed in the form of word, exel or pdf.
In general, this research is to design and develop
web-based online learning models in cloud
computing and Moodle CMS (Course Management
System). With this learning design students are
expected to be more motivated to learn the subjects of
art education courses, improve the ability of learning
outcomes and the level of understanding of students.
The input from the validators is expected to be
used as the next basis in revising the product of cloud
computing web-based learning models and Moodle
CMS (Course Management System) in the future.
Regarding the design of products and products
themselves, as well as the process and results of
learning using online learning models based on web
cloud computing and Moodle CMS (Course
Management System). So that the products produced
are truly valid and the products produced are
considered practical and effective for students and
have a positive effect on learning outcomes,
especially in art education courses.
In developing web-based online learning models
cloud computing and Moodle CMS (Course
Management System) in art education courses at the
FKIP UNSRI PGSD are still relatively simple so that
further development and improvement is needed to
improve the online learning program. Further
development programs are expected to have greater
bandwidth in order to accommodate many users and
can upload images and videos smoothly.
Furthermore, in its development it is also necessary
to apply it to a smart phone so that it can be more
practical so that students can access anywhere, and if
it is accessible with a smart phone, it can also be
cheaper in their internet usage.
At least there are three conclusions from the online
learning function that can be taken in the learning
process at the UNSRI FKIP PGSD, including:
First as a supplement (additional), that is if
students have the freedom to choose, whether or not
to use electronic learning material. In this case there
is no obligation for students to access electronic
learning material. Even though it is optional, students
who use it will certainly have additional knowledge
or insight.
Secondly as a complement (complement), that is
if electronic learning material is programmed to
complement the learning material that students
receive in the classroom. As a complement means
electronic learning material is programmed to
supplement enrichment or remedial material. It is said
to be enrichment, if students who can quickly master
/ understand the subject matter delivered at face-to-
face are given the opportunity to access electronic
learning materials that are specifically developed for
them. The goal is to further strengthen the level of
mastery of subject matter that has been accepted in
class. It is said to be a remedial program, if students
who have difficulty understanding the subject matter
at face-to-face are given the opportunity to utilize
electronic learning material that is specifically
designed for them. The goal is for students to more
easily understand the subject matter presented in
Third is substitution (substitute), that is if online
learning is done as a substitute for learning activities,
for example by using models of learning activities.
There are 3 (three) alternative models that can be
The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
chosen, namely: (1) fully face-to-face (conventional),
(2) partially face-to-face and partly via the internet, or
even (3) entirely through the internet.
We also thank the Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
for the opportunities and funding of this research
through the dissertation grant program that we have
received to complete this research. We thank Prof. Dr.
Diana Nomida Musnir, M.Pd. for assistance with
particular technique and methodology, and Prof. Dr.
Suriani, MA. for comments that greatly improved the
manuscript. We would also like to show our gratitude
to the Dr. Robinson Situmorang, M.Pd. for sharing
their pearls of wisdom with us during the course of
this research.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society