Early Childhood Education Management at the Kindergarten School
Lily Yuntina
College of Teacher Training and Education Pancasakti, Bekasi.
Keywords: Kindergarten school management, learning process, inhibiting
Abstract: Early childhood education was an effort to manage students, teachers and the environment in a school
system to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. This research aims are to find out and get
information about the application of educational management at the Red rose Kindergarten School in
Bekasi city and the inhibiting factors in the learning processes. This type of research applied a descriptive
method with qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were principal, class teachers, students and
parents. Technique of collecting data from Interview, observation of educationalmanagement activities and
documentation (pictures, data statistic such as graphs of growth and development students). This research
was conducted for one year. Data analysis stages are reduction, selection and display in the form of
presentations, and conclusions (Miles and Huberman 1992). the data validity was based on checking
technique using trusted degree, namely participation, perseverance and triangulation. The result of this
researchisthatthe education using the 2013 curriculum system is based on student development. The stages
of planning and learning process are in accordance with applicable regulations. The functions of internal
and external supervisions are conducted by the principal and Supervisory officers from province. The
inhibiting factors found in the research are that the teachers do not have enough competence. Parents are
less attentive to their children’s activities at school. There were no pantry and school health units. Resources
and media learning were inadequate. The financing management education has a significant effecton school
quality. However, the true fact is not according to the regulations. It affects the principal not
implementingthe educational financing management. According to the statistics, student’s growth indicates
a decline in 9 consecutive year period It may have an impact on implementation of school quality
Kindergarten school was one form of early
childhood education unit on formal education
pathways that organizes educational programs for
children aged from three to six years.
(Suyadi: 2014) Thisargues juridically thatthe term
early childhood in Indonesia is intended for children
from birth to the age of 6 years old having a golden
period. Bredekamp and Copple (1997) suggest that
early childhood education includes a variety of
programs that serve children from birth to eight
years of age designed to improve children's
intellectual, social emotional and physical language.
Thosechildren can begin the early childhood
education at home or in the family. The development
of children in the first years was very important and
will determine their quality in the future. Therefore,
the efforts of early childhood development should be
done through learning and through play (learning
through games).The Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education system in article 1 paragraph 14
confirms that early childhood education is an effort
to guide children from birth to the age of six years
through the provision of educational stimulations to
support growth and physical and spiritual
development so that children have readiness in
entering further education. Education is designed
according to the level of child development
(Aisyiyah, 2007: 1). The children's activities were
playing. With playing, learning activitieswill be a
fun activity for children. Through playing, children
Yuntina, L.
Early Childhood Education Management at the Kindergarten School.
DOI: 10.5220/0008997602700277
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 270-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will have the opportunity to explore, to find, to
express, to feel and to create.
The Process of development and learning in
children’s early childhood at school requires such a
management system that learning objectives at
school can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
According to Hersey and Blanchard,management
system was the process of working together between
individuals and groups and other resources for
achieving organizational goals. According to
(FariUlfah, 2014: 26) the early childhood education
management is an effort to manage, regulate and
direct the process of educational interaction between
students, teachers and the environment in a planned
and systematized way to achieve the goals of
theearly childhood education institutions effectively
and efficiently.
Learning processes at Red Rose Kindergarten
School in Bekasi City required a professional
management in which management function of
POAC (planning, organizing, actuating and
controlling) can be carried out effectively and
efficientlyreferring to the goals of the institution.In
this research, the authors make observations on
management education at the Red Rose
Kindergarten School.It aimsto find out how much
influence the management of the early childhood
education has on the improvement of the education
quality and the inhibiting factors in learning process
at the Red Rose Kindergarten School in Bekasi
This research aims to find out and to get information
about the application of educational management at
the Red Rose Kindergarten School in Bekasi City
and the inhibiting factors in the learning
process. The Research siteis at Red Rose
Kindergarten School Jl. Makam, RT3/11, No.78,
Kranji, West Bekasi 17135. The Research time is
from March 5
, 2018 to March 10
, 2019. The
research subject is children aged four to six years old
who still need more attention from parents and
external educators. Anton M. Moeliono (1993: 862)
described the research subject as the person which
was being observed as the research target. Whereas
Moleong (2010: 132) described the subject of the
study as an informant which means people in the
research setting are used to provide information
about the situation and back ground conditions of
the study.
In this study, researchers determined the subject
of research based on the parties' considerations that
could provide information and data needed in this
research. Data sourceswere principal, class teachers,
students, and parents.This type of research applied a
descriptive method with qualitative approach.
According to Nusa Putra (2012), the researcher
described everything that was full in sense and
detailed and in-depth. Qualitative descriptive
research was one of the types of research included in
the type of qualitative research. Descriptive
qualitative research was research that intend to
understand phoneme about what was experienced by
research subjects holistically, and in a descriptive
way in the form of words and language, at a special
natural context and by utilizing various scientific
methods (Bungin, 2008: 68-69).
According to Merriam, quoted by John W.
Creswell, there are six assumptions in a qualitative
approach that need to be considered by researchers,
(Patilma, 2007: 57), namely: 1) Qualitative
researchers emphasized attention to processes, not
on results or products 2). Qualitative researchers are
interested in meaning, how people make life,
experience and structure of life that make sense 3).
Qualitative researchers are the main instruments for
data collection and analysis. Data approach through
human instruments, not through inventory,
questionnaires or other tools. 4) Qualitative research
involved fieldwork. Researchers physically relate to
peoples, background, location or intuition to observe
or record behavior in their natural setting. 5)
Qualitative researcher was descriptive in the sense
that researcher is interested in the process of
meaning and understanding obtained through words
or images. 6) The process of qualitative research was
Researchers build abstracts, concepts,
propositions, and theories. The researchers use
qualitative researchmethod because they want to
focus the research on general principles that
underline the existing unit of symptoms and aims to
understand social situations, events, roles,
interactions and groups.The qualitative approachuses
observations and interviews which was very
suitable because it could produce descriptive data
regarding the application of data management. Data
Sources, according to Lofland (1984), the data
sources in qualitative research are words, and the
rest of the action was additional data such as
documents and others. Related to that, in this section
the data typed are divided into words and actions,
typed and written, photos and statistics (in Moleong,
2007: 157). The data needed in this study are
Early Childhood Education Management at the Kindergarten School
(Arikunto, 2006: 129): a) Primary data, namely data
obtain from the source are directly observed and
recorded directly, such as interviews, observation,
and documentation. In this study the primary data
obtained is the result of interviews with class
teachers and principals, student guardians and
observations of students. b) Secondary data: data
obtained from those that have already existed and
have a relationship to the problem under study
covering the existing literature and related to the
problem to be studied. In the early childhood
education, it is in order to improve the quality of
learning.The first stagewas observation at Red Rose
Kindergarten School in Bekasi City to get
information about the history of the Red Rose
Kindergarten School in Bekasi City and to get
information on curriculum reports (syllabus,
learning implementation plan, annual program,
semester program, weekly activity plan and daily
activity plan, organizational structure, teachers,
students, participant reports secondary data
(statistical data such as graph of growth and
development of students) and infrastructures.
The techniques for collecting data are from
observations, interviews, and documentations. This
research can use the method of eye sight, hearing,
and touch which are done in the open or closed room
(laboratory). To be able to see the results of this
observations, researcher can use audio-visual
recordings that have been done before. The
researcher needs to make direct notes during the
observation sothat she does not forget the events or
phenomena encountered in the field. It will give
accurate observations (Dariyo, 2007: 53). A) The
Observation used in this research is to collect data
which refer to: 1) educational management of the
early childhood education in order to improve the
quality of learning at the Red Rose Kindergarten
School .2). Verifying data and information that has
been obtained from the principal, class teachers,
students and parents at the Red Rose Kindergarten
School in Bekasi City.
The checklist is a list that contains the names of
the subjects and the inhibiting factors to be
examined. It is guaranteed that the investigator
records every event that has been determined to be
examined. (Rahayu, 2004: 17-18). Data to be
explored in this study are: 1) the management of the
early childhood education in the Kindergarten, data
from principals, teachers and Education Personnel.
2) Learning process conducted by the class teacher.
B) Interview techniques used in this research to
directly explore deep psychological information
from respondents. This means that researchersits
face-to-face with the respondent without being
represented by others. Researcher has tried to ask
things related to the research topic and analyzes the
results of the conversation qualitatively.
(Dariyo, 2007: 56-57) 1) Interview technique
was used as a support with the intention of obtaining
data that cannot be collected using questionnaires
and documentation. The researcher will sit face to
face directly with the respondent or the subject
under study. (Sukardi: 2011: 79-81) There are 4
types of qualitative interviews, namely (Rahayu &
Ardani, 2004: 73): 1) Unstructured interviews.
Interviewers ask questions, but these questions were
completely erratic in direction, except "led" by the
lines of conversation that have been put in place by
the interviewer.2) Structured interviews / guided
interviews. The interviewer asked each person
interviewed with a list of questions that had been
prepared beforehand, with a response limiting
category 3) Focused / semi-structured interviews /
guided free interviews. Interviewers used interview
guides, made in the form of a list of questions, but
not permanent / binding sentences.4) Personal
interviews and group interviews. In terms of the
number of people interviewed, those involved in one
interview, can be divided into personal interviews
(personal interviews) and group interviews. Based
on the description above, the researcher usedsemi-
structured interviews because the questions are
flexible, depending on the target’s conditions.
C) Documentation is document review of assisting
researchers in collecting data or information by
reading letters, announcements meeting and pictures.
This data search was technique is very useful
because it can be done without disturbing the object
or atmosphere of the study. Researchers by studying
these documents can recognize the culture and
values embraced by the object under study. The use
of this method was related to what is called content
How to analyze the contents of a document is by
examining documents systematically in document
forms objectively (Sarwono and Jonatan, 2006:
226). In this research, the researcher borrowed notes
and archives (as secondary data) from the Red Rose
Kindergarten School in Bekasi City. Data analysis
techniques, in this research are carried out according
to the procedure or steps as follows
1. Data reduction, at this stage the researcher will
examine all the collected data so that the main things
in the research objects will be found. The data
collected can be the results of interviews,
observation and documentation, using standard
information categories by separating them into
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
several segmentations. Therefore, the authors can
find other subcategories to show the various
possibilities contained in the results of interviews,
observation and documentation ".(Emzir,
2008:211).2.Data display was stage of summarizing
the data that has been set out in a systematic
arrangement to find out the management system
used. The author summarizes the data, so that
complete identification of the results of the study
was found, or temporarily given a possible
hypothesis in this study. (Emzir, 2008:
211).Quoted,the three stages of data analysis are
namely: 1). Data analysis before the field, taken
from informants interviewed: namely the principal,
done before the researchers tried to get the focus of
research. The secondary data that will be used
include the history, the state of teachers, students,
facilities and infrastructures, and documents or other
relevant sources 2). Data analysis in the field. The
researcher analyzed the data at the time of data
collection, which was at the time of interviewing.
After analyzing the answers of the interviewees
and the researcher feels unsatisfied, the researcher
continued the question again until the reliable data
was obtained. The researcher collected as much data
as possible until the data obtained was relevant to
the object under study 3). Data analysis after
completion in the field, the researcher collects data
obtained at school, both data through observation,
interviews, and documentation and then analyzed to
determine the compatibility between the data
obtained. The present data is the process of
presenting a complex set of information in a
complex unity of forms into a unified form that was
simple, selective, and easy to understand the
The data obtained by the researcher during the
research are then presented, summarized and
compiled in full so that the meaning was clear. After
analyzing the data, the researcher should conduct an
examination, namely checking the validity of his
findings, so that the results of his research can be
accounted for. The technique of checking the
validity of the data were based on four criteria used,
namely degree, credibility, transferability,
dependence (dependability), 4. confirmability. In
checking the validity of this data, the researcher uses
credibility, along with the steps consisting of: 1.
Technique of extending participation, the researcher
lived in the field of researchers until the saturation of
data collection was reached. In this case the
researcher follows the teaching and learning process
2) The persistence of observation is to search
consistency or interpretations in various ways in
relation to the process of analysis that was constant
or tentative. Building a business depends on various
influences. Looking for what can becalculated and
what can't be calculated.
That was, finding traits and elements in a
situation that was very relevant to the research and
focus on these things in detail.3) Triangulation with
the source that was comparing and checking back
information obtained through time and tools that are
different in qualitative research. by comparing data
from observations with data from interviews and
comparing the results of interviews with the contents
of a related document. (Emzir: 2008: 175).
Triangulation, A technique for checking the validity
of data by comparing data obtained from a source to
another source at different times, to randomize or
compare research data that has been collected. This
data description will depend very much on the
desired question and in the form of narration to be
able to complete the overall picture of what
happened. (Lexi J Moleong, 2006: 327-331). In this
case the researcher reconciled the information
obtained from the informant, researchers’
observations and documents at The Red Rose
Kindergarten School in Bekasi city in order to obtain
the valid data. (Miles & Huberman (1992: 16) 3)
The conclusion was verified during the study.
Verification may be as short as a rethink that crosses
the mind of the analyzer (researcher) as long as he
writes, a review of field notes, or may be very
thorough and exhaustive with a review and exchange
of ideas among colleagues to develop intersubjective
agreements or also extensive efforts to place copies
of finding in another set of data. In short, the
meanings that emerged from other data must be
tested for their validity, strength, and compatibility,
which was their validity. Final conclusions did not
only occur at the time of the data collection process,
but need to be verified so that it can truly be
The result of this research has shown that the
management system of Rose Red Kindergarten
School in Bekasi City is in accordance with the
vision and mission of the institution by applying the
management functions. This includes planning,
organizing, actuating, controlling. Supervising and
guiding, were a) In the planning function the
principal as manager conducts recruitments of
Early Childhood Education Management at the Kindergarten School
educators and education staff who have the
knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with
their duties and functions. The Principal determined
the resources / teaching staff at the Red Rose
Kindergarten School. There were 4 teachers, in
which each class was consisted of 2 teachers (1 class
teacher and 1 assistant teacher). The teacher as a
manager in the classroom structures planning,
prepares plans and learning activities, starting from
the annual, semester, monthly, weekly to daily
programs. b) Stages organizing is carried out with
vertical coordination where the principal gives
assignments to subordinates in accordance with their
responsibilities and fields, with open
communication, c) Stages Implementation, leaders
in carrying out their duties emphasized perseverance
in work, teamwork, honesty, and high loyalty. Also,
in the Implementation Stage of learning, the
curriculum used 2013 curriculum program is based
on development scientific approach. The aim is how
the children were able to help themselves in all
aspects of life (lifes skill) and instill habits about
learning how to learn. Meanwhile, the learning is
based on the development of children including 1.
Classroom management, 2. Activity procedures, 3.
According to (Milan Rianto (2007: 1) Class
management is very important because class
management is a factor that could create and
maintain the atmosphere and condition of the class
so that it is always effective and efficient. All
activities of teachers and students in the class must
be created and maintained in optimal conditions of
the learning process. The effective and efficient
learning can be proven by the existence of balanced
processes of input, output, and outcome. Theyeven
can be seen in the graph of the growth and
development of students which continues to
increase, so that school efforts in the management of
early childhood education in order to improve the
quality of education can be achieved and was in
accordance with the expectations and goals of the
school organization. According to Fomberg in
(Martininis yamin et al. 2012) playing or not playing
was not a question. The important question was how
to prepare something exemplary through the
imaginary world of early childhood, teachers, and
Stages learning in a class room was in 150
minutes. The procedure is divided into three
activities, namely the initial activity of 30 minutes,
the core of 30 minutes, rest 30 minutes, and the end
of 30 minutes. Learning activities are carried out
which was inside and outside the class depending on
the themes that have been determined with existing
facilities and infrastructure such as study rooms each
measured 8 x 9 meter. The learning media or
educational teaching aids are available. Of 38
students, group A is aged 4 to 5 years and the rest
was group B, aged 5 to 6 years. The stages of
Student assessment are as follows: assessment was
carried out by the teacher to see whether the students
have developed growth and are able to get more
potential or not.Stages supervision function was
carried out by the principal with supervision activity,
with the aim that the learning processes is effective
and efficient. Direct supervision was carried out by
the principal. Regular meeting discussions were to
make the performance improvement efforts, with
educators and educational staffs, the competency
which was developed as the implementation of the
next stage of work. The external function
supervision is conducted by the provincial education
The inhibiting factors of learning in the Red
Rose Kindergarten School in Bekasi City were a)
students do not communicate well with others and
teachers. Therefore, they do not accept the learning
material maximally b) In learning, teachers used
center method. As the result, the students do not get
flexible learning processes c) Teachers need more
trainings in connection with increasing their
competency and professionalism d) Parents were
less cooperative in their children’s activities. They
rarely consult to school about their children
development at home. e) There were no facilities,
such as pantry and school health unit. f) Resources
and media learning used by teachers were
inadequate. The number was not comparable to the
number of students. Besides, the media used are still
old fashioned with a form not attracted the children's
attention). Student growth from 2007 to the present
experienced a setback, such as the quality of
student’s achievement, teacher’s quality, and quality
infrastructure at school. As the result, it would
negatively impact to diminish trust and interest in
parents’ trust and interest to send their children to
school in the following next year. It can be seen on
the graph of student development from year to year
which was decreasing.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
The management as the top decision makerin the
organization of Red Rose Kindergarten School in
Bekasi City has worked together to achieve the
goals. The implementation of management such as
planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and
guiding are almost done well.
It should be cooperated in a team, both internal
and external relationships, related to the activities at
the Red Rose Kindergarten School. As part of the
effort to carry out educational management
functions, it is necessary to improve the quality in
order to produce quality learning in a better
educational environment. Specifically, in business:
a) The success of early childhood learning can be
divided into short-term, middle-term, and long-term
programs, with the following criteria. A. Short
Term, a) At least 85% of the contents and principles
of learning can be understood, accepted, and applied
by both students and teachers in the classroom. b) At
least 85% of students felt they were facilitated,
happy and had the willingness to learn well c)
Children participated in the learning processes d)
The material was communicated according to their
needs and they see that it will be very useful for their
future lives.
Ongoing learning can foster continual interests in
learning. B) In middle term, there will be feedback
sessions between the teachers and the children b)
children will become creative people and are able to
deal with various problems they face. c) children do
not receive negative influence from the community
in their environment in any ways.C) Long-term
program, a) There will be an increase in the quality
of education, which the Red Rose Kindergarten
School could achieve with the independence and the
initiative of school principals and with the use of
good management andlearning resources. b)
Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of
management and the use of learning resources, by
sharing clear, transparent and democratic answers.
The increased attention and participation of residents
and the surrounding community are achieved
through joint decision making. d) There was an
increase in the responsibility of the early childhood
education institution to the government, parents, and
the community in general regarding the quality of
services, both intra and extracurricular. The growth
of independence was adaptive and proactive and has
the character and spirit of high entrepreneurship
(resilient, innovative, and risk-taking). e) The
realization of an interactive, motivational, enjoyable,
challenging learning process and provides students
with free space. f) The creation of a safe,
comfortable and orderly school climate so that the
learning processes could be calm and enjoyable.
There was an on going evaluation and improvement
process. The learning management organization
needs to be organized and managed in such a way
that learning could be implemented optimally. There
were at least four things that need to be considered
and related to the organization and learning
management, namely the implementation of
learning, procurement and guidance of experts, the
utilization of the environment as a source of
learning, and development and structuring of
The TheThe implementation of function learning
should be carried out based on children's needs and
characteristics, as well as basic competencies in
general. Catron and Allen (1999; 59) The role of
early childhood teachers was more as a mentor or
facilitator, and was not merely a knowledge
provider. Science cannot be transferred from the
teacher to the children without the child's own
activeness. In the Learning process, pressure must be
placed on the teacher's thinking. Therefore, it was
important for the teachers to be able to understand
children's thinking and development and appreciate
children's experience, understand how children
overcome a problem, providematerial in accordance
with the level of cognitive development of children
to be more successful and help children think and
shape knowledge using a variety of learning models
which allow children to actively construct their
In reference to their learning styles,we need to
consider the following things a) Integrate learning
with games b) Identify competencies according to
their needs and characteristics of early childhood.c)
developindicators of each competency to be
relevant to the development and needs of early
childhood. d) Organize an organizational structure
and working mechanism and establish cooperation
between teachers and other education personnel in
learning and games. e) recruiteducational staff who
have the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
accordance with their duties and functions. f)
completing adequate learning and play facilities and
infrastructure, such as libraries, the environment as a
source of learning, playground equipment and
administrative equipment and adequate learning
space. g) Asseslearning program regularly and
continuously to see the effectiveness and
Early Childhood Education Management at the Kindergarten School
achievement of competencies developed. Besides
that, the assessment was also important to see
whether the learning development has been able to
develop the potential of students or not.
b). Procurement and development of experts. In the
success of learning, it is necessary to procure and
guide experts, attitudes, personal, competencies and
skills related to learning. This was very important
because it was related to the job description that will
be carried out by each education staff. Therefore, it
was desirable that each person has an understanding
and competence that supportthe implementation of
learning in developing the potential of early
childhood optimally.c). Environmental Utilization as
a source of learning for success. Environment needs
to be utilized as an optimal source of learning. For
the benefit of the teachers, the facilitator is required
to utilize the environment, cooperation with related
elements that are seen to be able to support efforts to
develop quality and quality of learning. both
physical and social environment, as well as
cooperating, the importance of School Policy.
Learning needs to be supported by the policies of
the principal, and ease in implementing learning.
There are several relevant policies taken by school
principals in helping smooth the development of
learning for early childhood, namely: a)
programming curriculum changes as an integral part
of the overall school program, b) budgeting
operational costs for operation and non operation -
learning as part of the school budget; c) improve the
quality of teachers, and facilitators to be able to
work professionally (increase teacher
professionalism); d) provide adequate facilities and
infrastructure for the benefit of learning, and
children playing; f) establish good cooperation with
elements related officially in relation to Increasing
the input of new students in the presence of new
students.Based on data input from new students
from year to year, the decline is a big problem for
the development and sustainability of educational
organizations / institutions.2). Problems found in the
inhibiting factors in this research should be
immediately followed up to achieve the success of
joint tasks at the Red Rose Kindergarten School in
Bekasi City,3) Hopefully this research could provide
input for managers, teachers and subsequent
researchers so that it can be done even
better.(Mulyasa, 2012).
The implication of this research is that school
needs more holistic improvement of educational
management as effort to get schoolquality in order to
become better than ever. Data Source from Principal
at Red Rose Kindergarten School on 2017 until
Graph 1: Growth of Students at Red Rose Kindergarten
School in Bekasi City
Table 1: Data Statistic Growth of Students at Red Rose
Kindergarten School in Bekasi City, Year 2007 Until
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