Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian through
Collaborative Learning Approach: (Action Research in the
Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and
Art, Jakarta State University)
Chakam Failasuf, Yumna Rasyid, Emzir
Education Language Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Arabic, Indonesia, Collaborative Approach, Translation, Text
Abstract: The aims of the study were to enhance the Arabic translation ability through a collaborative approach. The
study was to explore the Arabic texts translation learning into Indonesian. The approach of research used
action research. The research method used Exploratory Mixed Method. The procedure of research used
Kemmis and McTaggart model. The process of collecting data were observations, interviews, diaries note
and tests. The validity of research data used the Lincoln and Guba theories, namely credibility,
transferability, dependability and confirmation. The results of the study shown that: 1) the process of
improving Arabic texts translation learning into Indonesian was carried out in 3 cycles. In the first cycle,
action activities were carried out through collaborative teaching and learning. In the second cycle, the
process of implementing collaborative learning aimed to change the formation of group members who were
changing at each meeting. In the third cycle, the action process has been refined through three building
components of collaborative learning that complemented by critical thinking processes. 2) The results of
improving Arabic texts translation into Indonesian from the first cycle to the third cycle have increased. It
can be known from the average test score for cycle 1 was 64.9, cycle 2 was 73.3 and the third cycle was
Translation needs must be addressed as
opportunities and challenges for language observers
and language educators in preparing an interpreter
who can be accepted as a translator, who is
considered capable of transferring language both
orally and in writing. The process of preparing
translators is certainly not easy, because the
translating ability takes time. The preparation ofthis
translator must be prepared by an official language
education institution. Jakarta State University has
prepared language majors. One of the competencies
of its graduates is able to become translators, it is
appropriate with the goals of learning in syllabus
and curriculum. It has implemented in the Arabic
Language Education Study Program.
Therefore, the Arabic Language Education
Program, the Language and Arts Faculty at Jakarta
State University provides translation subject,
especially in the field of Arabic translation, which
are packaged in 6 credits, it is divided into three
courses, namely 2 credits for Theory, 2 credits for
practice (Translations I), and 2 credits for practice
(Translations 2) (UNJ Academic Guidebook, 2013),
all three courses offered in successive semesters are
taught learning by several lecturers. In the
implementation of the translation learning, the
Arabic Language Education Study Program always
wants to improve services to students, so they can
feel enjoyment and ease in learning Arabic including
Classroom Translation Courses. Because the
translation learning process requires student
knowledge starting from the meaning of the context,
choosing the right diction and the target language,
grammatical structures relevant to the target
language, the relevance of meaning between
sentences or paragraphs, and the process of
translating and even understanding the culture from
the target language to be achieved. Therefore, a
translator must master all linguistic tools (language
skills, grammatical knowledge) and non-language
Failasuf, C., Rasyid, Y. and Emzir, .
Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian through Collaborative Learning Approach: (Action Research in the Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language
and Art, Jakarta Stat.
DOI: 10.5220/0008994401020108
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 102-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(culture) from the source language to the target
As previously research for Russian students who
learn the translate of American context (Klassen,
Obdalova, &Averina, 2015). Whereas in research
(Leontovich, 2015) has explained the factors that
influence the intersemiotic translation of cultural
meanings from Russian literary narratives to foreign
cinematographic adaptations. So, it is important for
everyone that the translation process involves
context and culture.
Nida described that translation is one of the main
meaning of building representations from other
cultures. Translation involves two different
languages (House, 2015). It can be concluded that
the translation ability is needed by everyone.
Because it can be used in everyday communication.
For example, if a Muslim reads the Qur'an, they are
able to understand the meaning or message must be
translated. Besides that, the influence of the source
language is very strong, difficulties and language
errors can also be caused by factors lacking in
mastering the target grammar system (Subyakto,
Utari, &Nababan, 1994). So, the failure was caused
by students are not find the target language system
in their source language system.
The results of the interviews concluded that most
students think learning strategies saturate. 65% of
students assumed that the strategies were boring and
it is not appropriate with translating learning. While
35% gave the assumption that the learning strategy
was quite appropriate but it needed to be equipped
with learning media to make it more maximal.
The first problem is the level of errors in
translating. Text that has been translated does not
have relevance meaning to the target language. From
the results of observations and pre-tests, the
researcher has obtained a mapping of the percentage
of the difficulty level in the translation learning
problem from Arabic language into Indonesian,
among others (1) the selection of diction is
inappropriate and lacks a relationship with text
analysis with percentage by 20%; (2) errors in
transferring the meaning of text with a percentage of
25%; (3) lack of understanding the relationship
between the elements forming text, both sentences
and paragraphs with a percentage of 27%; and 4)
mastery of the structure and spelling of the
Indonesian language is still lacking, such as the use
of sentences that have no subject, incorrect
prepositions, and incorrect use of capital letters and
punctuation with a percentage of 28%. It is known
that the error rate is more difficult to be dominated
by the mastery of grammar structure.
Many studies have examined to solve translation
problems. As conducted by Acioly-Régniera, he has
examined Translation Competence as a
Multidimensional Complex Aspect. This study aims
to resolve didactic translation problems. The
comparative study of the concepts of translation
competence, main methodological characteristics,
and means of competency formation makes it
possible to define the purpose of teaching translation
as the formation of translation competencies,
consisting of the knowledge and skills needed for
professional translator activities (Acioly-Régnier,
Koroleva, Mikhaleva, &Régnier, 2015). So this
study seeks to find out about the multidimensional
aspects that students must improve translation
competencies. Students easily understand the theory
of translation. While the research Gural, Boyko,
&Serova (2015) is known that the method of
teaching literary translation using cognitive text
discourse analysis has efficiency. It is confirmed in
practice as a result of proven work skills. The same
research conducted by Al-Hadithy about improving
the ability to translate using new concepts (Al-
Hadithy, 2015). This study examined the translation
class with two types of treatment, namely the
translation class taught using traditional and modern
approaches. Traditionally or conventionally learning
concept means teacher-centred, rigid, monotonous,
it’s not creative and students tend to only accept the
Therefore, it can be concluded that the problem
of translating Arabic text into Indonesian refers to
the main cause of the poor quality of the translation
ability. Arabic Language Study Program used
learning approaches that were less effective and less
attractive to students during learning take place in
class and a low level of structure knowledge in both
Arabic and Indonesian. Thus, translation learning
needs the learning approach that has become a more
enjoyable concept of learning. Tomlinson said that
the application of humanist learning is enjoyable
learning (Tomlinson, 2003) and there must be
mutual support between lecturers and students.
Researchers assume that improving the translation
learning process is more effective when used a
collaborative learning model approach.
Smith & Mac Gregor added that collaborative
methods are based on assumptions about student
learning as follows; (1) learning is active and
constructive; (2) learning is context dependent; (3)
the student has a variety of backgrounds; and (4)
learning is social (Smith & MacGregor, 1992).
Barros (2011) shows that collaborative learning gave
more advantages to students in translation learning.
Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian through Collaborative Learning Approach: (Action Research in the Department of
Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, Jakarta Stat
This research focuses on acquiring interpersonal
competencies through collaborative learning during
the first phase of translation training activities at the
Translation faculty in Spain. The results of
theoretical and empirical studies show that
collaborative learning, and interpersonal competence
itself, does not develop exclusively with the concept
of working together in teams, but students are aware
of the reasons why they work together and they want
to achieve in the team. So, collaborative learning
must be followed by the awareness of students. A
different learning approach is used by Alkhatnai in
learning Arabic translation (Alkhatnai, 2017). In
recent years, interest in improving the teaching of
translation has greatly increased. One developing
concept is Project Based Learning (PBL) which is
popular in many fields of education: its main
essence is involving students in authentic and
practical translation projects. The results of the study
showed that there were positive experiences from
students in using PBL while translation learning.
Another study conducted by Romney (1997)
entitled Collaborative Learning in a Translation
Course. The results of the study indicate that
collaborative learning, based on small group
discussions carried out in accordance with certain
rules, provides traditional class structure alternatives
that have proven useful in acquiring a second
language. This article explains its application in a
translation course. A deeper understanding of source
texts collectively, and a higher level of grammar
accuracy, accuracy and equivalence can be achieved
in translation through discussion. They get
Of the three studies have similarities with the
concept of research that will be carried out in
solving the problem of translating Arabic text into
Indonesian in Arabic Education Study Program. It is
being carried out applies a collaborative approach
that is not only oriented towards building the
concept of learning in collaboration but also building
awareness of the concept of collaboration in the
team while studying in the classroom. In addition,
this approach provides new directions to
students,learning can build concepts to solve
problems faced by individuals or teams in groups.
Thus, this concept is part of the novelty that wants to
be tested on the application of a collaborative
approach. Different research has been presented by
Rabadi&Althawbih (2018) using a linguistic
remedial program to improve the translation ability
to translate Arabic prepositions. The results of the
study indicate that there is good effectiveness.
Based on the background above, the focus of this
research is to increase the ability to translate Arabic
texts into Indonesian in Translation courses in the
Arabic Language and Art Faculty Language and
Education Study Program, Jakarta State University
using a collaborative approach. Whilethese-focus on
this action research is 1) the process of improving
the ability to translate Arabic texts into Indonesian
through a collaborative approach, and 2) the results
of the improvement in the ability to translate Arabic
texts into Indonesian through a collaborative
This research used action research through the
exploratory mixed method. The research procedure
used the action model recommended by Kemmis and
McTaggart. The sample of this study were Arabic
Language Education majors in the Faculty of
Language and Arts, the State University of Jakarta in
semester 107 and semester 108 of the academic year
2017/2018, which received Translation courses in
the fourth semester.
The research data collection technique was taken
from the process of observation, interviews, diaries
note, and tests. Research data validity conveyed by
Lincoln and Guba using unique terms such as
credibility, transferability, dependability and
confirmation (Creswell, 2007). This study has two
types of data analysis techniques namely qualitative
and quantitative.
The qualitative data analysis technique used
inductive process. This means that researchers
observe the entire learning process, record the
patterns in each data collected, formulate data by
hypothesizing, and make conclusions. Parson and
Brown (in Mertler) that there are three stages of data
analysis, namely organization, description, and
interpretation (Mertler, 2014). At the organizational
stage, the activities carried out are making narratives
of the data that have been found, making transcripts
of the results of interview data, classifying data from
the results of the observation sheet and the
documents that have been collected.
The second stage is a description of each data
that has gone through a reduction process and given
a code. At this stage, the researcher connects the
data with the research question. This aims to
determine the needs of the research data. The final
stage is interpretation. The researcher analyzes the
data that has been reduced and organized so that the
processed data can answer the focus needs of the
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
research. Quantitative data analysis is presented in
the form of descriptive statistics, namely the average
value, percentage, the largest value and the smallest
value. Based on exposure from research procedures
to data analysis techniques.
The result of the analysis data shows that there is an
improvement of students’ translation ability. It can
be seen from the result of the test and learning
process each cycle. In more detail, the changes can
be seen in the graph below.
Graph 1: Comparison of Average Score in Translating
Arabic Texts into Indonesian Test
Graph 1 shows a changing of the average scores
for each stable cycle. Although the increase from
each cycle to the next cycle has not undergone a
very large change. However, this change means that
the application of collaborative strategies in the
translation learning process quite well, reaching an
average value of more than 80. Besides that, the
percentages of students’ score that pass the test in
each cycle are shown below.
Graph 2: Comparison of Graduation Percentage Test
Score in Translating Arabic Text into Indonesian
Graph 2 concluded that the percentage of
students who passed the test in translating Arabic
texts into Indonesian showed a very good change.
Overall, the number of students who passed the test
in the first cycle had experienced 95% passing, but
the scores obtained were still in the low category and
the average scores obtained were still very low. This
means that the success of the average score, daily
score, and the number of student graduations has not
been fulfilled. Then the concept of collaborative
learning that has been applied in translation learning
was built on the conceptual thinking of learning
social constructivism theory.
Especially during this time, collaborative
learning is only applied sequentially with various
techniques, but only builds the concept of
cooperation. In this study, the basic concept of
collaborative learning is understood through the
context of student psychology. Because cognitive,
social, and student motivation are a very important
part of improving students' ability to translate Arabic
texts into Indonesian. As the results of research
conducted by A, Volet, &J¨arvenoja(2010) that
recent research has recognized the importance of
social aspects in motivation that arise in
collaborative learning activities, these social aspects
are understood as a source of direct influence on
individual motivation. In this study tested the
significance of motivation in collaborative learning.
There are two characterizations of social roles in
the conceptualization of motivation, namely, social
influence and social construction, and describes the
case of research outside the cognitive-situative
context and combines individual and social
processes in motivational research. So, motivation in
collaborative learning that has tried to bridge
cognitive-situative gaps across theoretical
perspectives or using different methods.
Thus, it can be concluded that the results of this
study have a novelty value, namely the
implementation of a collaborative approach which
combines the concepts of aspects of social
psychology, motivation, and cognitive. So that it has
built the concept of creative and critical thinking
patterns of students during the discussion process in
three fairly good cycles. Although in the first cycle
there were still difficulties in developing teamwork
and communication, in the second and third cycles it
became easier. This is because the lecturers have
tried very optimally to improve teaching activities,
encourage student learning desires and also become
mediators that are in accordance with the needs of
Pre-Cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3
Average Score Line Improving
100% 100%
Percentage of Test Line Improving
Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian through Collaborative Learning Approach: (Action Research in the Department of
Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, Jakarta Stat
The concept of social constructivism applied to
learn translates Arabic texts into Indonesian through
collaborative learning based on a learning process
that focuses on students who are fully responsible
for themselves. This means that students are taught
to organize the learning process regularly. The
collaborative is designed through a stimulation
process working on translation assignments in group
discussions that are assisted by peer learning so that
students develop a sense of belonging. Learning is
closely related to the cognitive development of
students. The social-cognitive theory focuses on the
social framework in which learning takes place
(through the process of observation, modelling), the
interaction of individuals with the environment,
learning associated with reality, understanding the
importance of situations and social contexts for
In Trif's study (2015), analyzing the use of
teaching strategies based on scaffolding
development. The premise is that the teacher gives
students all the information needed to complete the
task, updates the rules so that students become able
to direct their own attention, to plan and control their
own activities. The concept of the research is in line
with the research that has been developed in this
action research. It is known that scaffolding is part
of the application of collaborative learning. In this
study, this technique was applied to a variety of
concepts. Researchers have applied collaborative
learning oriented to student participation, teamwork,
highlighting the role of individuals in social groups
so that it reflects the role of human beings as social
beings, building the desire to help colleagues who
have weak abilities, and focus on regular learning
activities. These activities have been aligned with
cognitive learning theories that have emphasized
learning processes rather than learning outcomes.
The application of activities in collaborative
learning indirectly develops communicative
concepts that run in two directions or interactively.
In addition, students who have weak abilities feel
motivated by peers in learning. This increases the
motivation process of students to continue learning.
In addition, students are trained to think critically.
Because everyone is required to give an opinion to
the discussion group. In Kwan & Wong's (2015)
study it was found that constructivist learning
environments have a direct influence on critical
thinking skills, cognitive strategies and motivation
bridge bridges the relationship between
constructivist learning environments and critical
thinking skills. Thus, it can be said that the learning
process based on the concept of collaboration
provides mediation or facilities to students in
building a sense of self-confidence and motivation to
learn, critical thinking patterns, ways to
communicate and a dynamic social environment.
Implementation of collaborative learning
approach in the translation learning process refers to
Reid's theory concept. There are five stages that are
implemented in collaborative learning for
Translation learning. The first is engagement. At this
stage, the lecturer evaluates the ability to explain,
the desire to learn, and the intelligence possessed by
students. Based on the concept, the lecturer divides
students into groups. Each group has a variety of
student abilities ranging from low, medium and high
levels. This activity appears in the preliminary
activities. This stage appears in the learning process
in the first cycle. In the second cycle, the assessment
of the ability of students appears at the appearance
of each student in reviewing the material that has
been studied. This is the same in the third cycle.
However, the division of the second cycle group was
carried out alternately based on the learning
outcomes in the meeting. For the third cycle carried
out in pairs.
The second stage is exploration. At this stage, the
lecturer starts the teaching and learning process by
stimulating students to actively conduct question and
answer and discussion in groups. In addition,
students are also involved in providing material or
having Arabic texts to be translated into Indonesian.
Every cycle starting from the first cycle to the third
cycle, this exploration activity is carried out at the
beginning to sharpen students' understanding of the
material to be studied and review the material that
has been studied.
The third stage is transformation. From the
different abilities possessed by each student, then
each member exchanged ideas and held group
discussions. That way, students who initially have
low achievements, over time will be able to increase
their achievements because of the mutual learning
process from students who have high achievements
for students who have low achievement. This
activity also takes place with the concept of
interdependence among students, but lecturers
continue to build students' independence in learning
and completing individual tasks. At this stage, the
learning process is built that prioritizes
collaboration. In research Mandal (2009) and
Siddique & Singh (2016), cooperative learning
students are given the opportunity to write and
rewrite what they have written. Peer criticism helps
students sharpen their knowledge of the structure of
essays and the rules of grammar.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
From the results of this study known that in the
process of collaborative implementation is the
concept of cooperation is a very important part.
Thus, the process of student social life is well built.
This can affect the concept of applying student
collaboration. As found in research (A, Violet,
&J¨arvenoja, 2010), in the development of
collaborative learning constructs it was found that
well-developed social roles influenced the level of
motivation of students in collaborative learning. The
same study conducted by Navarro-Pablo &
Gallardo-Saborido (2015) showed that cooperative
learning and task-based learning were effective in
teacher training activities. The same is done from
Saborit, Fernández-Río, Cecchini Estrada, Méndez-
Giménez, & Alonso (2016) that there are positive
attitudes and perceptions of teachers related to the
implementation of cooperative learning in the
context of education. The same opinion from Slavin
(2015), cooperative learning is the best learning
concept to improve student achievement when the
learning group has the same goal. From this view
can be understood that cooperative learning has the
same concept with collaborative learning. Because
learning has the purpose of building togetherness.
The fourth stage is the presentation. After the
discussion is complete, each group has to deliver the
translation results. Other groups or other students
must make notes and provide corrections. Then
students are asked to convey the results of their
assessment through a question and answer process.
The fifth stages of exploration, movement and
presentation are carried out at the core activities.
This activity is carried out for 60 minutes or more.
The fifth stage is a reflection. This stage appears
in the closing activity. The lecturer designed the
closing activities very attractively and increased the
interest of students to continue translation learning.
After completing the presentation, a question and
answer process occurs between groups. This
question and answer are aimed at the process of
reflection on the teaching and learning process of
Arabic texts into Indonesian. Students also provide
an alternate review of learning outcomes and an
assessment of the results of the translation.
Some advantages that have been found from
each meeting for three cycles include;
a. Building an attitude of working together and
tolerance for differences of opinion, ideas, raised
by students during the discussion process.
b. Creating a sense of responsibility and concern
for colleagues who have difficulty in translating
Arabic texts into Indonesian.
c. Building critical thinking skills in giving an
assessment of the results of the translation.
d. Providing an in-depth understanding of the
different ways of working together in teams and
e. Building a concept of mutual motivation among
f. Creating an interactive communication process.
So, collaborative learning during the learning
process of translating Arabic texts into Indonesian is
able to stimulate creativity and critical thinking
patterns of students, develop attitudes towards the
teaching and learning process, and can broaden
horizons. Collaborative learning instils cooperation
and tolerance for other people's opinions and helps
each other among students. the excess found proved
this assumption.
The results of improved learning to translate Arabic
texts into Indonesian using collaborative learning
have shown very good development. The average
score of each cycle has shown changes. The average
score of the test in pre-action to the first cycle has
increased by 10.3 or from 54.6 to 64.9. The average
score from the first cycle to the second cycle
increases 8.4 or from 64.9 to 73.3. The average score
from the second cycle to the third cycle also
increases 8.3 or from 73.3 to 81.6. This study has
several implications. The collaborative learning
approach is learning that can be applied to any
subject. In addition, collaborative learning is also
suitable for large classes of more than 20 students.
Because the concept of learning-built collaboration
awareness. The results of this study recommend the
practice of teaching and learning foreign languages
such as Arabic. Researchers can use collaborative
learning for other subjects that have characteristics
according to learning needs.
For Arabic lecturers, the results of this study can
be used to be one of the choices of learning
approaches that can be combined with other learning
approaches or methods for teaching Arabic. It’s not
only for the learning process in the class but also the
lecture can be used to design syllabus. In addition,
the results of this study can also be used as a guide
for designing translation material or modules for
courses.Forstudents, collaborative learning combines
using varied learning media can attract the desire to
study in class. The results of the study show that
collaborative learning has developed a thinking
pattern of students who are more critical and
Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian through Collaborative Learning Approach: (Action Research in the Department of
Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, Jakarta Stat
creative. Students are able to have a positive attitude
in working with colleagues. In addition, students
also have the ability to assess the results of student
assignments very well.
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have been cited by me. I thank you to all people that
have helped me to finish this research
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society