Surviving the Medicinal Plants Lexicon of Culambacu Language
Akhmad Marhadi, La Ino, Maliudin
Universitas Haluoleo, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
Keywords: Ecolexicon, Survival, Medicinal Plants, Language, Culambacu
Abstract: The article discusses the survival of Culambacu language which leads to the ecolexicon of medicinal plants.
This type of research is field research with qualitative and quantitative methods. Data sources from the
study were informants aged between 15-17 year. Based on the analysis that has been done, the researcher
gets the result that of the 100 lexicons submitted to 50 respondents. The total number of lexicons that are
still known is 2,808 out of 5,000 lexicons that have been submittedBased on the analysis that has been done,
the researcher found that the survival rate of the Culambacu language lexicon in traditional medicinal plants
reached 56.16%. Based on the results of the study it can be said that the culambacu language still persists
among adolescents aged 15-17 years.
The speakers of Culambacu language can be found
in North Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi
Province. The Culambacu language consists of three
dialects, the Lamonae dialect in
WiwiranoSubdistrict and the Landawe dialect in
Oheo Sub-district of Konawe Utara District, and the
Torete dialect is on the east coast of Konawe District
in Waworaha Village. According to the local
community, the Culambacu people in the village
Culambacu District Wiwirano since the
establishment of the Kingdom of Culambacu with
the first king named Untolipu based in Wawoheo,
Takupuno. The Culambacu people according to the
local story are from seven brothers of six men one
woman, the only woman living in Culambacu, while
the six siblings are scattered to other areas.
According to the local community culambacu comes
from the word cu means down and mbacu means
stone. So, culambacu means down to the rock and
the descent place is called Cinutu. There is also a
saying that culambacu comes from the word horn
which means bamboo and mbacu means stone. So,
culambacu means bamboo stone. There is a
mountain in Culambacu there is an old cemetery
near him growing seven bamboo groves adjacent to
each other. This bamboo tree does not develop until
now, so it is most likely called stone bamboo
because it does not grow or grow. (La Ino, 2018)
Culambacu is a minority language in Southeast
Sulawesi. Based on a population census in North
Konawe, Culambacu, the number of speakers is
around 3,200. Culambacu is located surrounded by
the Tolaki language, the Bugis language, the Menui
language. Based on preliminary observations of
children and adolescents in everyday conversation,
they rarely use the Culambacu language except
using Indonesian. This phenomenon is the basis for
research on the Culambacu language. As an initial
step in research in the field of survival. The reason
for prioritizing research into survival is to find out
the level of vocabulary survival. By raising the issue
is whether teenagers who speak the Culambacu
language still maintain their language in everyday
Defined ecolinguistic as follows:Ecolinguisties is
an umbrella term for all approaches in wich the
study of language (and languages) is in any way
combined with ecology(Fill, 2001).Language
ecology according to Haugen (1971) is Language
ecology may be defined as the study of interactions
between any given language end its enrironment,
(Haugen, 1972)
This study was introduced for the first time by
Einar Haugen in his writing in the form of ecology
of language in 1972. Haugen preferred to choose
ecology of language compared with the other terms
that are relevant with this study. The selection was
based on a wide classification in it, in which the
linguists can cooperate with various kinds of the
Marhadi, A., Ino, L. and Maliudin, .
Surviving the Medicinal Plants Lexicon of Culambacu Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0008993000050012
In Proceedings of the Inter national Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
other social sciences in understanding the interaction
of inter language, (Al Gayoni).
Inhis writing that entitles Ecolinguistics in the
University cited:
Ecology is the study of functional interrelationships.
The two parameters we wish to interrelate are
language and the environment/ecology. Depending
on whose perspective one takes one will get either
ecology of language, or language ecology.
Combined they constitute the field of ecoliguistics.
Ecology of language studies the support system
languages require for their continued wellbeing as
well as the factors that have affected the habitat of
many languages in recent times(Mulhauser, 1996)
In connection with the field of ecolinguistic study,
stated that ecolinguistics is related with ten fields of
study, i.e.: (1) comparative historic linguistic; (2)
Demographical linguistic; (3) Sociolinguistic; (4)
Dialinguistic; (5) Dialectology; (6) Philology; (7)
Prescriptive Linguistic; (8) Glotopolitic; (9)
Ethnolinguistic, anthropological linguistic or
cultural linguistic and (10) Tipology, (Haugen,
In ecolinguistic study, the most visible thing in
the relation of ecosystem that constitutes the part of
human’s life (ecology) with the language which
human beings use in communicating in their
environment. The environment is the physical
environment with language that causes a variety of
problems in the society. The bilingual/multilingual
situation is the one that makes the lingual interaction
to be present. The physical language with various
social conditions greatly influences the language
speaker psychologically in its lingual usage, (Al
Gayoni, 2012)
Ecolinguistic consists of two main parts, namely
analysis of eco-critical and ecology of linguistic
discourse. The eco-critical discourse is not apart
from the applying of critical discourse analysis
towards the text related with environment and the
parties involved in the environment in expressing the
ideologies underlying the text, but this study
analyses as well a variety of discourses having the
impact on the coming ecosystem. Besides, eco-
critical discourse not only focuses on the tracing of
the ideologies having the destructive potential, but
also searches discursive representation that can
contribute to the survival of society ecologically, (Al
Gayoni, 2012)
There is an evident relation concerning various
physical changes towards language and vice versa.
In his writing of Language and Environment,
Muhlhauster (1996) cited that there are four (4)
enabling the relationship between language and
environment. They all become different subjects of
linguistic studies. Everything becomes a different
subject from linguistic studies at some time or at
other times. The four relationships are:
1. Language is indenpendent and self-contained
(Chomsky, Cognituve Linguistics);
2. Language is constructed by the world (marr);
3. The world is constructed by language
(structuralism and post structuralism);
4. Language is interconnected with the world it
both construts
is construcred by it but rarely
indenpendent (ecolinguistics).
Language highly affects the paradigm, attitude,
and behavior of human beings. It can give the
positive implication towards physical, economic,
and social environment, namely the balance of the
environment that exists on the next generation can
be preserved and inherited. Conversely, it can give
the negative effect in various changes, imbalances,
and ecosystem damages. Thus, language can direct
its usage both for constructive things and destructive
one related with the environment, (Al Gayoni, 2012)
[6]Definition of lexicon by dividing it into some
categories, i.e. (1) lexicon is a component of
language containing all information about meaning
and word usage in language; (2) lexicon is the
wealth of words being owned by a speaker, writer
or a language of vocabularies; (3) lexicon is the list
of words being arranged like a dictionary, but with a
brief and practical explanation.
In erms of its usage, lexicon consists of two
components, i.e.:
1. active lexicon namely the wealth of words that
are usually used by someone,
2. passive lexicon namely the wealth of words that
are only understood the meaning by someone,
but is seldom or never used, (Hamid, 1991)
Medicine vegetation is all vegetations that can be
used as medicine, covering the vegetations that can
be seen by the eyes and the ones that can only be
seen by using microscope, (Hamid, 1991) According
to Zuhud (2004), medicine vegetation is all kinds of
medicine vegetation which are known or trusted to
have the usefulness of medicine that is grouped into:
1. traditional medicine vegetation is the kind of
medicine vegetation being known or being
trusted by the society to have the usefulness of
medicine and has been used as the main material
of traditional medicine;
2. moder medicine vegetation is the kind of
vegetation which has scientifically been proven
to have the compound or bioactive material with
having the usefulness of medicine and its usage
can be accounted for medically;
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
3. potential medicine vegetation is the kind of
medicine vegetation being suspected to contain
any compound or active material with having the
usefulness of medicine, but has not yet been
proven scientifically or its usage as traditional
medicine is difficult to trace
Research on ecolinguistics was conducted by
Yuniawan, (2014) regarding students' attitudes
towards environmental preservation expressions at
Semarang State University. By using the
Ecolinguistic theory the research findings are: From
the overall level of student knowledge, it is found
that the overall knowledge is still less than a score of
70. This means that the level of student knowledge
about conservation is not too good. The average
score of attitudes of students in eight faculties
toward expressions shows that the highest average
attitudes toward conservation expressions are found
in Law Faculty students. If the overall attitude score
results are added up and divided into conservation
indicators, the most popular expression is in the
fields of ethics, art, and culture. Meanwhile, the
most unpopular phrase is in terms of conservation
publications. Consequently, the popularity of
conservation expressions from the most popular to
the most unfamiliar are (1) ethics, arts and culture,
(2) conservation cadres, (3) waste management, (4)
clean energy, (5) biodiversity, (6) green architecture
and internal transportation, (7) circumcision, and (8)
conservation publications.
Furthermore, research conducted by Kurnuati
(2017) about the development of children's stories
with an ecolinguistic approach as an expression of
local wisdom for the preservation of Javanese
language and the environment in elementary
schools. by using the Ecolinguistic theory the
research findings are that the needs of students in
learning Javanese elementary school are learning
written and spoken Javanese. The desired teaching
material is in the form of fairy tales and stories of
daily experiences / activities that use dialect
language where students are located by paying
attention to the environment and the natural
environment. Written language stories are picture
books and oral stories on audio visual media. The
need for teachers in learning Javanese elementary
school with an ecolinguistic approach is teaching
children stories that can train students to
communicate politely in their environment in daily
activities by paying attention to the use of language
in relation to humans, God, and the natural
surroundings. Preparation of teaching materials in
Javanese stories based on: (a) curriculum, (b)
ecolinguistic concepts, and (3) concepts of children's
story texts. The children's story models are written
and spoken in two Javanese dialects, namely [כ
[dialect and [a] dialect]. Stories developed in the
form of experiences, daily activities, cultural
activities, and fairy tales in the student environment.
This story teaching material is declared valid by the
material expert, instructional media expert, and the
teacher as the user.
Furthermore, research conducted by Mantiri, (2018). By using the ecolinguistic theory the
research findings are Based on the results of the
study, the ecological impact of the use of indicative
sentences is divided into two, namely the
constructive and destructive effects. Constructive
impact is usually the content, meaning or message
can affect the mindset and attitude of readers to help
preserve the environment. Positive texts can change
negative environmental ethics into positive. The
destructive impact of the use of sentences on
environmental discourse in the form of text that is
too clear, fulgar, excessive, and too detailed. The
text affects attitudes and mindsets that damage the
Furthermore, research conducted by Kurnuati
(2017) about the development of children's stories
with an ecolinguistic approach as an expression of
local wisdom for the preservation of Javanese
language and the environment in elementary
schools. by using the Ecolinguistic theory the
research findings are that the needs of students in
learning Javanese elementary school are learning
written and spoken Javanese. The desired teaching
material is in the form of fairy tales and stories of
daily experiences / activities that use dialect
language where students are located by paying
attention to the environment and the natural
environment. Written language stories are picture
books and oral stories on audio visual media. The
need for teachers in learning Javanese elementary
school with an ecolinguistic approach is teaching
children stories that can train students to
Surviving the Medicinal Plants Lexicon of Culambacu Language
communicate politely in their environment in daily
activities by paying attention to the use of language
in relation to humans, God, and the natural
surroundings. Preparation of teaching materials in
Javanese stories based on: (a) curriculum, (b)
ecolinguistic concepts, and (3) concepts of children's
story texts. The children's story models are written
and spoken in two Javanese dialects, namely [כ
[dialect and [a] dialect]. Stories developed in the
form of experiences, daily activities, cultural
activities, and fairy tales in the student environment.
This story teaching material is declared valid by the
material expert, instructional media expert, and the
teacher as the user.
Research conducted by Santoso (2017) on Socio-
Econo-Ecolinguistic Analysis of Traditional Plant
Lexicon Retention for Cooking Spices for Students
in Semarang City. Using the ecolinguistic approach
the findings are that the results showed that
respondents from the University of the Indonesian
Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia
(UPGRIS) still retained 24 lexicon (75.00%) of the
32 lexicon tested. Furthermore, Semarang State
University (UNNES) ranks second, which still
maintains 14 lexicons (43.75%). Ranking 3 and 4
were occupied by respondents from the Catholic
University (UNIKA) Soegijapranata and Diponegara
State University (UNDIP), each of whom retained
only 6 lexicons (18.75%). Thus, the average
maintenance of a traditional plant lexicon for
cooking spices (bumbon) for female students in
Semarang City only reaches 54.94% (24 + 14 + 6 +
6/91). Thus, it can be concluded that the
maintenance of the traditional plant lexicon for
cooking Semarang students' spices is low. This
could mean that instant cooking has shifted
traditional cooking spices to around 45%. The
meaning of "bumbon" plants by respondents has
several similarities, for example, socially, plants are
interpreted as forming social relations between
respondents and the community (neighbors, farmers,
sellers, and their own families). Economically,
"bumbon" plants are intended to save family
expenses and can help improve the lives of farmers
and "bumbon" sellers. Ecologically this "bumbon"
plant is understood as environmental preservation
and the environment becomes beautiful, natural,
beautiful, cool, shady, healthy, beautiful, clean,
environmentally friendly. In addition, respondents
gave other meanings, such as preserving and
maintaining spices that inherited Indonesian spices,
living healthy, making fertile soil, and so on.
Further research conducted by Umiyati(2011)
Lingual Khazanah Resistance Of Bima Language
Guyub Agriculture In The Domain Of Critical
Ecolinguistic Perspectives using the critical
ecolinguistic theory results is that in speakers of the
Bima language, the resilience of linguistic speech in
agriculture is still very well preserved, characterized
by the appearance of a characteristic number of
linguistic emergencies. the realm of agriculture in a
number of metaphors and expressions born of local
local wisdom. In the ecolinguistic view, the green
grammar view is used as an ideal form of structure
to harmonize the sentences / clauses that exist in the
harmony of the speech with nature.
In this study data collection is focused on natural
setting or natural conditions.[9] In the collection of
data there are several stages performed, namely
tests, observations, interviews, personal and official
documentation, photos, pictures, and informal
conversations. The collected data is qualitative data.
Data analysis refers to [10] as a process of
organizing and sorting data into patterns, categories,
and sets of basic descriptions so that a theme can be
To determine the percentage of survival rate and
non-resistance per lexicon Ecolexicon The
traditional medicinal plants of Culambacu language
as mentioned above, the researchers analyzed by
using the following formula:
𝑥 100%
While, to know the percentage of
sustainability and insustainability extent of lexicon
of Kulisusu language of traditional medicine
vegetation/plants, the researcher uses the following
𝑥 100%
By virtue of the above formulation, lexicon
of traditional medicine vegetation/plants is said to
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
still survive, if it is still found the respondent still
knowing or using the lexicon.
To know the final result of sustainability
extent of lexicon of Culambacu language, traditional
medicine vegetation/plants in totality uses the
𝑏𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
𝑥 100%
The above formulation refers to the former
research done by SiduMarafad about: “Sustainability
of Vocabulary of Local Language of Muna in
Environment of Kowala Vegetation (palm plants)”
(La Ode Sidu).
Level of Surviving Culambacu Language Based on
the research results, the survival rate of Culmbacu
language for each respondent can be explained as
1. Respondents 1 from 100 lexicons are proposed
can know the meaning and its use 83 lexicons
with the percentage of 83%, while 17 lexicons
with the percentage of 17% do not know the
meaning and its use. Based the formulation:
x 100% = 83%
2. Respondentsts 2 and 3 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 80
lexicons with the percentage of 80%,
while20lexicons with the percentage of 20% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 80%
3. Respondentsts 4, 5, and 6 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 75
lexicons with the percentage of 75%,
while25lexicons with the percentage of 25% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 75%
4. Respondents 7 from 100 lexicons are proposed
can know the meaning and its use 70 lexicons
with the percentage of 70%, while30lexicons
with the percentage of 30% do not know the
meaning and its use. Based the formulation:
x 100% = 70%
5. Respondents 8 from 100 lexicons are proposed
can know the meaning and its use 67 lexicons
with the percentage of 67%, while33lexicons
with the percentage of 33% do not know the
meaning and its use. Based the formulation:
x 100% = 67%
6. Respondents 9, 10,and 11 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 66
lexicons with the percentage of 66%,
while34lexicons with the percentage of 34% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 66%
7. Respondents 12 and 13 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 65
lexicons with the percentage of 65%,
while35lexicons with the percentage of 35% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 65%
8. Respondents 14 and 15 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 63
lexicons with the percentage of 63%,
while37lexicons with the percentage of 37% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 63%
9. Respondents 16 and 17 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 62
lexicons with the percentage of 62%,
while38lexicons with the percentage of 38% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 62%
10. Respondents 18 and 19 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 61
lexicons with the percentage of 61%,
while39lexicons with the percentage of 39% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 61%
11. Respondents 20 and 21 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 60
lexicons with the percentage of 60%,
while40lexicons with the percentage of 40% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 60%
Surviving the Medicinal Plants Lexicon of Culambacu Language
12. Respondents 22, 23, 24, and 25 from 100
lexicons are proposed can know the meaning and
its use 58 lexicons with the percentage of 58%,
while42lexicons with the percentage of 42% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 58%
13. Respondents 26, 27, 28 and 29 from 100 lexicons
are proposed can know the meaning and its use
56 lexicons with the percentage of 56%,
while44lexicons with the percentage of 44% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 56%
14. Respondents 30 and 31 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 55
lexicons with the percentage of 55%,
while45lexicons with the percentage of 45% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 55%
15. Respondents 32, 33, and 34 from 100 lexicons
are proposed can know the meaning and its use
54 lexicons with the percentage of 54%,
while46lexicons with the percentage of 46% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 54%
16. Respondents 35, 36, 37, 38 from 100 lexicons
are proposed can know the meaning and its use
53 lexicons with the percentage of 53%,
while47lexicons with the percentage of 47% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 53%
17. Respondents 39 and 40 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 52
lexicons with the percentage of 52%,
while48lexicons with the percentage of 48% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 52%
18. Respondents 41and 42 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 50
lexicons with the percentage of 50%,
while50lexicons with the percentage of 50% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 50%
19. Respondents 43 from 100 lexicons are proposed
can know the meaning and its use 43 lexicons
with the percentage of 43%, while57lexicons
with the percentage of 57% do not know the
meaning and its use. Based the formulation:
x 100% = 43%
20. Respondents 44 from 100 lexicons are proposed
can know the meaning and its use 42 lexicons
with the percentage of 42%, while58lexicons
with the percentage of 58% do not know the
meaning and its use. Based the formulation:
x 100% = 42%
21. Respondents 45 and 46 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 39
lexicons with the percentage of 39%,
while61lexicons with the percentage of 61% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 39%
22. Respondents 47 and 48 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 37
lexicons with the percentage of 37%,
while63lexicons with the percentage of 63% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 37%
23. Respondents 49 and 50 from 100 lexicons are
proposed can know the meaning and its use 36
lexicons with the percentage of 36%,
while64lexicons with the percentage of 664% do
not know the meaning and its use. Based the
x 100% = 36%
This following is the elaboration of percentage of
sustainability of lexicon on traditional medicine
vegetation with the indicator of understanding on
each respondent in questionary contains 100
lexicons shown to 50 respondents.
Table 1 above shows that from 50 respondents,
there is no respondent that still really knows the
meaning and use of lexicon in the totality of lexicon
of Culmbacu language in environment of traditional
medicine vegetation/plants with the percentage of
100%. The rest is that they still know, but its
percentage does not fulfill until 100%. The
percentage that they know really does, but is not in
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
totality, 36% until 83%. However, there are 8
respondents in which its sustainability extent is
under 50%, because from 100 lexicons proposed by
8 respondents. The percentage of sustainability
extent that they know only 43% (1 respondent), 42%
(1 respondent), 39% (2 respondents), 37% (2
respondents),36% (2 respondents). The condition is
like this because these 8 respondents have not been
enough to know the meaning and use of lexicon of
Culambacu language in the environment of
traditional medicine vegetation/plant.
Based on the data percentage, the sustainability
extent for each respondent can be seen that the
highest respondent about the sustainability extent of
its lexicon is the respondent 1 with the percentage of
sustainability 83%. Thus, it can be given the
meaning that from 100 lexicons proposed towards
the respondent 1, this respondent still knows the
meaning and use from the highest of Culambacu
language in the environment of traditional medicine
4.1 Conclusions
Based on the analysis that has been done, the
researcher gets the result that of the 100 lexicons
submitted to 50 respondents, the total number of
lexicons that are still known is 2,808 (two thousand
eight hundred eight) out of 5,000 (five thousand)
lexicons that have been submitted. These results are
obtained from the sum of all known lexicons (2,808)
and the overall lexicon that has been proposed. So to
calculate the survival rate of each lexicon in overall
Culambacu language in North Konawe Regency
using the formula 2.808 / 5,000 x 100% = 56.16%.
Based on the analysis that has been done, the
researcher found that the survival rate of the
Culambacu language lexicon of traditional medicinal
plants / plants in North Konawe Regency reached
4.2 Recommendations
The cultural lexicon of the Culambacu language can
enrich the Indonesian language. Therefore,
Culambacu language needs to be conserved through
efforts and concrete actions related to the
conservation of marine environmental resources
involving all societies, especially the younger
generation. This effort is important to maintain the
lexicon of regional distinctiveness which is a
reflection of the history of the natural (physical) and
socio-cultural environments that lived in its day. The
goal is that every community plays an active role in
supporting the existence of Culambacu language
through the use of Culambacu language in daily
communication. Especially for the fisheries,
livestock and agriculture sectors, the findings of this
research are useful as inputs in determining research
policies and conserving biological resources. Thus,
it is expected to foster behavior guarding,
preserving, and preserving the physical environment.
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Pelestarian Lingkungan Di Universitas Negeri
Semarang. Jurnal Indonesian Journal of Conservation
Vol. 3 No. 1 - Juni 2014 [ISSN: 2252-9195] Hlm.
Zuhud EAM. 2004. Hutan Tropika Indonesia Sebagai
Sumber Keanekaragaman Plasma Nutfah Tumbuhan
Obat, pp. 1-15 dalam: Zuhud EAM dan Haryanto.
Pelestarian Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan
Obat Hutan Tropika 63 Indonesia. Jurusan Konservasi
Sumberdaya Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, Lembaga
Alam Tropika Indonesia. Bogor
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society