Develop Musicality of Teenager through Band Teaching and
Learning: A Case Study
Tri Wahyu Widodo
, and Muhammad Idham Kholid
Institute Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6.5 Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Extracurricular, Music Band, Humanistic Education.
Abstract: The process of learning band music in junior high school students is part of the development of skills or soft
scale in the field of musical art. The level of interest in the musical activity is quite good. This can be seen
from the results of the band's music learning process. This article is the result of research on the activities of
grade VIII students who choose extracurricular activities at Sewon Bantul State Junior High School 1
Yogyakarta in the even academic year 2017/2018. Through interview techniques, documentation, and
observations on musical activities, the band's practice can provide data that the musical activities reduce
harmful activities of first-level school students. The process of practising band music at Sewon Bantul State
I Junior High School Yogyakarta also uses various approaches, namely humanistic education, utilising
electronic media, learning evaluation using discussion systems, demonstration methods, lecture methods, and
drill methods. Learning activities outside school hours are called extracurricular learning. The band's musical
activities at the Sewon Bantul State I Middle School Yogyakarta are extracurricular lessons. The results of
extracurricular learning activities such as band music learning can be concluded to have a positive impact on
student personality and mental development. The band's various extracurricular activities are also in line with
government education programs that provide a place for positive activities for the younger generation.
Learning is an interaction between teacher and
students in the learning process. Learning is a system
that aims to help students' learning process, which
contains a series of events designed and arranged in
such a way that students can be affected and support
the occurrence of learning processes (Gagne &
Briggs, 1979:3). Learning can be held in the form of
formal, informal and non-formal. Formal learning, in
general, is held by many formal schools. Forms of
formal learning such as those conducted at Sewon
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School. (Smith, 1998).
Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School is one of
the schools in the Bantul area. Sewon 1 Junior High
School is located on Jalan Parangtritis KM 7. The
school is one of the first favourite secondary schools
in the Bantul area. This school has a total of 24
classrooms with a capacity of 24 to 28 people. Sewon
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School organises in the
form of an intra-curricular and extracurricular
learning process. Extracurricular learning is a
compulsory activity that should be carried out by the
curriculum and carried out in the morning at the
school. Extracurricular learning is an activity that is
freer and not too binding as extracurricular activities.
The learning of extracurricular activities is carried
out in the State High School 1 Sewon Yogyakarta, in
general schools do not target students to have an
achievement. Self-development activities carried out
in the school have not been managed in a structured
manner. The curriculum implementation carried out
by schools is less concerned with extracurricular
activities and goes on.
Extracurricular activities carried out at the school
are a place to accommodate students' talents and
interests. However, not all who choose musical
talents and interests can be accommodated in band
extracurricular activities. This is due to the selection
system that does not direct students to choose
extracurricular activities that are by their potential.
However, there are also some students who have the
potential to choose extracurricular activities. The
school has several activities in self-development
Widodo, T. and Kholid, M.
Develop Musicality of Teenager through Band Teaching and Learning: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008765003700376
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities (ICONARTIES 2019), pages 370-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-450-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which are embodied in extracurricular activities, and
are held once a week. Extracurricular activities at the
school aim to provide a place for students who have
talents and interests related to the field of sports, arts
including choir, band, painting, and calligraphy. The
band's extracurricular activities carried out at the
State 1 Sewon Yogyakarta Junior High School is
formally done in the classroom with a sufficient
number of instrument facilities. However, the
condition is that there are some unkempt instruments.
Band extracurricular activities are carried out in
classrooms containing tables and chairs.
The music band's learning has a process of
students learning of instruments that are in demand
and taught directly by the teacher. Learning methods
applied to students are given in the form of sample
material in playing band musical instruments.
Extracurricular learning from teacher bands provides
not only direct examples of how to play musical
instruments that are of interest to students but also
provides practical theories on how to play basic
chords. Room facilities are less comfortable because
of the existence of tables and chairs, and hot room
temperatures make students feel tired during the band
learning activities. This causes when the learning
process takes place; some students come out of the
class and do not pay attention to the teacher when
delivering learning material. Besides that, there were
also many participants in the band's extracurricular
activities who moved with other extras.
The extracurricular learning process for band
music in junior high school students through a case
study of the learning process at the I Sewon State
Middle School illustrates that adolescence needs a
positive activity. In this article, the results of the study
will be based on the background described and to the
understanding of the band's music learning process,
there are some things revealed, namely how the band
forms extracurricular learning at Sewon Yogyakarta
1 Junior High School and how the obstacles and
solutions of band extracurricular learning? The
question will provide an understanding that band
music extracurricular lessons will be known to form
extracurricular learning models and know the
obstacles and solutions in the process of teaching
band music teaching at Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior
High School.
The research process at the State Junior High
School I Sewon refers to several previous studies
such as the research of Harel Arganata (2011) in the
final thesis report writing entitled "The
Extracurricular Learning Process Band at SD Bobkri
Demangan III Depok Sleman" discusses the music
learning model. Then the research of Frendi Andrian
(2014) in the final thesis report entitled "Band
Extracurricular Learning in Santo Yosef
Pangkalpinang High School in Bangka-Belitung
Islands Province 2013/2014 Academic Year Period"
discussed some of the methods applied in the school.
Next is Rifki Kurniawan's (2014) research in the final
thesis report "Band Music Extracurricular Learning
2013/2014 Academic Year in Kutowinangun 1
Kebumen Middle High School in Central Java" which
discusses the learning process and applies to learn
methods. The three results of the study can be
concluded that no one has examined the Band
Learning at Sewon Yogyakarta Junior High School 1
Bantul. Therefore the research that has been done is
still original. In the process of research carried out
requires several sources that can be a reference in the
discussion and reference. Examining the band's
learning process and strategies at Sewon Yogyakarta
1 Junior High School refers to several methods from
various reference sources. Andi Aldiano provides an
understanding of how to learn practically popular
musical instruments, such as guitars, basses, drums,
keyboards, violins, harmonicas, and others (Aldiano,
2014). The method of Andi Aldino provides
knowledge in learning music that does not yet have a
background in music knowledge and can be done
independently or commonly called self-taught
Ngalimun, 2016, gave the opinion that every
implementation of the teaching and learning process
would undoubtedly require a strategy. Designing a
strategy in detail will assist education providers,
namely teachers, in guiding students to be able to
understand the material in the learning (Ngalimun,
2016). This is revealed in the book “Strategi dan
Model Pembelajaran”, which was published by CV.
Aswaja Pressindo, Yogyakarta. Case studies of band
music extracurricular learning processes also require
the role of the teacher in understanding
psychologically. Psychological understanding is an
essential part of the teaching and learning process
(Syah & Wardan, 1999). This is as described in a
book entitled “Psikologi Pendidikan Dengan
Pendekatan Baru” revealed by Muhibbin Shah.
According to Muhibbin Shah, the discussion of
teaching and learning is directly connected with the
activities of students while conducting the learning
process. It is necessary for the stages of learning the
material in the school environment and outside the
school environment. Haryadi et al. Also provides an
Develop Musicality of Teenager through Band Teaching and Learning: A Case Study
understanding that the learning process at the
elementary and junior high school level requires
materials that are commonly used in learning. This
was revealed in a book entitled Metode Pendidikan
Seni Musik Untuk Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah
Menengah Pertama, Dedikbud, Jakarta, 1977. The
process of band music extracurricular learning that
has been carried out by I Sewon State Middle School
students uses media technology that is currently
efficiently utilised. The learning process of using
technology is expressed through the thoughts of
Bambang Warsita (2008) in a book entitled,
Teknologi Pembelajaran Landasan dan Aplikasinya,
Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Understanding of student
technology is also needed with the understanding and
scope of learning technology. This thinking is also
beneficial for the teaching teacher as well (Warsita,
The search process in the band's extracurricular
music learning process through several stages of
panhandling conducted directly to the field will
explain and describe the band's learning strategy in
extracurricular activities. This is also contained in the
explanation and description of an event in certain
situations (Sugiyono, 2013: 2). In the case study of
the band's music learning process in extracurricular
through various methods. One method of research
analysis that aims to gain an understanding of reality
through the process of thinking that applies things
that are common in advance to be connected in
particular parts. The results of data analysis in the
form of exposure of the situation under study are
presented in the form of narrative descriptions.
2.1 Data Collection
The search phase for data or information that is
directly related to the material needed, namely using
data collection techniques is the essential step in the
research because the primary purpose of the research
is to obtain data (Sugiyono, 2013: 224). The source of
the data obtained is a literature study that research is
done by collecting data from various library materials
that are relevant and other references related to the
material that will be studied (Sugiyono, 2013: 27).
Looking for data or reference material to be used as
reference material in the final assignment.
The data sought can be through libraries, web,
and others. Observation According to Nasution
(1998) states that the basis of all science. Scientists
can work based on data, namely facts about the world
of reality obtained by observation. At this stage, the
observation was carried out at Sewon Yogyakarta 1
Junior High School Bantul Yogyakarta. Observing
the process directly in learning from beginning to end
will be accurate. Interviews, according to Esterberg
(2002) state that, interviews are a meeting of two
people to exchange information and ideas through
question and answer so that that meaning can be
constructed in a particular topic. At this stage, the
researcher conducted interviews with several
speakers, namely parties at Sewon Yogyakarta 1
Public Middle School such as Principals, curriculum
fields, extracurricular teacher teaching teachers as
well as students of Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High
School to obtain information and information needed
in collecting data. Documentation is a record of
events that have passed (Sugiyono, 2013: 240). The
document can be in the form of writing, drawing, or
monumental works from a person. Through searching
related documents, the learning process of the band at
Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School will be
complete in data collection. Also, documentation in
the form of excellent photos and videos was recorded
during the learning process at Sewon Yogyakarta 1
Junior High School.
2.2 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of systematically
searching for and compiling data obtained from
interviews, field notes, and other materials so that
they can be easily understood, and their findings can
be informed to others (Sugiyono, 2013). Processing
data with data analysis techniques is a process of
searching and systematically compiling data obtained
from interviews, field notes and documentation by
organising data into several categories, describing
into units, synthesising, arranging into patterns,
choosing which ones essential and what will be
learned then make conclusions (Sugiyono, 2013).
Education plays an essential role in preparing quality
human resources. Therefore, education should be
managed in quality and quantity. Education can be
achieved if students can complete their education on
time with one's learning outcomes, namely, the
teacher's ability (teacher professionalism) in
managing to learn with appropriate methods, which
makes it easy for students to learn the subject matter,
resulting in more learning good (Sugiyono 2012: 75).
According to Jamalus (1988: 3). Learning music art
is learning about sound. Whatever is discussed in
musical learning must be based on the sound itself.
Music is a result of sound art in the form of songs or
ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities
musical compositions, namely rhythm, melody,
harmony, form or structure of songs, and expression
as a unit (Jamalus, 1988: 1).
3.1 Learning Methods
The method of learning music is a way taken to
achieve musical learning gradually according to the
logical sequence level. This method of learning music
is based on the stages of the sequence of music
learning activities. The method used by a music
teacher will depend on the views of the nature and
nature of music itself, the nature and nature of
learning, and the nature and rights of learning music
(Jamalus & Busroh, 1991: 120).
In music learning, various learning methods
according to Nana and Ibrahim (2003: 105), methods
commonly used in teaching and learning activities
include lecture methods, demonstration methods,
imitation methods, discussion methods, and training
drill methods (Sukmadinata & Ibrahim, 2003).
3.2 Band Learning Process
The band's extracurricular activities at Sewon
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School are held every
Wednesday from 13.40-15.40 WIB or 2 hours of
learning in the band's classroom. Active time lasts
more or less for 4-5 months during holidays, holidays,
tryouts and other activities. The space used by band
extracurricular activities is located in the south of the
school measuring 9x15 meters. This space should be
the classroom used for theoretical learning. However,
due to the absence of a special band room or
soundproof room, the place is used for band
extracurricular activities.
The teacher gave the band's extracurricular
learning process at Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High
School by learning to play musical instruments and
practical learning. Learning to play musical
instruments is given to students in band
extracurricular activities, which are only the basics in
playing music and getting to know the musical
instruments used to play the band. Theory learning is
given to students who first hold a band instrument.
Theoretical learning for beginners is also intended to
see students who have more abilities than other
beginner students. This is done to determine students
who will play band musical instruments such as
guitar, bass, drums, or vocals.
Learning the practice of the band is done in
practice together with playing a song determined by
the coach, and if there is a mistake, the teacher
immediately gives direction. The teacher also frees
teaching participants to choose the songs that will be
played when the band learning takes place. Practical
learning together can also train cohesiveness in a
team and hone the sensitivity of students to know
where the mistakes are afterwards; students can
improve them. Extra band learning takes place for one
semester consisting of 12 times face to face. In 1
semester divided into three stages. In stage 1 consists
of the 1st meeting until the 4th meeting to discuss the
first song, stage 2 consists of the 5th meeting to the
8th meeting for the second song discussion, while
stage 3 consists of the 9th to 12th meetings to discuss
the third song. At the final stage or the exam is held
after the meeting is completed.
3.3 Band Extracurricular Learning
After the band music, extracurricular activities
process was held, there were three fundamental
findings related to musical aspects, namely
constraints, solutions to learning outcomes. The
results of extracurricular learning are then evaluated
through examination activities. The three
fundamental findings related to musical aspects are
respectively in group 1 consisting of 5 students
extracurricular band activities, each student holding
musical instruments is Ngalim on guitar, Fitri on
vocals, Habib on guitar 2, Hafid on drums, and tough
on guitars 3. Constraints that exist in this group 1 are
the tempo of the song is often not right and
occasionally fast. In students who play musical
instruments drum tempo that is played too fast and not
right, so the song played is not fun to play. The
solution in group 1 is that the teacher provides
direction and guidance with demonstration methods
and drill methods in playing a song on a drum
instrument. Learning outcomes in group 1 show that
playing music must be able to regulate the rhythm
pattern and can adjust cohesiveness. In a group, 1,
music games are good enough to play music together.
In group 2 which consisted of 5 students
extracurricular band activities, each student holding a
musical instrument was Wunglen on guitar, Indah on
vocals, Yeremi on guitar 2, Rendy on drums, and
Dihan on guitar 3. Constraints in group 2 that is, the
students who held the role of vocal when singing the
song somewhat false. However, the song delivered
can adjust the pitch of the sound. The solution for this
group 2 is that the teacher guides students who are
less fit to sing by playing back songs played with
mobile media and laptops to display Mp3. The
learning results in group 2, which are music games,
are quite good at playing music together. In group 2,
Develop Musicality of Teenager through Band Teaching and Learning: A Case Study
in managing the tempo and rhythm of the song, it is
good enough to be enjoyed.
In group 3 consisting of 5 students extracurricular
band activities, each student is holding a musical
instrument was Irfan on guitar, Naufal on vocals,
Gunawan on guitar 2, Jalu on drums, and Rizky on
guitar 3. Constraints in group 3 that is, for students
who play a musical guitar instrument is not right on
the progress of chords and lack of confidence.
Students who do not fit into the progress of chords
and lack confidence in playing songs are students
who play guitar 1 and guitar 2. The solution in group
3 is that the teacher provides guidance and provides
examples of songs played with demonstration
methods and drill methods. Learning outcomes in
group 3, namely music and compactness games, are
quite good. In group 3, this music game and the
rendition of the song was quite good.
3.4 Obstacles to Band Extracurricular
In the implementation of band music,
extracurricular learning at Sewon Yogyakarta Bantul
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School which took place
twelve times this meeting, not all activities can run
smoothly according to what the researchers expected.
However, there are obstacles in the implementation of
band extracurricular learning. Regarding the
obstacles that are intended are problems that arise
outside the musical aspects. As for related to
obstacles beyond this musical aspect in detail,
3.4.1 Internal Barriers
Six students are indeed still difficult to play a musical
instrument because the talents or interests of students
are not in music. The process of recruitment of
students extracurricular activities of music is not from
the talents or interests of the students themselves, but
some students are only to join their friends to take part
in music extracurricular activities. The habits of
students during the learning process take place, which
is often out of extracurricular music activities because
students have an interest in other extra activities.
3.4.2 Obstacles to External Factors
The limited equipment of musical instruments and
places for the activities of music extracurricular
activities. This is because the school does not have a
particular room for music extracurricular activities, so
it uses student classrooms. Some instruments that are
not conditioned, such as electric guitar bass
instruments that cannot be used, musical guitar
instruments, and drums are also not maintained so
that it is difficult for students to start the learning
process. The school environment is still lack of
concern for extracurricular music activities. The
school curriculum used for learning extracurricular
music activities only provides learning results in the
form of several songs played.
3.5 How to Overcome Obstacles
In the research process, there have been two
obstacles, namely the Internal and External factors.
As a step to overcome these two obstacles,
extracurricular band teachers use three approaches,
namely the humanistic education approach, media
usage approach, and band learning evaluation
approach. The application of Humanistic Education
Extracurricular learning of bands for middle school
students who are growing up is not easy, because of
the emotions of students who have not been
sufficiently stable. Teachers need an approach to
interact more closely with students. Therefore,
Humanistic education is chosen because of the way
the approach provides the opportunity for teachers to
function as friends so that they can directly relate
more closely to students.
3.5.1 Humanistic Education
Humanistic education has an inquiry-discovery
learning approach where students are allowed to find
and find themselves in solving a problem, but if
students have difficulty students can directly ask the
trainer as a source or consultant or student senior.
According to Yatim, Riyanto explained that
Humanistic Education is an effort to help students
achieve their manifestations (Riyanto, 2009: 140).
Based on the description above, the humanistic
education approach is very appropriate to be used in
the band's extracurricular learning process at the
junior high school level where students are teenagers
and grow up. The interests and talents of students at
that level mostly still experience a period of identity
crisis or looking for their identity, so they need
someone close to them not as a teacher or trainer but
as a friend and senior student.
3.5.2 Media Use Approach
In the use of this media approach, there are two types
of media used, namely the first media in the form of
musical instruments, the two supporting media
ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities
namely mobile as a repertoire, the songs learned are
Mp3 and laptop as a means of publishers. The use of
media in the form of mobile phones and musical
instruments consisting of guitar, bass, drums, mix and
sound is a type of media to realise student
achievement in band extracurricular learning.
Therefore, mastery of playing skills is the main target
in learning through demonstration methods, lectures,
discussions, and drill. The use of supporting media
such as cellphones and laptops to play songs has an
impact on students more quickly understand the
rhythms of songs and chords that are played. The use
of media in the learning process aims to make the
teaching and learning process run smoothly and
according to the results the school wants.
3.5.3 Learning Evaluation Approach
The teacher in conducting the evaluation is, of course,
to prepare the band's extracurricular participants to be
able to perform well at art shows or other events. This
method can also find out how far students are in
learning. Besides the teacher can also find out the
weaknesses and shortcomings of students in playing
musical instruments or mastery of songs. Evaluation
is also to find out the teacher's success in teaching.
The extracurricular teacher of the SMP Negeri 1
Sewon band gave an evaluation in the form of
material playing musical instruments and practical
learning that had been taught during band practice.
The teacher focuses on the band's extracurricular
evaluation for his students. The evaluation used in
each meeting was to measure the development of
students in playing the band, which included playing
In the game technique section, the teacher
evaluates students individually from the way students
play musical instruments. The results achieved in the
game technique are that the average student can play
the song smoothly and well. Evaluating the material,
the teacher sees students from mastering and carrying
out the song as a whole and individually. If students
still have not mastered the song material being
played, the trainer directs to justify so that students
better master and understand the song material. The
results achieved in the song material being taught are
that students can receive the material provided by the
Students make the sound arrangement; the teacher
listens and controls the sound settings so that the
sound quality that is released sounds balance. On the
results achieved in this sound arrangement, the
average student can begin to get used to the sound
given by the teacher, namely controlling the sound to
be balanced. Evaluation in appearance, the trainer
evaluates the appearance of students from the form of
stage mastery, compactness, and communication
between players. The results achieved were in each
band's extracurricular groups in terms of the achieved
students had begun to get used to and could be better.
The discussion of band extracurricular learning at
Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School Bantul
Yogyakarta Academic Year 2017 can be concluded
that the forms carried out in the learning process using
a humanistic education approach, media use
approach, and evaluation approaches have a positive
impact on students in understanding band music
learning. The lecture method, demonstration method,
discussion method, and drill method are part of the
band music learning process. The approaches and
methods of learning carried out are very supportive
and can be understood from the band's extracurricular
learning process.
In the band's extracurricular learning process
there are musical, and obstacle obstacles that are non-
musical, such as the level of musicality and skills are
not the same, the situation of learning conditions that
are not conducive and inadequate facilities. The
results obtained in the band learning process through
the approaches and methods used can overcome all
the obstacles and obstacles that arise so that in
extracurricular learning the band at Sewon
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School can run smoothly
and produce a good learning process.
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ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities