The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry
Ledy Dian Sari and Amalia Winda Prada
State University of Surabaya, Jl. Rektorat Unesa, Lidah Wetan, Kec. Lakarsantri, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Essence, Hand Lettering, Design Industry.
Abstract: In the Design Industry, there are some important elements which has an attractiveness, word is one of that.
Being designer has a wide range of competitors and that’s why to stand out it needs something different that
the product will attract the attention of the customers. Nowadays, hand lettering is commonly use in the
Design Industry. Hand lettering is the art of drawing letters when a word or phrase is being an aesthetic
artwork. Hand lettering has its own characteristic that cannot be copied by others because it’s customizable,
it can be created expressively. Otherwise people will always appreciate things that manually made. Also,
decorative of the letters can give the feeling of pleasure and impression too. Hand lettering is full of
knowledge, and talent. Moreover, hand lettering can suit the image of the brand that represents the personality
of the company. This study use qualitative methods using descriptive analysis with direct observation method
strategies, the data collection through an interview with designer and customers, observation and focus group
discussion. The result of this study is lettering give a unique characteristic design but not be the only one
factor that can increase public interest, it is also supported by design trends which always rotate in every
generation. Hand lettering is an effective way to design unique, aesthetic and for recognizable brand to build
strong brand identity.
The development of communication between humans
is inseparable from writing. In 3100 BC, before the
discovery of letters, the Egyptians were pioneers who
used the language of images or called pictographs.
They use it as a communication tool for civilization
in the past. The emergence of written language shows
that there is a journey of human civilization in order
to achieve a perfect life in terms of communication.
Communication that is easily understood and has
been agreed upon by humans themselves By going
through various processes and new discoveries,
letters start from black letter, digital letters to the
emergence of the art of drawing letters or called hand-
lettering. Briefly, hand lettering is the art of drawing
letters, modifying the shape of the letters according to
creativity, without changing the basics. Apart from
the final results that can be digitized, hand lettering is
a hand-made manual work. Today, the use of hand
lettering is a trend in the world of design or industry.
Evidenced by the many products such as shirts, hats,
notebooks and other industrial material apply hand
lettering on the surface. Even, in the interior of the
cafe, there are many hand lettering that apply as the
decoration. The hand letterers have succeeded in
making clients interested in their hand lettering
works. In terms of visuals, the shapes are mixed, the
thickness of letters ranging from thin to thick, font
sizes ranging from short to high, letter-writing
patterns with appropriate compositions, good layout
proportions, are considered in the manufacturing
process to become a final hand lettering works.
The industrial revolution that took place in 1760 to
1840 in England had a strong impact on social and
economic life. The discovery of the steam engine by
James Watt in 1780 encouraged the creation of
increasingly rapid and dynamic industrial
movements. The increasing population growth of
urban society coupled with the increasing purchasing
power of the community is a source of inspiration and
stimulant in every effort to improve the quality of
technology. Graphic design plays an important role in
the marketing activities of products produced by
various factories and industries. the execution of
images or signs is transformed into more abstract
visual forms.
Sari, L. and Prada, A.
The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0008556301550158
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities (ICONARTIES 2019), pages 155-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-450-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 The Definition of Design Industry
Design generally refers to the results of study,
thought, creation and creativity, as well as execution
of problem solving related to unitary functions and
aesthetics. Innovation through design work are a
marker of an era that grows into an expression of
lifestyle, representation of social classes in society,
and take part as a solution to a variety of problems
related to efforts to improve the quality of human life.
Design is a field of skills and knowledge derived
from human experience that involves an attitude of
appreciation and in terms of environmental
adaptation on the basis of spiritual needs, meanings,
values and objectives of a man-made object. Then the
definition of Industry itself is an activity of
processing raw materials that are modified or
processed in such a way and can be mass produced by
adding certain values in the form of aesthetic values
and function values intended to increase profits.
So, the definition of Design Industry itself is a
field of skills that originates from human experience
by involving an attitude of appreciation and having a
specific goal that is manifested in a modified raw
material processing and can be mass produced in 2-
dimensional or 3-dimensional forms with aesthetic
values and function values to increase profits.
2.2 The Definition of Hand Lettering
Hand lettering is the art of drawing letters where the
shape can be customized so that it contains its own
aesthetics. Hand lettering can be incorporate in a wide
range of design , creating strong visual effects that
full of knowledge and talents. Hand lettering is
usually made using a pencil, pen brush or paint. The
kind of fonts that used in hand lettering such us serif,
sanserif, script, and decorative. Serif is one of the font
styles with small lines that stick to the end of each
stroke. serif is an approved font and is often referred
to as roman typeface. This typeface exudes traditional
and classic nuances. san serif is a font style with no
small lines attached at the end of each stroke. The
script is a font style that comes from scratches that
flow and are often created from handwriting.
decorative is a letter form that was previously
designed in a particular aesthetic so that it makes it
look deliberately decorated to look beautiful. There
are also hand letters that are digitized so that they
become a font. The application of hand lettering can
be applied in various kinds of media, ranging from
paper, wood or photographs through digital
processes. In fact, many use it as a brand logo because
it can be more adaptive to the product character of a
brand. Hand lettering have some factor that
important, is that readability, composition, and color.
Although hand lettering can be done in the form of
handwriting or digital media, in essence hand
lettering is a handwritten work.
2.3 The Essence of Hand Lettering in
The Design Industry
Essence comes from the Latin language Essentia, esse
which means 'exist'. Essence is the most important
aspect or element contained in an object. Essence can
be interpreted as a characteristic, which is the core
that must be possessed by an object.
Letters have the potential to explain the
atmosphere implied in a verbal communication
poured through visual abstraction. Basically letters
have energy that can activate eye movements. This
energy can be utilized positively if in its use it is
always considered aesthetic rules, the convenience of
its readability and the interaction of letters to space
and the visual elements around it.
The letter holds an important role in
communication. The use of custom letter styles or
hand lettering has proven to hold high points both in
the world of design to the world of industry. Viewed
from the shape, hand lettering has a distinctive
aesthetic that describes the character of the brand
owner. From the visual side, hand lettering has eye-
catching properties. The form that can be more
customized is the right alternative to show the identity
of a brand. Even in industrial products, the
application of hand lettering to mugs, lunch boxes and
bottled drinks is the main attraction for consumers.
Supported by human desires and lifestyles that
constantly increasing.
From the surveys that have been conducted, the
data obtained are as follows: Data samples were
obtained from surveys and interviews. Which do you
prefer? Hand lettering or Font Computer?
From our survey, 96% of respondents prefer hand
lettering. They assume that hand lettering has
ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities
aesthetic value because the manufacturing process is
manual and mostly with taste so that it can express the
expression using hand lettering. Hand Lettering is
considered to have its own aesthetic side because it
uses hand so that it can bring up ideas and
characteristics from the maker. Hand lettering is also
able to create unlimited creativity so that it can
express all ideas and be created in any form and can
be easily modified. The strokes made by each person
will be different, that's what makes hand lettering not
easy to imitate so that it has its own aesthetic value.
When used in the world of Design Industry, which do
you prefer?
As many as 70% of respondents considered that hand
lettering for industry was considered capable to
displaying something new and fresh. In addition, the
visual form of hand lettering has a more natural and
varied aesthetic value. The shape can be explored as
desired, so people can decorate it freely with many
choices. The decorative of the hand lettering can give
the feeling of pleasure and impression. Meanwhile,
29.2% of respondents chose computer fonts because
they were considered more instant and minimalist
When used in graphic design, which do you prefer?
As many as 76.9% of the respondents we took from
ordinary people chose hand lettering to be used in
graphic design because hand lettering was considered
more flexible and could be applied to all media.
Although hand lettering has different characteristics
from each hand, but hand lettering is considered more
flexible to adjust the message to be conveyed through
the stroke of the hand. As many as 23.1% of
respondents who chose computer fonts considered
that computer fonts were neat and symmetrical when
applied in the graphics world. When applied in a logo,
computer fonts can be easily remembered and are
suitable for simple design principles in order to
convey messages more effectively. Visually, hand
lettering is adaptive and eye-catching. Do you agree
with the statement?
As many as 89.2% of respondents agreed that hand
lettering is adaptive because the shape can adjust to
what is desired. It’s Eye-catching, because it is seen
from a unique and varied visual form. While the rest,
assume that hand lettering is not always an option,
because it also adapts to the context. For example, in
the application of logotype agencies they prioritize
formal fonts rather than hand lettering.
The conclusion that can be obtained is that hand
lettering has its own aesthetic value in a design.
Everyone has different tastes in choosing letters.
Some people assume that hand lettering is eye
catching, attractive, beautiful and expressive. While
others prefer font computer because it is simple and
formal. .In the Industrial World, hand lettering has
advantages because it is more flexible and can be
applied to all media. Even though hand lettering has
different characteristics from each maker, but hand
lettering is considered flexible to adjust the message
that want to convey through the hand scratches. In
addition, hand lettering is not easy to imitate so that it
can maintain its independence. This is one of the
important factors to survive in an industry that has
many competitors.
Thank you to Mr. Muhammad Bayu Tejo Sampurno
for giving encouragement and motivation. And also
friends of the 16 A State University of Surabaya Fine
Arts Education who have help both directly through
discussion and advice, or indirectly in the form of
The Essence of Hand Lettering in the Design Industry
encouraging support. And also thanks to designers
who have been willing to give opinions through
interviews and for all the respondents who participate
the survey we did. Our paper is far from perfect. So,
suggestions and criticism from readers will be very
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ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities