Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina
Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in
Belawan and Sembilan Island
Yunasfi, Rima Tamara and Budi Utomo
Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1, Campus USU, Medan 20155, North
Sumatra, Indonesia.
Keywords: Avicennia Marina, Fungi, Mangrove, Seed.
Abstract: Mangrove forest has many benefits, including helping to reduce the effects of storm surges, big waves, and
winds. Mangrove forests will be disrupted if they are near industrial areas, this can result in a negative
impact in the form of industrial waste either solid or liquid waste that can affect to surrounding
environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of fungi that are expected to increase the
growth of mangrove seedlings A. marina. This study uses several types of fungi, namely, the type of fungi
Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sp. 2, Aspergillus sp. 1 and control. While the experimental design used in
this research method was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with A. marina which was carried out at
both river mouths for each location consisting of 2 plots (polybags and soil). The results showed that fungi
had different abilities in increasing the growth rate of A. marina seeds which significantly affected the
parameters of diameter, leaf width and total dry weight of plants. From the results of this study, it can be
concluded that the Aspergillus niger fungi provides the best benefits for mangrove growth.
Indonesia mangrove forest is one of the largest
mangrove forest in the world. Conservation
Indonesia in 2018 mention that Indonesia has 3.1
million hectares mangrove forest or 22.6 % of the
total mangrove forest in the world. The mangrove
forest distributed in the coastal eastern Sumatra,
Kalimantan coast and Papua. The mangrove
ecosystem has a very complex function, such as
dampening ocean waves and storms, coastal
protection from the process of abrasion and erosion.
Mangrove also have ability for trappers of
sediments, as a refuge and foraging, as well as a
variety of species of aquatic biota brackish, as a
place for recreation, and wood producer. As well as
habitat for a variety of wildlife such as birds,
crocodiles, monkeys and snakes (Ghuffran, 2012).
The word mangrove is a combination of the
Portuguese language "mangue" and English "grove".
In English, the word is used both for the community
mangrove plant that grows in tidal range and also for
the individual species of plants that make up that
community. In addition, the mangrove forest for
most of Indonesian people are more likely known as
mangrove forests. The use of the term mangrove
forest is actually less precise and unambiguous,
because the mangrove forests are forests composed
and covered by many other plant genera and species.
Therefore, Citation mangrove forest with mangrove
forests should be avoided (Kusmana, 2005).
The mangrove forest has many benefits one of
which can help reduce the impact of the storm,
waves and wind. Mangrove forests provide an
important defense against coastal erosion. As well as
mangrove trees can also reduce the current wave of
energy through mangrove forests, and a barrier
between the waves and land. The real benefit of
mangrove systems as well as social and cultural
functions. Mangrove forests support the religious
and spiritual values, in addition to aesthetic and
recreational value for ecotourism (UNEP, 2014).
One of the pollutants in the water is heavy metal.
Aquatic organism is a group of organisms that first
experienced the direct impact of the effect of waste
or heavy metal pollution in the waters. One of the
aquatic organisms that receives the direct impact of
heavy metal pollution is mangrove (Arisandy et al,
Yunasfi, ., Tamara, R. and Utomo, B.
Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in Belawan and Sembilan Island.
DOI: 10.5220/0008553503000308
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 300-308
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Aspergillus niger one of the most common
species and is easily identified from the genus
Aspergillus, Moniliaceae families, orders and classes
Monoliales Fungi Imperfecti. Aspergillus niger can
grow at a temperature of 35ºC-37ºC (optimum), 6ºC-
8ºC (minimum), 45ºC-47ºC (maximum) and require
adequate oxygen (aerobic). Aspergillus niger has a
basic feathers are white with a thick layer of
konidiospora dark brown to black. Conidial head is
black, round, tends to separate into parts looser with
age. Konidiospora have smooth walls, hyaline but
also brown. Aspergillus niger in its growth directly
related to the nutrients contained in the substrate,
simple molecules that are around hyphae can be
directly absorbed while more complex molecules
must be broken down before absorbed into the cells,
by generating some extra cellular enzymes. The
organic material of the substrate used by Aspergillus
niger for molecular transport activities, maintenance
of cell structure and cell mobility (Eliza, 2014).
The purpose of this study was to get information on
the fungi species that can enhance the growth of
mangrove A.marina.
2.1 Time and Location
The research was conducted in estuary coastal areas
Belawan Mangrove (Figure 1), Forest village of
Kampung Nelayan (Lydia, 2011). The location was
suspected contaminated with heavy metals because
it very close to the industry and the station.
Mangrove Forest and Sembilan Island area as the
area is not polluted (control) for much of the
industry (Figure 1B).
2.2 Material and Method
The material for this research are Petri dishes, test
tubes, spatulas, measuring cups, analytical balance,
oven, kalifer, ruler, autoclave, paper labels, hoes,
machetes, digital cameras, aluminum foil, scissors,
polybags and plastic clingwrap.
Field equipment materials used are different types of
fungal isolates obtained in previous research by
Sakila et. al., (2017). A. marina seedlings are ready
for planting in the field, stakes, rope, wooden stakes
which are made of bamboo, permanent markers,
stationery and others.
2.3 Research Procedure
2.3.1 Making the PDA
Making the Media Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA),
potato peeled and weighed as much as 200 grams,
then thinly sliced. Potatoes boiled with 1 liter of
distilled water for 10-15 minutes, then filtered using
a sieve. With a composition of 20 g to be
incorporated into the filtrate the boiled potatoes,
then cooked until boiling and stirring until there is
no precipitate. Furthermore, the media sterilized by
autoclaving at 121
C for 15 minutes. Lay (1994), the
media is a must contain nutrients that are easily used
by microorganisms.
2.3.2 Rejuvenation Fungi
Media PDA heated to melt, sterile Petri dishes which
have been prepared. Media PDA put in a Petri dish
Figure 1: (A) The Mangrove Forest village of Kampung Nelayan Belawan as areas suspected of heavy metal contaminated
(B) Mangrove Sembilan Island area as the area is not polluted.
Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in Belawan and Sembilan
until all the bowls are filled. Fungi that have been
isolated previously taken a bit that is 1 cm x 1 cm x
0.5 cm as the host and put into a Petri dish. Petri
dishes containing fungi are then stored and waiting
until the fungi grow and thrive. The fungus takes
time to grow and develop is 3-4 days and the
maximum growth will be seen after 1 week. Fell et
al., (1975), Fungi play an important role in
mangrove ecosystems, especially in conjunction
with the bacteria to accelerate the decomposition of
leaf litter. The suspension of fungi can be seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Preparation of the suspension to be used for the
growth of the field (A) PDA (B) Petri dish (C) Fungi (D)
Isolate Fungi.
2.3.3 Planting Seeds of A. marina in Field
A. marina seedlings to be planted is healthy
seedlings was 15 days which has at least four leaves.
Planting hole measuring 10 cm x 10 cm x 15 cm
made as many as 24 for each plot. Planting be done
by first tearing plastic bags or polybags with caution
in order not to break his land so that it can damage
the roots. A. marina seedlings are then put into a pit
that had been prepared beforehand. Land located
around the hole is used to cover the hole by pressing
on the hole is backfilled so that the seedlings can
stand firm. The seed is not broken due to wind and
tide, in A. marina mounted side marker rod attached
to the stems of seedlings. Suryono (2013), Planting
should be done at low tide in order to facilitate the
planting and spacing between plants.
2.3.4 Application Fungi of the Growing
Isolates of fungi that will be used are the fungi
Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sp. 2 and Aspergillus
sp. 1. These isolates advance rejuvenated by planting
on PDA to sufficiently grow. For each type of fungi
which has grown on PDA's, then taken by cutting
the order of 5 x 5 x 2 mm. Pieces that have
overgrown fungi which are then incorporated into a
test tube which has been filled 2.5 ml of sterile
water. A total of 2.5 ml suspension of the fungus is
spread evenly around the roots of seedlings of A.
marina (Figure 3a and Figure 3b). Tjandrawati
(2003), the effectiveness of the bacterium is shown
by how quickly litter is lost from the soil surface as
soon as the fall of the litter from the plant.
Figure 3: Application of fungi in the growing media
(A), Fungi (B) Fungi spread evenly around the roots of
A. marina.
The parameters of A. marina seedlings were
measured and analysed with statistical data is a trunk
diameter, plant height, leaf area and the number and
dry weight of plants.
a. Stem height (cm)
Seedling height measurements carried out once a
fortnight for three months. The tool used is a ruler.
To get a more accurate measurement marked
approximately 1cm from the ground level as a
starting point of measurement, so as to keep
subsequent measurement using a fixed starting point.
b. Stem diameter (cm)
Stem diameter was measured by using a caliper.
To get a more accurate measurement marked
approximately 1 cm of the soil surface as a starting
point of measurement, so as to keep subsequent
measurement using a fixed starting point.
c. The number and leaf area
At the time of observation is calculated all the
number of leaves of seedling. And the widest leaf
area is calculated by using a caliper as leaf area size
d. Total dry matter
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
The sum total dry matter at the end of the
research done by calculating the dry weight of the
stalk with root dry weight.
2.3.5 Experimental Design
Planting seeds of A. marina performed on both the
river mouth for each location consists of two plots
(polybags and Soil). Placement within 200 m from
the sea towards the land. This study uses a
completely randomized design (CRD).
Linear model on a completely randomized design
Yij = µ + αi + ij
= Observations on the treatment of fungal all
replicates all i and j
= General mean value of observation
= Influence factor Fungi additions to-i; i =
1,2, ...... t and j = 1,2, ..., r
= Effect of treatment errors Fungi i, and j
replicates all
Data collection was conducted after planting and
the provision of fungi in the field, while the
observation time is as follows:
a. 15 days d. 60 days
b. 30 days e. 75 days
c. 45 days f. 90 days
The fungi species that can be used to enhance the
growth of A. marina is derived from the previous
year's trial:
a. Control
b. Aspergillus niger
c. Aspergillus sp. 2
d. Aspergillus sp. 1
3.1 Result
Observations and measurements were carried out on
seeds of A. marina for 12 weeks showed a difference
to as height, stem diameter, area and number of
leaves and total dry weight. A. marina seedlings
observational data can be seen in Table
1.Observations seed A.marina 12 Weeks After
Planting in Belawan and Table 2. Observations seed
A.marina 12 Weeks After Planting in Sembilan
3.1.1 Stem Height
From measurements made during the 12weeks, data
showed stem height A. marina for Belawan area and
Sembilan island regions. All the seeds of A. marina
given treatment application of various types of fungi
showed good growth. In areas of high Belawan
larger increment contained in A. marina stem treated
with Aspergillus sp. 2 with an average height of
23.13 cm and the lowest for the treatment of stem
with A. niger with an average height of only 22.81
cm. High added every week can be seen, where the
growth rate of each treatment has increased. High
accretion weekly chart can be seen in Figure 4.
Table 1: Results of the observation of seedlings A.marina 12 Weeks After Planting in Belawan.
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus sp.2
Aspergillus sp.1
Heigh average
The average diameter
0.44 *
The width of the widest leaves
Total dry matter
number of leaves
Table 2: Results of the observation of seedlings A.marina 12 Weeks After Planting in Sembilan Island.
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus sp. 2
Aspergillus sp. 1
Heigh average
The average diameter
The width of the widest leaves
3.82 *
3.85 *
Total dry matter
number of leaves
*Description: significant at 95% confident level
Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in Belawan and Sembilan
Figure 4: High Growth Stem of A. marina in Belawan.
A. marina stem with treatment fungi A. niger
with an average height of 16.63 cm while the lowest
for the treatment of seeds with fungi Aspergillus sp.
2 ie.15.94 cm. height every week in the area of
Sembilan Island illustrates that any given fungi
affect the high growth of seedlings of A. marina
albeit with growth rates vary. High accretion weekly
chart can be seen in Figure 5.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Height growth (cm)
week measurement
A. niger
sp. 2
sp. 1
Figure 5: Height stem growth of A. marina in Sembilan
3.1.2 Stem Diameter
Application of fungi affect the seed ling diameter A.
marina. Diameter measurement results are shown in
Table 1. In the area of diameter Belawan highest in
A. marina stem treated with the fungi A. niger
applications with an average diameter0.43 cm.
Diameter measurement chart A. marina stem to
Belawan area can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Growth of A. marina Stem diameter in Belawan.
As for the Sembilan island region Diameter
highest in A. marina seedlings treated fungi
application Aspergillus sp. 1 with an average
diameter of 0.35 cm. Diameter measurement chart A.
marina seedlings in Sembilan Island can be seen in
Figure 7.
Figure 7: Diameter stem growth of A. marina in Sembilan
3.1.3 Leaf Width
In the area of leaf surface width Belawan highest in
A. marina leaf width with the treatment of
Aspergillus sp.1 ei.4.46 cm and the lowest was
found in A. marina leaf width treated with
Aspergillus sp. 2 is 4.14 cm. Differences in leaf area
can be seen in Figure 8.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Diameter growth (cm)
week measurement
A. niger
sp. 2
sp. 1
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Control A. niger Aspergillus
sp. 2
sp. 1
Leaf width (cm)
Figure 8: Comparison leaf width of A. marina in Belawan.
Figure 9: Comparison leaf width of A. marina in Sembilan
3.1.4 Total of Dry Weight
Once the data is high and the next diameter,
calculated the total dry weight of seedlings A.
marina as listed in Table Variety Fingerprint
Analysis Total Dry weight of seedlings of A.
marina. Total dry weight of the sum of the dry
weight of seedlings and root dry weight. The highest
total dry matter in Belawan location contained in the
seed treatment A. niger as big as 13.49 g and the
lowest for the treatment of seeds with fungi
Aspergillus sp. 2, namely 8.76 g. Differences in the
total dry weight of each treatment can be seen in
Figure 10.
Control A. niger Aspergillus
sp. 2
sp. 1
Total dry weight (gram)
Figure 10: Total Dry Weight of A. marina in Belawan.
The highest total dry matter on the location of
Sembilan Island contained in the seed treatment A.
niger as big as 12.99 g while the lowest for the
treatment of seeds with fungi Aspergillus sp. 2,
namely 12.17 total dry weight difference in each
treatment is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Total dry weight of A. marina in Sembilan
3.1.5 Number of Leaves
The average number of the most well leaf growth
rate in Belawan contained in the seedlings with
fungi treatment Aspergillus sp. 2 and Aspergillus sp.
1 where the average of the two treatments is that 10
pieces while the lowest for the treatment of seeds
with fungi A. niger and control where his average is
9 strands. Differences in the number of leaves on
each treatment can be seen in Figure 12, the graph
shows the number of leaves between treatment types
of fungi Aspergillus sp. 2 and Aspergillus sp. 1 is the
same and the number of leaves between treatment
Total dry weight (gram)
Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in Belawan and Sembilan
types of fungi A. niger and without treatment or
control is the same, it is influenced by the ability of
species of fungi are different in increasing the
growth rate of one growth rate of the number of
Figure 12: Number leaves ofA. marina in Belawan.
The average highest number of leaves in the
Sembilan Island contained in the seeds treated with
the fungi A. niger, Aspergillus sp. 2 and Aspergillus
sp. 1 where the average of these treatments are 8
pieces while the lowest was in control with his
average is 7 leaves. Differences in the number of
leaves on each treatment is shown in Figure 13.
Control A. niger Aspergillus
sp. 2
Number of leaves
Figure 13: Graph Total leaf seedlings A. marina in
Sembilan Island.
3.2 Discussion
The results of observations conducted on A. marina
seedlings to all the parameters show that the fungus
has a role in promoting the growth of seedlings,
either in addition seedling height, stem diameter
increment, leaf width widest, number of leaves and
total dry weight of the seeds.
3.2.1 Stem Height
Based on observations of plant height were
conducted in Belawan, fungi granting the application
did not significantly affect plant height increment.
High seed nicest A. marina seedlings A. marina
growing amongst others provided treatment plants
with a fungus is fungus treatment Aspergillus sp. 2,
namely23.13 cm and height growth of plants the
lowest was in the treatment of fungi A. niger is
22.81 cm and without treatment or control that is
22.90 cm.
The results of the observations made in Sembilan
Island, fungi delivery applications also did not
significantly affect plant height increment. Stem
height nicest A. marina seedlings A. marina growing
amongst others provided treatment to the treatment
plant fungi are fungi A. niger, namely 16.63 cm. and
high growth lowest plant is treated with the fungi
Aspergillus sp. 2 is 15.94 cm. This is caused by the
polluted environment whether it be household
garbage and industrial wastes which are located
around the area Belawan. The most high growth
with low crop treatment fungi Aspergillus sp. 2
allegedly caused by the carrying over of the pieces
fungi, fungi which is applied to the plant by the high
salinity of the water there and could alsothis is
caused by the level wind speeds vary by region
(Mukhlis, 2007), Given the good growth response is
generally obtained at a low salinity. This is due to
the mangrove plants are plants that are tolerant to
salt (salt tolerance) no plants that require salt (salt
The neighborhood has a very important meaning
to the high growth rate of seedlings A. marina in
helping the decomposition process either fungi,
bacteria and other animals. according to a statement
Fell et. al., (1975) that the environment is taking part
in litter decomposition process in which it was
included into the process of decomposition of fungi,
bacteria and otheranimals. As well as fungi also play
an important role in the cycle, especially the carbon
cycle, which plays a role for the survival of the
whole organism. Trouve et. al. (2015) explained that
the factors that influence plant growth rates are age,
nutrition, and sunlight.
3.2.2 Stem Diameter
Based on observations made in the field showed that
the use of a type of fungi significant effect on stem
10 10
Control A. niger Aspergillus
sp. 2
sp. 1
Number of Leaves
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
diameter at Belawan area. Stem diameter highest
inA. marina seedlings treated A. niger, namely0.44
cm and stem diameter growth was lowest for the A.
marina seedlings treated with Aspergillus sp. 1,
namely0.42 cm.
The highest stem diameter in the area of Pulau
Sembilan is on the seedlings of A.marina.with the
treatment of Aspergillus sp. 1, namely0.35 cm and
stem diameter growth was lowest for the A. marina
seedlings without treatment or control, that is 0.34
cm. In observations made Sembilan Island region
showed that the administration of fungi do not have
a significant effect on stem diameter growth of
seedlings of A. marina however, when compared to
no treatment or control seeds, seedlings by stem
diameter growth of fungi have a higher or better
especially seed by fungi Aspergillus sp. 1.
Differences in diameter on each seedling of A.
marina can be caused by the interaction between the
type of mangrove seedlings that will provide a real
impact on plant stem diameter (Munandar, 2009).
According Husnaeni (2013), one of the forms of
interaction between the populations with other
populations or between one individual with another
individual is the nature of competition (competition).
Competition occurs when two individuals have the
same growth medium needs while the environment
does not provide those needs in sufficient quantities.
Factors affecting competition include water,
nutrients, light, carbon dioxide, and space. These
factors will affect the growth of stem height, stem
diameter, chlorophyll, and the yield of the plants
associated with physiological processes
(photosynthesis and respiration) happens. Lempereur
et. al. (2015) explained that differences in diameter
growth in plants can also be affected by
environmental conditions.
3.2.3 Leaf Width
Based on the results of observations made Belawan
area. The highest leaf width is on A. marina
seedlingswith the treatment of Aspergillus sp. 1,
which is 4.46 cm and width of leaves and lowest for
theA. marina seedlings with the treatment of
Aspergillus sp. 2, ie 4.14 cm, this is caused by a
number of damaged leaves on the seedlings of A.
marina to the treatment of fungi Aspergillus sp. 2.
While the results of the field observations made
in the area of Sembilan Island, Award fungi affect
the seed leaf width A. marina. The average yield
measurements can be seen in Table 2 where the
highest leaf width is on A. marina seedlingswith the
treatment of Aspergillus sp. 1, which is 3.85 cm and
width of leaves and lowest for theA. marina
seedlings with the treatment of Aspergillus sp. 2,
which is 3.80 cm.
Daniel et. al., (1987) states that the success of
seedling growth depends on three factors: the
temperature of the soil, water availability, and the
ability to produce root seedling. It describes the
physiological readiness as the root system and leaves
that are adaptive to the environment, is the dominant
factor in the success of the growth of seedlings.
Boyer (2013) leaves serves as a place to do
photosynthesis and to regulate the transpiration
3.2.4 Total Dry Weight
The observation of the total dry weight in Belawan
area shows that the use of a type of fungi provides a
real impact on the total dry weight of the plant. Total
dry weight of the highest in the treatment of seeds
with fungi A. niger, namely 13.49 g.
While the observations for the total dry matter in
the area of Sembilan Island showed that fungi
administration did not significantly affect the total
dry weight of the plant A. marina. Total dry weight
of the highest in the treatment of seeds with fungi A.
niger, namely 12.99 g.
Total dry weight is the result of overall plant
growth includes indicates the ability of plants to
absorb organic material. Roisatuz (2015) explains
that,dry weight is the sum of the total dry weight of
shoots with root dry weight. Dry weight shows the
ability of plants to absorb organic materials used for
the process of plant growth. Growth and
development of plants need nutrients and water,
absorption of water and nutrients were favorably
affected by the growth of roots. Provision of fungi to
plants provides a better root growth so that the
absorption of nutrients and water can run well.
Philippe and Deunff (2014) explains that, plant and
air growth and development, air absorption and
wells are good by root growth. Fungi for plants
provide better growth. Nutrients and air can run
3.2.5 Number of Leaves
Based on observations made in the area of Belawan,
fungi granting the application did not significantly
affect the number of leaves of plants of A. marina. It
can be seen from F. Calculate smaller than F. Table.
For the average number of the highest leaf area
Belawan contained in the seed treatment with fungi
Aspergillus sp. 2 and Aspergillus sp. 1 where the
average number of leaves of 10 strands and the
Application of Various Species of Fungi on Avicennia Marina Growth that is 200 m Away from the Coastline in Belawan and Sembilan
average number of leaves was lowest for the
treatment of seeds with fungi A. niger and without
treatment or control, by the average number of
leaves 9 strands.
While the results of the observations made in the
area of Sembilan Island, fungi delivery applications
also did not significantly affect the number of plant
leaves of A. marina. The highest number of leaves
average value contained in seed treatment A.marina
with 3 types of fungi that A. niger, Aspergillus sp. 2
and Aspergillus sp. 1 where three types of these
fungi average value of the same, ie 8 strands. And
the lowest number of leaves found in A. marina
seedlings with no treatment or control ie 7 strands.
Many least number of leaves can also be caused
by several factors, one of them is the temperature,
Production of the new leaves of Avicennia marina
occurs at a temperature of 18-20
C and if the
temperature is higher than the production is reduced
(Zikri, 2014).
The reserach was funded by University of Sumatra
Utara through TALENTA scheme Number:
5338/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017 22 May 2017.
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ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology