Species and Prevalence of Rabbit Gastrointestinal Parasites in
Berastagi Farm Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Masitta Tanjung and Putri Maura Rangkuti
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Eimeria, flotation, Passalurus, rabbit, Strongyloides.
Abstract: Parasitic infection is one factor which hinder the success of rabbit breeding.The aims of this study was to
identify the species, prevalence, and intensity of parasitic attacks. The sample used is feces from rabbits on
the Berastagi farm, Karo District, Sumatera Utara. Rabbit feces samples were divided into young rabbits
(age>three months) as many as 15 rabbits and adult rabbits (aged> 3 months) as many as 25 rabbits. Sample
examination was carried out at the Parasitology Laboratory, Medan Veterinary Hall, Sumatera Utara using
the flotation method.The results showed that in young rabbits, threespecies of parasites were found with
their percentage of prevalences, namely Eimeria sp. (40%, common) and intensity of attacks 3,966 (super
parasitic infections); Strongyloides sp. (20%, often) and the intensity of attacks 233 (very heavy parasites);
and Passalurus sp. (13.33%, often) and intensity of attack 450 (very heavy parasites).In adult rabbits, only
onespecies of parasite was found i.e. Eimeria sp. (12%, often) and intensity of attacks of 900 (very heavy
parasites).Young rabbits have a greater risk of being infected with parasites than adult rabbits.
Parasites often attack rabbits from both ectoparasites,
i.e. mites, fleas and endoparasites, i.e. helminths and
protozoa. Endoparasites that attack rabbits, both
worms and protozoa are generally gastrointestinal
parasites (parasites in the digestive tract).Worms that
commonly attack the digestive tract of rabbits are
Passalurusambiguus and Taeniapisiformis, while
protozoa which often attack the rabbit's digestive
tract are Eimeria sp. and Enchepalitozooncuniculi
(Harcourt, 2002). Endoparasites in the digestive tract
generally take part in the host's nutrients, consume
host tissues or use digestive organ cells to complete
the phase of their life (Levine, 1994).
Eimeria causes coccidiosis. Coccidiosis has
spread in almost all the world (Flynn, 1973). This
disease is pathogenic and causes 48% death of
livestock rabbits in Pelotas, Brazil (Varga, 1982).
Mortality of coccidiosis in various speciess of
animals ranges from 5-100% and can cause
economic losses in the form of weight loss,
decreased food efficiency and inhibits weight gain.
As many as fifty wild rabbits from urban areas
near Aachen (Germany) found nine species of
parasites consisted of four endoparasite species and
five ectoparasite species (Frank, et al., 2013).Wild
rabbits on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands)
collected in 1998 and 2000 in seven zones based on
altitude and purpose, found five parasitic species
namely, three cestodes (Taenia pisiformis (larvae),
Andryacuniculi and Mosgovoyiactenoides) and two
nematodes (Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and
Passalurus ambiguus). Taenia pisiformi sshowed
anuneven distribution with a significant prevalence
within zones. Andrya cuniculi were only found in
two zones and there were no significant differences
in prevalence values.
Mosgovoyia ctenoides have a broad distribution
with a significant prevalence, which is higher in the
north compared to the southern zone.
Trichostrongylus retortaeformis does not exist at the
bottom of the southern zone of the island.
Passalurus ambiguus was found in all zones without
significant differences in the prevalence of infection.
Differences in prevalence tend to be caused by
environmental factors in the case of T.
retortaeformis and in the absence of compatible
hosts and intermediates. All parasitic species in
Tenerife are identified as common helminths in the
Iberian Peninsula (Foronda, et at., 2003).
Tanjung, M. and Rangkuti, P.
Species and Prevalence of Rabbit Gastrointestinal Parasites in Berastagi Farm Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008551601930198
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 193-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The samples used in this research were feces from
15 puppies (ages 0-3 months) and 25 adult rabbits
(age>three months). Feces collection was carried out
at Brastagi ranch, Karo District, Sumatera Utara.
Feces were inserted into the sample cup, covered
with plastic and labeled 'Sp1' in the first feces
sample and so on. The sample was put into a cool
box and taken to Parasitology Laboratory, Medan
Veterinary Hall.
The method used in this research was the
flotation method. Feces was put into a test tube
measuring 5 ml as much as 10 g; then the Saturated
NaCl solution was poured into a tube to 2.5 ml.
Feces homogenized using an applicator. The test
tube was filled with a saturated NaCl solution to the
brim. A glass cover was placed above the mouth of
the test tube carefully. The glass cover was left idle
for 10 minutes and make sure it came into contact
with the liquid without air bubbles. The glass cover
was lifted carefully, a drop of liquid must be left on
the glass cover. The glass cover was placed on an
object glass then the preparation was observed under
a microscope. Identification was based on Yamaguti,
(1963; 1971) and Kabata (1992). The rate of
infestation by these parasites was calculated
according to the standard method: Prevalence, mean
intensity and abundance (Margolis, et al. 1982).
Prevalence and intensity levels were categorized
based on Williams & Williams (1996).
3.1 Identification of Gastrointestinal
Based on the examination results of 40 samples of
rabbit feces on the Berastagi ranch, Karo District,
Sumatera Utara by floatation method, threespecies
of parasites were obtained which can be seen in
Table 1.
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that 2 groups of
parasites were found in rabbit feces. The first
parasitic group came from the protozoa group,
Eimeria sp. found in feces with the oocyst stage.
Oocyst Eimeria sp. found in both puppies and adult
rabbits.The second parasitic group came from the
nematode group, namely Strongyloides sp. found in
the egg stage and Passalurus sp. which was in the
larvae stage, where both speciess of nematodes were
found only in baby rabbit feces.
Fifty wild rabbits in urban areas near Aachen
(Germany) nine species of parasites were found.
Four endoparasitic species consisting of Cittotaenia
denticulata, Graphidium strigosum, Passalurus
ambiguus, and Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and
five species of ectoparasites: Cheyletiella
parasitivorax, Ixodes ricinus, Leporacarus gibbus,
Haemodipsus ventricosus, and Spilopsyllus cuniculi.
When compared with the International survey found
the prevalence and mean intensity of C. denticulata,
G. strigosum, P. ambiguus, and T. retortaeformis
parasites (Frank et al., 2013). The rate of infection in
crossbreeding rabbits was 56.3%. Oocyst Eimeria sp.
(52.7%) and P. ambiguus eggs (3.6%) were detected
in rabbit manure (Sürsal et al., 2014).
As many as 71 wild rabbits (Oryctolagus
cuniculus) aged around 5 to 12 months from the
province of Fars, south of Iran. The sampling of
healthy rabbit feces samples was conducted directly
from the rectum and the oocyst was isolated using
sedimentation and salt-floatation techniques. Spore
forming oocysts were identified based on
morphology and biological characteristics.Twenty-
two (31.0%) rabbits were positively infected with
Eimeria and six species including Eimeria perforans
(18.3%), E. magna (16.9%), E. media (14.1%), E.
irresidua (11.2%), E. flavescens (4.2%), and E.
coecicola (2.8%). Eighty-six percent of infected
rabbits show mixed infections with two or three
Eimeria species.Lack of clinical signs may be due to
ecological and environmental conditions of rabbit
habitat, especially dry and hot. Also, immunity is
caused by long-term exposure to low-dose oocysts
which may have an important role in disrupting the
parasite development cycle and preventing acute
coccidiosis (Razavi et al., 2010).
Table 1: Species of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Rabbits from Berastagi Ranch, Karo District, Sumatera Utara.
Puppies (0-3 Months)
Adult (>3 Months)
Eimeria sp.
Strongyloides sp.
Passalurus sp.
Description: (√): exists, (-): none
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
3.2 Prevalence of Gastrointestinal
The prevalence of parasites based on the
examination results of 40 samples of rabbit feces on
the Brastagi ranch, Karo District, Sumatera Utara
can be seen in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the
prevalence value of the three species of
gastrointestinal parasites in baby and adult rabbits is
presented. The highest parasitic prevalence was
found in Eimeria sp. in baby rabbits with a
prevalence value of 40% and in the 'commonly'
category. Prevalence value of Eimeria sp. in baby
rabbits showed a higher number than the prevalence
of Eimeria sp. in adult rabbit which was worth 12%
and included in the 'often' category, this was due to
Eimeria sp. have a direct life cycle which means that
it does not require an intermediary host to cause
constant infection of vulnerable animals such as
younger animals (Rodguez-Vivas et al., 1996).
Eimeria sp. has the highest maximal prevalence
of 9% in adult pigs without clear geographical
differences (Roepstorff, et al., 1998). According to
Yadav, et al (2006) the prevalence of Eimeria sp
from cow and goat feces was 6.73%.Prevalence
studies were also reported from gastrointestinal
parasites of cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats and
poultry in the Korutla region of Andhra Pradesh's
Karimangar (Telangana region) district. The highest
prevalence was from Toxocara vitulorum in cattle
and buffaloes with 16.7%, respectively.Prevalence
of Amphistome, Eimeria, Moniezia, Strongyle,
andTrichuriswere less than 11% while prevalence of
Capillaria sp. and Eimeria sp. in poultry were less
than 7.0%. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal
parasites in cattle and buffaloes was 40.0%, 38.7%
in sheep and goats, and in poultry was 13.0%. Two
Eimeria species were identified from sheep, namely
Eimeria granulosa and Eimeria parva (Murthy and
Rao, 2014).
Total 580 goats were randomly examined in
representative areas of five Zimbabwean regions
during the dry and rainy season. Blood and feces
samples were collected from each animal and
eggs/oocysts per gram of feces (epg/opg) were
measured usinglaboratory culture and packed cell
volumes (PCV).Factors that influence parasitic
infections were identified. The highest prevalence
was identified fromEimeriaoocysts with 43%,
followed by Strongyles with 31%, and a few
trematodes and cestodes. The parasites were
identified were Haemonchus, Strongyloides and
Oesophagostomum. Region, season, sex and age
significantly influence the gastrointestinal infection
pattern (P <0.05). Statistical analysis showed that the
composition of parasites varied by region and the
impact of risk factors was also different.The
infection risk was very high for samples of goats in
Natural regions (NR) I, II, III (OR = 6.6-8.2; P
<0.05) compared to those in NR IV and V. The
highest worm infections and Eimeria were observed
in the rainy season vs the dry season (P <0.05).
Their study reported that newborn or young animals
were more susceptible to parasitic infections (P
<0.05) and the prevalence was considerably intense
in males than females, with the possibility of three
times infection to males than to females (P <0,0001)
(Zvinorova, et al., 2016).
The prevalence of puppies rabbit parasites was
higher than the prevalence of parasites in adult
rabbits. The high prevalence of parasites in baby
rabbits was caused by the immunity of young
animals is still less effective and is still in a state of
weaning from the mother. Based on the survey
results in the field, still found puppies-rabbits that
were not weaned at the time they were supposed to,
this was due to the lack of available cages. Levine
(1990) stated that rabbits should be weaned as early
as possible and separated from their parents, this is
because adult rabbits are a source of infection for
puppies rabbits.
Table 2: Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Rabbits from Berastagi Ranch, Karo District, Sumatera Utara.
Puppies (0-3 Months)
Adult (>3 Months)
Eimeria sp.
Strongyloides sp.
Passalurus sp.
Description: (-): none
Species and Prevalence of Rabbit Gastrointestinal Parasites in Berastagi Farm Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Table 3: Intensity of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Rabbits from Brastagi Ranch, Karo District, Sumatera Utara.
Puppies (0-3 months)
Adult (>3 months)
Eimeria sp.
Super parasitic infections
Very heavy parasite
Strongyloides sp.
Very heavy parasite
Passalurus sp.
Very heavy parasite
Description: (-): none
A total of 960 goat feces samples were sampled and
processed by sedimentation and salt-flotation
methods.The study reported percentage of
prevalence reached 94.48%with dominant parasitic
genus from Coccidia (82.4%), Strongyles (69.27%),
Amphistomes 22.71%, and lesser parasites, i.e.
Fasciola, Moniezia, Schistosomes, Strongyloides
Trichuris. The parasites showed a higher infection
during rainy season than in winter season.
The incidence of gastrointestinal parasitism was
found to be higher in lambs (96.25%) compared to
goats (93.89%) (Singh, et.al., 2015).The next highest
prevalence value was Passalurus sp. in puppies
rabbits with a prevalence value of 20% and in the
'often' category, whereas in adult rabbits this worm
was not found, this can be caused by the Passalurus
sp. has a direct life cycle which means it does not
require an intermediary host to be infective, hence
the babies are more susceptible to infection. The
next prevalence is Strongyloides sp. with a value of
13.33% and included in the 'often; category.
Based on the survey results on the ranch site,
rabbit cages at the research site are usually cleaned
at least once a day, but feces that is not immediately
cleaned when the rabbits are defecated causes the
worm larvae to have the chance to infect rabbits.
Levine (1994) stated that infective larvae of
Strongyloides sp. infect animals by penetrating the
skin and having a very short premenstrual period
hence regular cleaning of the cage once a day still
allows the occurrence of strongyloides infection.
Based on the survey results at the research site,
rabbit feed is generally a vegetable crop residue, in
contrast to rabbit breeders in the lowlands who
generally feed rabbits in the form of pellets and
weeds, this is because Brastagi is a fertile area so
vegetables are very easy to obtain.The time for
collecting the forage varies, this is due to managers
adjusting the time for taking forage with farmers
harvesting the vegetables, but because farmers in
Brastagi generally harvest vegetables in the morning,
taking forages used to feed rabbits is often done in
the morning.
The high prevalence rate of parasites can be
caused by the taking of forages by farmers
conducted in the morning and evening, where at that
time forages tend to be polluted which increases the
likelihood of rabbits being attacked by disease.The
cause of low prevalence in an area is probably
caused by taking food during the daytime in which
the parasite will die when exposed to sunlight even
though sanitation in the area is classified as dirty.
Moist forage drying needs to be done to minimize
contamination of forages by parasites.
3.3 Gastrointestinal Parasite
The intensity of parasitic attacks based on the
examination results of 40 rabbit feces samples on the
Brastagi ranch in Karo District, Sumatera Utara can
be seen in Table 3.
Based on Table 3, the intensity value of the three
speciess of gastrointestinal parasites in puppies and
adult rabbits. The highest parasitic intensity was
found in Eimeriasp. from baby rabbits with an
intensity value of 3966 and was in the category of
'super parasitic infections'. The intensity value of
Eimeria sp. in baby rabbits showed a higher
intensity value than the intensity of Eimeria sp. in
adult rabbits which was worth 900 and included in
the category of 'very heavy parasite'.Observations on
feces samples from 197 cows, 37 horses, 11 sheep,
25 pigs, 21 dogs, one cat and 62 chickens from
livestock of 10 large private properties and 75 from
rural settlements in the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil
found Eimeria sp. appear in almost all hosts, except
horses, dogs and cats (Sevá, et al., 2018)
The intensity value is a degree of parasite species
that infects an animal. Some rabbits with high
parasitic intensity show less healthy symptoms such
as less weight, diarrhea and bloody feces. Some
rabbits were even found dead.Based on the interview
results with livestock managers, the death of rabbits
is a common thing, especially at the age of less than
one month. Symptoms of unhealthy and death in
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
rabbits may be caused by parasites that infest the
rabbit too high.
According to Barnes et al. (1984), a disease
caused by Eimeria sp. can be acute or chronic
depending on the number of oocysts that are
swallowed by the host.In infections with less than
150 infective oocysts there will be a bleeding point
on the mucosal surface of the cecum with a slight
discoloration of the cecum wall. The dose of 150-
500 oocysts will result in bleeding, injury and
thickening of the cecum wall.In 1000-3000
infections of oocysts will potentially cause death in
animals. Infection of 5000 or more oocysts can
cause the highest mortality in two weeks old host.
Some other infected rabbits did not show any
clinical symptoms; this may be due to the rabbit's
immune system that is different in each. Antibiotics
and vitamins treatment was also one of the factors
that cause rabbits to look healthy even though they
were attacked by quite severe parasites.
The next highest intensity value was Passalurus
sp. with an intensity value of 450 and was in the
category of 'very heavy parasite'. The lowest
intensity value was found in Strongyloides sp. with a
prevalence value of 233 and also included in the
category of 'very heavy parasite'.
Cheng (1973) stated that infection by the
Strongyloides sp. is rare except in humid
conditions.Based on the measurement results, the
location of rabbits ranch in Brastagi has a moderate
temperature of 21
C and the humidity is quite high
at 71.6%. Larvae that live in humid conditions will
produce large numbers of infective larvae.
The species of gastrointestinal parasites found in
rabbit feces on Brastagi ranch, Karo District,
Sumatera Utara were three species, namely: Eimeria
sp. found in puppies rabbits (ages 0-3 months) and
adult rabbits (> 3 months old), Strongyloides sp. and
Passalurus sp. were only found in baby rabbits.
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ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology