Relations among Motor Abilities and Skills in Handball
Igor Gruic
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Horvacanski zavoj 15, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Handball, Technique, Knowledge, Physical Preparedness, Evaluation.
Abstract: The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between motor abilities and levels of
acquisition of certain specific motor skills. On 80 students / adults who participated, with average (X
age of x=19 years, mass of 76±3.5 kg,179±4.7 cm tall, standard tests for the assessment of anthropometric
characteristics, basic and specific motor abilities, and motor skills in performing different handball techniques
were assessed. Statistically significant relations between abilities and skills were determined, especially
among the speed, precision and technique of performing the shooting techniques in handball.
Techniques, motor skills, motor stereotypes, kinetic
chains, biomechanically optimized spatial-time
variables and parameters are verbal constructs that in
their essence/definition - and due to their inextricable
correlation - are intertwined with certain definitions
of motor abilities. It should be respected in standard
planning procedures, programming and control of the
teaching&training process. An integrative approach
to training certain abilities and knowledge is a
prerequisite for shaping algorithms with clearly
defined procedures for achieving set goals.
According to Gruić, 2014, and Gruić and Vrbik,
2018, “knowledge, abilities, morphology etc., are
organized trough function, form & content, and by
understanding allometry (McMahon, 1984) and
method of partializations (Milas, 2009) power of
insight in practical research and applications may be
improved (Gruić, 2015)”.
Main objective of the research was to define the
relationship of certain anthropological
characteristics, mainly between the level of
development of certain motor abilities and levels of
acquisition of certain specific motor skills.
The sample of entities for the purposes of this research
was sampled from the final population of students of
the first year of studies at the Faculty of Kinesiology,
University of Zagreb (n = 171) in the academic
2008/2009. Finally, in all aspects of the experimental
set, 80 students / adults participated, with average
±SD) age of x=19 years, mass of 76±3.5 kg and
being 179±4.7 cm tall, whose health status did not
differ from satisfactory.
Sample of variables was comprised of batteries of
standard tests for the assessment of anthropometric
characteristics, basic and specific motor abilities, and
motor skills in performing different techniques of
handball (table 1).
Data processing. Basic and specific motor abilities
were measured by professional staff at Diagnostic
Centre within Institute of Kinesiology, UniZg.
Efficacy of performance of 9 specific handball motor
skills were assessed by 6 experts in the field of top-
level sports and education (Table 2.). The precision is
defined by a hit in one of the 9 segments of the goal -
3 points for the upper left and upper right corners, 2
points for the left and right lower corners, 0 for the
central segment, the goal post and the miss, and 1
point for the lower central, upper central, middle left
and middle right segment of goal. The flight velocity
of the thrown ball has been measured by a radar
(STALKER radar; applied Concepts, Inc.; 2609
Technology Drive, Plano, TX, 75074, U.S.A)
For all variables in the sample, basic parameters
of descriptive statistics with basic measures of central
Gruic, I.
Relations among Motor Abilities and Skills in Handball.
DOI: 10.5220/0008548402510256
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2019), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-383-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tendency, dispersion parameters and measures of
curvature and asymmetry were determined.
Normality of distribution of results in variables was
tested with K-S test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient
was used to analyse the relationship among expert
assessments of performed specific motor skills
(handball knowledge). Metric properties of existing
standardized and newly constructed measuring
instruments and expert system for evaluating the
elements of handball techniques were analysed and
interpreted through central and dispersion parameters
of variables, measures of asymmetry and
elongation/flatness. Cronbach α was used as a
measure of reliability, and to assess the homogeneity
average correlation among the particles was used.
The contributions of individual final grades of
motor abilities to performance of certain elements of
handball technique were analysed by regression
analysis. Non-parametric statistical methods were
used to analyse all the results in the observed
variables that were not normally distributed -
Spearman's rank correlation was used to determine
the correlation between accuracy, speed and
evaluated performance of shooting,
Data processing was conducted in statistical
package Statistica 5.0.
Table 1: Sample of variables – basic and specific abilities and handball techniques.
1 20m running (s) – cells (5,10m) (s) MESP20M Power – explosive strength of sprinting
2 Bosc 3 - 5 feet jumps -t.platform (index) MESRSn Power – explosive strength of jumping
3 Bosc max (arms swing)-t.platform (cm) MESMAX Power – explosive strength of jumping
4 Sit-ups in 60 seconds – repetitions MRSSPT6 Dynamic repetitive-relative strength
5 Hold in back extension (s) MSSEL Static strength
6 Bench press- 70% TT (repetitions) MRSSBP7 Dynamic repetitive-relative strength
7 Lateral steps (s) MAGKUS Agility
8 20 yards (s) MAG20Y Agility
9 Shoulder rotation test with a stick (cm) MFLIP Flexibility
10 Straddle (V) sit forward bent (cm) MFLPRR Flexibility
11 Stance shot -radar 6m (km/h) MESBL2 Specific throwing explosive power
12 Jump-shot - radar 9m (km/h) MESBL4 Specific throwing explosive power
13 20m dribbling (10m, 5m) (s) MESPV20M Power – explosive strength of sprinting
14 dribbling the ball – VL (grade) VL technique
15 catching and passing the ball in a motion(grade) HDK technique
16 basic stance shot(grade) OU technique
17 shots from backcourt attacking positions(grade) SS technique
18 shots from left wing (grade) LK technique
19 shots from right wing(grade) DK technique
20 shots from pivot position with rolling(grade) KN technique
21 single feint to the left with a pass to the right(grade) FLD technique
22 single feint to the right with a pass to the left with a "coating"(grade) FDL technique
23 Ball velocity after basic shot (km/h) OU_BR velocity
24 Ball velocity after jump shot from backcourt att. position (km/h) SS_BR velocity
25 Ball velocity after jump shot from left wing (km/h) LK_BR velocity
26 Ball velocity after jump shot from right wing (km/h) DK_BR velocity
27 Ball velocity after jump shot from pivot (km/h) KN_BR velocity
28 basic shot precision (points) OU_PR precision
29 jump shot precision from backcourt att. position (points) SS_PR precision
30 jump shot precision from left wing(points) LK_PR precision
31 jump shot precision from right wing(points) DK_PR precision
32 jump shot precision from right wing(points) DK_PR precision
K-BioS 2019 - Special Session on Kinesiology in Sport and Medicine: from Biomechanics to Sociodynamics
Table 2: Example of the evaluation criteria of the level of knowledge required for performance of jump-shooting (Gruić and
Vrbik, 2018., adjusted from Gruić, 2011).
Element Code Jump Sho
from bac
court attacking position
0 Ball control
No ball control (dropping the ball during performance
no points fo
subject on any basis)
0/1 Position/posture S
The throw performed during flight phase (opposite shoulder and hip are at least are little in front
of the shutting arm)
0/1 All Phases F All phases performed (start-up, take-off, flight, shot, controlled landing)
0/1 Gross coordination GK
Correct performance – gross coordination (if the element is performed by the game rules)
(efficiency, rhythmical cohesion, vertically directed jump, movement amplitude)
0/1 Fine coordination FK
Correct performance – fine coordination (trunk rotation over 45 °, circular arm swing,
successive activation: hip – shoulder – elbow – wrist; ball thrown with elbow above shoulder
height - without pushing the ball)
Performance strength/speed
(using all of one´s capacities ore performing slower/ weaker than 70% of assessed maximum)
SIT Situational efficiency (is the performance applicable in the real game/situation with peers)
Table 3: Descriptive parameters of motor abilities, skills and handball knowledge (initial; †liminal K-S d/p).
- Mean Min Max Range SD X
-Skew X
- Kurt
M5 79 1.59 1.23 1.75 0.42 0.09 -0.48 1.03
M20V 79 3.82 2.59 4.42 1.83 0.23 -1.32 8.85
MAGKUS 79 7.88 6.79 9.71 2.92 0.47 0.90 2.37
MAG20Y 79 4.76 4.33 5.75 1.43 0.23 1.36 4.49
MESRS 79 117.67 69.80 152.55 82.75 13.03 -0.06 2.07
MESMAX 79 53.23 39.60 65.27 25.67 5.67 -0.24 -0.32
RADAR6 79 67.25 50.10 86.07 35.97 7.21 0.22 0.13
RADARSS 79 73.41 57.53 91.87 34.33 6.11 -0.20 0.62
MRSPT6 79 57.32 10.00 75.00 65.00 8.84 -1.85 9.29
MPRSBP7 79 15.77 3.00 36.00 33.00 8.03 0.47 -0.55
MSSEL 79 113.78 50.00 241.00 191.00 36.46 1.31 2.71
MFLIP 79 85.51 15.00 114.33 99.33 17.31 -1.16 3.30
MFLPRR 79 70.14 40.00 99.67 59.67 12.55 0.13 -0.06
VL 80 2.37 0.00 5.50 5.50 1.19 -0.12 0.09
HDK 80 2.06 0.00 6.00 6.00 1.26 0.69 0.67
OU 80 2.73 0.00 6.00 6.00 1.13 0.14 0.64
SS 80 2.57 0.00 4.80 4.80 1.13 -0.53 0.32
LK† 80 2.27 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.82 0.28 0.93
DK 80 1.87 0.00 4.20 4.20 0.80 0.44 0.08
KN 80 2.41 0.40 5.00 4.60 1.00 -0.31 -0.22
FLD 80 1.85 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.87 -0.13 -0.10
FDL† 80 1.62 0.00 5.40 5.40 1.06 1.18 1.40
Results in all variables assessing basic and specific
abilities and skills were normally distributed (in
standard use with appropriate reliability and
homogeneity for different populations and samples).
Liminal K-S d/p values for LK and FLD in initial
measuring point were determined. Variables covering
precision (variables with extensions:’_PR’) were not
normally distributed, therefore in later analyses
Spearman correlations were used. The total average
reliability measured by Cronbach's α for all analysed
specific handball knowledge (VL-FDL) is 0.89 (0.86-
0.90). The average homogeneity measure estimated
by the average correlation between the particles for
all analysed knowledge is 0.71 (0.67-0.75). It should
be noticed that handball knowledge was assessed
three times in order to determine reliability and
homogeneity for heterogeneous youth sportive and
student population after ending secondary school and
included in university graduate kinesiology
programme. Two measurements of specific
knowledge were used for purposes of this research –
at start and at the end of teaching&training program.
Relations among Motor Abilities and Skills in Handball
Table 4: Descriptive parameters for precision, ball velocity, and grades for shooting techniques (final).
- Mean Min Max Range SD X
- Kurt
OU 80 4.32 1.40 6.00 4.60 0.95 -0.08 -0.12
SS 80 4.28 2.80 6.00 3.20 0.90 0.34 -0.84
LK 80 4.36 1.40 6.00 4.60 0.96 -0.38 0.55
DK 80 3.69 1.20 6.00 4.80 1.14 -0.31 -0.52
KN 80 4.72 2.00 6.00 4.00 0.93 -0.73 0.08
OU_BR 78 75.47 31.90 89.80 57.90 8.48 -1.84 8.21
SS_BR 78 74.10 59.70 91.50 31.80 5.81 -0.15 0.41
LK_BR 78 67.41 54.40 79.70 25.30 5.89 -0.27 -0.48
DK_BR 74 61.80 42.30 75.40 33.10 7.03 -0.31 -0.35
KN_BR 74 62.05 41.70 79.80 38.10 7.34 -0.12 0.25
OU_PR 76 0.78 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.83 0.59 -0.86
SS_PR 78 1.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.95 0.46 -0.91
LK_PR 78 0.71 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.81 0.90 0.05
DK_PR 74 0.82 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.97 0.92 -0.24
KN_PR 74 1.09 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.95 0.29 -1.03
Table 5: Relations among basic and specific motor abilities and specific handball knowledge (summary and partial
contributions; †liminal K-S d/p).
R 0.59 0.66 0.64 0.64 0.55 0.53 0.54 0.56 0.61
0.34 0.44 0.41 0.42 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.32 0.37
Adj R
0.21 0.32 0.29 0.30 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.24
F(13,63) 2.54 3.77 3.41 3.51 2.09 1.94 2.00 2.25 2.86
p <0.01
<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.03 <0.04 <0.04 <0.02 <0.001
Std.Err.ofEst 1.04 0.90 0.81 0.75 0.89 1.05 0.85 0.91 0.99
M5 0.01 0.18* 0.10 0.05 0.20* -0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03
M20V -0.02 -0.19* 0.00 -0.03 0.13 0.00 -0.10 -0.19 -0.06
MAGKUS -0.05 0.00 -0.15 -0.18 -0.12 -0.38** 0.03 -0.30** -0.26**
MAG20Y -0.28** -0.21* 0.00 -0.08 -0.28** -0.06 -0.27** -0.08 0.01
MESRS -0.05 0.12 0.17 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.11 0.09
MESMAX -0.03 -0.01 0.12 -0.02 0.09 -0.06 0.05 -0.03 0.16
RADAR6 0.50** 0.27* 0.39** 0.01 0.25 0.18 0.56** 0.23 0.47**
RADARSS -0.11 0.04 0.10 0.37** 0.03 0.04 -0.30* -0.12 -0.18
MRSPT6 0.07 0.07 -0.01 -0.16 -0.05 0.00 -0.04 -0.06 -0.04
MPRSBP7 -0.02 -0.14 -0.04 -0.28** -0.12 -0.30** -0.05 -0.23* -0.19
MSSEL 0.06 0.25** 0.21** 0.22** 0.00 -0.01 -0.13 0.07 0.09
MFLIP 0.26** 0.05 0.08 -0.02 0.18 -0.01 0.09 -0.05 0.05
MFLPRR -0.11 0.13 -0.20 0.05 0.24 -0.02 0.11 -0.06 -0.08
Notice: Statistically significant contribution at level p<**0.05; * 0.10
A series of regression analyses analysed the impact /
contribution of basic and specific motor skills in
explaining the total of the estimated levels of
performance of specific handball motor skills,
dribbling, catching and passing the ball, shooting
techniques from different positions, and feinting. The
correlation of the predictor set of variables and
individual knowledge as the criterion variables (Table
5) is described by multiple correlation ranges from
0.53 to 0.66, respectively, and the coefficients of
determination determine their common variability
ranging from 29% to 44%. F values are at degrees of
freedom df1 = 13, df2 = 63, statistically significant at
the conclusion level to p <0.05. Among 13 predictor
variables, with different individual contributions,
those variables that have the most significant partial
contributions to the explanation of individual criteria
should be separated are:
(1) RADAR6, for dribbling the ball (VL), basic shot
(OU), jump shot from the pivot position (KN) and
feint to the right with pass to the left (FDL) (with
certain reserves for HDK), then
K-BioS 2019 - Special Session on Kinesiology in Sport and Medicine: from Biomechanics to Sociodynamics
Table 6: Relationship between grades of performance, ball velocity and precision of the shot (Spearman rank correlation, n =
74, *0.05).
velocity OU_br 0.33* SS_br 0.11 LK_br 0.37* DK_br 0.13 KN_br 0.33*
OU 0.55* 0.21 0.55* -0.03 0.52* 0.24* 0.52* -0.02 0.32* 0,02
SS 0.44* 0.34* 0.37* -0.19 0.41* -0.04 0.40* 0.05 0.28* 0,05
0.37* 0.24* 0.41* -0.08 0.33* 0.13 0.34* -0.02 0.22* 0,21
0.36* 0.26* 0.19 -0.11 0.31* 0.07 0.30* -0.14 0.19 0,11
KN 0.25* 0.02 0.16 -0.12 0.23* 0.14 0.31* -0.08 0.25* 0,31*
precision 0.33* OU_pr 0.11 SS_pr 0.37* LK_pr 0.13 DK_pr 0.33* KN_pr
(2) MAGKUS, in particular for the feinting
techniques (FLD, FDL) (but also the right-wing
shooting technique, DK),
(3) MAG20Y, for techniques of dribbling the ball
(VL), left wing shot (LK) and pivot position shot
(KN) (with certain reserves and for catching and
passing the ball technique, HDK),
(4) MSSEL for catching and passing the ball in
movement (HDK), stance shot (OU) and jump
shot from backcourt shooting positions (SS), and
(5) MPRSBP7 for jump shots from backcourt
shooting positions (SS) and right-wing position
shots (DK) (with certain reserves in feint to left
with passing to right FLD)
After initial representations of less and more
significant variables, other techniques of selecting
relevant explanatory variables, beside stepwise
regression methods, should be introduced
(Bonferroni corrections). Many regressions by
definition bring a lot of significant parameter
estimates at the 5% level even if there is no
relationship. Some of the F-values are very close to
the critical value in case of the regressions. If not
considered to be inclusive set of variables usually
used to cover whole physical preparedness of team
handball players, this experimental setup would be
limitation of the study (multiple comparisons
problem), together with certain heterogeneity of
sample, and structure of their previous and
extracurricular (often sportive club related) activity.
Further, there is the existence of certain
statistically significant correlations (Table 6) between
the speed, precision and technique of performing the
shooting technique. Spearman's rank correlation was
used because the results in precision by the default
scoring system were not distributed according to
normal distribution.
There is a statistically significant general and partial
contribution of results in variables for the assessment
of basic and specific motor abilities to the level of
performed specific motor skills.
Building architecture of understanding relations
among anthropometry, basic and specific motor
abilities and skills represents a precondition for
controllable, realistic perspective planning of
success, both competitively and with regard to
injuries prevention.
Research was partially conducted under research
project “Diagnostic procedures for the assessment of
fitness status in handball” funded by Croatian
Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (ID: 034-
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handball techniques (Evaluacija metoda poučavanja
elemenata rukometne tehnike) (doctoral dissertation)
Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Gruić, I. (2014). Odnosi sadržajnog, formalnog i
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za osobe s invaliditetom“ (pp. 526-532). Poreč:
Hrvatski kineziološki savez.
Gruić, I. (2015). Pattern Recognition, Evaluation and
Generalization of Kinesiological Phenomena from
Heterogenous Sample via Method of Partialization of
Variance. In K. Dumičić, N. Erjavec, M. Pejić Bach &
B. Žmuk (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the ISCCRO
International Statistical Conference in Croatia „New
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European Union“ (pp.73). Zagreb: Croatian Statistical
Association, Croatia.
Gruić, I., Cebović, K., Radaš, J., Bolčević, F. & Medved.,
V. (2015). Pedobarographic Features of Gait Measured
by FDM1.5 PMD. In J. Cabri (Ed.), Proceedings of the
Relations among Motor Abilities and Skills in Handball
3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research
and Technology Support (pp. 66–71). Lisbon: Portugal.
Gruić&Vrbik, (2018). Evaluation of cascade inuence of
morphology and power abilities on performance of the
chosen exercise which didactically precedes jump-shot
technique in team handball. In M.Baić et al (Ed.)
Proceedings of 14th International Scientic Conference
of Sport Kinetics (pp 240-5). Poreč: Croatia.
McMahon, T. A. (1984). Muscles, reflexes, and locomotion.
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K-BioS 2019 - Special Session on Kinesiology in Sport and Medicine: from Biomechanics to Sociodynamics