Transformation of Kim Game from the Gambling Arena to the
Wedding Ceremony
, Misda Elina
, and Yurnalis
Indonesia Art Institute of Padangpanjang, Karawitan Department, Bahder Johan Street, Padangpanjang, Indonesia
Keywords: KIM, Marriage Ceremony, and Entertainment
Abstract: This research aims at describing the metamorphosis of KIM game in the context of a wedding ceremony in
Solok city, Sumatera Barat province. Previously, KIM was a music performance turned into the arena of
gambling. However, nowadays, KIM performance has become the means of entertainment in the context of
a wedding ceremony. This research used analysis descriptive method by listing KIM performances textually
and contextually and metamorphose theory to explain that there’s the change of the original form into a new
form namely the change of form of KIM game with the gambling element into a performing art in wedding
ceremony. Research results showed that the change of KIM game occurred because of the influence of
people’s view toward the context of gambling and music in KIM performance. Therefore, today, KIM
performance is no longer a gambling arena but it has changed into the means of entertainment performed in
the wedding ceremony of Solok people.
KIM is one of the performances that consists of
vocal music and instrumental music. Initially, KIM
performance was a gambling arena where several
audiences could participate by paying the
registration fee. The winners of gambling were
given prizes according to the amount of registration
fee paid by them to KIM player.
Nowadays, KIM game has been performed in the
wedding ceremony of Solok (a city in West
Sumatera province, Indonesia) people. However,
conceptually, KIM game does not undergo changes.
The changes occur on the awarding system of KIM
game winners and that the participants are no longer
needed to pay the registration fee to KIM player. It’s
because the prizes that will be contested are
provided by the host who will hold the wedding
KIM performance at the wedding party gets a lot
of attention from its people. This performance is
able to distract people’s attention especially the
young generation who previously preferred to enjoy
music performance that its performers wore too sexy
clothes and danced too seductive movements. And
these things tend to result in chaos. Nowadays,
young people do not focus on the kind of music
performance that can corrupt their mind. Their
attention has been alternated to KIM performance
where they can enjoy the music and also expect the
prizes that have been previously prepared by the
Hence, this research aims at describing the
changes of KIM performance in the context of the
wedding ceremony of Solok people.
This research used an analytical descriptive method
started with collecting information related to KIM
performance in the context of the wedding ceremony
in Solok city. The related information was collected
through KIM players, KIM fans, KIM users, and
KIM observers. The observation was focused on the
social situation that caused the existence of KIM
performance in the life of Solok people. It’s then
continued with the more general and deep
observation toward research focus so finally, the
research objective could be described namely the
transformation of KIM performance from the
gambling arena to the entertainment medium in the
context of a wedding ceremony.
Data collection was conducted through the
observation and interview toward KIM players, KIM
fans, KIM users, and KIM observers in Solok city.
Arnailis, ., Elina, M. and Yurnalis, .
Transformation of Kim Game from the Gambling Arena to the Wedding Ceremony.
DOI: 10.5220/0008525700240030
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology (CREATIVEARTS 2019), pages 24-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-430-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
And the metamorphose theory proposed by
Soedarsono was used in the discussion of the
research problem. Soedarsono in Hadi (2009: 170)
stated that metamorphose theory is a theory of the
process of transformation and structural change.
Therefore, art by metamorphosis has the
characteristics of (1) the imitation of its original
form; (2) a brief and compact packaging; (3) setting
aside the sacred, magical, and symbolic values; (4)
full of variation; and (5) cheap price.
3.1 KIM in the Context of Gambling
KIM was one of mix performances of music and
vocal with the gambling played during it that
evolved in the Minangkabau society of West
Sumatera. Vocal sung was in the form of
Minangkabau pantun and verse that’s accompanied
by combo band music. In the several pantuns sung
by the KIM singer, several numbers were mentioned
that became the element of gambling.
3.1.1 Element of Gambling in the Game
KIM game has four elements namely:
1. Registration fee paid according to the amount
determined by KIM singer;
2. Paper coupons with numbers on it prepared by
KIM singer;
3. Dices made of wood;
4. Prizes dedicated for the winners of KIM game.
Those four elements describe the existence of the
gambling element in KIM game. Gambling is the
game by using money or precious things as its bet
obtained through several ways such as dice game
and card game (http:www: KBBI V, 2016: 590)
3.1.2 Game Procedure
KIM game was performed by singer and combo
band musical players as its accompaniment. KIM
game was started with the payment of registration
fee by the participants to KIM singer. The amount of
registration fee was adjusted to how high or low the
nominal value of the contested prize, such as the
bicycle, radio transistor, tape recorder, umbrella,
jacket, raincoat, flashlight, petromax light, and so
on. The number of participants was determined
according to the target desired by KIM singer.
KIM singer started the performance by singing a
song that its lyric contained the warning of being
careful in playing the game in order to avoid any
Example of pantun:
Kaladang mari kaladang
Kaladang batanam padi
Lah sudah buah digoyang
bamain kito kumbali
diangkek batu partamo
apo angko nan tibo
hati hati manjago
jan sampai salah pulo
In Indonesia language,
Ke ladang mari ke ladang
(To the field, let’s go to the field)
Ke ladang bertanam padi
(To the field, to plant paddy)
Setelah buah di goyang
(After the paddy has been harvested)
Hati-hati paman menjaga
(Be careful sir, in taking care)
Bermain kita kembali
(Let’s we play once again)
Diangkat batu pertama
(Being lifted the first stone)
Apa angka yang tiba
(What numbers will be out)
Hati-hati manjaga
(Be careful when taking care)
Jan sampai salah pula
(Don’t be wrong)
Next, KIM player started to sing a lyric that
directed the participants to concentrate on listening
to numbers that would be mentioned by KIM singer.
Example of Pantun:
Iyo kaladang baolah sanduak
Iyo dibaok nan mudo-mudo
Sudah digoyang buah dikaruak
Hati lah hati mamak manjago
In Indonesia language,
Ke ladang bawalah sendok
(to the field, please bring the spoon)
Dibawa anak muda-muda
(It’s brought by the youngsters)
Sudah digoyang buah dikeruk
(After harvesting, the fruit is eaten)
Hati lah hati paman menjaga
(Please be careful o dear Sir in taking care)
Transformation of Kim Game from the Gambling Arena to the Wedding Ceremony
3.1.3 Implementation of Gambling in KIM
Each player held the paper coupons containing
numbers 1 until 90. Those numbers were randomly
written on the column of paper coupons had by each
player so the player did not have the same number.
Figure 1: It’s a picture of paper coupons.
The numbers of 1 – 90 had by KIM singer were
designed in the form of dices. Dices were placed in a
small cylindrical can. This can with the dices in it
was then shaken according to the song tempo sung
by KIM singer. Those dices were taken one by one,
and the number written on the taken dice was the
number mentioned through the pantun of KIM
singer. This thing was done repeatedly until there
was one of the participants who shouted that his/her
paper coupon has been fully marked according to the
numbers mentioned by KIM singer for s/he marked
the numbers on the column of paper coupon based
on the numbers mentioned by KIM singer.
If the holder of paper coupon had marked all
numbers on the column of his/her paper coupon
according to numbers mentioned by KIM singer,
s/he shouted:oooo masuak siko” (in Indonesia
language, masuk disini; in English, it’s jackpot over
here). After hearing the shouting, KIM singer and
musician stopped the performance. Then, KIM
singer matched the numbers mentioned with the
number marked on participant’s paper coupon. If
those numbers were the same, the participant was
entitled to get the prize.
3.2 Metamorphosis Packaging of KIM
Nowadays, KIM game has undergone changes
whether from the internal or external context of
performance. The changes occur on KIM singer,
song sung during the game, and accompaniment.
The other changes also occur in its supporting
society and the procurement of prizes. These
changes are caused by several influencing factors
whether internally or externally (Sumiarti, 2015:
The current KIM game is the imitation of the
previous form that’s then made into the entertaining
musical performance. The element of gambling in
the KIM game then becomes a distinctive style in
the latter-day performing arts. Soedarsono in Hadi
(2009: 170) also stated similar thing. He explained
that art by metamorphosis has the characteristics of
(1) the imitation of its original form; (2) a brief and
compact packaging; (3) setting aside the sacred,
magical, and symbolic values; (4) full of variation;
(5) cheap price. Referring to the characteristics of
metamorphose art stated previously, today KIM
performance has these characteristics such as how to
give prizes, various song rhythms, singers,
performance stage, and performance equipments.
Basically, people’s traditional performing arts is
the product of aesthetic creativity in the past with its
local characteristics that then grew and became part
of the continuity of its people culture and tradition
(Bahar, 2015: 77).
Referring to Bahar’s statement, the whole KIM
performance is the product of creativity in order to
maintain the continuity of people’s culture. It
happens because the process of imitation from an
old and real form therewith its state of affairs
namely the gambling becomes a performing art that
involves various aspects related to KIM performance
namely 1) host, 2) KIM singer, 3) property, 4)
electronic media, 5) prize, 6) location of
3.2.1 The Host
Nowadays, the implementation of KIM performance
is based on the host’s request toward a KIM group.
The host is a person or a group of people who hold a
reception at once is responsible for the
implementation of KIM performance, starting from
determining the schedule and location, providing
KIM singer and team’s property and facility, and
paying the service fee of KIM singer and the team
that consists of keyboardist and technician. Usually,
the technician will prepare all things related to the
success of the performance and also become the
operator of a projector screen. However, this
meticulous preparation is worthless without people’s
participation to support the success of the
performance. During the performance, the host
always maintains good behavior and gives facility
for participating people in the form of drinks and
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
snacks. These become something attracting people’s
attention to take part in succeeding the KIM
This actual condition is the important thing that
must be taken into consideration by the host
particularly in maintaining good relationship with
the relatives who have come to participate and
enliven the reception that’s being hold so a peaceful
and quiet atmosphere is created, yet it’s also full of
joy and cheer starting from the beginning until the
end of KIM performance.
3.2.2 KIM Singer
Basically, KIM singer only receives a service fee
from the host of reception. Therefore nowadays,
KIM singer is only fully responsible on the
continuity of KIM performance.
KIM singer must have the ability in vocal and
literature areas, and have the various and substantial
vocabularies of song rhythm starting from the pop
song, dangdut, and Minangkabau rhythmic songs.
Besides, s/he must be able to act following the song
rhythm while shaking the can on her/his hand. KIM
singer is also able to respond to the atmosphere in
performance; s/he has the ability in modifying the
literature according to the number taken from the
KIM singer is also responsible to provide the
paper coupons that will be given to the audiences or
participants and the number of those coupons
becomes the payment fare of KIM singer’s service
fee. Usually, for a thousand coupons, KIM singer
demands IDR 2,000,000 excluding the fee of
transportation, keyboardist, and the other technician.
Those coupons are made into five colors namely
white, light blue, light green, pink, and yellow.
Those coupons are stapled into unity until reaching a
thousand coupons. These coupons are then given to
the host of reception when these two parties meet for
doing the transaction, and it usually occurs one week
prior to the performance. Later, those coupons were
given by the host to the guests or/and audiences
according to their invitation.
3.2.3 Dices
Dices in KIM performance have various forms and
these depend on KIM singer’s fondness such as
octagonal dice, rectangular dice, and circular dice.
Those dices are made of fiber plastic with the
diameter around 2 cm. These dices are then taken by
KIM singer one by one from the cylindrical can
while singing.
Figure 2: It’s the figure of Dice Form.
(It’s the document of ISI Padangpanjang research team
and taken on 12 July 2018.)
3.2.4 Paper Coupons
Nowadays, there are five colors of paper coupons
namely white, light blue, light green, pink, and
yellow. Every coupon consists of three columns,
every column consists of two lines, and every line
consists of 9 boxes filled by 5 numbers in the
random distance. It means that every coupon
consists of six lines with 30 different numbers.
Figure 3: It’s a figure of rectangular paper coupon
containing numbers hold by KIM participant
(It’s the document of ISI Padangpanjang research team
and taken on 12 July 2018.)
Transformation of Kim Game from the Gambling Arena to the Wedding Ceremony
Numbers mentioned by KIM singer are displayed on
the projector screen according to the colors of the
coupons being played. The form and size of paper
coupons are determined by KIM player based on
her/his own style.
3.2.5 Electonic Media
a. Keyboard
In KIM performance, a keyboard is used to
accompany KIM song. The keyboard is usually
played by a person who really comprehends the
pattern of KIM game.
b. Sound System
The sound system is useful to lift up the voice of
KIM singer so all audiences or participants can hear
clearly the numbers mentioned by KIM singer and
make them easier to mark those numbers in their
own coupons.
Besides, a good sound system is also able to
liven up the songs and enliven the atmosphere. It’s
because, among the participants, some participants
are not only interested in hearing the numbers but
also hearing to and dancing with the songs sung by
KIM singer. This is also the reason why KIM
performance is more and more fancied by old and
young people day by day.
c. Laptop, Projector, and Projector Screen
In KIM performance, laptop functions as the media
for jotting down the numbers sung by KIM singer
and then projected to the screen projector. Therefore,
the laptop operator must also comprehend the
pattern of KIM game.
Before starting the game, the screen projector has
been set up by the laptop operator according to the
colors instructed by KIM singer. Therefore, the
laptop operator must have a good and high
concentration in listening to the numbers mentioned
by KIM singer.
Figure 4: It’s a figure of laptop and projector screen
containing numbers
(It’s the document of ISI Padangpanjang research team
and taken on 12 July 2018.)
In KIM performance, the projector screen assists the
audiences or participants to detect the numbers that
have been written on their cards. It can facilitate the
audiences or participants in following KIM game
because the forgotten numbers can be seen from the
screen projector.
3.2.6 Prizes
The prizes in KIM game come from several sources
namely the host, the donors, and the audience’s or
participant’s donation. Prizes usually depend on the
host and donors’ capability.
In KIM game, the big prizes are usually
contested in the pink paper coupons, while the grand
prize will be contested in the yellow paper coupons
at the end of the performance.
The change of people’s mindset from gambling
into the performing arts is one of the ways to
conserve Solok people’s art and culture. In fact, the
changes of KIM performance in the culture of its
supporting society then becomes the new repertoire
in the vocabularies of traditional music (McDermutt,
2013: 4).
3.2.7 Location of Performance
The stage form of KIM performance depends on the
host’s capability the most important thing is having
a wider area. It’s because the fans or audiences who
want to participate come from various areas even the
ones without invitation.
The host provides snacks for the participants in
the forms of fried rice, fried sweet potato, fried
banana, mineral water, and other snacks according to
the host’s capability.
3.3 Songs in KIM Performance
Songs that are often sung in KIM performance are
rhythmic and up-beat songs such as dangdut, pop,
Hindi, Malay, and Minangkabau rhythmic songs.
The following notations are the examples of
songs and pantun texts of KIM performance in
Minangkabau rhythm.
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
1. Notation of Raja Doli Song
2. Notation of Pariaman Song
3. Notasi Lagu Anak Sipasan
3. Notation of Tan A Kong Song
There are four general conclusions derived from this
a. The current KIM performance is the imitation
process of its original form therewith its
b. The metamorphosis of KIM performance
describes the character of gambling that
nowadays becomes a performing art that
functions as entertainment.
c. KIM performance is also the media used to
communicate the learning of Minangkabau
literature through the lyrics of KIM songs.
d. KIM performance is one of the forms of
Minangkabau cultural preservation.
Transformation of Kim Game from the Gambling Arena to the Wedding Ceremony
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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (KBBI V) 2016
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CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative