The Development of Quality Management System in Compliance
Audit of Construction Contract Agreement
Dhita Susriana, Yusuf Latief
Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Engineering
Keywords: Audit, construction, compliance audit, quality management system.
Abstract: Construction projects funded by the government are usually audited by an independent auditor. Audit
functions to increase transparency, accountability, and to know the actual conditions of an entity as a basis
for making decisions and reducing the risk of errors in policy making for the entity being audited. One type
of audit is a compliance audit. The purpose of the compliance audit is to assess whether the principal matters
audited are compliant with the regulations. Compliance audit in the construction industry is to assess the
implementation of contract agreement between users and the providers, but the auditor is faced with the risk
of the possibility that the Auditor's findings, conclusions or recommendations are incorrect or incomplete, as
a result of factors such as insufficient or inappropriate evidence, or misleading information which will cause
a lawsuit. The method used is the study of literature and the Delphi method. This study aims to develop a
quality management system of compliance audit phases in order to achieve the expected quality objectives.
The results of this study indicate that the audit phases and quality objectives can be categorized into three
phases, namely planning, executing, and reporting.
An auditor who performs audit duties is required to
be professional and careful in carrying out their duties
and authorities. The risks in the form of rebuttal in the
audit process up to a lawsuit after the issuance of
reports both civilly through the district court, as well
as state administration in the State administrative
court are still likely to occur as one manifestation of
stakeholder dissatisfaction with the results of the
audit. If the rebuttal or claim is proven, the impact
will be very detrimental and lead to a decrease in the
credibility of the audit institution in conducting an
Furthermore, the conflict of interest may occur
after the audit result issued through an audit report
made by the Supreme Audit Board. If there is
dissatisfaction with the audit results, which is stated
in the audit report, then the client can submit a
lawsuit. Some of the problems mentioned above are
caused by the lack of understanding of the audit
results between the auditor and the entity being
audited. This is because there is a risk of the
possibility that the auditor's findings, conclusions,
and/ or recommendations are incorrect or incomplete,
as a result of factors such as insufficient or
inappropriate evidence, inadequate audit procedures,
or deliberate negligence and misleading information
(Standar Pemeriksaan Keuangan Negara, 2017) and
the possibility of audit weaknesses at the planning
stage, executing stage or reporting stage.
According to Sarwoko and Agoes (2014) audit
quality is influenced by several things including
auditor independence and audit procedures designed
to detect fraud. To achieve good audit quality,
organizations also need to implement a Quality
Management System (QMS) to help improve the
results of their activities and to provide a solid basis
for sustainable development. Therefore this research
is needed for the purpose of developing quality
management system of compliance audit phases in
order to obtain the expected quality objectives.
ISO 9001: 2015 states that in a quality management
system, an organization must set its quality targets in
each process or stage needed. The organization must
Susriana, D. and Latief, Y.
The Development of Quality Management System in Compliance Audit of Construction Contract Agreement.
DOI: 10.5220/0008435807200725
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 720-725
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
determine the characteristics, roles, activities, and
work schedules of each of the resources needed, and
evaluate the results of the activities of these resources.
By building an organizational structure equipped with
resources and regulating procedures with the
principle of quality in carrying out an activity, it
means that an organization has implemented
management functions with a quality system.
2.1 Auditor Organization
Based on The Audit Board of the Republic of
Indonesia Regulation (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan)
No. 1/2017, audits are processes of problem
identification, analysis and evaluation conducted
independently, objectively, and professionally based
on audit standards, to assess the correctness,
accuracy, credibility and reliability of information
regarding the management and responsibility of state
finances. The Pedoman Manajemen Pemeriksaan
(2015) contains the management of the audit process,
which starts from the planning phase, executing phase
up to reporting the results of the audit.
Audit planning is the beginning of the audit
process. Audit planning is needed so that audit
process can be carried out efficiently, effectively, and
in accordance with audit policies, audit activity plans,
and audit standards set by the Badan Pemeriksa
Keuangan (BPK). Audit executing is a realization of
audit planning. Meanwhile, audit reporting is the
process of preparing a report based on the results of
the analysis of the audit findings obtained during the
audit process.
At the planning phase, the Team Leader (KT) is
responsible for evaluating whether procedures
designed by the Expert will meet the results desired
by the Team Member (AT). At the executing phase,
AT is in charge of implementing the audit program
and documenting it, the KT ensuring that all audit
procedures in the Audit Program have been carried
out, the Technical Controller (PT) is responsible
through the weekly report, reviewing that the audit
procedures that cannot be carried out have been
supported by adequate justification and analysis and
reviewing procedures. At the reporting phase, the
Quality Controller (PM) is responsible for reviewing
the proposed development of additional procedures.
2.2 Organizational Influence on
According to Priede (2012), companies can increase
their competitiveness through the implementation of
Quality management systems (QMS). The
implementation of QMS in managing organizational
strategies can help the organization to achieve its
goals and objectives. To maintain the quality system,
the organization needs to document the procedures,
the resources with their responsibilities and activities
that they must do in the organization. The document
must be accessible to all parties who need it and at
any time can be updated and the update can be
socialized easily and clearly (Zhao Z. et al., 2014).
Thus, quality management is a way to regulate and
involve all part of the organization in achieving
quality requirements, related to employee and
customer satisfaction. The implementation of QMS in
organizations defines the quality of services provided
by the organization, and it leads to customer trust.
2.3 Business Process of Audit
Dye & Stapenhurst (1998) on his journal, stated that
auditing is considered as one of the eight pillars of the
national integrity system, which can protect against
corruption (Jeppesen, 2017). Audit planning is
carried out by the auditor so that the audit activities
do not cost a lot, can collect sufficient evidence, and
also can avoid misunderstanding the contract of
cooperation with the client. Hall (2011) divides the
audit planning phase into three stages, namely (1)
reviewing the organizational structure and policies;
(2) reviewing general control of the organization
along with its control devices; and (3) testing of
control plans and substantive testing procedures. The
control testing phase has the following stages: (1)
implementation of the control test, (2) evaluating the
test results, and (3) determining the level of control.
The substantive testing phase has the following
stages: (1) the implementation of substantive testing,
(2) evaluating the results of the auditor's report, and
(3) making an audit report (Chou, 2015).
There are many parties who benefit from the
audit, not only in the private sector but also in the
public sector. Stakeholders such as fund lenders,
owners, employees, suppliers, or community groups
with particular interests benefit from audits of related
organizations (Hay & Cordery, 2018). Another thing
that needs to be considered in conducting audits is
collecting audit evidence. In conducting audits, audit
evidence is an important matter to note. In
International Standard Audit (ISA) stated that the
adequacy of audit evidence as a "measure of the
quantity of audit evidence." The ISA also states that
the suitability of audit evidence is "a measure of the
quality of audit evidence." The auditor can obtain
audit evidence and directly test the completeness and
The Development of Quality Management System in Compliance Audit of Construction Contract Agreement
accuracy of the data while performing the main
inspection procedures that use the data.
2.4 Audits on Engineering
In the public sector and private sectors, both of them
conducted audits on the result of construction projects
that carried out by independent auditors. The purpose
is not only to assess the accuracy of financial
management activities on the project but also provide
benefits in assessing project performance and
comparing the project with best practices on other
similar projects for quality improvement. Morrill,
Cameron and Morril, Janet (2003) share some
external audit activities that are also used in internal
audits into four stages: planning of the audit; testing
of the internal control system; substantive testing and
analytical review.
Mashwama, N. et al. (2017) revealed that in order
to eliminate the poor quality of construction projects
in Swaziland, organizations could implement a
quality management system and determine the key of
success factors. In monitoring stage, success factors
that influence the reductions of cost of poor quality
are fulfilling health and safety requirements;
measurement of executed works; measurement of
wastage and reworks; testing of executed works
Measure Variation in planned and actual resource
Nikulina, M.E. et al. (2017) developed audit
methods into 6 (six) main stages, are: planning;
collecting the audit evidence; make report and
auditor's conclusion (Bogdanova, N.A. et al., 2009);
arrange program of works; record all the field
inspections, laboratory results and the analysis; the
development of corrective actions and operability
analysis of data obtained. The type of operations
depends on the scope of activities (Nikulina, M.E. et
al., 2017).
Didkovskaya, O. et al. (2016) stated that
conducting a construction audit requires the
integration of technical experts, legal experts, and
financial experts to evaluate the optimization of
investment in a construction project. The construction
audit is needed to assess project investment and
project construction. Some actions taken in the
construction audit are analysis the initial document;
analysis project documents; assess conformity with
specifications; assess the supervision of construction
by the organization; analysis construction deadlines;
analysis the realization of the project budget; monitor
investment and expenditure, etc.
The methodology of this research is the study of
literature validated through the Delphi method.
Literature studies are used to reveal various theories
that are relevant to the problems being faced or
examined as reference material in the discussion of
the results of the study. Literature studies will be
conducted on several regulations, similar research
reports, audit journals, and guidance on auditing
infrastructures such as roads or other infrastructure.
Validity is carried out using the Delphi method to
several experts who participated in formulating the
BPK audit guidelines and to experts who involved
technically in infrastructure audit.
In a book entitled The Basics of IT Audit (2014)
is explained that one type of audit is a compliance
audit. Compliance audits consist of various series of
an audit conducted by external and internal auditors
in order to fulfill legal requirements or organizational
regulations, industry standards, licensing
requirements, contract commitments, or other formal
obligations. There are 3 (three) types of compliance
audits, namely legal compliance; compliance with
industry standards; and commercial standards.
Whereas according to the Standar Pemeriksaan
Keuangan Negara (2017), compliance audit is to
assess whether the subject matter being audited is
compliant with the provisions of the legislation. In
accordance with the Petunjuk Pelaksanaan
Kepatuhan (2018), compliance audit aims to provide
information to users of the results reports on the
compliance of the entity being audited in complying
with the provisions of the legislation, legislative
decisions, contracts, and established codes of ethics.
Compliance audit for the implementation of
contract agreement for the construction of State
Building refers to Presidential Regulation No. 16/
2018 concerning procurement of government. It has
been regulated in more detail regarding the executing
phases of the construction contract agreement, as
1. Letter of Appointment of Government
Goods/ Services Providers;
2. Signing of the Contract;
3. Provision of advances;
4. Payment of work performance;
5. Change of Contract;
6. Price adjustment;
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
7. Termination of Contract or End of
8. Termination of Contract;
9. Project handover; and
10. Handling the force condition.
Based on the discussions result with several experts
on each audit stages, a form of audit phases can be
obtained which can be carried out in the
Table 1: Audit Phase
Audit Phase
Quality Objectives
Responsible (R),
Accountable (A), Consult (C)
and Informed (I)
a. Identify the users of
the audit report and
those responsible
All parties responsible for implementing the
Construction of State Building based on
contract agreement are clearly identified
b. Determination of the
main points,
objectives, and audit
The main points, objectives and audit scope
for the implementation of contract
agreement for the construction of State
Building are clearly identified
c. Identification of
There is a list of applicable criteria in
implementing the contract agreement for
the construction of State Building and
communicate it to the client
d. Understanding of the
entity and its
The report of understanding results has
informed internal and external factors that
affect the entity
e. Understanding of
internal control
The report of understanding results of the
Internal Control System has informed the
level of effectiveness of the entity in an
effort to comply with the criteria
f. Determination of
The report of materiality determination
results has considered issues of compliance,
public expectations, legislative oversight
needs, the need for transparency and the use
of large financing
g. Risk evaluation;
Risk assessment has informed each critical
area and mapping of the HR responsible for
handling it
h. Determination of
picking test;
Conclusions of the results of the picking
test represent the condition of the
i. Preparation of
strategies and audit
The strategy and audit plan are documented
and updated during the audit process
a. Proof of acquisition
and exposures:
Acquisition of all document details
completed with minutes of request for
information and minutes of observations
from inspectors validated by authorized
users and service providers (refers to
implementation of contract agreement,
Presidential Regulation No. 16/ 2018)
b. Development of
audit findings
The audit findings contain all elements of
the findings, have substantive truths and
have been reviewed in phases
c. Obtaining response
to audit findings
Obtaining responses from authorized parties
(entities) over all audit findings submitted
The Development of Quality Management System in Compliance Audit of Construction Contract Agreement
Audit Phase
Quality Objectives
Responsible (R),
Accountable (A), Consult (C)
and Informed (I)
in an official written form equipped with
supporting documents adequately
a. Make an audit report
Completion of the audit report should be on
time, complete, accurate, objective,
convincing, clear and concise
b. Follow-up on
Compliance Audit
Obtaining an action plan for the follow-up
of the entity and reporting the results of
follow-up monitoring
implementation of contract agreement for the
construction of State Building. In accordance with the
agreed audit phases, the quality objectives obtained
were also agreed upon by the experts as in table1.
This paper presents a review of the literature
regarding QMS to be implemented in a compliance
audit. First, the auditor organization shall determine
what will be done and who will be involved and being
responsible. Second, the organization shall establish
quality objectives at relevant processes needed for the
quality management system (ISO 9001). The audit
phase refers to the three basic verification phases are:
planning, collecting the audit evidence; integration all
the information and presentation the results
(Nikulina, M.E. et al., 2017) and in accordance with
the Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Kepatuhan (2018) that
divide the audit phases into three phases, are:
planning; executing; and reporting.
Each stage of the audit needs to set quality objectives
and roles of each party in the audit team. The quality
objectives were set by experts who are involved in
formulating audit policies or technically involved in
the audit. The purpose of developing a quality
management system in this audit process is to prove
to the client that the auditor's organization can
properly control all quality factors, and ensure the
suitability of the steps to meet the specified
This study has limitations due to the focus of
research on compliance audits of construction
contract agreement on government procurement by
providers. Compliance audits assure the government
that a business is following the rules and regulations
of specific agreement and does not conflict with
higher regulations. Future research can develop the
research focus on the development of a quality
management system in audits of a construction
contract agreement that indicate fraud. Thus,
recommendations obtained from audit results can
help the organization to achieve its objectives by
taking preventive or anticipatory actions in
minimizing fraud in the project. Systematic audits of
risk management, control system, and management of
entities can produce recommendations to the
organization to increase its effectiveness.
The Authors would like to thank the Directorate for
Research and Public Services (DRPM) Universitas
Indonesia for all support.
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