Determinant of Quality Audit in Sustainable Development Goals
Almatius Setya Marsudi
The Professional Programme in Accounting (PPA), Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Work Experience, Audit Tenure, Auditor Ethics, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Quality.
Abstract: The inclusive role of the auditor towards Sustainable Development Goals, encouraging public accounting
offices to improve their audit performance by improving the quality of audits. This study is aimed at
explaining the determinant of audit quality in the Indonesian context. We hypothesize that the influence of
the work experience, auditor ethics, audit tenure, and time budget pressure impact to the audit quality
produced by auditors that work in the Public Accountant Firms. The research used questionnaires to collect
data with a total sample of 102 respondents. This study uses a quantitative approach and using multiple linear
regression analysis. The result of testing the hypothesis stated that work experience, auditor ethics, and audit
tenure variables partially influence the quality of the audit. Finally, our results contribute to the regulatory
agencies that must make strict rules to ensure auditor compliance on audit tenure, and code of ethics, so that
SNP Finance failures cases do not occur in Indonesia.
The development of country's economic conditions
makes business complexity increase. The more
complex the business, encourage the quality financial
statement information needs. The auditor plays a role
in encouraging accountable transparent financial
management. United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD) is the main organ of
the UN General Assembly in dealing with trade,
investment, and development issues, in 2017
UNTACD launched a sustainable development
agenda until 2030. The contribution of the private
sector in achieving the agenda will be very
significant, especially the contribution of auditors in
ensuring the reporting of sustainable accounting
(Pramono, 2018). The inclusive role of auditors in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was
followed up by the International Organization of
Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) with a second
cross-field priority, namely to contribute to the
follow-up and review of the SDG in the context of
each country's specific sustainable development
efforts. One of the priority approaches is audit
performance assessment (Intosai, 2017). The Public
Accountant Office or Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP)
must have good audit quality to produce financial
reports that can be trusted by users of financial
information. According to De Angelo (1981) and
Rizal, N. and Liyundra, F. S. (2016) revealed the
relationship between findings of fraud in the client's
accounting system with increasing audit quality.
There are many public doubts about the
profession of public accounting. One phenomenon
that can support this study is Bank Mandiri's Medium
Term Notes failure case of $ 98,000 in SNP Finance.
In the case of SNP Finance, it was called the KAP
under the entity of Deloitte - Indonesia was involved.
The Deloitte entity represented by Satrio Bing Eny &
Rekan (SBE) conducted an SNP financial statement
audit based on audit standards set by the Indonesian
Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI).
Steve Aditya (Marketing & Communications Lead of
Deloitte - Indonesia) revealed BE was the last time to
publish an Independent auditor's report on the SNP
financial report for the 2016 financial year. The audit
was not related to the need for issuance of MTN
conducted by SNP in 2017 and 2018. SBE was also
never asked for approval or notified by SNP if the
audit report on SNP financial statements was used as
a reference in the issuance of Medium Term Notes
(MTN). Steve also insists Deloitte has a strict quality
control standard. Prior to the release of an
independent auditor's report shall be through the
review of strict internal quality control performed by
the colleague / partners and managers who are not
involved in the audit alliance. A different matter was
uttered by Langgeng Subur (Head of the Ministry of
Finance's Professional Development Center), the
Marsudi, A.
Determinant of Quality Audit in Sustainable Development Goals.
DOI: 10.5220/0008434005840589
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 584-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
state exchequer acknowledged that there were
indications of negligence by KAP in auditing
financial statements. "Because Public Accountants
has long been holding PT SNP as their client, then
there are things that the audit step must be deepened
are not done," said Langgeng (CNBC, 2018). Audit
quality in the case of Bank Mandiri MTN made the
audit quality of the Deloitte SBE Entity questionable
even though Deloitte itself is apart of the Big Four
KAPs in Indonesia. KAP SBE is considered to have
conducted low-quality audit activities, so the Ministry
of Finance imposed administrative sanctions on
Marlinna and Merliyana Syamsul Public Accountants
in the form of limiting the provision of audit services
to financial services entities for 12 months from
September 16, 2018 to by September 15, 2019. A
public accountant needs to improve audit quality to
be able to increase the level of reliability of financial
statements so that they can be trusted again by
interested parties.
2.1 Sufficient Work Experience
This section must Auditors are required to have
sufficient work experience, understand the code of
ethics of the accounting profession, and consider the
factor of the length of the relationship between the
auditor and the client (audit tenure) and the time
budget pressure factor in auditing. The auditor's
experience factor in conducting audits is one of the
factors that influence audit quality. The auditor's
knowledge will develop as experience increases in
performing audit tasks. With the increasing
experience, the expertise possessed by auditors is also
growing. The impact of experience on every decision
taken in conducting an audit is expected to help make
the right decision. The longer the auditor's working
period is indicated, the better the audit quality
produced by the auditor.
2.2 Auditors' Ethical behavior
Auditors' ethical behavior is a factor that influences
audit quality. Auditors should be guided by the code
of ethics and auditing standards of relevant public
accountants in carrying out audits. Code of ethics is
very necessary because in the code of ethics regulates
the behavior of public accountants in carrying out
practices. According to Ardelean A. (2013) the idea
of ethics consists of the concepts of integrity, honesty,
and responsibility. Therefore, ethics is perceived by
the community as a set of moral principles and rules
of conduct that guide the audit profession. To
improve auditor performance, the auditor is required
to maintain ethical standards to produce quality
2.3 Audit Tenure
The length of the auditor's relationship with the client
is called audit tenure. Tenure is the period of
assignment of audits by certain KAP in client
companies that are in accordance with government
regulations. The longer the audit assignment can be
indicated to affect audit independence. (Yudi et al.
2013; Puspitasari and Nugrahanti, 2016). Another
factor that also determines audit quality is Time
budget pressure. The more efficient of the Auditor in
completing the case, the better the quality of the
2.4 Time Budget Pressure
Time budget pressure can also cause deviant behavior
from an auditor because the auditor tends to be
depressed in carrying out his duties. The negative
impact caused by time budget pressure is that the
auditor intentionally removes several stages of the
audit for reasons of time constraints, thereby reducing
audit quality. Research on audit quality is important
for KAP so that they can find out the factors that
influence audit quality and can further improve audit
quality produced by auditors working in KAP
(Andreas, 2015).
2.5 Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework can be seen in figure 1.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.
2.6 Hypothesis
H1 : work experience has a positive effect on audit
Work Experience
Audit Tenure
Auditor Ethics
Time Budget
Audit Quality
Determinant of Quality Audit in Sustainable Development Goals
H2 : audit tenure has a positive effect on audit
H3 : auditor ethics has a positive effect on audit
H4 : time budget Pressure has a positive effect on
audit quality
3.1 Population and Sample
In this study, we use auditor at KAP in Jakarta as a
sample and population. There are 102 auditors from
18 KAP in Jakarta. The IAPI database which consists
of all Indonesian accountants list is used in this study
to determine the research sample.
The questioner is sent to the auditor to obtain
auditor perceptions of the variables used in this study.
Non-probability sampling was used in this research.
This study used some The criteria of sample : (1) the
auditor has worked in KAP for at least 1 year, and (2)
the auditor has audited at least 3 years.
3.2 Operational Definition
3.2.1 Audit Quality
Audit quality indicates how appropriate the audit
results are to the established standards (Watkins et al.,
2004). The indicators used to measure audit quality
consist of (1) the quality of the audit report, (2)
compliance with audit standards and (3) the process
of finding and reporting evidence.
3.2.2 Work Experience
The indicators used for Work Experience: the
duration of working as an auditor and the number of
tasks (Setiawan's, 2017).
3.2.3 Audit Tenure
Audit Tenure was measured using indicators: (1)
good relationship with clients, and (2) the length of
time the relationship with the client.
3.2.4 Auditor Ethics
Auditor ethics was measured using indicators: (1)
Auditor Professional Responsibility, (2) Integrity, (3)
3.2.5 Time Budget Pressure
Time Budget Pressure was measured using
indicators: (1) time limitations in assignments, (2)
completion of work with a specified time, (3) fulfillment of
target time during the assignment, (4) focus on tasks with
limited time, and (4) time budget communication.
Table 1: Operational Definition.
The duration of working as an auditor
The number of tasks
Audit Tenure
Good relationship with clients
The length of time the relationship with
the client
Auditor Ethics
Auditor Professional Responsibility
Time Budget
Time limitations in assignments
Completion of work with a specified time
Fulfillment of target time during
Focus on tasks with limited time
Time budget communication
Audit Quality
Compliance with audit standards
Quality of audit report
Finding and reporting evidence
3.3 Analysis Method
Multiple regression analysis was used in this study. In
addition, researchers used the SPSS tool to analyze
the research model, the research formula was as
AQ = a + b
WE + b
AT + b
AE + b
TBP + e (1)
Formula remarks:
AQ = Audit Quality
a = Constanta
= The regression coefficient
WE = Work Experience
AT = Audit Tenure
AE = Auditor Ethics
TBP = Time Budget Pressure
e = error
The t-test is used as a basis for determining whether
the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. If the P-value
is <0.05; Ha is accepted = there is a significant effect
between the independent variables on the dependent
variable. If the P-value> 0.05; Ha is rejected = there
is no significant influence between the independent
variable and the dependent variable.
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
4.1 Results of the Outer Model
4.1.1 Result of the Validity Test
Table 2: Results of the Discriminant Validity Measurement.
Sampling (O)
Work Experience
Audit Tenure
Auditor Ethics
Time Budget Pressure
Audit Quality
All variables have discriminant validity values in
the column of original sampling (o) > 0.30 and a p-
value < significance level. It can be concluded that all
the variables are valid.
4.1.2 Result of the Reliability Test
Table 3: Results of the Composite Reliability Measurement.
Sampling (O)
Work Experience
Audit Tenure
Auditor Ethics
Time Budget Pressure
Audit Quality
All variables have composite values > 0.70. It can
be concluded that all variables are reliable.
4.2 Results of the Inner Model
Table 4: Value of the Adjusted R-square (Adjusted R2).
Dependent Variable
Value of Adjusted R-square
Audit Quality
The value means that 37.30% of audit quality can
be explained by the independent variables in this
4.3 Results of the Hypothesis Test and
Table 5: Relationship between the Variables.
Relationship between the
Work Experience Audit Quality
Audit Tenure Audit Quality
Auditor Ethics Audit Quality
Time Budget Pressure Audit Quality
The more experienced an auditor, the more audit
quality increases, which is statistically significant at
the 0.047. The result is consistent with research
conducted by Wang et al. (2015), Wang found: there
is perceive that auditor to be more credible when the
underlying companies are audited by more
experienced partners. There is perceive that auditor to
be more credible when the underlying companies are
audited by more experienced partners. Audit Tenure
has a positive effect on audit quality, which is
statistically significant at the P-values 0.042. Auditor
ethics has a positive effect on audit quality, which is
statistically significant at P-values 0.012. The result
is consistent with research conducted by Jackson et
al. (2007) which state that the audit tenure can
provide auditor a better understanding of his clients,
thus increasing audit quality. Time budget pressure
has a positive effect on audit quality, which is
statistically not significant at P-values 0.587. The
result is consistent with research conducted by Gaol
et al. (2017).
The results of the t-statistic test reveal that the
audit tenure, work experience, and audit ethics has a
significant positive effect on audit quality. This is in
line with the studies conducted by, Kuntari et al.
(2017), and Habiburrochman & Manifesti J. (2018).
Auditor work experience has a positive effect on audit
quality. This means that working experience is able to
improve audit quality. The more complex the
company will improve the work experience of public
accountants because the complexity of the company
is reflected in the increasing number of transactions
that can be processed and this will expand the audit
object. In the study of ALim et al. (2007) revealed that
the more experienced an auditor would improve audit
Audit Tenure has a positive effect on audit
quality. This means that audit tenure can improve
Determinant of Quality Audit in Sustainable Development Goals
audit quality. These results are supported by Geiger
and Raghunandan (2002), they found that the
perceived audit quality increased with increasing
perceived audit tenure. The results related to the
audit partner's working period are consistent with
conclusions about the tenure of the audit company.
The influence of Auditor ethics on audit quality.
Auditors ethics can produce audit quality. This
result supports the theory which states that
professional auditors will act in accordance with the
code of ethics and standards. Therefore the role of
auditor behavior to increase the reputation and
credibility of the company is very large (Ardelean &
Alexandra, 2013).
An understanding of the factors that can
significantly influence audit quality, and strict
compliance with the rules governing these factors,
will improve audit quality. And finally, it will
increase the trust of users of financial statements.
This study recommends that audit tenure,
understanding of audit ethics, and work experience
must be maintained and improved. Regulatory
agencies must make strict rules to ensure cases of
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Determinant of Quality Audit in Sustainable Development Goals