Employer Brand for Millennials on Indonesia's State-Owned
Enterprises: Study at Mandiri Bank
Wita Adelina Noer Putri and Firman Kurniawan Sujono
Faculty of Social and political science, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Employer Brand, Corporate Brand, Social Identity Theories, Communications, Millenial.
Abstract: Based on the research conducted by the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) or Central Statistics Agency, the number
of millennial generations will increase rapidly. In a short time, this generation will dominate the number of
employees in Indonesia. The millennial generation has a number of character that are quite different compare
to the previous generation, namely generation X. There is a survey conducted by Dale Carnegie to millennial
in Indonesia, and the results of that research show that only 25 percent of the millennial employees are fully
engaged with the companies they work for. This makes the employer branding for millennials is important to
be applied. In the middle of the millennial generation characters who are considered to be less loyal, one of
the State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia namely Mandiri Bank managed to receive an award as a company
with the best brand employer. Companies that are members of State-Owned Enterprises have stigmas that are
stiff and old, but Mandiri Bank has won this award with its employees who are more than 60% of millennials.
This article will discuss the evaluation of the application of employer branding communication strategies
implemented by Mandiri Bank, especially for the millennial generation. This research is also expected to be
a reference for companies in Indonesia, especially State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to be able to effectively
implement communication strategies to implement employer branding to millennials because these people
will soon dominate the number of productive age.
Millennials are currently become the spotlight. Based
on the research conducted by the Badan Pusat
Statistik (BPS) or Central Statistics Agency, in 2018
the population of Indonesia is at 265 million and
23.95% or one-fifth of them are millennials. It cannot
be denied that labor is an important thing in economic
growth in Indonesia, and in the blink of an eye, the
millennial generation will dominate the number of
employees in Indonesia.
There are various definitions of the millennial
generation. The Pew Research Center classifies the
millennial generation as a generation born above
1980 or in the age range of 18-29 years (Pew
Research Center, 2010). Meanwhile, the Badan Pusat
Statistik or Central Statistics Agency in Indonesia
simply classifies millennial generations as those in
the age range of 20-34 years in 2018, or those who
born in 1984-1998 (bps.go.id). Millennials are also
defined as those who born in 1977-1997. This group
is the first generation to be raised with binary
numbers (bits), which is the basis of digital
technology and the internet (Tapscott, 2009). This
division is usually based on the year of birth. The
range of years is defined differently according to a
number of experts, but not too far.
This millennial generation has a number of
characters that are quite different compared to the
previous generation, namely generation X. They are
often referred to as a generation that is less loyal to
the company. In Indonesia, there is a survey
conducted by Dale Carnegie in 2016 regarding the
attachment of millennial employees to a company.
This survey was conducted in six major cities in
Indonesia with approximately 900 millennial
workers. The results of that research show that only
25 percent of the millennial employees are fully
engaged with the companies they work for (Dale
Carnegie, 2016). Nine percent of millennial
employees refuse to be involved or disengaged with
the company. Even greater, there is 66 percent,
millennial labors are only partially involved or
partially engaged.
The engaged employees tend to be loyal and
willing to survive for a long period of time, contribute
Putri, W. and Sujono, F.
Employer Brand for Millennials on Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises: Study at Mandiri Bank.
DOI: 10.5220/0008432104230430
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 423-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to company profits, and work productively and with
quality. Meanwhile, those who are partially engaged
concentrate more on assignment (as long as it is
finished) - not the quality of results, reluctant to
accept input, and salary-oriented. The disengaged
category can even spread negative influences, show
distrust and hostility, willing to sabotage work and
even company progress. (Dale Carnegie, 2016).
Some research results also show that the trend of
millennial workers in Indonesia to do their own
business or entrepreneurship or freelance tends to
increase. This happens especially on millennials in
urban areas. Based on data taken from BPS, it was
noted that Indonesians who were interested in
working in the informal sector (self-employed and
freelance) at the age of 20-34 years continued to
increase since 2014. In 2016, the number of
millennial workers working in the informal sector
increased 16.26 percent since 2014. This is
inseparable from millennial characters, including in
Indonesia, who like flexibility. (Tirto.id, 2017).
Based on the research mentioned above, it is the
time for companies in the formal sector to do
something. Especially in the near future, the
millennial generation will dominate the number of
workers in Indonesia. One way that can be done to
keep attracting prospective employees and retaining
the existing employees in a company is the employer
The concept of the employer brand itself was first
introduced by Simon Barrow and Tim Ambler in
1996. They define the employer brand as a form of
marketing of the company's core values and company
excellence as part of an effort to advance the company
in the fields of marketing and human resources.
(Ambler & Barrow, 1996). Employer brands
themselves are also considered to be able to provide
or show an employer's reputation, in this case the
company, and the values brought by its employees.
(Mosley, 2015). Employer brands are considered
important because they relate to the image of an
organization as a pleasant workplace in the minds of
employees and key stakeholders from external parties
such as customers and prospective employees.
Through the employer brand, it can be explained how
nice it is to work in the organization and can be used
to convince potential talents to work in a company,
reduce the level of entry and exit for internal
employees, increase motivation, and have ownership.
(Minchington, 2016).
In the middle of millennial characters that are
quite unique and known to be less loyal, different
things happen to one of the banks that are part of a
State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), PT Bank Mandiri
(Persero). Mandiri Bank was successfully ranked
11th and became the best in Indonesia in the Forbes
version of "The World Best Employers 2018". The
assessment carried out in this event was an
assessment carried out in the work environment and
employee comfort. This is of course interesting
because 68% or most of Mandiri Bank's employees
are millennial generations. (liputan6.com, 2018).
In addition to its internal achievements or from its
work environment, Mandiri Bank also has a fairly
good reputation among millennials on the external
side. This can be proven by almost half or 43 percent
of Mandiri Bank customers in 2018 are millennials.
(kompas.com, 2018). In addition, in the middle of a
stretch of start-up companies that are quite fast and
also targeting millennials as its employees, Mandiri
Bank still occupies the second position as the most
attractive company for millennial job seekers in 2016.
(swa.co.id, 2016). This is quite interesting because
Mandiri Bank can be said not to offer flexibility in
working hours, as what the Indonesian millennials
want in some researches. In addition, Mandiri Bank
is also part of a BUMN that is still considered to have
a rigid order that is applied in the world of work.
Based on these matters, it is interesting to know
the planning process of employer branding
communication programs for millennials at Mandiri
Bank is carried out. In addition, this article also
evaluates the process of the implementation of
employer branding communication programs for
millennials at Mandiri Bank. This research is also
expected to be a reference for companies in
Indonesia, especially State-Owned Enterprises
(BUMN) to be able to effectively implement
communication strategies to implement employer
branding to millennials because these people will
soon dominate the number of productive age.
2.1 Employer Brand
Employer brand can be defined as a targeted strategy
and takes place over a long period of time to organize
the employees’ awareness and perception,
prospective employees and stake holders of a
particular company (Sullivan in Backhaus and Tikoo,
2004). Employer brand can also be defined as an
effort to make the company's identity as a benchmark.
This includes the values of a related company,
system, regulation and company's performance that is
packaged to attract, motivate, as well as retain both
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
existing employees and potential prospective
employees (Dell. D. & Ainspan, 2001).
The viewpoint of measurement concerning the
employer brand can facilitate every company to
assess if employer branding of their companies run
effectively. There are several important components
that must be considered to create a successful
employer brand, as follows:
a. The culture to keep sharing knowledge and
conducting a development to the employees
b. The public recognition that the company has a
good reputation.
c. The employees become a part of employer
brand process, this can be done by making the
employees as ambassadors.
d. The presence of a company to the pers.
e. Becoming a benchmark organization.
f. The accurate communication with the
prospective employees to increase awareness.
g. Brand evaluation (Sullivan, 2004).
Employer brand that is implemented effectively
and involves personal commitment can provide a
significant contribution to the successful of a
company (Mosley S. B., 2005).
2.2 Social Identity Theories
Employer brand can be said to be closely related to
the sense of unity and belonging owned by both the
employees who have joined with a company and the
employees who potentially join a company. This can
be said to be related to what social identity theories
Social identity theory states that a human has
natural needs to connect oneself with social groups in
which these social groups have similar social
identities (Edwards, 2010).
Ashfort and Mael say that this theory can be
related to things found in an organization. They say
that an organization can be seen as a social group. The
identification of this group happens when someone
includes the organization identity as a part of their
own identities. This theory then is called as Social
Identity Approach to Organizational Identification
(SIA) theory (Ashfort, 1989).
In the principles of SIA, there are value
differences that will be obtained by the employees
who have joined and the prospective employees
through employer branding. With a good employer
brand, the employees who have joined with related
companies will show that their companies are
"different from" or "better than" other companies.
They will spread the attributes and values of the
companies that are in accordance with the values they
believe. Therefore, the companies' attributes and
values being spread by the employees are different
(Tajfel and Turner, 1979).
If a company has a good reputation and an image
wanted by both the employees and potential
prospective employees to join, an individual has a
greater possibility to be related and identified their
self with a company or related organization. They will
tend to choose to join with an organization that can
improve their self-images being promised by joining
the membership. The employees will be happy and
proud to enjoy the reputation of a company where
they work (Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004).
2.3 Millennial Generation in the Work
There are various definitions of millennial generation.
Some of them say that the generation is the generation
who was born in the year range of 1980-2000 (Pew
Research Center, 2010). Indonesian Central Bureau
of Statistics also groups this generation as they who
were born in 1984-1998 (Tirto.id, 2018). The year
range being defined is different but these differences
is not so far or significant.
A number of stereotypes are closed to the
characters of the millennial generation, some of them
are about their behavior in the work world. They are
closely related to the claim as a selfish, disloyal
generation as well as do not want to do many
contributions in the company (Myers, 2010). This is
reasonable based on the survey that only 25% of
millennial who are loyal to their companies (Dale
Carnegie, 2016).
There several differences of values owned by a
millennial with the previous generation when they are
in the workforce. One of them is that the millennial
wants more flexible conditions and hours of work
(this includes the possibility of long-distance work or
flexible hour of work, for instance not starting from
the morning) (Simmons, 2018).
Another empirical study also states that baby
boomers generation tends to be more ambitious and
hard-working, this is different from the millennial.
Millennial is often to be more ‘lazy’ than the previous
generation, but the actual fact is not as it is. Millennial
is only highly uphold work-life balance, so that the
work flexibility in the workforce is very desirable
(Martin, 2005). Millennial is also the generation that
can be said as tech-savvy, they really support and like
the workplaces which also follow the technological
development (Gorman & Nelson, 2004).
Employer Brand for Millennials on Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises: Study at Mandiri Bank
In running a work, millennial generation does not
only see and consider financial factor. More than that,
the millennial generation really concern and see the
values embraced by their companies. Overall,
millennial also claims that the leaders or
managements with a sense of care are more important
than any qualities. By showing a sense of care and
offering progress opportunities, the organizations can
also maintain their millennia. The opportunities to
improve their selves becomes an important thing for
the millennial, therefore the training and development
sessions can be highly considered motivation (Smith,
This research is constructivist paradigm research with
qualitative approach, descriptive nature and used
evaluation research as the research strategy.
Qualitative research can offer detail and rich
descriptions and can capture version variations
between events. This also applies to the study of
evaluation in the qualitative approach. According to
Patton, evaluation study can give an important
description about the programs as a whole. These
programs are: detail description of the program
implementation, an analysis of the program
implementation process, the differences between
types of participants and participations, as well as
program changes including the participants and
weaknesses analysis and strengths of the program
(Patton, 2002).
The data collection method used in this research
was by collecting data from the interview with
Corporate Communications of Mandiri Bank, Kasyfil
Farits. There are also secondary data from the related
corporations, and literature review to see how the
communication strategy of employer brand
implementation in Mandiri Bank can run well
The analysis result of this research gave a
description of how employer brand strategy of
Mandiri Bank for the millennial conducted so that it
can be used as a reference for other parties, especially
State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which have a stiff
Based on the explanations from Corporate
Communications of Mandiri Bank, Kasyfil Farits, the
programs specifically aimed to the millennial began
with a decree issued by the Ministry of BUMN and
appointed CEO of Mandiri Bank, Kartika
Wiroatmodjo as project leader. This project was also
called as “Spirit of Millennial”. In this program, the
Ministry of BUMN expects a change of the image of
BUMN that is known as stiff to be a pleasant and
flexible company. This was done to make the young
workers wanted to join State-Owned Enterprise.
Being appointed as project leader, then he
implemented several programs which were
considered close by millennial, especially to Mandiri
Bank, either internally or externally. Some of the
programs credible to Mandiri Bank to reach the
millennial were as follows:
4.1 Special Program for Millennial
4.1.1 Internal
Mandiri Internal Buzzer
"Since the beginning of 2018, Mandiri Bank has
created an Internal Buzzer program. As it was created
by realizing that 60% of Mandiri Bank employees
were millennials and the effect of social media to
these people was very high. Therefore, there were
millennials chosen or submitted by each division of
Mandiri Bank to join Buzzer Mandiri. It usually
included the ones whose followers on their social
media high," said Kasyfil.
Internal Buzzer itself was in charge of 'covering'
the things which they found interesting in Mandiri
Bank on their private social media, especially
Instagram. However, millennials who joined this
program did not have coercion in raising this
coverage on their private social media.
According to Kasyfil, Internal Buzzer Millennial
has 1.200 people coordinated to several Whatsapp
groups. On each group, there were also the teams of
Corporate Communications and external consultant.
The external consultant who joined the group was on
duty to share the interesting news about Mandiri and
changed it first with interesting form to be shown on
Kasyfil pointed out that Mandiri Bank itself
provided the training on the use of social media to all
Mandiri Bank employees in Indonesia through the
roadshow conducted regularly. "More people gave
the information of Mandiri Bank on their social media
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
voluntarily, more communities or circles would be
bound to Mandiri Bank.”
Re-arrangement of Mandiri Bank Jingle
There were some changes on the jingle done by
Mandiri Bank in 2018. Previously, Mandiri jingle was
made in magnificent and orchestra nuance and
arranged by Addie MS. Meanwhile on the latest
jingle, Mandiri Bank cooperated with J-Flow and
RnB music.
Millennial Company Profile
Besides the formal form, company profile which was
launched on the 20
Anniversary of Mandiri Bank,
non-formal form was also made at the same time.
This corporate material was made in the form of video
following James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke and
adapted as well by “Indonesia millennial” Boy
William on his YouTube channel entitled
On this vide, the CEO of Mandiri Bank, Kartika
Wirjoatmodjo was interviewed about the
performance of Mandiri Bank while she was going
around by car with #NebengBoy host, Boy William.
Borderless Working Space
Gradually since 2017, the Head Office of Mandiri
Bank located in Plaza Mandiri, Gatot Subroto,
Central Jakarta was changed in such way to get a
millennial friendly impression. Working room was
arranged without any partitions along with colorful
furniture. There was also a corner on each side which
was used as a playroom. On this corner, musical
instrument, playstation, as well as coffee maker, were
provided to make the employees comfortable.
4.1.2 External
Millennial Celebrity for Endorsement
Currently, on several sale activities of Mandiri Bank,
it did not only have the ordinary artists, but the ones
who were familiar that millennial liked. "Based on
several considerations, we had Jonathan Christy as
the brand ambassador of Mandiri campaigns
externally. One of them which is being carried out is
KPR Millennial," said Kasyfil. The considerations
made by Mandiri in having Jonathan Christy was that
he was an active young and talented figure as he was
suitable as a role model for the millennials.
Social Media
As mentioned by Kasyfil, several things to approach
the millennials were also done through social media
carried out by Mandiri. "We had flat-lay photos,
covering the latest gadget as well, we needed to give
the impression that the product and company were
going along with the technology. There would be
Tech-Savvy we got by doing it on our social media."
Said Kasyfil.
Mandiri Young Entrepreneur
Mandiri Bank created an entrepreneur competition
for the millennials. Over 800 participants from 30
universities in Jakarta decided to participate on this
Mandiri Bank also participated on the millennials
events. They were Garuda Travel Fair, the biggest
travel festival in Indonesia and Jakarta City Marathon
or marathon event in Jakarta. Another event was
Jakarta Coffee Week, in which it was a meeting of
various segments of the coffee industry from different
backgrounds. On this festival, Mandiri opened a sale
stand as well through cashless as the payment method
(using Mandiri e-money).
4.2 Evaluation
Once or more in a year, Corporate Communications
of Mandiri Bank were in collaboration with Human
Capital division which also did the evaluation to what
extent the corporate value of Mandiri Bank was
accepted. Since 2018, the focus was on the millennial
segment, the campaign evaluation and corporate
value #SpiritOfMillenial was also done gradually,
either internally or externally. It was considered as a
reference of an activity program which will be done
in the future.
Mandiri Bank is a bank established on October 2,
1998, and is currently 20 years old. It is one of the
banks whose existence is quite senior in Indonesia,
Mandiri Bank certainly needed some adjustments in
adapting to any changes from time to time. This time,
the millennial generation will dominate the active
workforce. Hence, changing the image of the
company is required by Mandiri Bank by
implementing several strategies of employer brand to
be able to adjust to the millennial share. This thing
was done to make the millennial employees tied to the
company more internally, and millennials that are
outside of Mandiri Bank would consider that Mandiri
Bank was a pleasant place to work.
Employer Brand for Millennials on Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises: Study at Mandiri Bank
Mandiri Bank's business was not in vain as it
ranked on the top 20 companies with the best brand
in the world, in which most of its employees were
millennial. It showed that public recognized Bank
Mandiri as a Bank which had good reputation since
the assessment was carried out both by company
employees and other company employees. There
were several factors that made an employer brand
successful; according to Sullivan, one of them is
public recognition in which a company has good
reputation. (Sullivan, 2004). This achievement
proved that there was suitability of the values applied
by Mandiri Bank with the millennial share.
Besides, to improve a good employer brand, there
also needed to spread communication that the
company had a culture to give development and
knowledge continually. (Sullivan J.i., 2004). This
was also what Mandiri Bank showed to their external
share. The company conducted an event entitled
Mandiri Bank Entrepreneurship as the actualization
of their consistency to develop the potential of young
entrepreneurship around the millennial. This can be
seen to give the effect of good employer brand
because, according to millennial, the factor of
development and appropriateness of a company is a
considerable motivation. (Smith, 2015)
Based on one of the factors mentioned by
Sullivan (2004), other factors to keep the success of
employer brand in a company is the involvement of
the employer to spread the values within the related
organization. Mandiri Bank has a program called
Internal Buzzer. Internal Buzzer spread in some areas
has responsibility to cover some things that they
privately consider as interesting about Mandiri Bank.
The result of this coverage is put into their Instagram
social media. There is also freedom for millennials
which join internal Buzzer to spread their content.
They have a choice to spread or not their content and
the information in a form which appropriate with their
In the program of Internal buzzer, there were
some personalize element that strongly emerged by
Mandiri Bank to their employer. The millennial
employer is given a chance to show that their
company is “different from” the other or “better than”
the other company by their own version. This is what
explained in the theory of Social Identity Approach to
Organizational Identification (SIA). (Tajfel, 1979). In
this theory, it has also been explained that eventually
every employer who spread information about things
or different attribute based on their own interest.
If a company has good reputation and image
which is wanted by the employer or potential
employer candidate who wants to join, the individual
is likely to have a great possibility to be attached and
self-identify with the company or related
organization. (Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004). The
millennial has different characteristics and very
consider the appropriateness of company value with
their self-value (Smith, 2015), the personalization in
spreading the information about this Internal Buzzers
can reach the possible peer group that has the same
characteristics with Mandiri Bank’s millennial who
spread the information. The element of this
personalization has made many millennial feels that
the values embraced by Mandiri Bank are appropriate
with their values.
Accurate communication with the targeted party
is also one important point spread by Sullivan (2004)
to make an employer branding successful. Mandiri
Bank mostly used social media channel to
communicate with millennial, especially on
Instagram. Based on the survey of Internet
penetration by Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet
(APJII), internet penetration for millennial or those
who aged from 19-34 years old reached 49,94% or
almost half of Indonesian citizen who uses the
internet. (APJII, 2017).
It does not only present in social media, Mandiri
Bank also has special strategy in managing this
platform. They awares that millennial likes friendly
work environment which support the development of
technology. Therefore, in instagram account of
@bankmandiri, the content is displayed through the
usual poster. The programs of Mandiri bank are
displayed to appear in gadgets like handphone,
laptop, and iPad. This seems to prove that Mandiri
Bank keeps up with the development of the century
by presenting programs in online platform that can be
accessed through gadget every day. Now, millennial
tends to like work space that is consciously follow the
development of technology. (Gorman & Nelson,
In social media and other media, Mandiri Bank
also uses the strategy of celebrity endorsement or
influencer. In one version of the company profile,
Mandiri Bank cooperates with Boy William to cover
and interview the CEO of Mandiri Bank. Some
advertisements present in social media as well as in
commercial media, Mandiri Bank collaborates with
Jonathan Christy as their ambassador.
"Mandiri Bank invited Jonathan Christy as their
ambassador. They feel like Jonathan Christy is an
appropriate figure to represent Indonesia active
A content made by involving influencer actively
has been proved to attract and gain the trust of their
followers in social media. (Lou, 2018). Thus, the
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
strategy done by Mandiri Bank is appropriate to do if
we want to get an image as a lovely company and
create a millennial-friendly atmosphere.
Based on the result of the survey done by Delloite
to millennial (2016), there are some interesting
activities to be done by milennial. This generation is
represented as having the interest to do a travelling
activity, having awareness toward healthy life by
doing sports (jogging or going to the gym), going and
sitting to the coffee shops, watching through
streaming, as well as playing online games. (Delloite,
To run an employer brand to millennial, Mandiri
Bank actively participated in a great event with the
target of millennial segmentation. Mandiri Bank
became one of the main sponsorship in the biggest
level event in Indonesia Garuda Travel Fair, also the
executive of Jakarta Coffee Festival event in Jakarta.
Mandiri bank regularly conducts an event of a
marathon or become the sponsorship in sports activity
like Jakarta City Marathon. Moreover, there was also
Cocofest 2018 or the competition of content creator
of millennial which held in Surabaya with the prize
million rupiah cash and traveling to Labuan Bajo.
Employer Brand can be said to have a strong
relation with the sense of unity as well as sense of
belonging owned by the employer who has joined
with a company or the employer candidate who is
potential to join, this can be said as related with what
is mentioned in the theory of social identity (Social
Identity Theories). This theory states that human has
natural needs to connect with social groups where the
group has the same social identity with them.
(Edwards, 2010).
As explained by the survey of Deloitte (2016), it
is said that millennial has an interest in the field of
travel, coffee, and sports. The events conducted by
Mandiri Bank seemed to fit what millennial wants. By
having this event regularly, a good milennial who has
joined as the member of Mandiri Bank as well as
those who still becomes an external party would
directly connect with the brand made by Mandiri
Bank. This was because there was a similarity of
values with social identity owned by Mandiri Bank
These events were not only left known by
particular segments but also Mandiri Bank had
successfully made some national media like online
media, television, or printed covered these millennial
activities. In line with Sullivan (2004), other factor
that can make employer brand successful is the
presence of a company in pers.
There are some factors that must have by the
company to make the implementation of employer
brand success. They are: (1) Culture to keep sharing
knowledge and doing development to the employer
permanently, (2) Public acknowledgment that the
company have a good reputation, (3) The employer
becomes part of employer brand process, (4) the
presence of company in pers, (4) Become benchmark
organization (5) Accurate communication with
employer candidate to improve awareness, (6) Brand
evaluation (Sullivan, 2004).
As what has been explained above, Mandiri bank has
done all the factors that can succeed in the strategy of
communication of employer brand, especially with
millennials. This can be made as motivation for other
company who participates in Badan Usaha Milik
Negara (BUMN) to be able to invite millennials and
make them see Mandiri Bank as a lovely company
which has a social identity as well as same values with
them. There are some main points that can be
proposed to other company, especially which
participate in BUMN to change the stigma of the
company to millennial-friendly and run the employer
brand to milennial optimally:
1. Using social media effectively as the main
platform to spread a message. Mandiri Bank
implemented it to send signs that their
company is please for millennial through
this platform. They also strengthen it by
making their employer voluntarily spread
the information about the company in social
2. Knowing well the target's interest, in this
case, is millennial generation. Mandiri Bank
truly learned that millennial has an interest
in travel, coffee, and sports. This underlies
the decision making of Mandiri Bank to
create an event or participate as sponsorship
of external activities.
3. Regular evaluation. Mandiri Bank conducts
evaluation upon programs that have been
made to invite share of millennial. This is
also done to keep monitoring the program so
that it does not deviate from corporate value
from Mandiri Bank that is Satu Hati Satu
Mandiri or One Heart One Mandiri, or the
value which put collaboration forward.
Employer Brand for Millennials on Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises: Study at Mandiri Bank
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