A Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM Approach for Network
Intrusion Detection System
Kun Mo
, Jian Li
School of Computer Science, BeiJing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
Keywords: Intrusion detection systems, Deep auto-encoder, LightGBM, Cyber security, Multi-classification algorithm.
Abstract: With the development of the network in recent years, cyber security has become one of the most
challenging aspects of modern society. Machine learning is one of extensively used techniques in Intrusion
Detection System, which has achieved comparable performance. To extract more important features, this
paper proposes an efficient model based Auto-Encoder and LightGBM to classify network traffic. KDD99
dataset from Lee and Stolfo (2000), as the benchmark dataset, is used for computing the performance and
analyse the metrics of the method. Based on Auto-Encoder, we extract more important features, and then
mix them with existing features to improve the effectiveness of the LightGBM (Ke et al., 2017) model. The
experimental results show that the proposed algorithm produces the best performance in terms of overall
Network intrusion detection system takes an
important role in cyber security. But with the
development of internet, various forms of network
attacks are emerging one after another. In the past
few years, network criminals have been constantly
renovating the attack means, in addition to the use of
zero-day vulnerabilities, malicious mining extortion
software has been rampant; DDoS attack has made a
breakthrough in TB level, and the attack channel is
increasingly changing; 53% medium-sized
companies have suffered security attacks; industrial
network has become the focus of illegal hacker
attack. So the whole industry network security
environment brings new challenges.
The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a system
which can detect network traffic for suspicious
activity (Bai & Kobayashi, 2003). IDS has made great
progress in past 20 years that various fine-designed
machine learning algorithms have been proposed to
model network traffic and applied on commercial
applications, such as SVM, XGBoost, LightGBM
and CNN. For example, Aastha Puri and Sharma
(2017) used a novel algorithm named SVM-CART to
combine its output from SVM and CART. Currently,
existing IDS algorithm techniques can fall into two
categories. The first category is called traditional
machine learning model which is easy to train with
better interpretability. Based on the characteristics of
KDD99 dataset and the existing experimental results,
traditional machine learning is extremely suitable for
IDS to detect malicious behavior. The second
category is deep learning method, which tends to
excavate potential time or space structure
characteristics. Because of lack of sufficient
theoretical support, the second category is like a
black box. In recent years, deep learning has
developed rapidly so that it has many mature
application scenarios, e.g., Computer Vision (CV)
(Umbaugh, 1997), Natural Language Processing
(NLP) (Manning & Schütze, 1999), autopilot (Ribler
et al., 1998). They are proven to be capable of
extracting high-order features and the correlation
between features or adjacent data. Inspired by this,
we can apply deep learning techniques to the feature
extraction of network traffic data. This paper aims to
combine the advantages of the two categories to
achieve higher accuracy. The performance was then
evaluated on KDD99 dataset and compared with
other proposed model.
In this paper, we adopt deep Auto-Encoder and
LightGBM algorithms to construct model. There are
two phases in this model. In the first phase, we
applied the clean dataset into deep Auto-Encoder
network. We only save the intermediate results as the
part of input data of the second phase. In the second
phase, we concatenate the previous result and the
Mo, K. and Li, J.
A Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System.
DOI: 10.5220/0008098401420147
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications (CTISC 2019), pages 142-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-357-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clean dataset into new dataset. Then the new dataset
is inputted in the LightGBM model. In Section II, we
analyse the related work. In Section III, we introduce
the detail of our design. In Section IV, we introduce
raw data, data pre-processing and evaluation metrics.
In Section V, we give the results of the experiment
and compare performance of various methods.
Finally, in Section VI, we conclude this paper.
The concept of intrusion detection system from a
technical report submitted to the US Air Force by
Anderson (1980), which details what is intrusion
detection. The core of intrusion detection is to use
existing computer technology to analyse and detect
network traffic, and then take corresponding
measures according to certain rules. After more than
30 years of development, the intrusion detection
technology has achieved many exciting results
(Aljawarneh, Aldwairi, & Yassein, 2018). The existing
mainstream intrusion detection methods are based
on different machine learning algorithms and typical
neural network algorithms, such as support vector
machine (SVM) (Mahmood, 2018), Naive Bayes
Multiclass Classifier, DNN, CNN (Nguyen et al.,
One of the earliest work found in literature used
SVM with various Kernel functions and
regularization parameter C values for the design of
the model (Kim & Park, 2003). In its paper, Dong
Seong Kim and Jong Sou Park used 10% of the
KDD 99 training dataset for training and all test
dataset for testing. As expected, the training data
was divided into train set and validation set. Instead
of k-fold cross validation, they optimized the model
by repeatedly sampling training set randomly. It is
worth noting that the experimental results are
improved a lot by proper feature selection. The
experimental results proved that SVM achieved a
high accuracy in IDS.
Inspired by SVM model, Sungmoon Cheong
proposed new model named SVM-BTA to improve
SVM (Cheong, Oh, & Lee, 2004). He produced a novel
structure which includes SVM and decision tree.
This work built a binary decision tree which each
node was a SVM classifier. Besides of this,
Sungmoon Cheong produced a modified SOM to
convert multi-class tree into binary tree. As
expected, this method got took advantage of both the
efficient computation of the tree architecture and
high accuracy.
Deep learning has become more and more
popular since researchers were satisfied with data
and computation. Javaid et al. (2016) proposed a 2-
level deep learning structure. In the first level, there
is a self-taught learning model, or more specifically,
a Sparse Auto-Encoder for a more expressive feature
representation. Sparse Auto-Encoder can excavate
more relationships between features and labels. The
second level is a softmax regression classifier.
Moreover, Farahnakian and Heikkonen (2018)
recently have proposed a deep Auto-Encoder based
approach for IDS. There are five Auto-Encoder
stacked together in their model. Then they used a
supervised learning algorithm to avoid overfitting
and local optima. Finally, a softmax classifier is
added to get the results.
In this paper, we proposed an deep Auto-Encoder
and LightGBM based approach for improving IDS
performance. Our main contributions are as follows:
Firstly, an Auto-Encoder model is added to
discover efficient feature representations.
Secondly, our model concatenated the
intermediate result of the deep Auto-Encoder and the
clean dataset into new dataset so that we can avoid
the loss of feature transformation and feature
reduction. We employed a LightGBM model to
classify data.
Finally, the performance of our model is
evaluated by KDD-CUP’99 dataset. A series of
experiments is conducted to explore the performance
of different parameters.
3.1 Auto-Encoder
An Auto-Encoder is a deep learning model which
uses a backpropagation algorithm to make the output
value equal to the input value. It first compresses the
input into a latent spatial representation and then
reconstructs the output by this characterization. An
Auto-Encoder includes two parts.
Encoder: This part compresses the input into a
latent representation, which can be represented by
the encoding function
Decoder: This part can reconstruct the input from
the latent representation, which can be represented
by the decoding function
Auto-Encoder is an unsupervised learning
algorithm whose structure is consistent with BP
neural network, but its objective function is different:
A Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System
For a given dataset
where there is a constraint
, Auto-Encoder
first maps it to a hidden representation by the
function denoted as
   
is the number of
hidden units. In this function, 0077e use a sigmoid
function as the activation function to get the
nonlinear correlation between features:
  
In the decoding stage, the model maps the
encoding result to a reconstructed feature
   
In next stage, the parameters are optimized such
that the error of this model is minimized. The
traditional squared error is used frequently:
 
is the number of training dataset.
Finally, back propagation algorithm is used to
optimize parameters.
3.2 LightGBM
SVM, GBDT, XGBoost, etc., are used frequently in
IDS, but they will become very slow during training
phase. Besides, their efficiency and scalability are
worrying when the number of features or data is so
large. The reason is that when splitting a node, they
need to scan all the data to estimate the splitting gain
of all possible segmentation point for each feature to
get obtain the maximum information gain. So we
chose LightGBM algorithm. LightGBM mainly
includes two improved algorithms: Gradient-based
One-Side Sampling (GOSS) and Exclusive Feature
Bundling (EFB).
GOSS is proposed to filter most data and only
keep a small amount of data. In GBDT, a negative
gradient is used for fitting the residual. A sample
with a gradient close to zero indicates that the
sample has been training well, and the subsequent
decision tree will focus on training samples with
larger absolute gradient values. The improvement of
the GOSS algorithm is to sort the gradients, then
select the samples with larger gradients and
randomly extract a part of the samples with smaller
gradients, and make up a constant for the small
gradients, thus greatly reducing the training data.
EFB algorithm can avoid unnecessary
computation for zero feature values by bundling
exclusive features. The so-called mutual exclusion
means that in the feature space, there is only one
non-zero values at the same time among the set of
features. This algorithm reduces the optimal
bundling problem to a graph colouring problem.
Firstly the algorithm constructs a graph with
weighted edges, whose value is the number of
conflicts between features. Then it sort these weights
in the descending order. Due to the interference of
noise, EFB algorithm solve the problem by
tolerating skirmishes. Finally, it checks each feature
to create bundles.
Besides, LightGBM adopts histogram-based
algorithm (Lee & Goo, 2018) to speed up the
training period.
3.3 The Proposed Model
In this section, we introduce how Deep Auto-
Encoder based LightGBM model (DAEL) actually
works. DAEL mainly consists of two stages. In the
first stage, we learn expressive feature representation
from a deep Auto-Encoder model that includes two
hidden layers. Secondly, we use the intermediate
result of the second hidden layer and the clean data
as the input of the LightGBM model for final
classification. The data is defined as:
 
. Figure 1. shows
the architecture of the proposed model.
Figure 1: Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM architecture.
CTISC 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications
In the first stage, the deep Auto-Encoder consists
of four layers: input layer, two hidden layers, output
layer. Unlike other deep neural network, deep Auto-
encoder is trained layer by layer. Firstly, the input
layer gets input from clean data that includes 117
features. The first hidden layer contain 20 nodes, so
we create the first simple Auto-Encoder model
whose intermediate result is 20-dimensional vector.
Then we use this intermediate result as the input of
next hidden layer. In the second hidden layer, 20
features are compressed into 10 features. In this
case, 10 features are presented the clean data in the
whole deep Auto-encoder architecture.
In the second stage, there is a LightGBM model
for the classification task. First of all, the
intermediate result of the second layer and the clean
dataset is concatenated into new dataset. Then, the
new data are inputed into LightGBM model. Due to
the imbalance of the data, macro-F1 (Yang, 1999) is
adopted as the evaluation standard for training.
4.1 Dataset
In this experiment, we evaluate our proposed model
on use KDD 99 dataset which is the benchmark
dataset in intrusion detection system. This dataset
was derived from an intrusion detection assessment
project at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Sabhnani &
Serpen, 2003). The dataset contains more than 5
million data, each of which contains 41 features and
1 label. We uses 494,021 samples for training the
model and 311,029 samples for evaluating the
model. It is common to use 10% of the origin data
for training model. In the data, labels can be divided
into two categories: Normal and attacks. More
specifically, Attacks can be broken down into four
categories. The detail of the dataset is as shown in
the following Table 1.
Table 1: data distribution.
Training set
Test set
4.2 Data Pre-processing
The KDD 99 dataset includes non-numerical features
and duplicates, so this dataset is preprocessed before
being inputted into models.
Firstly, the data are deduplicated and
disambiguated. Because these duplicate data cause
that the model assign a bigger weight to the more
frequent data. We need to ensure that there is only
one result for a piece of data, these data are
disambiguated. After this work, the training dataset
consists of 145585 samples and test dataset consists
of 77291 samples.
Then, data transformation is applied to the
experiment. The symbolic features (protocol_type,
services and flag) are mapped to numeric feature by
One-Hot Encoding (Buckman et al., 2018). For
example, the feature ‘protocol_type’ contains three
values: tcp, udp and icmp. These values are mapped
to (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) in turn. However,
the label is mapped to numeric feature by Label-
Encoding (Zhang et al., 2018). As we have seen in
Table 1, the ‘label’ field contains five values, which
are mapped to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 from top to bottom.
Since Auto-Encoder is used in the framework, it
is necessary to standardize the data to eliminate
differences caused by the different value scales
between features. In this experiment, z-score method
is adopted. The standard score of a raw score is
calculated as
  
where is the mean of population and is the
standard deviation of the population.
4.3 Evaluation Metrics
We evaluate the performance of the proposed model
based on the following metrics: Accuracy, macro-F1.
For the binary classification problems, it can be
divided into the following four cases according to the
real categories of data and the predicted results of the
TP (True Positive): The positive class is
predicted to be positive class.
FP (False Positive): The negative class is
predicted to be positive class.
FN (False Negative): The positive class is
predicted to be negative class.
TN (True Negative): The negative class is
predicted to be negative class.
Precision: Proportion of samples with positive
correct predictions for all samples with positive
A Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System
 
Recall: Proportion of samples with positive
correct predictions for all positive samples:
 
F1-measure: Harmonic mean of Precision and
    
 
In the multi-classification problem, it is assumed
that there are k real categories, and the formula for
calculating macro F1 rate is
This experimental environment for the CPU:
Razen1600X, GPU: GTX1070Ti, 16 g memory,
operating system for Ubuntu. In order to prove the
validity of LightGBM model, we compare it with
some existing mainstream models. Table 2 shows
the training time and accuracy for multi-
Table 2: mainstream models comparison.
Time (s)
where -means these models are extremely slow to
According to the experimental results, the
LightGBM algorithm has the best comprehensive
performance. While ensuring high training
efficiency, the accuracy of the model far exceeds the
above other classifiers. Based on the characteristics
of data imbalance, macro F1 is used as the
evaluation standard in the training phase of this
model. LightGBM training process F1 Score is
shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: macro F1 changing curve.
As we have seen in Figure 2, LightGBM is hard
to optimize after 500 epochs.
In order to prove the effectiveness of our DAEL
model on IDS, we compared our algorithm with the
previous implemented work. The Table 3 shows that
our proposed model get better accuracy and Macro
F1 score.
Tbale 3: model improvement.
Acc (%)
Macro F1 (%)
In this paper, we presented a deep Auto-Encoder
based LightGBM approach for improving the
intrusion detection system. A deep Auto-Encoder is
used for digging some key features. Then
LightGBM model is used to automatic feature
selection and classify these data. The encoder idea is
one of the most useful in the field deep learning and
the LightGBM approach is widely used in various
practical problems, so we can take full advantage of
deep learning and traditional machine learning.
KDD 99 dataset is used for evaluating the
performance of our proposed model. The
experimental result showed that our proposed
method achieved accuracy 95.3% on the test dataset.
In future, we will further explore more deep
learning methods to represent correlations between
features and labels. Additionally, we will further
analyse how to evaluate the performance of intrusion
detection system more effectively.
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A Deep Auto-Encoder based LightGBM Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System