Community-based Message Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks
Zhiming Chen
, Yang Xiang
School of Computer, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Big Data Security & Intelligent Processing, Nanjing 210023, Chi
Keywords: Delay tolerant networks, Community, Forwarding, Centrality, Movement direction.
Abstract: With the popularity of various smart devices and the application of sensor network technology, message
transmission using mobile devices is becoming widespread. This paper focuses on the forwarding in mobile
social network (MSN). The MSN is a special Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) consisting of mobile nodes. In
MSN, nodes move and share information with each other through carried short-range wireless
communication devices. Mobile nodes in the MSN typically access some building areas more frequently,
such as schools, companies, or apartments, while visiting other areas, such as the roads between buildings,
less frequently. The building areas that nodes frequently visit are called communities. To increase delivery
ratio and reduce transmission time in MSN, this paper proposes a novel zero-knowledge multi-copy routing
algorithm, Mixed Message Forwarding (MMF) which exploits and improves the metric, namely centrality.
Centrality reflects the importance of a node in the network. MMF improves copy diffusion by using
different directions of node movement as well. Special facilities called boundary boxes are added to the
network scenario. Boundary boxes are special throw boxes. Throw boxes are relays with large storage space
and fixed position. MMF is designed and evaluated, which utilizes the aforementioned boundary boxes to
reduce transmission delay. The simulation results show that the MMF can improve the delivery ratio and
reduce the transmission delay, compared with other algorithms.
Delay tolerant networks (DTN) are a type of
challenged networks, wherein the contacts between
the communicating devices are intermittent.
Consequently, a contemporaneous end-to-end path
between the source and destination rarely exists. In
DTNs, the node is usually highly mobile and often
moves out of the ranges of other nodes, causing only
periodic connectivity throughout the network (Hom
J et al, 2017).
Mobile social networks (MSNs) are composed of
mobile users that move around and use their carried
wireless communication devices to share
information via online social network services, such
as Facebook, Twitter, etc (Xiao M et al, 2013).
Recently, the short-distance communication model
has also been adopted by encountered mobile users
in MSNs to share information, such as multimedia,
large-size files, etc., at a low cost. Such MSNs can
be seen as a special kind of delay tolerant network
Message forwarding is one of the most
challenging aspects of this network because of the
inherent intermittent connectivity. In this paper, we
seek to address this particular problem by employing
the theory of node centrality and movement
direction. We propose a novel forwarding strategy,
Mixed Message Forwarding (MMF), which exploits
special facilities such as delay to decrease
transmission delay.
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3 is a brief
description of MMF. The forwarding process of the
MMF algorithm is presented in Section 4. Section 5
shows the performance of MMF through a number
of simulation experiments. We make a conclusion in
Section 6.
Epidemic routing (Vahdate A et al, 2000), which
indiscriminately floods the network with messages,
has the highest delivery ratio and delivery time but
Chen, Z. and Xiang, Y.
Community-based Message Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0008097401970202
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications (CTISC 2019), pages 197-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-357-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
also the highest delivery cost. In order to reduce this
cost, researchers interested in social network
dynamics have utilized various social metrics to
select the relay node. Three influential social-based
protocols are SimBet (Daly E et al, 2007), Bubble
RAP (Pan H et al, 2011), and Friendship routing
(Bulut E et al, 2014). SimBet uses similarity and
betweenness centrality metrics to determine relay
nodes with higher probabilities of delivering the
message. Similarly, Bubble RAP uses centrality and
community to make forwarding decisions, and
friendship routing considers the relationships
between nodes by introducing a metric that measures
quality of friendship between nodes.
The protocol proposed in Huijuan and Kai
(Huijuan Z et al, 2015) expands on the work in Kim
et al. (Kim CM et al, 2014) by additionally
considering endpoint-biased expanded ego
betweenness centrality. Contact Frequency Based
Approach (CFBA) and Contact Duration Based
Approach (CDBA) are two very similar routing
protocols proposed in a single paper (Gondaliya N et
al, 2016). They both separate the nodes into
communities using the k-clique method based on
contact duration, and use centrality, a metric that
represents the connectivity of the network, to select
the relay node. Social-Based Single Copy Routing,
or SBSCR, (Gondaliya N et al, 2016) is a
community-based routing mechanism in which
routing decisions are made based on a calculated
social based utility (SBU) that considers similarity
and friendship values. The two protocols proposed
in Chen and Lou (Chen H et al, 2015), Expected
Encounter Routing (EER) and Community Aware
Routing (CAR), are based on metrics determined
through history of interaction between nodes. IRS
(Singh AK et al, 2018) is an incentive based routing
strategy. In this approach intermediate nodes can
participate and earn incentives for sacrificing their
selfishness. Choksatid et al. propose the protocol
SED (Choksatid T et al, 2016), which is the
renovation of Epidemic Routing scheme. (Igarashi Y
et al, 2018) proposed by Igarashi et al. controls
message forwarding in each terminal using
parameters named Community” and Centrality.”
In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes
a community-based opportunity network algorithm
MMF algorithm. The MMF algorithm is divided into
four stages: internal forwarding, external forwarding,
roaming and acquisition. To more intuitively see the
entire delivery process, Fig. 1 is presented a static
scene. Certainly, the nodes in our simulated scene
are mobile.
Figure 1: Network model.
(1) In the internal forwarding stage, nodes
transfer the message in the community to which the
source belongs until a node encounters a boundary
box. Nodes are more inclined to send the message to
boundary boxes.
(2) In the external forwarding stage, when a
boundary box receives the copy of the messages, it
will spread the messages to the neighboring
communities’ nodes within its transmission area.
(3) In the roaming stage, the node forwards the
messages priority to boundary boxes. We use a
multi-copy approach based on node movement
direction to spread information to other communities.
(4) In the acquisition stage, the destination will
extract message from any first-time carrier. The
device carrying the message can be a node or a
boundary box.
In the above scheme, the four phases do not
necessarily follow the order, which is determined by
the location of the source and the destination. The
source and the destination are in one community, so
it is possible to go directly to the fourth phase. Or, if
the destination is near the source node’s community,
then the third phase will not be executed.
CTISC 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications
In this section, we presents the MMF algorithm in
detail. This article focuses on only message transfer,
and it can send messages as long as each carrier has
enough cache space and the link has enough
bandwidth. In addition, the communication time
between any two nodes and between the node and
the boundary box is independent.
4.1 Internal Forwarding Stage
The central utility value can be used to measure the
importance of a node in message transmission. The
central utility value defined in this paper consists of
two parameters, the number of node forwardings and
the number of neighbor node changes. The central
utility value is calculated as follows:
is the number of node forwardings in a
certain time slot
reflects the number of the node
acts as a relay in a certain time slot. The higher
the higher the degree to which a node is available in
that time slot.
The standard calculation method for the
is as
is the average of the
from the
beginning to the time slot , and
 
is the dispersion.
is the number of neighbor node changes for
node at a certain time slot
reflects the number
of the node encounters other nodes and the number
of changes in neighbor nodes in the certain time slot
. The higher
means that the node meets more
new nodes in the time slot . In a time slot
defined as:
 
  
 
is the neighbor nodes of the current time
slot , and
is the neighbor nodes of the
previous time slot
The standardized calculation method of the
as follows:
is the average of the
from the
beginning to the time slot t,
 
the dispersion.
The node have highter and values and more
likely to encounter the destination node. So we
combine these two parameters by the following
formula to define the central utility value
of node
where are the set weights.
When the node receives the central utility
the neighbor nodes, this node compares its value to
the maximum one. If this node’s value is lower, then
it will forward a message to the node with the largest
utility value.
4.2 Spread Stage
In the spread phase, when a boundary box receives a
copy of the message, the boundary box spreads
message to nodes with no message outside of the
community to which this copy sender belongs.
4.3 Roaming Stage
In the roaming stage, in order to speed up
transmission, we use a multi-copy method. The node
carries the number of the belonging community,
the current position coordinates 
and the
previous time slot position coordinates, such as
. These two position coordinates can be
used to calculate the current slot movement direction
of the node .
Suppose that in the scene, there is a node with
copy, and there is a node without copy in the
transmission range of . If the cosine of the current
slot movement direction of the two nodes satisfies
within a certain threshold range, sends a copy to .
The range of the cosine value indicates that the arc
of the angle between the two moving directions of
and is around
. That is to say, in the
transmission range of the node having message,
there is a node having no message, and if the angle
of movement direction of a and b is in the arc of
󰒮 , 󰒮 
 
, the node transmits a copy to
. The cosine value is calculated as follows:
where .
Community-based Message Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks
4.4 Acquisition Stage
In the extraction phase, the destination gets the
message when it encounters the message carrier.
This message carrier may be in the internal
forwarding stage, external forwarding stage or
roaming stage. In the worst case, the message is
spread to each community, then the destination just
gets the message.
In this section, we conducted a number of
simulations to evaluate the performance of MMF.
The comparison of the algorithms, evaluation
methods, parameter settings and results are shown
In this paper, we only focus on zero-knowledge
multi-copy routing algorithm in MSN. In order to
obtain a fair performance comparison, we only
compare our algorithm with the existing zero-
knowledge multi-copy routing algorithm: Epidemic
algorithm, Prophet algorithm and HS algorithm.
Epidemic, Prophet and HS algorithms all transfer
messages through replication. The Epidemic
algorithm can achieve the best delivery delay in all
routing algorithms. The Prophet algorithm is a
utility-based multi-probability routing algorithm. In
the HS algorithm, the message carrier uses a binary
method to send a message to the encountered node
or throwbox.
5.1 Parameter Settings
The scenes simulated in this paper are relatively
large, the nodes are assumed to move randomly, and
the initial positions of the nodes are also randomly
generated. The boundary box is generated at
initialization time and has a fixed location. In
addition, we can alter the parameter value as needed,
so that we can observe the impact of each parameter
value on the result and bring out the optimal results,
which is beneficial to compare with other algorithms
and evaluate the pros and cons of the algorithm.
In the simulation of this paper, the scene of the
model is a large rectangle. To simplify the
simulation, we set the length and width of the scene
to be the same. The node's transmission radius is set
to 15, and the number of communities is fixed at a
value of 9. The experiment is roughly divided into
three parts in terms of the average delivery rate, the
average transmission time and the influence of the
angle cosine value on the average transmission time.
In the first experiment, the community length and
width of the four algorithms were adjusted to 50,
60 and 70, and then we compare the experimental
results. In the second experiment, the nodes’ number
of the four algorithms was adjusted to 1000, 2000,
and 3000, and then we compare the experimental
results. The evaluation parameters are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Parameter Settings.
Parameter Name
Experimental Area
( )
Number of Nodes
Node Transmission
Number of
Community Length
And Width ()
Duration ()
Angle cosine ()
0. 1/0. 5/0. 8/1
The metrics evaluated in this simulation are the
average delivery rate and the average transmission
time. The average delivery rate is the ratio of the
number of successful deliveries to the total number
of messages. The average transmission time is the
delivery time of the first copy to its destination.
5.2 Simulation Results
We conduct three sets of simulation experiments to
evaluate the impact of various parameters on
performance. In the first set of simulations, we
adjusted the community length and width of the
four algorithms to 50, 60, and 70, and set N=2000,
θ=0. 5. In the second set of simulations, we adjust
the number of nodes N of the four algorithms to
1000, 2000, and 3000, and set D=50, θ=0. 5. In
order to observe the difference between the
algorithms more specifically, in these two sets of
experiments, we will observe the trend of each
algorithm under the condition of t=240, t=600,
t=6000, as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
CTISC 2019 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications
(a) t=240.
(b) t=600.
(c) t=6000.
Figure 2: Comparison of average delivery ratio.
Fig. 2 shows that the average delivery rate of the
four algorithms decreases as the community length
and width increase. In contrast, the HS algorithm has
the worst average delivery rate at D=70. Prophet's
probabilistic selection causes the message to spread
continuously close to the destination, but since
Prophet only relies on nodes to forward messages, it
has moderately lower performance. MMF is mainly
due to the external forwarding function of boundary
boxes, which enables the message to spread rapidly
to other communities, so it performs better than the
two algorithms above. Epidemic's message number
and number of forwarding nodes are not limited, so
the diffusion speed is very fast in a small scenario,
but as the entire scene becomes larger, spreading
messages requires more transmission time.
(a) t=240.
(b) t=600.
(c) t=6000.
Figure 3: Comparison of average transmission time.
Next, we also perform three sets of simulations
to evaluate the performance of the above algorithm
in terms of average transmission time. The results in
Fig. 3 show that as the number of nodes increases,
the average transmission time all decreases. The
results show that at t=240 and t=600, the Prophet
has the longest transmission time at n=1000. When
t=6000, the transmission time of HS is more than
the other three algorithms. Overall, the longer t is,
the more unstable HS is. Because the role of the
boundary box in the HS is only to spread the
messages in the community, the spread of the
messages between the communities only depends on
the single copy of the node, so the number of nodes
has a great impact on it and the transmission time is
long. MMF uses the external forwarding function of
boundary boxes and relatively few nodes, so that the
messages can quickly spread to the other
communities, therefore it has a shorter average
transmission time among the three algorithms except
Community-based Message Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks
Figure 4: Effect of MMF angle cosine on average
transmission time.
Next, we modify the angle cosine value K used
by MMF in the roaming phase for four times. We set
N=2000, D=50, t=240. As shown in Fig. 4, we
compared the average transmission time at K=0.1,
K=0.5, K=0.8, and K=1. The result shows that the
closer K is to 1, the smaller the average transmission
time is, the more similar it is to flooding, but this
will cause massive copies, unnecessary energy
consumption and useless bandwidth occupation.
In this paper, we study a special mobile social
network, in which the running scenario includes
some nodes, communities and boundary boxes, and
propose a zero-knowledge multi-copy routing
algorithm called MMF. MMF set a higher priority
for boundary boxes to help spread information
quickly. Theoretical analysis and simulation results
show that boundary boxes play an important role in
the message dissemination process. By using
boundary boxes, MMF achieves better performance
than several existing zero-knowledge MSN routing
This research is supported by National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.
61872191, 41571389, 61872193.
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