A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees
Fabio Curi
1 a
, Dimitris Nikolopoulos
1 b
and Eric Fernandes de Mello Ara
1,2 c
Social AI Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Computer Science, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil
Social Simulations, Network-oriented Modeling, Refugees Integration, Homophily, Social Network Analysis.
The present work aims to study and model the integration of refugees who appear in a society, through the im-
plementation of adaptive social networks. In our model, for each individual, their characteristics of religious-
ness and language skills are considered for the social integration. We also explore the homophily phenomenon
as part of the creation of new connections and the changes on the refugees’ traits. As it most commonly
happens in real life, refugees appear in a community-structured social network as individual nodes without
any connection, and interactions between refugees and non-refugees are built through a defined methodology
which applies local search, random attachment and node deletion. We show a few case scenarios and perform
a social network analysis.
From July to September of 2016, 358.300 first time
asylum seekers applied for international protection
in the Member States of the European Union (EU),
mostly Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis. It is undeniable
that the arrival of refugees has impacted the lives of
many countries in the past years, affecting many elec-
tions recently, especially in European countries, such
as The Netherlands, France and recently the US, with
the proposals of new policies to restrain the entrance
of new refugees for the next future (Page, 2016).
As refugees become part of the life of cities
around the world, it brings up an important issue:
their integration in new societies and communities,
especially in regard to the interaction with the locals.
There is a wide range of studies that try to create some
understanding about the processes of settlement of
immigrants fleeing from their home countries (Ager
and Strang, 2008; Korac, 2003; Krahn et al., 2012).
Several approaches have been used in order to analyze
the levels of integration between these two groups,
through case scenarios from specific countries, dif-
ferent policies regarding immigration and residency
allowance for refugees, etc. (Strang and Ager, 2010;
Fasani et al., 2018).
The discipline of psychology also has much to
contribute to our understanding of immigrants and
the process of immigration. Studies in acculturation
and inter-group relations are focused mainly in two
issues that face immigrants and the society of settle-
ment: maintenance of group characteristics and con-
tact between groups (W. Berry, 2001). Identity strate-
gies employed by immigrants and their counterparts
in the hosting country (especially attitudes toward im-
migrants and toward the resultant cultural diversity)
can result either in a good integration or in marginal-
ization and segregation of the new comers (Sheikh
and Anderson, 2018; Puma et al., 2018).
In the context of analyzing social structures,
network-oriented modeling can be considered as an
alternative way to address complexity for modeling
human and social processes, including the dynamics
of the integration of new people in a pre-established
group (or network) (Treur, 2016). In the present study,
we present an analysis of an adaptive social network
of nodes representing individuals in an environmen-
tal context. The interaction between people is trans-
lated through edges, and dynamic effects such as ho-
mophily are expected to affect the network evolu-
tion over time. As for the application domain, the
aim is to understand, through the model, how the in-
teraction between refugees and their local commu-
nities happens, knowing certain characteristics from
the individuals which might affect these interactions.
The present study applies, as far as known, the first
Curi, F., Nikolopoulos, D. and Araújo, E.
A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees.
DOI: 10.5220/0007930601650175
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 165-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methodology in literature directed to studying the in-
tegration of refugees in new communities through
network-oriented modeling.
The following section presents the literature re-
view which supports the decision to use religiosity (or
religiousness) and language domain as the two main
factors for our simulation. The literature also includes
the social network modeling strategies applied in the
simulations. Section 3 presents the temporal-causal
model for the integration of refugees in a society in
more details. Section 4 presents the results of the dif-
ferent simulations. Section 5 presents a technique of
parameter tuning through simulated annealing to bet-
ter fit the model to what we expected to obtain, and
Section 6 includes some concluding comments and
potential future works for improvement in our model.
In this section, we present the literature explored to
build the model. We explain our choice for language
skills and religiousness as factors that will define how
connections are built, and also how the social network
is generated based in a realistic approach.
2.1 Factors that Affect Refugees
The problem of accommodation and integration of
immigrants has been studied from many perspectives
over the years. In the discussion on acculturation
processes, there are three orientations, according to
(Kuhlman, 1991):
[...] those who want all immigrants to adopt
the dominant majority culture, the advocates
of a ’melting-pot’ (i.e. the blending of cultures
and races to produce a new national culture),
and those who favor ethnic pluralism in which
communities retain much of their original cul-
ture and the country becomes a federation of
(Kuhlman, 1991) studied Eritrean refugees in the re-
gion of Kassala (Sudan) and created a framework
to explain the issue of involuntary immigration in
developing countries from an economic perspective.
Their proposed framework has four independent vari-
ables with characteristics of the refugees themselves,
factors related to the process of flight, character-
istics of the region of settlement, and policies re-
lated to refugees. The dependent variable is the in-
tegration. From the characteristics of the refugee
are included (1) demographic variables, (2) socio-
economical background and (3) ethno-cultural affil-
From the demographic characteristics of refugees,
are listed criteria as age, sex and household compo-
sition. From socio-economical background are in-
cluded educational level, occupation before immi-
gration and a distinction between rural and urban
refugees. For ethno-cultural affiliation of refugees,
are included factors as as native tongue, religion and
place of birth.
(Krahn et al., 2012) shows the impact on labour
market for refugees from Yugoslav and Russia in the
90s, and points out that the level of English language
training they received was inadequate to meet the re-
quirements of their occupations, when comparing im-
migrants with Canadian-born workers with the same
level of education and professional degree. In the
work done by (Ager and Strang, 2008), elements cen-
tral to perceptions of what constitutes ‘successful’ in-
tegration in the UK are identified. The framework
contains four main domains of integration, (1) foun-
dation (right and citizenship), (2) facilitators (lan-
guage, cultural knowledge, safety and stability), (3)
social connection (social bridges, bonds and links)
and (4) markers and means (employment, housing,
education and health). Regarding the social connec-
tions, (Ager and Strang, 2008) shows that both immi-
grants and people within the community had expecta-
tions of a community where there was active ‘mixing’
of people from different groups, with ‘belonging’ be-
ing one of the marks that would identify a successful
Apart from the view of the need for integration, it
is shown in many studies that the maintenance of tra-
dition brings many benefits to the refugees, like health
and the integration itself (Beiser et al., 1993). The fre-
quency and quality of contact between refugees and
non-refugees is also an important aspect that helps in-
tegration. (Ager and Strang, 2008) states that:
In the course of our fieldwork, both refugees
and non-refugees suggested that an important
factor in making them feel ’at home’ in an
area was the friendliness of the people they
encountered on a daily basis. [...] Con-
versely, perceived unfriendliness undermined
other successful aspects of integration.
The language is also considered as central for the inte-
gration process by (Ager and Strang, 2008), affecting
the social interaction, economic integration and full
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
participation in society. Researchers were able to con-
duct longitudinal analysis and learned that language
skills are needed for meaningful contact rather than
vice versa (Collyer et al., 2017). Along with the lan-
guage, refugees’ knowledge of national and local pro-
cedures, customs and facilities and, though to a lesser
extent, non-refugees’ knowledge of the circumstances
and culture of refugees are also relevant.
Religiousness is here expressed by how religious
an individual is, regardless of the religion branch. A
correlation between depression and religious practice
in Lebanon’s elderly is found by (Chaaya et al., 2007).
The sample taken from a refugee camp that had no ac-
cess to the mosque showed a higher level of depres-
sion, due to lack of socialization. It is also shown that
minority groups rely on religious stratagems to cope
with their distress more than other groups do (Dunn
and Horgas, 2004).
As discussed above, in many works within psy-
chology and sociology of refugees, the complexity
of the phenomenon of integration and/or accultura-
tion is big. Tackling all the aspects demands a com-
plexity that does not guarantee a total accuracy in re-
spect to reality. Nevertheless, some factors are present
in many works and can be addressed for a simpli-
fied, yet also relevant perspective over the problem.
For this work, we chose religiousness and language
skills as the factors that will define integration and
construction of new bonds between refugees and non-
2.2 Building a Social Network of
Community and Refugees
Network-oriented modeling is an approach that com-
bines social network analysis in the search of under-
standing phenomena that can be represented as net-
works (Treur, 2016). These applications are seen in
many fields of study, but recently much is found in
the study of social relations. As one can use nodes
and edges to represent objects and relations, this ap-
proach is appropriately suitable for our objectives.
(A. Beaman, 2012) uses social network analysis to
evaluate how the construction of a social network in-
fluences the success of refugees in the US labor mar-
ket. The results indicate that an increase in the num-
ber of social network members resettled either in the
same year or one year prior to a new arrival leads to a
deterioration of outcomes, while a greater number of
tenured network members improves the probability of
employment and raises the hourly wage.
Both studies by (Beiser et al., 1993) and (Beiser
and Hou, 2001) demonstrate how language skills,
combined with employment, can be used for predic-
tion of depression in Asian refugees. (Chaaya et al.,
2007) also shows how religiosity can be influenc-
ing depression in older people in Lebanese refugee
Moreover, many works aim to gather longitudinal
and ego-centered data about refugees and build so-
cial networks for analysis (A. Beaman, 2012; Koser,
1997; Ryan et al., 2008; Williams, 2006). However,
no work addressing simulations and predictions of fu-
ture situations of refugees regarding their integration
using the traits of people in a social network were
So as to mimic a real network with the properties
chosen for the model, it is necessary to build a social
network which can handle weighted edges, and where
homophily can be incorporated to handle the changes
in the node states. The work done by (Toivonen et al.,
2007) is a very suitable and good inspiration for our
work. They present a model which simulates real
networks taking into account the theory of weight-
topology correlations as their basis. The model will
be better explained in the next Section.
This section explains how the network which repre-
sents the population of a society is created. In order
to do so, we explain the model created by (Toivonen
et al., 2007), as well as the adaptations that were made
in order to adequate the model to our purposes.
3.1 A Model for the Creation of a
Community of People
Social networks are a very suitable approach to repre-
sent a community, where the nodes represent the in-
dividuals of a society and the connections represent
the bonding between these individuals. As human re-
lations change over time, some phenomena might be
implemented, such as nodes dying or leaving the com-
munity, connections being strengthened or weakened,
new nodes becoming part of the network, etc.
The algorithm proposed by (Toivonen et al., 2007)
works over a fixed size of network defined as N nodes,
initially not connected with each other and with no
state values. Afterwards, the algorithm operates over
them by creating and modifying their relations based
on random attachment, local search and node dele-
tion, providing a stabilized network as an output. We
consider a network to be stabilized when it follows the
community structure of a social network with strong
A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees
Figure 1: A social network with 300 nodes and a community structure (left). Each community is represented by a different
color. Next, there is an insertion of 20 isolated nodes without any connections (right), representing the refugees (in gray).
connections inside the communities and weaker ones
connecting the communities (S. Granovetter, 1983).
The local search mechanism is a two-step proce-
dure in which every node has the chance to choose a
neighbor and increment the connection between them
(first step). Then, it proceeds by choosing one of the
neighbors of the first chosen node, enabling their con-
nection to be strengthened (second step). In the sec-
ond step, if the node and the neighbor of its chosen
neighbor are already connected, then their connection
is strengthened by an increment value. If they are not
connected, then they have a chance to connect with
each other. This corresponds to the real-life situation
in which if a person has strong ties with two others,
then these latter two have a high chance to get con-
nected. This is also known as the weak tie hypothesis,
introduced by (Rapoport, 1957).
The random connections that we can create in real
life are represented through the random attachment
mechanism. In the algorithm proposed by (Toivonen
et al., 2007), if a node is not connected with any other
node after one step of finding new friends at random,
then it gets connected to a random one.
The last procedure is the node deletion, through
which a node has a slight chance to be deleted in ev-
ery step. If a node gets deleted, then its connections
are deleted as well. The deletion of nodes can be in-
terpreted as a mechanism of preventing the network
from becoming a clique, whilst it also represents, for
the dynamic network, link removals between nodes,
thus a sudden breakdown of the relationship between
two nodes, as in real life relationships can end. In
order to prevent the elimination of the network, if a
node is deleted then a new one appears in the next
time step.
Some described parameters were considered nec-
essary and are listed as follows (Toivonen et al.,
: probability of a node to establish a new link with
another randomly chosen node (used in random
: probability of two nodes connected to the same
node, to be connected (used in local search);
: probability of a node to be deleted (used in node
δ : weight increment;
: initial weight of a new connection.
For our simulations, we kept the original prob-
ability values provided by (Toivonen et al., 2007),
= 0.0005, p
= 0.05 and p
= 0.001. The val-
ues for the weight of the edges have been normalized
between the range of [0,1]. Therefore, we have de-
cided to keep low values for δ and ω
, with values of
0.0001 and 0.0001, respectively. These value choices
are small enough so that the weights of the edges do
not exceed 1 rapidly throughout the simulation life-
time. Nonetheless, these values can be adjusted in
order to represent reality as accurately as possible. If
people tend to increase their bonding faster, then δ
should be higher, otherwise it should be lower. Also,
can variate depending on the initial bonding level
connecting people. For the purposes of the current
case of study, it was decided to keep these values
static as 10
The algorithm runs these three procedures for N
nodes and for a specific number of steps. Figure 1
on the left illustrates the output graph for a simula-
tion after running it for 25.000 steps upon N = 300
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Table 1: Traits of the populations inside the community.
Random values are uniformly distributed within the ranges.
Community Lang. skills Religiousness
Refugees [0.0,0.2] [0.7,1.0]
Local population [0.6,1.0] [0.0,0.4]
nodes. The network has a community structure and
each community is shown in a different color. The
total number of communities in this example is 21.
Results showed that strong connections are occurring
between nodes in the same communities and weaker
links connect the communities. On the right side,
it shows the same social network of 300 nodes af-
ter the insertion of 20 isolated nodes representing the
new refugees recently arrived in this particular soci-
ety. From this status, we included our mechanisms to
cope with the homophily effects in the relationships
within the community.
3.2 Incorporating Traits of Language
Skills and Religiousness
After the initial community is established, the lan-
guage skills and religiousness values in the nodes are
set, representing local population and refugees ac-
cording to Table 1, at random. As expected, the lan-
guage skills of the local population is higher than the
recently arrived refugees. Moreover, the religiousness
of each node from the local population is also much
smaller than the refugees population, simulating the
context of a secularized society receiving immigrants
from religious areas.
After attributing values for these two traits to all
the nodes in the population, we incorporate the effects
of homophily and social contagion in each node over
time. The mechanisms of random attachment, local
search and node deletion are still running, but now the
state of the nodes is affected by their relationships.
3.3 Numerical Representation of the
Homophily Principle for the Weight
of the Edges
The values for the weights of the edges are updated
over time using homophily, which indicates that the
more similar the states of two connected nodes are,
the stronger their connection will become (Treur,
2016). Node values alone are not representative of
the homophily effect, but their absolute differences
are. The values of two connected nodes can be here
generalized as X
and X
. Furthermore, a thresh-
old value τ
is understood as being the reference
value above/under which the absolute differences of
node values should be so that upward or downward
weight changes occur, respectively. These thresh-
olds are present in Equation 3 when calculating the
changes in the connection weights and have a fixed
value of 0.1. Their role is explained as follows:
an upward change of the connection weight ω
occurs when |X
| < τ
no change of the connection weight ω
when |X
| = τ
a downward change of the connection weight
occurs when |X
| > τ
The update of the the edge weights is calculated
through Equation 1, given the actual weight of the
connection between two nodes A and B at a time-step
t, ω
(t), a speed-factor η
, and a function c
resenting the combination of the aggregated impact
caused by B in A.
(t +t) = ω
(t) + η
(t), X
(t), ω
The advanced quadratic function based on (Sharpan-
skykh and Treur, 2014) was chosen to update the edge
weights, as shown in Equations 2 and 3. X
and X
are the states of person A and person B, respectively,
D = |X
(t) X
(t)| is the difference between the two
node states, η
is the update speed parameter for the
connection from person A to person B, and τ
is the
threshold for connection adaptation.
) = h
) (2)
(D,W ) = W + Pos[η
)](1 W )
In Equation 3, Pos(x) = (|x| + x)/2, which returns x
when x > 0 and 0 otherwise.
3.4 Numerical Representation of the
Social Contagion for the State of the
In parallel to the weight evolution, the node values for
the states are also changing. The effects of social con-
tagion are expressed in the evolution of node values.
The modeling of such phenomenon is given through
the differential Equation 4:
(t +t) =
(t) + η
(t), .. ., X
(t)) X
A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees
, where X
is a characteristic value for node B, η
is the speed factor which indicates how fast this node
can change its value, and c
is a combination function
which takes into account the influence of all nodes
A1,...,Ak connected to B, with k being the degree of
node B, as shown in Equation 5.
For our simulations, we used the advanced nor-
malized sum combinational function c
, adnorsum,
shown in Equation 6.
(t), .. ., ω
(t)) =
(t), .. ., ω
(t), .. ., ω
(t)) =
As before-mentioned, two characteristics are con-
sidered and expected to influence the interaction be-
tween the individuals in the network: language skills
and religiousness. Other aspects could be possibly
included in order to make the model more realis-
tic, but for the sake of simplicity we only considered
these two states for evaluation. We also believe that
the inclusion of new states would possibly enrich the
model and could be an interesting exploration for fu-
ture work.
Next, we have studied different scenarios combin-
ing both aspects in the integration of the refugees.
This section presents the results for the simulations
performed considering the model presented. As we
have two traits affecting the nodes through social con-
tagion and the homophily effect changing the weights
of the edges, we divided the simulations in order to
better comprehend the outcomes. Important parame-
ters were initialized with certain values in order to ob-
tain results as close to reality as possible. These last
are: the number of nodes, the time window frame,
the step size and the speed factors. The number of
nodes was kept low, having 300 non-refugees and a
certain number of refugees appearing in the popula-
tion. This last number can, of course, be adjusted to
simulate different case scenarios by, for instance, get-
ting the percentage of refugees in a specific country.
As the proposed model here is a general one, we have
not set values related to any specific society. The time
frame has a value of 36, and the step size is 1. These
values are representing a time step of a month, and it
is assumed that within 36 months each person inter-
acts with others at least each month. The speed fac-
tors for both the nodes and the edges update is kept at
0.1 since it is considered that religiousness, language
and relationships change slowly over time. Here, one
must bare in mind that relations are also affected by
the local search method which runs without any speed
factor. The speed can actually be expressed inside the
increase rate δ: the lower it is, the slower the relation-
ships are being incremented.
During the lifetime of the simulation, some ran-
dom nodes of the network have the chance to be
deleted from it and ’move away’ from our observ-
able world. Despite their disappearance, these nodes
are represented in the output graphs, because they
play their role in the evolution of the overall relation-
ships and node state values, regardless of their signif-
icance. It can be observed that, in the output graphs
of the node state and weight values throughout time,
some lines are abruptly cut at specific points. That
means that a node has been removed from the net-
work, alongside with its links. This can be corre-
lated to real-life phenomena, such as a person mov-
ing away from a society or even unfortunately pass-
ing away. Similarly, some lines might appear at time
points which are different from zero. Of course, this
is an expected behavior because each time a node is
deleted, another one is added in the following step.
The addition of these nodes prevents the shrinking of
the network, which would be inevitable if the nodes
kept being deleted throughout a large number of steps.
4.1 Scenario 1 - Language Proficiency
and Homophily
In this scenario, we excluded the effect of religious-
ness as we are interested in knowing what happens
with the population of refugees over time concerning
their language skills, and how is the integration based
only on this trait.
The output plots for the language skill evolution
over time are shown in Figure 3 (left). One can see
that most of the refugees are improving their language
skills and are fully integrated in society. Nonetheless,
if the number of refugees is increased, then it is ex-
pected that some of them will not be able to be inte-
grated in the society: at least not as quickly. In fact,
it can be observed that many of them remain isolated
without the ability to get integrated.
Figure 3 (right) shows the evolution of the weights
throughout time. As a reminder note, the lines that
were abruptly cut represent the node deletions. So as
not to visually damage the plots, it was decided not
to show whenever these values drop to 0 from one
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 2: The final graph produced for language skills after
running the simulation.
simulation step to the other. Note that similar results
from the ones obtained in Figure 3 are valid for this
algorithm for whichever size of population.
Figure 2 shows the resulting graph of this network.
Some refugees are integrated in the social network,
although others are isolated, such as nodes r6, r12 and
r21 (in dark green).
4.2 Scenario 2 - Religiousness and
Now, the effect of language skills is excluded as we
are interested in discovering what happens with the
population of refugees over time concerning their reli-
giousness, and how is the integration done based only
on this trait.
The node and edge updates are shown in Figure
4. The results are analogous to the ones of languages
skills, except for the fact that now the values of reli-
giousness converge towards the most common values.
Nonetheless, some refugees remain isolated and still
hold a quite stable value for their religiousness. A
speed factor of 0.05 was used for the homophily ef-
As it can be seen, the node values for the refugees
have dropped considerably within the simulation
time, whilst the local community remained with val-
ues rather unchanged, or very little. The religiousness
of the former group tends to go down after the social
network is run as expected. However, it is also ex-
pected that this parameter does not fluctuate as much
as language skills, for instance. The refugees’ level of
religiousness tends to go down after their integration
in the society and thus, interacting with the local com-
Table 2: Degree distributions of the refugee nodes.
Degree 1 2 3 4 5
Refugees (%) 10 20 40 20 10
munity, which in turn has smaller religiousness val-
ues. Furthermore, the religiousness values of the lo-
cal community had very little variation in time, which
is explained by the combination of the low speed fac-
tor for the node values update and the less influential
presence of the refugees if compared to the total num-
ber of locals in the society. Note that similar results
from the ones obtained in Figure 4 are valid for this
algorithm for whichever size of population.
In Figure 5, the final graph of the second scenario
is shown. It is thus now harder to identify the loca-
tion of these refugees, which confirms that most them
managed to integrate in the network.
4.3 Social Network Analysis
The aim of the present section is to obtain rele-
vant statistics of the proposed network. We built a
model of 300 local individuals and 10 refugees be-
ing inserted in the society. These individuals are
distinguished by their labels ‘p’ and ‘r’, respec-
tively. Religiousness is specifically taken into ac-
count, where high values are observed virtually only
by the refugees, even after running of the algorithm.
However, certain local individuals were observed to
have increased their religiousness values through the
interactions in the social network. High values are
mainly observed around the refugee nodes, which
explains that the homophily effects were significant
enough to alter node values. In Table 2, the degree
values of the nodes are depicted against the number
of occurrences. The degree values are representative
of how connected they are to the network.
The overall average degree was observed with
value 10.26. As expected, the curve follows a rather
downward exponential distribution, with a few out-
liers present around the theoretical curves (i.e. the
occurrences with values 1, 2 and 3). This result is ap-
proximately close to a power law distribution, which
indicates that our network is close to being scale-free.
Table 2 shows the results for the refugee population.
The next step is to obtain the centrality of nodes in
the network, thus, the relative importance of the nodes
is obtained. In the model, we defined that a stabilized
model is one that follows certain properties, such as
being scale-free and having the shortest path-length
with rather low values. The average path length had
a value of 3.75. The eccentricity distribution was also
calculated, which measures the distance from a given
A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees
Figure 3: Evolution of language skills (left) and connection weights (right) in a population of 350 nodes, among which 50 are
refugees using adnormsum for (left) and advanced quadratic functions for (right).
Figure 4: The evolution of religiousness for each node using adnormsum (left) and for the connection weights for each pair
of connected nodes using advanced quadratic as combination function (left).
starting node to the farthest node from it in the net-
work. The biggest proportion of the individuals in the
network have eccentricity distribution values around
8, which indicates that this same number of individ-
uals are needed to connect the respective node to an-
other extreme of the network. However, a few occur-
rences needed a much larger number of connections
to reach these same extremities. Table 3 depicts the
eccentricity values for the refugee population.
In Figure 6, eccentricity values are shown within
the network. The nodes in dark gray and pink are
those with highest eccentricity values. Surprisingly,
these individuals are not refugees, and we obtain here
interesting results which show that these last were cat-
egorized in another set of values, mostly 7,8 and 9, as
shown in Table 3. Even though these eccentricity val-
ues are somewhat high, they are representative of the
success of our algorithm to integrate these individuals
in the society.
Regarding the different communities, as the social
network is formed, the initial refugee community is
expected to spread as the connections with local indi-
viduals develop. A total of 14 communities were ob-
served and the smallest and biggest ones had 2 and 56
members, respectively. One interesting observation is
that the refugees were now spread around in the net-
work: in certain communities, there were occurrences
of a single refugee present. In others, not many coex-
isted. The task of integration has been successfully
carried out by implementing both algorithms at the
same time. Finally, so as not to render this section
exhaustive, only religiousness was considered, given
that similar trends for language skills are expected,
except from the fact that these last are expected to
increase as the homophily effects take effect in the
algorithm. Furthermore, as the speed factor for lan-
guage skills is considerably higher, higher degree dis-
tributions and lower eccentricity values are expected
if compared to religiousness.
The second part of the overall analysis of the model
behavior is focused on validating the proposed model
through parameter tuning. Due to the fact that any
model must be a close approximation to the real-life
phenomenon that it corresponds to, it must be “tuned”
in such a way that it is as representative and reliable as
possible. This is done through choosing specific pa-
rameters and applying optimization techniques upon
them in order to obtain the best corresponding values.
For that reason, these techniques are based on
some empirical data that is given as an input and is
compared to the observed data that the model outputs.
The main goal is to obtain as little erroneous behavior
as possible, with the error being defined as the mean
squared error between the simulated and the empirical
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 5: The final graph produced for religiousness after
running the simulation.
Figure 6: Eccentricity of religiousness in the social net-
Table 3: Eccentricity distributions of the refugee nodes.
Eccentricity 7 8 9
Refugees (%) 20 60 20
Simulated annealing (Eglese, 1990) is used to
fine-tune the model and make it more representative
and reliable. Pseudo-empirical values of the state and
weight values of the population were created, as the
extraction of reliable related real data was hard. As
it is known, simulated annealing combines the advan-
tages of gradient descent and random walk in such
a way that it assures efficiency and completeness.
Three parameters of it are crucial for its outcome on
parameter tuning optimality: the temperature T , the
minimum temperature T
, the parameter α, the max-
imum number of iterations i, and the definition of the
acceptance probability. The temperature T is normal-
ized between the values 0 and 1, and consequently the
starting value T is set to 1. At each step, T is multi-
plied by α, shrinking the value and getting closer to
, which is set to 0.001. We set value α to be 0.9,
which guarantees to give a satisfactory number of it-
erations which would lead to optimal results, however
sacrificing run time. The number of iterations at each
temperature step is set to be 100. Finally, the accep-
tance probability method is given based on the val-
ues of the temperature, the new cost and the old cost,
where new cost > old cost. Even if the new cost is
higher than the older cost, it is accepted with the fol-
lowing acceptance probability:
= e
All the above parameter values are believed to give
the best expected results, or at least results with a
neglibilble arbitrary error. The pseudo-data was ex-
tracted by adjusting the original model parameters in
such a way that the output seems as realistic as pos-
sible. For instance, we adjusted the speed factor and
the rest of the functional parameters in a way that the
religiousness of refugees would slowly decline over
time. As the time frame is set to show three years,
it is believed that the religiousness of refugees would
not be totally adjusted to the general population, since
it is a characteristic that is deeply rooted and it is
not expected to change significantly. The extracted
pseudo-empirical data consists of ’.csv’ files which
contain the values of the states and the edges through-
out time. In order to simplify the procedure of sim-
ulated annealing in terms of run time, these values
were extracted in each 6 time steps, starting from time
points 0 and 5 and moving on to points 11, 17, 23,
29 and 35. We chose a small number of parameters
in order to obtain results within reasonable time, and
excluded the error calculation between edges values,
as this would make the program run within unreason-
able time. Nevertheless, it can be easily extended by
adding more parameters and adjusting the error cal-
The initial parameters chosen were the speed fac-
tor and the threshold used within the functions that
apply the homophily principle. The speed factor is
used by both combinational functions in the edge up-
date and the node update, respectively, and is set to
an initial value of 0.5. The threshold value is used by
the edge update’s advanced quadratic function and is
also initially set to 0.5. After running the simulated
annealing for a model based on the language level
A Social Network Model for Integration of Refugees
of 2 refugees among a society of 10 non-refugees,
we obtained satisfactory results. The final run of the
model under simulated annealing gives a diagram for
the evolution of the node states which is depicted in
Figure 7. The x-axis gives the time frame measured
in months. In this particular instance, one can see that
the refugees are fully integrated after the 25th month.
This model is really close to the one obtained by the
empirical data.
Figure 7: Evolution of language skills after parameter tun-
ing through simulated annealing.
The present work aimed at studying the integration
of refugees through the implementation of a network-
oriented model. Individuals from local communi-
ties and refugees were represented as nodes and rela-
tionships between them were modeled as edges with
weight values varying in time. The significance of
each individual was made through values represent-
ing religiousness and language skills. As it is a model
based in real-life scenarios, these values were created
as close to reality as possible, indicating low levels of
language skills for refugees arriving in the commu-
nities, for instance. Notwithstanding, minimum and
maximum values were set, being a constraint for the
A model proposed in literature was used so as
to build a stabilized network, upon which a dy-
namic model was implemented in order to render
node and edge values dynamic. Two case scenarios
were explored, considering two characteristics from
the individuals: religiousness and language skills.
A set of combination functions were selected so as
to implement the evolution of node and edge values
within time. Social contagion and homophily effects
were best represented by the adnorsum and advanced
quadratic functions, respectively, as they were closer
to a real-life scenario. Furthermore, node deletion
and node creation were both implemented as they are
characteristics of a real society: relationships end and
start continuously in a population setting. The param-
eters of the dynamic model were adapted to represent
how these interactions evolve in time. It is expected
that people interact with each other at least once every
3 years, and speed factors were rather low, as it is ex-
pected that language skills and religiousness change
slowly with time. Different scenarios were created,
in which a certain number of refugees arrive in these
local communities. It was observed that integration
was observed for most of them, however a part of the
refugee population did not manage to become inte-
grated in the society, and levels of language skills and
religiousness stayed rather unchanged in time.
A social network analysis was also built, which
studied more in-depth the evolution regarding the
refugee population. Degree and eccentricity distribu-
tion measurements were calculated in order to better
understand how integrated these individuals became.
Later on, simulated annealing was successfully ap-
plied as a parameter tuning technique based on em-
pirical data. The implemented code worked upon the
state values and tried to tune both speed factor and
threshold, and can be safely extended in the future in
order to run upon more parameters and error calcula-
Finally, the present work implemented a method-
ology of manipulating stabilized networks in order to
build case scenarios in which new individuals appear
in a much larger setting of people. The interest being
to understand how these interactions are built and de-
veloped throghout time, the proposed methodology is
an efficient and feasible way of studying the integra-
tion of refugees in their new communities.
Other interesting scenarios would be to study how
the extroversion and openness of both the local popu-
lation and the refugees would help these last integrate
in a society. As explained by (Dinesen et al., 2014),
openness has an unconditional effect on attitudes to-
ward immigration: scoring higher on this trait implies
a greater willingness to admit immigrants, thus inter-
acting with them once they have already reached their
final refuge destinations. Expressiveness would be
understood as extroversion, which in the model could
be represented as a higher or lower easiness of ampli-
fying one’s social network, by i.e. meeting new peo-
ple and widening contacts within and between com-
munities. Openness and expressiveness values would
be compared alongside, which means that the values
of one characteristic must be compared to the values
of the other one, as it is expected that one’s higher ex-
troversion is best match with another’s higher open-
ness towards others. Thus, in such scenarios, it is ex-
pected that these connections would become stronger
with time.
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