Active Learning Program Supported by Online Simulation Applet in
Engineering Education
D. Valiente
, L. Pay
, S. Fern
andez de
, J. C. Ferrer
, S. Cebollada
and O. Reinoso
Systems Engineering and Automation Department, Miguel Hernandez University, Av. Universidad sn, 03202 Elche, Spain
Communications Engineering Department, Miguel Hernandez University, Av. Universidad sn, 03202 Elche, Spain
Online Simulation, Electronics, Engineering Education, eLearning.
Nowadays education programs in engineering degrees have evolved towards advanced learning models and
methodologies, which are either partially or entirely sustained by ICT (Information, Communication, and
Technology) resources, and blended approaches. In this sense, electronics courses have become of paramount
importance in most education plans within engineering degrees at university. Therefore the adaption to such
novel methodologies is increasingly demanded. According to this, we propose an improved teaching program
concentrated on the use of an online simulation tool, amongst other digital resources. The program is addressed
to students in first levels of engineering degrees, within the framework of the Spanish public university system.
In particular, the methodology has been devised through the use of an online circuit simulation applet in Java,
which does not require any software installation. The main purpose is to enhance the general achievement of
the students, particularizing on their practical competences, digital skills, engagement and motivation towards
the learning of electronics, sustained by digital resources such as simulation. A population of 258 students
enrolled during the academic year 2017/2018 has been established as a sample for presenting achievement
results, surveys data and comparison statistics with other digital resources. Additionally, test groups of roughly
50% out of the total population of students have been established in order to confirm the success of the
approach, in contrast to the former teaching methodology. As a result, the approach proves to be an active
model which allows the students to develop long-term and autonomous skills in electronics and simulation.
Over the last decades, simulation resources have been
extensively integrated within teaching programs, es-
pecially in engineering. Initially, many approaches
have relied on the use of software tools for simulating
a wide field of engineering problems (Huanyin et al.,
2009; Campbell et al., 2002; Dickerson and Clark,
2018). This tendency has been extrapolated to the
use of other digital resources. Virtual labs (Menen-
dez et al., 2006; Diwakar et al., 2012; Valiente et al.,
2018), web-based courses (Yalcin and Vatansever,
2016), mobile apps (Musing et al., 2011; Rakhmawati
and Firdha, 2018), are some up-to-date examples. Be-
sides the sort of tool, the instructional design repre-
sents another important aspect in this context. Tra-
ditional methodologies are constantly renewed with
blended-based (Aguilar-Pe
na et al., 2016), project-
based (Amiel et al., 2014) and problem-based ap-
proaches (Perales et al., 2015), amongst others.
Nonetheless, the actual success of such programs is
always dependent on the sort of activities designed
by the instructors. The final success is closely tied to
the validity of the designed activities to stimulate ac-
tive learning through the taught concepts, and their
relation with the engagement and motivation (Ar-
rosagaray et al., 2019; Zylka et al., 2015) awaken in
the students. Hence the purpose of this work is de-
fined from that starting point, from where related ob-
jectives are then established in order to overcome the
most typical difficulties reported by students of elec-
tronics subjects.
Regarding such difficulties, research on engineer-
ing and technical education fields has evidenced seri-
ous misconceived ideas amongst students of electron-
ics courses (Trotskovsky and Sabag, 2018; Sangam
and Jesiek, 2012). Most of these issues arise from the
instinctive reasoning and understanding they gener-
ally apply to the basis of electronics principles and
electronic circuits (Pitterson et al., 2016). Several
studies (Mart
ınez et al., 2018) confirm that the key
aspect for these misconceptions are commonly asso-
Valiente, D., Payá, L., Fernández de Ávila, S., Ferrer, J., Cebollada, S. and Reinoso, O.
Active Learning Program Supported by Online Simulation Applet in Engineering Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0007916401210128
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 121-128
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Group of students participating in the study.
Engineering Degree Mechanics (ME) Energy (EE) Electronis & Automation (EAE)
Test group (no. students) 65 (46%) 24 (53%) 36 (49%)
Enrolled (no. students) 140 45 73
ciated to macro physics models erroneously assumed,
such as the typical assumption by which many stu-
dents think that electric current flows inside a pipe.
Overall, taking into account all these aspects, we
have proposed a blended learning program sustained
by an online circuit simulation applet in Java (Falstad
P., 2019), for simulating a wide variety of problems
and exercises with a straightforward implication to
real electronic circuits, during both the theory lec-
tures, practical tutorials and hands-on sessions in the
electronics laboratory. This tool was selected due
to its simplicity of use through its website, without
the need of any software installation. Our experi-
ence reveals that its use turns to be easier and at-
tractive for students, in contrast to more complete
and professional softwares such as Orcad Pspice
or Matlab/Simulink (Peng and Bao, 2012; Iyoda and
Belanger, 2017). Apart from its simplicity and intu-
itive use, it does not require any software installation.
In addition to this, it provides a very simple menu
with almost all the components the students usually
study in the course.
The intervention was performed in several Bache-
lor’s degrees in engineering, fact that permitted com-
paring achievement results in the active learning of
students, engagement, motivation and attitude to-
wards the program. The validity of the use of an
online simulation tool is also compared with the use
of other digital resources during the course. More-
over, test groups were voluntarily established by stu-
dents, in order to extract further insights and compar-
isons with the outcomes of the rest of enrolled stu-
dents. It is evident that certain bias is likely to appear
when members of the test groups are conformed vol-
untarily (Chapman et al., 2006; Frederiksen, 1984).
Nonetheless our institution only considers voluntary
participation during the first pilot experiment of a
program. After the main outcomes and benefits are
demonstrated for this academic year, the program will
be further studied with formal test groups selection, in
next courses.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
section 2 presents an overview about the designed
methodology; section 3 focuses on the results ex-
tracted after the implementation was carried out; sec-
tion 4 provides a discussion on the main conclusions
and insights derived from the results.
This learning program was devised and conducted
during the academic year 2017/2018 with several un-
dergraduate engineering students within the Spanish
official university system. The program was divided
into theory lectures, practical tutorials and hands-on
sessions in the electronics laboratory.
2.1 Implementation
The set of executed actions were chronologically
planned along two semesters, according to the follow-
ing development steps:
1. Studying and selecting an efficient online simula-
tion software alternative.
2. Elaborating a survey to assess student’s concep-
tions, engagement and satisfaction with the pro-
3. Teaching an introductory seminar to the simula-
tion applet tool (Falstad P., 2019).
4. Preparing a set of activities with simulation sup-
port for all the theory lectures, practical and
hands-on sessions. Designing an extra assignment
dossier with activities to be solved by simulation.
5. Analysing the survey results and the corrections
of the assignment dossier with activities.
6. Assessing the achievement of the students at the
end of the course (test groups and the rest of the
enrolled students).
2.2 Target Groups
The entire set of students participating in this study
are presented in Table 1. They were students enrolled
in three different engineering degrees (Mechanics;
Energy; Electronics and Automation) who all took the
electronics course presented in this work. Despite for-
mal approaches for test groups selection (Chapman
et al., 2006; Frederiksen, 1984), we were limited by
institutional policies to allow students to voluntarily
join the test groups. They accepted to hand in a fi-
nal assignment dossier of activities to be solved with
the online simulation applet, during the entire course.
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Table 2: Classified questions of the survey.
Question no. Content
1-10 Electronics’ essentials
11-12 Availability and use of support resources
13-16 Motivation, satisfaction and attitude to the program
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Main menu window of the simulation applet in Java (Falstad P., 2019).(a): typical full-wave rectifier circuit with
filter, for AC-DC conversion. (b) custom limiter circuit studied in the course.
In terms of percentage, the test groups represented al-
most the 50% out of the total number of enrolled stu-
dents in each degree. This permits obtaining consis-
tent and significative results when defining compara-
tive results and statistics.
2.3 Assessment
As described above, the learning program was con-
ceived to be supported by circuit simulation during
all the stages of the course: theory lectures, practi-
cal tutorials and hands-on sessions. All the activities
and exercises presented by the instructors during the
sessions were afterwards validated with the simula-
tion applet, regardless they comprised theory aspects
or analytical resolutions of electronic circuits. Ab-
stract physics concepts and the main difficulties de-
tected in the students, were tackled with the aid of
simulation examples and activities. Using graphical
representation of variables, together with the simulta-
neous evolution of the current and voltage signals on
the circuit, revealed significative benefits on the active
learning of the students, who demonstrated to rectify
their previous misconceptions by their own, with the
slight guidance and supervision of the instructors.
In order to assess the actual benefits of this pro-
gram more specifically, we elaborated a survey to be
answered by students. This survey was validated by
a group of five full professors from other universi-
ties, with broad experience in the field. It contained
questions related to basic electronics concepts, mo-
tivation and attitude to the program. The questions
were classified, as denoted in Table 2, into three main
blocks: questions 1-10 dealt with physic magnitudes,
general circuit lows, simple circuit resolution, graph-
ical representation and interpretation; questions 11-
12 were intended to evaluate the use of support re-
sources made by students. Finally, questions 13-16
were aimed at assessing the general engagement and
motivation towards the learning of electronics, as par-
ticularly experienced during this program, and the at-
titude of students to the use of the online circuit sim-
ulation applet.
Moreover, the test groups received a specific as-
signment dossier with activities to be solved with sim-
ulation. Figure 1 presents two examples of activity
with the simulation applet. Figure 1(a) represents a
typical application of a full-wave rectifier circuit for
AC-DC conversion, whereas Figure 1(b) presents a
custom design for a limiter circuit. In this manner,
we aimed at a more explicit evaluation of the outputs
of this approach, which permitted comparing results
amongst the entire group of students enrolled in the
course (who did not work on the assignment with sim-
ulation), versus the specific test groups in each degree.
Active Learning Program Supported by Online Simulation Applet in Engineering Education
2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
academic year
mean marks (0-10)
Mean marks and %-passed vs academic year
50% level
Figure 2: Mean marks & percentage of students who passed
the course during the five last academic years.
The main results extracted from this study are focused
on: i) the achievement of the students and ii) the per-
ceived motivation and satisfaction for the active and
autonomous learning through this program, and its ac-
tual validity for the long-term learning and self con-
struction of knowledge of the students.
3.1 Achievement Results
Firstly, the current academic year, 2017/2018, in
which the simulation tool has been first included, is
compared in terms of mean marks. A record corre-
sponding to the five last academic years is presented
for comparison in Figure 2. The left-side axis encodes
the mean marks of the entire set of enrolled students
within the three degrees (Table 1). It can be observed
that the current academic year presents better marks.
It is also worth highlighting the substantial increase
in the percentage of students who succeed in passing
the course (marks5), in the right-side axis, up to the
55% in the current academic year (highest value over
the five past years). As a preliminar output, we can
state that the inclusion of simulation resources within
the program in 2017/2018, has significantly improved
the final achievement of the entire set of students, in
contrast to the previous years.
Nonetheless, more specific comparison data are
required. Hence we compare in Figure 3 the marks
obtained by the test groups and the rest of the stu-
dents, in the academic year 2017/2018. Firstly, Fig-
ure 3(a) depicts an illustrative insight, since it evi-
dences that the marks distribution is significantly im-
proved for the test groups, where a 50% of the stu-
dents reached the highest marks ([8-10]). The per-
centage of students who did not pass the course is
also lower for the test group. Finally, but not less im-
portant, all the students within the test groups took
the exam, in contrast to a 37% out of the rest of the
students, who dropout the course during the current
academic year. Secondly, Figure 3(b) presents a com-
parison for both groups in terms of mean marks. Then
it also reveals better performance for the test groups
in mean terms.
Another aspect to consider is the influence of the
use of the simulation applet and its benefits, in con-
trast to other methodologies and digital resources.
Despite the fact that the course is eminently oriented
towards the use of simulation during the theory, prac-
tical and hands-on sessions, the students also have
other additional resources. The students have access
to a (Moodle) site where diverse digital resources
are available: a collection of solved exercises, videos
with theory lessons and resolution of exercises, a fo-
rum to ask questions, some multiple choice test for
self-assessment, etc. In this sense, we have also anal-
ysed the relation of the students achievement and the
dependency on the sort of resources.
Table 3 comprises the correlation results for such
framework, in which the marks of the students who
participated in the test groups (who took the assign-
ment based on simulation activities) are compared
with students who made use of other digital resources
in the Moodle site of this course, and also with stu-
dents who did not use any of the previous. It is worth
emphasizing that students in the test groups worked
on the assignment dossier with the simulation tool
during the entire course (two semesters). In this con-
text, the test groups present the only significative cor-
relation (>0.7) between the use of simulation and the
positive marks. Moreover, a statistical contrast test
has been carried out by means of a χ
-test. The marks
have been considered qualitatively as f ail or pass, for
each type of digital resource. Assuming a confidence
value of 95% for the test (α=0.05), the only resource
which proves a clear dependency between its use and
the marks obtained by the students is simulation, since
> χ
(23.74>3.84) and p-value<al pha (5.74E-
7<0.05). Besides this, it is clear that students who do
not use any kind of digital resource have less chances
to obtain high marks, as per the negative correlation
value, r
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Dropout <5 [5-6] [6-8] [8-10]
% of students
Marks distribution & Dropout. 2017-2018
Test groups
Rest of students
0 2 4 6 8 10
mean marks [0-10]
Mean marks comparison. 2017-2018
Test groups
Rest of students
Figure 3: (a): marks distribution for the test groups and the rest of the students during the academic year 2017/2018. (b) mean
marks comparison between test group and the rest of the students, in the academic year 2017/2018.
Table 3: Correlation results and contrasts tests between the use of specific digital resources and the marks obtained by students.
Digital resource r
p-value χ
Moodle 0.31 2.11 0.096 3.84
Simulation assignment 0.77 23.74 5.74E-7 3.84
None -0.12 1.03 0.24 3.84
3.2 Survey Analysis
The results processed from the responses of the sur-
vey are presented in Figure 4. As described in Sec-
tion 2.3 (Table 2), the set of questions were clas-
sified into concepts regarding electronics essentials
(questions 1-10), availability and use of resources to
support their learning (questions 11-12) and general
engagement, motivation and satisfaction towards the
learning of electronics sustained by the online sim-
ulation applet (questions 13-16). On the one hand,
Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(c) represent the mean re-
sults for responses of the rest of students enrolled in
the course, who did not participate in the test groups.
For further detail, the different degrees have been rep-
resented separately by with colored bars. It can be
observed that students in the degrees of Energy and
Electronic & Automation prove slightly higher levels
in all the sort of questions. Nevertheless, the general
trend in the responses is quite similar for the three de-
On the other hand, Figure 4(b) and Figure 4(d)
represent the mean results for responses of the stu-
dents in the test groups (who took the assignment
dossier with the online simulation tool during the en-
tire course). Again, significant outcomes are demon-
strated by the test groups, which present a substantial
increase all over the three blocks of questions, in con-
trast to the rest of the students. All in all, the survey
confirms the beneficial outcomes of the use of simu-
lation resources, not only in the learning of concepts,
but also on the self-confidence and motivation for the
long-term and active learning of the students in the
near future within their current engineering education.
This work has dealt with a case study in which a learn-
ing program for a course of electronics in engineering
degrees has been redefined through the support of an
online simulation applet implemented in Java, with-
out the need of local software installation. Three set
of students enrolled in different undergraduate engi-
neering degrees within the Spanish official university
system, have taken part in the study. The basis of the
program consisted of a blended learning model with
an incipient support of activities carried out with sim-
ulation, in order to aid during the theory lessons, the
practical and the hands-on sessions. The main goal
was to enhance the global achievement of the students
Active Learning Program Supported by Online Simulation Applet in Engineering Education
Questions 1-10. Rest of students
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
question no.
value [1-5]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
question no.
value [1-5]
Questions 1-10. Test groups
11 12 13 14 15 16
question no.
value [1-5]
Questions 11-16. Rest of students
11 12 13 14 15 16
question no.
value [1-5]
Questions 11-16. Test groups
Figure 4: Left axes (a), (c): survey results associated to the responses of the rest of the students enrolled in the course. Right
axes (b), (d): survey results associated to the responses of the test groups. Mechanichs Eng.; Energy Eng.; Electronics
& Automation Eng.
in terms of self-autonomy and comprehension, for
their further active learning. Long-term knowledge
and understanding of concepts are reinforced, and ro-
bust and consistent development of competences are
promoted through digital skill acquisition.
According to the statistical results processed in
this work, in comparison to previous academic years,
the current course (2017/2018) in which the simula-
tion tool was first included as a pilot experiment, re-
veals improved mean marks, and specially, encour-
aging rates of pass marks. Nevertheless, further in-
sights can be extracted from the analysis. Students
within test groups (who worked on an assignment
dossier of activities to be done with the simulation
tool during the entire course) demonstrated enhanced
achievement results than the rest of the students. The
distribution of their marks is another evident outcome
of the program, but most importantly, the fact that
none of the students in the test group did dropout the
course, contrarily to the high rate of dropout regis-
tered for the rest of the students in the course. Fu-
ture works will consider more proper studies which
avoid possible bias on the voluntary enrollment of the
members in the test groups. So far, our institution
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
only considers voluntary participation during the first
pilot experiment of a program. Other possible bias
such as those associated to the academic record of the
students in previous courses will be also consider in
more detail.
Additionally, a survey was designed in order to
assess more precisely the success in the understand-
ing of fundamental electronics concepts, but also to
evaluate the use of resources made by students, and
their motivation, satisfaction and attitude to the learn-
ing program conducted in the course. Again, the re-
sults presented demonstrate a clear increase in terms
of comprehension and general satisfaction by the stu-
dents who participated in the test groups, in contrast
to the rest of the students. Finally, the use of other
available digital resources has been compared with
the use of the simulation tool, as a final prove of the
validity of the approach. The only resource which
proves a linear correlation between its use and the
achievement of the students is simulation. To that
aim, statistical contrasts tests have been performed.
Again, our future work is considering inferences from
the survey and internal consistency between different
Overall, we can conclude that the main objetives
have been covered by the presented learning program.
According to the results, the validity and suitability of
this approach for its future application is confirmed
by the positive improvements measured on the self-
autonomy of the students and the active and long-term
learning, sustained by the inclusion of an easy simu-
lation applet within the main teaching methodology.
This research has been partially funded by the Span-
ish Government through the project DPI2016-78361-
R (AEI/FEDER, UE); the Valencian Research Coun-
cil through the project AICO/2017/148; the Valen-
cian Research Council and the European Social Fund
through the post-doctoral grant APOSTD/2017/028.
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