Data Streaming for Appliances
Marta Patiño and Ainhoa Azqueta
Laboratorio de Sistemas Distribuidos, E.T.S. Ingenieros Informáticos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Data Stream Processing, NUMA Aware, Appliances.
Abstract: Nowadays many applications require to analyse the continuous flow of data produced by different data sources
before the data is stored. Data streaming engines emerged as a solution for processing data on the fly. At the
same time, computer architectures have evolved to systems with several interconnected CPUs and Non
Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), where the cost of accessing memory from a core depends on how CPUs
are interconnected. This paper presents UPM-CEP, a data streaming engine designed to take advantage of
NUMA architectures. The preliminary evaluation using Intel HiBench benchmark shows that NUMA aware
deployment improves performance.
Large companies use mainframes for running their
businesses. In general, the main frames are
characterized by having a large memory and several
cores. The mainframe usually runs the operational
database which is part of the core business of
The goal of the CloudDBAppliance project
setting up a European Cloud Appliance that integrates
three data management technologies: operational
database, analytical engine and real-time data
streaming on top of a many-core architecture with
hundreds of cores and several Terabytes of RAM
provided by Bull.
Servers with several CPUs in a single board, many
cores, with non-uniform memory access (NUMA)
and 128GB or more are common these days.
Nowadays several data streaming engines (DSE)
are available and ready to be used like Flink, Spark
Streaming, and Storm among others. These data
streaming engines were designed to run on a
distributed system made of several computers
connected through a network in a LAN in order to
scale and process large amount of events per second.
However, mainframes although they resemble a
distributed architecture they expose a centralized
architecture with no network communication and
large shared memory. In this paper we present UPM-
CEP, a NUMA aware DSE for appliances. UPM-CEP
The CloudDBAppliance Project.
provides a scalable architecture to be deployed on
NUMA architectures. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first DSE with this feature. The paper
describes the UPM-CEP architecture and preliminary
performance results using the Intel HiBench
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 0 introduces NUMA architectures. Section 0
presents data streaming engines main features. The
architecture of UPM-CEP is presented in Section 0.
Section 0 presents the performance evaluation and
finally, Section 0 presents some conclusions.
A NUMA system consists of several connected
CPUs, also called nodes or sockets. Each CPU has its
own memory that can be accessed faster than the
memory attached to other CPUs. Main vendors have
implemented this model and connect the CPUs using
QuickPathInterconnect (QPI, Intel) or other means,
like HyperTransport in AMD processors. The cores
of a CPU have its own L1 and L2 caches and share a
L3 cache. In the case of Intel each CPU has a number
of QPI links used to connect to other CPUs.
Depending on the total number of CPUs the memory
of other CPUs is reachable in a single hop or more
hops are needed.
Patiño, M. and Azqueta, A.
Data Streaming for Appliances.
DOI: 10.5220/0007905906720678
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 672-678
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For instance, the Bullion S16 consists of 16 Intel
NUMA nodes each of them equipped with 18 cores.
Figure 1 shows how the CPUs are connected and
Figure 2 shows the memory distance between
different NUMA nodes.
The distance represents the relative latency for
accessing the memory from one CPU to another one.
For instance, a program in node 0 accessing data in
its own memory has a cost of 10, while accessing the
data in the memory attached to node 1 has a higher
cost, 15 (50% overhead). If data is the memory of any
of the 14 remaining nodes, the cost is 40. That is, it
costs 4 times more than accessing local memory of
node 0.
Figure 1: Bullion S16 Architecture.
Figure 2: NUMA distances in the Bullion S16.
Operating systems in general allocate threads on
the CPU with lowest usage. Therefore, the threads of
a process can be spread across several CPUs and
therefore the performance of the application can be
affected by remote access to the data. Linux systems
provide functions to bound threads to a CPU (e.g.,
libnuma) and even tools to bind a process to a CPU
(e.g., numactl). The numactl command also allows to
define where the memory is allocated for an
application, for instance, on a single CPU, on a set of
CPUs or interleaved among a set of CPUs.
Stream Processing (SP) is a novel paradigm for
analysing data in real-time captured from
heterogeneous data sources. Instead of storing the
data and then process it, the data is processed on the
fly, as soon as it is received, or at most a window of
data is stored in memory. SP queries are continuous
queries run on a (infinite) stream of events.
Continuous queries are modeled as graphs where
nodes are SP operators and arrows are streams of
events. SP operators are computational boxes that
process events received over the incoming stream and
produce output events on the outgoing streams. SP
operators can be either stateless (such as projection,
filter) or stateful, depending on whether they operate
on the current event (tuple) or on a set of events (time
window or number of events window). Several
implementations went out to the consumer market
from both academy and industry (such as Borealis
(Ahmad, 2005), Infosphere (Pu, 2001), Storm
(Foundation, 2015), Flink (Fundation, 2014) and
StreamCloud (Gulisano, 2012)). Storm and Flink
followed a similar approach to the one of
StreamCloud in which a continuous query runs in a
distributed and parallel way over several machines,
which in turn increases the system throughput in
terms of number of tuples processed per second.
UPM-CEP adds efficiency to this parallel-distributed
processing being able to reach higher throughput
using less resources. It reduces the inefficiency of the
garbage collection by implementing techniques such
as object reutilization and takes advantage of the
novel Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
multicore architectures by minimizing the time spent
in context switching of SP threads/processes.
UPM-CEP provides a client driver for streaming
applications, the JCEPC driver that hides from the
applications the complexity of the underlying system.
Applications can create and deploy continuous
queries using the JCEPC driver as well as register to
the source streams and subscribe to output streams of
these queries. During the deployment of a streaming
Data Streaming for Appliances
query the JCEPC driver takes care of splitting the
query into sub-queries and deploys them in the CEP.
Some of those sub-queries can be parallelized. For
instance, the query in Figure 3 shows a data streaming
query made out 2 input streams and 8 operators. The
operators are either stateless (SL) or stateful (SF)
Figure 3: Data streaming query.
UPM-CEP has several stateless and stateful operator
implemented and users can create their own
customized operators. The stateless operators than
can be found are: 1) Map: that allows to select the
desired fields from the input tuple and create an
output tuple with those fields. 2) Filter: Only the
tuples that satisfy a defined condition are sent through
the output stream, the rest of tuples are discarded. 3)
Demux: sends the input tuples to all the output
streams that satisfies the defined conditions and 4)
Union: Tuples that arrives to the operator from
different input streams are sent to one output stream.
Regarding the stateful operators two window
oriented operators are available: 1) Aggregate: group
all tuples that are in the time or size window taking
into account defined functions executed over the
fields of all the tuples. Moreover, tuples can be
grouped into different windows if the group by
parameter is specified. 2) Join: Correlates tuples from
two different input stream. Two time windows are
created, one per input stream and when the windows
are slide tuples are joined creating one output tuple
taking into account a specified predicate.
UPM-CEP partitions queries into subqueries so
that, each subquery executes in a different node.
Figure 4Error! Reference source not found. shows
how the previous query is split into four subqueries
(SQ1, SQ2, SQ3 and SQ4). The number of
subqueries of a given query is defined by the number
of stateful operators. All consecutive stateless
operators are grouped together in a subquery till a
stateful operator is reached. That stateful operator is
the first operator of the next subquery. This way of
partitioning queries has proven to be efficient in
distributed scenarios (Gulisano, 2010). We have
applied the same design principles to UPM-CEP
although it is not a distributed setup, the same
principles apply minimizing the communication
across NUMA nodes in this case and keeping the
same semantics a centralized system will provide.
Figure 4: Query partitioning.
Subqueries can be parallelized in order to increase
the throughput. Each instance of a subquery can run
in a different core in the same node. Figure 5 shows
how subqueries of the previous example could be
parallelized. There are 3 instances of SQ1, one
instance of SQ2, two instances of SQ3 and three
instances of SQ4.
Figure 5: Query parallelization.
The main challenge in query-parallelization is to
guarantee that the output of a parallel execution is the
same as a centralized one. If we consider a sub-query
made by only one operator, this challenge means that
the output of a parallel operator must be the same as
a centralized operator. On the other hand, window
oriented operators require that all tuples that have to
be aggregated/correlated together are processed by
the same CEP instance. For example, if an Aggregate
operator computing the total monthly operations of
the bank accounts for each client is parallelized over
three CEP Instances, it must be ensured that all tuples
belonging to the same user account must be processed
by the same CEP Instance in order to produce the
correct result.
To guarantee the equivalence between centralized
and parallel queries, particular attention must be
given to the communications among sub-queries.
Consider the scenario depicted in Figure 6 where there
are two sub-queries, Sub-query 1 and Sub-query 2,
with a parallelization degree of two and three,
respectively. If Sub-query 2 does not contain any
window oriented operator, CEP instances at Sub-
query 1 can arbitrary decide to which CEP instance of
Sub-query 2 send their output tuples. Output tuples of
Sub-query 1 are assigned to buckets. This assignment
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
is based on the fields of the tuple. Given B distinct
buckets, the bucket b corresponding to a tuple t is
computed by hashing one or more fields of the tuple
modulus B. All tuples belonging to a given bucket are
sent to the same CEP instance of the Sub-query 2.
Figure 6: Subquery Connections.
The fields to be used in the hash function depend
on the semantics of the window oriented operators
defined at Sub-query 2 and the mapping among
buckets and downstream CEP Instances depends on
the load balancing algorithm used in the CEP.
Join: if the join predicate has at least one equality
condition, it is an equi-join (EJ), otherwise it is a
cartesian product. For downstream operators of
type EJ, the hash function is computed over all
the fields used in the equalities plus the optional
fields which could appear in the group-by clause.
Aggregate: the fields used in the hash function
are all the fields used in the group-by parameter.
In this way, it is ensured that all tuples sharing
the same values of the attributes specified in the
group-by parameter are processed by the same
CEP instance.
UPM-CEP comes with this default partition
strategy used for splitting a query into sub-queries in
the absence of user defined split policies. According
to this strategy a new sub-query is created anytime
one of the following conditions is satisfied during the
It is a stateful operator.
It is an operator with more than one input
All the event oriented operators before the first
stateful operator are part of the same sub-query.
4.1 UPM-CEP Architecture
The UPM-CEP architecture consists of two main
components: the orchestrator and instance managers.
Other components are the reliable registry
(Zookeeper) and the metric server. Figure 7 depicts
how the CEP components can be deployed in a
scenario with several NUMA nodes or nodes.
Figure 7: CEP Components.
4.1.1 Orchestrator
The orchestrator is in charge of managing the rest of
the elements of the CEP. There is only one instance
of this component in a deployment. It deploys queries
and subqueries in the instance managers and balances
the load among different nodes running instance
The state of the orchestrator is kept in Zookeeper
(Fundation, 2010) so that, if there is a failure a new
orchestrator can be run and take its state from
Zookeeper. Active replication could be an alternative
design however, although fault-tolerance is easier to
implement in this case, the overhead of active
replication of the orchestrator will have an impact on
regular processing (when there are no failures).
4.1.2 Instance Managers
The instance manager is the component is charge of
running queries. Each instance manager runs on a
core of NUMA node and can run one or more
subqueries. Instance managers are single threaded.
Instance managers receive tuples either from
clients (through the JCEPC driver) or from other
instance managers. Instance managers must be aware
of the nature of the subquery it sends tuples. In a
scenario in which there is no parallelism, an instance
manger running a subquery will send all the data to
the next subquery. These means, tuples from the first
subquery are sent directly to the next one, this type of
tuple sender process is called point to point balancer.
Figure 8 shows two subqueries SQ
and SQ
, both are
deployed using one instance manager. And tuples t1
to t6 are being sent from SQ
to SQ
by means of the
point to point balancer.
Data Streaming for Appliances
Figure 8: Point to Point Balancer.
However, if SQ
is deployed in several instances,
has to take into consideration the type of operator
is placed at the beginning of SQ
. If it is a stateless
operator, tuples from the previous instance manager
are sent in a round-robin fashion. For instance, Figure
9 represents the aforementioned scenario. SQ
been parallelized in three different instances and the
first operator is stateless, these means the tuples can
be handle by any con the SQ
instances. The round
robin balancer sends tuples t1 to t6 as presented, tuple
t1 is sent to the first instance, t2 is sent to the second
instance, t3 is sent to instance number 3 and the
process is repeated with tuples t4 to t6 beginning from
the first instance.
Figure 9: Round Robin Balancer.
Nevertheless, if the first operator is stateful these
means that tuples have to be handled by a specified
instance. For that cases a route key balancer is
required, taking into account the group by clause
specified in the operator configuration. Tuples
produced by SQ
are routed to the required SQ
instance, Figure 10 shows how the route key balancer
works sending tuples t1 to t6 to the different instances
of SQ
. Tuple t6 is sent to SQ
, tuples t1, t2 and t4
are sent to SQ
taking into account the route key and
finally tuples t3 and t5 are sent to SQ
To complete the types of balancer presented, the
UPM-CEP also defines a broadcast balancer of those
operators that requires to send the tuples to all the
instances. Figure 11 exposes an example of how
tuples are sent from SQ
to all SQ
Figure 10: Route key Balancer.
Figure 11: Broadcast Balancer.
UPM-CEP performance has been measured using the
Intel HiBench benchmark (Intel, 2017). This
benchmark allows to evaluate different big data
frameworks and contains 19 different workloads that
are distributed in: micro, machine learning, sql,
graph, websearch and streaming. Specifically, we
focus on the screaming workloads: 1) Identity: This
workload reads input tuples and produces the same
tuples without any modification. A map operator is
defined with the same input and output fields. 2)
Repartition: Modifies the parallelism level and
distributes the load in a round robin fashion. It defines
a map operation that copies the input to the output.
The query is deployed several times. Tuples are sent
to the different instances of the query in a round robin
fashion. 3) Stateful wordcount: counts the number
word. This workload requires several operators, first
of all a map operator picks only the word from the
input tuple; an aggregate operator with a number of
tuples window and a group by condition based on the
word is added. This query tests the route key balancer.
4) Fixed Window: This workload tests the
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
performance of the time window operator group by a
This streaming workload has been implemented
to be executed in four different streaming frameworks
such as Flink, Storm, Spark and Gearpump. We have
implemented same workloads for the UPM-CEP. In
this evaluation we use the Fixed Window query,
which aggregates the connections to a server from
each IP address during a period of time. After this
time expires, a tuple with the timestamp of the first
and last connection from that IP address and the
number of connections during that period is
Figure 12: HiBench Fixed Window Topology.
This query, represented in Figure 12, is implemented
as a map operator that selects the IP address and the
connection time (timestamp) from incoming tuples.
Then, an aggregate operator with a time window of
30 seconds per IP is defined. When the window is
triggered a tuple is emitted with the timestamp of the
first tuple in the window and the number of tuples. To
finalize a map operator, add an extra field to the tuple
with the timestamp at this moment. The code below
corresponds to the aggregate function.
AggregateOperatorConfig aggregator = new
e.TIME, wsize, wadv);
OperatorEnums.Function.COUNT, "ip");
OperatorEnums.Function.LAST_VAL, "ip");
query.addOperator(aggregator );
The goal of the evaluation is to demonstrate how
NUMA awareness can improve performance. So, we
run the same tests twice, one without NUMA
awareness (baseline) and then, with NUMA
The HiBench query is run in a single NUMA node
by increasing the load till the maximum throughput is
reached. Then, two instances of the query are
deployed in two NUMA nodes and repeat the same
process with up to 8 NUMA nodes.
The results are shown in Figure 13. The handled
load is presented as thousands of tuples per second.
With one node, the non-NUMA aware configuration
processes up-to 570,000 events per second; the load
increases up to 670, 0000 events per second using a
NUMA aware configuration. That is, 18% more of
load. When 4 nodes are used the handled load without
NUMA aware is 2.630 million events per second,
while the NUMA aware configuration processes
3,150 million events per second (19% more). The
same situation happens with 8 NUMA nodes, where
(Fundation, 2010) the load increase reaches up to
26% (6.170 million events and 4.9 million,
Figure 13: HiBench Throughput with and without NUMA
In this paper we have presented the design of UPM-
CEP and how a NUMA aware configuration can
improve performance. The preliminary results with
S16 Bullion show large performance gains (up to
25% more load in the largest setup).
As future work we plan to run more benchmarks
and use other hardware to confirm the performance
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreements No 732051,
779747, the Madrid Regional Council, FSE and
FEDER, projects Cloud4BigData and EDGEDATA
(grants S2013TIC2894, S2018/TCS-4499), the
∫œMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness
Data Streaming for Appliances
(MINECO) under project CloudDB (grant TIN2016-
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ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications