Potential Impacts in Citizens’ Privacy of using Federated Identity
Management to Offer e-Government Services
Jorge Navas and Marta Beltr
Department of Computing, ETSII, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
e-Government, Federated Identity Management (FIM), Mobile Connect, OpenID Connect, Privacy, SAML,
Threat Modelling.
The ability to verify citizens’ identity and to authenticate and to authorize them when accessing to e-
Government services (such as on-line voting, licence renewal or tax payment) is crucial for the digital transfor-
mation of public administrations. Governments need identity management mechanisms valid across different
services, platforms, devices, technologies and even physical borders. Federated Identity Management (FIM)
can help in ensuring secure identity management, in improving citizens’ experience and in increasing services’
accessibility. But this comes with a price since relying on Identity Providers, whether public or private, poses
new privacy threats that has to be faced. This paper presents a threat model of the most promising and extended
FIM specifications, OpenID Connect and Mobile Connect, when used as federated identity management solu-
tions for e-Government services. A set of three improvements is proposed to avoid these threats or to mitigate
their impacts, taking into account both, specification and implementation aspects. Furthermore, guidelines
and recommendations in order to improve future versions of the specifications and/or their implementations
are provided for developers, providers and policy makers.
e-Government is the use of information and com-
munication technologies to enable and to improve
the delivery of public services to citizens, employ-
ees, businesses and agencies. As the adoption of e-
Government increases, Identification, Authentication,
Authorization and Accounting (IAAA) is becoming
one of its main challenges and opportunities. Pro-
posed solutions must be secure, robust, scalable, com-
pliant with regulations and laws, technically feasi-
ble, economically acceptable, socially inclusive and
easy to use for citizens. At the same time, the is-
sue of privacy is central, because public administra-
tors must play a key role in protecting the privacy
of citizens when accessing to their services. Citizens
very likely will reveal their real identity (and asso-
ciated attributes) when accessing e-Government ser-
vices, just the opposite that they may do, using fic-
titious identities, pseudonyms or anonymous modes
for example, when browsing web pages or accessing
social networks.
In these e-Government scenarios federated and
token-based mechanisms already proposed and stan-
dardized in web and cloud contexts such as SAML
(OASIS, 2005), OAuth (IETF, 2012), OpenID Con-
nect (OIDF, 2014) and/or Mobile Connect (GSMA,
2015) are being adopted. These mechanisms al-
low citizens as end users (EU) to access different
e-Government resources, applications and services
through a single Identity Provider (IdP), avoiding the
need of having an account (with its related password)
for each resource, application or service. Resources,
application and services are the relying parties (RP)
in these schemes, relying on IdPs to support authenti-
cation and/or authorization decisions and to store ac-
counting information.
To the best of our knowledge there are not previ-
ous works devoted to analyse privacy threats posed
by the use of these federated identity management
mechanisms in e-Government scenarios. This threat
modelling would be a valuable source of informa-
tion to propose specific improvements which can
be made to specifications such as OpenID Connect
or Mobile Connect or to their specific implementa-
tions when trying to improve the privacy levels of
IAAA within e-Government scenarios beyond the tra-
ditional web. These are the main contributions of
this paper (1) The selection of a threat model of
OpenID Connect/Mobile Connect suitable for sce-
Navas, J. and Beltrán, M.
Potential Impacts in Citizens’ Privacy of using Federated Identity Management to Offer e-Government Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0007797703500355
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 350-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
narios when these specifications are used for Feder-
ated Identity Management in e-Government scenar-
ios (2) The proposal of three improvements regarding
specification and implementation aspects, capable of
avoiding and/or mitigating these threats (3) The vali-
dation and discussion of these contributions using real
use cases.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents background of Federated Identity
Management in e-Government, after that Section 3
motivates our research contributions and introduces
the considered threat model for e-Government scenar-
ios, focusing on privacy threats. Section 4 proposes
different mitigations and countermeasures focused on
improving privacy levels when using Federated Iden-
tity Management in e-Government contexts and dis-
cusses validation results obtained within a controlled
lab replicating real scenarios. Finally, Section 6 sum-
marizes the main conclusions of this work, discussing
obtained results and giving some recommendations.
In 2008 New Zealand launched the e-Government
Interoperability Framework (Mckenzie et al., 2008)
relying on a federated identity management solu-
tion, SAML. The United Kingdom, Austria, Canada,
Hong-Kong, Denmark, Malta, Switzerland, the
Netherlands or Italy, to mention only some exam-
ples, followed the same direction a bit later (Bal-
doni, 2012). In this context the European regulation
on electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust
Services, or eIDAS, was born in July of 2014 (Eu-
ropean Parlament, 2014). It is an initiative designed
to provide a regulatory environment that promotes the
use of electronic identification (eID) schemes within
the European Union. Countries that are part of this
Union must accept those eIDAS digital identities that
meet the regulation working within an identity feder-
ation. The eIDAS technical specification is based on
SAML 2.0 and there is a specific implementation pro-
file of SAML focused on interoperability aspects in
order to enable e-Government applications (Kantara
Initiative, 2010).
Federated identity management specifications
have significantly evolved since then and all these
governments have progressively adopted or at least,
tried to adopt, new standards and specifications such
as OpenID Connect or Mobile Connect (GSMA,
2018), (Chausson, 2015), (Future Trust Services,
2017). The main advantage of these new schemes is
two-fold. On one hand, unlike SAML or OAuth, they
are able to solve authentication and authorization with
only one flow (through the use of two tokens, and ID
token and Access token). On the other hand, many
citizens are already enrolled at Identity Providers sup-
porting these specifications, being Facebook, Google,
Twitter and MNOs the most extended providers. This
enables the evolution from government-issued eIDs
to third parties-issued eIDs. For example, Estonian
mobile-ID (e-Estonia, 2018) allows citizens to use
a special SIM card (which must be requested to the
mobile phone operator) in order to use their mobile
phone as a form of secure digital identity. BankID (Fi-
nansiell ID-Teknik BID AB, 2019), supported in Nor-
way, Sweden and Finland, enables the use of bank-
issued eIDs to access to e-Government services.
All these solutions, with their specificities, have
certain aspects in common regardless the underlying
FIM specification or the kind of IdP. Perhaps the most
important is that, a citizen, in order to use any Identity
Provider (public or private, i.e. governmental or third-
party), needs to register or to enrol first. This usu-
ally requires to provide some Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) such as full name, email address,
telephone number, etc. At the enrolling moment it is
also required to provide a citizen ID, passport num-
ber, Unique Tax Number or National Insurance Num-
ber, something that the government is able to check or
to verify against existing data in order to know who is
the real person behind the eID.
When evaluating the use of OpenID Connect to solve
citizens IAAA, a government has two options: to de-
ploy its own infrastructure as Identity Provider relying
on any of the available frameworks, both open source
or proprietary certified OpenID Provider Servers and
Services (OIDF, 2018), or to rely on an external
provider such as Facebook, Google, an MNO etc. In
either case, as it has been mentioned before, the cit-
izen needs an account at the IdP with its associated
authenticators (at least a password)
Governments have shown a great interest in intro-
ducing OpenID Connect and Mobile Connect as an
alternative to SAML for eID due to their aforemen-
tioned advantages, but they hesitate whether to evolve
in this direction because they are younger specifica-
tions less tested than the mature SAML. Figure 1
shows the login page of the Spanish Official State
Gazette (BOE). Citizens are able to perform this login
with a local account or using their Twitter, Facebook
Potential Impacts in Citizens’ Privacy of using Federated Identity Management to Offer e-Government Services
Figure 1: Login page of the Spanish Official State Gazette.
or Google accounts, i.e. using one of these third par-
ties as Identity Provider with OpenID Connect. Fig-
ure 2 shows the login page when using France Con-
nect to consume any e-Government service in France.
In this case, ve different identity providers can be
used: one of them is governmental (the French tax
agency) and the rest are private (a postal service com-
pany, two assurance companies and Orange, when re-
lying on Mobile Connect).
In these two cases different concerns arise. Citi-
zens lose control over their PII at Twitter, Facebook,
Google, La Poste, Orange, etc. (at the selected IdP)
and at the government website (the BOE or any other,
the RP in this scenario), citizens are not able to know
if this PII is shared with third parties or how this shar-
ing is performed, PII can be leaked from the IdP or
the RP infrastructures as well as from the citizen’s
devices (since HTTPS is used, we assume that com-
munication channels are properly protected within the
different performed flows), both, the IdP and the RP
have the ability to track citizens activity at the ac-
cessed resource, application or service and to gather
information about their specific interests and finally,
both, the IdP and the RP are able to track citizens
locations over time through different techniques and
All these threats may lead to different kinds of im-
pacts such as exclusion, loss of autonomy and/or lib-
erty, stigmatization, power imbalance, economic loss
or even, physical harm. As a result, citizens will likely
lose trust on their government, being reluctant to en-
gage in further e-Government initiatives due to their
bad experience about how sensitive data is collected,
used, secured, transmitted, shared, etc.
In (Navas and Beltr
an, 2019) a complete and
generic threat model of OpenID Connect/Mobile
Connect is provided, taking into account all security
and privacy aspects and considering both, specifica-
tion and implementation issues. From this model, the
set of privacy threats affecting e-Government services
considered in this work is:
1. Lack of control over required PII.
Figure 2: Login page when using France Connect.
2. Lack of transparency in the sharing of PII.
3. PII leakage.
4. Citizen profiling.
5. Location tracking.
In this section we propose a set of specific mitiga-
tions, countermeasures and remediation options capa-
ble of avoiding or mitigating impacts of threats identi-
fied in the previous section, acting on aspects of both,
specification and implementation of OpenID Connect
(OIDF, 2014).
4.1 Encryption of PII
PII must be hashed and encrypted by citizens before
sharing it with identity providers. This measure pro-
vides control over the data stored at IdPs, protecting
confidentiality and integrity. Therefore, when an end
user is registering with an IdP she has to hash and
to encrypt with a private key her sensitive PII (email,
telephone number, picture, address, credit card num-
bers, social security numbers, etc.), not essential for
IdPs operation. This procedure must be performed
by some kind of agent running on end users’ side (a
browser plugin, an app: some component at the User
Agent). This plugin or app can rely on cryptographic
software primitives or on some kind of trusted hard-
ware (following the FIDO Alliance standards or rely-
ing on Trusted Platform Modules) to guarantee iso-
lation from other applications running on the same
device and better protect the private key. These as-
pects may be out of the scope of the new specification,
the essential recommendation here is to use crypto-
graphic mechanisms regardless of how they are im-
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Authorization Code Flow with encrypted PII.
Figure 4: Authorization Code Flow with Privacy Arbiter.
Furthermore, when the step 5 of Figure 3 takes
place, the end user not only performs her authentica-
tion or gives her consent, she also decides, explicitly,
which attributes of her PII can be revealed to this spe-
cific RP. To avoid this kind of decisions to the end
user, she could be asked during her registration at the
IdP what subset of PII attributes she would like to re-
veal to all RPs or to all RPs within certain categories
(for example, by sector, by domain name, etc.).
If any of these attributes is encrypted at the IdP,
the end user decrypts it and encrypts it again with the
public key of the RP involved in this specific flow.
This public key is provided by the IdP and it must
be gathered during the RP registration at the IdP (the
JSON Web Key specification is recommended to rep-
resent the cryptographic keys (IETF, 2015)). In this
way, only the RP, using her private key, will be able
to recover this sensitive PII.
4.2 Flow ID
To mitigate threats regarding profiling and tracking,
we propose to change the meaning of the sub parame-
ter of the ID token, instead of being a unique identifier
of the end user at the IdP it should be a unique iden-
tifier of a specific IAAA flow. The Flow ID can be
generated at the IdP after receiving an Authentication
Request from the RP, based on the RP identifier, the
end user identifier and a salt. It has to be pointed that
IAAA flows do not change, only the meaning of this
4.3 Privacy Arbiter
The main idea is to have a third-party, different from
the Identity Provider, allowing the citizen to know
how her attributes are being shared, to have an ef-
fective and real-time control over her data deciding
Potential Impacts in Citizens’ Privacy of using Federated Identity Management to Offer e-Government Services
to who, when and how are forwarded, to easily use
metrics such as reputation, trust or risk to make de-
cisions, to use pseudonyms, etc. To avoid significant
modifications in the current specification of OpenID
Connect/Mobile Connect, we propose this mitigation,
mainly, as an implementation improvement, extend-
ing the IdP standard functionalities with an additional
service provider, the Privacy Arbiter or PA (instead
of the aforementioned Validation Service, or actually,
extending it). This new provider should not have,
ever, the aforementioned dual-role (RP and PA at the
same time), avoiding therefore the threat of amplifi-
cation that arises from account compromises, etc.
Figure 4 shows the Authorization Code flow with
OpenID Connect when a Privacy Arbiter is used (it
can be also used with the Implicit Flow, it is only an
example). As in previous mitigations, some kind of
agent running on end users’ side (a browser plugin, an
app: some component at the User Agent) is required.
Again, when the step 5 of Figure 4 takes place, the end
user not only performs her authentication or gives her
consent, she also decides, explicitly, which attributes
of her PII can be revealed to the RP when the PII is
shared with the RP using the Standard Claims of the
ID token. This would be the first modification affect-
ing the current OpenID Connect specification.
The second modification is related to the UserInfo
Endpoint, no longer required since the sharing of ad-
ditional PII with RPs will be performed, if necessary,
through the Privacy Arbiter. When the RP presents
the Access Token at the IdP, the IdP has to redirect
this information request to the Privacy Arbiter speci-
fied by the End User during her registration process.
4.4 Validation
All proposed mitigations have been validated and
evaluated in a controlled lab reproducing real use
cases like those introduced in the Motivation section.
The proposed privacy improvements at the IdP in-
frastructure have been implemented through a proxy
(located before the IdP), proposed measures and best
practices act as a wrapping improving current solu-
tions without changing core implementations, adding
as a new layer additional privacy capabilities.
The development of the plugin/app for the end
user and of a complete Privacy Arbiter are out of the
scope of this research, in our experiments for valida-
tion and evaluation their behaviour has been assessed
with very preliminary prototypes executing only their
essential functionalities. As a proof of concept, to
know how easy or complicated it would be for RPs
to adapt to the proposed improvements when working
with the most popular IdPs, Facebook and Google,
we have extended the Facebook ID PHP SDK (Face-
book, 2018) and the Google’s OAuth 2.0 APIs in
Python (Google, 2018) to implement all the specifi-
cation modifications and best practices proposed to
mitigate privacy threats and it only required a little
more than 60 code lines.
It has to be pointed that the costs of incorporating
proposed mitigations comes from required changes
in current software projects, not from a significant
increase in the computational complexity of using
OpenID Connect (not in terms or resource - CPU,
memory - consumption). This complexity is in-
creased only by using cryptographic mechanisms and
in this case all the burden falls on the IdP (Twitter,
Facebook or Google ) and on the new Privacy Arbiter,
therefore, on the agents of the flow in possession of
large and powerful resources.
As it can be observed, almost all proposed miti-
gations imply changes in the OpenID Connect core
specification, but the two first trying to add certain
aspects that until now has been considered out of its
scope (use of encryption for PII, meaning of the sub
parameter of the ID token). Only the proposal of the
Privacy Arbiter can be considered a significant modi-
fication to the current specification approach. But we
think that it is conveniently justified given the intro-
duced threat model and that our proposal minimizes
required modifications in the specification.
When considering to offer a new e-Government ser-
vice, public administrations must analyse what form
of eID is most secure, robust, scalable, compliant with
regulations and laws, technically feasible, economi-
cally acceptable, socially inclusive and easy to use for
citizens within the specific considered context. Nowa-
days, an additional value is that electronic identities
can be used for cross-border transactions. It is very
likely that the result of this analysis will lead to the
deployment of a FIM based on OpenID Connect or
Mobile Connect. If this is the case, the IdP can be
controlled by the own government or it can be a third-
party such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, an MNO, an
assurance company or a bank. Governments should
ensure that citizens without third party-issued elec-
tronic identities are not excluded from e-Government
services, citizens cannot be forced to enrol with a
private company. All threats identified in our threat
model must be thoroughly considered before making
this decision.
Finally, proposed mitigations and measures
should be deployed. We have checked that the en-
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
cryption of PII and the use of the Privacy Arbiter re-
turns citizens the control over required PII, signifi-
cantly improves the transparency in the sharing of PII
and makes very complicated the leakage of PII. The
use of the Flow ID, on the other hand, hinders citizens
profiling and location tracking.
Ideally, future versions of specifications will in-
clude these or other similar. Or new e-Government
profiles of current specifications will be proposed
considering privacy aspects and not only interop-
erability aspects as it has happened so far. But
this is not the scenario yet, so governments and/or
third-parties should follow the generic specifications
(OpenID Connect, Mobile Connect) and add the pro-
posed privacy improvements afterwards. Whatever
the chosen option (government-issued or third party-
issued IDs, set of implemented improvements, etc.),
the principle of data minimization must be always
applied, gathering only the PII required by the FIM
scheme to work. Identities must be revocable when
necessary at the request of any of the agents the IAAA
scheme (in the event of compromise, for example).
We also wish to note that the use of biometric data
should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, be-
cause in the event of a compromise, biometric data
cannot be revoked.
This research has been partially supported by the
Government of Spain (RTC-2017-6253-1) and by the
Ericsson-URJC Chair (”Data Science applied to 5G”).
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tems in e-government: the case of Italy. Electronic
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Chausson, C. (2015). France Connect: an ID fed-
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cesses. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/document/france
e-Estonia (2018). Mobile-ID. https://e-estonia.com/
European Parlament (2014). Regulation (EU) no 910/2014
of 23 july 2014 on electronic identification and
trust services for electronic transactions in the inter-
nal market and repealing directive 1999/93/EC.
Facebook (2018). Facebook login. https://developers
Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB (2019). Bankid.
Future Trust Services (2017). Overview of eID services.
Google (2018). Google identity platform.
GSMA (2015). Mobile Connect.
GSMA (2018). Mobile Connect for cross-border
digital services lessons learned from the eI-
DAS pilot. https://www.gsma.com/identity/wp-
digital-services eIDAS Feb2018-FINAL-web.pdf.
IETF (2012). The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework.
IETF (2015). JSON web key (JWK).
Kantara Initiative (2010). eGovernment implemen-
tation profile of SAML v2.0 (version 2.0bis).
Mckenzie, R., Crompton, M., and Wallis, C. (2008). Use
cases for identity management in e-government. IEEE
Security & Privacy, 6:51–57.
Navas, J. and Beltr
an, M. (2019). Understanding and mit-
igating OpenID connect threats. Computers & Secu-
rity, 84:1–16.
OASIS (2005). SAML v2.0 standard. https://wiki.oasis-
OIDF (2014). OpenID Connect 1.0.
OIDF (2018). Certified OpenID Connect implementations.
Potential Impacts in Citizens’ Privacy of using Federated Identity Management to Offer e-Government Services