Adoption of Machine Learning Techniques to Perform Secondary
Studies: A Systematic Mapping Study for the Computer Science Field
Leonardo Sampaio Cairo
, Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro
and Bruno C. da Silva
Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS), BA, Brazil
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, CA, U.S.A.
Machine Learning, Text Mining, Systematic Mapping, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Studies.
Context: Secondary studies such as systematic literature reviews (SLR) have been used to collect and syn-
thesize empirical evidence from relevant studies in several areas of knowledge, including Computer Science.
However, secondary studies are time-consuming and require a significant effort from researchers. Goal: This
paper aims to identify contributions derived from the adoption of machine learning (ML) techniques in Com-
puter Science SLRs. Method: We performed a systematic mapping study querying well-known repositories
and first found 399 studies as a result of applying the search string in each of the selected search engines.
Following the research protocol, we analyzed titles and abstracts and applied inclusion, exclusion and quality
criteria to finally obtain a set of 17 studies to be further analyzed. Results: The selected papers provided
evidence of relevant contributions of the machine learning usage in performing secondary studies. We found
that ML techniques have not been applied yet to all the stages of a SLR. Typically, the preferred stage to
apply ML in an SLR is the study selection phase (typically the initial phase). For assessing the effectiveness
of ML support while performing SLRs, researchers have provided a comparison either across different ML
techniques tested or between manual and ML-supported SLRs. Conclusion: There is significant evidence
that the use of machine learning applied to SLR activities (especially the study selection activity) in Computer
Science is feasible and promising, and the findings can be potentially extended to other research fields. Also,
there is a lack of studies exploring ML techniques for other stages than study selection.
Secondary studies are typically performed as System-
atic Literature Reviews (SLR). An SLR is a research
method for identifying, evaluating and interpreting
relevant research papers available focusing on a spe-
cific topic, thematic area, or phenomenon of inter-
est. There are many reasons to perform an SLR, such
as summarizing existing evidence for a treatment or
technology and identifying gaps in current research
to suggest areas for additional research. Furthermore,
they can be a mean to examine to what extent the em-
pirical evidence supports/contradicts theoretical hy-
potheses (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007).
Systematic Mapping Studies (SMS) are also clas-
sified as secondary studies. An SMS has the goal to
review primary studies related to specific topic, the-
matic area, or phenomenon of interest represented as
research questions (RQs) to integrate/synthesize evi-
dence related to those RQs. The result of perform-
ing secondary studies is mainly the potential ability to
combine data from several studies and provide both a
panoramic and in-depth characterization from the per-
spective of the target research questions. These bene-
fits can at least partly explain why secondary studies
have been gaining popularity over the years.
The number of research studies published in Com-
puter Science is continually expanding, and sec-
ondary studies have become essential tools for re-
searchers to keep up to date in their particular fields.
However, SLRs require considerable effort (Petersen
et al., 2008), especially in the cases when the SLR
activities are performed manually. For this reason,
automating the activities of a SLR can reduce the re-
quired effort and also increase the coverage of evi-
dence to support the answers for the stated research
Therefore, we performed a systematic mapping
study guided by the following research questions:
RQ1: Which machine learning techniques have been
applied by researchers and practitioners to support the
execution of SLRs in Computer Science? RQ2: How
Cairo, L., Carneiro, G. and C. da Silva, B.
Adoption of Machine Learning Techniques to Perform Secondary Studies: A Systematic Mapping Study for the Computer Science Field.
DOI: 10.5220/0007780603510356
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 351-356
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have researchers and practitioners evaluated the effec-
tiveness of the machine learning techniques to support
SLRs in Computer Science?
The goal of RQ1 is to provide an overview on how
existing machine learning techniques cope with the
automation of activities in secondary studies. It con-
siders the adoption of both specialized supervised and
unsupervised ML algorithms to target the aforemen-
tioned automation. In addition, we are interested in
the evaluation of effectiveness of the machine learn-
ing support to this automation (RQ2).
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the research method used in
this systematic mapping. In Section 3, we discuss the
results based on evidence obtained from the literature.
Section 4 presents the conclusion, threats to validity,
and scope for future work.
This section describes the methodology applied in the
planning, execution and documentation phases of our
systematic mapping. Unlike an unstructured review,
this mapping follows a precise and rigorous sequence
of methodological steps to review the literature avail-
able in electronic databases.
Our goal is to analyze the current state-of-the-art
on machine learning techniques applied to secondary
studies in the area of computer science. Thefore, this
mapping study intended to answer the research ques-
tions we introduced in the previous section.
2.1 Search for Primary Studies
We target the search on the following digital
databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, and
Scopus. ACM and IEEE digital libraries are the
most relevant ones in Computer Science (Zhang et al.,
2011) whereas Scopus is the world largest database
for peer-reviewed research literature. After the fine
tuning and preliminary analysis of retrieved results,
we ended up with the following search string:
(“systematic literature review” OR “slr” OR
“systematic review” OR “systematic mapping” OR
“mapping study” OR ”secondary study”) AND
(“machine learning” OR “text mining” OR “nlp”
OR “natural language processing” OR “text
analytics” OR “information retrieval”)
Regarding the period covered in our search, we
covered all papers published in peer-reviewed mag-
azines, journals, and conferences until March 2018,
when we last applied the Search String.
2.2 Selection of Primary Studies
The following steps guided the selection of primary
Stage 1 - Results Obtained from Automatic Apply-
ing Our Search String on the Digital Libraries. We
converted the search string to each specific syntax of
the repositories, and we always applyed the search
string to the title, keywords and abstract.
Stage 2 - Reading Titles and Abstracts to Identify
Qualifying Studies. Identification of eligible stud-
ies, based on the title, abstract and content analysis in
some cases, ruling out studies that were clearly irrel-
evant to the review. This activity was performed by
the three researchers co-authors of this paper. When
we raised questions about the eligibility of a study,
we marked the paper for further discussion, and then
we went over all the marked papers to a debate over
raised questions. In the end, we debated over the pa-
pers that had a different classification in this stage in
order to come to a consensus.
Stage 3 - Applying Inclusion and Exclusion Crite-
ria When Reading the Full Text. We defined that
entries must meet all of the following Inclusion Cri-
teria listed bellow: IC1: Published papers describing
the use of ML techniques in the execution of Com-
puter Science secondary studies. IC2: When several
papers report the same study, only the most recent one
should be included. IC3: Papers published in peer-
reviewed computer science conferences, magazines,
and journals. IC4. Works written in English. Regard-
ing the Exclusion Criteria, this Systematic Mapping
discarded papers that met at least one of the follow-
ing: EC1: Studies that do not describe the Machine
Learning technique used. EC2: Studies that are only
available in a summary form or presentation notes
(slides). EC3. Book chapters and other materials that
have not undergone peer-review.
Stage 4 - Obtaining Primary Studies and Perform-
ing a Critical Evaluation. We obtained a list of pri-
mary studies which was subsequently subject to criti-
cal examination using the following Quality Criteria
(QC): QC1: Is the document based on research or is it
just a “lessons learned” report based on expert opin-
ion? QC2: Is there an adequate description of the
context in which the search was performed? QC3:
Is there a control group with which to compare treat-
ments? QC4: Is there a clear statement of results?
2.3 Conducting the Review
We initiated the review with an automatic search in
the repositories, followed by a manual search on ref-
erences of backward snowballing (Jalali and Wohlin,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2012), to identify potentially relevant studies. Next,
the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. It
was necessary to adapt the search string according to
the syntax of each repository. The manual search con-
sisted of studies previously known and published in
conference proceedings and computer science jour-
nals and/or secondary studies that were included by
the authors while researching the theme in different
During the course of this review, we used the tool
to manage references collaboratively. All
annotations and classifications were performed us-
ing Mendeley by using tags, folders and annotations
made directly in the PDF files of each study.
2.4 Data Extraction
During this phase, we extracted data from each of the
17 primary studies to answer the research questions of
this systematic mapping. We registered the obtained
data as Mendeley notes e exported them using the
Bibtex format supported by JabRef
. We organized
the extracted data in HTML format with the follow-
ing fields: Study Identification (S1, ..., S17), Authors,
Study Title, Abstract, Research Questions, Year, Jour-
nal/Conference/Periodical and Source Repository.
2.5 Potentially Relevant Studies
We included in our Mendeley library the results ob-
tained from the automatic and manual search. At this
phase, a total of 399 studies were recorded, 395 of the
automated search plus four manual search (Phase 1).
Then we read titles and abstracts to identify relevant
studies, resulting in 48 studies (Phase 2). In Step 3,
we read the introductions and methodology and con-
clusions sections. Then we applied the quality criteria
carrying 17 studies forward to the subsequent stage.
In Step 4 the answers for the the research questions
were obtained. Table 1 summarizes the paper selec-
tion and review process in numbers.
2.6 Summary of Results
The aim of the synthesis was to group the informa-
tion extracted from the studies in order to: identify
the main techniques, algorithms, validation strategies
and metrics related to the research questions. Meta-
ethnographic methods were used to synthesize the
data extracted from the primary studies (Noblit and
1, Reference Management
Software and Researchers Network
2, Graphic Application in Java to
manage bibtex (.bib) databases.
Table 1: Paper selection and review process in numbers.
Repository Result (1) Incl.(2) (2)/(1)%
ACM Digital
183 9 4,92%
IEEE Xplorer 83 4 4,82%
SCOPUS 268 13 4,85%
4 2 50,00%
Total 399 17 4,26%
Hare, 1988). In the first phase of the synthesis the
main concepts of each study were identified using the
author’s original terms. The key concepts were then
tabulated to allow comparison between studies. In the
next section we present the results and the respective
discussion of the findings obtained from the selected
primary studies.
In this section, we present the findings related to re-
search questions 1 and 2. These findings provide ev-
idence that machine learning techniques have been
applied in computer science secondary studies in a
somewhat successful way. Each of the two nodes
of the mental map presented in Figure 1 summarizes
findings to answer both of our research questions.
3.1 ML Techniques to Support
Secondary Studies in Computer
Science (RQ1)
According to Figure 1 illustrates, the literature has
registered a number of machine learning techniques
to support secondary studies in Computer Science:
Bag Of Words (BoW), Decision Tree (DT), Hybrid
Feature Selection Method (HFSM), Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Term Frequency (Inverse Document
Frequency (TF- IDF), Visual Text Mining (VTM) and
its variations.
The Bag Of Words (BoW) adopted by studies S1,
S3, S4, S9, S11, S12 and S15, technique focuses on
the preprocessing of input data to convert them into
a vectorial representation based on counting the num-
ber of appearance of a set of selected words extracted
from the primary studies, as proposed by Salton and
colleagues (Salton et al., 1975).
According to S12, Suitable algorithms for study
selection are then, e.g. decision trees, logistic regres-
sion, and Naive Bayes. Overall, the most popular ones
are VTM, TF-IDF, and BoW.
These results are aligned with the results already
Adoption of Machine Learning Techniques to Perform Secondary Studies: A Systematic Mapping Study for the Computer Science Field
Figure 1: Results of selected studies.
presented in (Hamad and Salim, 2014) regarding ML
algorithms (NB, DT, and SVM) and the use of VTM.
Even though the past studies covered on Hamad and
Salim (2014) have not specifically focused on com-
puter science studies, our review indicates how use-
ful these algorithms are to the research community,
whether they are computer science or not.
In addition, a large number of studies using VTM
for SLR in computer science (47% of selected pri-
mary studies) matches with the findings of (O’Mara-
Eves et al., 2015) and (Olorisade et al., 2016).
However, in spite of the similarities previously re-
ported, for automation of SLR steps in computer sci-
ence, the most used algorithm in the primary studies
was TF-IDF, which that was present in 53% of the
selected primary studies.
3.2 How ML Techniques Have Been
Assessed (RQ2)
According to the data extracted from each of the pri-
mary studies, researchers have assessed their tech-
niques by performing exploratory studies carried out
using one of the two models as follows:
Evaluation with Human Interaction: In S1, S2,
S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, and S10, the authors simulated
an SLR with groups of researchers that were divided
into researchers following a traditional SLR process
(manual SLR) and researchers following an assisted
SLR approach (using the technique in question). In
the end, the results of these groups were compared.
Following this approach, the results were susceptible
to the degree of knowledge and experience of the in-
volved researchers.
Evaluation without Human Interaction: In S9,
S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16 and S17, the authors
used SLRs already published to generate a corpus (set
of texts extracted from each selected primary study)
on which the author of the proposal, without the par-
ticipation of third parties, applied her/his technique.
In the end, the evaluation result was compared with
the result of the original secondary study.
The two forms of evaluation proved to be very
common in our study dataset. The evaluation model
with human participants (the first mode described
above) had one more paper compared to the other
model. However, in the systematic review carried
out by (Olorisade et al., 2016), the use of evaluation
without human participation was the most commonly
Additionally, among the phases of a systematic
review (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) (SLR plan-
ning phase, search string construction, primary stud-
ies selection, and data extraction from primary stud-
ies), most of the studies, 14 out of 17, focused on
support the automation of the primary studies selec-
tion phase, whereas the other 3 papers are secondary
studies published a few years ago. This concentra-
tion of efforts in the selection phase of primary studies
coincides with previous findings (Hamad and Salim,
2014) regarding the support of automation. This also
reinforces the position of (Olorisade et al., 2016) that
identified solid evidence on the effectiveness ML sup-
port at that SLR phase.
In this systematic mapping we found evidences that
there is an increasing use of ML techniques to sup-
port the automation of some SLR activities. We high-
light the following works to represent such evidences
(Hamad and Salim, 2014), (O’Mara-Eves et al., 2015)
and (Olorisade et al., 2016). Over the last four years,
they have obtained more than 50 studies that have set
out to automate activities of secondary studies. The
use of ML algorithms has been shown to be promis-
ing based on the results reported, and as presented by
(Hamad and Salim, 2014), (O’Mara-Eves et al., 2015)
and (Olorisade et al., 2016), automation is increasing
in several areas of knowledge other than computer sci-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In addition, it becomes apparent the viability of
automation techniques applied to the area of computer
science. Although still in the experimental stage and
with the need for some advancements, the application
of ML to support SLRs has been effective enough to
be further explored.
The studies we analyzed indicate consistency in
their results and the keen interest in the paper selec-
tion phase demonstrates how important and costly this
step is for researchers.
This systematic mapping supports the develop-
ment of future work that can either propose new tech-
niques for automating different phases of an SLR or
improve the effectiveness of existing approaches.
In the following, we present the list of studies
selected in this Systematic Mapping: S1 (Felizardo
et al., 2010), S2 (Felizardo et al., 2011), S3 (Felizardo
et al., 2012), S4 (Felizardo et al., 2014), S5 (Feng
et al., 2017), S6 (Garc
es et al., 2017), S7 (Malheiros
et al., 2007), S8 (Mergel et al., 2015), S9 (Ouhbi
et al., 2016), S10 (Piroi et al., 2015), S11 (Rizzo
et al., 2017), S12 (Ros et al., 2017), S13 (R
et al., 2016), S14 (Sellak et al., 2015), S15 (Tomas-
setti et al., 2011), S16 (Torres et al., 2013), S17 (Yu
et al., 2018).
Felizardo, K. R., Andery, G. F., Paulovich, F. V., Minghim,
R., and Maldonado, J. C. (2012). (S3) A visual anal-
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mary studies in systematic reviews. Information and
Software Technology, 54(10):1079–1091.
Felizardo, K. R., Nakagawa, E. Y., Feitosa, D., Minghim,
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems