Opening User Model Data for Motivation and Learning: The Case of
an Adaptive Multiplication Game
Angeliki Leonardou, Maria Rigou and John Garofalakis
Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras 26500, Rio Campus, Greece
Keywords: Learner Control, Self-regulated Learning, Open Learner Model, Engagement, Reflection, Educational Game,
Adaptive Learning, User Testing, Multiplication Table, Self-assessment.
Abstract: Multiplication table fluency is of core importance, as it consists a fundamental stage of mathematics
education. It is a common phenomenon that pupils face difficulties in perceiving this knowledge and achieving
multiplication skills. This paper presents an adaptive multiplication game for assessing and gradually
improving multiplication skills. The game also incorporates Open Learner Model elements which expose
parts of the learner model to the user through easily perceivable visualizations for improving self-reflection,
fostering self-regulated learning and increasing user motivation. The game has been tested with a
representative sample of primary school students and based on the data collected the game and the Open
Learner Model’s features have been received positively.
It is a common place that both elementary and
secondary level of education are based on traditional
methods of teaching and assessing. Downing and
Haladyna (2006) claim that “teachers teach the way
they were taught and test the way they were tested”
(p. 291). Although alternative ways of assessment
(e.g. portfolios, performance) have been used in
curricula of other scientific domains (such as fine
arts), they are not typical in the mathematics
instructional procedure (Ford and Usnick, 2011). The
use of non-traditional ways of assessing was strongly
supported by the publication of Curriculum and
Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2000). Specifically, multiplication table skills are
considered almost a student virtue. As this knowledge
is the heart of the majority of mathematical problem
solving, Gagne (1983) claims that the multiplication
table must be “not just learned, not just mastered, but
automatized” (p.18). Traditionally, the dominant
approach to teaching the multiplication table has been
the “rote memory” or “rote learning”, which is
defined as a memorization technique based on
repetition according to Davis (1984). However,
according to Caron (2007) recent directions in
mathematics teaching and learning toward the need
for development of understanding in the uses of
calculations could not support the use of rote memory
alone (p. 279). At the same time, the related
literature documents an urgent need for using
alternative approaches to mathematical concepts, as
rough use of drill and practise can make mathematics
unpleasant and uninviting (Gersten and Chard, 1999).
This tendency towards incorporating alternative
ways of teaching, practicing and assessing into
traditional instructional procedures is relatively
recent. There have been numerous efforts of software
applications documented in the corresponding
bibliography targeted at supporting the role of
teachers and increasing pupil attention and
participation to various lessons. Computer or
electronic games are among the dominant approaches
to this end.
Games in their primitive form are defined as
competitive interactions based on rules to achieve
specified goals that depend on skill, and often involve
chance and an imaginary setting (Cruickshank and
Teller, 1980). For years, playing games, even without
connection to a specific educational content has been
considered one of the fundamental forms of learning
(Huizinga, 1949) and is therefore not surprising that
games are closely linked to intrinsic educational
experiences. With technology rapidly developing in
graphics, sound, real-time video and audio, electronic
games have become more and more entertaining and
Leonardou, A., Rigou, M. and Garofalakis, J.
Opening User Model Data for Motivation and Learning: The Case of an Adaptive Multiplication Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0007735603830390
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 383-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
enjoyable for kids, as well as adults. Among all the
kinds of games, educational games have one goal
beyond mere entertainment, and that is education.
In this paper we combine the notion of
educational games with a personalized approach and
an adaptive mechanism, with the innovative idea of
OLM. The intention is to support pupils in achieving
multiplication table fluency in a way that motivates
and engages them.
The integration of games in formal or informal
learning scenarios has been an active field of research
at a theoretical, as well as a practical level, the last
decades with numerous experimental and commercial
applications worldwide. The scientific bibliography
of the domain is quite rich and addresses topics
ranging from the use of videogames in supporting the
learning process (Yee, 2006, Kirriemuir and
McFarlane, 2004, Mitchell and Savill-Smith, 2004,
Egenfeldt-Nielsen. 2007 Prensky, 2007), to learning
theories deployed by each learning genre, case studies
evaluating the effectiveness of electronic games as a
teaching and learning medium (Wong et al., 2007,
Smith, 2006, Blunt, 2007, Prensky, 2006), as well as
the traits of certain electronic games genres and the
respective educational potential they provide.
Adaptive games are games that offer an internal
mechanism that stores data about each individual user
and his/her interactions and is able to make inferences
regarding how to adapt to the needs and preferences
of this user. The idea of not only maintaining data
about the user and his/her interactions but also
exposing some of them in an adequate form, is a step
beyond adaptive educational gaming that leads to
Open Learner Modeling. Open Learner Modeling was
introduced as a notion in the domain of intelligent
tutoring systems and adaptive learning environments
for supporting personalized instruction to learners.
Traditionally, learners were not given any access to
the data maintained about them by the system in the
respective learner model. After realizing though the
educational value and benefits learner model data
could offer if they were exposed to learners and
instructors, this approach gradually changed (Self,
1990). More specifically, giving students access to
view some of their model’s aspects may improve self-
reflection, foster self-regulated learning, provide
better personalization transparency and increase user
motivation (Bull and Kay, 2007), (Hsiao et al., 2010),
(Mitrovic and Martin, 2007). Since then, various
information visualization techniques have been
extensively deployed in Open Learner Models
(OLMs) to represent in an easily perceivable way
learning data ranging from knowledge and skill
levels, to difficulties, misconceptions and other
dimensions of current learner status and recorded
activity (Law et al., 2017).
OLMs are learner models that can be viewed or
accessed in some way by the learner, or by other
stakeholders of the learning process (e.g. teachers,
peers, parents). Thus, in addition to the typical
purpose of a learner model (i.e. maintaining data to
enable adaptation according to individual current
learning needs), an OLM can also be of direct use by
the learner (Bull and Kay, 2010). In principle, any
type of learner model can be accessible to users, and
the method of presenting the learner model may
depend on the purpose of opening it, the target users,
the learning context and the learning tasks to be
performed (Bull and Kay, 2016). In addition, soon
after the introduction of the OLM concept,
researchers proposed the idea of Social OLMs
(OSLMs or OSSMs) (Bull and Kay, 2007; Bull et al.,
2007). OSLMs are defined as OLMs that integrate a
social dimension and thus “…enhance their cognitive
aspects with social aspects by allowing students to
explore each other’s models or an aggregated model
of the class and also provide guidance to appropriate
content topics” (Brusilovsky et al., 2016).
Visualization plays a central role in presenting the
adequate model contents to the intended users in an
easily perceivable way. As argued by Bull and Kay
(2016), learner model data simplification through
visual presentation is necessary, since in most cases
the internal learner model mechanisms and inference
logic is too complex to display to learners, teachers,
or parents.
OLMs can be visualized in various ways to
address the many usages and potential users that
access those models (Bull et al., 2010). Typically,
OLMs use fill, color, position or size to visually
represent level of understanding, degree of
competencies and acquired skills (Bull et al., 2016).
The most widely used types of visualizations
comprise bar charts, pie charts, radar plots,
scatterplots, tables, timelines, network diagrams, skill
meters, etc. (Leonardou et al., 2019). Systems
offering OLM features may support multiple
representations and research has shown that even
though some visualizations appear to be preferable
overall, there are users that often choose to use more
than one and prefer to change representations over
time (Xu and Bull, 2010, Mabbott and Bull, 2006,
Johnson and Bull, 2009). In the case of OSLMs,
visualizations may also include (apart from data about
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the specific learner) data that allow comparison of the
current learner with individual peers, or a group of
learners (e.g. the best learner of the ‘class’, other
individual learner(s), or the average ‘class’
Apart from whether an OLM visualization
incorporate elements from other learnersmodels, it
can also be classified on the basis of its internal
structuring level, as highly-structured, medium-
structured and unstructured. This classification
regards whether the representation projects the
learner model on a visual view of the learning content
concepts and their relations (i.e. whether the domain
is represented within the visualization) (Bull et al.,
The developed educational tool deals with
multiplication tables. There are many sites that share
the same educational theme. Some indicative
examples can be found at https://www.timestables.
.com/times-tables-games.html, https://www.helping
ml. All these games use bright colors, impressive
graphics, movements and sound effects to captivate
user’s attention and to offer extra motivation for the
pupil to use them but none of them maintains user
model data nor do they support OLMs.
On the other hand, there are many efforts
documented for incorporating OLMs in the
instructive procedure of mathematics apart from
multiplication tables. One such characteristic
example is a tool on solving linear equations aiming
at 7
graders (Long and Aleven, 2013). Bull and
McKay (2004) presented Subtraction Master, a
learning environment with an OLM for two and three-
digit subtraction, which addresses schoolchildren.
Another tool is the Point of View (Bull et al., 2010),
which was designed for 10 to 11-year-olds and
involves learning science subjects (Earth, Sun, Moon;
Health & Teeth; Food Chains & Life Cycles).
Fraction Helper (Lee and Bull, 2008), is a
learning environment with an OLM aimed at helping
children to identify their problems with fractions and
their parents support them to overcome any
CALMsystem (Kerly and Bull, 2008) opens the
learner model to students, allowing them to see the
representations of their current knowledge level as
assessed by the system, and their self-assessment for
each of the topics in the subject domain. The
CALMsystem environment is browser based,
operating independently of an ITS, and allows easy
access to users from a variety of platforms.
NEXT-TELL offers two example tools for
primary level math training targeted at school pupils.
First, a web-based multiplication trainer named 1×1
Ninja (
math-training/) for tablets or smart phones. Teachers
can retrieve a detailed summary of the competency
level of pupils. Based on the visualizations, they can
easily identify the low performers and, more
importantly, which competencies are lacking.
Secondly, Sonic Divider (
portfolios/sonicdivider/) is a tool designed for
practicing divisions both the classroom and as
homework. It supports practicing the formal sequence
of written divisions using a gamified approach. Pupils
receive competence-based feedback and they can
collect points, as well as compare their scores later.
Teachers can quickly access an overview about the
achievements, scores, and competency levels of their
The proposed approach is based on combining an
adaptive educational game on the multiplication table
(Leonardou and Rigou, 2016) with OLM elements.
The game incorporates adaptive behaviour, addresses
primary school pupils of 2
to 4
grade, concerns
self-assessing multiplication table skills and
gradually improving them. More specifically, the tool
aims to discover each pupil’s weaknesses and by
focusing on them, to help overcoming them. The
structure of the game includes 3 levels of increasing
difficulty, where information collected from level 1 is
used as feedback in level 2, and information from the
level 2 is the input for constructing level 3. In the
initial game version, the user could choose from 4
family numbers, an approach based on the idea of
Griffon (2005), where it is important to support
learners build networks from new to known
knowledge by building on and consolidating new
knowledge in a natural development and with
extensive practice. The game adaptation mechanism
used data about user performance collected during the
current session, without requiring setting up a
personal account. This was a limitation of the first
Opening User Model Data for Motivation and Learning: The Case of an Adaptive Multiplication Game
Figure 1: Level 1 indicative screenshot.
game version as it was not possible to monitor pupil
gradual progress and learning.
In the new version, the underlying user model
maintains detailed information about pupils and their
progress during repetitive sessions and access to the
game is provided through personal accounts. The
database stores demographic and user account data,
information on each session concerning selected
multiplication table numbers to practise, number of
correct and wrong answers, as well as date and time
This application based on Caron (2007) belief that
“practice over many times is all that is needed”
(p.281), maintains the structure of the previously
developed multiplication game and consists also of 3
levels. In the first, a set of multiplications is given,
each followed by 4 potential answers to choose from
(multiple-choice). In the second level, each question
comprises 4 multiplications and 4 answers and
players are asked to match each multiplication to its
correct answer by dragging-and-dropping answers on
frames with multiplication questions. In the last level
the player has to answer multiplications of a specific
number’s table, using the game onscreen keyboard to
enter the answer. Upon completing each level, pupils
are given the option either to move on to the next level
or see their accomplishments in the level they just
finished by accessing data of his learner model. After
completing the last level, they can also see their
overall progress in the current session.
From an implementation point of view, the game
was developed in Corona SDK
(, a cross-platform framework
that empowers developers to create 2D games and
mobile applications for iOS, Android and Kindle,
desktop applications for Windows and OS X, and
connected TV applications for Apple TV and Android
TV. It uses integrated Lua layered on top of
C++/OpenGL to build graphic applications. Lua
( is a lightweight programming
Figure 2: Level 2 indicative screenshot.
language designed primarily for embedded systems
and clients. Lua is cross-platform since it is written in
ANSI C, and has a relatively simple C API. For
building the database, SQLite
( was used an in-
process library that implements a self-contained,
serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL
database engine.
4.1 Gameplay
Overall, and since the game addresses schoolchildren,
it is important to visually captivate their interest so that
they are willing to use it. Therefore, pleasant graphics,
bright colours, related sound effects and animation
have been deployed.
Initially an introductory welcome message
appears, while the player fills in a textbox with a
nickname to be used as identification and to associate
all recorded activity with. In the following screen the
player can select the number(s) of the multiplication
matrix to practice on. For extra support apart from
individual numbers, 4 number families are offered
according to the methodology of teaching
multiplication in the Greek formal public education.
The amount of multiplication questions is level 1 and
level 2 differs depending on the amount of the selected
numbers. Level 1 (Figure 1) randomly selects multiple-
choice questions from the group of the selected
numbers and the player has to click on the fish-object
marked with the correct answer/value. If the given
multiplication is answered correctly, a reward message
appears and the complete multiplication, for
educational reasons. If the answer is wrong the player
can try again (the wrongly pressed object disappears),
until the correct answer is provided.
The game is supported by an underlying adaptive
mechanism. According to this mechanism and among
the selected numbers, a ‘weak’ number is detected
based on an algorithm that compares the percentage of
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the wrong answered questions, the percentage of the
right answered questions and the amount of the given
questions for each number. This mechanism is
activated upon completion of levels 1 and 2, and the
‘weak’ number is passed on to level 2 and 3
correspondingly, so that the system adapts the
selection of next questions to this identified weakness
to provide the player with more relevant
multiplication questions and thus improve skills on
this number.
Upon completion of level 1, a screen with two
choices is given: the player can press one button to
continue to the next level or can see his/her progress
by accessing data stored in the respective user model.
If a choice is made to see the learner’s progress, a
screen appears projecting visually and textually the
score in each tested number by calculating the success
percentage (amount of right answered questions/
amount of total given multiplication for this number).
Specifically, a percentage less than 50% is assessed
as “not good” and is accompanied by a non-smiling
face, a percentage between 50% and 65% is assessed
as “goodand is accompanied by a smiley face,
whereas a percentage between 65% and 85% is
assessed as “very good” and a happy face appears.
Finally, for percentage more than 85% is assessed as
“great” and a very happy face with thumps up
appears. The choice of smiley faces for skill
assessment visualization was made since a smiley
face representation belongs to simple quantised
representation category, which is considered ideal for
schoolkids. Smiley face representation with scalar
variations depicts the level of knowledge or contrast
the current learner level with the level of peers. For
example, in Subtraction Master (Bull and McKay,
2004) the child views a series of simple smiley faces
representing the extent of their subtraction skills at
different levels of difficulty.
In level 2 (Figure 2) the player is presented with a
set of four multiplications in rectangular frames and
four results written on fishes and is asked to assign
them correctly so that each fish is dragged and placed
in the ‘cave’ that corresponds to its number. In the
case of some wrong assignment the fish is returned to
the center and the player can try again (all fish that
were placed correctly disappear). Completing this
level, the player has also the choice to move on to
level 3 or to see detailed score information before
doing so (Figure 3).
In level 3 (Figure 4), the player faces exclusively
the multiplication table of the number that the
previous level identified as the weakness. As this
level is the last one, its difficulty is higher.
Multiplications are given in sequence and the player
Figure 3: Progress screen.
needs to provide the answer with no help provided. In
case of a false answer, no second chance is given, but
the player is informed about the right answer. In this
level visually, the player helps the fish reach the
higher level of the rocks and avoid the shark. A right
answer moves the fish one position up, while a wrong
answer makes the fish slip to a lower position. The
level ends successfully if the upper point is reached
or ends unsuccessfully if the player uses the number
of allowed tries without reaching the target. At the
end of the game session the player can see level 3
scoring and overall game accomplishment.
The developed multiplication game was tested with
36 pupils (17 girls and 19 boys) of the primary school.
All pupils had prior experience with computer games
but only 5 of them had played educational computer
games in the past. Regarding ICT fluency, pupils
were experienced with web browsing and
smartphones apart from the typical ICT course they
are taught in school. The evaluation sessions took
place during the school year, while students are much
more active and ‘alert’. During each pupil session in
the game the database is filled with detailed
information about pupil activity and progress. Pupils
answered a questionnaire (a revised version of
Brusilovsky et al., 2016) about usability and
usefulness of the multiplication game and the OLM
elements available. Moreover, questions also focused
on the motivational value of the provided OLM
visualization. Table 1 presents the questions with the
average and standard deviation of the collected
answers. Values range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree).
Opening User Model Data for Motivation and Learning: The Case of an Adaptive Multiplication Game
Table 1: Subjective evaluation questions.
I enjoyed playing the
Multiplication Game (MG)
I liked the interface of the MG.
The given instructions were
enough to understand how to
play the MG.
I found it useful to see my
progress in MG.
Seeing my progress in MG
made me realize how well I
know the multiplication table.
Seeing my progress in MG
motivated me to plan for
specific homework.
It was useful to see my
progress in each level/different
type of questions.
I find the used visualization
(smiley faces) a good idea.
I believe MG is more a game
than a lesson.
I believe MG is more a lesson
than a game.
I would like to play MG at my
home PC, as well.
I would like to see the scores
of my peers.
I would like to see the class
average score.
I believe that seeing the
progress of others would
motivate me to work harder.
It is important for me to see
my rank among my peers.
All participants enjoyed playing the game (q1),
89% enjoyed the application’s interface (q2) and 81%
felt that there is no need for extra instruction on how
to play the game (q3). 78% found useful the opening
of the model for seeing their progress (q4), 89%
believe that opening the model supports self-
reflection (q5) and 67% believe that opening the
learner model is a factor of self-motivation (q6). 75%
considered it significant to see their progress after
completing each level and thus watching their
progress in different types of questions (q7), 94%
agreed with the usage of smiley faces as the type of
visualization provided (q8) and 64% felt that the
application has more of an entertaining than an
educational role (q9), whereas 47% didn’t agree with
the opinion of a more educational than entertaining
role (q10). 83% would like to have the opportunity to
play again the game at home (q11), which gives an
extra support of the assumption that pupils enjoyed
interacting with the tool. 78% were interested in the
idea of social OLM (q12). This finding is interesting
as providing access to score of others seems
motivating to competing pupils. 69% would like to
see the average progress of their classroom (q13).
72% believed that OSLM would offer self-motivation
(q14), thus the ability of seeing peers progress will
contribute in self-directing their study. 69% would
like to see their rank among their classmates (q15)
and thus to contrast their level of efficiency with all
Questionnaire responses suggested that pupils
had positive reactions towards the OLM approach, as
well as the idea of OSLM. They consider it easy and
pleasant to interact with and didn’t underestimated
the educational role it plays.
Many of the game testers after completing
specific levels chose not to see their progress: only
38% choose to see Level 1 progress, 44% Level 2
progress and 38% Level 3 progress. On the other
hand, the vast majority (88%) chose to see the total
progress of the activity at the end of the game. When
asked, pupils stated that they preferred to keep on
playing because they were amused by the process and
wanted to see their overall score at the end, an
approach that is considered logical for their age group
and the purpose of the application. In addition, this is
also supported by the answers received on the q7
where pupils considered the application a game rather
than an educational activity.
This paper presented the design and implementation
of an adaptive educational game addressing primary
school students for practicing and mastering
multiplication table skills. The game incorporates
OLM characteristics as it maintains in a properly
structured database information about the pupils and
their activity and progress. Based on the data
collected during the testing sessions, there is strong
indication that both the ideas of OLM and OSLM
were perceived positively. It was observed that
participants enjoyed playing and faced no difficulty
in understanding the way the game works.
Regarding future plans for extending this work,
the application is going to be expanded with social
OLM elements, as it will open not only to the user
himself but also to peers and teachers. In the new
version currently under development, users will be
able to access specific anonymous information of
peers and watch a summative view of the class
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
progress, whereas the teacher will be able to access
detailed pupil data.
In the current version for each selected number,
the system maintains the sum of multiplications
given, the sum of the right answered multiplication
and the number of wrong answered multiplications.
An idea for improving the application is to maintain
a 2-dimension table with the specific wrong answered
multiplication combination so that the teacher can
reach safer pupil assessment decisions and the system
can better match each pupil practise needs.
One of the limitations of the current analysis is
restricted number of test participants when
considering the number of pupils per grade as well as
the narrow time frame. It has been planned to
examine the effectiveness of this tool in real
classroom conditions during the school year with
more pupils per grade, so as progress would be more
thoroughly recorded and safer results could be
reached. The pupils are expected to use the
application in school using the computer laboratory
class, either with the presence of the teacher, who will
guide them on the numbers to be selected for the
practise (according to the stage of the instruction
procedure and progress), or either as part of the
computer lesson, where the pupils will be able to play
the game in an unsupervised mode.
Among the experimental ideas is to check the
application in two versions, that is with and without
the OLM elements, as we believe that this comparison
will provide interesting results. Such experiments
will allow for the comparative analysis of OLM and
non-OLM game versions on the basis of learning
outcome as well as student preference, metacognition
and motivation.
Another idea expanding the game features is to
give pupils the option to become more active
(Himmele and Himmele, 2011) by tailoring the game
interface elements (such as the background image, the
image objects, and the kind of visualizations)
according to their preferences.
The last direction in our plans is to introduce to
the game a stronger instructional parameter in the
form of graphical explanatory feedback that will help
pupils understand calculations that explain answers
they failed to calculate correctly (Harries and
Barmby, 2007).
The authors would like to thank the elementary
school teachers who helped in the educational design
of the game and the pupils who participated in the
game evaluation testing.
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