Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain
Jean-Christophe Sakdavong, Morgane Burgues and Nathalie Huet
CLLE-LTC CNRS UMR 5263, Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, 5 allée Antonio Machado, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Self-regulated Learning, Self-regulation, Motivation, Immersion, Control.
Abstract: In recent decades, learning devices using virtual reality (VR) environments have evolved rapidly. The
potential positive impact of VR has been attributed to two characteristics: immersion, and control of
interaction with objects in the environment. However, results from the literature have not always shown the
presumed benefits and few of them have assessed the effects on self-regulation. This study aims to assess the
impact of immersion and control on motivation, self-regulation, and performance. Participants had to acquire
knowledge about sculptures by visiting a 3D virtual museum and then recall this knowledge. The participants
were divided into four independent groups. They were: #1 In strong immersion (with VR headset) and active
(control of interaction); #2 In strong (VR) and passive (non-interaction control) conditions; #3 In low
immersion (tablet) and active conditions; #4 In low and passive immersion conditions. Intrinsic motivation
and emotion were evaluated by a questionnaire, self-regulation was identified by behavioral indicators and
performance was evaluated through a gap-fill exercise. Results showed that the "control" feature had a
positive impact on performance, unlike immersion. Also, neither immersion nor control had an impact on
motivation. However, immersion and control had a partial impact on self regulation. Educational implications
will be discussed.
Following the publication of the 2016 Charter for
Cultural Education in Avignon (France), we decided
to join this initiative, which aims to make artistic and
cultural education accessible to all at school, college
and university. In this context, this study focuses on
the learning of artistic knowledge during virtual
museum visits. In recent decades, learning devices
have evolved rapidly through new technologies and
are increasingly used in training sessions and in
museums. However, learning is a complex process,
supported by intrinsic motivation (Black Deci, 2000),
influenced by emotions (Gendron, 2010) and
requiring learners to use self-regulation strategies
(Pintrich, 2000). Using new technologies such as
Virtual Reality (VR) simulation environments may
help students to learn, about art knowledge for
example. The potential positive impact of VR in
learning has been attributed to two characteristics:
immersion and control of interaction with objects in
the environment (Muhanna, 2015). It has been
attested that a VR display is more immersive than a
conventional display and computer (Mikropoulos
Natsis, 2011). However, results from researches have
revealed that performance was not systematically
higher with the use of VR during a learning phase
(Negut et al., 2016). Some authors have found higher
performance in VR than via a lecture-based
curriculum (Dubovi et al., 2017). The lack of
consensus in the results could be due to the degree of
control (active vs. passive) allowed by the immersion
device. Control is characterized by the existence or
lack of possible interaction on the virtual
environment. Participants who can interact with the
environment, such as by selecting or manipulating
objects, are considered as having an active control.
Conversely, participants who cannot interact with
their environment are considered to have a passive
control of their learning. It is recognized in the
literature that being active in learning can improve
performance (Hake, 1998). The interest of these new
technologies is that they enable participants to be
more active in their learning by offering them an
interactive virtual environment.
Twenty years ago, results showed that in VR
environments, an active control immersion was not
always related to a higher performance than that with
a passive immersion (Brooks, 1999). Now recent
papers, with the improvement on VR technology,
Sakdavong, J., Burgues, M. and Huet, N.
Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0007718500790087
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 79-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have revealed a positive effect of active immersion on
learning performance (Jang et al., 2017).
By referring to the literature (Deci and Ryan,
2000), we expected that the impact of immersion and
control on learning could be explained by an increase
in intrinsic motivation, which is positively related to
learning. Firstly, concerning the impact of the degree
of immersion on motivation, VR is recognized as
impacting motivation positively (Limniou et al.,
2008., Visch et al., 2010). According to the literature
(Dalgarno and Lee, 2010), 3D virtual learning
environments, such as VR, increased motivation and
user engagement in comparison with traditional 2D
learning environments. However, no research has yet
been done specifically on the impact of a high degree
of immersion on the intrinsic motivation. According
to the literature, we expected that immersion would
have a positive impact on intrinsic motivation.
Finally, the literature (Deci et al., 1981) showed that
people with an active control of their learning have a
greater intrinsic motivation than those who have a
passive control of their environment. Referring to
that, we expected that learners who have a high active
control of the objects in a virtual environment would
have a higher control of their learning. We expected
that high control conditions would predict a higher
intrinsic motivation than for those who have a low
control of the objects in the environment.
Learning is also impacted by self-regulation
(Pintrich, 2000), which is an active and conscious
process, allowing the construction of knowledge. As
we have not found any study on the effect of active
immersion on self-regulation, we think it is an
important field to investigate. Finally, we
hypothesize, by referring to learning literature
(Bransford et al., 2000) that a high immersive and
high control condition promotes learning
performance and self-regulation. This study aims to
assess the impact of our independent variables,
immersion and control on our dependant variables:
motivation, self-regulation, and performance.
2.1 Participants
Sixty-one students, without any art courses (thirty-six
females and twenty-five males, average age = 22.66,
SD = 3.80), were recruited on the campus of the
University of Toulouse II Jean Jaures, and the
University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Participants
performed the assignment alone, without a classmate
and accompanied only by the experimenter. The lack
of knowledge of art especially of the three target
sculptures used later was checked. All of the students
were completely unfamiliar with art.
2.2 Materials and Groups
Participants had to acquire new art knowledge in a 3D
virtual museum visit. The digital environment was
specifically designed for the experimentation (c.f.
Figure 1, 2 and 3). The museum contains four
sculptures by Michelangelo to study: “David”,
“Moses”, “Pietà” and “Dying Slave”. The learning
was evaluated for the three last sculpture, while
“David” was used for a familiarization task.
The learning task was a free pace of knowledge
related to the three sculptures. Participants had thirty
minutes to acquire knowledge of the three sculptures
and they use their time freely without constraint. This
was followed by a memory task in the form of a gap-
fill exercise. The task consisted in memorizing
knowledge on each virtual sculpture after hearing
spoken information.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of
four independent groups. The difference between the
groups were the level of immersion and control.
Group #1 was a high immersion and active group
(N=15), its participants had a VR headset and a
pointer remote. They could move around the
sculpture and could obtain information by selecting a
part of the sculpture using the remote. Group #2 was
a high immersion and passive group (N=15), they had
the same VR headset and remote. The perspective
moved automatically around the sculpture, they did
not have to move around the sculpture and they did
not have to select any part of it to get information,
they only click on a panel to get information.
Group #3 and #4 were in low immersion, using an
Android tablet instead of a VR headset and their
finger touch instead of the pointer remote.
They had the same 3D virtual environment. Group
#3, was a low immersion and passive group (N=16)
and group #4, a low immersion and active group
The VR headsets were Google Daydream mobile
headsets having 3 degrees of freedom (3 DoF) with a
3 degrees of freedom pointer remote. The Tablets
were Android HP Pro Slate 12' displaying the 3D
scenes over the 2D screen and using gyrometer and
magnetometer to see around (3 DoF as with the VR
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Virtual environment “Moses”.
Figure 2: Virtual environment “Pieta”.
Figure 3: Virtual environment “Dying slave”.
Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain
2.2.1 Familiarization
The familiarization period (identical to the test)
consists in the discovery of one sculpture, the
“David” by Michelangelo.
This familiarization was intended to train the
participant, during ten minutes, to use the material
and its resources. This familiarization period is
specific to each group (tablets or virtual, passive or
active), but they had the same time and the same
knowledge to acquire, according to the conditions.
During the familiarization phase and for all
conditions, the participants discovered that the
museum visit consisted of two activities: visually
observing the sculpture, and hearing information on
the artwork. They could listen two types of
information, a global presentation of the sculptures
and specific information on specific areas of the
artwork. After the familiarization visit, participants
had to do a familiarization test, to have a clear idea
and to know what they would be asked to do for the
actual test. This familiarization test consisted of
completing a gap-fill exercise for sculpture learning
before the actual test. It was specified to the
participants that the exercise on the familiarization
sculpture would not be evaluated, but that the test
with the other three sculptures would be.
2.2.2 The Test
The test consisted of the same steps as the
familiarization period, the visit of three sculptures,
then the completion of a gap-fill exercise.
During the visit, the participants had to listen to
general information about each sculpture, and also to
specific information about details of it (e.g.
information 1 = The legs of the “Moses”, c.f Figure
1). However, the final performance of participants
was evaluated, using the same fill-gap exercises for
each participant.
The sentences for the gap-fill exercises were picked
from the general information and from the detailed
information that they could listen during the visit. For
each of the three sculptures, four gap-fill exercises
were proposed, each with three holes to be completed
by finding the missing words. (e.g : The weight of the
statue rests on a single [leg] and therefore on a foot in
majority. With time the [microcracks] appear on this
foot and go up in the leg, which puts [statue] in
danger; [fill-gap to complete])
This made to a total of 12 words to be found per
sculpture, 36 for the 3 sculptures. When the answers
were correct they scored 1 point score, when there
was no answer or a mistaken one, they got a 0 point
score, the highest score was 12 points per work and
36 points in total.
2.2.3 Measure of Self-regulation
To measure self-regulation, two behavioral indicators
were selected in reference to the Pintrich model,
2000. These indicators are operationalised through
the use of control panel by participants (figure 2).
- Time planning, also called “time management”
in the litterature, is operationalised by the number of
clicks on the clock that displays the time elapsed
during their visit (Bouffard-Bouchard and Pinard,
- The metacognition indicator (Pintrich, 2000) is
operationalised by the number of times information
heard and replayed (for both general and specific
Each participant's behaviours are recorded and
compiled in the form of traces on a trace server by the
application. Thus, by analysing these traces, each
behaviour is count, as the time consulting or the
number of information and coded "1". Through this
behavior, good self-regulator is learner who consult
regularly the time they have left according to
Bouffard-Bouchard and Pinard (1988). It allows them
to manage their learning by choosing, for example, to
allocate their time to one information rather than
another according to their estimated degree of
2.2.4 Measure of Intrinsic Motivation
To measure the motivation, especially the intrinsic
motivation, wich is positively related to performance
(Black and Deci, 2000), we used the questionnaire
from (Deci et al., 1994). It is an adapted French
version of the questionnaire built following the
Vallerand procedure (Vallerand, 1989). This
questionnaire is completed by the participants after
completing the task of learning information about the
three sculptures
It contains 17 items divided into four
subcategories: interest, perception of competence,
pressure, perception of choice (for example, an item
for the dimension of interest: While I was visiting the
museum, I realized how much fun I was having.).
Participants had to indicate their degree of agreement
with the items on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from
"1: Absolutely wrong for me" to "7: quite true for
me". The higher score a participant got in one of the
dimensions, the more it showed that they were in
agreement with it. For example, if a participant had a
high score on the perceived competence it indicated
that they felt competent.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Control panel.
Similarly, if an individual had a high score in the
"pressure" dimension it meant that they felt under
2.2.5 Emotional Perception
Because emotional perception may vary according to
the work of art and may influence learning (Tan,
2000), we checked the potential difference between
the sculptures by assessing the participant’s
emotional perception of each work of art. There was
only one item per sculpture. Participants were invited
to indicate their degree of emotion perceived when
reacting to each sculpture on a 5-point Likert scale,
ranging from 1: no emotion perceived to 5 strong
emotion perceived.
The higher the score in one of the sculptures was,
the more it showed that the individual experienced a
strong emotion.
2.3 Procedure
The first two phases of the study were identical for all
participants. The first phase included the general
instructions, the consent request. It also measured the
level of knowledge of the participants before any
learning and in addition, the individual’s emotional
perception of each sculpture was assessed.
The second phase was to familiarize participants
with the materials according to the condition to which
they were randomly assigned, VR or tablets, active or
passive control. The familiarization also enable them
to become familiar with the gap-fill test, which was
the same for everyone, no matter the condition.
In the third phase, called learning, they visited the
museum with three sculptures and heard spoken
information for each sculpture. Then, demographic
variables were assessed by a questionnaire followed
by the intrinsic motivation questionnaire. Completing
those questionnaires could also be considered as an
interferent task before the recall gap-fill task.
At the end of the experiment, all participants
responded to the three gap-fill exercises successively
by filling the blanks, to measure learning
3.1 Emotional Perception
Results from the one way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) with the sculptures as repeated measures
showed that the three sculptures were not equally
emotionally perceived, F (2,120) = 27.23; p < .001.
The “Pieta” sculpture, was significantly perceived
as arousing the most emotion (M= 3.11; SD = .90).
The other two ones did not arouse a strong emotion,
both were equal (M=2.34; SD = .90 for the “Moses”
sculpture; and M= 2,34; SD = . 96 for the “Dying
For the rest of the study, we will use the sculptures
as a repeated measure because of this difference in
emotional perception.
Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain
3.2 Performance
A three-way ANOVA with Immersion and Control as
independent factors and the sculpture as the repeated
measure was computed. Results showed a significant
effect of the control condition, F (1, 57) = 8.32; p =
0.006, η2p = 0.13.
Participants in active conditions significantly
outperformed (M = 5.69, SD = 0.37) those in the
passive conditions (M = 4.18, SD = 0.37).
No relationship was found between immersion
and performance, F(1, 57) = 0.22 ; p = 0.64.
A significant effect of the sculpture, F (1,57) =
6.46; p = 0.014, η2p = 0.10 was found. The “Pieta”
was significantly more successful in terms of
performance (M = 6.08, SD = 2.81) than the “Moses”
(M = 4.79, SD = 2.60) and the “Dying slave” (M =
3.90, SD = 2.89).
Finally, no interaction between sculpture and
control was found, F (1,57) = 0.93; p = 0.76, η2p =
0.02 and no interaction between immersion and
sculpture, F(1,57) = 1.97, p = 0.17, η2p == 0.03.
Figure 5: Performance per sculpture according to the
control condition.
3.3 Self-regulation
Two indicators were used to measure self-regulation,
(1): the frequency with which individuals consulted
the time remaining; (2): the number of times
information was listened or re-listened.
Results for the number of time consultations
revealed a significant effect of immersion, F(1,57) =
23,766, p <.001, η2p = .294, and a significant effect
of control, F(1.57) = 4.678, p = .048, η2p = .067. No
interaction effects were revealed, F (1,57) = 304, p =
.584, η2p = .005. Thus, participants in a high-
immersion condition consulted on average more time
(M = 7.96, SD = .80) than participants with low
immersion (M = 2.40, SD = .81). Similarly, active
individuals consulted on average over their remaining
time (M = 6.33, SD = .81) more than passive
individuals (M = 4.03, SD = .80). We did not record
the number of time consultation per sculpture,
preventing us from performing analyzes for each one
of them.
Results for the number of listened and re-listened
information (general and specific) revealed no
immersion effect, F (1,57) = 0.09; p = 0.77, η2p =
.002, no control effect, F (1,57) = 0.44; p = 0.51, η2p
= .008, and no interaction effect, F (1.57) = 3.17; p =
0.08, η2p= 0.05. The number of listened and re-
listened information did not show any significant
difference according to the sculpture, F (1,57) = 1.28.,
p = 0.26, η2p= 0.02.
Only the indicator of Self-regulation “listening
and re-listening” was positively related to
performance, r=.434, p<.001. Moreover, performance
related to the “Pieta” sculpture was positively
correlated with the number of times participants
listened and re-listened, r = 0.26; p = 0.04.
Performance related to the “Dying slave” sculpture
was also positively correlated to the number of times
participants listened and re-listened, r = 0.66; p =
0.004. In contrast, no significant correlation was
found between these variables for the “Moses”
Figure 6: Interaction effect of control and immersion on the
number of times information was listened and re-listened
(general and specific) on the third sculpture.
3.4 Intrinsic Motivation
Anova revealed no effect of immersion, F (1, 57) =
.305; p = .583, η2p = .005, no control effect, F (1,57)
= .168; p = .683, η2p = .003 and no interaction effect
between immersion and control on intrinsic
motivation, F (1,57) = .118; p = .732, η2p = .002.
No effect of immersion, control and interaction
was found on every sub-dimension of intrinsic
motivation. More precisely, no immersion effect was
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
revealed for dimension 1 of interest, F (1,57) = .062,
p = .805, η2p = .001, no control effect, F (1,57) =.
306, p = .583, η2p = .005, and no interaction effect, F
(1,57) = 255, p = .616,, η2p = .004. For dimension 2,
perceived competence, no effect of immersion was
found, F (1,57) = .002, p = .967, η2p = .000, of
control, F (1,57) = .175, p = .677, η2p = .003, or
interaction, F (1,57) = 53, p = .819,, η2p = .001. For
dimension 3, perceived choice, the results did not
show any effect of immersion, F (1,57) = 1,042, p =
312, η2p = .018, of control effect, F (1,57) =. 450, p
= .505, η2p = .008, or of interaction effect, F (1,57) =
361, p = 550, η2p = .006. Finally, the Anova on the
dimension 4, pressure, revealed no effect of
immersion, F (1,57) = .188, p = .667, η2p = .003, and
no effect of control, F (1.57) = 1.420, p = .238, η2p =
.024. No significant effect was revealed for
interaction, F (1,57) = 3,463, p = .68, η2p = .057.
Furthermore, only the sub-dimension 2, perceived
skills, was positively related to performance, r=.35,
p<.05. The global score on the intrinsic motivation
scale was not related to performance, and the three
other sub dimensions were not related to
Figure 7: Performance rates by control condition and
perceived skills, sub-dimension 2 on motivation scale.
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of
immersion and control on performance, motivation,
and self-regulation.
In accordance to our hypothesis and the literature,
it appears that learners improved their learning
performance when they were active. Giving the
possibility of controlling the actions during task
allows individuals to be more involved and to use
behavioural self-regulation strategies (Bruner, 1957)
that are conducive to learning. Indeed, the
behavioural strategies of self-regulation “listening
and re-listening” are related to learning, in
accordance to our hypothesis.
It also appears that the different sculptures did not
bring the same perception of emotions. These results
brought us to test our hypothesis on all the sculptures
and on each sculpture independently. Consequently
we believe that further research should be undertaken
to investigate more thoroughly the impact of
emotions on learning and the impact of immersion
and control, using new technological tools for
studying emotions (Pan et al, 2006).
However, contrary to our expectations, immersion
did not have an impact on performance and had no
effect on listening to information. We also found no
relation between immersion, control and intrinsic
motivation and no relation between intrinsic
motivation and performance.
For a better understanding of these results it might
be relevant to consider the theory of cognitive load
(Sweller, 1988). This theory assumes that the load is
limited and must be distributed. However, it is
possible that the resources mobilized to learn how to
use the tool and how to deal with the gap-fill exercise
memory task were excessive. Thus, there was not
enough essential load available to be effective
whatever the conditions. Participants without any
knowledge of art had to manage their learning about
art and their learning of new tools. In this perspective,
a scale of perception of the mental effort was filled by
our participants. The results revealed a significant
perceived effort in using the functionality of the tool,
whether in high immersion with VR (M = 5.61, SD =
1.63, Min: 1, Max: 9) or low immersion with tablet,
(M = 6.37, SD = 1.73, Min: 1, Max: 9). There were
no significant differences in perception of the effort
between the two conditions of immersion, t (59) = -
1.75, p = .085. The extrinsic load of the task was too
important, no matter the condition, thus impeding
learning because it reduced the resources available for
the essential load. For future studies, the reminder
task could be simpler, in the form of a multiple-choice
questionnaire for example, to limit the intrinsic load.
The familiarization phase could be longer to reduce
the extrinsic load. It could also be to reduce the
number of information to be recalled, making the visit
only for a single work of art.
This cognitive overload could also have caused a
competition between the metacognitive activity and
the learning cognitive activity, thus preventing an
appropriate self-regulation behaviour, such as time
management, planning. Furthermore, according to
(Kirschner et al., 2006), a self-exploration task, in
active condition, can lead to too much workload and
thus hinder the very activity of learning.
Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain
Furthermore, our study was limited to a recall
task; that is the knowledge that needed to be acquired
was on the lowest level of Bloom’s taxonomy
(Anderson et al, 2001); it does not test understanding.
Furthermore, the lack of results for intrinsic
motivation may be due to the fact that our protocol
induces extrinsic and not intrinsic motivation in
participants because of the attractiveness of testing
new technologies rather than of the task of learning
about art. Only one dimension of intrinsic motivation
provides a good prediction of performance: the
perceived competence. This may be linked to the Self
Efficiency Belief of (Bandura, 1986), which is also a
predictor of performance in this theory. To conclude,
we can recommend that learners not be overload,
which can be done by limiting the amount of informa-
tion to be learned and adjusting the recall phase.
In conclusion, it appears that learners improve
their learning performance when they are active.
Having control over the task allows participants to be
more involved and to implement behavioral self-
regulation strategies that are conducive to learning.
However, contrary to our expectations, immersion
affect neither performance nor listening to
information. It should be noted that studies of the
impact of immersion on learning and motivation are
still in their beginning, which explains the number of
contradictory results on this subject. Similarly, no
researches has previously been done on the impact of
immersion in VR on self-regulation, hence the
interest of pursuing research on this topic.
Thus, the virtual learning environment design will
have to take into account a set of factors that have an
impact on performance. New technologies, when
used without taking these factors into account can
lose their educational value.
This study was supported by the research project
LETACOP founded by the ANR (National Research
Agency) – ANR-14-CE24-0032.
The virtual reality development was conducted by
the AD2RV association.
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Virtual Reality in Self-regulated Learning: Example in Art Domain