The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity:
Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life
Pedro Morais
1,2,3 1
and Carla Quintão
1,2 2
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Program, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Modern societies are oriented towards a model of life
that is increasingly competitive, agitated and
demanding. A large part of the population responds,
on a daily basis, quickly and under a great amount of
stress to their professional responsibilities and
household chores, with little time to relax. A pre-
programmed way of life, constantly pressed, where
there is no opportunity to think, rest or contemplate
everything that is good around us, imposes timings,
which are contrary to one’s natural rhythms. The
consequences of this, at first, include changes in the
quantity and quality of sleep; in food intake habits,
that tend to become inadequate and unhealthy; and in
fatigue, that becomes chronic. Over time, the harmful
effects to one´s health are numerous. Heart problems;
body aches; weight loss or gain; hormonal changes;
or even difficulty in social relationships, with
concomitant isolation from others are common
complaints (Institute of Medicine, 2006).
Psychological disorders as depression, anxiety and
stress begin, either alone or together, to take a
significant role in our daily lives. In Europe, Portugal
stands out as a country in which these types of health
problems are prevalent. One third of its population
reports some degree of health perturbations caused by
accelerated life styles (Health General Directorate,
2017). This vulnerable and sickly way of living
contributes to an increasingly depressed and anxious
society. It leads also to the rise of drug consumption,
often self-medicated, relieving the symptoms in
certain cases, but not addressing the source of the
The aforementioned scenario constitutes a serious
public health concern, requiring urgent measures. We
believe that such measures should involve the
development of brain mechanisms of self-regulation.
Mindfulness meditation emerges as a part of the
solution, easily accessible to the average citizen, not
only from a therapeutic viewpoint, but mostly as a
proactive way to prevent and respond to some of the
health disturbances that affect that part of the
population. Such approach is a mental technique for
controlling the individuals’ mental state and, in
consequence, their own well-being. Mindfulness is
rooted on the principle that the non-judgmental
observation of the present, disconnected from past
experiences and future expectations, calms down
one´s own mind.
Recent studies have identified brain areas
correlated with the positive effects of meditation
(Davidson, R.J et al, 2003). However, the underlying
neuronal mechanisms of such correlates are still
unclear, and it is evident that rigorous and systematic
scientific research is needed, to fully understand the
role of meditation onto mental states and neuronal
positive adaptation. Hence, future studies should
address the relation between conscious Mindfulness
meditation and neuronal circuit changes. In addition,
most published work, in this area, perform only
comparative studies between experimental and
control groups at one single instant, disregarding the
intrinsic dynamic nature of the training and use
effects of meditation. Besides, electrophysiologic
signals, such as electroencephalogram (EEG),
electrocardiogram (ECG) and electrodermal activity
(EDA) are often studied individually (Tang, Y.Y. et
al, 2015), whereas we believe that the information
produced by each technique may validate and
potentiate the understanding of the phenomena at
study. Finally, self-assessment surveys are often not
included in studies, preventing a reliable relation
between neurophysiologic data and changes in
quality-of-life, which could be easily and
unequivocally reported by the participants.
Morais, P. and Quintão, C.
The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity: Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life.
In Doctoral Consortium (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 20-27
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Thus, an integrated and longitudinal research,
including personal surveys, is required to accurately
assess potential mental health benefits of Mindfulness
The current PhD study, in Biomedical Engineering,
intends to show that Mindfulness meditation practice,
with its goal of being "here and now", improves one’s
mental health, as demonstrate via attentive self-
regulation and a decrease in anxiety, depression and
stress. Through a thorough data collection and
analysis strategy, we aim to conclude that this type of
meditation can be used as a valid approach to deal
with clinical disorders, which affect a large portion of
the population.
Mindfulness meditation emerges as an easy-to-use
way to promote an individual’s well-being, as well,
as a technique to prevent and treat a specific range of
widespread mental illnesses. It has evolved
throughout the world, and gave its practitioners a
significant improvement in quality of life (Kabat-
Zinn, J., 2003). Due to the good results achieved, it
was adopted in some countries as a curricular
discipline in secondary education and used in medical
care (Center for Mindfulness in Medicine Health Care
and Society, 2018).
Research made in this area, in particular those
using functional MRI during cognitive tasks,
identified individual regions, associated to specific
functional changes after meditation, including the
prefrontal cortex; insula; hippocampus; and
amygdala (Kilpatrick, L.A., 2011). These areas were
also mentioned in brain volumetric studies using
structural MRI, in which variations of brain mass
were reported. However, the published research did
not always agree. In some cases, the conclusions were
even contradictory.
EEG, with its particularly high temporal
resolution, has also been used as a non-invasive
technique to analyse spatiotemporal data from brain
electrical activity, providing relevant information
about neural networks (Michel, C.M et al, 2004).
These studies showed that practicing Mindfulness
meditation leads to an alpha power increase and also
showed that focusing one’s attention can be
associated with an increased gamma activity
(Hinterberger, T., 2014).
Although, there has been significant progress and
maturation in Mindfulness meditation research, a
careful review of the reported outcomes, reveals that
it is necessary to deepen the neuroscientific
knowledge about brain function changes and how
Mindfulness can be effectively used in the context of
mental disorders and to improve one’s quality of life
(Van Dam, N.T. et al, 2018).
The current study is based on a set of tasks, involving
visual stimuli, concentration tests and stress-inducing
challenges. 30 individuals were submitted to a
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course
and evaluated at regular intervals, in a period of 12
weeks (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, 2018).
In 4 scheduled sessions, EEG, ECG and EDA signals
were recorded, while subjects performed the
aforementioned tasks. In each session, subjects filled
in three questionnaires, assessing their current quality
of life; mood state profile; and depression, anxiety
and stress levels. Through exploration of the
recorded physiological data, we will search for
functional changes that may occur in the autonomic
and central nervous systems, as a result of the
Mindfulness practice. After attending the course,
each subject may experience one or several of the
following: changes in their heart rate and sweating
levels; the ability to concentrate; as well as in the
control of individual emotional responses to their
surroundings. Assuming that such effects are
established, it will be important also to assess how
they can be operationalized, not only to treat mental
disorders, but also to help prevent them. In addition,
it is important to note that the proposed strategy
would have the added benefits of a low-cost
intervention, in a positive life-changing approach,
with no known negative side effects.
4.1 Participants Recruitment and
Since this project is being conducted in the Faculty of
Sciences and Technology of Nova University of
Lisbon, the recruiting information for the study was
made available via a poster in one of the most affluent
places of the school, and an announcement made via
e-mail for all students, teachers and staff. Both
contained a link where all interested volunteers could
obtain more detailed information about the MBSR
The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity: Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life
course (duration, name of the instructor, schedule…),
as well as the kind of award certificate of attendance.
An immediate pre-selection was made after
completing a small inquiry, which excluded
candidates who had already Mindfulness training or
who did not have total availability to attend the
complete course, spanning the 12 weeks, and
participate in the 4 sessions of data collection. After
15 days, 30 healthy candidates were selected, filling
all vacancies.
During the MBSR 5 subjects gave up, due to
health problems or with no explicit justification, so
the final population for the study comprised 25
subjects (mean age = 26.0, SD = 7.07, 9 of which
were male), consisting of 23 university students and
2 university staff. The latter had higher education.
4.2 Self-Assessment Surveys
Three self-assessment surveys were used in this
research: World Health Organization Quality of Life
(WHOQOL); Profile Of Mood States (POMS); and
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). All
answers were given through online forms,
specifically created for this study and with
authentication by assigning a unique and non-
transferable identification code.
4.2.1 World Health Organization Quality of
WHOQOL stems from a collaborative project,
assessing individual quality of life from an
international perspective. It emerged from a
definition statement that quality of life is “the
individual's perception and position in life in a
cultural context and value system in which he lives
and in relation to his goals, expectations, standards
and concerns” (World Health Organization,
Measuring Quality of Life, 1995). The WHOQOL-
100 consists of 100 questions, in this case adapted to
Portuguese population, that assess six dimensions:
physical, psychological, independence level, social
relations, personal environment and spirituality
beliefs. The inquiry begins with 42 questions
determining whether the individual has already
experienced certain things related to positive feelings
of happiness and contentment. It is classified as
"Nothing" to "Most", corresponding to a scale of
values of 1 to 5, respectively. The next 13 questions
are related to the daily activities, evaluating whether
the subject has experienced, or was able to do certain
things, such as washing or eating, with the qualitative
classification of "Nothing" to "Completely". The 3
phase of the survey includes personal life
qualification, with 34 questions assessing whether the
individual felt happy, satisfied or good about various
aspects of their life, ranging from "Very Unsatisfied"
to "Very Satisfied". The friendship support is assessed
through the following three questions, referring to the
frequency with which one felt or experienced things
like friends’ support or the sensation of insecurity.
"Never" to "Always" are the limits of their qualitative
evaluation. The work-related analysis is assessed
through 4 questions, about the daily activities, which
are most time and energy consuming. It includes
volunteer work, full time, paid or not, and also
housework. Here the classification goes from
"Nothing/Very dissatisfied" to "Completely/Very
satisfied". The 6
survey group, comprises 4
questions, addressing mobility, and refers to
individual's physical ability to move on his own and
accomplish things that he wants and needs to do. The
questions are answered on a scale between "Very Bad/
Nothing/Very Unsatisfied" and "Very Good/Very
Much/Very Satisfied". Finally, 4 questions regarding
religious beliefs, principles and personal values are
addressed, varying the return between "Nothing" to
"Many". The answers to the 100 questions are given
based on the last two weeks of the individual's
experience. The quality of life is evaluated
quantitatively in the six domains, from 1 to 5. The
greater the result obtained (the sum of all answers) the
healthier the subject.
4.2.2 Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
DASS was designed with 42 items and adapted to
Portuguese with a subset of 21 items (Pais-Ribeiro, J.
L. et al, 2004). This scale was developed for adults,
evaluating a set of feelings and emotions, grouped in
3 basic structures: anxiety, depression and stress.
Anxiety includes skeletal muscle effects, autonomic
system arousal, subjective experiences, and
situational anxiety. Depression encompasses lack of
interest or involvement, discouragement, life
devaluation, self-deprecation, and inertia. Finally,
stress encompasses the nervous excitement, agitation,
irritability, impatience and difficulty in relaxation.
The questions are put up via an online form,
evaluating each symptom separately, and addressing
only the last week, on a scale of points from 0 to 3.
The final evaluation is calculated on the 21 answers
divided into three groups. The minimum value is 0
and the maximum value is 21, corresponding to the
most negative emotional and affective state. The final
assessment assigns the grade "Normal", "Soft",
"Moderate", "Severe" and "Severe extremity".
DCBIOSTEC 2019 - Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
4.2.3 Profile of Mood States
POMS assesses emotional variations and
psychological well-being of an individual (McNair,
D. M., Lorr, M., & Droppleman, L. F, 1971). This
evaluation instrument, initially used in psychiatric
populations, has been used in non-clinical
populations since it is easy to answer and quick to use.
In the advanced survey, the Portuguese adaptation
was used with 42 adjectives, identifying six mood
state factors: Tension/Anxiety, represents increased
musculoskeletal tension and concern;
Depression/Melancholy, describes the emotional
state of sadness, loneliness, unhappiness and
discouragement; Hostility/Anger, portrays a mood of
anger or antipathy towards others; Vigour/Activity,
represents the state of energy and physical and
psychological vigour; Fatigue/Inertia, expresses a
state of fatigue, inertia and reduced energy; and
finally Confusion/Disorientation, corresponds to a
low lucidity and confused state. All questions, put
through an online form, evaluate the person’s state
during the last week, in a scale from 0 to 4, with the
correspondence: 0 - "Nothing", 1 - "A little", 2 -
"Moderately", 3 - "Enough" and 4 - "Very much".
After completed, the level of disturbance in mood
state of an individual is calculated, via the sum of the
tension states, depression, hostility, fatigue and
confusion, from which the state of vigour is
subtracted. To avoid a negative final result, the value
100 is added. Hence, 74 and 244 will correspond to
the minimum and maximum limits of the scale,
respectively. The state of humour is so much healthier
the smaller the final result obtained.
4.3 Psychological Challenges and
Stress Factors - Cognitive, Motor
and Visual
Auditory and visual stimulations, as well as stress
challenges elicit in a given person a specific
emotional reaction and, consequently, different
biological signals. After Mindfulness practice it is
expected that these outcomes vary, when compared to
those recorded before meditation training. In
particular, Mindfulness experts report greater latency
in reactions to stimuli, as well as less intensification
in the emotions, which should be reflected somehow
in the electrophysiological signals recorded. A set of
three tasks were developed specifically to evaluate
the differences in performance, within the recorded
signals before and after Mindfulness practice.
During the study, 4 data collection instances were
set: the first, in the week before the beginning of the
Mindfulness course; the second, 4 weeks after that;
the third, in the last week of the course, 4 weeks after
the beginning of the recordings; and the fourth
session, 2 months after completing the MBSR course.
In these four sessions participants were subject to
the same type of stimuli and recorded the same bio
4.3.1 Cognitive Stimuli
The first approach used is a 5 minutes cognitive task.
The subject is sitting comfortably, with his eyes
closed, and is asked to remain the first 30 seconds
with his head free of any thoughts. After a sound
notification, in the next 30 seconds, the subject should
perform a mental countdown from 100, with a 3-in-3
step. It is not intended to be fast in this counting
procedure, but rather to keep concentrated in the task.
These two 30-second cycles are repeated 5 times.
4.3.2 Motor Challenge
The second stimulus is a motor challenge, which also
lasts 5 minutes. A Python application was developed
to build a winding path (Figure 1), which will be
presented in a monitor. The subject has a cursor,
which should be made to go through the path, using
the mouse, without transposing its limits. If this
happens, the process is reset, returning the cursor to
the departure place, with a concomitant stress sound
to be heard.
Figure 1: Stress Route application, designed to evaluate
motor behaviour under stress conditions. The task lasts for
5 minutes.
As an addition stress factor, the cursor movement is
artificially deformed, using a sine trigonometric
function, to deviate it from the root. This stressor is
applied in order to avoid cursor "jump" impulses,
whenever the user moves the mouse after few
The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity: Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life
moments of inactivity. The cursor trace is stored in a
CSV file for further analysis.
4.3.3 Visual Stimuli
There are several types of images that negatively
influence an individual. Records of violence, erotic
scenes and wild animals, such as snakes or spiders,
often annoy those who visualize them. In this work,
the International Affective Picture System (IAPS)
database, developed by the National Institute of
Mental Health Center for Emotion and Attention, at
the University of Florida, will be used (ILang, P.J.,
Bradley, M.M., & Cuthbert, B.N., 2008). A Stress-
Image Python application was developed to present
the respective images to the subjects. From the 1200
images that compose IAPS, 300 stress images were
chosen, divided into 4 experimental sessions and
maintaining the same sequence. The idea is that
subjects will be facing equally disturbing images
throughout sessions, without repeating them, which
could lead to some level of habituation. For 10
minutes, the subject stays sitting comfortably in front
of a monitor, and observes each image, which is
shown for 6 seconds, followed by 2 seconds of a black
background interval between images.
4.4 Neurophysiologic Signals
Acquisition (EEG, ECG, EDA)
During all tasks described above, neurophysiologic
data were collected through EEG, ECG and EDA.
Electroencephalographic signals were recorded using
a 32 active channels gTEC Nautilus system, with an
acquisition rate of 250Hz (g.tec Nautilus, 2018). The
raw data was saved using the proprietary software
gRecorder. The electrodermal activity and
electrocardiogram were acquired using a wireless 4-
channel BioSignalsPlux system (BioSignalsPlux,
2018). This device collects and digitizes the signals
from each sensor and transmits them via Bluetooth to
a computer to be recorded, with a 16-bit resolution
and a 500Hz sampling frequency per channel. The
raw data was recorded via the OpenSignals software,
also from BioSignalsPlux. All three signals can be
visualized in real-time, which allows identifying,
already during the recording stage, possible problems
with the data, such as signal loss or electric artifacts.
4.5 Processing and Data Analysis
The three surveys, WHOQOL, POMS and DASS,
were processed, to determine the various scores for
mental states of each subject. The data acquired
through gNautilus and BioSignalsPlux was converted
to a format compatible with Matlab. With the stored
information, which amounted to 7GB, it was
necessary to perform a first visual analysis. Thus, a
dedicated interface was developed that allows the
combined visualization of all four sessions signals at
once. Figure 2 displays the ECG and EDA signals, of
one particular subject, recorded during the
visualization IAPS task.
Figure 2: Matlab interface to visualize, per subject, EDA
and ECG results in all four sessions of the study.
This interface also gives the possibility to use an
algorithm for the detection of ECG peaks, which
allows for the calculation of the Heart Rate
Variability (HRV). The procedure is shown in Figure
3. Regarding the EDA data analysis, Ledalab, a very
useful function from Matlab, allowed the
differentiation between Skin Conductance Response
(SCR) and Skin Conductance Level (SCL), which in
turn is paramount to identifying relevant EDA peaks,
and calculating their respective amplitude (see Figure
4) (Ledalab, 2014).
Figure 3: ECG peak detection and HRV calculation.
DCBIOSTEC 2019 - Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Area identification for SCR and SCL, together
with the estimated EDA peaks, using the Ledalab Matlab
Finally, and to explore data collected during motor
stimulation, an application was built to calculate the
number of times the subject failed their trailing task;
identifies where the failures occurred; and displays
the total average distance reached (all illustrated in
Figure 5).
Figure 5: Mouse recorded tracking during motor
stimulation, with the location and identification of fails and
total distance reached.
By comparing the various recordings made
throughout all four sessions, one may assess the
benefits of the proposed MBSR course.
Figure 6 illustrates, in a schematic form, the
workflow presented in previous sections. The process
used in this research project consists of the collection
of neurophysiologic data, via EEG, ECG and EDA,
throughout four sessions, occurring in different
phases of a MBSR course.
Figure 6: Proposed Biomedical Engineering PhD
methodology, intended to show the effects of Mindfulness
meditation practice to well-being surrogate
electrophysiological data.
In each session, patients are subjected to three
different stimuli: Cognitive, Motor and Visual. At the
same time, each patient completes three surveys:
WHOQOL, POMS and DASS contributing to the
differentiation of pathologies and consistency of the
results obtained. Finally, the expected functional
changes in the cerebral cortex are studied, as well as
the possible advantages of practicing this meditation
technique, such as an increase in attention self-
regulation, a decrease in levels of anxiety, depression
and stress and an increase in quality of life.
The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity: Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life
After the 25 patients collection phase, it was possible
to conclude that the results obtained in the 3 inquiries,
during the 4 sessions, immediately gave rise to an
optimistic confirmation of the expected conclusion:
Mindfulness meditation can be useful to prevent and
to respond to some psychological health disturbances.
The analysis of the 3 surveys, for each session, allow
the identification of different groups of participants,
defined by their mental general state. Knowledge of
this may help the analysis of the respective
neurophysiologic signals, as their behaviour is
expected to differ from one another. This work stage
is still in progress.
In parallel, the first study performed in EDA,
using visual stimuli, shows a general average
tendency for a greater emotional control after
Mindfulness meditation training (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Average EDA results, using visual stimuli, from
the 25 subjects and in each of 4 recording sessions.
EDA values decrease with the evolution of the
course, which is a good indicator of the
aforementioned increased control. Similarly, it is
expected that, after ECG processing and analysis, one
observes a decrease in heart rate, as the MBSR course
Then, the EEG analysis will be performed,
observing if any spatial-temporal alteration occurs
within the typical EEG bands: theta, alpha, beta and
Finally, it is expected that the integration of all
available information will bring new insights on the
effects of Mindfulness practice in the brain function
and in coping with stress.
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The Mindfulness Meditation Effect on Brain Electrical Activity: Stress Assessment, Concentration State and Quality of Life