Sentiment Analysis of Czech Texts: An Algorithmic Survey
Erion C¸ ano and Ond
rej Bojar
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Sentiment Analysis, Czech Text Datasets, Supervised Learning, Algorithmic Survey.
In the area of online communication, commerce and transactions, analyzing sentiment polarity of texts written
in various natural languages has become crucial. While there have been a lot of contributions in resources and
studies for the English language, “smaller” languages like Czech have not received much attention. In this
survey, we explore the effectiveness of many existing machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis of
Czech Facebook posts and product reviews. We report the sets of optimal parameter values for each algorithm
and the scores in both datasets. We finally observe that support vector machines are the best classifier and
efforts to increase performance even more with bagging, boosting or voting ensemble schemes fail to do so.
Sentiment Analysis is considered as the automated
analysis of sentiments, emotions or opinions ex-
pressed in texts towards certain entities (Medhat et al.,
2014). The proliferation of online commerce and
customer feedback has significantly motivated com-
panies to invest in intelligent text analysis tools and
technologies where sentiment analysis plays a cru-
cial role. There have traditionally been two main ap-
proaches to sentiment analysis. The first one uses un-
supervised algorithms, sentiment lexicons and word
similarity measures to “mine” emotions in raw texts.
The second uses emotionally-labeled text datasets to
train supervised (or deep supervised) algorithms and
use them to predict emotions in other documents.
Naturally, most of sentiment analysis research has
been conducted for the English language. Chinese
(Zhang et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2017; Wu et al.,
2015) and Spanish (Tellez et al., 2017; Miranda and
an, 2017) have also received a considerable ex-
tra attention in the last years. “Smaller” languages
like Czech have seen fewer efforts in this aspect. It
is thus much easier to find online data resources for
English than for other languages (C¸ ano Erion and
Maurizio, 2015). One of the first attempts to create
sentiment annotated resources of Czech texts dates
back in 2012 (Veselovsk
a et al., 2012). Authors re-
leased three datasets of news articles, movie reviews,
and product reviews. A subsequent work consisted
in creating a Czech dataset of information technol-
ogy product reviews, their aspects and customers’ at-
titudes towards those aspects (Tamchyna et al., 2015).
This latter dataset is an essential basis for performing
aspect-based sentiment analysis experiments (Tam-
chyna and Veselovsk
a, 2016). Another available re-
source is a dataset of ten thousand Czech Facebook
posts and the corresponding emotional labels (Haber-
nal et al., 2013). The authors report various experi-
mental results with Support Vector Machine (SVM)
and Maximum Entropy (ME) classifiers. Despite the
creation of the resources mentioned above and the re-
sults reported by the corresponding authors, there is
still little evidence about the performance of various
techniques and algorithms on sentiment analysis of
Czech texts. In this paper, we perform an empirical
survey, probing many popular supervised learning al-
gorithms on sentiment prediction of Czech Facebook
posts and product reviews. We perform document-
level analysis considering the text part (that is usu-
ally short) as a single document and explore various
parameters of Tf-Idf vectorizer and each classifica-
tion algorithms reporting the optimal ones. According
to our results, SVM (Support Vector Machine) is the
best player, shortly followed by Logistic Regression
(LR) and Na
ıve Bayes (NB). Moreover, we observe
that ensemble techniques like Random Forests (RF),
Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) or voting schemes do
not increase the performance of the basic classifiers.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents some details and statistics about the
two Czech datasets we used. Section 3 describes the
text preprocessing steps and vectorizer parameters we
grid-searched. Section 4 presents in details the grid-
Çano, E. and Bojar, O.
Sentiment Analysis of Czech Texts: An Algorithmic Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0007695709730979
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 973-979
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Statistics about the two datasets.
Attribute Mall Facebook
Records 11K 10K
Tokens 151K 105K
Av. Length 13 10
Classes 2 3
Negative 4356 1991
Neutral - 5174
Positive 7274 2587
searched parameters and values of all classifiers. In
Section 5, we report the optimal parameter values and
test scores in each dataset. Finally, Section 6 con-
cludes and presents possible future contributions.
2.1 Czech Facebook Dataset
Czech Facebook dataset was created by collecting
posts from popular Facebook pages in Czech (Haber-
nal et al., 2013). The ten thousand records were inde-
pendently revised by two annotators. Two other anno-
tators were involved in cases of disagreement. To es-
timate inter-annotator agreement, they used Cohen’s
kappa coefficient which was about 0.66. Each post
was labeled as negative, neutral or positive. There
were yet a few samples that revealed both negative
and positive sentiments and were marked as bipolar.
Same as the authors in their paper, we removed the
bipolar category from our experimental set to avoid
ambiguity and used the remaining 9752 samples. A
few data samples are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Samples from Czech Facebook dataset.
2.2 Reviews Dataset
The second dataset we use contains user re-
views about household devices purchased at
a et al., 2012). The reviews are evaluative
in nature (users apprising items they bought) and were
categorized as negative or positive only. Some minor
problems they carry are the grammatical or typing er-
rors that frequently appear in their texts (Veselovsk
Figure 2: Samples from Mall reviews dataset.
Table 2: Tf-Idf vectorizer grid-searched parameters.
Vectorizer Parameters GS Values
ngram range (1,1), (1,2), (1,3)
stop words Czech, None
smooth idf True, False
norm l1, l2, None
2017). In Table 1 we present some rounded statistics
about the two datasets. As we can see, Mall product
reviews are slightly longer (13 vs. 10 tokens) than
Czech Facebook posts. We also see that the number
of data samples in each sentiment category are unbal-
anced in both cases. A few samples of Mall reviews
are illustrated in Figure 2.
Basic preprocessing steps were applied to each text
field of the records. First, any remaining markup tags
were removed, and everything was lowercased. At
this point, we saved all smiley patterns (e.g., “:P”,
“:)”, “:(”, “:-(”, “:-)”, “:D”) appearing in each
record. Smileys are essential features in sentiment
analysis tasks and should not be lost from the fur-
ther text cleaning steps. Stanford CoreNLP
was employed for tokenizing. Numbers, punctuation,
and special symbols were removed. At this point, we
copied back the smiley patterns to each of the text
samples. No stemming or lemmatization was applied.
As vectorizer, we chose to experiment with Tf-Idf
which has been proved very effective with texts since
long time ago (Joachims, 1998; Jing et al., 2002).
Tf-Idf gives the opportunity to work with various n-
grams as features (ngram range parameter). We lim-
ited our experiments to single words, bigrams, and
trigrams only since texts are usually short in both
datasets. It is also very common in such experiments
to remove a subset of words known as stop words that
carry little or no semantic value. In our experiments
we tried with full vocabulary or removing Czech stop-
NLPinAI 2019 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
words that are defined at
words/ package. Other parameters we explored are
smooth idf and norm. The former adds one to doc-
ument frequencies to smooth Idf weights when com-
puting Tf-Idf score. The latter is used to normalize
term vectors (None for no normalization). The pa-
rameters and the corresponding grid-searched values
of Tf-Idf are listed in Table 2.
Besides using this traditional approach based on
Tf-Idf or similar vectorizers, it is also possible to an-
alyze text by means of the more recent dense repre-
sentations called word embeddings (Mikolov et al.,
2013; Pennington et al., 2014). These embeddings are
basically dense vectors (e.g., 300 dimensions each)
that are obtained for every vocabulary word of a lan-
guage when large text collections are fed to neural
networks. The advantage of word embeddings over
bag-of-word representation and Tf-Idf vectorizer is
their lower dimensionality which is essential when
working with neural networks. It still takes a lot of
text data (e.g., many thousands of samples) to gener-
ate high-quality embeddings and achieve reasonable
classification performance (C¸ ano and Morisio, 2017).
A neural network architecture for sentiment analysis
based on word embeddings is described by (C¸ ano and
Morisio, 2018). We applied that architecture on the
two Czech datasets we are using here and observed
that there was severe over-fitting, even with dropout
regularization. For this reason, in the next section,
we report results of simpler supervised algorithms
and multilayer perceptron only, omitting experiments
with deeper neural networks.
We explored various supervised algorithms that have
become popular in recent years and grid-searched
their main parameters. Support Vector Machines have
been successfully used for solving both classification
and regression problems since back in the nineties
when they were invented (Boser et al., 1992; Cortes
and Vapnik, 1995). They introduced the notion of
hard and soft margins (separation hyperplanes) for
optimal separation of class samples. Moreover, the
kernel parameter enables them to perform well even
with data that are not linearly separable by transform-
ing the feature space (Kocsor and T
oth, 2004). The
C parameter is the error penalty term that tries to
balance between a small margin with fewer classi-
fication errors and larger margin with more errors.
The last parameter we tried is gamma that repre-
sents the kernel coefficient for “rfb”, “poly” and “sig-
moid” (non linear) kernels. The other algorithm we
tried is NuSVM which is very similar to SVM. The
only difference is that a new parameter (nu) is uti-
lized to control the number of support vectors. Ran-
dom Forests (RF) were also invented in the 90s (Ho,
1995; Ho, 1998). They average results of multiple
decision trees (bagging) aiming for lower variance.
Among the many parameters, we explored max depth
which limits the depth of decision trees. We also grid-
searched max feat, the maximal number of features
to consider for best tree split. If “sqrt” is given, it
will use the square root of total features. If “None”
is given then it will use all features. Finally, n est
dictates the number of trees (estimators) that will be
used. Obviously, more trees may produce better re-
sults but they also increase the computation time. Lo-
gistic Regression is probably the most basic classi-
fier that still provides reasonably good results for a
wide variety of problems. It uses a logistic function
to determine the probability of a value belonging to a
class or not. C parameter represents the inverse of the
regularization term and is important to prevent over-
fitting. We also explored the class weight parameter
which sets weights to sample classes inversely pro-
portional to class frequencies in the input data (for
balanced). If None is given, all classes have the same
weight. Finally, penalty parameter specifies the norm
to use when computing the cost function. To have an
idea about the performance of small and shallow neu-
ral networks on small datasets, we tried Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP) classifier. It comes with a rich set
of parameters such as alpha which is the regulariza-
tion term, solver which is the weight optimization al-
gorithm used during training or activation that is the
function used in each neuron of hidden layers to de-
termine its output value. The most critical parame-
ter is layer sizes that specifies the number of neurons
in each hidden layer. We tried many tuples such as
(10, 1), (20, 1), . . . , (100, 4) where the first number is
for the neurons and the second for the layer they be-
long to. Same as Logistic Regression, Na
ıve Bayes is
also a very simple and popular classifier that provides
high-quality solutions to many problems. It is based
on Bayes theorem:
P(A | B) =
P(B | A)P(A)
which shows a way to get the probability of A given
evidence B. For Na
ıve Bayes, we probed alpha which
is the smoothing parameter (dealing with words not in
training data) and fit prior for learning (or not) class
prior probabilities. The last algorithm we explored
is Maximum Entropy classifier. It is a generalization
of Na
ıve Bayes providing the possibility to use a sin-
gle parameter for associating a feature with more than
one label and captures the frequencies of individual
Sentiment Analysis of Czech Texts: An Algorithmic Survey
Table 3: Grid-searched parameters and values of each algorithm.
Parameters Grid-Searched Values
C 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000
gamma 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001
kernel linear, rbf, poly, sigmoid
nu 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65
kernel linear, rbf, poly, sigmoid
max depth None, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
max feat 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, sqrt, None
n est 50, 100, 200, 400, 700, 1000
C 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000
class weight balanced, None
penalty l1, l2
alpha 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5
layer sizes (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100) × (1, 2, 3, 4)
activation identity, logistic, tanh, relu
solver lbfgs, sgd, adam
alpha 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5
fit prior True, False
ME method gis, iis, megam, tadm
joint-features. We explored four of the implementa-
tion methods that are available. All algorithms, their
parameters, and the grid-searched values are summa-
rized in Table 3.
5.1 Optimal Parameter Values
We performed 5-fold cross-validation grid-searching
in the train part of each dataset (90 % of samples).
The best parameters of the vectorization and classi-
fication step for each algorithm on the Facebook data
are presented in Table 4. The corresponding results on
the Mall data are presented in Table 5. Regarding Tf-
Idf vectorizer, we see that adding bigrams is fruitful
in most of the cases (9 out of 14). Smoothing Idf on
the other hand does not seem necessary. Regarding
stop words, keeping every word (stop words=None)
gives the best results in 13 from 14 cases. Removing
Czech stop words gives the best score with Random
Forest on Mall data only. As for normalization, using
l2 seems the best practice in most of the cases (10 out
of 14). Regarding classifier parameters, we see that
SVM performs better with rbf kernel and C = 100 in
both datasets. The linear kernel is the best option for
NuSCV instead. In the case of Random Forest, we see
that a max
depth of 90 (the highest we tried) and sqrt
max feat are the best options. Higher values could
be even better. In the case of Logistic Regression,
the only parameter that showed consistency on both
dataset is penalty (l2). We also see that MLP is better
trained with relu activation function and adam opti-
mizer. Finally, the two parameters of Na
ıve Bayes did
not show any consistency on the two datasets whereas
iis was the best methods for Maximum Entropy in
both of them.
5.2 Test Scores Results
We used the best performing vectorizer and classifier
parameters to assess the classification performance of
each algorithm in both datasets. The top grid-search
accuracy, test accuracy and test macro F
scores are
shown in Table 6. For lower variance, the average of
five measures is reported. The top scores on the two
datasets differ a lot. That is because Facebook data
classification is a multiclass discrimination problem
(negative vs. neutral vs. positive), in contrast with
Mall review analysis which is purely binary (nega-
tive vs. positive). As we can see, Logistic Regression
and SVM are the top performers in Facebook data.
NuSVM and Na
ıve Bayes perform slightly worse.
MLP and Random Forest, on the other hand, fall dis-
cretely behind. On the Mall dataset, SVM is domi-
nant in both accuracy and F
. It is followed by Logis-
tic Regression, Na
ıve Bayes and NuSVM. Maximum
Entropy is near whereas MLP and Random Forest are
again considerably weaker. Similar results are also
reported in other works like (Sheshasaayee and Thail-
ambal, 2017) where again, SVM and Na
ıve Bayes
outrun Random Forest on text analysis tasks. From
NLPinAI 2019 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Best parameter values and scores for Facebook data.
Step Optimal Parameter Values
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf C: 100, gamma: 0.005, kernel: rbf
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: True, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf kernel: linear, nu: 0.5
vect ngram range: (1, 1), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf max depth: 90, max feat: sqrt, n est: 700
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: None
clf C: 0.01, class weight: balanced, penalty: l2
vect ngram range: (1, 1), smooth idf: True, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf alpha: 0.05, layer sizes: (60, 2), activation: relu, solver: adam
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf alpha: 0.1, fit prior: True
vect ngram range: (1, 1), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf method: iis
Table 5: Best parameter values and scores for Mall data.
Step Optimal Parameter Values
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf C: 100, gamma: 0.01, kernel: rbf
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf kernel: linear, nu: 0.45
vect ngram range: (1, 1), smooth idf: True, stop words: Czech, norm: None
clf max depth: 90, max feat: sqrt, n est: 100
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: True, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf C: 10, class weight: None, penalty: l2
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l2
clf alpha: 0.01, layer sizes: (40, 2), activation: relu, solver: adam
vect ngram range: (1, 2), smooth idf: True, stop words: None, norm: l1
clf alpha: 0.05, fit prior: False
vect ngram range: (1, 1), smooth idf: False, stop words: None, norm: l1
clf algorithm: iis
Table 6: Top grid-search and test scores for each algorithm.
Facebook Mall
Algorithm GS Acc Test Acc Test F
GS Acc Test Acc Test F
SVM 70.4 69.7 63.2 93.1 92.1 91.6
NuSVM 69.8 69.3 64.9 92.6 91.9 91.4
RF 65.8 62.7 44.2 88.3 85.5 83.8
LR 70.8 69.9 62.9 92.8 91.8 91.3
MLP 66.5 64.1 59.2 90.1 89.8 86.4
NB 68.7 67.2 57.6 92.8 92 91.5
ME 67.9 66.8 57.5 91.6 91.9 90.7
the top three algorithms, Na
ıve Bayes was the fastest
to train, followed by Logistic Regression. SVM was
instead considerably slower. The 91.6 % of SVM in
score on Mall dataset is considerably higher than
the 78.1 % F
score reported in Table 7 of (Veselovsk
et al., 2012). They used Na
ıve Bayes with α = 0.005
and 5-fold cross-validation, same as we did here. Un-
fortunately, no other direct comparisons with similar
studies are possible.
Sentiment Analysis of Czech Texts: An Algorithmic Survey
Table 7: AdaBoost scores for the top three algorithms.
Facebook Mall
Algorithm Test Acc Test F
Test Acc Test F
SVM 69.1 62.7 91.9 90.4
LR 69.8 63.1 92.2 91.6
NB 65.7 57.4 91.8 91.4
5.3 Boosting Results
We picked SVM, Logistic Regression and Na
Bayes with their corresponding optimal set of pa-
rameters and tried to increase their performance fur-
ther using Adaptive Boosting (Freund and Schapire,
1997). AdaBoost is one of the popular mechanisms
for reinforcing the prediction capabilities of other al-
gorithms by combining them in a weighted way. It
tries to tweak future classifiers based on the wrong
predictions of the previous ones and selects only the
features known to improve prediction quality. On the
negative side, AdaBoost is sensitive to noisy data and
outliers which means that it requires careful data pre-
processing. First, we experimented with a few estima-
tors in Adaboost and got poor results in both datasets.
Increasing the number of estimators increased accu-
racy and F
scores until some point (about 5000 es-
timators) and was further useless. The detailed re-
sults are presented in Table 7. As we can see, no
improvements over the top scores of each algorithm
were gained. The results we got are actually slightly
lower. As a final attempt, we combined SVM, LR,
and NB in a majority voting ensemble scheme. Test
accuracy and F
scores on Facebook were 69.5 and
64.2 %, respectively. The corresponding results on
Mall dataset were 92.1 and 91.5 %. Again, we see
that the results are slightly lower than top scores of
the tree algorithms and no improvement was gained
on either of the datasets.
In this paper, we tried various supervised learning
algorithms for sentiment analysis of Czech texts us-
ing two existing datasets of Facebook posts and Mall
product reviews. We grid-searched various param-
eters of Tf-Idf vectorizer and each of the machine
learning algorithms. According to our observations,
best sentiment predictions are achieved when bigrams
are added, Czech stop words are not removed and l2
normalization is applied in vectorization. We also re-
ported the optimal parameter values of each explored
classifier which can serve as guidelines for other re-
searchers. The accuracy and F
scores on the test part
of each dataset indicate that the best-performing algo-
rithms are Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regres-
sion, and Na
ıve Bayes. Their simplicity and speed
make them optimal choices for sentiment analysis
of texts in cases when few thousands of sentiment-
labeled data samples are available. We also observed
that ensemble methods like bagging (e.g., Random
Forest), boosting (e.g., AdaBoost) or even voting en-
semble schemes do not add value to any of the three
basic classifiers. This is probably because all Tf-Idf
vectorized features are relevant and necessary for the
classification process and extra combinations of their
subsets are not able to further improve classification
performance. Finally, as future work, we would like
to create additional labeled datasets with texts of other
languages and perform similar sentiment analysis ex-
periments. That way, valuable metalinguistic insights
could be drawn and reported.
The research was [partially] supported by OP RDE
project No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16 027/0008495, In-
ternational Mobility of Researchers at Charles Uni-
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Sentiment Analysis of Czech Texts: An Algorithmic Survey